192 - Afternoon With Bella Continues

As we headed off into the dense woodland which I knew quite well so we were unlikely to get lost and as the peace and tranquillity, apart from birds singing and the faint rustling of the bushes in the warm breeze, hit us it was really pleasant and quite hot too.. “I only been in these woods once before Mikie, I got totally lost and started to panic.. so glad I’m with you today, I feel safe” she said gripping my hand which in itself was a nice gesture as she led the way down some pretty thin tracks.. “I love exploring.. gives me a sense of adventure” she said not having a clue where she was going however I let her lead the way and it made sense to stay off the main pathways for fear of being seen by the school security which I know patrolled the area.. we were safe and I loved the way she kept stopping to look at a flower or a wild insect.. it was actually quite interesting but soon the conversation returned to personal matters, she instigated it, not me.. .

“Sorry to ask personal questions but we’re still covered by confidentiality aren’t we?.. (I nodded my head).. When you had your examination and Nurse Donna asked you to strip off.. ( I nodded my head again as we turned down another thin track).. can I ask, how did you really feel?.. I mean, Nurse Donna is quite young and if I’m honest, pretty hot.. even I think that and I’m a girl.. did you get a boner.. I’m interested” she said blushing again having asked me a rather personal question.. “OMG what’s this?” she gasped excitedly putting my answer on hold as we fought through some bushes and came across a very secluded clearing, it was only small, about ten foot or so square but as we stepped into it I could immediately feel the heat as it shielded us from the breeze.. “This is so cool Mikie, can we stop and rest.. I wanna hear your answer.. pleeeeze” she said excitedly and I didn’t want to tell her that the forest is full of little secluded sun traps, not yet anyway.. I looked around and figured there was no way we’d be seen in here without warning and it did seem nice, there was a couple of old fallen tree stumps which made ideal seats..
“Phew.. it ain’t half hot isn’t it” she said wiping her brow, neither of us wearing much, me in a tee shirt and little white shorts which I’m pleased to say that the contents of which were behaving and she was just in her school shirt and short pleated skirt.. I didn’t want to suggest stripping off although we’d both seen each other naked this morning but that was medical and totally different circumstances but I had an idea.. “Yes it certainly is.. I know, would you mind if I slipped off my shirt.. I don’t want to appear weird or perverted but it’s too hot to keep on” I said softly with a giggle so she didn’t take me too seriously.. she looked concerned.. “I guess not but what about me? I can’t really take off my shirt can I.. I’m not wearing a bra.. daddy says I don’t need one yet” she said with a sad looking face as I slipped my shirt up over my head and stepped over putting it on the fallen tree stump.. “Here babes, sit on this, it’ll save getting your skirt messed up.. (she leant back against the stump sort of half sitting causing me to glance down at her long sexy legs).. I have an idea what to do with your shirt and still keep your dignity intact” I said enthusiastically which perked her interest.. “Yes please babe” she said calling me babe for the first time, I do love these signs of endearment.. I noticed her top button already undone..

“What I suggest is you pull your shirt out of your skirt and undo the buttons up to the last one and then tie it up under your breasts.. then you can undo the last button and get maximum exposure.. what do you think?” I suggested and I could see the cogs spinning in her pretty little head as she processed the suggestion, poor Bella wasn’t the brightest star in the sky but I loved her even more for her total innocence..
“That’s a really cool idea babe.. I like that and oooh.. you do look nice without your shirt” she said blushing again as she started to undo her buttons and while I was controlling any arousal I did feel a twinge as more of her flat belly became visible.

Keeping her dignity she left one buttoned and with her shirt hanging open apart from that she looked lost as to what to do next.. “Can you help me Mikie” she asked softly looking confused.. “Of course” I said as I stepped closer and could clearly see her stiff nipples poking against the thin fabric.. I grabbed both front corners and pulled them out while lifting her shirt up and as I tied the shirt tight at the front with a loose knot I did the honour of undoing the last button and the way her shirt hung I was able to see inside.. Mmm, “Your Daddy was right, you don’t need a bra yet.. they’re nice by the way” I said smiling as I stepped back and OMG she looked gorgeous with her belly fully exposed and her shirt just about covering her puffy little breasts which seemed to swell under the strain of her shirt… “Wow.. you look nice Bella.. is that more comfortable” I said looking her up and down as I sat on the ground cross legged knowing that my balls were hanging out of my shorts.. purely innocently and she didn’t pay any mind to my accidental exposure.. “Ok Bella, to answer your question” I said getting comfortable and as she half sat on the stump I had a perfect view of her long legs, not quite a panty peek but nice just the same.. “Oooh goody.. I’d like to know how you felt” she replied excitedly as she lifted herself up onto the stump with knees slightly apart.. now I had a panty peek..

