Patron of the Arts - Chapter One

Vincent sat in the audience seating with the rest of the cast as they listened to their music director walk through the process of how the musical score would work with the story. Annie was the music director and she was as loud and brash as a 4-piece brass band. She was mid-40's, auburn hair, bright, green eyes and a smile that shown like the stage lights above. She had average looks, a decent figure, although she carried a few extra pounds. But her eyes and her smile would grab a man by the lapels and hold him in her spell, forgetting about any flaws she might have otherwise. She reminded of him of his aunt, his mother's sister, and his mind drifted back to one of his many intimate encounters with her...

Her cell phone rang as Vincent lay next to Aunt Janie. He was surprised she answered it but he shouldn't have been. Her chin, her neck and both of her rather large tits were glazed with a cum blast she had stroked out if him moments earlier. She would have answered the phone even if she still had a mouthful of cock. She was that type. She had red hair, green eyes that sparkled feistiness, and a larger than life personality. She saw the number and said with a smile, "It's your mom. This ought to be fun!"

Vincent rolled his eyes as she answered with one hand and teased his hardening cock with the other.

"Hello, darling," she said, in a fake accent of some type.

"Hi Sis, what's up?" said his mother.

"Just lying here next to Vincent, tasting the generous sample of duck sauce he just gave me," she chuckled.

"Are you fucking my son again? You are an intolerable slut, Janie." his mother said, not really annoyed at all, but wasn't all that sure she approved either. "Can't you find some other man's acorns to crack besides my son's?"

"Clearly, you haven't examined your son recently, dearie! His "acorns" are now the size of kiwis and his cock is the size of a cucumber. He is the best way to a vegetarian diet I can think of. You should give him a try sometime. Bet you would never settle for less again if you did."

"Shit, Sis! Just call me back when you can be reasonable. I wanted to talk about something more serious than the size of my son's privates." His mom hung up. She probably went off to masturbate, Vincent thought. His mom and his aunt both liked their fair share of cock, but his aunt never let a DNA trail get in her way of a good time.

She ended the call and pulled him on top of her. Their bodies slipped around on each other from the cum glaze she wore and he stuffed his long, hard rod deep into her. She came almost instantly. He could feel every square inch of her interior wrapped around his thick cock and the massaging effect she used on him to heighten the sensation all the more. Her hard nipples pressed against his chest and her heels dug into his lower back as he drilled her to the mattress below. When she had cum for the third of fourth time and was nearly exhausted, he exploded inside her until his penetrations made a sloshing noise. When he pulled out, thick globs if cum immediately followed.

"You are such a good fucking boy!" she said, breathlessly.

Annie's personality came across to him the same way.

The play director gave the cast the usual lecture about showing up for all rehearsals, on time, with lines ready, blah, blah, blah. As a professional, that was already Vincent's approach to everything in life. But he was sizing up everyone else and wondering what he had gotten himself into from several angles. He had done some small community theater roles before and enjoyed the process immensely. But he had been encouraged to audition for the leading role. The story was set in medieval times and appealed to him on several levels, so he did audition, never thinking he would get it. In fact, he had made a habit of avoiding taking center stage in any way for reasons to be discussed later. As he sat there he sized up the show director. She was about 5'5", blonde hair, rather large tits, a little broad at the hips, 45-50 years old, but sexy for her age, seemed fun loving enough, although dull compared to her music director. Still, Vincent considered her to be someone fun to get better acquainted with.

Her assistant was handing out the scripts and rehearsal schedules as the director let everyone know she had another commitment for the evening and that the music director would work with the cast on a couple of examples of musical score and pacing with the action on stage. As the director droned on with the necessary but dull details, Vincent snapped back to attention when there was a sudden silence, followed by Annie calling him to the stage. He was startled and she smirked at him as he stumbled to the stage.

