June 2023 Update

Well, NewTumbl is gone. Completely gone. Not sure where to upload next. On top of that, in January, Allie left to go traveling with a bullfriend. She decided to take a break from school and follow him. I don't know if or when she'll be back, because my communication with her since then has been sporadic. I've been making vids and images as an outlet for my frustration and to keep me from falling into depression. If anyone has suggestions on where to post next, please let me know.

Published by allfantasies
1 year ago
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FactsNStuff 1 year ago
Look man, this may not be what you want to hear, but I think it's what you need to hear. Going through your old post history, a similar situation happened before. And with your recent relationship and partnership on the videos with Allie, her making this the subject of her university thesis (IIRC), she got in SUPER deep to the mentality. And based on the message in your videos, sorry but I'm not sure how you didn't see this coming. The videos were meant as a fantasy, but they got so hard into the psychology of ownership, superiority and inferiority, and attributing some quasi-supernatural qualities to sex with black men, including medically-dubious biology, that you set up the situation perfectly for her to blur the lines between fantasy and reality.

I'm not saying there aren't true aspects of it, maybe. But it's entirely possible to fetishize something until it dominates your every thought, and then your priorities and dopamine pathways change over time, until it's become more important than everything else. It happened to a past girlfriend, according to your own posts, and now it's happened again. Allie going off like this is a direct result of her buying into the fantasy so hard, it's become an addiction. And if you don't believe me, why write "Allie left to go traveling with a bullfriend. She decided to take a break from school and follow him." She's not just following him, she's following the personification of her addiction, which has changed her priorities to become more important than you, school, and probably everything else. And you need to take some ownership in that happening.

So the question is now, do you learn from this or keep following the same path again and again? I'm just some random person on the internet, but maybe it's time to take a step back, work on yourself, your real-life relationships with family, friends, whoever, and take a solid break to re-examine your own priorities. Gotta take time for you bro, and stop relying on other people for your happiness.

And if anyone else in the comments says otherwise, that you should keep posting material right away? Remember that they don't give a fuck about you, they just want more material to beat their meat to. They're just too polite to actually say "Dance, monkey, dance".

Good luck with everything. Hopefully things work out.
FactsNStuff 1 year ago
to allfantasies : If she drove it largely starting a while ago, then fair enough. I should rephrase, I'm not suggesting you were solely responsible at all. That's obviously not the case. Sounds like they were the instigators, but the entire situation created a perfect atmosphere for lines to be blurred, and in some cases crossed, against the desires of one of the people involved. She drove you towards a more submissive role, which by your admission you only partially wanted (curious fantasy vs emotional reality?), and when you clearly resisted that, it sounds like they started to create their own dynamic, (consciously or subconsciously) slowly cutting you out.

One thing you haven't mentioned is Isaiah's role in all of this, beyond that of a 3rd partner or "bull". You say that Allie largely drove this, of course, but he isn't exactly blameless. But my point is that this entire cuck/bull/etc dynamic doesn't seem sustainable at the level that you say you want, without someone getting deeply hurt. There are far too many stories, at least twice your own as well, of people getting immersed in this "lifestyle" only for 1 of the 3+ people involved to get left to the side in favour of the desires or the other two. And typically it isn't the two dominant partners, aka the bull and wife/gf, that this happens to. Not with the husband/bf/cuck/etc to also maintain some dominance or prominence as well at any rate.

Last points: Creating content as an outlet is super healthy, so that's good. But the type of content is up to you. You're not restricted in that regard. But a break might be healthy for you, and for the nature and energy put into said content. Could be good to still maintain conversation with people to avoid isolation though. As for the "crying and cumming", that's because you've fucked up your Dopamine pathways over years of seeking out and encouraging a particular pathway for reward. The only way to reset that is to create time and distance from the addictive behaviours your brain is craving the dopamine from. If this sounds like bullshit pseudoscience, don't take my word for it, check out Dr Anna Lembke and her works on dopamine.

