Quite a while ago, for a period of two or three years we were members of a naturist caravan site. It was quite a long drive to the coast, where the site was, but we tried to get there every weekend. We found that the members were mostly quite stuck up so we didn't get along with them, but we made friends within a small group, one of whom was Jaime, who was Spanish. He had lived in England for 25 years. He was good fun and quite outspoken, which I liked a lot. He used to make me laugh when he cursed in English, which he often did! One day, Jaime said he had received a letter from his family in Spain and it said that his brother had died and now the house was vacant, so Jaime decided to take his retirement (he was about 64, roughly 20 years older than us) and go back to Spain. The weekend arrived when he was to leave on the Monday. He spent the day going to see friends and saying goodbye. We had arranged for him to come to our caravan at about 3. He turned up about five minutes late, looking slightly worse the wear for drink. I give him a beer and we sat and chatted for half an hour, laughing and remembering some of the things we'd done. (Remember that this was a naturist site, so we were all sat naked.) Eventually, he said he'd better get going and stood up. I shook his hand and wished him all the best. Kirsty smiled and opened her arms, inviting him for a hug. He grinned and said “This is the part I've been waiting for!” and she give me a quick smile, because we both knew that he'd secretly quite fancied her. She was one of the few women on the site who completely shaved her pubic hair, and I used to tease her about catching him having sneaky glances at her bald pussy. “Hang on” I said !'I'll get my video camera, I want to capture this moment for ever!”
I switched it onto record, then they went into a close hug, telling each other how they would miss one another other. It was more than just a clinch, it went on for quite a while, with Kirsty smiling at me over his shoulder every now and again. I knew he would be wanting to make it last, and be loving the feel of her naked breasts pushing into his chest! Then her expression changed to a look of amused shock, with her eyebrows raised, and I knew straight away what that meant! “Jaime!” she suddenly said in mock admonishment. They broke apart. “Oh Jesus, oh bloody hell!” he cried. “I'm so embarrassed!”
She clasped her hand to her mouth as she looked down. His fully erect penis was looking straight back at her. It bore no resemblance whatsoever to the little wrinkly thing we normally saw and took hardly any notice of. It seemed to have quadrupled in size! Apart from the girth of it...really fat at the base(I knew that she had a thing for fat cocks) the most impressive part of it was the knob end.... it was so big! It looked out of proportion to the rest of it. He was uncircumsized, but the foreskin was retracted to reveal the huge shiny knob. “Well Jaime, you certainly have a nice line in saying goodbye!” I chuckled. “I think Kirsty should take this as a big compliment!” He looked so embarrassed. “Oh my God!” he said “ I'm sorry, I just couldn't help it. You'd think I was a randy 14 year old with no control over my cock! ”
“You should be so lucky!” I teased. My video camera kept on recording it all. They stood facing each other, wondering what to do. Kirsty kept looking down at it. “Well what would you do in normally in this circumstance, Jaime?” I teased.
Kirsty gave me a meaningful look as if to say “Behave yourself!” Taking control of the situation, she said “Draw the curtains quickly in case somebody passes and looks in!”
“Jaime, sit down there so you're out of sight!” He sat down, his big erection protruding from between his legs. She then looked at me with an amused quizzical look.
“Any suggestions?” I asked. “You can stop your teasing for a start!” she said “Jaime's very embarrassed.” She sat down beside him. “Well Jaime, she said “Ged is right, I do take it as a compliment. It was a natural reaction, I suppose. But, let's face it.... it, erm, doesn't seem to show any sign of calming down, does it?”
“ I know. It's got a bloody mind of its own! I'm so sorry. It just happened!” Kirsty giggled.”What a predicament!” She said. “You'd better lock the door in case we get visitors.” she said to me. After locking the door, I said “Maybe Jaime should go in our bedroom and, er, you know, get it to go down.” I suggested, grinning and fully enjoying the situation. “No, no, he couldn't do that!” she said.
