I Dream of MY Doctor 2

I spent the remainder of the week in a perpetual state of horniness. It was only three days, but it felt like forever. I had looked his house up on Google Maps at least seven times. I even drove past it once or twice. It was a nice place, not fancy by any means, but nice. I dreamt about my exam almost every night and kept waking up with severe cases of morning wood. Which would be fine if that was the only time such issues arose, but it kept happening while walking my dog or driving in the car and even at work. On Thursday, it got so bad that I just had to take matters into my own hands. Luckily, the bathroom door at the office has a lock on it.
Friday finally came and I was anxious. I kept trying to rush my wife out of the door so she could hang out with her girlfriends.
“Why are you in such a hurry to get rid of me?” she asked, teasingly. “Got a hot date coming over?”
“No, but I –uh- want to make sure you aren’t late to your movie. You know how Janice gets when she misses the coming attractions,” I said.
“Good point. Well, let me just pee and I’ll be gone,” she replied as she headed for the bathroom. I looked at the clock. 6:35. Crap, I only had twenty five minutes. And it was at least a twenty minute drive. I had planned on giving myself a good cleansing, but my wife’s lollygagging made that impossible. I just hoped that all of the anti-diarrheal medicine I had taken had bound me up enough to not make a mess when the fun started. I had already stuck a finger in my ass as far as it would go and didn’t feel anything. So I figured I would be fine.
“You know,” she said while sitting on the toilet, “you should get some friends and go hang out sometimes. It would do you some good having some quality ‘guy time’.”
I was trying to, but she wasn’t making it easy on me.
“Yeah, I’ll look into it,” I said, anxiously. I heard the toilet flush and my wife reappeared.
“So what are you going to do tonight?” she asked.
“Oh, I don’t know. Maybe go hit a bucket of balls at the driving range or go to the batting cages or something. Who knows?”
“Well you have fun,” she said and gave me a kiss. “Don’t wait up. We’re going to have some drinks after the movie, so I don’t know what time I’ll be home”
“Okay. Love you. Have fun.”
“Love you, too,” she replied and headed out the door.
I watched from the window as her car pulled out of the driveway. I counted to thirty and ran out the door. I jumped in my car and almost peeled out when I hit the road. I made the drive in record time, pulling up alongside the doctor’s house at 6:56. I was just glad that no cops busted me for speeding on my way. I quick stepped it up to the front door and rang the bell. Dr. Wayne answered it a moment later.
“Hey, doc. How are you doing?” I said and extended my hand. He shook it warmly.
“Better now that you’re here,” he replied as he shook my hand warmly. “I was starting to get concerned. I told all of my friends about your appointment and they are dying to meet you. I was worried that you got cold feet or something.” He stepped back and held his arm out, inviting me in.
“No, sir. I just had troubles getting out of the house. The wife, you know?”
“So she doesn’t know you’re here?” he asked with a raised eyebrow.
“No, um, she’s usually okay with it. You know, when I use my toys and stuff. But this… I just don’t know. I don’t like keeping secrets from her, but… Besides, it’s probably just a one-time deal, right? Have some fun, you know? I mean, you’re friends probably won’t like me anyway and won’t want me back, right?” I said, not sure who I was trying to convince.
“Perhaps,” he replied. “I guess we’ll see. Follow me,” he said as he led me into the house. I could hear some music and other people talking from somewhere in the house.
“You’ve got a nice house here, doc,” I said, still nervous and trying to make conversation in order to settle myself. And it wasn’t a lie. The place was impeccable. The grey paint on the walls, the art hanging on them, the furniture- Not ostentatious, just nice.
“Thank you,” he said. “Are you nervous?”
“Oh, no, no,” I said, but my voice betrayed me. “Okay, yeah. Yes I am. A bit.” He gave me a warm smile.
“Don’t be. You’ll be fine,” he said reassuringly. “Let me tell you about us. We are a group like- minded men. You could call it a “Club” perhaps, like the Masons. But not really. Most of our members are generally well known locally. Doctors, lawyers, businessmen- and all of them prefer their anonymity and the discretion of our other members. So you’ll see several of them wearing masks tonight. I hope you don’t mind, but they don’t know you yet. Once they feel comfortable that you won’t expose them, they’ll warm up to you and I’m sure the masks will come off.”
“I understand.”
“So, um, why exactly am I here? I mean, what am I expected to do?” I asked, my nerves still on edge.
“Whatever you want, within limits, of course. We do not believe in doing anything forcible to anyone. Everything must be done voluntarily. That is very important to us,” he said and I nodded my head. “But, to be honest, the main reason you are here is because my friends would like to see you get fisted again and perhaps take a turn themselves. That is, if you’re up to it.”
“Oh, yeah, yeah, sure. I don’t… I don’t mind.”
“Good, glad to hear it.”
“Sorry. So, um, what, I just walk in there and take my pants off? I mean… I don’t know. I just… Well, it’s my first orgy,” I said like I was admitting some big secret. He let out a booming laugh.
