How to break a sissy....
Before we begin I need to stress that this is intended for relationships between a Daddy and his Sissy that are meant to be life long partnerships. Due to the nature of these techniques they are not meant for casual relationships, and I do not endorse these techniques for a casual relationship. Please be responsible when using these techniques, as you can really hurt your Sissy if you're not careful.
Breaking Your Sissy
To break your Sissy you have to gradually strip away her masculinity, feminize her , yet have her understand she's still a male. Your goal here is to slowly peel away her ability offer any resistance to her emasculation and feminization through a process of intense emasculation and feminization. This process will also establish you as the authority figure over her, it will target her insecurities, her fears, her desires, and use them to break her. Once she is broken she will be free for you to mold into a proper Sissy.
Authority is the first step to breaking and making your Sissy. She has to view you as the masculine authority in her life, as the real man who has the right to take her and make her into the Sissy she is meant to be. This will require you to have the virtues of the masculine authority figure she has always craved, and the virtues of the man she could never be. If you have these she will respect you and become devoted to you.
It is likely she wont have a good relationship with her father. To earn authority over your Sissy your goal will be to be the man her father never was, the man she needed him to be, and the man she could never be, the man she wanted to be. Masculinity, Stability, Strength, Paternalism, and Tentativeness are all essential to this.
Masculinity can be demonstrated both physically and in character. Physically staying fit will help establish you as a masculine and powerful person, this will also show you can protect her. Demonstrating that you're responsible for yourself and for those around you will give you a greater aura of masculinity than even your physical fitness, this will show that not only can you protect her but that you will treat her right, provide for her, and channel your passion into her.
Being able to regulate your emotions will be very helpful here. It is not that you cannot be vulnerable around your sissy, or express pain, frustration, and anger, but do so in a way that is regulated and composed when possible. She will view you as more masculine and safe through viewing you as more in control of yourself.
Stability is one of the most important virtues you need to have. Your Sissy will crave the stability you can provide. The financial stability through having your career and financial situation put together, but also the emotional stability you can provide her. She is craving that paternalistic masculine figure, and to be that you need to have your life together, materially and mentally. When you are stable in these two places she will feel safe enough to be vulnerable with you, which is important to making her into your Sissy.
Paternalism and Tentativeness are the last important parts of this. Once you've established yourself as a masculine and stable figure in her life, being tentative to her needs will establish you as a caring and kind figure. This will open you up to becoming a paternalistic figure for her. As she will trust you to provide, to be stable, masculine, safe, caring, and thus she will surrender authority and guidance to you.
Once you've firmly established yourself as the authority over your Sissy, she will begin to respect you, and become devoted to you. She will gradually give herself to you, and through this the foundations of making her into your Sissy are built.
Now that you have established your authority through gaining her respect and devotion you can begin to emasculate her. The first parts of this are to peel away her masculinity bit by bit. A pet name that the two of you use which is feminine and gives you authority over her is a good start. It's not much, it's purely verbal, secretive, and cute. Yet it will plant a huge seed in her mind, reminding her that she is not masculine, that she is feminine, and you are her Daddy.
Slowly over time incorporate more and more emasculation. Tease her about parts of her body that are not manly, it can be her hands, her shoulders, her legs, her voice, something. But then also affirm her for this, and encourage this. Remind her that she lacks masculinity in these areas, but that this is a good thing, that it's something you like about her.
When you have sex with her, ensure that she always cross dresses. Do not allow her to have sex with you if she is not fully dolled up. Comment on her clothing, on how feminine and cute she looks. Remind her why she wears this, because she looks good in it. Reminds her that she isn't a real man, and so she needs to wear women's clothing.
Overtime have her repeat what you've explained to her. Make sure that you target things she knows about herself. her penis size, her shoulders, her face, whatever isn't masculine about her, have her repeat this to you and explain why it means she isn't a real man. If she is insecure about these parts of herself the effect is even better.
Eventually have it so she can only orgasm when you allow her too, and then ensure that she orgasms rarely. She will begin to not only see you as more of an authority over her, but begin to surrender control of her body to you. This is very important. Remind her that you control when she orgasms because you are the man and she is not.