"Come on, Tenderfoot, let's see what we can do," she said with a chuckle. "Everyone pay attention to how my pianist works with the movement of the actors to pace the music. Unless we tell you otherwise, you don't have to worry about the music. It will just happen. But in this excerpt of a scene late in the play, the actor and the musician will have to work together on the timing to draw the audience into the drama as far as possible. You see, Vincent and his love interest/nemesis will be circling each other, wanting each other but not trusting each other. Their footsteps will need to be in time with the beat of the music so that the sounds are inseparable and add to the tension of the moment. Each step needs to be evenly spaced as they get closer to each other until, finally, the scabbard their swords, he takes her to him, then with a slight hesitation, kisses her with gentle passion. Since that role is still in casting process, I will play that part so that our pianist can also get a feel for the timing. There are a few of these and we have to start early to have them ready for show time. Let's take it from the top. Vincent, we circle each other twice on the stage until we are on equal footing again with the audience. We will get closer and closer with each step. Once we are equal to the audience, we stop, never breaking eye contact with each other, always wary of the other. Then you will hook your arm around my waist, pause two beats, pull me to you, pause a beat, then kiss me. Got it?"

"Yeah, I think so," he said, rather unsure of himself.

"We have plenty of time to practice, but always go for a good first take," she said to build his confidence and encourage him.

The music started and they circled each other. They got closer and closer. Their steps were in rhythm with each other and the music. Annie nodded gently her approval of his efforts. When they were in position, Vincent paused, dramatically hooked Annie around the waist, pulled her to him, paused, leaned in slightly, hesitated, then kissed her. Lightly at first, then with passion as he interpreted the scene.

Annie's arms went slightly limp and Vincent thought something was wrong and wouldn't release her for fear she would fall. Annie gasped as they looked into each other's eyes.

"Fuck! Just take me!!" she said.

"Take you where?" he asked, alarmed.




Vincent now knew she was exaggerating and took her to the floor as everyone was laughing their asses off, including Annie. Vincent pretended to hump her four or five times before collapsing on her out of breath.

"I'm done," he said laughing.

"Aw, all ready?" Annie chided him mockingly. "was it good for you?" (More laughter)

"Not really," he said with disappointment.


"Because we both still had our fucking pants on!" he said in mock frustration. "Was it good for you?"

"About the same either way," Annie said with a deadpan tone.

It was 15 minutes before all the laughter subsided and composure was restored to the troupe. Rehearsal went on for another half hour before Annie let everyone go for the evening. There were more chuckles about their impromptu performance as people left the building. Vincent walked up to Annie as she packed her bag.

"Sorry about not releasing you at the end of the kiss. I thought something was wrong when it felt like you went limp."

Annie smiled the warmest, most sincere smile he had seen in months. "It's a good thing you didn't let go. That was the most electric kiss I have ever had, Vincent. I thought I was going to faint. I felt that one all over - and I mean ALL OVER. You are going to do great in this role. It's not just the kiss, so don't get the big head. But you understand your character. The first rehearsal and you had the smoldering look as we paced, the ominous, yet magnetic pull, perfectly timed pacing, and then the kiss. The audience will feel like you stuck your tongue in their mouths when they see it."

"That's very kind of you to say. So, do you know of a good place to go for an after rehearsal drink? I want to learn more about how this whole theatre process works and you seem like the best person to talk with first."

"Sure," she said, pleased. "There is a little dive about three blocks from here called "My Place". We can walk there together if you like."

"Sounds great," he said, "never heard of it. But I like trying new places."

They walked the brief walk and she surprised him when she turned into an unmarked door and led him upstairs and unlocked an apartment door, pushing it open.

"This is my place, and it is a dive - or a dump - or whatever you want to call it. What you drinking?"

"Whatever you are. Or, I have a couple of bottles of wine in my backpack I picked up on the way to rehearsal tonight if that sounds better to you than what you have here. Up to you."

Annie looked him over and smiled. "Did you have this planned all along?"

"No, No," Vincent defended himself. "Seriously, I try to keep some around my apartment and was running low. I didn't know how late rehearsal would go, so I stopped on my way."

Annie laughed. "You are alright, Vincent. I have known you for all of two hours and I already trust whatever you tell me. I don't know why, but I do. Good luck finding a place to sit. I have the love seat here and the barstool over there at the counter. This place is so small I can answer a knock at the door without getting out of bed. I can cook dinner, eat and wash dishes with a simple turn of the barstool. I can't have a lover for the night because there is only room for the twin bed. Lighting in here is shitty on top of it all."

"Anything about it you like?" Vincent asked, smiling.

"Cheap," she said and pointed out the window. "And I can look down the street three blocks and see the Art Institute and marvel at what someone is doing with that place and wishing I could be a part of it."

A wistful look took over Annie's face and Vincent felt suddenly sad for her and determined to help her reach that dream, if that was truly her dream.