It all went quiet for a while, all three of us staring at his erection, then Kirsty looked up at me and winked. “Well, Jaime, something has to be done. And I've got an idea.” She went into the bedroom, and brought out a dark blue scarf. She sat down next to Jaime and folded the scarf before wrapping it around her head, to cover her eyes. “Tighten it at the back for me, Ged” she said “Mmmm, certainly....shall I tie you up as well?” I asked. She waited just a second too long before replying “No.” She was such a tease! When I'd tightened it, she turned to Jaime, who had been sat there in a state of apprehension. I remember thinking that having Kirsty sitting next to him, blimdfolded and naked was not going to help his hard on go down! “There!” she said.
“It just seems so awkward because we are friends, and we know each other so well, so I thought that this will save a bit of embarrassment. Now you can just...you know, do what you have to do to make it go down, and you can look at my body while you're doing it and...” She smiled and said “I think that would be rather nice, actually!” I could feel my own cock stirring. ”Has he still got that bloody video camera running?” Jaime asked. “Of course.” I replied “I wouldn't miss this for the world, but don't worry, nobody else will ever see the recording. Just the two of us to enjoy when you're back home in Spain.” He looked at me and then at Kirsty, looked down at his cock and took it in his hand and began to masturbate. “This is so bloody embarrassing!” he said.
“Maybe” I said, “But you may as well enjoy it. You've got a lovely lady sitting beside you naked, blindfolded...and she's the one that this is all...er...in honour of, isn't she? Just look at those lovely naked breasts while you do it.” Kirsty shook her head in bemusement. “Ignore him, Jaime. Go on, do it.... for me.” He continued wanking while we watched, and the situation, the mood, was changing from comic to sexual. I noticed that Kirsty's legs had parted slightly, and that he was staring at her smooth shaven slit as well as her breasts as he wanked. Such an erotic sight!
After a while, she said “I'll tell you what.” she said. “Let me know when you're nearly ready and you can come all over my breasts. Would you like that?” He nodded “Oh, yes.” he replied. I felt my semi erect cock begin to rise. Nevertheless, as the time passed and he continued wanking, it was becoming obvious that it wasn't really getting anywhere. Probably the situation, the embarrassment, being videoed... “I've got another idea. It might help with the....” She reached and laid her hand on his thigh, then began stroking it. “Jaime, would you like a helping hand?” she quietly said. “Yes please!” he replied. He took his hand away from his cock, and Kirsty slid her hand up his thigh to cup his heavy balls in her hand. She gently squeezed them for a while, then ran her fingers up the shaft of his hard cock, up on to his huge shiny bell end. She ran her fingers delicately over it over and over again. “God, that is so big, Jaime. So big!” She then wrapped her hand around it at the base.”And so fat! It's like magic, the way it's grown!” I sensed that something more was about to happen, just as her head dipped. My own cock, now fully erect, jumped as she reached with her tongue to lick his huge smooth red glans. She raised her head towards me, knowing that I would be loving the spectacle. Her tongue lapped at it, making it shine. “Mmmmm!” she said. “He's a big boy!” She stopped and tightened her fingers around the shaft and began wanking him, smiling at Jaime. She reached with her left hand and took hold of his and place it on her breast. He looked at me, I suppose for reassurance, and I nodded and smiled. I saw him glance at my erection. His face!.....here he was being invited to sexually touch another man's wife while being watched by her husband. The woman he'd secretly lusted after. His dream literally had come true. He roamed his hand over both breasts, then gently squeezed them before taking a nipple and rolling it between thumb and forefinger. Kirsty's response was to sigh quietly and part her legs. She motioned with her left hand for me to approach. I did, continuing to video it all, as she took mine in her left hand and wanked us both simultaneously. “Well, the things that can happen on a quiet Sunday afternoon!”!” she said “I never expected this...just a farewell drink with Jaime. Look how its turned out!” she turned to Jaime and said “Don't you dare breathe a word of this to anybody, Jaime!” “Of course not! Nobody would believe me anyway....they'd say I was making it up! Not a word, I promise.” he replied. “Well, that's alright then” she said, and in one swift movement, she let go of my cock, parted her legs more, and took his hand from her breasts and placed it between her legs. She turned her blindfolded face towards me, and ran her tongue over her lips, a gesture that said “This is what you want to see, isn't it?”, a reference to all the fantasies I'd whispered to her during intimate moments. She beckoned for my cock again and I place it in her hand. She bent and licked it, then placed a kiss on my knob end!
