VR goggles

Rebbeca and her step daughter Megan got along as well as to be expected, after her and Megan's father married.
As she entered her teenage years Megan rebelled like most do, and with David gone most of the year Rebbeca dealt with it the best she could.
Graduation high school, her father wasn't there. Rebecca took her to her favorite restaurant to celebrate. Trying to be supportive, Rebbeca helped Megan pack for college.
It was a quiet trip as Megan sat staring out the window. Dropping her off Rebbeca told her to call if she had any trouble, then said I love you as Megan went into her dorm.

Six months had passed when the phone rang. It was Megan calling to let Rebbeca know Thanksgiving beak was coming up and wanted to come home. Rebecca was suprised how Megan spoke, she was happy to hear her voice and was looking forward to come home.

Rebbeca didn't recognize Megan pulling up. She let her hair grow long, and was wearing a dress. The trip home was much better than earlier. Megan was friendly towards her.

Going through her suitcase, Megan pulling out an odd shaped item and put it on her head. Pulling it over her eyes, Megan pulled the earphones down. Rebbeca noticed her breathing quickened while wearing it.
Pulling into the driveway, she had to nudge Megan to get her attention. We're home, she said loudly. Quickly putting it back in her case, Megan helped Rebecca carry her things into the house.
Helping her put her things away, Megan's clothes were more feminine. Jerseys and blue jeans were gone, blouses, skirts and dresses took their place. Even her lingerie had changed. Sheer bras replaced her sports style bras. Silk and lace panties replaced boy shorts and boxers. Handing her a plastic bag with school logo on it Megan said, I bought you something. Suprised Rebbeca smiled opening it and took out the item. It was a long shirt with the college colors of yellow and blue. It's a night shirt, Megan blurted out. How sweet, Rebbeca said. I'll put it on tonight.

She didn't think anything of it when she caught the way Megan looked at her as she put away her things. Megan placed the odd looking visor on the bedside table and covered it, thinking Rebbeca didn't see her. Hanging her dresses, Megan said she'd like to take a nap. Oh course honey, Rebbeca answered and stepped out of the room pulling the door half closed.
Megan watched as Rebbeca walked out.
Cupping her breasts, she closed her eyes as she squeezed them. Rubbing her self, Megan held back a sye. Taking her dress off, she hung it over a chair. Climbing into bed, she grabbed the VR goggles and put them on.

Rebbeca went to her bedroom and held the shirt in front of her. Looking in the mirror she giggled. Running her hand down to smooth it out, the shirt bearly covered her thighs. Smiling to herself, Megan has really changed.
Laying it on the bed she headed to the living room. Passing Megan's room she thought heard a moaning sound. Looking in, she seen Megan in bed with the goggles on and what looked like her hands moving under the covers.

Rebbeca caught herself watching Megan rubbing between her legs and caressing her tits. Her own breath began to quicken watching her. Her blood ran cold when she heard Megan moan, yes mommy. Just like that. Rebbeca gasped and step back. What are they teaching there, she thought.

Hurrying down the hall Rebbeca sat in the couch and tried to figure out what she just witnessed. Maybe it wasn't what I think it was. She must be dreaming, that's it she told herself. Dreaming about her and her mother.

Rebbeca was cooking dinner when Megan came in the kitchen. Coming up behind her, Megan hugged Rebecca. Nervously she asked, you have a good nap. Yes I did, Megan said pressing her head against her back. Just what I needed.

Can you set, Rebbeca stopped mid sentence looking up. Megan had on a pair of sweat pants with the legs cut off so high the bottom half of her firm butt was exposed. Her top was one of her dad's old teeshirts. The sleeves were cut off in a way if she leaned forward, her entire chest could be seen. Looking down quickly, Rebbeca began to feel uncomfortable about the situation.

Eating Megan told Rebbeca all about her classes. Listening, she wondered what made her step daughter change so drastically. All through school Megan was considered a tomboy. Short hair, loose fitting shirts to conceal her breasts and sports bras to hold them tight against her, jeans and boots.

She swallowed hard as Megan leaned over reaching for the pitcher of sweettea. Her tit now in full view. I never noticed how beautiful she was before, Rebbeca thought. When did she embrace her feminine side and how far.

After dinner, Megan was washing the dishes. Rebbeca had a strange feeling as she watched her. Her long legs, toned butt, flat stomach. Her breasts bearly moved as she scrubbed a pot. Made her think about that thing she had over her eyes in the car, and laying in bed.
Thank you for helping clean up, Rebbeca said. It's the least I can do, Megan said.

Rebbeca was dressing for bed when she remembered Megan's gift. Putting it on, it fit snuggly around her large breast. Even though gravity took its toll, they didn't exactly sag.
Looking in the mirror, she giggled seeing her nipples pressing against the fabric. Turning, her eyes widened. Pulling at the shirt, she tried to cover her butt. I'll just wear it while Megan's here so I don't hurt her feelings.
Putting her robe on, Rebbeca headed up front.
Published by Ilikestroking
2 years ago
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nicolaslut 2 years ago
megain has plains
dmf399 2 years ago
The fun is just beginning!