Hubbys birthday treats (part 2)
Part 2.
We took a cab there which wasn’t too far away to be honest but the walk would have probably been too much in those heels.
The bar was quite busy, it was around 10pm now. The bar was upstairs and I took them first with hubby tailing slightly behind so I could stick my bum out slightly as I walked up them.
A little stairs bending over tease for him.
The bar was lovely, quite moody and had a really nice atmosphere, hubby said he liked the vibe and how cool it looked. We found a nice little spot at the bar near the corner of it. Hubby took our coats and handed them in the cloakroom, I took a seat on the stool at the bar and definitely saw a small group of 30 something guys all looking over. I’m sure they do that to any woman dressed in something short and revealing tbh. As I sat down I gave them something to stare at lol. Hubby walked back and said, “give them an eyeful did you?” And grinned. I said “of course, you know me, a crowd pleaser” and laughed. Hubby pulled up a stool and sat opposite me. We chatted, sex obviously came up a lot. To be honest going away for weekends is really our only chance of spending quality time and sexy time with each other. Hubby works away “a lot” so we really do try to get the most out of our weekends and little sexy trips together. The wrap over part of my dress was pretty much useless at this point and it was very clear I had no panties on. Although my legs were not completely open my pussy could obviously be seen. I moved into several positions every few minutes or so, just teasing hubby and of course anyone else that looked. We started chatting about the chance encounter on the train journey and both spoke very enthusiastically about it. Hubby said he was quite shocked that I went through with it, he said it really was totally unexpected, he knows I usually like to work up to that sort of thing in the rare occasions it has happened it has always been unplanned I know but it is usually a whole evening of conversation and making a connection so I was also genuinely still in a little shock at what I had done. Hubby said it was so exciting and the best experience he’d been party to with me so far. I told him it probably was the most sexually exciting and erotic and naughty I have ever felt, i told him that even chatting about it with hubby was very sexually exciting and I could feel myself getting very horny, more daring and naughty as well. I think the bubbly at dinner and now a cocktail was also playing its part lol. Hubby could see I was getting excited chatting about it so he asked me loads of in depth questions about the experience. All of which were leading to a question (and I knew which question and where this was going ha ha lol) “would you like to do that again?” So, because of how naughty I was feeling I said “sure absolutely”. Hubby grinned like a Cheshire cat ha ha lol.
We carried on chatting about sex and about the last encounter I had which was last year the which ended up as a 3 some I did at the Christmas party and then of course this last experience which had just happened on the train. Hubby asked me what would be a fantasy of mine at this moment in time. We have spoken about fantasies before and hubby is pretty much always the same with his, which to be fair I have covered ha ha lol. For me sometimes they change, I had always wanted to try a girl on girl thing again as I had almost managed it but it never quite reached the level I wanted or she wanted for that matter. Just wrong time and place I guess. So there was that. I have had a couple of 3 somes now (one without hubby!! Still very fresh in my mind) I’ve now had a second encounter full on this time with a stranger without hubby. So I had to dig deep and think about the question.
I said “I did have a little fantasy a few years ago which occasionally popped into my head” which was basically we were at a party and I don’t remember how it gets to this (think some kind of truth or dare or cards or something similar, but I end up sitting on a chair with just my heels and stockings on, and sat around me on chairs also are 5-6 men all watching me. I perform for them and they all wank them selves as they watch me. Then each of them fucks me in every which way and all cum in me in all my holes. I have told hubby that before but it popped into my head there and then.
Hubby said so, you’d like a lesbian 3some and also a gang bang and laughed. I said I wasn’t keen on the term gang bang. Group sex is ok, but I said at this moment in time that’s what’s in my head and laughed.
Hubby said in that case for my birthday I want you to have those experiences. I laughed and said oh yeah just like that. Hubby said well we could find one of those clubs?
I said no, I’m sorry but I just didn’t want to go to a club. I prefer not to if that’s ok.
Hubby said “absolutely ok, however it happens has to be your way (well obviously with a little persuasion from me somewhere ha ha)”. Again all this chat was really making me horny and hubby. While we were sat chatting my pussy was completely on show to him because of how I was sat, hubby said I think you should reposition yourself so a few more people get to see that beautiful pussy too. So I did as requested and shuffled around a little and that pussy just kept peaking out lol. It was now getting a little moist from the heat and all the naughty chat. I could clearly see a few looks my way as could hubby. It was quite exciting sitting there chatting and sipping cocktails with hubby, 100% getting glances below my neck from guys and girls to be honest, although I’m not quite sure I was having the same effect on the girls as the boys lol. The evening progressed and I sipped on another cocktail chatting with hubby we kissed and caressed a little as we chatted. At midnight an area around the corner of the bar was cleared which was right next to where we were sat and the floor lit up and music started, it has turned into a small little club which was quite nice. I asked hubby if he wanted to move into the other cocktail bar as I wasn’t sure if he wanted a club atmosphere. He said it was all ok and ordered us some more drinks. A few tunes played that I really liked (tunes lol, makes me sound too old to be in a club lol) I grabbed hubby up to dance and we had a few little dances together, touching me up as we danced and vice versa to be honest I got a couple of really nice feels in myself ha ha. Hubby said he was going to sit this next one out but was adamant I should def continue on the dance floor (of course!!) so he sat in his stool at the bar and I carried on dancing. Some of the group of guys I saw as we walked in were nearby and obviously looking at me, one of them smiled at me and I smiled back. I looked at hubby, he saw what was going on and just did an OK ? sign with a little knowing nod. Another song played and the guy that smiled came over to me and said “hi, introduced himself (Richard) and I did the same. He asked if it was okay to dance with me I said sure. As we danced it wasn’t really a fast song we were able to chat a little, every time he leaned in to chat he cupped my waist with his hand, he smelt amazing, he was ok looking, very trendy haircut I thought, and nice teeth.
Dressed quite smart, expensive I thought. Anyway I learned that he was a barrister, had been for about few years and he was out with friends all of which bar 1 were in law, most were corporate lawyers or solicitors for various companies and the 1 that wasn’t in law was a vet. They were all at university together at the same time and had remained good friends since their teens. As we chatted I explained I was with my husband who was sitting there and pointed to him. Richard looked a little shocked and seemed to back off I said please don’t worry, he’ll actually like the fact I’m dancing with you, he had a slight puzzled look but I think he switched on very quickly. Hubby looked at him smiled and just nodded and gave a thumbs up. Richard asked me if hubby was genuinely ok with it, I laughed and said “oh yes” more than ok I should think.
So we carried on dancing and chatting and again he kept leaning in with his hand to my waist as he did so but was tentative when he did it just checking across at hubby.
Hubby just waved him on smiling. Richard was obviously an intelligent guy and asked if I had done this before, I played ignorant and asked done what before, he said “you know, dancing with other guys and flirting” etc..”
I laughed and said “etc eh?” He looked back at me with a little shock but then smiled and said yeah I mean etc! I said yes we have done this before but only ever a handful of times. He asked if we lived locally, I told him we were here for just the long weekend for hubbys birthday and I was treating him to the weekend. Richard said he lived in the city but near the Thames barrier I remember him saying. He said his friends also all lived in and around London there or there abouts.
His hand was now constantly on my waist as we danced and chatted and he was obviously gaining a little more confidence. I had put my hand on his waist also. The chat became quite flirty which I led, I think it would have taken longer to get there had I left it to him. He started making very nice comments about how I looked and then said “I have to be honest, I saw you sitting earlier and I am pretty sure I saw you had no underwear on” I just felt compelled to ask” I said Hmmm really, I guess we had best test your theory then” I put my hand on his hand that was on my waist and slowly moved it down towards my bum, this made him stoop a little as well bringing his head closer to mine. I had one hand on his waist and the other just over the top of his hand on my bum. I said in his ear, how’s your theory now lol.
We were now dancing very close I could feel him against me. He said maybe I was wearing a thong, I said mmm maybe, I guess more proof is needed so I moved my hand from his waist and put it on his other hand which was on my waist I slid his hand round to the front of me and inside the wrap over of my dress his palm on the fleshy front of my bald smooth pussy and his finger tips just at the very top of my slit. I moved my hand away and put both my hand on the top part of his bum pulling him tighter to me and squeezed his bum a little and said Thong or no thong? And giggled. He looked at me kind of shocked but smiling. I said don’t you think it’s rude to not kiss a woman while your holding her pussy. He seemed very nervous but leaned in to kiss me, it was a nice kiss, I kept him there a while kissing, tongues swirling together, mine darting into his mouth and his into mine. I felt his fingers ever so slightly rubbing into my pussy lips, just parting them and a light rub. Very sensitive. After we finished kissing I said I’d best be getting back to my seat and to hubby and said feel free to come say hello (he doesn’t bite lol) he said he should get back to his friends who were all stood there staring anyway mouths agape ha ha lol. He said he would def be back. I walked back to hubby and stood in front of him while he was sat on his stool. I said was that naughty enough for you lol. He smiled but then the cheeky bugger said “no where near enough, but it’s a good start” lol.
He placed his hand inside my wrap over and felt my pussy and said, wow, we are turned in aren’t we lol. I giggled and said I should bloody well think so!
We chatted again for a while sipping our cocktails. I sat back on my stool and def let some air get to my very warm and lubricated pussy.