“It’s not an orgy. At least, not tonight,” he said with a wink. “No, tonight’s just about getting to know you and you getting to know us.”
“Oh. But I thought you said that you were… And they were… And, you know.”
“Well yes, but there are many ways to get to know a person. Look, you seem really nervous. Come on up to my room and I’ll give you something that will help you relax a bit, okay?” he said, suddenly becoming my doctor again.
“Yeah, sure. Sounds good,” I said and followed him up the stairs. His bedroom was massive. He had a large four-posted king sized bed right in the middle of it and the room still had ample space left over for an entertainment center, two dressers, a bookshelf, and a desk. I was impressed.
“Have a seat on the bed and relax,” he said. There were two additional doors other than the one we had entered through attached to the room. He opened one and I could see a huge walk in closet behind it. I heard him digging around a bit. When he emerged, he was holding a vial and a syringe. He drew the medicine up and approached me. “Here, this will help you to relax.”
“What is it?”
“Just some medicine. Don’t worry, we’re not going to knock you out and date **** you, okay?” he said. “But if you don’t relax, there’s no way that your hole will open up enough for us to have fun. Alright?”
I wasn’t thrilled about the shot, but I couldn’t help but to trust the guy. He reached for my arm and I let him take it. He found a decent vein, rubbed it with some alcohol and slipped the needle in. I didn’t even feel it until he pushed down on the plunger. I felt a warm, almost burning sensation as the liquid entered my body. But within seconds, I felt my body begin to relax.
“There now, isn’t that better?”
“Yeah, actually it is. Thanks, doc.”
“Not a problem. Now, not to sound too personal, but did you have a chance to clean yourself out tonight?” His question made me blush. Not because I was embarrassed that he asked it, but because of what my answer was.
“No,” I said, almost ashamed. “I wanted to, but my wife-”
“I understand. Follow me,” he said. I started to stand up, but got very dizzy in the process and fell back down on the bed. “Oops. My apologies. I forgot about the medicine. Here, let me help you.”
He wrapped his arm around me and helped me up to my feet. He walked with me to the other closed door. He pulled it open to reveal an enormous bathroom. Seriously, this thing was huge. It had a walk in whirlpool tub big enough for at least four people, double sinks and what appeared to be a glass room about the size of his closet. I could see multiple shower heads attached to the walls with a huge one hanging over the top. He walked with me to that and sat me down on the bench seat built into the wall. He sat down next to me. There was still enough space on it for at least one other person. I felt him begin to unbutton my shirt and looked at him questioningly.
“Don’t want you clothes to get wet, do you?” he asked. I kicked off my shoes and replied,
“No, I guess not.”
He pulled my shirt over my head and moved to the floor. There he took off my socks. For a second it looked like he was about to kiss my feet, but decided against it. He stood up and helped me back onto my feet. I could feel his hands fumbling with my belt and pants. Once loosened, they fell to the floor. I suppose I should have been uncomfortable with this man undressing me, but I was in such a state of mind that I didn’t care. He sat me back down and began to strip down himself. When he was nude as well, he picked up all of the clothing and neatly folded it, laying it down next to the sink. I couldn’t help but to look at him as he walked back towards me. I had seen him with his pants off, that’s true, but I had never seen him fully naked. I don’t want to say that he looked like a Greek god, or anything. But I liked what I saw. He had big, full pecs and the beginnings of a six pack set of abs. His chest was covered in dark golden hairs. And not a gross amount, either. Just enough to signal that he was a real man. Not smooth as a pig like I was. His cock swung erotically between his legs with every step. And though it wasn’t hard at the moment, it was still a thing of beauty to see. I had high hopes that he might get it close enough to my mouth so that I could suck it down, but was disappointed.
He stepped into the shower room and closed the door. He fumbled with the handles, trying to get a good temperature going. The water cascaded from the shower head all over his body getting him wet and making his body hair lay down, exposing more of his ample musculature. Damn, this man was fine. He turned another handle and the water stopped flowing from the shower head. Instead, it was now spraying on the floor from a hose attached to the wall. On it was what appeared to be a silver dildo, squirting water. He approached me with it and told me to get on my hands and knees. Without question, I did as I was told. He inserted the shower shot inside of me and I could immediately feel my bowels begin to expand. He left it there for a few seconds and then pulled it out. He told me to push and I felt the warm water being expelled from my hole. Nothing else came out. He did it again and then a third time. Each instance, he pushed the shot in a bit deeper and kept it in longer, flooding my insides. It was then that I noticed he was kneeled down behind me, letting the water from my hole spray him. I was glad that nothing but clean water came out. I would have died if I had crapped on my doctor. But perhaps, that was what he was hoping for, considering where he was and what he was doing.
He put the shot down and slid some fingers inside of me. He twisted them around and I could feel more water trickling out of me. He kept doing this until I was drained. Then he got some kind of cream or something and worked it inside of me. Again, he swirled his fingers around, this time coating my innards. It felt good. I could tell that I was nice and slick because he was now sliding four fingers in and out without difficulty.
