
(There was a Jodi, a kiss and amateur fondling under t-shirts.)

Jodi is back in town.

I sat in my home office trying to work, although couldn't focus. I tried to stick with my standard routine. Coffee, gym, shower, work ... but that day I just couldn't get motivated because I couldn't get her out of my head. My thoughts were filled of my best friend from high school. She was actually my first love and even though I dated other women, they just couldn't compare.

Our friendship began at the Jersey shore. Our parents owned bungalows close to each other. Jodi and I became beach buddies, lying together on the sand talking girl things. After dinner, we would go back to the beach and watch the games and stuff until it was dark. We were like a magnet to boys -- especially Jodi, whose breasts were bigger than mine. But, neither of us had any interest. It was just us. But, as much as we liked each other, nothing more than kissing and maybe playing with each other’s tits was as far as we went.

As we both bloomed into young women, I immediately knew the magnitude of my feelings for her but was too scared of losing my best friend and therefore was silently torturing myself by not acting on my feelings. We slowly drifted apart from each other when we went to two different colleges. But today, I just couldn't stop wondering if her blue eyes could still cut right to my core.

I tried to clear my head with an extra vigorous workout, but it didn't work. I was proud of being 38 and not looking it. I am 5'8" toned body, olive skin and long dark brown hair that framed my thin face that was complimented with high cheek bones. Although right now it was Jodi's body that was clouding my every thought.

A few days ago I found out that Jodi was planning a trip back home for a family reunion. That evening my memories quickly turned into a sultry fantasy. The thought of her eyes gave me chills and an all too knowing warmth deep inside. Before I knew it my hands went from lightly caressing my 33B breasts to frantically grabbing for my vibrator. My panties were soaked more than ever.

Waking up the next morning I realized that I was hoping for too much. I was sure that Jodi would be married with kids by now.

None the less an old friend would still be comforting. I decided to reach out and see if we could hit it off like old times. That evening I opened a bottle of wine to calm my nerves and dialed her number. After a few rings the same soft, gentle voice that I remembered answered "Hello?" With a brief hesitation I said "Hi Jodi, it's Cassie! How are you?"

We ended up talking for over an hour about nothing in particular. I was relieved that she seemed happy to talk to me as well and we went right back to being friends. While we talked, I noticed that she dodged some questions and would always find a way to turn the conversation back to me. Which wasn't unusual, she always had an overwhelming kindness about her.

I was delighted when she said she wanted to get together for coffee the upcoming week while she was in town. As I hung up, I was already looking forward to our upcoming date ... after double checking that I hit "end call" I scolded myself out loud, "A date? Oh, you are crazy, she doesn't even know you're a lesbian!" And repeated to myself, "It's not a date!"

During the next couple of days my thoughts would drift off, imagining Jodi's tan skin, long strawberry blond hair, oh and those eyes! Then I would have to snap myself out of it. "Damn it, stop with the fantasies!", I would tell myself. I was so afraid of messing up a rekindled friendship, due to my overactive hormones. "Oh god, did she drift away because she realized that I was a lesbian?", I asked myself! My mind was my worst enemy, always going a thousand miles a minute.

One morning I was running late and planned on getting a coffee on the way to the gym. I hurried into the local coffee shop, swinging the door open in a fury and … there she was... beautiful as ever!

She was wearing a light green sun dress with a very tight bodice. Her perfect breasts were prominently displayed for me and sent shivers through me. My eyes drifted down her perfect body to her exposed tanned legs. Immediately I was snapped back to reality when she said, "Cassie, you haven't changed a bit, always going full speed!", as she threw her arms around my neck in a warm hug. Enjoying the light scent of her lotion during our embrace, I couldn't help noticing the feeling our breasts pressing together as my arms held her around her waist. There goes my mind again, "Stop it!" I yelled inside my head.

I quickly apologized for not realizing that she was already in town, a whole two days before the weekend. She said, "Well, it's a long story ... I just needed to get back to something familiar." She smiled at me as her soft warm hand touched my arm and with that, my thoughts started drifting. "Wait ..." I tell myself, " Did that just happen, or did I just WANT it to?"