Chastity should come next. I know that some on here prefer gradual easing into it, but don't do this. Put her in it, and only allow her out to clean. Deny her any use of her penis. This will dramatically begin to transform her psychology. She will begin to focus solely on being penetrated, solely on pleasing your penis, she will become very sexually frustrated and crave you, she will feel very emasculated.
You Sissy will likely have some attractions to women. Everytime these are in any way mentioned, remind her that she isn't able to please a woman, especially sexually. Have her repeat this to you, and explain why she isn't. Your sissy understanding that she isn't a real man and can't please women will be highly emasculating for her.
Eventually you should have her emasculating herself. She should enthusiastically be able to recall all the reasons she cannot be a real man, all the reasons you are the real man, all the reasons this gives you power and authority over her, all the reasons she needs to submit to you. She should be craving your domination over her, she should crave the chastity cage she originally hated, she should be unable to picture herself in any masculine way.
Pairing feminization with her emasculation is effective, as it will assist in her emasculation and begin to strip away her masculine identity, while cultivating her feminine virtues and from this her Sissyhood. The easiest place to begin feminization is cross dressing. First in sex, and then later outside of sex when the two of you spend time togeather.
Changing the pronouns and language you use when referring to your Sissy is important here. When the two of you are alone togeather call her a girl, use she/her, and ensure that she does this too. This will cause her to view herself in a feminine way when around you. Gradually incorporate this into all interactions between you, alone or not.
When you point out her lack of masculinity, point out something feminine about her, and highlight why this feminine feature and trait is good. When she cross dresses do this especially. Tell her how much it brings out her femininity, and how great that makes her look. This will cause her to view her femininity as a positive, something that is needed to get her to go further.
Ensure that she waxes or shaves her body, grows out her hair, paints her nails, develops a skin care routine, applies makeup and engages in exercises which grow her butt, thighs, and tighten her core. Whenever she does this, heavily encourage her and comment on how pretty she looks.
Sissies often suffer from some sort of body dysmorphia, use this to your advantage. Positively reinforce her body image every time she presents feminine, and praise every feminine feature she has.
Gradually replace all of her masculine clothing with women's clothing. You can start with panties and bras, but move on to pants, shirts, shoes, skirts, the whole ordeal. When she has to wear guy clothes, make her present in the most androgynous women clothing that can barely pass for guy's clothing. Ensure that eventually she never wears men's clothing.
Each time she in any way acts or presents feminine, reward her with words of affirmation and gifts. Ensure that you're heavily involved in this process. Make sure that she really begins to associate her being feminine with good things coming to her, your happiness, and her own happiness.
Once she has gone far enough down her journey it is time to make her embrace the point of no return. Ensure that you go through the proper healthcare channels in your country so it is safe, get her on HRT. This will give her a level of feminization simply not possible through any other means, but it will also ensure that there is no going back.
HRT will begin to erode any masculinity she has left and substantially increase her femininity, while ensuring she embraces Sissyhood all the time. There will no longer be a way for her to pretend to be a boy anymore, she will be forced to be a Sissy all the time. Reward her for this and support her through this. This experience will ultimately be one that causes her to flourish but will be a a huge adjustment for her. She will be afraid of family, friends, and her community. Be that rock she will need, and don't let her back out.
Carrot & Stick
Breaking and making your Sissy doesn't just involve emasculation and feminization, it also involves an aggressive carrot and stick policy. Whenever she disobeys and acts in a way not fit for a sissy, punish her. Deny her orgasms, have rough sex with her, spank her, berate her verbally. Let her know what she did is wrong. Make sure this isn't too pleasureful for her, it has to have discomfort.
When she acts how she is supposed to act, reward her. Give her words of affirmation, get her gifts, please her sexually, tell her you're happy and proud of her, be gentle and sweet to her. Ensure that she craves this positive reinforcement and is weary of behaving poorly.
