My wife and our older neighbour.

We arrived in the village on a Friday, late morning. It was a lovely day. Not a cloud in the sky, but not too hot at the same time. Moving is always a pain, but there was loads of space in our new dream house in the country, so we could take our time with things, and bring in boxes from our spacious double garage as and when.

By late evening, the kitchen was sorted, the bathroom was sparkling and our clothes were all tidied away in the master bedroom. I suggested to Sarah that first evening that we christen the new super king bed, but she was understandably exhausted from the move. My cock would have to wait!

I had married Sarah, the girl of my dreams, just 13 months earlier. She was stunning. Long wavy blonde hair, beautiful blue eyes that lit up a perfect face, and an incredible body.

Heads turned wherever she went. Guys – and girls – were often distracted by her perfect tits and peach of an arse in whatever clothing she decided to model on a given day.

She was 24 and me 27, and her 5 foot 5 frame fitted just about right into my 5 foot 9. I did wish I was a little taller though.

We wore big smiles on our wedding day and during our honeymoon in Barbados, where I was told by all we met just how lucky I was. I was usually told this on the beach as Sarah showed off all her assets in a variety of bikinis, and often went topless.


A few hours after we woke on that first morning in the country, my wife was sorting through boxes in the garage when there was a knock at our side door.

I answered to a friendly looking man a few inches taller than me with a decent enough build and posture for a man in his early 50s perhaps. He had curly light brown hair turning grey and clearly receding in places. He wore a moustache, and well I thought. He was wearing a short sleeved white summer shirt and light beige chords. More importantly he was clutching a wooden box with three bottles of wine inside. One red, one white and one rose.

‘Hi I’m Geoff!’ he said. ‘I live next door, welcome to the village!’

He reached out a hand and we shook warmly before I thanked him for his lovely gesture.

‘Great to meet you Geoff, I’m Rob.’

I then called for Sarah, who almost bumped into my new friend as she exited the side door of the garage.

‘I’m your neighbour’ he said as he offered his hand. Sarah took it and they shook.

She kept hold of his hand as she examined Geoff’s face and blushed. Her own face immediately turning pink in parts, particularly her model like cheeks.

‘Hi!’ she said, lost for further words. Our new neighbour had made the most incredible first impression on a girl who must have been around 30 years his junior.

‘Hi!’ he replied, still holding on. I caught him quickly eyeing my wife from head to toe. In her yellow cami top and tight white fitting jeans, she was absolutely sizzling. He blushedright back.

‘Geoff’s brought us some wine,’ I said, interrupting their moment.

The pair came out of their trance and let go of each other’s hands.

‘That’s so lovely, thank you!’ said Sarah, taking Geoff’s hand again.

‘No problem, there’s one of each. Please enjoy. Are you all settled in?’ he asked, addressing her and then me.

Sarah, letting go of his hand once more, was once again lost for words so I replied:

‘Pretty much. We were going to check-out the village pub later.’

‘Oh really?! Good, it’s great. Particularly on a lovely day like today.’

‘Would you like to join us?’ Sarah found her voice.

Their eyes fixed on each other again.

‘I would love to,’ he smiled. ‘What time you are you heading up there?’

‘I don’t know, what time is the football?’ Sarah said looking in my direction.

Before I could answer, Geoff enthused:

‘Oh you’re a football fan, who do we support?’

‘Manchester United!’ I said proudly.

‘Oh dear! Can’t win them all. I’m a Gunner,’ our neighbour confirmed.

‘Never mind. You might win a European Cup one day’ I couldn’t resist.

‘We’ll head up there around 1 I reckon, shall we collect you on the way?’ I asked.

‘Sounds great! Well I’ll see you both later then.’ There was another meeting of his and my wife’s eyes before he made for the house next door. I caught Sarah enjoying him until he was almost out of sight. She was clearly checking out the older guy. She then stopped herself and looked at me, having realised I was watching her.

‘What?’ she asked?

‘Nothing.’ I replied.

She went back to her box work in the garage. I went back inside.


An hour or so later as I went to freshen up, I caught Sarah sat on our super king deep in thought. It took two calls of her name before she woke from another trance.

‘Are you ok babe?!’ I asked concerned.

‘Oh yes yes, I’m fine. It’s nothing,’ she said, getting up off the bed and wandering through to the en suite. She sprayed some perfume around her neck and checked her reflection in the mirror.