After talking a few minutes, Jodi reminds me of my mad entrance into the coffee shop and says that she better let me get back to my day. I assure her that I was just headed to the gym and it wouldn't kill me if I missed one day. Once hearing this Jodi asked if she could tag along and that it might do her some good to vent some frustrations. I say, "Of course! It will give us even more time to catch up!" But already my mind is racing down a dangerous path. I couldn't stop, all I thought about was how good she would look in tight workout clothes, that showed off her perfect taught ass. I couldn't help from grazing it with my forearm as I released her from our hug! A tank top that stretched across her perfect breasts or better yet, a sports bra which bared her toned stomach.

"Cassie? Earth to Cassie?" My eyes snapped back up to Jodi's face. She giggled lightly and repeated, "What gym do you go to?"

"Oh yeah, um the one over by the old bank." I answered.

"Cool, I'll meet you there after I run by the hotel and pick up my workout clothes!" She said with a smile and was gone. I got to the gym and started stretching when my phone rang. To my disappointment Jodi explained that her mom was freaking out about all the upcoming arrangements and would have to cancel. Then, she asked me to dinner. I accepted excitedly and planned to meet her at 7 that night.

The rest of the day was shot, I couldn't concentrate. AlI I could think about was her. Wishing that I got to see her skin with a light sheen of sweat during a workout and with my devious mind, how a glow from sex would only make her more radiant.

Seven o'clock finally arrived. I entered the restaurant and nervously looked for the woman that has captured my every thought. And suddenly she appeared. She wore a shoulder revealing grey dress, the jersey- like fabric clung to her every curve. Her hair was up with a few soft curls cascading down her back, my heart skipped when she smiled and walked towards me. I had the sense that she was sending signals.

As we talked, I was finally honest with her about being a lesbian although held back telling her how I felt about her. Jodi leaned over and whispered that looking back to our little romance, she would have guessed that I would be. I noticed as we chatted that Jodi referred to past lovers as "them or they" never by name or gender specific as "he". What did that mean? I tried to remind myself, not to screw up a perfectly good friendship and not read into anything too much!

I made it through dinner without hitting on her too many times as I tried to stay away from any comments that were too obvious. Listening to her talk, I was transfixed on her eyes, sensuous thin lips...everything! I enjoyed having her in front of me. I was soon feeling a wonderful warmth brewing deep inside... it took the last bit of will power to not kiss her.

I will admit through dinner we both enjoyed a little too much wine and decided to share a taxi at the end of the evening. The first and closest stop was her hotel and chills went up my spine when she asked if I wanted to come and continue catching up.

As we exited the elevator, her room was the very first one and I took my chance. While she fumbled with her room card, I gently pulled her arm to spin her to face me. I leaned in, brushed a few curls of hair off of her cheek and gently kissed her.

Her eyes got big and she pulled away! "Oh my god! " I thought. I quickly apologized and ducked back into the elevator, and only heard a faint attempt from her "Cass....wait...?"

My taxi ride to retrieve my car and the drive home was horrible, I cursed and screamed at myself for trying such a stupid move. When I got home, I knew I couldn't sleep so I changed into my favorite t-shirt and just my panties. I typically liked the way the gauzy material hangs but still clings to my braless breasts but tonight I was too upset to think about that. I walked into my kitchen barefoot and grabbed another glass of wine and got into bed.

With more wine, I got up the gumption and decided to call her to explain my apology. I didn't care if I woke her. I had to try and put this behind me. She quickly answered and I started rambling a rehearsed apology before she could say too much. She finally said with a firm enough voice to get my attention, "Cassie, stop! I'm not mad at you, I'm into girls too, and have been since we first kissed." While a rush of relief came over me, since she pulled away, I was afraid that she wasn’t in to me. I slowly calmed down and finally started talking more rationally. Luckily, we quickly went back to being best friends.

We continued talking. Soon our conversation revolved around old flames, and finally our short love affair. And then what we desired mentally and physically. As I listened to Jodi's relaxed voice describe what she wanted and needed, erotic thoughts began to run through my mind and gave me the motivation to divulge some of my sexual secrets and desires.

As I talked, Jodi was urging me to be more explicit. As I described my lesbian desires I noticed that wonderful warm feeling start to wash over me. The warmth progressed into a tingling sensation and then I got goosebumps when I feel my dampness soaking my panties. I let my hand drift down and slowly rub my pussy. I continued to softly describe making love to a woman. Jodi kept prompting me with sensuous questions and I noticed that her voice was getting more sultry. That's when my hand went inside the front of my jeans.

