By the roadside.

- Ooh! Aaaaa! It hurts, it hurts so much! Slower please! Not so deep! OOOOO my ass! - From among the trees of the sparse forest came loud moans, squeaks and whines interspersed with words of supplication. These voices echoed and clearly reached the road that ran along the edge of the forest. A person standing by the side of the road could see where the voices were coming from. The forest land sloped down steeply to a small lake. Sparse trees practically did not cover anything. The white body was perfectly visible. It was plump, almost greasy, large. This body was bent over, hands resting on the trunk of a fallen tree. His legs and fat thighs were wide open. A big, fat ass with loose fat buttocks was bent high and hard. From below, hung a large belly and long, flabby tits at the ends, which showed great black circles, from which black nipples as long as fingers protruded. These tits were empty at the top only thicker at the bottom, as if someone had not completely filled rubber bags with water. This person had a completely bald head. You could see the lack of eyebrows and eyelashes on the face. All that greasy body was perfectly shaved and depilated. The face of this squealing person had sharp, clear makeup in the colors of black, purple and red. Behind him stood an older man. He was holding fat white ass in his hands. His hips were moving hard back and forth against that huge ass. He was fucking big ass. These blows set the fat white flesh in motion and brought out screams, whimpers, and pleas. Clapping noises were clearly audible as the fucker's hips hit the soft, big buttocks of his bent ass. These sounds were accompanied by an occasional loud farting sound. The air that was pumped in during the ass-fucking was coming out with a fart. Waves passed through the fucked, chubby body, setting the big, hanging belly in motion. The hanging tits swayed heavily back and forth and side to side. They collided with each other, making clapping noises. At the bottom, under the belly, from time to time, something thin, small with a blue head, sprayed with urine, popped out from between the thighs. Undeveloped fag cock. A long sack was also emerging from between those thick thighs, in which huge eggs were clearly visible. They were very large and heavy, resembling two plums. One egg was higher than the other. They swayed slowly. The sac, the scrotum, was very long and triangular in shape. The body of the fucked one did not resemble a man or a woman, it was something in between. A fag, because when he was fucked in the ass, he was a fag, androgynous. He wasn't completely naked. On his feet he had black sexy stockings supported on each side by four wide rubber bands running from a lace belt. I was wearing a black lace bra, which now did not cover my tits because they were exposed. There were black very high heels on the fag's feet. Unlike the guy who was fucking him, the fag was much older and fatter. At the time this was done, the fagot was 57 years old. THAT PLEASING AND SQUELING FOOTY WAS ME. The guy was my "client". I am a fag androgynous who likes to wear women's underwear. It had been going on for a long time, probably more than two hours. When my legs gave way under me and I tried to close my thighs, the client screamed a lot and stuck a thick needle in my buttock. He only allowed me, sometimes, to lay my arms on a fallen tree. My anus hurt a lot. I smacked loudly and fell out of my ass. During fucking, as always, I got a very strong pressure on the rectums, as if I was constipated. This caused additional pain and pushed the rectum outwards. The client, from time to time, took a break and pulled his dick out of my anus, then with a loud farting and smacking of the bowel, it jumped out of my ass. I had to stand in position and wait. Then I could see his cock and what he was fucking me with. That dick was scaring me! It was very thick and kind of flattened. It curved strongly upwards towards the navel. At the top was a huge purple acorn, very wide, like the cap of a great mushroom. Just behind this acorn was a wide band full of spikes. The cock under the pubic had a metal ring. These things kept the cock in a tight state. There were thick purple veins on his cock. During the breaks, the client changed the rings and collar on his cock and rubbed some ointment on it.
- Please, Lord, I can't, I can't take it anymore. I have a lot of pain in my ass and rectum. Please have mercy on the poor fagot. Please. Please, do something else to me, but don't fuck anymore. Mercy! - I moaned tearfully, sticking out the big rump, from which hung the red bowel of the rectum.
- Shut up fagot. No mercy for fagots. I'll fuck your bowel so much that you'll remember it for a long time. We start pedaling. He said and went down the back of my ass.
- All right, Lord, I'm at your disposal, please fuck me hard. I groaned in response.
I felt him take the hanging bowel of the rectum, stretch it out, and put it on his cock. The fucked Lord started again. I moaned again and burst into tears. Finally, I couldn't stand it anymore. I fell to my knees. I was on the ground crying loudly. Convulsions ran through the fag's fat body. I felt tension and pressure in the rectum. My bowel protruded stiffly from between my huge buttocks.
- I can see faggot that you're tired of fucking, so we'll do something else. – Said the client.
I saw him smear something on his hand. He put me on my stomach. I had to bend my legs at the knees and pull them wide up. I was in the frog position. He was kneeling behind.
- What a great ass. You are a sexy faggot. I like these fat man whores with big fat asses. You must have had a good ass fucked because your rectum is so messed up. Do you suck long? - He asked.
- Since the age of twelve, I've been fucked and not only, sir. I am 57 now, sir. - I said quietly.
- You're an old faggot. Have you had your hand up your ass yet? - He asked.
- Yes, Lord, I have had hands stuck in my rectum many times. I groaned.
- But, as I do now, I don't think so. He said loudly and I felt my anus explode. He thrust his hand hard and deep. I screamed and just screamed. I've been fisted rectally many times before, but never like this. What he did to me I cannot describe. I squealed and begged, feeling my abused bowels and ass. A loud echo carried far away through the forest. "It's not possible to fisting with bare hand like that," I thought. And I was right. As soon as I lay still and unresponsive to sex, he was done. I slowly lay down on my back. Then I saw on his hand and arm a black glove of thick rubber full of strange growths and spikes.
-This is my invention for fagots like you. It was good? - He said.
- Yes Lord, it was very good, thank you Lord. - I replied lying.
That's how I always respond to a client, even if he did the worst things to me. The customer must be satisfied, otherwise he will not come again. Doing so brings me profits and publicity. Sex is over. The client left leaving me lying on the ground. Slowly moaning, I stood up, gathered up my skirt and blouse, and trudged down to the pool. The bowel was sticking out of my ass, I could feel it throbbing and vibrating. Pan's cum and piss were flowing from it. My ass and thighs were drenched and sticky. I had to walk across a grassy meadow by the lake. There weren't many people, just a few teenagers.
- Look, this is the old sexy fagot that works by the road. He was screaming like that. But she has an ass and tits. What's up his ass. It's barely going. - I heard the boys talking.
I wasn't paying attention. I was used to it. I sat in the lake for a long time soaking my sore ass. I also gave myself a few enemas in front of the boys, because I had no strength to hide. They looked at me silently commenting. Then I lay naked for a long time and rested. Finally, I put on stockings, garter belt. I clipped the stockings to the rubber bands. I put my boobs in a bra. Finally, a short skirt and blouse. I fixed my makeup and went up the road. I walked slowly. When I heard a car coming I stood backwards showing a huge ass or facing forward then they could see my thin hanging dick and huge balls in a long sack. My tits were sticking out of her bra. My skirt, in which I often work, has a cutout at the back and front, exposing the buttocks and thighs. Same on the front showing organs and thighs. I have different types of bras. Ones that lift and stiffen my wavy tits or soft ones where the tits hang freely. Due to my androgenic physique, hanging boobs, huge long scrotum and huge testicles, it's hard for me to carry and hide it all, so working on the road I don't. I had six more clients that day. Mostly I sucked cocks, I was fucked again and overfisted and one whipped my ass and thighs.
Published by transmasomax
1 year ago
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