Richard kept looking over and smiling and I smiled back. About 15 minutes passed and he came over. Hubby introduced himself and Richard did likewise. They stood chatting for a short while and Richard bought a round of drinks. He spent most of his time telling hubby how he thought he was the luckiest guy in earth and how amazing I was. I kept interrupting and confirmed that for him lol. They spoke about work and Richard became very interested in what hubby did in his roles within the plain clothes world of policing. Hubby was asking him about his friends and what they all did and what kind of guys they were etc. (I felt a little left out!) but then a few songs came on that I liked and wanted to dance, hubby came to dance with me for one but then said he would send Richard over as he was going to the boys room. He went over to Richard and I could see them chatting it seemed like he was there 10 minutes while I kept dancing. Hubby then patted him on the back of his shoulder and walked away towards the loo’s. Richard came over to me and was saying what a cool guy hubby was. I told him I was glad he thought so and that most people would get the wrong idea about him/us but I agreed and said I wouldn’t be with him if it were otherwise. We chatted and danced and flirted obviously. After about the fourth song I noticed hubby wasn’t back yet so a little nervous I started looking around the room as we danced. Then I saw him, he was stood talking to Richard’s friends, they all seemed to be engaged in a chat and saw them laughing. I thought phew! For a minute I wondered if there was an issue and knowing hubby he had gone straight at it with all the finesse of a bull in a China shop. I continued dancing and chatting and flirting and enjoyed being kissed and touched as usual. After about 15 minutes or so hubby returned to his seat at the bar. I let Richard touch me up for a few more dances letting hubby watch as best he could. Then went back to join hubby. Richard followed and took his drink from the bar and said he was just going to pop back to chat with his friends. When he left I asked hubby what was wrong with Richards friends, he said absolutely nothing, one of them had just spoken to him when he had gone to the loo, hubby said he seemed a little concerned about his friend Richard, so he thought he’d go and speak to them and put their minds at rest. Hubby laughed. He said they were talking to each other and saying they thought hubby was some sort of London gangster or something and they were genuinely worried. Ha ha lol.
Shortly after that Richard came over again but with a friend from his group. Hubby said this was the same guy he chatted to at the loo. Richard introduced him as Neil I remember hubby said yes we just met earlier. We all chatted for a short while and then a tune came on that I liked and I asked hubby to dance, he looked at Richard and then me so I got the message and pulled Richard up to dance with me again. Richard and I danced and chatted and I could see hubby chatting with Neil. Neil was quite a fit guy, a little more athletic looking than Richard and a little better looking with quite a cool haircut too. He and hubby seemed to be getting in well chatting away. After we had danced a little we went back to hubby, Neil then said he was going back to the group and Richard said he should really go back too and said see you shortly. They wandered off to their friends and hubby and I continued sitting and chatting and also flirting. We had a couple of dances also and I made hubby touch me up whilst dancing. Then I saw Richard come over to where our seats were, so we came off the dance floor and went and chatted with him. He said they were all leaving now as a couple of them had places to be etc. I said “oh ok, maybe another time” hubby said he was just going to say goodbye to them all and winked, he walked away to Richard’s friends and I saw him shaking hands with them and all having a little laugh etc. Richard said he would love to stay but thought it was best he stuck with his group, I said of course, I didn’t mind at all and that it was lovely to have met him and flirted with him. He looked a little red faced and smiled. I kissed him and he kissed me back. Then hubby came back they shook hands and Richard said he is such a cool guy, again I said I know Lol. He waved as he walked off and he and his group left. So just me and hubby, we finished our drinks and I was very jolly at this point and it was getting late. Past midnight for sure. Hubby said we should get get back and maybe have a little bit of fun on route, I was so up for that. So we grabbed our coats and took a cab back to the hotel. As soon as we got in the cab I sat back in the corner opened my legs and told hubby to finger me slowly. Of course he obliged. I love the way he plays with my pussy, he rubbed my clit and fingered inside me slowly and smoothly, just so good, I finger fucked him him and played with my tits as he played with me, it was lovely, unfortunately the taxi ride was a little shorter than expected and we arrived at our hotel before I had time to cum.
We left the cab and went into the hotel, then up the stairs to the VIP lounge area. Hubby said “nightcap?” I said “last one then” as I was feeling a little too jolly from the alcohol and didn’t want to be too drunk.
We took our drinks from the lounge and headed to our room. Hubbys hands were all over me, he was very touchy and excited, it was nice. When we got to the room hubby asked me if I would go and sit in front of the window, get undressed and put on my high, hold up stockings that had the full fashioned line that runs down the back of them and my (he calls them porn shoes lol) they are a very high heel with a large platform clear sole type shoe with a double ankle strap and foot strap in silver. Of course I was very excited too. so I took my shoes and stockings from the wardrobe and hubby placed a seat in front of the large corner window. Curtains all open and lights on so I was very much in show. I went and sat in the chair and slowly undressed and then put on my stockings and shoes and sat there looking at hubby, he had undressed to his boxers. I said ok now what ?
Hubby walked over to me with his scarf and asked me to close my eyes, I did and he then tied the scarf around my eyes as a blindfold. He asked me to lean back and place my arms behind me and the back of the seat, and spread my legs. I did so very willingly and was very very excited. I then felt hubby stand in front of me and then felt him put the tip of his cock on my lips. I kissed the end and licked it, I opened up wide and took as much of it as I could in my mouth and slowly sucked that lovely cock after a few moments passed and hubby then knelt in front of me and we kissed very very passionately, then he kissed my neck and worked his way down to my boobs, kissing and licking them, playing with my nipples, I was so turned on. Then he made his way down my stomach, slowly licking and kissing as he made his way to my pussy. He took his time teasing me, kissing in between my legs on my inner thigh and around my pussy, I could feel myself clenching my bum and pushing my hips forward trying to force my pussy towards his tongue desperate to get that tongue on my clit and in my pussy, hubby could tell what I was doing and teased me longer more deliberate. Eventually his tongue found my wet swollen throbbing pussy, he slowly licked up and down my lips occasionally darting I. And out of my pussy, then higher and circled around my clit and over my clit making me jump a little, then slowly he pushed a finger inside me and again in slowly circling motion inside me then in and out rubbing the walls inside my pussy. Then hubby came up to my face and kissed me, I could taste myself on his tongue, his lips.
he was still fingering me slowly, he then whispered in my ear, “do you trust me?” I said “of course I do “ why ask? “ he said just keep your blindfold in and trust me ok?, I said ok, I was a little nervous I won’t lie but I know he would never do anything bad. I felt hubby move away, he said I want you to sit there like that, please don’t move, don’t say anything and please just trust me. I said ok. Then I heard what I thought was hubby opening the door to the room. I heard some whispering and definitely heard another voice amongst the whispering. I heard some movement in the room and was now a little confused but did as asked. I knew hubby was there as I heard his voice. I could def hear more whispering and then that stopped and I heard movement from several different locations. I knew now there was definitely someone else in the room, my mind started to race, who the hell was in the room with hubby, I was sat here naked in just stockings and heels, on display with my legs wide open pussy aching and wet and couldn’t see a thing. I heard more movement and rustling then movement towards me, then behind me. I then heard hubby in my ear, he was behind me, he kissed my neck and whispered in my ear, I just wanted to you to keep your eyes closed for now and just enjoy every single second. I said ok. I was quite nervous but now hubby had spoken to me again I felt much safer and also really quite excited. I had butterflies in my stomach but good ones. Then hubby whispered I want you to play with yourself, I want to watch you really enjoy yourself. I heard him walk away a little and so I started to feel myself, I started at my boobs, I felt them slowly, squeezing them and pushing my fingers into them, I circled my nipples with my fingers and pulled at my nipples, then moved my left hand down towards my pussy and slowly rubbed at the front of it whilst still playing with my boobs. I then used my other hand on my pussy too. Using my fingers with my left hand to spread my lips, then with the fingers of my left I rubbed in slow then fast rhythm around my clit and kept pushing 2 fingers in and out, getting wetter, you could hear how wet I was, I was now moaning and really enjoying myself, I then heard shuffling towards me and then felt a hand on my inner thigh, slowly moved up my leg to my pussy, the other hand then to my boobs. I felt a finger go inside me, I moaned it was so exciting, I knew straight away it wasn’t hubby. This unknown person then put another finger inside me, 2 fingers now fucking me, then lips on my nipples sucking and licking. Then kissing down my body to my pussy, now licking and finger fucking my pussy at the same time. I was so turned on, this person then moved to my right hand side and was still fingering me but started to kiss my neck, I then heard someone else shuffle forward towards me and felt another pair of hands, one on the inside of my thigh and the other on my boobs and playing with my nipples too, my god I was so fucking horny it was fantastic. But then I realised neither of these people playing with me were hubby, so i believed it was 2 strangers playing with me, my mind raced as to who they were but I didn’t stray with that thought too long as I was in to much fantasy heaven. Both now kissing my neck, both now had their fingers on my pussy lips taking it in turns to finger me. I moved my hand down to my pussy and pressed both of their fingers into me, getting them to both finger inside me at the same time. OMG!! Heaven I could feel myself starting to cum. I fucked their fingers getting quicker and feeling myself clench pushing forward onto them, I was moaning and telling them not to stop. Bath now sucking a nipple each and fingering, then came that feeling l love so much, that climax of heat into the stomach, blood pumping into my pussy, it swelling up and tingling, my heart racing and beating so hard I can feel the veins in my neck pumping, I squealed with delight as I came all over their fingers. My body then shuddering that wonderful shudder that starts hard then slows to a slow short pump, I reached down and slowly pulled their fingers out and patted my pussy, absolutely soaking and swollen, what an amazing 10 minutes or so. I head them both stand up either side of me I put my hands out either side and could feel men’s legs, I moved my hands up each of their legs and into each of their crutches, I could feel they both had boxers on, I felt over the top of their boxers to the waist bands and started to pull each of them down, I felt both guys then start to take their boxers off I felt back up their legs and to their cocks, OMG to my left was huge, definitely the biggest cock I have ever felt. Very long and thick. I was a little shocked and even said oh wow! I heard several little giggles as i said it. I stroked both the cocks and then kissed and licked at each one either side, I started to my right, this was a nice sized cock, squeezed it making the end all hard, sticking my tongue in his little eye, then taking it all in my mouth and sucking deep and hard then to my left, OMG! My hand barely got round the shaft, it was huge, I did same licking the end but was difficult to get it all in my mouth, I just managed to fit it in, I could have spent hours on this cock alone!! I played with them both for about what seemed like 10 minutes taking it in turn, sucking and licking and playing with their balls, then I heard more shuffling towards me and though ah hubby is now going to join in, he knelt in front of me and I felt hands on my breasts and I knew straight away just by the way I was being touched this wasn’t hubby either!!! I was even more shocked (if that’s even possible in this situation!) the hands massaged my breasts and then down towards my pussy, one hand pressed against the front of my pussy and thumb hard and circular around my clit, the other hand, fingers up and down my slit and slowly in and out of my soft, wet swollen pussy, 2 fingers in and out and rubbing and circling, this was absolutely amazing. Genuinely amazing. Like hubby said I was enjoying every second, no longer tentative or nervous but feeling horny and confident and wanting it.