He got out and toweled himself off before doing the same to me. His hands were so gentle, I felt like I was a k** again, being bathed by my mother. He gave me a warm smile when he was done. He helped me back up to my feet and walked me out the door, through the bedroom and down the stairs.
“My clothes,” I said, suddenly conscious of the fact that I was still naked.
“Don’t worry about them. You won’t need them,” he said. He opened a door at the end of the hall and led me inside. As I walked into the room, it was as though I was entering a new world, leaving my old one behind.
Inside, the room was dimly lit. Not dark, it just had soft lighting. There was about twenty men milling about. Some of them wore clothes, some were bottomless, while others were completely naked like Dr. Wayne and myself. As he had said, just about all of them were wearing masks that ranged from simple “Lone Ranger” styles to more ornate ones with feathers and other decorations. Perhaps if I didn’t live this close to New Orleans, I might have found these shocking. But you could go to just about any store around here and pick up one of these masks year round, so it was no big deal.
“Gentlemen,” Dr. Wayne said loudly to get their attention. “This is my friend Jon that I told you about. He will be joining us this evening.”
“Hello, Jon,” they said almost in unison.
It was like I had walked into an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting. But that, it definitely was not. Just about everyone had a drink in their hand and I couldn’t help but notice one guy at a table snorting up a line of white powder. There was a fully stocked bar next to us, premade drinks at the ready. There were also bowls of different colored pills lining the bar and the distinct odor of marijuana smoke scented the air. I worried suddenly what I might be getting myself into, but Dr. Wayne was right by my side, giving me courage.
“Would you like a Viagra?” He asked me. He’d seen my chart, so I knew that he knew I already had a prescription for it. I gave a little nod and he reached into one of the bowls, producing that blue, diamond shaped pill that we all know and love so well. I opened my mouth and he popped the pill inside before grabbing one of the drinks sitting on the bar. I looked at it questioningly. “Don’t worry, it’s mostly fruit juice with some herbs to help out the pill. Oh, and just a splash of grain alcohol to give it some kick. You’ll be fine.”
I wrapped my lips around the straw and took a sip. It was fruity with just a hint of the earthy taste of what I supposed was the herbs he spoke of. It really did taste good. I couldn’t even detect any alcohol in it, so I chugged it down, taking the pill with it. Dr. Wayne led me around the room, introducing me to his friends. They were very cordial and all of them had suggestive nicknames- Chubby, Hung Low, Slick Dick and so on.
“What do they call you, Doctor Love?” I asked my physician.
“Close. Actually it’s Doctor Dick.”
I could understand that. It made me begin to wonder what they might call me. By now, I was feeling pretty good. I had found my feet again, so Dr. Wayne/Dick no longer had to help me get around.
During the introductions, I had noticed a sex swing over in a dark corner of the room. I had long fantasized about being strapped down into one of those as a roomful of men took advantage of me. I suddenly realized that was exactly why I had been invited to this gathering. I don’t know why it hadn’t occurred to me before, but this reality hit me like a foot long dildo. I should have been nervous, but I was now on my second drink and still had whatever medicine the doctor had injected into me coursing through my veins, so I was good. Actually, I was more than good. I was turned on. The thought of lying there helpless, being used for these men’s pleasure was quite a thrill for me. My cock began to rise to the occasion- and this was before the Viagra even had a chance to kick in.
“So that’s everybody. I would ask you how you are doing, but your body is already giving me a pretty good clue,” he said as we returned to the bar.
“Yeah, Dr. Wayne, I’m good.”
“Glad to hear it, but you can drop the ‘Dr. Wayne’ crap. Call me Hank or Dr. Dick, if you prefer,” he said with a grin.
“You got it, Dr. Dick,” I said laughing. He just rolled his eyes and shook his head. I looked around the room, clouded with marijuana smoke. It had been so long since I had smoked some and suddenly felt the desire to, but was concerned about mixing d**gs. “Hey, how long is that shot supposed to last?”
“Why, are you getting nervous again?”
“No. I –uh- I want to smoke some weed,” I said, almost ashamedly. No matter what he said, he was still my physician and they were supposed to frown on such things. He gave a chuckle and said,
“You should be fine. The stuff I gave you only lasts for about twenty minutes or so. We’re well past that by now.” He picked up a nice, fat joint and lit it up. I watched him take a few deep puffs of it before handing it over to me. And although I wanted it, I was still hesitant to take it. “As your doctor, I recommend you smoke some of this to help keep you relaxed.”
I took the joint and hit it twice. I was about to hand it back to him, but noticed that he was lighting up another one for himself. So I just kept it and puffed on it until it was all gone and I was feeling good. During this time, I noticed that the other men in the room were getting frisky. There were guys making out and playing with each other’s dicks. I decided it was time for me to join the party, though I wasn’t sure exactly where to begin.