‘Are you sure?’ I asked again.

‘Absolutely, listen, do you want to head to the pub soon? You deserve a drink after all that heavy lifting yesterday.’

It was only a little after midday, but I did quite fancy a pint.

‘Yeah, shall we get going?’ I enthused.

‘No, I’ll see you up there. I promised my sister I’d give her a quick call. Plus, Geoff’s expecting us at 1, I’ll hold on ‘til then and knock for him on the way. Save us a seat!’

She seemed to have everything planned out and while it would have been nice to walk up together, I also liked the idea of a pint alone in the beer garden overlooking the village, taking in my new surroundings.

‘That’s cool. Ok then babe. I’ll see you in a bit.’ I gave her a kiss and got a whiff of her incredible fragrance. I went in for a squeeze.

‘Hey! You’ll crease my top!’ she said, gently pushing me away.

I grabbed my phone and my wallet and headed out and up the quiet road to our new local.


The first pint barely touched the sides, and I was midway through my second when Sarah and Geoff appeared in the distance. If they’d struggled for words with each other earlier, they were certainly making up for it now, chattering away with the occasional laugh.

‘Hey neighbour!’ Geoff called out as they approached the bench where I was sat.

‘Howdy! What a place!’ I replied, raising a glass to our surroundings. There were just a couple of other people at tables in the beer garden. I noticed a couple of the male customers get a decent look at Sarah.

‘Can I get you a refill?’ Geoff asked.

‘Oh why not!’ I enthused. ‘This one won’t last much longer.’

Sarah rolled her eyes disapprovingly.

‘How about you Sarah?’ he addressed my wife.

‘We’ll get these…’ she insisted.

‘No, no, not at all. Come on, it’s your first time here and I’m buying,’ pleaded our neighbour successfully.

‘You’re so kind,’ Sarah Smiled. ‘But I’m not sure, I’ll come in with you and see what they’ve got.’

Sarah followed Geoff to the bar door and I watched them inside.

‘After you!’ he said, allowing my missus to enter first. Did I catch him checking out her arse as she brushed past him? I couldn’t have blamed him.

Again, he got a sneaky look as she got on her tiptoes to look over the bar and at the fridges to see what our new establishment had to offer in terms of drinks.

At this point the barman acknowledged both customers, and managed a sneaky look down Sarah’s top.

I turned back to face my pint and moved from my central position on the picnic bench to allow my wife a place to sit.

However, she chose to sit next to Geoff when the pair returned, both with gin and tonics.

I adjusted again.

We talked for a bit about our relevant pasts.

Geoff was indeed had 30 years on my wife and almost the same on me. Having made a fair bit of cash over the years in the insurance industry, he was now a freelance accountant, taking on clients as and when he chose.

He’d been married before, but that fell apart when his wife chose to return home to her native Australia. On telling us this story, Sarah looked concerned for our new neighbour and put her hand on his. She also stroked his knee, but smiled as he pointed out that he was completely over the episode and in a really good place now.

In turn, Geoff showed Sarah some affection when she talked briefly about her ********* and her father leaving when she was just **********. He also smiled when she talked about how close she and her sister had become as a result.


‘Right I’m going to get another and get seated inside’ I announced.

‘I’m gonna head back I think,’ Sarah said. ‘I’ll empty a couple more boxes while you enjoy the football.’

While I was a little taken aback by this, I wasn’t overly surprised and turned to Geoff.

‘How about you then Geoff, fancy watching a decent team this afternoon?!’

‘No, not for me. I wouldn’t watch your lot if you **** me. Besides, I’ve got a couple of things to take care of.’

He quickly gulped down what was left of his drink and then addressed my wife:

‘Walk you home?’

Sarah’s face lit up once more. She would have brightened the darkest of skies.

‘Yes, I’d like that!’ she enthused.

There was an awkward pause and we were all stopped in our tracks a little. Sarah and Geoff in particular were aware with how that came across.

I broke the silence.

‘Ok then, I’ll see you back at the house. Thanks for the beer Geoff.’

‘No problem my friend’ he replied.

I left them both on the bench and headed back to the bar. It dawned on me once inside that it was highly likely the next time I spoke to my wife would be after she had made love to another man.

I stress ‘making love.’

‘Another pint mate?’ asked the barman, interrupting my thought process.

‘Yeah…actually no…can I have a whisky?’

