Sex shop visit 3

I am conscious that in my first two sex shop stories I jumped the gun and did not give sufficient background in terms of why that visit escalated so quickly.

There are two key sexual traits I possess. First of all, I have a tiny tiny cock which I’m guessing never developed during puberty. I have, since puberty, been extremely embarrassed by my cock. In addition, my nature is to be submissive and as I look back on my life I know that a number of people picked up on this trait almost instantaneously.

I have from time to time pondered which came first the chicken or egg. Specifically did my tiny cock result in my submissiveness. I'm inclined to think not, as there are lots of sub guys with perfepctly respectable cocks. I guess i just hit the jackpot, i am a sub with a clitlike cock.

Part of me was inclined to be ashamed of my submissiveness and I guess my marriage is evidence of the fact that I tried to live a so-called normal life despite having a tiny penis and a submissive nature.

Thankfully pornography was my saviour, allowing me to explore my sexuality and kinks in a nonjudgemental way. It was through this process that I recognised my submissiveness was part of my sexuality and not something to be ashamed of.

My embrace of porn, driven by my desire to find sexual satisfaction started after myself and my wife stopped trying for c***dren. Other than my very occasionally eating her out we had no further sexual contact.

These were the pre-Internet days, when access to pornography was either through a top shelf magazine or, for more daring content , a visit to a sex shop. In my masturbation practice I had started to explore anal stimulation. I suppose I followed a well worn path of using lubricating fingers at first followed by vegetables etc. To my growing joy I found it more pleasurable and satisfying than just wanking my tiny cock.

By now I had graduated from hetro porn to buying gay porn mags and even a gay porn video (yes it was that long ago). It wasn’t rocket science, I clearly absorbed the fact that only women and effeminate men got fucked in the ass. My understanding of where I might fit sexually was developing.

Around this time another incident highlighted to me that my sexual tastes were, shall we say, esoteric.

I had always had a weak bladder, the result of a c***dhood accident. Many many times I had not reached a toilet in time and as a result wet myself.

One evening I was coming home from drinks after work and felt the inevitable darts of pain in my bladder as I came out of the train station. I still had about 1 mile to walk home. In the end, I was almost sprinting to our front door. However as soon as I had entered our flat i I felt the familiar relief of the first dribbles of urine escaping my bladder. By the time I reached the toilet it was a steady stream.

For some reason I did not unzip my trousers and hurriedly sit on the toilet as usual.

Before continuing, let me explain about sitting on the toilet. The fact is when you have a tiny cock and bladder control problems you soon learn that standing and pissing is just a recipe for getting your shoes and the floor wet.

Getting back to that evening, for some reason I just decided to stand in front of the toilet and feel the waves of relief washing over me as the urine soaked my jeans. I watched as the growing dark patch proceeded down my legs and even into my shoes. By the time I finished there was a puddle on the floor. I knew then I had just had a satisfying sexual experience.

Since that day piss play has featured heavily in my wank sessions. It developed from just wetting myself, to sucking soaked boxers in my mouth as I wanked, and over time to filling my bladder and then, either naked or indeed clothed, lying in a bath , hips high, pissing over myself.

Perhaps given this background my journey to the door of the sex shop is entirely understandable. I was experienced in anal play and regularly enjoyed solo piss play. Let’s just say I was clearly on a journey.

While ostensibly I was going shopping for toys to further develop my anal play, I think I also realised that I was, in a limited way, making my kinkiness public. After all, what % of men go shopping for sex toys in a sex shop?

If I ever had therapy concerning this aspect of my life, I’m pretty sure the ther****t would observe that subconsciously I was outing myself and willing to see, indeed needed to see, how things would develop. I was coming out, so to speak.

From a conscious point of view if you had asked me why I was feeling excited as I entered the sex shop I think I would have said that the prospect of being in such a seedy establishment, in the wrong part of town, quite excited me. I wasn’t consciously looking for a “bit of rough” I guess I just hoped that I would not bump into anyone I knew.


I know I have already used naive as a description of myself, but I constantly chuckle when I remember how I felt and what I thought when I went to Davids shop to buy my first toys. My anal exploration had been going on for some time and I realised to take it to the next level I should invest in a vibrator and perhaps even a butt plug. Even today I blush when I remember that I actually thought I could carry off the pretence that I was there too buy them for my wife!

What is it about a beta like me or a Dom like David which enables him to immediately understand my true nature? I asked David much later why he had been so confident that I was going to take my newly purchased toys, go into one of the video booths, and stretch my sissy ass and take two loads of spunk.

He chuckled, and responded “I just knew you were submissive within seconds of seeing you come in the door. What’s interesting is that the other guys who were in the shop all made eye contact with me, we all understood you were fresh meat for us"

What I had not realised is that each of the booths in the shop were set up with a camera to observe the occupant. As soon as I went into the booth the unseen video camera was capturing exactly what I was doing. I know this because somewhat later David gave me a disc with my performance on it.