Orgasm control is a big part of this. Knowing when to allow your sissy to orgasm and when to not will help you substantially. Keeping her aroused as much as possible while only allowing her to orgasm when she is emasculated & feminized will be ideal. Never let up, if she gets any semblance of change in her demeanor or behavior after orgasm keep going. Continue to emasculate her, continue to feminize her, continue to penetrate her. This will really effect her mental state and transform her psychology.
A good way to do this is intentionally let her orgasm when she is being submissive and ravaged by you, and then keep going. Keep verbally emasculating her, keep penetrating her, hold her down, really reinforce who and what she is. If she suffers from "post nut clarity" this will really help to break her.
Your sissy will likely have many rebellious moments. Moments she wont want to cross dress, moments she wont want to wear the cage, moments she wont want to be verbally emasculated, moments she wont take to take HRT.
There will be moments where she will feel things are going too far. In these moments where she is distressed and vulnerable comfort her, but not let her disobedience and disrespect go unanswered. Make sure you spend all the time necessary to soothe her. Let her know that you're a gentle and caring Daddy. Once she has been soothed ensure that she is punished in an appropriate manner, and ensure that she understands why she deserves it.
Ensure that during all of this your Sissy is taught to think of herself as a Sissy, not a man, not a woman, not a boy, a Sissy. This will be critically important as not only is this true, she will begin to associate everything happening with this identity. Her emasculation, her feminization, her submission, your authority: everything.
Identity struggles will likely be a reoccurring theme throughout this process, due to how much her life, body, and experiences will be changing. Her sissy identity will become a source of stability and comfort for her, she will gradually grow into it and accept it, but only if you continuously reinforce it. Don't let others put ideas into her head about what she really is, can or cannot be, only let her be a Sissy.
Who she surrounds herself with will have an impact on this process. Ensure that those she spends time with would not advise her to go against the lifestyle and dynamic you two have. Ensure that her friends would be affirming and supportive. If they are not those types of friends, advise her to find friends who will be. All of this is going to be a lot for her to go through and so she will confide in others, you want those she confides in to support her going further.
The types of spaces she is in will be really important to this too. It is likely she will seek spaces online, be it reddit, discord, 4chan, twitter, obscure forums, or anywhere else. She will look to others who are like her. Ensure that these spaces she is in are of people like her, of people who will affirm her, and encourage her to go further.
If you can do this, then your Sissy will have no one in her life that will sew doubt or disobedience into her mind. They will encourage her to go further into Sissyhood.
These are things I would consider optional. They're in no way necessary to break a male and make her into your Sissy, but they're certainly helpful if you're both comfortable with them. If only you are comfortable with them and she is not, it may be possible to condition her to want it through orgasm conditioning, sexual pleasure, and reinforcement.
Make her fantasize about these things over and over, and then make her orgasm to them over and over, while giving her a lot of praise for doing so. She will begin to associate these things with pleasure.
The First I can suggest is sex with a woman. If you and your Sissy are comfortable, having her assist in you penetrating a woman will be a really emasculating experience for her. Have her get dolled up with this woman, the two of them can put on makeup, sexy clothing, do their hair, and then serve you in the bedroom.
During sex ensure that your Sissy assists in you penetrating this woman. Ensure that she holds open her legs, preps her pussy, holds her hand when she is taking your cock, etc. Make sure that everything the Sissy does is to facilitate your pleasure and the woman's pleasure. Once you have finished give the Sissy her award: allow her to eat your cum from the woman's pussy.
If you'd like, rewarding your Sissy with intense penetrative sex afterwards infront of the woman you had sex with would really work. This will further emasculate her as she knows a woman is watching her be taken by a real man.
This experience alone could completely break your Sissy. There's not many males who could go through with this and retain any sense of masculinity. But also be careful, there's many people for which this experience is just too far and too much. Use caution.
I can suggest is having your Sissy write out paragraphs and essays in relation to Sissyhood. When you write out something about a topic or yourself you're forced to focus on it, think about it, process it, and then digest it. Having your Sissy explain why she isn't a real man, why she must be feminized, why she is a Sissy, this could really help, as she will begin to understand it rationally and internalize strong arguments for it.
