Journal 2022.11.29

Well had a dream last night… hasn’t had any for a long time now, I don’t know have things gotten that bad?

Other then that went looking for a job and just cuz I could I decided to go live.. After all some company is always welcome even if it’s just comments on stream…

after all day mailing and delivery the few CV’s around in a vain attempt to “get a job” I’ve tried LinkedIn various local job sites, emails calls you name it. Even foolishly thought I could help my uncle with his business/social media promotion. All the while being put on “notifications have been silenced” treatment.

Yah I know I probably got backlisted by him after my last miserable failure at set task. But never being the one to give up I figured I’d try at least. And try I did then turned around and ninja bread maned the whole thing around into a… Promotional exercise shall we call it…

Regardless there I was sipping my overpriced caffe and not knowing what else to do with myself but stream. When I noticed that I got a 1$ donation… Idk somehow it made me so happy, I’ve earned that. Not the anspinnt but the point, I did that. On my account which I’ve built myself and did/do everything for… A kind of “yes I can” feeling…

as for the dream at lest I remember something… Then again suppose all those audio books are rubbing off on me… How I was there why I was there idk.. But I remember it was the tranches and at Combrai but instead of the lumbering slugs of ww1 what I saw was monster of tank baring the German colours.

But this was abesst with a mini gun on its top turret, now roaring to life and dreaming like a bancho and normal tank gun mounted on it’s classy, before getting pulled into a dug out by a man (don’t remember any of they’r names or faces. Yet I somehow knew them and they knew me…) and asking what’s going on.

What I can remember from the explanation is that after the Russian revolution a technically advanced faction called the “They’d” had somehow been “freed/released” out of Russia and had given some of they’re knowledge and technology to the Germans as a reward for “freeing” them. Wounding how any of that made sense at some point I mention the Keyser (Wilhelm, yes I know he was Wilhelm the second) by name. At which point the men around me looked bewildered at me corrected me that Philip was the Keyser…
Published by Lizz_SS25
2 years ago
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Lizz_SS25 Publisher 2 years ago
Don’t remember sadly 