“Hey, doc…um…what do I do?”
“What do you mean?”
“I mean…um…how exactly do I…get started? Join in? You know.”
“Oh, you want to join the festivities?”
“Yeah. So, um… how do I do that?”
“Just find someone and give them a kiss. Or suck their dick. Or whatever you want. We really don’t stand on formalities too much. Go ahead. Have fun. Just remember to save yourself.”
“For what?”
“For the grand finale. I’m going to fist you. None of these guys believe I was able to.”
“Oh. Okay. Yeah. Sure. Um… do you maybe want to do it now?”
“Not yet. You still need to loosen up some more. Go have fun and relax, damn it. Oh, and by the way, all of these men are disease free, just like you. So don’t worry about that. You can do whatever you want safely.” He said as he dug around in one of the bowls of pills. “Here, try this. It will help.”
“Yeah, but-”
“Look, I’m your doctor. Just trust me, okay?”
So I did. I took the pill from him and washed it down with one of the drinks. By that time I was feeling pretty good, to be honest. I had this warm flush that covered my entire body. And I could feel the Viagra beginning to work its magic. I wandered around the room until I found a guy sitting by himself, watching the goings on, absently stroking his cock. It was a nice one- uncut, thick, veiny. There was a drop of precum slowly oozing its way down his shaft. It all looked rather yummy to me. I walked up to him and he looked at me from behind a lone ranger style mask, his green eyes bright behind the black leather of the mask.
“Hi, uh, I’m, uh… I’m…”
“Jon, yes, I heard the introduction. How do you do?”
“I’m… good, I suppose. It’s just, uh…”
“First party jitters? I understand. I’m still pretty new at this myself,” he said sympathetically.
“Glad to know I’m not alone,” I said. He gave me a warm smile. “So, what do they call you? Your, uh, nickname?”
“Hm? Oh, yeah. I’m actually- now don’t you laugh- but they call me Cum Bucket,” he said with a grin. I had to stifle my laugh, but it still came through in my voice.
“C-Cum Bucket? Do I even want to ask?” I said. He gave a little laugh.
“Well, if you really must know…”
“Oh, I must, I must.”
“Well, I do have this one little issue where…,” he started. I gave him a second before I prompted him to continue.
“It seems I ejaculate in rather large amounts,” he finished.
“Really?” I said, surprised.
“Yes. I mean, not in buckets, but still...,” he said, almost self-consciously. I was intrigued. I LOVE the taste of cum and if this guy came so much that the others gave him this nickname- Well, I had to try it for myself. I gave him my best smile and flashed my eyes.
“I don’t believe you,” I said, teasingly.
“You don’t, hmm?”
“Nope. Not a bit,” I added. He flashed me a smile and lifted up his dick, pointing it in my direction.
“Perhaps you would like a bit of proof?”
“Oh, yes. Please prove me wrong.”
“Well, I’d need a bit of… incentive to do so. Think you could help?” he asked. I wasn’t about to refuse that offer.
I dropped to my knees in front of him and stuck my tongue out. I licked gingerly at the head, half hidden behind his foreskin. I slid my tongue underneath and found just a hint of smegma there. Unlike some other people, this did not turn me off. If anything, it inspired me. I ran my tongue all of the way down his shaft until I reached the base. I collected a few drops of precum along that way. It was salty and sweet at the same time. I loved it. I wrapped my hand around his shaft, milking it, trying to get it to release more of that clear fluid I loved so much. I washed his balls with my saliva, going so far as to slip my tongue between his thighs and passed his taint so that it could briefly tickle his asshole. I could feel him shiver as he let out a low moan. I returned to his head and lapped up what I had squeezed out of him. I looked up at him as I backed away, a line of precum connected to my tongue. He was staring at me with a smile on his face.
“You’re pretty good at this,” he said.
“You haven’t seen anything yet,” I countered.
I opened my mouth and let his thick prick slip between my lips. He let out another moan. This one louder and more intense. I worked the bottom of his shaft with my tongue while sucking softly on the head. I felt him put his hands on the back of my head and gently pull me closer. I let him go until his dick touched the back of my mouth. I had about half of him in there. I began to bob up and down on it, my lips and tongue working every inch of that wonderful cock. I could feel the veins in it acting like rumble strips across my lips. I ran my tongue under the extra skin and moved it around and around, collecting anything hidden there. He put his head back and said,
That was when I made my move. I took a deep breath and put my hands on his butt cheeks and pulled him toward my face fast and hard. This time, I didn’t stop when hit reached the back of my mouth. I relaxed and instantly his cock head was sliding down my throat. He cried out in pleasure. I kept pulling at him until my nose was pressed against his close trimmed bush. His hands, still on the back of my head pulling at me as my nose was flattened by his pelvis. He wiggled his body around reveling in the sensation I was giving him. I could feel his cock squirming around in my throat, threatening to gag me, but I held tough. I stuck my tongue out to lick his balls while he was still deep in my throat. He moaned in pleasure. When I could hold my breath no more, I pulled back and he released my head. I was surprised to find another hard dick hanging in my face when I did.