I looked down. Jaime had began to stroke Kirsty's smooth shaven cunt, and she gave a barely audible “Oooh!”
An ecstasy of quiet, gentle masturbation followed, before she leaned over and began licking Jaime's huge glans again. I watched Jaime as his eyes closed, and quiet gasps came from his partly open mouth. Then he let out a groan as she opened her mouth as wide as possible and took it all in her mouth! She let go of me and concentrated on Jaime, clutching his heavy, hairy balls as she gulped and slurped at his cock, now and then releasing it from her stretched mouth to lick all round the shiny red glans. His hand continued to work in between her legs, his fingers now inside her. Both of them were now panting and moaning, becoming more aroused by each other. As Jaime withdrew his two fingers before sliding them back in, I noticed that they were gleaming wet and sticky with her juices. Such an erotic sight. Such a horny wife. Where was this going to? After several minutes of this...and how he didn't come I just don't know...she raised her head, her lips shiny red. She kissed him on the cheek and whispered ”My turn, now.” She stood up and took his hand. “Come on. You lead the way.” and nodded towards the bedroom. As he led her to the door, my cock twitched. I followed, dizzy with excitement at the sight of my wife, blindfolded, allowing herself to be led to the bedroom by another man.
Once in the bedroom, she suggested it would be better if Jaime laid on his back the bed. He did so, his erection swaying. She felt her way along his body, giving his erection first a playful slap then a loving stroke. She then stroked his chest and swung a leg over, and manoeuvred herself until she straddled his head. Jaime had a few seconds to look at her shaven cunt before she lowered it onto his mouth. I moved in closer with the camera, eager to catch every intimate moment of my wife being licked by another man. Her lips were parted and she let out little sighs as Jaime's tongue got to work on her. Her sighs became gasps and moans as he increased the intensity of his licking. She threw her head back and let out a prolonged moan...Jaime's tongue was doing its job well.
After a while, she raised herself. I saw her juices glistening on Jaime's lips. She manoeuvred herself back down Jaime's body and I watched, unbelieving, as she positioned herself above his hard cock and took hold of it, guiding it to her wet eager cunt. Slowly she forced herself down onto that huge swollen glans, letting out a loud grunt through clenched teeth as it stretched her before it slipped in, and the rest of his hard cock easily followed. “Oh my God!” she cried out, uttering her first words since entering the bedroom. She settled herself further down onto it, slowly allowing his cock to fill her, then she began to ride him. My blindfolded wife, fucking another man, a man 20 years her senior. She positioned her hands on his chest, palms spread, to steady herself as she rode him, her quiet gasps and groans and moans filling the silent room. I watched spellbound, my cock ready to burst. I was amazed at Jaime's staying power...his cock had not wilted since he first gave her that goodbye cuddle that had started this crazy dream! He had been wanked, sucked and fucked by my wife, and was still going strong! In contrast, I felt that I could spill my seed right there and then, as I watched this unbelievable spectacle. I watched the sweat appear on her brow as she fucked him, and they had now found a rhythm, slowing and speeding up alternatively, her gasps coming faster, her head back as she rode to her climax. He too began to show signs of reaching the peak, and she leaned forward and whispered “Are you near?” He replied “Yes...yes!” and they quickened their thrusting and riding until he let out a throaty moan, indicating that he was coming, which was the spur for her to build to her climax, too. “Oh, fuck, fuck...fuck me!” she cried, before the orgasm tore through her, accompanied by a series of gasps and whimpers as his sperm shot into her. Eventually they slowed, and she fell forward onto his chest, both of them now glistening with sweat. Their breathing slowed, the air was still, I could hear the familiar voices of friends as they passed by outside. It all seemed surreal. After a while she took off the blindfold, and looked him straight in the eye. “Oh, Jaime, you naughty, naughty man, what have you done?” she said.