If you apply all of this effectively on the right male she should be easily broken and transformed into your Sissy. She will know all of this has happened, she will be powerless to stop it, and in time, not want to stop it, she will be thankful for it. In time maybe she'll even give advice to others on how to replicate the process which made her ;)
Breaking Your Sissy
To break your Sissy you have to gradually strip away her masculinity, feminize her , yet have her understand she's still a male. Your goal here is to slowly peel away her ability offer any resistance to her emasculation and feminization through a process of intense emasculation and feminization. This process will also establish you as the authority figure over her, it will target her insecurities, her fears, her desires, and use them to break her. Once she is broken she will be free for you to mold into a proper Sissy.
Authority is the first step to breaking and making your Sissy. She has to view you as the masculine authority in her life, as the real man who has the right to take her and make her into the Sissy she is meant to be. This will require you to have the virtues of the masculine authority figure she has always craved, and the virtues of the man she could never be. If you have these she will respect you and become devoted to you.
It is likely she wont have a good relationship with her father. To earn authority over your Sissy your goal will be to be the man her father never was, the man she needed him to be, and the man she could never be, the man she wanted to be. Masculinity, Stability, Strength, Paternalism, and Tentativeness are all essential to this.
Masculinity can be demonstrated both physically and in character. Physically staying fit will help establish you as a masculine and powerful person, this will also show you can protect her. Demonstrating that you're responsible for yourself and for those around you will give you a greater aura of masculinity than even your physical fitness, this will show that not only can you protect her but that you will treat her right, provide for her, and channel your passion into her.
Being able to regulate your emotions will be very helpful here. It is not that you cannot be vulnerable around your sissy, or express pain, frustration, and anger, but do so in a way that is regulated and composed when possible. She will view you as more masculine and safe through viewing you as more in control of yourself.
Stability is one of the most important virtues you need to have. Your Sissy will crave the stability you can provide. The financial stability through having your career and financial situation put together, but also the emotional stability you can provide her. She is craving that paternalistic masculine figure, and to be that you need to have your life together, materially and mentally. When you are stable in these two places she will feel safe enough to be vulnerable with you, which is important to making her into your Sissy.
Paternalism and Tentativeness are the last important parts of this. Once you've established yourself as a masculine and stable figure in her life, being tentative to her needs will establish you as a caring and kind figure. This will open you up to becoming a paternalistic figure for her. As she will trust you to provide, to be stable, masculine, safe, caring, and thus she will surrender authority and guidance to you.
Once you've firmly established yourself as the authority over your Sissy, she will begin to respect you, and become devoted to you. She will gradually give herself to you, and through this the foundations of making her into your Sissy are built.
Now that you have established your authority through gaining her respect and devotion you can begin to emasculate her. The first parts of this are to peel away her masculinity bit by bit. A pet name that the two of you use which is feminine and gives you authority over her is a good start. It's not much, it's purely verbal, secretive, and cute. Yet it will plant a huge seed in her mind, reminding her that she is not masculine, that she is feminine, and you are her Daddy.
Slowly over time incorporate more and more emasculation. Tease her about parts of her body that are not manly, it can be her hands, her shoulders, her legs, her voice, something. But then also affirm her for this, and encourage this. Remind her that she lacks masculinity in these areas, but that this is a good thing, that it's something you like about her.
When you have sex with her, ensure that she always cross dresses. Do not allow her to have sex with you if she is not fully dolled up. Comment on her clothing, on how feminine and cute she looks. Remind her why she wears this, because she looks good in it. Reminds her that she isn't a real man, and so she needs to wear women's clothing.
Overtime have her repeat what you've explained to her. Make sure that you target things she knows about herself. her penis size, her shoulders, her face, whatever isn't masculine about her, have her repeat this to you and explain why it means she isn't a real man. If she is insecure about these parts of herself the effect is even better.
Eventually have it so she can only orgasm when you allow her too, and then ensure that she orgasms rarely. She will begin to not only see you as more of an authority over her, but begin to surrender control of her body to you. This is very important. Remind her that you control when she orgasms because you are the man and she is not.