“Thought y’all might like some company,” the owner of the new hard-on said. I just looked up and smiled.
He was a large man, not fat, just bulky with muscles. Not cut, but impressive nonetheless. He had a hunk of meat that hung down quite low, attached to a large set of balls that dangled even lower. I looked up at the man I was just sucking on to see what his feelings were on the issue. He just gave me a nod, so I turned and slipped the new prick into my mouth. His dick was thicker than it had appeared. I found it a bit difficult to get it all of the way down, but still managed it. I could feel my throat stretching out to accommodate him. I gave him the same treatment as the first, swallowing him deep and licking his balls. Needless to say, he loved it. When I pulled back I was happy to find that my first partner was still there, stroking himself and waiting for me to come back to him. I turned back and slid him down. I did this back and forth for a few minutes before the big guy decided he wanted more.
“Can I fuck your ass?” he asked nonchalantly.
“Of course,” I said immediately. “But only if you tell me what they call you.” He gave a little chuckle.
“Le Boeuf,” he said.
“Le Boeuf? Why?” I asked.
“Well, it’s the name of the town I grew up in and, I don’t know how much French you speak, but it literally means ‘The Beef.’ So they call me that because, you know, I’m so big and beefy,” he replied.
“That you are,” I said and I rolled over onto my hands and knees. Meanwhile Cum Bucket got down with me so that I could keep sucking him. I was glad he hadn’t left. I’d never been spit roasted (a cock on your mouth and ass) before and was thrilled to finally have it done.
Le Boeuf got down behind me and began licking my asshole. I was a bit surprised at first, but then I considered it. There was no lubrication nearby, so how else was the job going to get done? I was glad he was considerate to at least moisten it before he tried to shove his beef into me. He was surprisingly good at it. My hole opened up to his tongue very quickly, as by now I was so relaxed. (Thanks, Dr. Dick.) Soon it was drilling deep inside of me. I could feel him adding more and more spit, making my hole very wet. Then he began alternating fingers and tongue, stretching my hole out and keeping it moist.
But don’t think that Cum Bucket was idly sitting around waiting for Le Boeuf to finish the job. Oh, no. The second he hit the ground he was pulling my head towards his hard cock. I didn’t hesitate to open my mouth and let him in. He drove in even deeper than Le Boeuf’s tongue. Within seconds he was down my throat and loving it. Soon I felt Le Boeuf’s fingers and tongue pull away. Because all I could see what Cum Bucket’s abdomen, I felt rather than saw Le Boeuf moving around behind me and lining that meaty dick up with my hole. I felt it start to slide in, my ring stretching to accommodate him and I knew, I just knew that I was in for a good ride. My sphincter snapped shut behind his thick head, so I felt every centimeter of his rod as he slid in. My bowels had to adjust to his girth and they did so quickly, welcoming him like an old friend. He drove in deep on the first thrust, making me moan around the cock that was doing its damnedest to find a way into my stomach. Le Boeuf started stroking in and out, each time going a bit deeper. Just when I though he was at the end, another bit would force its way inside. I felt him move his way through my inner ring to tickle my truly sensitive parts. It was incredible. Finally I felt his pubes tickling my ass ring. He was fully seated in me.
“Damn! That’s one hungry ass,” he shouted.
“So’s this throat,” Cum Bucket replied.
Suddenly I felt hands on me. Le Boeuf’s were on my hips. Cum Bucket’s were on the back of my head. But these hands were stroking my back and then soon my belly. So whose hands were they? I wanted to pull back enough so that I could look, but Cum Bucket wouldn’t let me. He was too busy using my head like a pocket pussy, fucking away at my mouth. In fact they were both slamming away at me so hard that I could feel balls bouncing off of my chin and my own ball sack. So I just went with it. Whoever was stroking my body made my skin tingle with their touch. It had a relaxing effect. Soon the mystery hands found their way around my body and gripped my hard leaking dick. I felt the fingers wrap around my shaft and stroke it agonizingly slowly. They weren’t trying to get me off. They were just trying to give me some pleasure. They were succeeding at their job.
I felt Le Boeuf begin to pick up his pace. He was also beginning to moan. He was close. I clenched my ass muscles, gripping him as tightly as I could.
“Oh, fuck! Jesus Christ! This guy’s got a grip on him. Fuck! Feels so goddamn good! AHHH!!!”
And with that, he grabbed my hips and drove himself inside of me just as deep as he possibly could. I could feel it pulsing as he drained his balls inside of me. The warmth of his semen flowed into me, making me smile. He filled me with several strong ropes of his jizz before finally slowing to a dribble and eventually pulling out. As soon as he was gone, I felt a pair of lips and tongue delving into my hole, eating the cum inside of me. I couldn’t say whose it was. For all I knew it could have been Le Boeuf himself, but he was pretty clean shaven, and the stubble on the face currently feltching me was tickling the inside of my ass cheeks. Also, the hands rubbing me hadn’t moved, so I knew it wasn’t that person, either. Curiouser and curiouser.