My middle finger slid easily into my slit parted my labia. "Oh my god”, I thought to myself, surprised that I was so wet! I lightly slid my finger in and out of my wet folds when I accidentally let out a slight moan, "Oh no, tell me she didn't hear that!" I pray to myself. In a low voice that's almost a whisper I hear, "Cassie, are you touching yourself?"

Too paralyzed to say anything, I knew she could hear my breathing. Even though it was only a few moments, it felt like an eternity. Jodi broke the silence by saying, “Does it feel good?"

“Are you naked?” “No, just my panties…” I whispered.

My hand started to move again. I slowly worked my hand lower; my fingers teased the entrance to my pussy and two fingers slipped in with ease as my palm gently worked my clit. My breathing got louder.

Jodi broke the silence once again. “What are you doing?”

“My fingers are inside me and I’m rubbing my clit.”

“How many fingers?” “Two” I whispered, now even more aroused by her.

“Does that make you feel good? " "Mmhhmm" was all I could muster for an answer.

“Are you thinking of me?” Jodi whispered. “Yes”

The sensation of an oncoming orgasm began coursing through my body. With a slight curl of my fingers, I release another audible gasp.

Jodi interrupted me with a playful but stern tone "Are you imagining that I’m doing that to you?”

I couldn't help but let out a halfway response between a "yes" and a higher pitch moan through my slightly parted lips.

She ushered me closer to my orgasm when she enticed me with the words "Would you like my hands on you....thrusting in you?"


“Can you come?”

And that was it. My release was sudden and intense. My juices flooded my panties as my body stiffened and then went limp. I had dropped my phone, and I could hear a faint voice “Cassie … Cassie… Are you okay?”

“Oh, god … ok is not the word for how I’m feeling right now.”

“Would you like to make us happen” Jodi whispered.

I teased, wishing her into an unspoken dare, "Oh Jodi, don't start something you can't finish! "

With a certain satisfaction in her voice I heard the words I longed for: "Well, you know where I am."

I didn't need more of an invite than that and certainly wasn't going to allow any time for her to change her mind. I removed my hand, licked the juices off my fingers. The taste gave me a tantalizing chill up my spine! I was suddenly sober and determined. I quickly dressed, grabbed my keys and rushed out the door.

Sliding through the elevator doors before they were fully open I hurried to Jodi's door but before I could knock, the door swung open. Our bodies collided and I felt her wonderful body through her thin cotton pajamas. A sudden, erotic kiss as our tongues found each other's. Jodi pulled away from me and my heart stopped until she gave me a devilish grin and asked, "Hmmm, what do I taste on your tongue Cassidy?" I shivered at the use of my full name and being scolded. I then received the most sensuous kiss ever. Her lips grazing mine, her tongue dancing around my mouth trying to steal any leftover juices that I might still have lingering from when I sucked my fingers clean.

My eyes widened. "Wouldn't you rather taste me?" she asks. Instantly, a most wonderful ache spread across my whole pelvis. How did she know that talking dirty was like adding gasoline to an already raging fire? I can only respond with a moan in her mouth when she resumes with another kiss. She pulled me into her room letting the door shut behind us. Turning our bodies in unison, she pushed me until my back was against the wall. My hands moved from her waste lower on to her hips, when she suddenly grabbed my wrists and pinned them on the wall above my head. Another but more powerful ache rushed through my body. In past experiences I was usually the forward one during sex but was comfortable letting Jodi take control of me. She ghosted her lips from mine to nip at my earlobe playfully and then flicked her tongue against my neck.

Jodi pulled back slightly, her eyes stared at me and held my gaze relentlessly. One hand remained holding my wrists while the other hand lightly traced down my cheek and neck, down my stomach and found the hem of my shirt. The heat radiates between my bare flesh and her hand as it traveled up until she found my bare tits.

“No bra?” “I didn’t have time -- I didn’t want you to change your mind about this.”

Her hand found my right tit and she played with my nipple as her mouth nuzzled my neck and her tongue slipped into my ear. She gave my tit a slight squeeze as she her warm breath tickled my ear. I was putty in her hands. I bit my lip trying to stifle a groan and appear that I had control of my body even though I knew I was now completely submissive to this stunning woman.