‘Wow! One of those afternoons is it?!’ he chuckled.

‘Something like that.’

He poured me a Glenlivet and I went and sat down in the tvroom. Looking out of the window I saw Sarah and Geoff finish off their drinks and rise from the table. As they wandered over to the T Junction, a car approached and Geoff took my wife’s hand to protect her. The car passed and they continued on their short walk, still hand in hand.

He had every right to hold her. Just like he had every right to give her a gentle touch on the bum some moments ago. I watched until they were out of sight. Their hands loosened, but as soon as it did, Geoff reached across to Sarah’s bum again. Was that a playful pinch or squeeze?

If what I suspected was about to happen was indeed about to happen, then both were well within their rights in spite of me.

But I surely had a right to watch.


I necked the whisky and made quickly for the exit, thanking the barman as I left. Without trying to look suspicious, I lightly jogged in the direction of our houses, and caught site of Sarah and Geoff as they approached his driveway. They stopped and their hands came apart. I managed to remain out of view, but could make out their words.

‘Well that was really nice, thank you for walking me home Geoff.’

‘Hey, no problem Sarah,’ said Geoff. ‘Listen, boxes can wait surely…do you fancy having a drink with me in the garden?’

Sarah needed no further encouragement.

‘I’d really like that! I’ll go and fetch the wine you brought us out of the fridge.’

‘No, no, don’t be silly,’ grumbled Geoff, reaching out and taking her hand again. ‘That was a gift. Besides, I have plenty.’

‘Ok!’ she smiled. Geoff smiled back and they shared a moment. He let go of her hand and I watched as he allowed his own hand to gently graze my wife's bum again. He ushered her up the drive with his hand on my wife's bum before moving it up to her waist and giving her a friendly squeeze. He opened the door and followed her into his house.


I had to get into his garden somehow. I had to. And within minutes I had crept round the back of his house and up an embankment, which looked down on Geoff’s very impressive garden. It was huge. Boy, you could throw a huge outdoor party in it. There were a couple of seating areas, including a big corner sofa with accompanying coffee tables. There was a huge gas barbecue, a hot tub (that would comfortably seat 6), and even a mini marquee. I could make out a huge tv inside it.

The embankment I was on bordered Geoff’s property from ours and others in the area. He had his own gigantic Geoff bubble here. I made my own slightly smaller bubble inside one of his sheds that housed garden tools. It had windows, but they were blacked out. I could see outside, but no one could see in. This was perfect potentially.

Within a minute of settling down, French doors opened and my wife stepped into view, with Geoff following behind.

‘Wow!’ she gawped. ‘This place is amazing. What an incredible garden!’

‘Make yourself at home, I’ll go and get our drinks,’ said Geoff.

Sarah took an opportunity now to have a look around. Shewandered slowly, touching the occasional plant. She gave out another ‘wow’ as she inspected the hot tub. She’d surely get the chance to use that in the coming days, I thought to myself.At this point, my cock began to stiffen.

As she headed in my general direction, I shuffled down in the shed, although there was no chance she would see me. When her back was to me, I enjoyed how impressive her bum looked in her jeans. They were a tight fit, and showed off her amazing buttocks. My cock hardened further at the thought of Geoff potentially getting a bigger feel within the next few minutes. Sarah turned again and I could she was deep in thought. She held her hand to her mouth and gently gnawed at her fingers.

Deep in thought she may have been, but here was only one thing on her mind. I’m certain of that.

Geoff soon returned with a bottle of champagne and two flutes on a wooden tray, and also a bowl of something or other. When Sarah saw him she beamed once more and headed for the sofa. She crossed her legs and lifted up the strap on her top which had fallen off her shoulder and down her arm. It soon fell again, which meant more of her cleavage was on display, but she didn’t bother fixing it again. If I could see down her top from here, imagine what Geoff could see!

‘Here you are, this is nice and chilled. I’d been saving it for something special, and this seems appropriate’ Geoff said.

‘I LOVE champagne…Ooh, nibbles as well… …such a good host!’ Sarah enthused.

‘Thank you,’ he said before popping the cork to joyful applause from my giddy and glowing wife. He poured, before handing her a glass.

He sat down beside her.

‘Cheers!’ they enthused in unison, and clinked before taking a sip. Both wore big smiles and kept eye contact. There was a brief silence before Sarah giggled and took another sip.