Minutes later, they were sharing a shower, to wash away the sweat and love juices from their bodies. As Jaime soaped her all over, she filled her palm with shower gel and spread it on his limp cock, playfully slapping it and saying “Now you just behave yourself this time!”
As he stood by the door to leave, having exchanged addresses, she hugged him again. “Stand by with a bucket of cold water, Ged!” she laughed. “Goodbye, you old rascal!” she said, before kissing him on the lips and whispering in his ear “And thank you. It was wonderful!”
When he'd gone, we just stood and stared at each other, silent and smiling in disbelief at what had happened.
I switched it onto record, then they went into a close hug, telling each other how they would miss one another other. It was more than just a clinch, it went on for quite a while, with Kirsty smiling at me over his shoulder every now and again. I knew he would be wanting to make it last, and be loving the feel of her naked breasts pushing into his chest! Then her expression changed to a look of amused shock, with her eyebrows raised, and I knew straight away what that meant! “Jaime!” she suddenly said in mock admonishment. They broke apart. “Oh Jesus, oh bloody hell!” he cried. “I'm so embarrassed!”
She clasped her hand to her mouth as she looked down. His fully erect penis was looking straight back at her. It bore no resemblance whatsoever to the little wrinkly thing we normally saw and took hardly any notice of. It seemed to have quadrupled in size! Apart from the girth of it...really fat at the base(I knew that she had a thing for fat cocks) the most impressive part of it was the knob end.... it was so big! It looked out of proportion to the rest of it. He was uncircumsized, but the foreskin was retracted to reveal the huge shiny knob. “Well Jaime, you certainly have a nice line in saying goodbye!” I chuckled. “I think Kirsty should take this as a big compliment!” He looked so embarrassed. “Oh my God!” he said “ I'm sorry, I just couldn't help it. You'd think I was a randy 14 year old with no control over my cock! ”
“You should be so lucky!” I teased. My video camera kept on recording it all. They stood facing each other, wondering what to do. Kirsty kept looking down at it. “Well what would you do in normally in this circumstance, Jaime?” I teased.
Kirsty gave me a meaningful look as if to say “Behave yourself!” Taking control of the situation, she said “Draw the curtains quickly in case somebody passes and looks in!”
“Jaime, sit down there so you're out of sight!” He sat down, his big erection protruding from between his legs. She then looked at me with an amused quizzical look.
“Any suggestions?” I asked. “You can stop your teasing for a start!” she said “Jaime's very embarrassed.” She sat down beside him. “Well Jaime, she said “Ged is right, I do take it as a compliment. It was a natural reaction, I suppose. But, let's face it.... it, erm, doesn't seem to show any sign of calming down, does it?”
“ I know. It's got a bloody mind of its own! I'm so sorry. It just happened!” Kirsty giggled.”What a predicament!” She said. “You'd better lock the door in case we get visitors.” she said to me. After locking the door, I said “Maybe Jaime should go in our bedroom and, er, you know, get it to go down.” I suggested, grinning and fully enjoying the situation. “No, no, he couldn't do that!” she said.
It all went quiet for a while, all three of us staring at his erection, then Kirsty looked up at me and winked. “Well, Jaime, something has to be done. And I've got an idea.” She went into the bedroom, and brought out a dark blue scarf. She sat down next to Jaime and folded the scarf before wrapping it around her head, to cover her eyes. “Tighten it at the back for me, Ged” she said “Mmmm, certainly....shall I tie you up as well?” I asked. She waited just a second too long before replying “No.” She was such a tease! When I'd tightened it, she turned to Jaime, who had been sat there in a state of apprehension. I remember thinking that having Kirsty sitting next to him, blimdfolded and naked was not going to help his hard on go down! “There!” she said.