Either way, best of luck to you man. I hope you find your road out of this.
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allfantasies Publisher 1 year ago
to FactsNStuff : Yes, you're right. I am partly responsible for this. And yes, it happend with my ex-wife. So I know the signs...the pattern...and I do take ownership of the situation. Partially. In my defense, I'll say three things: (1) I'm not looking for anyone's pity or sympathy. I know the role I played in this. And I found that role incredibly hot and arousing. Even now, in the midst of my anguish, I'm still turned on. Crying and cumming. Is that sick? Maybe. But it's what turns me on, and I'm not sure I can help that, or want to. (2) This was only partly my doing. Yes, I set things in motion, but at some point -- a year ago this month -- the actions of both Isaiah and Allie changed the dynamic between she and I.  She pushed me to take on a more and more submissive role.  To blur lines I told her I wasn't comfortable blurring.  She knew that part of me wanted it, so I don't blame her. But she wasn't a passive victim in this. She DROVE it.  (3) I'll certainly take a break from engaging in the lifestyle IRL. I love Allie and I don't want to pursue this with anyone else.  But I don't know yet if I'll take a break from creating content.  It's an important outlet for me -- creating makes me feel good, like I accomplished something and am bringing enjoyment to others.  So, it's not just people taking from me the "dancing monkey" -- I get a lot out of it, too.
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allfantasies Publisher 1 year ago
to FactsNStuff : There's a longer story about Isaiah's role in this and how things really came to a head a year ago. Maybe I'll motivate to write a post here or elsewhere. I know about dopamine pathways, and yes,  you are correct. It's an addiction. Appreciate your words of encouragement.
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urbanfox21 1 year ago
Jay, Come to London. Have a break. Rachelx
demosthenes1984 2 months ago
So sorry she left, man. It sounds like it's still the same situation since you haven't posted anything to the contrary. I hope it's gotten a little better for you by now!
luvmyhotwife 11 months ago
Jay, I hope you are doing well. I too have experienced losing my wife to a bull and I completely understand the mixed emotions that we, the cucks, experience following that loss. It still turns me on nearly 10 years later and I guess that even if I could be granted a wish to change the course of events, I'm not aure that I would... oddly, it still feels like it was for the, best even though she was the love of my life. The Lifestyle is weird in this respect. One thing I did want to convey to you is that your creations are overwhelmingly the best collection of cuckolding videos I have ever found. They come across as honest, educational, and with a genuine passion for getting this positive message out to white couples. You truly help couples!! I know that some will say cuckoldry can be bad for relationships... well, something like 3 out of 4 vanilla relationships end in divorce anyhow. I have read studies that indicate cuckolding couples stay together better than others. So, PLEASE continue creating content!! You have a gift. If you are lucky enough to find another Love, make sure to stay true to yourself... if you still love cuckolding, as I still do, don't bury that love... share it as you did before... just try to communicate even better in your next journey. Thank you for all the joy your works have brought to so many people!
sugardaddyforu 1 year ago
Go have fun and find another bitch to turn into a bbc slut. Wash rinse repeat! 
samsue 1 year ago
Would love to see your new content. Sorry to hear of the heartbreaks.  
AlterEgoDAG 1 year ago
Sorry to hear it. Like the others said, you do have a lot of fans here. 
bomboca12 1 year ago
to allfantasies : how about en.paradisehill they seam imune to takedows ! maybe they can have a tag just for you !
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vatiildal 1 year ago
How about reblogme.com, sharesome.com, Bdsmlr.com, 
vatiildal 1 year ago
vatiildal 1 year ago
A story as old as time. A passive snowbunny gets taken by a bull and ends up another turned out queen of spades trolling bars for some action. Kind of like watching a car wreck, you know what's going to happen but you just keep watching.
allfantasies Publisher 1 year ago
to smilingbandit : Yeah, but there isn't much commenting there. And comments/discussion/feedback are really the only motivation
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smilingbandit 1 year ago
Many pmv creators use spankbang or eporner.
HXXX19 1 year ago
Good luck with your struggle. You will reconnect, or find someone else. And there will be a platform to share your incredible talent. Keep your fans posted on where you migrate!
Cucksubaspire 1 year ago
Post on fetlife
XXXcitablelad 1 year ago
Sorry to hear. Cheer up. You have a fan base and plenty of fish in the sea. You are not alone. 