“I must admit when I first saw Nurse Donna I thought it was the receptionist.. far too young and pretty to be a nurse.. I sat outside like we did today and when she called me in I was in total shock to find that she was the nurse.. (Bella listened intently and her knees seemed to be getting wider and the glances down between my legs more frequent).. I was wearing track pants and when she asked me to strip to my undies I told her I wasn’t wearing any.. I have to say Bella that I was dead excited to expose myself to such a pretty woman” I said as my cock started to respond and I think Bella noticed some movement as I sat back being supported by my arms.. I had a lovely view up her little skirt and could just see the puffiness of her tight white crotch.. Bella gave me a coy look as she looked up at me.. “Wow babe, from what you told me this morning it must have been a dream come true” she said with a giggle as her eyes diverted back down south where not only were my bollocks on show but my bulge was growing..

“So to answer your question babes I felt excitement at Nurse Donna examining my most intimate areas, of course I got a boner but she told me it was natural.. I felt great exposing myself to her” I said wrapping up my answer which judging by her expression she was satisfied with.. “That’s so cool Mikie, I kinda like the exhibition stuff.. I mean, accidents happen don’t they.. a quick flash of knickers.. (her knees parted another inch).. or a wardrobe malfunction for the males.. it’s kinda exciting isn’t it?” she said softly knowing that I knew what she meant but it was all done in a subconscious innocent way.. I loved it and could feel my erection starting to angle off to the side.. “My daddy recently started to have wardrobe malfunctions.. OMG it’s so funny” she said laughing as we continued on the same threat and the way I was sitting back my state of arousal was clearly in view.. Bella noticed it but took it as accidental as she continued her story.. “I told you he started acting weird, right.. (I nodded my head).. well part of that weirdness was be started to chill out in just his pants, OMG.. not a pretty sight.. (We giggled).. one day we were sitting watching tv, I was in my nighty ready for bed and daddy was in his chair opposite” she said reliving the events, my cock pulsed as I waited in anticipation as my eyes feasted up her skirt with the occasional glance at her puffy little titties.. “That’s quite normal, what made it weird” I asked as she took a deep breath and as her chest puffed out I thought my loose knot was gonna give way, it didn’t..

“I we were sitting there watching tv and passing comments back and forth when suddenly I noticed out the corner of my eye my daddy’s testicles sticking out the leg of his pants.. Eeew” she said grimacing at the thought of not only seeing her daddy on his underpants but exposing his nuts.. I felt her pain.. “OMG babes, that’s terrible” said the boy with his nuts on display..
“I know but not only that I turned to look at him and he had a big bulge in his pants too.. Eeew.. he had a boner and there was me in my nighty, he kept looking over as we chatted but acted like nothing was happening.. I felt his eyes on me Mikie, I thought it would creep me out but it didn’t.. I felt excitement babe.. my nighty was quite short and I parted my legs just enough so he could see my knickers.. I saw his bulge move and this went on for at least an hour.. I’m sure he knew I was looking but nothing was said, we just seemed to enjoy the views.. how weird it that babe?” She said exposing her feelings, I wanted to put her mind at ease.. “Wow, was his bulge anything like mine now?” I asked thrusting my hips forward so she could see my arousal… “OMG yes. Just like that Mikie.. Wow” she gasped in disbelief.. I had the answer..

“Well I can tell you that makes her erections without rhythm nor reason, see.. it’s happening to me too” I said as she stared at my angled boner pushing hard against my waistband.. she looked up at me.. “Wow, you’re right, daddy must’ve had one of those then.. he seems to get them quite a lot and it’s all over the flat now” she added as I sat back down..
“Again, that’s quite natural really, an erect penis is a beautiful thing” I said smiling as she glanced down at my pulsing bulge… “Oh yes.. it’s cool” she said smiling, she did have a lovely smile.
“Does it ever pop out? How do you feel inside when you see a bulge like that.. I bet you tease, right” I asked as I focused again up her little skirt.. “This is all confidential right?.. (I nodded).. it doesn’t really pop out as such but I can see it in some detail.. I might tease a little but to be honest with you where a year ago I would’ve been totally grossed out now I get a sense of excitement.. I’m sure he knows I’m looking at it but he’s my daddy” she responded with a giggle as again she looked at my pulsing bulge.. “Sometimes I wish he’d just get it out and show me” she said blushing at her revelation but I appreciated her honesty, maybe I could help..