‘What’s up?’ Geoff asked, still smiling.

‘Nothing, nothing at all… …that was just…’


‘A moment,’ Sarah confessed.

‘A moment?!’ Geoff questioned.

‘Oh You know it was,’ my wife blushed. ‘There have been a few moments like that in the last hour or so.’

‘Have there just?!’

‘Come on!’ she said in an animated tone, giving him a playful slap on the knee.

‘I’m sorry, I’m sorry, you’re right. There have been.’ He agreed.

‘What is that? I mean, I got it straight away when I first saw you this morning. Did you?’

‘Completely,’ he answered honestly.

‘Have you ever had a moment like that before?’ she questioned further.

‘No…not at all.’

‘So...’ she said, followed by another sip and a pause.

‘So…?’ Geoff questioned further.

‘So what do we do about that?’

‘I know what I’d like to do.’ he said suggestively.

‘Oh really?!’

Sarah sipped again before putting her glass down on the table.

‘Well,’ she continued, ‘I have a feeling that what you want to do, is what I want to do too. So maybe you should just do it!’she teased.

Geoff now put his glass on the table before their eyes met again. Sarah gave him a loving smile and edged closer. He then held her hand before they both leaned in and shared a gentle and slow kiss.

More smiles, then another kiss, then a lingering one, and soon tongues were meeting and their hands were all over one another. When they drew for breath they both smiled at each other adoringly, before joining as one again. Sarah stroked Geoff’s cheeks before putting her arms around him. He kissed all over her face and round her neck and reached down to her arse to cop that feel I’d been imagining only moments earlier.

It was Sarah who started the undressing process, helping her man out of his shirt. She undid the buttons while still attached to his lips before removing it and working her way down to his chest, kissing and licking further. She settled on his nipples for a bit, gently gnawing at them as she had been her own fingers and thumb earlier. The sexy blonde then effortlessly whipped off her top, and Geoff went straight in for the grope on her bra, which he unfastened expertly with just one hand. The bra fell in between them and my wife’s amazing tits were a sight to behold. Geoff exhaled and nodded approvingly, before burying his face in her cleavage, sucking and nuzzling away while Sarah moaned with delight.

Sarah reached down to her jeans and unbuttoned. Geoff momentarily lifted his head from her bosom and pulled them from her legs, revealing her pink panties along the way. My wife’s slip on wedge shoes fell to the floor and Geoff tasted both of her feet before reaching forward and making like he was going to pull her knickers down.

They stayed on for now, as Sarah ordered Geoff to his feet. From my vantage point I could see the bulge in his trousers, and my wife wanted to set it fee. She undid his belt and pulled his trousers down to his knees, followed quickly by his boxers. Geoff’s cock was now at large, and large it was. It was Sarah’s turn to exhale and nod her approval. She would voice it too:

‘Not bad Geoff, not bad at all!’

She looked up at her man and smiled as she gently rubbed and stroked his cock with her left hand before fixing her eyes on it and taking it in her mouth. Geoff looked to the skies before closing his eyes and letting out a huge delightful sigh.

Sarah really went to town, lapping away at his length. Helping back his foreskin. Kissing, licking and sucking his big pink mushroom. Licking along his vein and right down his shaft.Sucking and licking on his balls and not being at all disheartened when one or two or a few of his pubes made their way into her mouth. She would just remove them and stick them onto her body. She was down on him longer than she’d ever been down on me. She’d often complained at how my dick tasted, but there were no complaints here. Just worship. This was a special blowjob, and while he had more than 30 years on her experience wise, Geoff had never had anything quite like this from a girl before.

Sarah took a few breaths as Geoff removed his trousers and underpants entirely, discarding them on the lawn with my wife’s jeans, top and bra. She reached for his shoes and pulled them off before swishing off his socks and sliding her hands up his legs and back up to his genital area. He was now completely starkers. His impressive hard length eyed up my missus once more, and she was ready to give all 8 inches a thorough examination.

My own cock, although nowhere near the size of Geoff’s, was close to bursting out of my jeans at the sight of Sarah grabbing his buttocks and forcefully pulling him towards her so that he went deep into her throat. Geoff placed his hands on the back of her head and pushed it in further, almost choking her. Indeed she would soon let out a cough as his pre cum juices seaped out of her mouth, covering her lips and chin. She drew breath before spitting on his big dick and taking it down again.