Leaning in again her lips gently touched mine when her tongue grazed my lower lip. I parted my lips slightly, wanting her to explore more with another kiss but she pulled away. My eyes trained on her beautiful lips as she ran her tongue across her lips to entice me further.

For a quick second my eyes fluttered as a whimper of desire escaped my lips, "Please", I whispered.

Her eyebrows raised slightly, "Please, what?" She responded with a cocky grin.

"Please don't tease me" I pouted, although thankful that she knew I didn't really mean it. Again, she ghosted her lips across mine gently nipping at my lip. I wet my lips in anticipation when I felt her move down my jaw to my neck, planting wet kisses down to my collar bone. My head tilted back when her left knee pushed between my legs, I spread my legs to let her in. Jodi's hand moved to pull up my dress so her leg could begin to hump my pussy. Her other hand reached around to do me from behind. I opened my legs wider, welcoming her to take me. Her tongue now lashing at my sensitive skin. She had me pinned against the wall and I couldn't help but whimper when she starts tempting me further with a series of pelvic thrusts that pushed her thigh erotically into my pussy.

Just when I thought I couldn't take any more teasing and was going to beg her to take me! My eyes opened wide with excitement by her words, "Don’t you want me to fuck you?"

My throaty growl was all she needed. Jodi took my hand and led me into her bedroom. We kissed as we stood in front of her bed. I felt Jodi reach around me and slowly slide the zipper of me dress down my back. I shivered in lust at the thought of being naked in front of her. She slid my dress over my shoulders and let it fall to my feet.

“Undo me” she whispered. I found the zipper to her dress and slid it down her back and she slipped out of her dress. She stood in front of me in a sheer black bra and a matching thong. Her dark nipples were hard and visible, poking through the thin material of her bra.

I found it hard to breathe as she eased me onto her bed.

Jodi straddled my hips and bent over me. Our lips finally met once again, her hand moved behind my neck and pulling me in harder to our kiss. We both moaned in response to the growing passion we were sharing. Her hands moved to cup my face briefly, finger tips moving down both sides of my neck and to my shoulders gently pushing me down on to the bed. She reached behind her and unsnapped her bra. I blinked slowly and sighed in awe of her beauty when her small breasts bounced slightly once as her bra fell away.

“Have you been wanting to see these?” I nodded. “Touch me.”

I let my hands slide up her stomach and cover her breasts. Soft and firm. Nipples hard and erect, Jodi gasped softly as I gently pinched her nipples. I could feel my erotic side begin to take control as my pussy began to juice, wetting my panties yet again.

Jodi rolled off me and motioned for me to move up on the bed. She let her hands run over my body. I moaned when a hand rested on my pussy mound pressing down on my panty fabric. “Cassie, you are so wet; your come is seeping through your panties.” She ran a finger over my slit and gently raised it. I could see a narrow strand of my come rise from my panties. I could feel my pussy start to spasm.

“Do you want me to go down on you?” She slid down and her hands spread my legs, allowing her to slip between them.

I begged her to stop teasing me. Jodi did not heed my desperate tone. Instead she began kissing up the inside of my thigh. Her fingers lightly scratched the underside of my knees, sending erotic shocks through my body. Her kisses stopped short of my pulsing pussy. I whimpered with anticipation and gasped for air when I felt her mouth on my pussy as she sucked my juices through the fabric of my panties.

I could feel my abdomen begin to contract as my pussy spasms became stronger. I was going to come. Jodi must have sensed my orgasm; her mouth locked onto my clit and she began to suck it into her mouth. The friction of my panty fabric rubbing against my clit sent me over the edge. I cried softly that I was coming. I looked down at her. My chest and stomach glistened with perspiration. Jodi’s mouth glistened with my juices. Her eyes were consumed with lust. She slid up and she kissed me deeply.

Pulling away, she whispered. “Your pussy tastes wonderful, doesn’t it?” She slowly worked her way back down my body. Her fingers took the waistband of my panties and slowly slid them down my legs and off.

I knew Jodi was finally going to do me when I felt the sensation of her warm breath on my glistening pussy. I held my breath until I felt her warm lips lightly kiss my mound. Her tongue worked its way up and down my slit as my hips moved with her. Her tongue felt so good. I could feel her hands reach around my thighs and spread my pussy lips, now exposing my pinkness to her mouth. My hips jumped as Jodi inserted her tongue inside me and began to tongue-fuck me. Her tongue slipped deep inside me and just as quickly she withdrew it. Her unpredictable rhythm had me swaying on a cliff of desire. And then she stopped.