The guy between my legs then started to lick me whilst still fingering me. I just let it all happen and loved it. I could feel myself pumping my hips towards the guy licking me. I reached down with one hand and pulled his head into my pussy as he licked harder, moaning and licking and sucking and stroking cocks, fuck this was insane.
The guy between my legs then swapped with the big cock guy, he went down on me and I started stroking and sucking him. He felt like he was about the same size as hubby. We all carried on like that for what seemed like another 10 or 15 minutes
All 3 guys then slowly moved away from me and I felt a hand take mine, it was hubby, I pulled me up to my feet and took me by the hand and told me to be careful as I followed him still blindfolded. Then he span me round, and sat me down and asked me to lean back, I leaned back and then realised I was on the low chaise lounge at the end of the bed. Then one of the guys came and knelt down in front of me between my legs, we started kissing and and he put his hands all over me and I did the same, we were chest to chest and I could feel his cock now against me, I reached down and took his cock and pressed the end against my pussy urging him to put it in me, I leaned back and let him slowly guide his cock into me, wow! I needed that I was aching for cock inside me, he pushed it in deep and slow and fucked me blissfully like that for a while, slow strong and deep, I lay back and played with my nipples, moaning and telling him to “fuck me, fuck me slowly, fuck my pussy, I want your cock deep inside me” lots of very naughty directions and just loving it. I could feel his cock in and out of me, he was moaning as well. And had his hand on the front of my pussy, thumbing my clit as he fucked me. I could feel his excitement as he fucked me. We fucked for a few minutes and then he slowed and I heard another guy come over, the guy fucking me slowed and pulled out and then I felt them swap over, the new guy knelt down in front of me and I took his cock and again slowly guided it inside me and we fucked the same way again for about 5 minutes. I could feel myself cuming, the excitement was getting to me. I told him to fuck me harder and quicker, I told him I wanted to come on his cock as he was inside me, he fucked me harder, I could feel his hips banging into me, his rock hard cock inside me, pushing deep inside my pussy, I came!! Omg did I cum, I was cuming for ages, so so wet and creamy. I lay there panting for a short while just getting my breath back, then the guy slowly pulled out and moved to the side of me and the 3rd guy came over, I was really really very excited now because I knew this would be the one with the huge cock. He knelt down between my legs, I was still laying back and patting my swollen pussy. As he got between my legs I sat up and he felt my boobs and then kissed me, as we kissed I put my hand down between my legs and took his huge cock in my hand, fuck it really was big. I stroked it for a short while. I just really loved feeling it. I couldn’t wait any longer and wanted it, I pushed my hips forward slowly pulled the tip into my slit. I held his cock a finger and thumb either side of it steel feeling the length of it as he slowly pushed it inside me. Fuuuckkk me!! I felt every single bit of it as he very slowly pushed into me, I moaned like never before, it was fucking amazing, genuinely took my breath away, deeper and deeper into my until I felt his balls against my bum. I gasped so many times. I think I even felt myself blushing!! I lay back slowly and begged him to fuck me. He did, he started slow and deep which was gorgeous, he also thumbed my clit and rubbed at my at slit as he fucked me, I kept putting my fingers around his cock as he fucked away, I just loved feeling the length of it and width of it as it slowly glided into me. I asked him faster faster, he fucked me quicker now, his rhythm building gaining momentum. Every time he pushed it in hard and in deep I could feel it inside me the tip inside my stomach, it made me gasp every time he did it. It was heaven. I don’t think I have ever felt this horny and excited ever ever ever. We fucked for a while and then he slowed and eventually stopped and pulled away. I then heard hubby, he had come over to me and stood next to me, he said we all want to watch you and he placed my vibrator in my hand. I said ok and I started to rub the length of it along my pussy lips. Hubby was stood next to me still and then I felt him take off the scarf used as a blindfold. I opened my eyes and saw Richard and Neil from the cocktail bar earlier there was also another guy but I didn’t know his name and assumed he was one of their group. I saw that Neil was the guy with the huge cock. All 3 of them were sat opposite me all stroking their cocks as I sat on the chaise in front of them. I didn’t flinch in fact I just smiled and said I hope you have enjoyed yourselves? lol. They all just smiled and nodded, Richard said absolutely!
I carried on rubbing the vibrator into my pussy and could feel the vibrations hard against my clit, I could feel myself thrusting onto it, my breathing getting a little quicker, I moved back a little so my back was against the end on the chaise in a more seated position so I could watch them as they watched me. I slowly pushed my toy inside my pussy, which was swollen, wet and tingling. My heart was beating so hard and fast, sitting here playing in front of everyone and knowing each one of them had been inside me. OMG! I felt so naughty and empowered at the same time. I continued to play, I wanted to let them watch me, I kept pulling my toy out and rubbing the top of my clit with it, knowing that each time I did they could see all of my pussy. I turned over placing my left knee on the chaise and my right foot on the floor, in this doggy position so they could all see me from behind, I toyed with my pussy more and teased my bum as well, I pushed my toy deep into my pussy and while it was there I reached round and slowly slid a finger into my bum. I looked round at them as I did and could see this had them all very excited. I fingered my bum a little deeper and toyed my pussy at the same time.
I was now wanting real cock, I wanted all of them. I wanted to feel all of them all over me at the same time, I wanted them inside me, on my skin, their hands and fingers and tongues everywhere.