Chastity should come next. I know that some on here prefer gradual easing into it, but don't do this. Put her in it, and only allow her out to clean. Deny her any use of her penis. This will dramatically begin to transform her psychology. She will begin to focus solely on being penetrated, solely on pleasing your penis, she will become very sexually frustrated and crave you, she will feel very emasculated.
You Sissy will likely have some attractions to women. Everytime these are in any way mentioned, remind her that she isn't able to please a woman, especially sexually. Have her repeat this to you, and explain why she isn't. Your sissy understanding that she isn't a real man and can't please women will be highly emasculating for her.
Eventually you should have her emasculating herself. She should enthusiastically be able to recall all the reasons she cannot be a real man, all the reasons you are the real man, all the reasons this gives you power and authority over her, all the reasons she needs to submit to you. She should be craving your domination over her, she should crave the chastity cage she originally hated, she should be unable to picture herself in any masculine way.
Pairing feminization with her emasculation is effective, as it will assist in her emasculation and begin to strip away her masculine identity, while cultivating her feminine virtues and from this her Sissyhood. The easiest place to begin feminization is cross dressing. First in sex, and then later outside of sex when the two of you spend time togeather.
Changing the pronouns and language you use when referring to your Sissy is important here. When the two of you are alone togeather call her a girl, use she/her, and ensure that she does this too. This will cause her to view herself in a feminine way when around you. Gradually incorporate this into all interactions between you, alone or not.
When you point out her lack of masculinity, point out something feminine about her, and highlight why this feminine feature and trait is good. When she cross dresses do this especially. Tell her how much it brings out her femininity, and how great that makes her look. This will cause her to view her femininity as a positive, something that is needed to get her to go further.
Ensure that she waxes or shaves her body, grows out her hair, paints her nails, develops a skin care routine, applies makeup and engages in exercises which grow her butt, thighs, and tighten her core. Whenever she does this, heavily encourage her and comment on how pretty she looks.
Sissies often suffer from some sort of body dysmorphia, use this to your advantage. Positively reinforce her body image every time she presents feminine, and praise every feminine feature she has.
Gradually replace all of her masculine clothing with women's clothing. You can start with panties and bras, but move on to pants, shirts, shoes, skirts, the whole ordeal. When she has to wear guy clothes, make her present in the most androgynous women clothing that can barely pass for guy's clothing. Ensure that eventually she never wears men's clothing.
Each time she in any way acts or presents feminine, reward her with words of affirmation and gifts. Ensure that you're heavily involved in this process. Make sure that she really begins to associate her being feminine with good things coming to her, your happiness, and her own happiness.
Once she has gone far enough down her journey it is time to make her embrace the point of no return. Ensure that you go through the proper healthcare channels in your country so it is safe, get her on HRT. This will give her a level of feminization simply not possible through any other means, but it will also ensure that there is no going back.
HRT will begin to erode any masculinity she has left and substantially increase her femininity, while ensuring she embraces Sissyhood all the time. There will no longer be a way for her to pretend to be a boy anymore, she will be forced to be a Sissy all the time. Reward her for this and support her through this. This experience will ultimately be one that causes her to flourish but will be a a huge adjustment for her. She will be afraid of family, friends, and her community. Be that rock she will need, and don't let her back out.
Carrot & Stick
Breaking and making your Sissy doesn't just involve emasculation and feminization, it also involves an aggressive carrot and stick policy. Whenever she disobeys and acts in a way not fit for a sissy, punish her. Deny her orgasms, have rough sex with her, spank her, berate her verbally. Let her know what she did is wrong. Make sure this isn't too pleasureful for her, it has to have discomfort.
When she acts how she is supposed to act, reward her. Give her words of affirmation, get her gifts, please her sexually, tell her you're happy and proud of her, be gentle and sweet to her. Ensure that she craves this positive reinforcement and is weary of behaving poorly.
Orgasm control is a big part of this. Knowing when to allow your sissy to orgasm and when to not will help you substantially. Keeping her aroused as much as possible while only allowing her to orgasm when she is emasculated & feminized will be ideal. Never let up, if she gets any semblance of change in her demeanor or behavior after orgasm keep going. Continue to emasculate her, continue to feminize her, continue to penetrate her. This will really effect her mental state and transform her psychology.