“I have an idea Bella, to be honest these shorts are a bit uncomfortable.. how would you feel if I took them off.. I don’t mind showing you.. I mean, you did see it this morning” I suggested and her eyes widened as she blushed going all coy.. “Yeah but that was different, we were in a therapy session.. (she paused as she considered my suggestion).. I suppose it wouldn’t hurt and I do think it’s cool you helping me out.. I’d like to see it again” she said softly so I raised up my arse and slipped my shorts down my legs.. her face was a picture as I fully exposed myself..
“Oh Wow babe.. it’s so big.. I do like your penis.. Wow!” she gasped as I sat naked in front of her.. I wasn’t going to suggest her undressing as that was her decision but quite frankly I loved seeing her just how she is.. and I loved being naked in front of her curious gaze.

“You’re already getting a nice colour Mikie.. do you like sunbathing?.. Oooh it’s still so hot here in this sun trap isn’t it” she said softly as she wiped the sweat from her brow and apart from stripping off there wasn’t much she could do, I wasn’t going to suggest it due to her shyness but I still had one card to play… “I know sweetheart, it can get a bit unbearable and we’re not even in summer yet.. I have an idea” I said as I could see the sweat forming on her belly and legs, looked kinda sexy actually.. she looked at me keenly.. “Any idea has to be a good one Mikie” she said looking at me but trying not to stare at my stiff manhood..

“Please don’t think I’m pervy babes but it’s a known fact that the bottom can act as a cooling system for the body.. the same way that wearing a hat keeps heat in” I said keeping a calm composure and with sincerity in trying to cool her down, she looked totally confused bless her.. “Um.. what do you mean.. how does that work?” she replied inquisitively and not only did I have a plan I also had a plan B.. “Ok, as daft as this may sound if you expose your buttocks and the only way to do that without removing your knickers.. (she listened intently).. which would be naughty, wouldn’t it.. (she nodded in agreement).. is to pull the knickers into your crack therefore exposing the maximum amount of flesh which then by wetting them helps cool your body down” I said convincingly and from the look on her face I think she approved of the idea.. “You know Mr Genius.. that all makes perfect, logical sense.. (she paused).. but you’re overlooking one minor detail.. (I raised my eyebrows as I thought it was simple enough).. Duh.. neither of us has any water.. Oops” she said looking disappointed but again I had the answer.. “Damn it Bella, I hadn’t thought of that.. (I paused while pretending to think).. Um.. what if I used my saliva.. I guess I could lick your skin, not ideal I know.. but I’m prepared to have a go” I said and I could see her pretty blue eyes flickering in some sort of fluster.. “Eeew Really?.. doesn’t sound brilliant but do you think it’ll work?.. I’m sweating here” she said a little nervously as her shy, innocent demeanour kicked in.. “What have we got to lose by trying it..” I said hopefully and although she didn’t sound too sure she nodded her head.. “Ok then.. worth a try.. how do you want me?” She asked and as I looked at the stump it was the perfect height if she spread her legs a bit.. “Best if you bend over the stump babes, I can kneel down and be at the perfect height” I said as I got onto my knees.. Bella jumped down and still looked a bit sheepish.. “You sure it’ll work?..” she said mopping her brow with my little white shorts.. I didn’t mind.

She hesitantly bent over the stump and widened her long legs to get comfortable as I moved closer excited by what was now in front of me, her little pleated skirt had risen and half her panty clad arse was visible as well has her tight white gusset and as I peered between her long legs I could clearly see the outline of her hidden pussy lips, such an adoring sight forcing my cock to pulse.. “Phew.. I’m sweating too now babes” I said mopping my brow before slowly raising up her little skirt resting it on the small of her back fully exposing her little white cotton knickers.. “Well Mikie, if it works I could always cool you down too” she said with a nervous giggle as I prepared to arrange her panties, I was almost dribbling at the mouth looking at her perfectly symmetrical arse cheeks.. Wow!!
I gently pushed my fingers inside the back of her panties feeling the warm fleshy cheeks and eased the soft cotton into her crack using my thumbs to ensure a tight snug fit.. “Oooh that feels weird” she sighed with a giggle as I noticed her puffy gusset tightening..

Her musky aroma much more pungent with all her earlier orgasms and as I got my head closer I took a deep inhale sending my head spinning and my cock pulsing and she jolted as my wet tongue made contact with her soft pimply arse cheek.. “Oooh that tickles Mikie” she said giggling as my slobbering tongue got close to the cotton packed tightly into her crack.. she raised her head.. “Oooh yes babe.. I feel a bit cooler already.. keep going babe” she mumbled under her breath as I felt her gently pushing back and slightly wiggling which seemed to force my nose into her crack and my tongue against her moist gusset.. “Oh yes.. it’s working babe.. you’re so cool” she sighed softly as my tongue explored her most intimate areas..