So I crawled up onto the corner of the bed and on my hands and knees looked round at them and gestured to them to come over, Richard came over first and started to rub my pussy from behind, I told him to lick me, I told him to lick my pussy and my bum. He wasted no time and pushed his face into me from behind, I could feel his tongue jabbing at both my holes, long licks and short jabs with the tip, he was very good. I gestured to the others to come over, they both came up onto the bed, I made them lay down in front of me and took turns licking and sucking their cocks and balls, my god I really wanted Neil’s huge cock but wanted to save it a little longer. I slowly climbed up the other guy until my pussy was pressing against his cock, I kissed him, tongues in and out of each others mouth as I faux fucked his cock rubbing my slit up and down the shaft of his cock until I couldn’t take any more and I reached down between my legs and pushed it inside me, we started fucking nice and slow, I looked round at Richard and told him to come behind me. He came up behind me and I reached back whilst still slowly fucking and took his cock and pressed it against my bum and told him to fuck me there too. I was so fucking wet I didn’t need any spit or lubrication, he pushed his cock in my bum and I squeezed with delight, they both fucked me slowly and deeply 2 sets of balls ploughing into me between my legs, I leaned over as best I could and then started stroking Neil’s huge hard cock, I got him to move closer and a little further up the bed so I could suck him. So there I was a cock in every hole , completely full up and without a doubt I was loving all of it. I kept looking across to hubby smiling at him and he was just sitting there stroking his big cock smiling like a Cheshire Cat. I knew he was loving it too. We fucked and I sucked like that for a short while and then I could feel Richard starting to get to that point, I told him not yet so he pulled out and I slowly moved off the other guy. I leaned off him and turned round (reverse cowboy style) I took his cock and slowly guided it into my bum, I think this blew his mind and I could hear him saying “fuck me!” Fuuuck! Ha ha lol
I leaned back against him and brought my legs forward as if I was sat on him like a stool, legs open and pussy wide open, wet, swollen and puffy. I pulled Richard into me and told him to fuck me. He pushed his cock into my pussy and we all fucked again for a short while, all moaning and they were grunting. I was still managing to stroke Neil’s cock but was a little difficult to suck it, even though he had now stood up a little to try and get his cock at my mouth level. I could feel myself getting to a climax point also now and my pace quickened, faster and harder, I was really grinding in them both and I could feel them now starting to get close to. Richard was first, I could feel the excitement in his fucking, he asked where he should cum, I didn’t want to stop so just told them both to cum inside me. The fucking became quicker, frenzied almost, Richard came first, he moaned loudly and was saying “fuck” “fuck” he came inside my pussy, all hot and pumping. Within seconds the other guy came in my bum, he pushed so hard as he came I thought he was going to come through my stomach like that Alien film lol. He groaned as he came too. Moaning deep and pushing into my bum, I was still pulsating, pumping and pushing as I could feel my climax cumming. As I moved quickly pumping my bum and pussy into both their cocks I could feel it, here it was again that amazing warm rush through my stomach, the heart beat pumping hard in my neck, my pussy lips tingling and filling up and swelling, my pussy throbbing and then that beautiful judder that makes my legs and bum cheeks shake. It’s quite uncontrollable but simply amazing and feels like nothing else you can imagine. Soo soooo addictive. Boom I came, all very wet now and also creamy. I was quite spent, but still had room for one more! I really wanted to fuck Neil, I wanted to have him make me cum on his own with that fucking amazing cock! Richard slowed, pulled out of me and sat back looking spent also. I leaned over slowly getting off the other guys cock, as I did I could feel all there cum starting to leak out of me. I reached over for some tissues and got a few wet wipes from my bag. I wiped and cleaned a little bit, Richard sat back in the chair opposite next hubby and the other went to the bathroom. Neil was still sat on the bed, I said your turn, hubby laughed like he knew I had saved him till last, I crawled up the bed towards Neil and with my bum in the air facing hubby and Richard I leaned down and licked and sucked Neil’s huge cock, I took my time, I absolutely devoured it, sucking hard and deep, it started to make my jaw ache a little to be honest, I could actually use 2 hands up and down it as I stroked. I spat on it, licked it, licked up and down his shaft, he was almost completely shaved as well which is a fav thing of mine as you all know. Nice and clean and easy to lick and kiss. I sucked his tip, his shaft, his balls one by one. I was getting all horny again the build up to having that inside me was making me very excited. I knew I was excited as I was air humping lol. I slowly moved up Neil his cock now at my boobs, he pressed them together around his cock and I tit fucked him and licked and kissed the end of his cock every time it poked through. I moved up more until his cock was level with my pussy, I had to sort of sit up on one leg to make room to get above his cock, I slowly teased the thick end of his tip into me, I could feel it spreading my pussy, stretching it. OMG!! Then once the tip was in I lowered myself down slowly, I wanted every millimetre inside me. I sat down deeper and deeper until I felt his balls almost in my bum, I moaned so loud, I slowly started to grind away feeling my own tits and playing and teasing my nipples, his cock absolutely filled me to the brim, genuinely size really does matter, any bigger though would have been uncomfortable I think, it was almost bordering on the pleasure and pain barrier anyway. Neil had his hands on my waist as rode him slowly as if I was on some pony, moving my hips forward and backwards not up and down (not yet) just grinding as he was deep inside me and I was impaled on his huge cock. It really was just gorgeous. Then I leaned down and lifted my bum slowly pulling away from his cock until the tip was just inside me, then sat down again slowly and continued this up and down thrusting feeling his cock filling me then empty then filling me again, I could feel the width of it just stretching my pussy and even more so as I clenched and the down stroke, OMG it was heaven, I was having so much fun, I could feel Neil quickening so I matched his rhythm and rode his shaft quicker getting wetter making it a little easier for him to glide in and out of that swollen puffy pussy. His cock was very hard as well which made the ride strong and hard which I liked. We fucked like that for a while, me up and down then slow and grinding back and forth. Then I turned around in him in a reverse cowboy position and we fucked like that for a short while, a played with my tits and nipples and could see hubby and the other 2 sitting there watching me. I smiled as I played with myself, rubbing my clit and looking at hubby straight in the eyes and smiling. All 3 of them stroking their cocks as they watched me enjoying myself. I stayed in that position looking at them but then leaned forward slowly pulling myself from his cock, I crawled up on all fours with my bum in the air still air humping. Neil got the message and climbed up onto his knees behind me, I looked back and smiled at him and reached back, took his cock in my hand, I loved the feel of that huge thick cock in my hand, I guided him into my pussy slowly, again I could feel the width just stretching my pussy, my lips all swollen and tingling. He pushed his cock balls deep into me, I just moaned and gasped and said a few “oh fucks!” He fucked me slow and deep for a short while and then got quicker and harder each time as he got to that maximum punch when his balls slapped me I squealed or moaned or gasped and said fuck” and “god yes” I think I said fuckk so many times!! He was banging away hard and deep now, his hands around my waist pulling me into him and pulling himself into me. I was becoming breathless with excitement.I could feel his excitement too. He started to rub his thumb around my bum, I pushed back letting him know I really wanted that in me too. He pushed it in deep and I could feel his cock and thumb between that thin fleshy wall inside me. He could obviously feel his cock with his thumb through that fleshy part too. He pressed his thumb in as deep as he could get it, making me groan and swear more. It was becoming fast and frantic, both of us moaning. I placed my head down on the bed and reached in through between my legs I wanted to feel his cock with my fingers as he pushed it into my pussy, I put a finger either side of his cock pressed against my pussy lips, I could feel it, in and out and in and out, heaven. He fucked me hard and fast like that for several more minutes and then I could feel him getting very hard and excited, he asked me where I wanted him to cum. I reached back again and held his cock and moved slowly away from him letting it come all the way out. Still holding it and stroking the soaking wet shaft I pressed it against my bum hole and backed onto him really slowly, I told him I wanted to see if I could take it there. He pushed slowly as I backed into him. It was painful but still incredibly nice at the same time. A real mix of loving it and hating it. Slowly it all went in, deep inside me, I rubbed my clit and patted it as he fucked my arse, slow at first but again I could feel him getting very excited very quickly, he became faster, pumping it into me, deep in me his balls slapping my pussy. I rubbed away quicker and harder at my clit, I wanted to cum as well, I was moaning and swearing and telling him to “fuck me” fuck me” “oh god, fuck my arse “ harder, I told him I wanted him to cum in my arse, deep inside me. He pushed harder and deeper, faster and faster, I could feel his cock really stiffen up, swelling inside my bum. I rubbed furiously at my clit and around my pussy, I could feel myself reaching that climax I love so much, Neil groaned out loud “I’m cumming and pushed deep inside me, I clenched squeezing his cock with my bum, and then I climaxed, juddering and moaning and absolutely soaking, I think I may have even squirted a little which I’ve never done before, I was drenched, my fingers now deep in my pussy, feeling his cock through the walls of my pussy inside, feeling his cock still slowly pulsing in and out of me, we were both breathless and slowed to a stop. He pulled out of me and I lay my head down on the bed bum still high in the air, just patting my poor swollen, puffy lips. So tingly and hot, churning feelings of delight in my stomach and still juddering and shuddering. Wow wow wow! What a fuck! I looked up to see hubby smiling so much, he looked very happy, I smiled at him and blew him a kiss, he and the other 2 were all sat there still looking at me still stroking slowly at their cocks. I could all 3 of them were hard and looking for an outlet lol. I got off the bed and sat back on the chaise, leaned back against the side arm with one leg perched up on the seat and the other open and foot placed on the floor. I just sat there watching them, feeling my boobs and nipples and just lightly rubbing my pussy, it was quite swollen and puffy and aching a little, it was very very wet and I kept leaking cum from my bum so I massaged it from there around my pussy lips. Hubby said he was going to cum and stood up and walked over to me, I opened my mouth and took him in, I sucked his cock and cupped his balls and stroked his cock as only I know how, I could feel the end of his cock enlarge as it always does just before he cums. He exploded into my mouth and I took every last drop, keeping it in my mouth so I could play with it a little, slurping at it all over his cock, pushing my fingers in my mouth from my pussy and back to my mouth again until eventually swallowing all of it. I could see Richard was now stroking quicker so I motioned for him to come over to me and also the other guy too. They both stood in front of me, I told them to cum on me, on my stomach, tits and pussy, I told them I wanted to rub it all over me and in me. The other actually came first, he shot up my stomach and the base of my tits, a few moments later Richard started to cum, so I spread my pussy lips and told him “just there” he came loads again, he certainly had the most cum from all of them, all over my pussy and up my stomach. Both of them groaned as they came and then both of them were spent, they stood back and then sat and watched me as I pushed my fingers into all of their cum, I spread it all over my tits and rubbed it in, pushing my fingers through the cum on my pussy and fingering it into myself as they all watched me. It was amazing. I played with their cum for a few minutes and then one by one licked my fingers and sucked them dry lol. I said I really did need the bathroom now to clean up and also have a rest lol. I went to the bathroom and cleaned up, took a very quick shower. Within 10 minutes I was done and came back out into the bedroom. The guys had all dressed by then and Richard was chatting to Hubby. He said they were all going to leave now and said he thought we were possibly the best time he’d ever had. The other 2 were both nodding and agreed and kept telling me how amazing I was and what a fantastic time they had and all asked if we were still in town tomorrow evening they would absolutely love to meet up again. Hubby said we were still here for the weekend but not sure where we were going as I had arranged the weekend. He did say to Richard, he had his number and would be able to contact him if the chance arose. I said thank you as well to them all and told them that I had also had a wonderful night. Hubby saw them all out and I waved them off and that was that. An absolutely amazing experience an amazing evening, so exciting and so erotic. My words for what happened really do not do the actual experience I had any justice. I wish I could explain it better and in even more detail but I would end up writing a novel!!! (Well I guess this almost is.
This is just the first day and evening as well. Part 3 was the next day. I shall start writing that as soon as I have posted this. I hope I haven’t bored anyone with the length of this. Xxx
We took a cab there which wasn’t too far away to be honest but the walk would have probably been too much in those heels.