One of the guys David had made eye contact with, as I entered the shop, decided that he was going to test my boundaries. He had the benefit of watching the live feed from the video camera of my violating my arse with my new best friends. It was his cock which appeared through the glory hole.

Perhaps, someone who was not submissive like me would be indignant of how easily I was “entrapped“, the fact that I was being videoed . Or that from that day forward David would always refer to me as "fresh meat". In referring to me he also used female pronouns. What he understood was that all of these micro suggestions heightened my desire, as they embedded my sissiness in my psyche.

The spit roast.

I told you in my second story about being invited to a spit roasting session, were I was one of the intended pigs. David was truly a master of his domain and was trusted by all of the participants. The alpha doms knew that he would provide meat for them to enjoy and for my part it was a wonderful way of participating in an unfettered sexual experience which satisfied me greatly. I felt highly confident that I would not have had this experience if I had just relied on it happening amongst my circle of friends.

Now I know that my sexual appetite was increased by a constant consumption of poppers, and to some extent one could argue that I wasn't being my true self. But I would argue against this view all day long. What the poppers did was to strip away 30 years of societal and religous pressure and allowed me to behave exactly how I wanted to.

After myself and John, the other twink, had cum swapped and swallowed the spunk, the alphas and David cheered loudly. Thankfully David kept the poppers coming which helped turn us into insatiable cock hounds.

After drinking some water I felt my shoulders being pushed down as another cockhead probed my sphincter. I wiggled my sissy ass, and as I felt my whole body buzz with the need for cock, I pushed back to engulf a gorgeous long cock. I felt balls slap against my cage, just as another, fatter cock, was presented to my mouth.

“Remember it’s her first spit roast so don’t be too rough on her” David instructed “ Let’s keep it simple, a load down her throat and another deep in her guts”

I was clearly in experienced hands (literally and figuratively) as quite quickly the three of us developed the perfect spit roasting rhythm. Alpha three with my head in his hands and alpha two holding my hips had me rocking back and forth always with at least 12 inches of their 18 inches of cock inside me.

Perhaps it won’t surprise you, I am an accountant after all, but from that night I always kept a record of the length in inches that I satisfied each time I was pleasuring cock. I also record the number of balls I've had in my mouth, assholes rimmed and spunk loads taken and where (face, mouth, ass, body etc). Oh and of course how and how many loads of piss.

To be honest I did find the cock down my throat somewhat uncomfortable and I was constantly gagging and puking a little as its owner went balls deep on each stroke.

I overheard David observe to the room "don't worry guys by the next time she is here I will have completely destroyed that gag reflex of hers"

That being said, altha three must have enjoyed the experience as he came first, pumping rope after rope of thick cum down my throat.

Moments later my shoulders were driven into the mattress and an a****listic howl announced to the room that my guts were indeed being filled. But there is no rest for the wicked as they say.

At David’s instigation a chant rang out “ ass to mouth, ass to mouth”

Moments later the deflating cook was pushed into my mouth to clean up. The truth is I was well used to and enjoyed my ass slime, and that night discovered it was especially satisfying from the cock which had fucked me.

I felt something slip into my ass and realised I was being plugged. A particular fetish of the other Twink was to fletch spunk from assholes. With David’s encouragement and instruction I straddling the twinks face and lowered my ass to her mouth immediately upon David removing the butt plug. The sensation of feeling a tongue exploring my gaping asshole was truly wonderful. I loved the sensation of pushing the spunk inside me onto her tongue and into her mouth.

As I finished some urine escaped my weak, full bladder. It splashed over the twinks face before I could exert control. Instinctively I looked to David for guidance, which he gave promptly.

“ Piss in her mouth and face, she loves it” he boomed

Indeed the Twink adjusted to take my caged package (small package) in her mouth and for the first time I experienced the elation of pissing in and on another person. God it was wonderful .

“Ok now help her to clean up your piss”

My fellow Twink had saved a mouthful of my pungent salty piss which she proceeded to squirt in my mouth which I swallowed. Just then a strong stream of piss struck my face and then another and another. We were getting a hot smelly golden shower of alpha piss. It was a dream/fantasy come true for me. We swapped between taking the fleshy hose in our mouths and drinking greedily and enjoying the sensation of the piss bouncing off our bodies and drenching the mattress below us.

The night continued until both of us twinks had had a load from each of the alphas in her mouth and arses. I will admit my arse hole was raw and on fire by the end of the evening although thoughtfully David had some anaesthetised lube which helped deaden the pain I was feeling.

At the end of the evening it was just myself and David left. I was truly exhausted but deeply deeply satisfied. David lifted me up and brought me into an adjacent shower room where he encouraged me to kneel in front of him sucking his big balls as the gorgeous warm water cascading over both of our bodies.

After the shower David was quite tender with me, kissing me passionately in the mouth, and then holding my head and looking deeply into my eyes he said "I hope you know how special you are, with some more training and one-on-one time with me I think you may end up being everyone's favourite twink "

My heart jumped, I was special after all.
Published by megabb
2 years ago
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jojosmallone 2 years ago
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