A good way to do this is intentionally let her orgasm when she is being submissive and ravaged by you, and then keep going. Keep verbally emasculating her, keep penetrating her, hold her down, really reinforce who and what she is. If she suffers from "post nut clarity" this will really help to break her.
Your sissy will likely have many rebellious moments. Moments she wont want to cross dress, moments she wont want to wear the cage, moments she wont want to be verbally emasculated, moments she wont take to take HRT.
There will be moments where she will feel things are going too far. In these moments where she is distressed and vulnerable comfort her, but not let her disobedience and disrespect go unanswered. Make sure you spend all the time necessary to soothe her. Let her know that you're a gentle and caring Daddy. Once she has been soothed ensure that she is punished in an appropriate manner, and ensure that she understands why she deserves it.
Ensure that during all of this your Sissy is taught to think of herself as a Sissy, not a man, not a woman, not a boy, a Sissy. This will be critically important as not only is this true, she will begin to associate everything happening with this identity. Her emasculation, her feminization, her submission, your authority: everything.
Identity struggles will likely be a reoccurring theme throughout this process, due to how much her life, body, and experiences will be changing. Her sissy identity will become a source of stability and comfort for her, she will gradually grow into it and accept it, but only if you continuously reinforce it. Don't let others put ideas into her head about what she really is, can or cannot be, only let her be a Sissy.
Who she surrounds herself with will have an impact on this process. Ensure that those she spends time with would not advise her to go against the lifestyle and dynamic you two have. Ensure that her friends would be affirming and supportive. If they are not those types of friends, advise her to find friends who will be. All of this is going to be a lot for her to go through and so she will confide in others, you want those she confides in to support her going further.
The types of spaces she is in will be really important to this too. It is likely she will seek spaces online, be it reddit, discord, 4chan, twitter, obscure forums, or anywhere else. She will look to others who are like her. Ensure that these spaces she is in are of people like her, of people who will affirm her, and encourage her to go further.
If you can do this, then your Sissy will have no one in her life that will sew doubt or disobedience into her mind. They will encourage her to go further into Sissyhood.
These are things I would consider optional. They're in no way necessary to break a male and make her into your Sissy, but they're certainly helpful if you're both comfortable with them. If only you are comfortable with them and she is not, it may be possible to condition her to want it through orgasm conditioning, sexual pleasure, and reinforcement.
Make her fantasize about these things over and over, and then make her orgasm to them over and over, while giving her a lot of praise for doing so. She will begin to associate these things with pleasure.
The First I can suggest is sex with a woman. If you and your Sissy are comfortable, having her assist in you penetrating a woman will be a really emasculating experience for her. Have her get dolled up with this woman, the two of them can put on makeup, sexy clothing, do their hair, and then serve you in the bedroom.
During sex ensure that your Sissy assists in you penetrating this woman. Ensure that she holds open her legs, preps her pussy, holds her hand when she is taking your cock, etc. Make sure that everything the Sissy does is to facilitate your pleasure and the woman's pleasure. Once you have finished give the Sissy her award: allow her to eat your cum from the woman's pussy.
If you'd like, rewarding your Sissy with intense penetrative sex afterwards infront of the woman you had sex with would really work. This will further emasculate her as she knows a woman is watching her be taken by a real man.
This experience alone could completely break your Sissy. There's not many males who could go through with this and retain any sense of masculinity. But also be careful, there's many people for which this experience is just too far and too much. Use caution.
I can suggest is having your Sissy write out paragraphs and essays in relation to Sissyhood. When you write out something about a topic or yourself you're forced to focus on it, think about it, process it, and then digest it. Having your Sissy explain why she isn't a real man, why she must be feminized, why she is a Sissy, this could really help, as she will begin to understand it rationally and internalize strong arguments for it.
If you apply all of this effectively on the right male she should be easily broken and transformed into your Sissy. She will know all of this has happened, she will be powerless to stop it, and in time, not want to stop it, she will be thankful for it. In time maybe she'll even give advice to others on how to replicate the process which made her ;)
1 year ago