
Been str8 all my life. I do like to see a guy smoothie load on cam now and then but,never touched another cock. I usually watch guys my own age, early seventies. This morning I walked into the toilets of the local surgery. Just inside was a guy my own age, standing there, fiddling with his cock. I couldn't tell.if he was walking or just trying to put it away. He looked at me and looked down at his now stiff dock and pestered towards it. I found myself catching hold of it and squeezing it. He moved closer and I just started running him. He reached for my zipper but, someone pushed against the door to come in. I will never know how.far it would have gone. Would I have walked him off and, him All.gone I. A minute but,now I'm feeling like I would like that experience again .
Published by Bringit2me
3 months ago
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Hi.if you had those feelings believe me you should try it.You wont regret it.