Very LOL, XHamster Policy ;) , have to Change my A
Dear user,
Nudity content found in your profile pic. Unfortunately, we can't keep such content without verification in accordance with clause 6.7.3 of our Terms & Conditions.
We kindly ask you to verify yourself or change your profile picture so it doesn't contain any nudity by October 2 2023, otherwise we'll be obligated to remove it from your profile.
We understand that such a change could be unpleasant but our primary objective is to make our platform a safe place for every user.
Thank you for your understanding
Nudity content found in your profile pic. Unfortunately, we can't keep such content without verification in accordance with clause 6.7.3 of our Terms & Conditions.
We kindly ask you to verify yourself or change your profile picture so it doesn't contain any nudity by October 2 2023, otherwise we'll be obligated to remove it from your profile.
We understand that such a change could be unpleasant but our primary objective is to make our platform a safe place for every user.
Thank you for your understanding
1 year ago