Meanwhile, I was working two fingers into Cum Bucket’s asshole and massaging his prostate, for which he seemed rather grateful. He was now completely fucking my face, his pelvis slamming into my lips. It wasn’t quite hard enough to hurt, but still. Finally he could hold back no longer and let loose with a torrent of juice that a broken dam would be jealous of. Seriously. I could see why they called him Cum Bucket. His load was huge! I could feel my belly filling with it as it flowed down my esophagus. I wanted a taste of it, but he was holding me pretty tightly. I had to force my head back until I could get his shooter into my mouth. Now, he had already shot at least six good loads down my throat, but there was still more hiding in his sack. His next blast immediately filled my mouth, making my cheeks bulge. It was thick and absolutely delicious. I managed to swallow it down just in time for his next squirt to fill my mouth again. All told, he gave me a baker’s dozen blasts of his copious seed. I was duly impressed and looked forward to sucking on him again. I sucked out the dregs of his jizz from inside of his cock before he finally let go of my head and slid out from under me.
I still couldn’t stand up, however, since I still had hands holding my genitals and another set spreading my cheeks so that someone could eat cum from out of me. But I did get a chance to look around finally and was surprised by what I saw. There was a crowd of men around me. I could see at least ten hard dicks encircling me, being stroked by their owners or the owner’s neighbors. I could tell I was in for a hell of a night.
Doctor Way- sorry, Dr. Dick was the one giving me the slow cock stroking. When I looked at him, he just smiled.
“Glad to see you finally relaxed,” he said with a little laugh. “Would you prefer to stay here on the floor, or do you want to get up in the swing?” It was about then that I noticed that my knees were starting to get sore.
“If it’s all the same to y’all, I’ll take the swing,” I said.
There were cheers of approval. Several of the men reached down and grabbed me, pulling me away from my feltcher and carrying me to the sex swing. I felt butterflies in my stomach, excited by the prospects of what being strapped into it might provide. They gently laid me into the thing, pulling my legs up and sliding my feet into the leather straps. They tightened them a bit, but not so much that I couldn’t have pulled out of them, if I tried. I appreciated that, since I might get a bit freaked out if I couldn’t move. They left my hands unstrapped so that they could roam freely.
Almost immediately there was a man standing between my thighs. I felt his cock tapping against my hole and forced myself to relax, knowing I was about to have a sexual fantasy that I’d had for years finally about to come true. I hung my head back and opened my mouth wide, inviting any free dick to fill it. One did a few seconds later. I was once again getting filled from both sides and this time I was unable to do anything about it (?).
I won’t say that the men were too aggressive. They were horny, d**gged up men, after all. But they were maybe a tad bit rougher than I would have preferred. Not that I complained. Far from it. I just let myself go and allowed my body and the pervert in me to enjoy themselves. And boy, did they! It was a wonderful thing to just hang there and have multiple men use my body to give themselves pleasure. God, it felt so fucking good. As soon as one would sperm inside of me, there was another to take his place. And just when I was losing my buzz, Dr. Dick was there with a glass pipe so that I could fill my lungs with intoxicating smoke.
I didn’t realize what I was smoking, but now I have now doubt that he had probably given me some crystal meth. Not that I minded. Had I been given the opportunity to say no, I probably would have. But now? Looking back, I’m glad I wasn’t. I was flying high- real high- in a matter of moments. And loving it. Apparently, so were they. The fucking intensified until I was being slammed hard from both ends as the non-stop parade of dicks continued. Without a doubt in my mind, I know I sucked and fucked each and every one of them. I’m pretty positive I did some of them twice. And I was only too happy to do it.
I don’t know how long this went on, but eventually the dicks trailed off until I just had one guy in my ass. As soon as he blew his load, I felt someone at my hole licking and drinking out the multiple cum shots that had been blown deep inside of me. My hole was nice and open from all of the big cocks that I’d had filling me. That was one thing that impressed me about this group- they all had decent sized dicks. Not a toothpick in the bunch. When my personal feltcher finished, he backed away and I felt fingers touching my well used backside.
“Are you gentlemen ready for the show I promised you?” Dr. Dick asked. There was a collective sound of agreement. “Good. Are you ready, Jon?”
I was coming down from my high, but was still ready, willing and able for anything at this point.
“Good,” he said.
He backed away and I assume lubricated his hands, because when I felt his fingers again, they were wet and slick. He didn’t waste much time and shoved four in right away. But after all of the fucking I’d already done, that was nothing but a tease, really. I felt his thumb trying to find purchase in me and within seconds, his whole hand was forced inside of my loosened rectum. This time he made more of a show of fisting me- pulling his hand out and shoving it back in rapidly. He would push it in and corkscrew it around, working it in deeper with each attempt. My eyes were closed, lost to the sensations he was giving me, but when I opened them for a few seconds after he yanked his closed fist out of me, I could see all of the men crowded around us, their eyes fixed on my hole. I looked up at Dr. Dick and he smiled at me as if to ask if I was okay. I returned his smile and gave him a bit of a nod. He immediately punched his closed fist into me, making me cry out with pleasure.