She rose and began to lightly touch me with flick of her tongue across my body. Our eyes met. Hers were wild with lust and burned in the darkest blue I had ever seen! I felt like I was her prey as she slowly ****** me. My breath was quivering and ragged when I exhaled because I had never been so excited, especially this quickly. When she resumed running her tongue along my neck, I tilted my head back offering myself to her and could hear her breath was heavy with desire as well.

With one elbow by my head supporting herself, Jodi took my earlobe between her teeth and more goosebumps erupted across my body when I feel her other hand cup my pussy. I panted with excitement and tried to push my pussy closer to her hand.

I growled in frustration but truly enjoyed this game she was playing. Through pursed lips I whimper "Please Jodi, you know I need fuck me!"

I'm rewarded when Jodi started stroking my slit with expert experience, letting me know that the urge was overwhelming her too. With a quivering, throaty whisper, "Are you sure?”

“Oh, god, yes!”

Her fingers finally filled my pulsing pussy, and she began to fuck me with her fingers. Her pace built and after only a few minutes I was already heading into that free falling sensation and began to buck my hips against her hand. My hands clawed at the sheets as I panted out a series of sounds, incoherent words and demands,

"MMMMM....AAAHHHH....JUST LIKE...RIGHT THERE! OH MY GOD, DON'T ***************!" and she didn't! Even though my back arched off the bed and my whole body was spasming, she barely slowed her pace. I tried to hold on to anything within arm’s reach. Overwhelmed with the constant attention my pussy was receiving it didn't take long, my eyes went wild and my mouth tried to scream but couldn't as a second more powerful orgasm exploded inside me. I was getting fucked beyond belief when she put her knee behind her hand for extra force and continued to work me over. My open mouth open with no sounds escaping only encouraged her actions. I finally mouth the syllables of her name, after a few more tries I scream "OH, GOD JODI … AAAHH!" The sultry vixen that had complete control of me slowed her pace but continued a few more strokes to make sure that I was utterly spent.

Still coming down from my quaking orgasm, I opened my eyes to find Jodi hovering over me. I felt something wet on my leg and realized that Jodi was so turned on her pussy had oozed a string of her sweet juice that had dripped from her pussy onto my thigh. Seeing it glisten I knew I couldn't wait any longer to taste her. She caught my eyes and knew what I wanted. I licked my lips as my hands reached for her hips and pulled her up until her pussy was above my mouth. Jodi lowered her hips until her pussy just touched my lips. Her pussy was wet; juices oozed coating her labia; her clit was dark pink and erect. I pulled it to me. My tongue licked at her deliciously soaked pussy. I was surprised at how sweet she tasted. I worked my tongue in a series of small circles across the sensitive tendrils of her labia just missing her clit.

Once I could feel her body start to sway, my fingers pulled up on the top of her slit, pulling up her hood, exposing her clit. I began quick piercing flicks on her swollen button. Jodi's fingers weaved into my hair and pulled me harder against her sex. I nibbled and gently let my teeth drag across her clit when I released her sensitive skin. A feeling of lust tore through my body making me moan from my own pleasure. Jodi felt the vibrations of my moan and involuntary bucked her pussy against my mouth. I wrapped my arms around her thighs and held her firmly. I couldn't take my eyes off her as she rocked against my face. Watching her tits bounce, knowing how close she was to coming made me growl again with desire. That was all she needed to take her over the top. Jodi's juices almost gave me another orgasm.

After she regains control of her quivering body, she rolled off of me and onto her back. I turned to her and began to gently rub my hand over her body. I began kissing her shoulder, then her neck, her mouth. Our tongues met again as I gently slid on top of her. Sliding down her body, I swirled my tongue around her still stiff left nipple, nibbling playfully. My hand traveled down her flat stomach, across her to her pelvis until it found her pussy. Continuous attention to her nipple awakened Jodi’s desire again. I gently push and rotate the heel of my hand against her clit slowly until my fingers found her slit. Sliding my middle finger into her made Jodi look at me and she tightened her muscles around my finger.

“Now fuck me” she whispered.

