
so, my most watch video is a massage like happy tugs. hidden cam massage. when i watch, even i like the guys in the video, i burping like i just received a massage.

1. forgot last year or 2 years ago, work half day then cross another district for some business. when finish, google maps for any massage place nearby. find one shop near, got some good massage, sadly no extra offer. but the girl told me about this one shop, not so far from that place i received her massage. i go there for some info. upstairs, i met this auntie / grandma. she told me, i can get 2 or 3 person to massage me. i was like, woo, maybe i can get lucky like those guy in happy tugs and the other fellas of culture. after 2 or 3 month, come back to the place, another auntie was there. i ask her how much for 2 person. she answer me, they not doing that. the massage they offer paid according time. if 2 person massage together, how to count the payment? i feel like got slap on my face. the 2nd time i get massage there, got this kind sister which she told me to come 4 time to fully healed, even gave me her number. last time go there, the 5th massage, i told her about what i was told the first time i arrived at that shop. even she also not satisfied with that person who told me the lies, the motive of people who cannot take well other people businesses. i wonder who that auntie / grandma that told me about 2 person can massage me at the same time?

2. around last year, my co-worker always said about the shop not really far from our workplace. the distance not even 3km from us. last december, he resign, want to move to another states with his wife. while continue my daily life, found the contact of the shop this friend told me about. last month, i finally found and enter the premise. in the ads, they said 8 thai lady that i can choose. i ask for b2b service. the person who received me said, she's the only one who can do b2b in there. after we done, she said thank you, i was her first customer since she return from thailand. this month, once again, i go there. at the same time i arrive, the man who own the place arrive as well and open the door, invite me in, ask me which girls i want for massage. i ask the b2b like last time, but, he said all the girls there can do b2b. shocked, i told him and the other girl who just came about the first time i was there, the girl who told me that she's the only one who do that service. he really pissed.

well, that's my experience this year. 2 places i go, and somehow got lied during first time enter the places.
Published by Az1089
2 years ago
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