He kept trying to dig deeper and deeper inside of me. I could feel his fingers touching my second ring. He would poke them in and spread them out, trying to stretch it out a bit. It seemed to be working, as I could feel his hand getting deeper and deeper into me.
“Can I try that?” I heard one man ask. Dr. Dick looked to me for an answer.
“Of course,” I said without a moment’s hesitation. “I’m not going to say no to whoever wants to give it a shot.”
The men almost cheered and formed up into something that resembled a line. But instead of standing behind each other, they completely circled me, each one trying to get the best view that they could. Dr. Dick pulled his hand out and stepped aside. The first one up was wearing one of the more ornate masks, covered with feathers and crystals. He tentatively worked his way inside, seemingly more nervous about it than I was. When he finally got in, a big smile came across his face.
“I’ve been wanting to do this for years,” he said.
“So have I,” I replied.
Then he seemed to find his nerve because he began fist fucking me well. He would go in deep and twist around and around. After a few minutes Dr. Dick convinced him to pull out and move along, as the others were waiting their turn. And that’s how it went. Man after man fisted me. Some did it hard and deep. Others were gentler about it. I’d have to say that the best was Le Boeuf. His hands were quite large, so it took a bit to get it in. But once he was fully seated, my mind and body went wild. He filled me so much! And the way his large knuckles danced across my prostate was amazing. Then, to top it off, he bent down and sucked on me while he did it. How could I not blow my load? He drank down every drop of my cum and kept right on fisting me. Dr. Dick had to convince him to stop so that the others could have their chance in case I tightened up, as sometimes happens after a man comes. But to his amazement and mine, I didn’t. I just kept right on taking their hands in me until they’d all had their share.
When they were all done, the kind doctor released me from my “bondage” and asked me if there was anything else I’d like to do. Seeing as how I was still encircled by over twenty sexy men and their hard cocks, many thoughts raced into my mind. But there was one that rose above the rest.
“’Well,’ what?” Dr. Dick asked. “Come on, say it. Trust me, no one will take offense or think it too weird, I assure you.”
“Well… It’s just a thought, mind you. But maybe… perhaps…”
“Well, I’ve always wanted to be gang banged. Like on the floor, taking every cock presented to me and maybe even double penetrated type of thing,” I finally said.
“Double penetrated?” someone asked. “You want two dicks in your ass at the same time?”
“Yeah, actually,” I said.
“Oh, hell yeah!”
“That is not a problem,” Dr. Dick responded with a little laugh. “It’s not like we do that every day, but I’m pretty sure we can work something out for you. Let’s get the mats out.”
“The mats?” I thought.
But sure enough, several of the men walked into the closet in the room and pulled out some wrestling type of gym mats. They spread them out on the floor and gathered around them. I swallowed so hard, I could actually hear myself gulp like some cartoon. I’d often fantasized about something like this, but never thought that I’d ever have the chance to actually live it. And now here I was. Almost like someone hypnotized, I walked onto the mats and got down on my knees. They circled around me, their hard dicks all pointing right at me. God, what was I getting myself into? One man stepped forward and put his dick right into my face. I swallowed it down and the gang bang commenced.
I deep throated the dick in my mouth and wrapped my fingers around his two neighbors, stroking them. After a few minutes, I gobbled down the dick on my left. He was thick and it took some effort to get him into my throat. Of course, I moved my hands accordingly, so that now I was stroking two brand new shafts. The guy I had been sucking laid down on the floor underneath me and popped his prick into my asshole without adding any lube. I moaned loudly, grateful for the lubrication already inside of my hole. I rode him while I still enjoyed the several inches of man meat bobbing in my face.
When I pulled the cock in my throat out (I think he was the tenth one I’d sucked so far), I felt a pat on my shoulders followed by a gentle push. I got the hint. They wanted me to move forward. I leaned down far enough so that I could kiss the man under me. He grabbed the back of my head and shoved his tongue inside of my mouth. Then I felt another big dick knocking on my back door. I took a deep breath and held it. Finally- FINALLY I was going to get double penetrated. I’d dreamed of this since I was a teenager and seen it happen to a girl on one of my friend’s father’s porno tapes. I didn’t have any doubts that I could do it, either. I’d done it with several toys, each bigger than any man here. Besides, I’d already taken each guy’s hand in my ass already tonight, so I was WIDE open.
