I'd like to see you naked
Soy coleccionista de fotos eróticas femeninas. Si quieres ayudarme a ampliar mi colección, envíame alguna fotografía. Tus fotos deben cumplir con estos requisitos: deben ser fotografías originales (debes ser tú quien aparezca en ellas); no debe aparecer en ellas nadie más que tú. Las fotos deben tener una buena calidad de imagen: luz, enfoque, color; por suerte, las cámaras de los actuales smartphones hacen el trabajo sin necesidad de que tengas conocimientos profesionales de fotografía. Prefiero fotos eróticas, no pornográficas (pueden verse desnudos completos, posturas sensuales o incitadoras, etc. pero no actitudes pornográficas, gestos demasiado explícitos, etc.) pero tú decides el contenido. En el caso de que estés dispuesta a permitir que las publique en mis galerías, debes enviarme una autorización a mi correo electrónico (siempre taparé la cara de las fotos que publique). Espero tus fotos.
I am a collector of female erotic photos. If you want to help me expand my collection, send me some pictures. Your photos must meet the following requirements: they must be original photos (it must be you in them); no one else must appear in them but you. The photos must have good image quality: light, focus, colour; luckily, today's smartphone cameras do the job without the need for professional photography skills. I prefer erotic photos, not pornographic ones (you can see full nudity, sensual or enticing poses, etc. but not pornographic attitudes, too explicit gestures, etc.) but you decide the content. In case you are willing to allow me to publish them in my galleries, you must send me a permission to my e-mail (I will always cover the face of the photos I publish). I look forward to your photos. Kisses
I am a collector of female erotic photos. If you want to help me expand my collection, send me some pictures. Your photos must meet the following requirements: they must be original photos (it must be you in them); no one else must appear in them but you. The photos must have good image quality: light, focus, colour; luckily, today's smartphone cameras do the job without the need for professional photography skills. I prefer erotic photos, not pornographic ones (you can see full nudity, sensual or enticing poses, etc. but not pornographic attitudes, too explicit gestures, etc.) but you decide the content. In case you are willing to allow me to publish them in my galleries, you must send me a permission to my e-mail (I will always cover the face of the photos I publish). I look forward to your photos. Kisses
10 months ago