“It just seems so awkward because we are friends, and we know each other so well, so I thought that this will save a bit of embarrassment. Now you can just...you know, do what you have to do to make it go down, and you can look at my body while you're doing it and...” She smiled and said “I think that would be rather nice, actually!” I could feel my own cock stirring. ”Has he still got that bloody video camera running?” Jaime asked. “Of course.” I replied “I wouldn't miss this for the world, but don't worry, nobody else will ever see the recording. Just the two of us to enjoy when you're back home in Spain.” He looked at me and then at Kirsty, looked down at his cock and took it in his hand and began to masturbate. “This is so bloody embarrassing!” he said.
“Maybe” I said, “But you may as well enjoy it. You've got a lovely lady sitting beside you naked, blindfolded...and she's the one that this is all...er...in honour of, isn't she? Just look at those lovely naked breasts while you do it.” Kirsty shook her head in bemusement. “Ignore him, Jaime. Go on, do it.... for me.” He continued wanking while we watched, and the situation, the mood, was changing from comic to sexual. I noticed that Kirsty's legs had parted slightly, and that he was staring at her smooth shaven slit as well as her breasts as he wanked. Such an erotic sight!
After a while, she said “I'll tell you what.” she said. “Let me know when you're nearly ready and you can come all over my breasts. Would you like that?” He nodded “Oh, yes.” he replied. I felt my semi erect cock begin to rise. Nevertheless, as the time passed and he continued wanking, it was becoming obvious that it wasn't really getting anywhere. Probably the situation, the embarrassment, being videoed... “I've got another idea. It might help with the....” She reached and laid her hand on his thigh, then began stroking it. “Jaime, would you like a helping hand?” she quietly said. “Yes please!” he replied. He took his hand away from his cock, and Kirsty slid her hand up his thigh to cup his heavy balls in her hand. She gently squeezed them for a while, then ran her fingers up the shaft of his hard cock, up on to his huge shiny bell end. She ran her fingers delicately over it over and over again. “God, that is so big, Jaime. So big!” She then wrapped her hand around it at the base.”And so fat! It's like magic, the way it's grown!” I sensed that something more was about to happen, just as her head dipped. My own cock, now fully erect, jumped as she reached with her tongue to lick his huge smooth red glans. She raised her head towards me, knowing that I would be loving the spectacle. Her tongue lapped at it, making it shine. “Mmmmm!” she said. “He's a big boy!” She stopped and tightened her fingers around the shaft and began wanking him, smiling at Jaime. She reached with her left hand and took hold of his and place it on her breast. He looked at me, I suppose for reassurance, and I nodded and smiled. I saw him glance at my erection. His face!.....here he was being invited to sexually touch another man's wife while being watched by her husband. The woman he'd secretly lusted after. His dream literally had come true. He roamed his hand over both breasts, then gently squeezed them before taking a nipple and rolling it between thumb and forefinger. Kirsty's response was to sigh quietly and part her legs. She motioned with her left hand for me to approach. I did, continuing to video it all, as she took mine in her left hand and wanked us both simultaneously. “Well, the things that can happen on a quiet Sunday afternoon!”!” she said “I never expected this...just a farewell drink with Jaime. Look how its turned out!” she turned to Jaime and said “Don't you dare breathe a word of this to anybody, Jaime!” “Of course not! Nobody would believe me anyway....they'd say I was making it up! Not a word, I promise.” he replied. “Well, that's alright then” she said, and in one swift movement, she let go of my cock, parted her legs more, and took his hand from her breasts and placed it between her legs. She turned her blindfolded face towards me, and ran her tongue over her lips, a gesture that said “This is what you want to see, isn't it?”, a reference to all the fantasies I'd whispered to her during intimate moments. She beckoned for my cock again and I place it in her hand. She bent and licked it, then placed a kiss on my knob end!
I looked down. Jaime had began to stroke Kirsty's smooth shaven cunt, and she gave a barely audible “Oooh!”