Although it was a struggle to take my eyes off all of this, a glance at my watch and I noticed Sarah had been down on him for nearly 20 minutes. How Geoff hadn’t cum in her mouth I will never know. After one more nasty spell of licking and sucking, Geoff pulled his cock from my wife’s mouth and gently slapped it on her face. He rubbed it all over and she smiled and giggled and sniffed his bell end. He helped her to her feet and their lips and tongues met again. Geoff could now taste his cock on my wife’s tongue, and he fucking loved it.

With her back to me again, I watched Geoff grope and squeeze Sarah’s arse again, which was still covered by her pink knickers. His hands then helped themselves to what was inside them. And quite rightly so. It was what he and she wanted. Together. My wife moaned her approval as Geoff put his fingers to work inside her gash.

He ushered her back to the sofa and lay her down before peeling off her panties. She lifted her bum to help him get them off without any struggle. She watched as Geoff brought them down to her legs and ankles, before examining them and lifting them to his nose. He sniffed and sniffed. He smiled. She smiled. She then bit her lip in anticipation of the extreme pleasure that was about to come her way.

Geoff dropped the knickers to the floor before burying his face again, this time in my wife’s soggy wet pussy. He expertly prized her lips apart with his tongue and ate away as if it was his first meal in months. Sarah’s hands reached down to his head and she moaned louder and louder with absolute pleasure. Her hands than moved back to her mouth to try to hush any squeals and screams. That wasn’t an easy job!

Geoff continued to feast. He would occasionally reach down for a tug and stroke of his cock while he enjoyed good pussy, and he also made sure to get both hands between my wife’s arse and the sofa cushions, squeezing her tight as he pressed his eyes, nose and mouth deeper in her cunt.

Sarah enjoyed her first orgasm with her new man. In celebration, she ushered him up towards her mouth. En route,he kissed his way up her chest before enjoying those tits and then lips again. The tastes of her pussy and his cock combined on their respective tongues. They stopped kissing and stared lovingly into each others eyes again.

The tip of Geoff’s penis was now nestling itself against my wife’s vagina. He looked down before fixing his eyes back on her. She smiled and nodded before her eyes closed once more and she gave out her loudest moan yet.

The moan signalled that Geoff was now inside her. He gently edged his way in until his cock had disappeared up her cunt. - the walls of which had never been widened this much before, certainly not by me.

Within a minute, Sarah came again. Cue more kissing and more of Geoff sucking on my wife’s amazing tits. She was in heaven, as was he. He had hit the jackpot here.

Sarah turned over and positioned herself on all fours on the sofa.

‘Oh honey…’ said Geoff as her peach of an arse sat up for him. He gave it a thorough examination with his hands and kissed and licked her bum cheeks, before kissing and licking in between them, making my wife moan with delight even further.

Watching my wife being done doggy style by our new neighbour sent me over the edge. That was the moment when I decided I just had to let my cock loose. As quietly as I could, I unzipped my flies. I was so moist and had stained my black boxers with pre cum already. I began stroking and quickened my pace as Geoff did from behind Sarah. His hands were on her buttocks, squeezing them enough to leave prints in them.The quicker he got, the louder the noise of his big, hairy bollocks slapping against my wife’s arse.

I had the best view in the world, and while it was always a pleasure to have a perv at my missus, I was taking extra pleasure out of the fact that she was being done from behind by a much older man, who clearly knew what he was doing. He looked impressive too. His arse was well toned and relatively smooth. Sweat dripped down it onto his hairy legs, while the sweat from his forehead dripped onto my wife’s back. Sarah was perspiring a little too. She dipped her head back and reached for her man who reacted by once again losing his tongue inside her mouth.

‘Oh fuck this is amazing,’ she panted. ‘Oh fuck… …you’re gonna make me cum again!’

‘That’s right baby, that’s right!’ he replied. ‘You can come girl…you can cum for me.’

Just as I thought he was about to explode inside her, I shot my own load into my hand. Some of my cum landed on my jeans, some of it got the bottom of my t-shirt. Some if it ended up on the shed floor. Geoff wasn’t done though.

He did come some minutes later while sat on the sofa with Sarah riding him cowgirl. As he approached his grand finale,he dug his hands in deep into her buttocks and tightened his grip on her.

‘Aaarrrgghh,’ he cried, and Sarah shrieked to her third orgasm.

