On the road

I was 18 and just out of high school; finally had my own car. So I decided to go on a camping trip, it'd be the first for me without the family and the freedom of being on my own was intoxicating. The desert highway was long, straight and had a complete lack of traffic; I was enjoying being well over the speed limit when I spotted a distant car on the side of the road.

When I got closer I could see that the hood was up and a blonde woman was looking at the car's innards. At that time, being a science nerd, I knew nothing of cars but I didn't let my lack of knowledge stop me from pulling over to assist a cute girl in distress. She seemed wary as I walked over to her car but relaxed quickly when it became obvious I was only there help.

Looking at the engine even someone as clueless as I was could see it wasn't going to run again without major work. So I offered her a ride to the next town and with a big sigh she accepted and, after she grabbed her bags and climbed into my car, we took off down the road.

I have to admit I had had little experience with girls at that time and I was a bit nervous at first. Even making small talk was difficult for me; girls just turned my brain to mush. But this girl was different and in no time she had put me at ease, and I have to say it felt really good to be talking to a girl.

She was good at getting me to talk about myself. She even got me to admit that I'd never had a girlfriend. And soon after that admission she asked me to drive down a dirt road far enough for the highway to be out of view. I didn't understand why, but who was I to argue with a pretty girl.

When I stopped the car she reached over and put a hand on my crotch. Although shocked I wasn't about to tell her to stop as she rubbed my cock through my pants and I helped when she started removing my pants.

Like many young men I had tried to get my cock to my own mouth. And, like most of them, I had failed to do more than get the head to my lips. But at lease that had allowed me to taste my own cum.

Her mouth on my cock was so much more than I had ever expected and I almost lost control with the first warm, wet touch. Soon her head was bobbing up and down on me and I have to say I enjoy the view, though not as much as I enjoyed the feeling. Then she put both her hands on my butt and pulled me closer as she took even more of my cock. This was so much better than jacking off...

As I started to build to a climax she must have sensed it and pulled down on my balls to delay my orgasm. As I relaxed from almost cumming she sat up and started removing her pants. Then, to my surprise, I found out she wasn't really a girl at all—a hard cock popped up!

I really, really thought I was straight. Really I did. But there I was pants off, with my hard cock sticking up and with a girl that wasn't a girl that also had a hard cock sticking up. And that cock looked really good to me right then. It was longer than mine but not as thick and the shape of the head did something to me. It was the first hard cock besides my own that I had ever seen.

Part of me wanted to be mad but then she looked at me with a shy smile and I caved. She wasn't a real girl but she still looked cute enough to be one. Somehow being a cute girl made it okay for me to love looking at her hard cock. When her hand took mine moved it to her cock I was already shaking with desire. And that got worse with that first feel of another's hardon. I'd expect it to feel a lot like touching my own but it wasn't even close. It felt strangly different and incredibly hot as well.

I played with her cock feeling the soft skin over the hardness until she wanted more. Putting a hand behind my head she guided me down until it was a few inches from my mouth. She must have sensed my nervousness because she let things pause there for a minute while I just looked.

As I looked at the hard cock I knew I was going to suck it; seeing it so close was just too much to resist. My tongue came out and touched the head. Nothing bad happened and, with a little pressure from her hand, I put my lips around it. Then I moved my mouth down until I could feel the shape of the head on my tongue.

There was something about having a cock in my mouth. It's hard to explain but I knew I liked it. Soon I started bobbin my head like she had done. It felt right and giving pleasure made me feel even more excited. She was thrust in time with my sucking. Then she thrust forward, held my head still, and I felt her start to cum.

My previous attempts to self-suck had preparted me to the taste of cum. What it hadn't prepared me for was how much she produced. It seemed to continue forever as I swallowed as fast as I could. When it finally did stop I lifted my head and smiled at her. Then I noticed I had cum myself.

We cleaned up and got back on the highway we talked a bit about what had happened. Turned out it was her first time as well. A couple of hours later we pulled off the highway and did it again.
Published by need2try
1 year ago
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need2try Publisher 1 year ago
to indian45 : Yes, it's hard to resist one that hard
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indian45 1 year ago
to indian45 : wild
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indian45 1 year ago
it is hard to resist a cock in the wold like that