The bar was quite busy, it was around 10pm now. The bar was upstairs and I took them first with hubby tailing slightly behind so I could stick my bum out slightly as I walked up them.
A little stairs bending over tease for him.
The bar was lovely, quite moody and had a really nice atmosphere, hubby said he liked the vibe and how cool it looked. We found a nice little spot at the bar near the corner of it. Hubby took our coats and handed them in the cloakroom, I took a seat on the stool at the bar and definitely saw a small group of 30 something guys all looking over. I’m sure they do that to any woman dressed in something short and revealing tbh. As I sat down I gave them something to stare at lol. Hubby walked back and said, “give them an eyeful did you?” And grinned. I said “of course, you know me, a crowd pleaser” and laughed. Hubby pulled up a stool and sat opposite me. We chatted, sex obviously came up a lot. To be honest going away for weekends is really our only chance of spending quality time and sexy time with each other. Hubby works away “a lot” so we really do try to get the most out of our weekends and little sexy trips together. The wrap over part of my dress was pretty much useless at this point and it was very clear I had no panties on. Although my legs were not completely open my pussy could obviously be seen. I moved into several positions every few minutes or so, just teasing hubby and of course anyone else that looked. We started chatting about the chance encounter on the train journey and both spoke very enthusiastically about it. Hubby said he was quite shocked that I went through with it, he said it really was totally unexpected, he knows I usually like to work up to that sort of thing in the rare occasions it has happened it has always been unplanned I know but it is usually a whole evening of conversation and making a connection so I was also genuinely still in a little shock at what I had done. Hubby said it was so exciting and the best experience he’d been party to with me so far. I told him it probably was the most sexually exciting and erotic and naughty I have ever felt, i told him that even chatting about it with hubby was very sexually exciting and I could feel myself getting very horny, more daring and naughty as well. I think the bubbly at dinner and now a cocktail was also playing its part lol. Hubby could see I was getting excited chatting about it so he asked me loads of in depth questions about the experience. All of which were leading to a question (and I knew which question and where this was going ha ha lol) “would you like to do that again?” So, because of how naughty I was feeling I said “sure absolutely”. Hubby grinned like a Cheshire cat ha ha lol.
We carried on chatting about sex and about the last encounter I had which was last year the which ended up as a 3 some I did at the Christmas party and then of course this last experience which had just happened on the train. Hubby asked me what would be a fantasy of mine at this moment in time. We have spoken about fantasies before and hubby is pretty much always the same with his, which to be fair I have covered ha ha lol. For me sometimes they change, I had always wanted to try a girl on girl thing again as I had almost managed it but it never quite reached the level I wanted or she wanted for that matter. Just wrong time and place I guess. So there was that. I have had a couple of 3 somes now (one without hubby!! Still very fresh in my mind) I’ve now had a second encounter full on this time with a stranger without hubby. So I had to dig deep and think about the question.
I said “I did have a little fantasy a few years ago which occasionally popped into my head” which was basically we were at a party and I don’t remember how it gets to this (think some kind of truth or dare or cards or something similar, but I end up sitting on a chair with just my heels and stockings on, and sat around me on chairs also are 5-6 men all watching me. I perform for them and they all wank them selves as they watch me. Then each of them fucks me in every which way and all cum in me in all my holes. I have told hubby that before but it popped into my head there and then.
Hubby said so, you’d like a lesbian 3some and also a gang bang and laughed. I said I wasn’t keen on the term gang bang. Group sex is ok, but I said at this moment in time that’s what’s in my head and laughed.
Hubby said in that case for my birthday I want you to have those experiences. I laughed and said oh yeah just like that. Hubby said well we could find one of those clubs?
I said no, I’m sorry but I just didn’t want to go to a club. I prefer not to if that’s ok.
Hubby said “absolutely ok, however it happens has to be your way (well obviously with a little persuasion from me somewhere ha ha)”. Again all this chat was really making me horny and hubby. While we were sat chatting my pussy was completely on show to him because of how I was sat, hubby said I think you should reposition yourself so a few more people get to see that beautiful pussy too. So I did as requested and shuffled around a little and that pussy just kept peaking out lol. It was now getting a little moist from the heat and all the naughty chat. I could clearly see a few looks my way as could hubby. It was quite exciting sitting there chatting and sipping cocktails with hubby, 100% getting glances below my neck from guys and girls to be honest, although I’m not quite sure I was having the same effect on the girls as the boys lol. The evening progressed and I sipped on another cocktail chatting with hubby we kissed and caressed a little as we chatted. At midnight an area around the corner of the bar was cleared which was right next to where we were sat and the floor lit up and music started, it has turned into a small little club which was quite nice. I asked hubby if he wanted to move into the other cocktail bar as I wasn’t sure if he wanted a club atmosphere. He said it was all ok and ordered us some more drinks. A few tunes played that I really liked (tunes lol, makes me sound too old to be in a club lol) I grabbed hubby up to dance and we had a few little dances together, touching me up as we danced and vice versa to be honest I got a couple of really nice feels in myself ha ha. Hubby said he was going to sit this next one out but was adamant I should def continue on the dance floor (of course!!) so he sat in his stool at the bar and I carried on dancing. Some of the group of guys I saw as we walked in were nearby and obviously looking at me, one of them smiled at me and I smiled back. I looked at hubby, he saw what was going on and just did an OK ? sign with a little knowing nod. Another song played and the guy that smiled came over to me and said “hi, introduced himself (Richard) and I did the same. He asked if it was okay to dance with me I said sure. As we danced it wasn’t really a fast song we were able to chat a little, every time he leaned in to chat he cupped my waist with his hand, he smelt amazing, he was ok looking, very trendy haircut I thought, and nice teeth.
Dressed quite smart, expensive I thought. Anyway I learned that he was a barrister, had been for about few years and he was out with friends all of which bar 1 were in law, most were corporate lawyers or solicitors for various companies and the 1 that wasn’t in law was a vet. They were all at university together at the same time and had remained good friends since their teens. As we chatted I explained I was with my husband who was sitting there and pointed to him. Richard looked a little shocked and seemed to back off I said please don’t worry, he’ll actually like the fact I’m dancing with you, he had a slight puzzled look but I think he switched on very quickly. Hubby looked at him smiled and just nodded and gave a thumbs up. Richard asked me if hubby was genuinely ok with it, I laughed and said “oh yes” more than ok I should think.
So we carried on dancing and chatting and again he kept leaning in with his hand to my waist as he did so but was tentative when he did it just checking across at hubby.
Hubby just waved him on smiling. Richard was obviously an intelligent guy and asked if I had done this before, I played ignorant and asked done what before, he said “you know, dancing with other guys and flirting” etc..”
I laughed and said “etc eh?” He looked back at me with a little shock but then smiled and said yeah I mean etc! I said yes we have done this before but only ever a handful of times. He asked if we lived locally, I told him we were here for just the long weekend for hubbys birthday and I was treating him to the weekend. Richard said he lived in the city but near the Thames barrier I remember him saying. He said his friends also all lived in and around London there or there abouts.
His hand was now constantly on my waist as we danced and chatted and he was obviously gaining a little more confidence. I had put my hand on his waist also. The chat became quite flirty which I led, I think it would have taken longer to get there had I left it to him. He started making very nice comments about how I looked and then said “I have to be honest, I saw you sitting earlier and I am pretty sure I saw you had no underwear on” I just felt compelled to ask” I said Hmmm really, I guess we had best test your theory then” I put my hand on his hand that was on my waist and slowly moved it down towards my bum, this made him stoop a little as well bringing his head closer to mine. I had one hand on his waist and the other just over the top of his hand on my bum. I said in his ear, how’s your theory now lol.
We were now dancing very close I could feel him against me. He said maybe I was wearing a thong, I said mmm maybe, I guess more proof is needed so I moved my hand from his waist and put it on his other hand which was on my waist I slid his hand round to the front of me and inside the wrap over of my dress his palm on the fleshy front of my bald smooth pussy and his finger tips just at the very top of my slit. I moved my hand away and put both my hand on the top part of his bum pulling him tighter to me and squeezed his bum a little and said Thong or no thong? And giggled. He looked at me kind of shocked but smiling. I said don’t you think it’s rude to not kiss a woman while your holding her pussy. He seemed very nervous but leaned in to kiss me, it was a nice kiss, I kept him there a while kissing, tongues swirling together, mine darting into his mouth and his into mine. I felt his fingers ever so slightly rubbing into my pussy lips, just parting them and a light rub. Very sensitive. After we finished kissing I said I’d best be getting back to my seat and to hubby and said feel free to come say hello (he doesn’t bite lol) he said he should get back to his friends who were all stood there staring anyway mouths agape ha ha lol. He said he would def be back. I walked back to hubby and stood in front of him while he was sat on his stool. I said was that naughty enough for you lol. He smiled but then the cheeky bugger said “no where near enough, but it’s a good start” lol.
He placed his hand inside my wrap over and felt my pussy and said, wow, we are turned in aren’t we lol. I giggled and said I should bloody well think so!
We chatted again for a while sipping our cocktails. I sat back on my stool and def let some air get to my very warm and lubricated pussy.
