Remember what I said?
I went downstairs to get a drink from the kitchen when Jim asked me to come into the living room. Two of his oldest friends were with him and they said hi. After a few pleasantries, Jim asked me if I remembered what he had said the night before when he unloaded in my mouth. I know I turned red, but of course I remembered, he had made a point of having me repeat it and give him an answer. I didn't think much of it at the time, he had just shot a load of cum down my throat and I just thought he was emphasizing his control.
"Yes I do."
"Good, then get on your knees and tell me what I said."
I couldn't believe he was doing this. Then it dawned on me just how he phrased his comment/question the previous night. Yet instead of exercising my option to refuse some acts, I slowly knelt before him and replied.
"You said 'you'll take cum any time I tell you, won't you?'" He smiled at me as his two buddies got up and stood next to him. They had the most lecherous looks in their eyes.
"That's right, and what did you say?"
"I said 'yes sir, any time.'" I was focused on the element of taking his cum any time he wanted, but he didn't specify his cum, he just said cum. No doubt in my mind by then where this was going.
"Very good. You're going to drain all of our cocks for the rest of the evening. I'm good for a few, what about you guys?"
They both said they had several for me and one of them mentioned he hadn't gotten off in over a week, so his first one was going to be a nice big thick load.
I spent the evening crawling from cock to cock, draining them repeatedly while Jim had porn playing in the background to help them get hard again after each load.
After I had gotten three or so loads from each, one of his friends leaned back and told me to just suck and lick his balls for a while. It was while I was doing this that Jim decided he wanted to give me one last load up the ass, so there I was. My face buried in one man's crotch, stroking another guy, and taking Jim's big cock hard up the ass. On the plus side, I wasn't embarrassed any more, in fact, I was feeling oddly happy. Who woulda guessed?
"Yes I do."
"Good, then get on your knees and tell me what I said."
I couldn't believe he was doing this. Then it dawned on me just how he phrased his comment/question the previous night. Yet instead of exercising my option to refuse some acts, I slowly knelt before him and replied.
"You said 'you'll take cum any time I tell you, won't you?'" He smiled at me as his two buddies got up and stood next to him. They had the most lecherous looks in their eyes.
"That's right, and what did you say?"
"I said 'yes sir, any time.'" I was focused on the element of taking his cum any time he wanted, but he didn't specify his cum, he just said cum. No doubt in my mind by then where this was going.
"Very good. You're going to drain all of our cocks for the rest of the evening. I'm good for a few, what about you guys?"
They both said they had several for me and one of them mentioned he hadn't gotten off in over a week, so his first one was going to be a nice big thick load.
I spent the evening crawling from cock to cock, draining them repeatedly while Jim had porn playing in the background to help them get hard again after each load.
After I had gotten three or so loads from each, one of his friends leaned back and told me to just suck and lick his balls for a while. It was while I was doing this that Jim decided he wanted to give me one last load up the ass, so there I was. My face buried in one man's crotch, stroking another guy, and taking Jim's big cock hard up the ass. On the plus side, I wasn't embarrassed any more, in fact, I was feeling oddly happy. Who woulda guessed?
9 months ago