An ecstasy of quiet, gentle masturbation followed, before she leaned over and began licking Jaime's huge glans again. I watched Jaime as his eyes closed, and quiet gasps came from his partly open mouth. Then he let out a groan as she opened her mouth as wide as possible and took it all in her mouth! She let go of me and concentrated on Jaime, clutching his heavy, hairy balls as she gulped and slurped at his cock, now and then releasing it from her stretched mouth to lick all round the shiny red glans. His hand continued to work in between her legs, his fingers now inside her. Both of them were now panting and moaning, becoming more aroused by each other. As Jaime withdrew his two fingers before sliding them back in, I noticed that they were gleaming wet and sticky with her juices. Such an erotic sight. Such a horny wife. Where was this going to? After several minutes of this...and how he didn't come I just don't know...she raised her head, her lips shiny red. She kissed him on the cheek and whispered ”My turn, now.” She stood up and took his hand. “Come on. You lead the way.” and nodded towards the bedroom. As he led her to the door, my cock twitched. I followed, dizzy with excitement at the sight of my wife, blindfolded, allowing herself to be led to the bedroom by another man.
Once in the bedroom, she suggested it would be better if Jaime laid on his back the bed. He did so, his erection swaying. She felt her way along his body, giving his erection first a playful slap then a loving stroke. She then stroked his chest and swung a leg over, and manoeuvred herself until she straddled his head. Jaime had a few seconds to look at her shaven cunt before she lowered it onto his mouth. I moved in closer with the camera, eager to catch every intimate moment of my wife being licked by another man. Her lips were parted and she let out little sighs as Jaime's tongue got to work on her. Her sighs became gasps and moans as he increased the intensity of his licking. She threw her head back and let out a prolonged moan...Jaime's tongue was doing its job well.
After a while, she raised herself. I saw her juices glistening on Jaime's lips. She manoeuvred herself back down Jaime's body and I watched, unbelieving, as she positioned herself above his hard cock and took hold of it, guiding it to her wet eager cunt. Slowly she forced herself down onto that huge swollen glans, letting out a loud grunt through clenched teeth as it stretched her before it slipped in, and the rest of his hard cock easily followed. “Oh my God!” she cried out, uttering her first words since entering the bedroom. She settled herself further down onto it, slowly allowing his cock to fill her, then she began to ride him. My blindfolded wife, fucking another man, a man 20 years her senior. She positioned her hands on his chest, palms spread, to steady herself as she rode him, her quiet gasps and groans and moans filling the silent room. I watched spellbound, my cock ready to burst. I was amazed at Jaime's staying power...his cock had not wilted since he first gave her that goodbye cuddle that had started this crazy dream! He had been wanked, sucked and fucked by my wife, and was still going strong! In contrast, I felt that I could spill my seed right there and then, as I watched this unbelievable spectacle. I watched the sweat appear on her brow as she fucked him, and they had now found a rhythm, slowing and speeding up alternatively, her gasps coming faster, her head back as she rode to her climax. He too began to show signs of reaching the peak, and she leaned forward and whispered “Are you near?” He replied “Yes...yes!” and they quickened their thrusting and riding until he let out a throaty moan, indicating that he was coming, which was the spur for her to build to her climax, too. “Oh, fuck, fuck...fuck me!” she cried, before the orgasm tore through her, accompanied by a series of gasps and whimpers as his sperm shot into her. Eventually they slowed, and she fell forward onto his chest, both of them now glistening with sweat. Their breathing slowed, the air was still, I could hear the familiar voices of friends as they passed by outside. It all seemed surreal. After a while she took off the blindfold, and looked him straight in the eye. “Oh, Jaime, you naughty, naughty man, what have you done?” she said.
Minutes later, they were sharing a shower, to wash away the sweat and love juices from their bodies. As Jaime soaped her all over, she filled her palm with shower gel and spread it on his limp cock, playfully slapping it and saying “Now you just behave yourself this time!”
As he stood by the door to leave, having exchanged addresses, she hugged him again. “Stand by with a bucket of cold water, Ged!” she laughed. “Goodbye, you old rascal!” she said, before kissing him on the lips and whispering in his ear “And thank you. It was wonderful!”
When he'd gone, we just stood and stared at each other, silent and smiling in disbelief at what had happened.
2 years ago