Richard kept looking over and smiling and I smiled back. About 15 minutes passed and he came over. Hubby introduced himself and Richard did likewise. They stood chatting for a short while and Richard bought a round of drinks. He spent most of his time telling hubby how he thought he was the luckiest guy in earth and how amazing I was. I kept interrupting and confirmed that for him lol. They spoke about work and Richard became very interested in what hubby did in his roles within the plain clothes world of policing. Hubby was asking him about his friends and what they all did and what kind of guys they were etc. (I felt a little left out!) but then a few songs came on that I liked and wanted to dance, hubby came to dance with me for one but then said he would send Richard over as he was going to the boys room. He went over to Richard and I could see them chatting it seemed like he was there 10 minutes while I kept dancing. Hubby then patted him on the back of his shoulder and walked away towards the loo’s. Richard came over to me and was saying what a cool guy hubby was. I told him I was glad he thought so and that most people would get the wrong idea about him/us but I agreed and said I wouldn’t be with him if it were otherwise. We chatted and danced and flirted obviously. After about the fourth song I noticed hubby wasn’t back yet so a little nervous I started looking around the room as we danced. Then I saw him, he was stood talking to Richard’s friends, they all seemed to be engaged in a chat and saw them laughing. I thought phew! For a minute I wondered if there was an issue and knowing hubby he had gone straight at it with all the finesse of a bull in a China shop. I continued dancing and chatting and flirting and enjoyed being kissed and touched as usual. After about 15 minutes or so hubby returned to his seat at the bar. I let Richard touch me up for a few more dances letting hubby watch as best he could. Then went back to join hubby. Richard followed and took his drink from the bar and said he was just going to pop back to chat with his friends. When he left I asked hubby what was wrong with Richards friends, he said absolutely nothing, one of them had just spoken to him when he had gone to the loo, hubby said he seemed a little concerned about his friend Richard, so he thought he’d go and speak to them and put their minds at rest. Hubby laughed. He said they were talking to each other and saying they thought hubby was some sort of London gangster or something and they were genuinely worried. Ha ha lol.
Shortly after that Richard came over again but with a friend from his group. Hubby said this was the same guy he chatted to at the loo. Richard introduced him as Neil I remember hubby said yes we just met earlier. We all chatted for a short while and then a tune came on that I liked and I asked hubby to dance, he looked at Richard and then me so I got the message and pulled Richard up to dance with me again. Richard and I danced and chatted and I could see hubby chatting with Neil. Neil was quite a fit guy, a little more athletic looking than Richard and a little better looking with quite a cool haircut too. He and hubby seemed to be getting in well chatting away. After we had danced a little we went back to hubby, Neil then said he was going back to the group and Richard said he should really go back too and said see you shortly. They wandered off to their friends and hubby and I continued sitting and chatting and also flirting. We had a couple of dances also and I made hubby touch me up whilst dancing. Then I saw Richard come over to where our seats were, so we came off the dance floor and went and chatted with him. He said they were all leaving now as a couple of them had places to be etc. I said “oh ok, maybe another time” hubby said he was just going to say goodbye to them all and winked, he walked away to Richard’s friends and I saw him shaking hands with them and all having a little laugh etc. Richard said he would love to stay but thought it was best he stuck with his group, I said of course, I didn’t mind at all and that it was lovely to have met him and flirted with him. He looked a little red faced and smiled. I kissed him and he kissed me back. Then hubby came back they shook hands and Richard said he is such a cool guy, again I said I know Lol. He waved as he walked off and he and his group left. So just me and hubby, we finished our drinks and I was very jolly at this point and it was getting late. Past midnight for sure. Hubby said we should get get back and maybe have a little bit of fun on route, I was so up for that. So we grabbed our coats and took a cab back to the hotel. As soon as we got in the cab I sat back in the corner opened my legs and told hubby to finger me slowly. Of course he obliged. I love the way he plays with my pussy, he rubbed my clit and fingered inside me slowly and smoothly, just so good, I finger fucked him him and played with my tits as he played with me, it was lovely, unfortunately the taxi ride was a little shorter than expected and we arrived at our hotel before I had time to cum.
We left the cab and went into the hotel, then up the stairs to the VIP lounge area. Hubby said “nightcap?” I said “last one then” as I was feeling a little too jolly from the alcohol and didn’t want to be too drunk.
We took our drinks from the lounge and headed to our room. Hubbys hands were all over me, he was very touchy and excited, it was nice. When we got to the room hubby asked me if I would go and sit in front of the window, get undressed and put on my high, hold up stockings that had the full fashioned line that runs down the back of them and my (he calls them porn shoes lol) they are a very high heel with a large platform clear sole type shoe with a double ankle strap and foot strap in silver. Of course I was very excited too. so I took my shoes and stockings from the wardrobe and hubby placed a seat in front of the large corner window. Curtains all open and lights on so I was very much in show. I went and sat in the chair and slowly undressed and then put on my stockings and shoes and sat there looking at hubby, he had undressed to his boxers. I said ok now what ?
Hubby walked over to me with his scarf and asked me to close my eyes, I did and he then tied the scarf around my eyes as a blindfold. He asked me to lean back and place my arms behind me and the back of the seat, and spread my legs. I did so very willingly and was very very excited. I then felt hubby stand in front of me and then felt him put the tip of his cock on my lips. I kissed the end and licked it, I opened up wide and took as much of it as I could in my mouth and slowly sucked that lovely cock after a few moments passed and hubby then knelt in front of me and we kissed very very passionately, then he kissed my neck and worked his way down to my boobs, kissing and licking them, playing with my nipples, I was so turned on. Then he made his way down my stomach, slowly licking and kissing as he made his way to my pussy. He took his time teasing me, kissing in between my legs on my inner thigh and around my pussy, I could feel myself clenching my bum and pushing my hips forward trying to force my pussy towards his tongue desperate to get that tongue on my clit and in my pussy, hubby could tell what I was doing and teased me longer more deliberate. Eventually his tongue found my wet swollen throbbing pussy, he slowly licked up and down my lips occasionally darting I. And out of my pussy, then higher and circled around my clit and over my clit making me jump a little, then slowly he pushed a finger inside me and again in slowly circling motion inside me then in and out rubbing the walls inside my pussy. Then hubby came up to my face and kissed me, I could taste myself on his tongue, his lips.
he was still fingering me slowly, he then whispered in my ear, “do you trust me?” I said “of course I do “ why ask? “ he said just keep your blindfold in and trust me ok?, I said ok, I was a little nervous I won’t lie but I know he would never do anything bad. I felt hubby move away, he said I want you to sit there like that, please don’t move, don’t say anything and please just trust me. I said ok. Then I heard what I thought was hubby opening the door to the room. I heard some whispering and definitely heard another voice amongst the whispering. I heard some movement in the room and was now a little confused but did as asked. I knew hubby was there as I heard his voice. I could def hear more whispering and then that stopped and I heard movement from several different locations. I knew now there was definitely someone else in the room, my mind started to race, who the hell was in the room with hubby, I was sat here naked in just stockings and heels, on display with my legs wide open pussy aching and wet and couldn’t see a thing. I heard more movement and rustling then movement towards me, then behind me. I then heard hubby in my ear, he was behind me, he kissed my neck and whispered in my ear, I just wanted to you to keep your eyes closed for now and just enjoy every single second. I said ok. I was quite nervous but now hubby had spoken to me again I felt much safer and also really quite excited. I had butterflies in my stomach but good ones. Then hubby whispered I want you to play with yourself, I want to watch you really enjoy yourself. I heard him walk away a little and so I started to feel myself, I started at my boobs, I felt them slowly, squeezing them and pushing my fingers into them, I circled my nipples with my fingers and pulled at my nipples, then moved my left hand down towards my pussy and slowly rubbed at the front of it whilst still playing with my boobs. I then used my other hand on my pussy too. Using my fingers with my left hand to spread my lips, then with the fingers of my left I rubbed in slow then fast rhythm around my clit and kept pushing 2 fingers in and out, getting wetter, you could hear how wet I was, I was now moaning and really enjoying myself, I then heard shuffling towards me and then felt a hand on my inner thigh, slowly moved up my leg to my pussy, the other hand then to my boobs. I felt a finger go inside me, I moaned it was so exciting, I knew straight away it wasn’t hubby. This unknown person then put another finger inside me, 2 fingers now fucking me, then lips on my nipples sucking and licking. Then kissing down my body to my pussy, now licking and finger fucking my pussy at the same time. I was so turned on, this person then moved to my right hand side and was still fingering me but started to kiss my neck, I then heard someone else shuffle forward towards me and felt another pair of hands, one on the inside of my thigh and the other on my boobs and playing with my nipples too, my god I was so fucking horny it was fantastic. But then I realised neither of these people playing with me were hubby, so i believed it was 2 strangers playing with me, my mind raced as to who they were but I didn’t stray with that thought too long as I was in to much fantasy heaven. Both now kissing my neck, both now had their fingers on my pussy lips taking it in turns to finger me. I moved my hand down to my pussy and pressed both of their fingers into me, getting them to both finger inside me at the same time. OMG!! Heaven I could feel myself starting to cum. I fucked their fingers getting quicker and feeling myself clench pushing forward onto them, I was moaning and telling them not to stop. Bath now sucking a nipple each and fingering, then came that feeling l love so much, that climax of heat into the stomach, blood pumping into my pussy, it swelling up and tingling, my heart racing and beating so hard I can feel the veins in my neck pumping, I squealed with delight as I came all over their fingers. My body then shuddering that wonderful shudder that starts hard then slows to a slow short pump, I reached down and slowly pulled their fingers out and patted my pussy, absolutely soaking and swollen, what an amazing 10 minutes or so. I head them both stand up either side of me I put my hands out either side and could feel men’s legs, I moved my hands up each of their legs and into each of their crutches, I could feel they both had boxers on, I felt over the top of their boxers to the waist bands and started to pull each of them down, I felt both guys then start to take their boxers off I felt back up their legs and to their cocks, OMG to my left was huge, definitely the biggest cock I have ever felt. Very long and thick. I was a little shocked and even said oh wow! I heard several little giggles as i said it. I stroked both the cocks and then kissed and licked at each one either side, I started to my right, this was a nice sized cock, squeezed it making the end all hard, sticking my tongue in his little eye, then taking it all in my mouth and sucking deep and hard then to my left, OMG! My hand barely got round the shaft, it was huge, I did same licking the end but was difficult to get it all in my mouth, I just managed to fit it in, I could have spent hours on this cock alone!! I played with them both for about what seemed like 10 minutes taking it in turn, sucking and licking and playing with their balls, then I heard more shuffling towards me and though ah hubby is now going to join in, he knelt in front of me and I felt hands on my breasts and I knew straight away just by the way I was being touched this wasn’t hubby either!!! I was even more shocked (if that’s even possible in this situation!) the hands massaged my breasts and then down towards my pussy, one hand pressed against the front of my pussy and thumb hard and circular around my clit, the other hand, fingers up and down my slit and slowly in and out of my soft, wet swollen pussy, 2 fingers in and out and rubbing and circling, this was absolutely amazing. Genuinely amazing. Like hubby said I was enjoying every second, no longer tentative or nervous but feeling horny and confident and wanting it.