I pulled back a couple of inches taking another deep intake of air.. “Oh I’m so pleased Bella.. maybe if I took them off I’d be able to speed up the process” I said hopefully as I reached for the waistband of her knickers and taking her silence as approval I gently eased her knickers down fully exposing her fleshy cheeks and could see her hairy lips glistening in the sunlight between her legs.. Mmm.
I reached up and gently pulled her wet cheeks wide exposing her dark and shaded arsehole which looked even more delectable than it did this morning, temptation got the better of me as I gently flicked my tongue into her pouting dirt box causing her to gasp.. “Oh Mickie, that’s so cool babe” she sighed softly as she again pushed back on my face.

“Oooh Mickie.. I’m much cooler now.. OMG YESSS!” She cried out as my tongue purposely flicked between both holes and with my cock throbbing like crazy there was only one hole I wanted to put it in.. she was getting breathless as I pulled up grabbing my cock as I stood behind her, she sighed in anticipation albeit she didn’t know what hole I was going in and as I teased by running my swollen head down her crack bypassing her arsehole and pushing along her dripping lips spreading them apart..

“OMG.. are you going to.. (I pushed the head between her hanging lips).. oh yes.. Mmm” she sighed as I slowly pushed into her helped my her pushing back on me.. she started moaning softly as I started to gently thrust pushing in deeper and deeper into her tight little cunt.. I reached my hands around her front and easily undid the loose knot holding her shirt together and as it opened up I cupped her puffy little titties feeling her stiff nipples in the palms of my hands as I gently squeezed..
I quickly got into my stride and it wasn’t long before I was balls deep with my belly slapping against her arse cheeks and in the heat of the sun trap I was soon sweating like a whore in Sunday school, I wasn’t going to let my dripping sweat deter me from finishing the job and with us both becoming breathless as I felt the pressure building up inside of me.

I was deep and her body started to shudder as another orgasm ripped through her body squirting her juices against my swinging balls and down my legs, this in itself pushed me to the point of no return and I couldn’t hold back as her cunt muscles too a tight hold forcing extra velocity as my cock pulsated shooting my hot creamy cum deep into her belly which judging by her reaction she felt immediately.. “Fucking hell babe.. Oh god YESSS” she cried out breathlessly as I squeezed her little puffies.. I slowed right down revelling in the experience as we both tried to regain some sort of composure..

As my cock started to soften inside her I slowly eased back and let her skirt fall back down but due to the shortness it only really covered half her arse and her hanging labia was still on show as Bella tried to gather the strength to move, “Wow babes, I love how tight you are but remember this is all covered by confidentiality.. our secret, right” I said softly as she finally gathered the strength to pull her panties up.. she turned to face me as she started to do her buttons up leaving her shirt untucked.. “Of course babe.. our secret” she said with a big innocent smile.. “Shame you have to meet your friend” she added and although Sara wasn’t urgent as I could meet her any day but I was curious as to what Bella had in mind..

“It’s not important sweetheart, what did you have in mind?” I asked inquisitively as her eyes lit up.. “Oooh really.. I was just thinking.. (she paused as she went all coy watching me slip my shorts back on).. well, I really like you Mikie and I never take friends home” she said blushing again.. I listened intently as I was liking what she was saying, “Well, if you want to walk me home and maybe come in and meet my weird daddy.. he doesn’t think I have friends.. it’d mean so much.. but you don’t have to if you don’t want to” she said softly and I got to thinking that it’d be nice.. not sure what her daddy would think..

“Oh Wow.. I don’t mind but will your daddy be alright you bringing a boy home..” I asked and could see her getting excited.. “Daddy always says that I’m too shy and reserved and even comments that I don’t bring friends home.. I’m sure he’d be pleased but I warn you.. take him as he is” she said excitedly but warning me of the dangers that he might not be fully dressed, I was alright with that and maybe gather my own opinions after listening to her stories.. “I don’t live far.. I’m in the flats at the bottom of Park Street.. are you sure your friend won’t mind?” she said gathering excitement as she started to walk back to the main footpath..

Better to love the one you’re with and it’ll be nice to see her home environment.. I really did like Bella.. “Nah.. it’s cool, I like being with you Bella, we’ve had a great day so far” I said as we approached the park and started to walk towards her flat.. she did remind me not to mention the therapy which I wouldn’t anyway.. I was looking forward to the experience.

To Be Continued..
Published by britguy
2 years ago
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Leomoore 2 years ago
to nicolaslut : We will have to wait and see…..
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Leomoore 2 years ago
Loving Bella, hope her dad likes Mikie.  
dmf399 2 years ago
Maybe Mikie can fuck Daddy too?
nicolaslut 2 years ago
will Bella turn into a daddies girl mm
Cigarman56 2 years ago
Oh, Let the sun shine in...