She continued to tighten her pussy walls around my finger as I began to slowly insert it and remove it. The tightness of her pussy awakened my desire again. We both moan from our overwhelming feeling and ache: me from the erotic joy of finally making love to a woman I’ve cherished in my dreams and Jodi from the sensations growing in her pussy. I continued to stroke her tight pussy and heard her moans grow even more intense when I slid another finger inside her. I now could feel her pussy muscles clamp on my hand uncontrollably. I elicit a deep moan from Jodi when I spread my fingers to push against her tight walls. Pushing her hips lower trying to get me deeper, I flicked and curled my fingers, while grinding my palm against her. Her eyes squeezed closed in passion. Moaning between breaths, Jodi gasped, at first barely audibly, but quickly turning in to a crescendo of soft cries. Mewling incoherently, I knew she was close to orgasm. Eyes now tightly shut, chest heaving, back arched she dug her head into the pillows. Gasping for air she dropped to the bed, limp in a flood of sensation. I loved feeling her pussy’s orgasmic squeezing and pulsating around my fingers. Once she completely relaxed, I slowly slid my fingers out of her warm, wet pussy. Jodi responded with a slight whimper of disappointment. Falling victim to her juices and scent once again, I lick and suck my fingers hungrily.

Both of our bodies had a sheen of sweat from our erotic sex session and I gently kiss and lick her salty skin in the valley of her breasts before falling next to her in satisfaction. Now, no longer dominant, Jodi turned and laid her head on my chest.

Sun shone past the edges of the curtains, I was afraid to move and find out the night was just a wonderful dream. Jodi's head was still resting on me. I then realized that it wasn’t a dream when I felt her eyelash lightly brush my skin. Giving her the opportunity to pretend that she was still asleep, I whispered my daunting question of why she pulled away from my initial kiss. Jodi immediately looked up into my eyes and replied, “I didn't want the evening to end but I was afraid...." A fearful look crossed her face as she contemplated finishing her thought. I reassured her when I caressed her cheek with my thumb and gently brushed her hair behind her ear. She continued, "I always wanted you for more than a friend but didn't want to "just" have sex with you! I couldn't hold back any longer when I heard you moan when we were on the phone.’

I started to talk but she cut me off and her words escape quickly but in an apprehensive tone, "When I was in college, I kept a picture of you next to my bed. I masturbated to you every night for a long time. When I decided to come home this weekend all that came rushing back and I realized that I've been in love with you all these years!" Her eyes darted away from mine as she lowered her head. I slid down into the bed until we faced each other and waited for her to return my gaze.

Jodi gently rolled on top of me. This time, the kisses were different ... gentler, full of love and passion instead of the wild lust from the previous night. Her lips were the most luscious thing I could ever imagine, our tongues tangled in a beautiful dance. The desire stirred in both of us now and Jodi slowly began to grind her pussy against mine. I couldn't help but nip at her full soft lips. The heat shared between us had a new type of spark. My left hand pulls at her perfectly shaped ass to assist in the pressure between our pussies. She gently ran her finger tips along my skin and she raised my right arm above my head. Then she gently scratched my armpit, which sent erotic shivers through my body. I could feel my orgasm building. Jodi mut have sensed this as she slid her fingers between mine and we laced our hands together as we continued to let our pussies make love to each other. A slow but wonderful moment began to build. I bent my right knee and slid my foot up until it was flat on the bed. I arched my back and hip and ground into her harder as Jodi gracefully ran her finger nails from my ass along the back of my thigh. This sent a skittering sensation across my skin and I moaned into her hot mouth and I felt her smile into our kiss. She gripped behind my bent knee and our pussies continued to move in unison. We stopped kissing because we were both gasping for air, warm breaths washed over each other's faces, foreheads touching, eyes locked. We both moaned together as we crash through the ******* of our first orgasms as lovers.

Both being excited about our revealed love for each other but regaining semi normal breaths. Jodi looks deeply into my eyes with her beautiful glow and asks, "Would you like to be lovers? I have taken a job here to be closer to home." I respond by gently rolling her over until I have her directly under me. I can only respond, "I would love nothing more.”

I resume kissing the full length of her body with warm, wet kisses as I whisper against her flawless skin, "but right now I need to make up for lost time."
Published by bianca44
2 months ago
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very nice story got my bikini bottom wet with precum
Amazing in every way ! THX !
Beautiful story, again! Thank you x
Bianca, your descriptions of a woman’s passion are extraordinary! 