Need ppl for production entertainment
Sup every one on this your bio paniko aka tha brown vandel tryN to reach out for you to you nd
Hopefully some of you or cpl ppl who are dwn for sme fun I know it sound easy but its not all races are welcomed thick bbw are a plus but all ages n races Re welcome so if your new or a pro come fuk with your bio ta
It's a dam shame that sometimes good talent never gets to seen or shown it's a waste so pleas dnt hold out fuk.with ur boi and make smething happen n make sme money. Is any one up or is ther any thick mature freakytona out ther holla
Hopefully some of you or cpl ppl who are dwn for sme fun I know it sound easy but its not all races are welcomed thick bbw are a plus but all ages n races Re welcome so if your new or a pro come fuk with your bio ta
It's a dam shame that sometimes good talent never gets to seen or shown it's a waste so pleas dnt hold out fuk.with ur boi and make smething happen n make sme money. Is any one up or is ther any thick mature freakytona out ther holla
2 years ago