The guy between my legs then started to lick me whilst still fingering me. I just let it all happen and loved it. I could feel myself pumping my hips towards the guy licking me. I reached down with one hand and pulled his head into my pussy as he licked harder, moaning and licking and sucking and stroking cocks, fuck this was insane.
The guy between my legs then swapped with the big cock guy, he went down on me and I started stroking and sucking him. He felt like he was about the same size as hubby. We all carried on like that for what seemed like another 10 or 15 minutes
All 3 guys then slowly moved away from me and I felt a hand take mine, it was hubby, I pulled me up to my feet and took me by the hand and told me to be careful as I followed him still blindfolded. Then he span me round, and sat me down and asked me to lean back, I leaned back and then realised I was on the low chaise lounge at the end of the bed. Then one of the guys came and knelt down in front of me between my legs, we started kissing and and he put his hands all over me and I did the same, we were chest to chest and I could feel his cock now against me, I reached down and took his cock and pressed the end against my pussy urging him to put it in me, I leaned back and let him slowly guide his cock into me, wow! I needed that I was aching for cock inside me, he pushed it in deep and slow and fucked me blissfully like that for a while, slow strong and deep, I lay back and played with my nipples, moaning and telling him to “fuck me, fuck me slowly, fuck my pussy, I want your cock deep inside me” lots of very naughty directions and just loving it. I could feel his cock in and out of me, he was moaning as well. And had his hand on the front of my pussy, thumbing my clit as he fucked me. I could feel his excitement as he fucked me. We fucked for a few minutes and then he slowed and I heard another guy come over, the guy fucking me slowed and pulled out and then I felt them swap over, the new guy knelt down in front of me and I took his cock and again slowly guided it inside me and we fucked the same way again for about 5 minutes. I could feel myself cuming, the excitement was getting to me. I told him to fuck me harder and quicker, I told him I wanted to come on his cock as he was inside me, he fucked me harder, I could feel his hips banging into me, his rock hard cock inside me, pushing deep inside my pussy, I came!! Omg did I cum, I was cuming for ages, so so wet and creamy. I lay there panting for a short while just getting my breath back, then the guy slowly pulled out and moved to the side of me and the 3rd guy came over, I was really really very excited now because I knew this would be the one with the huge cock. He knelt down between my legs, I was still laying back and patting my swollen pussy. As he got between my legs I sat up and he felt my boobs and then kissed me, as we kissed I put my hand down between my legs and took his huge cock in my hand, fuck it really was big. I stroked it for a short while. I just really loved feeling it. I couldn’t wait any longer and wanted it, I pushed my hips forward slowly pulled the tip into my slit. I held his cock a finger and thumb either side of it steel feeling the length of it as he slowly pushed it inside me. Fuuuckkk me!! I felt every single bit of it as he very slowly pushed into me, I moaned like never before, it was fucking amazing, genuinely took my breath away, deeper and deeper into my until I felt his balls against my bum. I gasped so many times. I think I even felt myself blushing!! I lay back slowly and begged him to fuck me. He did, he started slow and deep which was gorgeous, he also thumbed my clit and rubbed at my at slit as he fucked me, I kept putting my fingers around his cock as he fucked away, I just loved feeling the length of it and width of it as it slowly glided into me. I asked him faster faster, he fucked me quicker now, his rhythm building gaining momentum. Every time he pushed it in hard and in deep I could feel it inside me the tip inside my stomach, it made me gasp every time he did it. It was heaven. I don’t think I have ever felt this horny and excited ever ever ever. We fucked for a while and then he slowed and eventually stopped and pulled away. I then heard hubby, he had come over to me and stood next to me, he said we all want to watch you and he placed my vibrator in my hand. I said ok and I started to rub the length of it along my pussy lips. Hubby was stood next to me still and then I felt him take off the scarf used as a blindfold. I opened my eyes and saw Richard and Neil from the cocktail bar earlier there was also another guy but I didn’t know his name and assumed he was one of their group. I saw that Neil was the guy with the huge cock. All 3 of them were sat opposite me all stroking their cocks as I sat on the chaise in front of them. I didn’t flinch in fact I just smiled and said I hope you have enjoyed yourselves? lol. They all just smiled and nodded, Richard said absolutely!
I carried on rubbing the vibrator into my pussy and could feel the vibrations hard against my clit, I could feel myself thrusting onto it, my breathing getting a little quicker, I moved back a little so my back was against the end on the chaise in a more seated position so I could watch them as they watched me. I slowly pushed my toy inside my pussy, which was swollen, wet and tingling. My heart was beating so hard and fast, sitting here playing in front of everyone and knowing each one of them had been inside me. OMG! I felt so naughty and empowered at the same time. I continued to play, I wanted to let them watch me, I kept pulling my toy out and rubbing the top of my clit with it, knowing that each time I did they could see all of my pussy. I turned over placing my left knee on the chaise and my right foot on the floor, in this doggy position so they could all see me from behind, I toyed with my pussy more and teased my bum as well, I pushed my toy deep into my pussy and while it was there I reached round and slowly slid a finger into my bum. I looked round at them as I did and could see this had them all very excited. I fingered my bum a little deeper and toyed my pussy at the same time.
I was now wanting real cock, I wanted all of them. I wanted to feel all of them all over me at the same time, I wanted them inside me, on my skin, their hands and fingers and tongues everywhere.