I could feel him press up against my hole. Surprisingly, my anal sphincter actually offered some resistance. It wasn’t anything I was doing consciously, but it did hold him off for a few seconds. However, the man continued, undaunted. He wanted to get into my asshole and based on the force he was starting to apply, there wasn’t any doubt that he was going to get in there. Without warning, my rectum lost its valiant struggle. The man popped inside. There was a moment of pain, brought on by the rough entry. It quickly disappeared though, replaced by the pleasure of having my hole stretched wide open again. I let out the breath I’d been holding and moaned in pleasure as he slid deeper inside of me. I felt something tapping my head and when I looked up, it was Le Boeuf’s dick being jacked off. I opened my mouth wide an accepted him in. He wrapped his hands around my head and started fucking my throat. I now had three dicks in my two holes and was suddenly very content with life.
They all slammed into me with an unknown urgency. I mean, it’s not like I was going anywhere. I’d asked for this and was enjoying every moment of it. They took me in their own rhythms, sometimes both dicks going in and out simultaneously, other times alternating. Both were good. I just loved the feeling of it... the stretching of my hole. The absolute joy of being fucked and fucked good, let alone being double fucked. That was just the gravy on top.
The man on top of me unexpectedly slammed his dick into me hard. I could feel it throbbing as he shot his seed into me. I formed an image in my mind of his dick shooting its seed all over the other one. The thought of it was so sexy and dirty that I damn near came myself. But that wouldn’t have been a good idea. I still had a long line of pricks to satisfy and I thought that if I came too quickly, I might not be able to. Who knows what would have happened then? Would they take me against my will? Considering how d**gged up and horny they were? Maybe. But probably not. However, they might be disappointed and not invite me back. That would truly be a blow to me- to find this group and have it suddenly ripped away from me like that? That would truly suck. Besides, would it really be against my will? Highly doubtful.
The one who had just cum pulled himself out of my hole and was quickly replaced by another. This time, my ass offered no resistance whatsoever. I guess it had figured out that it was enjoying what was happening to it. The next person to cum was the one underneath me. I thought about the easiest way to replace him, considering multiple possibilities. But I really didn’t have to. These men seemed to already know what they were doing. Without warning, I was lifted up a bit and the man slid out of and from underneath me. Le Boeuf pulled his prick from my mouth and slid under me. I was lowered down and he inserted himself as the gang bang proceeded.
One of their favorite things to do was to bust a nut inside of my slimy, jizz filled asshole and then pull it out and walk around to my face to have me clean their dripping, dirty pricks off with my mouth. I didn’t mind that they were covered in my ass matter and oozing the combination of their semen mixed in with the cream of the ones that came before them. I licked them all over with my tongue and sucked the fluids off of their softening cocks. I found the concoction to be quite yummy.
I had no idea how long I laid there for, getting triple fucked over and over again. I’m pretty sure everyone had a chance to pork my ass and jizz inside of me again. I was a bit disappointed that everyone saved themselves for that hole and no one came in my mouth, but who was I to complain? I was in Heaven and nothing could bring me down. Okay, well, maybe a little something- I did get a bit sore after a short while. But then a bottle of poppers was produced and I really didn’t care about how tender my anus had become. No, I was flying on a cloud of vapors and having fun. So much fun that I came twice while getting filled with all of those cocks. And not once did anyone touch my dick except for the belly of the guy underneath me. And not once did I even consider stopping what was happening to me. No, I wanted it. And the more I got, the more I wanted. I could feel their cum gushing out with each prick that pulled out and relished the feeling of it oozing down my taint and the balls of the guy below me.
I kept seeing flashes of light. I wasn’t sure if it was from all of the poppers or because someone was taking pictures, but again, I did not care. Not as long as I was being filled. Later on, I was shown that they were, indeed, taking pictures, but since none of them really showed my face, I didn’t mind. I actually got my own copies. Every time I look at them, my dick gets hard and my asshole pulsates just a little in memory of that night.
Eventually, I had worn them all out. Truth be told, I was pretty wiped myself, but had they still been able to get their pricks hard, I can assure you, I would have stayed down and let them fuck me more. But the evening was rapidly coming to a close. I stayed to help clean up. I mean, after all, much of that mess had been caused by me. Of course, I got rid of the puddle of cum on the mat by sucking it up and consuming it. All of the different varieties of semen mixed together to form a small pond of cum? How could a pig like me possibly refuse that? Simple- I couldn’t.
By the time I thought of checking the clock, it was almost midnight. My wife always got home about that time, so I was instantly concerned. I needed to leave. Post haste. The only problem was, I couldn’t remember just where I’d left my clothes. Dr. Dick retrieved them for me and I slid into my pants as I was running out the door. I dressed on the drive home but somehow made it alive, beating my wife. I stripped down, noticing a large wet spot in the ass of my pants. Apparently I was leaking cum. A lot of it. I jumped into the shower and was rinsing the jizz off of and out of my backside when my wife got home. She stuck her head into the shower to give me a kiss.
“Woof!” she exclaimed. “I don’t know what you ate tonight, but make sure you brush your teeth. Your breath smells like ass.”
If she only knew.
Published by nursenomad25
1 year ago
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