Geoff’s spunk kept coming and coming and flooded my wife’s cunt.

‘Oh my…oh my…oh my god!’ Sarah panted.

More huge kisses followed, and Sarah than repositioned herself on her man’s lap. Her arms were around him as they kissed some more. Geoff had one hand on my wife’s arse while the other rubbed and stroked her tits and chest. God, he was a legend!

I noticed some of his cum spilling out of Sarah before they both did. On seeing it they laughed. My wife scooped up some of her new man’s cum with her fingers before licking them clean and smiling.

‘Mmmm, you taste good baby!’

Geoff reached down for his undies and cleaned her up before they kissed some more and held each other tight.

‘You’re incredible!’ Sarah told him.

‘Please tell me we’re doing that again?!’ Geoff inquired.

They stopped and looked at each other before smiling one of their biggest smiles yet.

‘We’re definitely doing that again!’ Sarah confirmed.

‘You’re fucking amazing Sarah. Come here!’ They snogged again. Passionately.


I zipped up my jeans before glancing at my watch again. They’d been at it for more than an hour! Sarah picked up her inside out jeans and reached for her phone.

‘I better text Rob and see if he’s leaving any time soon.’

‘Good idea,’ Geoff said. He reached forward and grabbed thechampagne glasses. I noticed his cock had softened, but it still looked mighty impressive. Sarah gave it, and him, another glowing look as he topped up their drinks. They shared another lingering kiss as he handed her the bubbles.

As she began typing into her phone, I suddenly panicked and quickly took out my own phone, turning it on silent. A text dropped on my Nokia just seconds after! Imagine if it had pinged!

‘How’s it going? Any score? When do you think you’ll be home?’ it read.

I obviously couldn't say anything about the score - if only apps had been invented - but figured out the second half would probably have just started from the time.

‘Second half not long underway baby so a fair while yet if that’s ok? What are you up to?’

‘Yes that’s fine. Enjoy. Oh, not much. Just unpacked a couple more boxes. Will have a shower soon and then head to the co-op. Shall we barbecue?’

The lying naughty bitch! And a barbecue sounded great.

‘Fantastic idea. Do you think we should invite Geoff? Might be a nice way to break the ice further?’

A moment after sending that text Sarah started giggling and then laughing, almost uncontrollably.

‘What is it?!’ Geoff asked.

‘I’ve just suggested a barbecue to Rob this afternoon and he’s asked if we should invite you!’

‘Aw, what a nice guy!’ enthused Geoff. ‘What are you going to say back?’

‘I’m going to say it’s a great idea!’ smiled Sarah. ‘And…I have another great idea…’

‘Oh yeah?!’

‘Yes. How about you come with me to the co-op, after we take a shower?’

More giggles. More laughs. More kisses. A moment later and Geoff led my wife into his house, his right hand rubbing her bare arse, and her left hand clutching his hard again cock as they strutted naked across his lawn.

I got another text a moment later, probably just before they turned the shower on.

‘Yeah that’s a nice idea. I’ll knock at his and see if there’s anything he fancies in particular before I go to the shop. See you later x’

I stood up and sighed as prepared to exit the shed. I was so desperate to see my wife and our neighbour in his shower, no doubt fucking passionately once more, but I thought better of sneaking in through the French doors and inside the house.

Suddenly, the naked couple were visible in the garden once more and I ducked back down.

They had forgotten the champers and their discarded clothes. Geoff was on alcohol duty while Sarah scooped up what they had taken off.

‘I don’t think I’ll be wearing these home!’ she giggled, after assessing the state of her pink panties.

'I'll pop them in the washer for you!' Geoff said, freeing one of the fingers that was wrapped around the champagne bottle and taking the knickers off her.

'So kind of you!' Sarah thanked him before they kissed again and he led her back inside to a house she was going to be seeing lots of in the coming days and weeks.


20 minutes later I was sat back in the beer garden alone. Another whisky had been consumed and I was a third of the way down another pint. I was somewhat exhausted and on a downer. While I had enjoyed the incredible sex session between my wife and our new neighbour a hell of a lot more than plenty of sessions of my own with her, the initial euphoria had been replaced by misery and sorrow.

My marriage and mine and Sarah's country dream was surely over?
Published by ririfanatic
10 months ago
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to Justme6381 : Thank you. True sadly. Marriage broke down not long after but Sarah and Geoff are still together at least
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Great story.