So I crawled up onto the corner of the bed and on my hands and knees looked round at them and gestured to them to come over, Richard came over first and started to rub my pussy from behind, I told him to lick me, I told him to lick my pussy and my bum. He wasted no time and pushed his face into me from behind, I could feel his tongue jabbing at both my holes, long licks and short jabs with the tip, he was very good. I gestured to the others to come over, they both came up onto the bed, I made them lay down in front of me and took turns licking and sucking their cocks and balls, my god I really wanted Neil’s huge cock but wanted to save it a little longer. I slowly climbed up the other guy until my pussy was pressing against his cock, I kissed him, tongues in and out of each others mouth as I faux fucked his cock rubbing my slit up and down the shaft of his cock until I couldn’t take any more and I reached down between my legs and pushed it inside me, we started fucking nice and slow, I looked round at Richard and told him to come behind me. He came up behind me and I reached back whilst still slowly fucking and took his cock and pressed it against my bum and told him to fuck me there too. I was so fucking wet I didn’t need any spit or lubrication, he pushed his cock in my bum and I squeezed with delight, they both fucked me slowly and deeply 2 sets of balls ploughing into me between my legs, I leaned over as best I could and then started stroking Neil’s huge hard cock, I got him to move closer and a little further up the bed so I could suck him. So there I was a cock in every hole , completely full up and without a doubt I was loving all of it. I kept looking across to hubby smiling at him and he was just sitting there stroking his big cock smiling like a Cheshire Cat. I knew he was loving it too. We fucked and I sucked like that for a short while and then I could feel Richard starting to get to that point, I told him not yet so he pulled out and I slowly moved off the other guy. I leaned off him and turned round (reverse cowboy style) I took his cock and slowly guided it into my bum, I think this blew his mind and I could hear him saying “fuck me!” Fuuuck! Ha ha lol
I leaned back against him and brought my legs forward as if I was sat on him like a stool, legs open and pussy wide open, wet, swollen and puffy. I pulled Richard into me and told him to fuck me. He pushed his cock into my pussy and we all fucked again for a short while, all moaning and they were grunting. I was still managing to stroke Neil’s cock but was a little difficult to suck it, even though he had now stood up a little to try and get his cock at my mouth level. I could feel myself getting to a climax point also now and my pace quickened, faster and harder, I was really grinding in them both and I could feel them now starting to get close to. Richard was first, I could feel the excitement in his fucking, he asked where he should cum, I didn’t want to stop so just told them both to cum inside me. The fucking became quicker, frenzied almost, Richard came first, he moaned loudly and was saying “fuck” “fuck” he came inside my pussy, all hot and pumping. Within seconds the other guy came in my bum, he pushed so hard as he came I thought he was going to come through my stomach like that Alien film lol. He groaned as he came too. Moaning deep and pushing into my bum, I was still pulsating, pumping and pushing as I could feel my climax cumming. As I moved quickly pumping my bum and pussy into both their cocks I could feel it, here it was again that amazing warm rush through my stomach, the heart beat pumping hard in my neck, my pussy lips tingling and filling up and swelling, my pussy throbbing and then that beautiful judder that makes my legs and bum cheeks shake. It’s quite uncontrollable but simply amazing and feels like nothing else you can imagine. Soo soooo addictive. Boom I came, all very wet now and also creamy. I was quite spent, but still had room for one more! I really wanted to fuck Neil, I wanted to have him make me cum on his own with that fucking amazing cock! Richard slowed, pulled out of me and sat back looking spent also. I leaned over slowly getting off the other guys cock, as I did I could feel all there cum starting to leak out of me. I reached over for some tissues and got a few wet wipes from my bag. I wiped and cleaned a little bit, Richard sat back in the chair opposite next hubby and the other went to the bathroom. Neil was still sat on the bed, I said your turn, hubby laughed like he knew I had saved him till last, I crawled up the bed towards Neil and with my bum in the air facing hubby and Richard I leaned down and licked and sucked Neil’s huge cock, I took my time, I absolutely devoured it, sucking hard and deep, it started to make my jaw ache a little to be honest, I could actually use 2 hands up and down it as I stroked. I spat on it, licked it, licked up and down his shaft, he was almost completely shaved as well which is a fav thing of mine as you all know. Nice and clean and easy to lick and kiss. I sucked his tip, his shaft, his balls one by one. I was getting all horny again the build up to having that inside me was making me very excited. I knew I was excited as I was air humping lol. I slowly moved up Neil his cock now at my boobs, he pressed them together around his cock and I tit fucked him and licked and kissed the end of his cock every time it poked through. I moved up more until his cock was level with my pussy, I had to sort of sit up on one leg to make room to get above his cock, I slowly teased the thick end of his tip into me, I could feel it spreading my pussy, stretching it. OMG!! Then once the tip was in I lowered myself down slowly, I wanted every millimetre inside me. I sat down deeper and deeper until I felt his balls almost in my bum, I moaned so loud, I slowly started to grind away feeling my own tits and playing and teasing my nipples, his cock absolutely filled me to the brim, genuinely size really does matter, any bigger though would have been uncomfortable I think, it was almost bordering on the pleasure and pain barrier anyway. Neil had his hands on my waist as rode him slowly as if I was on some pony, moving my hips forward and backwards not up and down (not yet) just grinding as he was deep inside me and I was impaled on his huge cock. It really was just gorgeous. Then I leaned down and lifted my bum slowly pulling away from his cock until the tip was just inside me, then sat down again slowly and continued this up and down thrusting feeling his cock filling me then empty then filling me again, I could feel the width of it just stretching my pussy and even more so as I clenched and the down stroke, OMG it was heaven, I was having so much fun, I could feel Neil quickening so I matched his rhythm and rode his shaft quicker getting wetter making it a little easier for him to glide in and out of that swollen puffy pussy. His cock was very hard as well which made the ride strong and hard which I liked. We fucked like that for a while, me up and down then slow and grinding back and forth. Then I turned around in him in a reverse cowboy position and we fucked like that for a short while, a played with my tits and nipples and could see hubby and the other 2 sitting there watching me. I smiled as I played with myself, rubbing my clit and looking at hubby straight in the eyes and smiling. All 3 of them stroking their cocks as they watched me enjoying myself. I stayed in that position looking at them but then leaned forward slowly pulling myself from his cock, I crawled up on all fours with my bum in the air still air humping. Neil got the message and climbed up onto his knees behind me, I looked back and smiled at him and reached back, took his cock in my hand, I loved the feel of that huge thick cock in my hand, I guided him into my pussy slowly, again I could feel the width just stretching my pussy, my lips all swollen and tingling. He pushed his cock balls deep into me, I just moaned and gasped and said a few “oh fucks!” He fucked me slow and deep for a short while and then got quicker and harder each time as he got to that maximum punch when his balls slapped me I squealed or moaned or gasped and said fuck” and “god yes” I think I said fuckk so many times!! He was banging away hard and deep now, his hands around my waist pulling me into him and pulling himself into me. I was becoming breathless with excitement.I could feel his excitement too. He started to rub his thumb around my bum, I pushed back letting him know I really wanted that in me too. He pushed it in deep and I could feel his cock and thumb between that thin fleshy wall inside me. He could obviously feel his cock with his thumb through that fleshy part too. He pressed his thumb in as deep as he could get it, making me groan and swear more. It was becoming fast and frantic, both of us moaning. I placed my head down on the bed and reached in through between my legs I wanted to feel his cock with my fingers as he pushed it into my pussy, I put a finger either side of his cock pressed against my pussy lips, I could feel it, in and out and in and out, heaven. He fucked me hard and fast like that for several more minutes and then I could feel him getting very hard and excited, he asked me where I wanted him to cum. I reached back again and held his cock and moved slowly away from him letting it come all the way out. Still holding it and stroking the soaking wet shaft I pressed it against my bum hole and backed onto him really slowly, I told him I wanted to see if I could take it there. He pushed slowly as I backed into him. It was painful but still incredibly nice at the same time. A real mix of loving it and hating it. Slowly it all went in, deep inside me, I rubbed my clit and patted it as he fucked my arse, slow at first but again I could feel him getting very excited very quickly, he became faster, pumping it into me, deep in me his balls slapping my pussy. I rubbed away quicker and harder at my clit, I wanted to cum as well, I was moaning and swearing and telling him to “fuck me” fuck me” “oh god, fuck my arse “ harder, I told him I wanted him to cum in my arse, deep inside me. He pushed harder and deeper, faster and faster, I could feel his cock really stiffen up, swelling inside my bum. I rubbed furiously at my clit and around my pussy, I could feel myself reaching that climax I love so much, Neil groaned out loud “I’m cumming and pushed deep inside me, I clenched squeezing his cock with my bum, and then I climaxed, juddering and moaning and absolutely soaking, I think I may have even squirted a little which I’ve never done before, I was drenched, my fingers now deep in my pussy, feeling his cock through the walls of my pussy inside, feeling his cock still slowly pulsing in and out of me, we were both breathless and slowed to a stop. He pulled out of me and I lay my head down on the bed bum still high in the air, just patting my poor swollen, puffy lips. So tingly and hot, churning feelings of delight in my stomach and still juddering and shuddering. Wow wow wow! What a fuck! I looked up to see hubby smiling so much, he looked very happy, I smiled at him and blew him a kiss, he and the other 2 were all sat there still looking at me still stroking slowly at their cocks. I could all 3 of them were hard and looking for an outlet lol. I got off the bed and sat back on the chaise, leaned back against the side arm with one leg perched up on the seat and the other open and foot placed on the floor. I just sat there watching them, feeling my boobs and nipples and just lightly rubbing my pussy, it was quite swollen and puffy and aching a little, it was very very wet and I kept leaking cum from my bum so I massaged it from there around my pussy lips. Hubby said he was going to cum and stood up and walked over to me, I opened my mouth and took him in, I sucked his cock and cupped his balls and stroked his cock as only I know how, I could feel the end of his cock enlarge as it always does just before he cums. He exploded into my mouth and I took every last drop, keeping it in my mouth so I could play with it a little, slurping at it all over his cock, pushing my fingers in my mouth from my pussy and back to my mouth again until eventually swallowing all of it. I could see Richard was now stroking quicker so I motioned for him to come over to me and also the other guy too. They both stood in front of me, I told them to cum on me, on my stomach, tits and pussy, I told them I wanted to rub it all over me and in me. The other actually came first, he shot up my stomach and the base of my tits, a few moments later Richard started to cum, so I spread my pussy lips and told him “just there” he came loads again, he certainly had the most cum from all of them, all over my pussy and up my stomach. Both of them groaned as they came and then both of them were spent, they stood back and then sat and watched me as I pushed my fingers into all of their cum, I spread it all over my tits and rubbed it in, pushing my fingers through the cum on my pussy and fingering it into myself as they all watched me. It was amazing. I played with their cum for a few minutes and then one by one licked my fingers and sucked them dry lol. I said I really did need the bathroom now to clean up and also have a rest lol. I went to the bathroom and cleaned up, took a very quick shower. Within 10 minutes I was done and came back out into the bedroom. The guys had all dressed by then and Richard was chatting to Hubby. He said they were all going to leave now and said he thought we were possibly the best time he’d ever had. The other 2 were both nodding and agreed and kept telling me how amazing I was and what a fantastic time they had and all asked if we were still in town tomorrow evening they would absolutely love to meet up again. Hubby said we were still here for the weekend but not sure where we were going as I had arranged the weekend. He did say to Richard, he had his number and would be able to contact him if the chance arose. I said thank you as well to them all and told them that I had also had a wonderful night. Hubby saw them all out and I waved them off and that was that. An absolutely amazing experience an amazing evening, so exciting and so erotic. My words for what happened really do not do the actual experience I had any justice. I wish I could explain it better and in even more detail but I would end up writing a novel!!! (Well I guess this almost is.
This is just the first day and evening as well. Part 3 was the next day. I shall start writing that as soon as I have posted this. I hope I haven’t bored anyone with the length of this. Xxx
8 months ago