They shared the first bottle of wine as they sat together on the love seat and she talked about her love of music, her work at the art institute's theater and Vincent was now getting to know.

"You know, I have been married three times, engaged a dozen, and took me twenty years to learn that all I really wanted to do was be an artist and get laid now and then. And now, I think it is getting too late for any of those things to happen."

Vincent was opening the other bottle of wine as she spoke.

"You are already an artist, Annie. I saw that tonight. I heard that tonight. I have read your accomplishments in the bio at the theater. You just need some additional venues to prove yourself to yourself."

"That's sweet of you, but I am not an artist. Real artists write the music I play. I am just a musician scratching out an existence at a community theater. I don't even have enough space to teach music lessons, so I can't even call myself a teacher."

"Annie," Vincent began, "it is an art form to interpret the music others have written. Acting is an art and all that is is interpretation. A painter interprets the world around him. That is an art. You paint with musical notes and you teach with your demonstrations like you taught me tonight on stage. You are an excellent artist."

Tears of gratitude filled Annie's eyes and she smiled at him. "You know, I think you are right and I have been looking at this all wrong. Thank you." She leaned over and kissed him on the cheek. Vincent got up to leave, corked the half bottle of wine still left. As he moved to the door and said good night, Annie stopped him.

"Aren't you forgetting something?" she asked.

Vincent checked himself and his surroundings. "What?"

"I also said I liked getting laid now and then. Got an answer for that?"

Vincent dropped his backpack and before he could get to the love seat, Annie had already removed her t-shirt and bra in one single motion. She nearly ripped his t-shirt off of him and their bare chests pressed together as their tongues explored each other. Vincent pulled her shorts and panties off in a single motion and she grabbed at his. He took care of his own and she was slightly startled by his size but undeterred.

He went down on her and gave her the first oral orgasm she had experienced in several years and she made the most of it nearly drowning him with her sex liquids as the flowed freely down her thighs and his face. He had unleashed a sexual b**st in her and she was loud enough to threaten a call to the police, but none ever came. She wanted even more of his tongue down there and pivoted to ride his face on her twin bed while she began the task of trying to suck his huge cock in her mouth. She sucked feverishly on his cock head and he groaned into her pussy as his tongue lashed her clit over and over again and slid deep inside her, repeating until the dam gave way again and flooded everything in its path. She quit sucking to recover from the life-threatening orgasm she thought would stop her heart. She fought to catch her breath. Vincent turned her around and rolled her over onto her back. Moving between her legs, he guided his cock head to her pussy opening and slid it inside gently at first, while she was still on the extreme end of arousal, he gave her several inches and began riding her, ever so slowly going deeper and deeper. A little faster, a little slower, then faster again. He studied her face, learning when she was about to cum and when he saw it coming again, he maintained what he was doing and allowed her body to do the rest. Her back arched, her face contorted, her head turned and she let out a screech of pleasure more intense than the first two orally induced and thrashed under him as he continued to fuck her.

Vincent grabbed her ass with both hands and now fucked her hard and deep. He rode her, hell bent for his own climax and felt it rising deep inside of himself. He finally grunted and groaned and flooded her insides with a large load of his white, thick cream. She could feel the twitching of his cock and the warmth of the fluid released inside her and her hands cupped his ass and pulled him as deep into her as she could.

They tried to cuddle, but the space was too small. They laughed at their predicament and agreed he just needed to get up and get ready to leave.

"Looks like we are going to have to get a quick shower before you get dressed. There is mess big enough here for you to leave a slug trail home if we let you out like this!" Annie laughed.

They showered together in her cramped shower and washed each other with great care and a lot of physical affection in the process. She offered to get him off again, but he said they would get together soon and maybe someplace with more space. As he dressed, he noticed the bed.

"Let me help you change the sheets. It looks like I wet the bed." They both laughed and large wet spot the two had created. They changed the bedding and he left and Annie slept with a smile on her face for the first time in years.
Published by jamesmasters40
2 years ago
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Pbarr2015 1 year ago
Another great one
bingobob3018 2 years ago
Welcome back and yes, it was worth the wait. Great start too. Hope Part 2 won't be too far away
boxerdog822 2 years ago
Superb welcome back 
dmf399 2 years ago
Excellent start!
R505 2 years ago
Very Go-od.