
Hi Beauties!

Since I got a few subs and friends on here, I thought lets create a more personal connection between us all!
So I am Alaina Sanchez, a mixed Brazilian/Dutch crossdresser raised in the Netherlands.
A little sidenode: I am raised with the Dutch language, so I am not able to talk Spanish or Portuguese!
At this moment I got no intention to go for transition, though thats not a sticky thought.

My casual looks and styles make me differ from the main crossdresser image. Since I prefer pants, jeans or leather over skirts/dresses. Of course I also wear skirts or dresses, but I mainly appear in these casual looks.
Of course when you see me you cannot ignore those big boobs (85G-Roanyer), they are a sillicone breastplate, so removable.
People describing me will most certainly point out leather, corsets, chokers, bdsm wear, jeans, beanies, fishnets.

Im into a lot, always loved everything on fetishes, love to read and learn more every day. Now I got a lot dm's, let's talk about your fetishes in stead of complimenting me on my looks! Always remember "Respect = key". I would love to help you be more open about your fetishes, maybe help you, give you idea's. I aint got a lot limits.. apart from defecation.

Also If you found clothing products whom would fit me, you are free to message me. I am always looking for new fits, how great would it be if i buy something you recommended!

Now I think thats about it for now!

Cheers, hugs and kisses,

Published by Alaina_Sanchez
2 years ago
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konabud 5 months ago
Alaina, you are a fetish Queen and I loved the way you brought fetishes up. I also as a guy love it when women know about fetishes and what attracts guys like bees to pollen or honey. This is why I think Gurls like you are so much more intunes to what is attractive to men and what men like me appreciate the art of fetish dressing. Women today are not so aware of this and it sucks when we don't have the enjoyment of looking at an attractive woman that has no fear of being over the top in fetish wear. Most women hate this but men love this 
knowwhereman 1 year ago
Fantastic looks x
radatt69 1 year ago
tu es tres belle et sexy
diderot2039 1 year ago
a beautiful introduction 
Jonny9ish 1 year ago
Beautiful, xx 
Nice introduction, great to have you here 😊
AllenB12 2 years ago
Great introduction Alaina! I look forward to interacting with you really. 
Dingbat1918 2 years ago
Thank you for sharing with us. Netherlands is such a lovely place.