Rosebutt and prolapse ARE NOT rosebud.

rosebutt and prolapse ARE NOT rosebud.
This definition has been in use for over 40 years:
prolapse - open anus, rectum fall out
rosebutt - open anus, rectum not fall out
rosebud - small buttplug with sparkling jewelry at bottom

So, before Bubdzia (, BjExtreme and AmazingTy presented rosebutt and prolapse on commercial websites in 2005, such a definition had already existed for about 25 years.

After 1995, the website pornparks.rosebutt was created, bringing together fans of rosebutt and prolapse. Later (around 2006 and the stable version has been available since 2007) was launched, dedicated to fans of rosebutt and prolapse.

My website and Donna's website ( were launched in 2011. Then there was,,,,, or
We all used the same definition of rosebutt and prolapse. For us (and everyone else), rosebud was buttplug with sparkling jewelry at bottom. No prolapse and no rosebutt.

Then in 2012, an interview with Sheena Shawn (super model, I would love to work with her) appears on Vice and in that interview, for some incomprehensible reason, rosebud appears in reference to prolapse. One theory (unconfirmed) is that Sheena said rosebutt, the journalist wrote rosebud, and they both meant prolapse. Another theory (also unconfirmed) says that it was about the interest of rosebutt from rosebuttboard fans in the film in which Sheena starred, but someone somewhere mispronounced rosebutt and heard rosebud and wrote it down that way. As a result, Sheena used the wrong word in the interview from the very beginning.

This is how an independent reality line was created in 2012, where prolapse is called "small buttplug with sparkling jewelry at bottom".
What's worse, this definition even found its way to Wikipedia only because to be in Wikipedia you need one confirmed source (they found - which is absurd - this article from vice as such). Despite petitions to Wikipedia for correction, it remains steadfast in its position, misleading more and more people.

So if you want to repeat someone's typo, call prolapse a word that prolapse does NOT mean, i.e. "rosebud".
However, if you want to speak correctly, then:
prolapse - open anus, rectum fall out
rosebutt - open anus, rectum not fall out
rosebud - small buttplug with sparkling jewelry at bottom

Thank you and best regards
Hotkinkyjo and AlexThorn
Published by alex1981
1 year ago