Day 4

‌I continue to inform you of my physical and psycho-illogical state following the prescriptions of Masters Michael and Erodess to refrain from cleaning me for 3 days and caress me to quench the intimate fever.
Yesterday, nothing really particular, rather quiet, they took turns, a little like jailers would look through the eyelet of my dungeon to see if the prisoner, do not pull like a maniac on her clit to make a braid and hang in the cell.
One asked me in the manner of a winemaker who would like to know the state of aging of the liquid contained in my chain cask to dip a finger in brine and note on a scale of 10 the marc. I granted myself the average of 5 having known flavors much more pronounced once.
I was still eager to arrive at night to finally wash up. But strangely, as I went out a little late, rather than making a detour through the house is to take a shower before going shopping, outside as under my skirt not a bit ... nor even a vent to lift and let Eole spread my odors. I pushed my caddy into the shelves, like in the good old days of my youth when my ex liked to take me out and make daily facts much more attractive. Ah yes, at the end of the afternoon , She passed and to transmit me , a request , finally translate an order , .... have to write a scene where it is at the centre of the story. I am committed to it despite a sum of work in progress to render the duty by next Sunday.

This work is added to a torrid story that I have to make to comment on a drawing that is no less and also intended for the one who is the star . So much for the information that comes to mind . I am still in abstinence from caresses, for the moment it holds, no noticeable overflows, I do not yet rub on the knees of passers-by , My social behavior is very normal except for visits to the work toilet to take the temperature when my two doctors come to see the very patient that I am .
Published by IDAELE
9 months ago
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