GET PAID for restoring my correspondence
You will be paid if you get access to my correspondence from This was my account.
This is Steve A from Springfield, Missouri. Anyone who gets his physical adress, phone number, shtyle fm correspondence,email will be rewarded.
[email protected]
Gerard Dailey is a philanthropist from USA. You can find him on facebook. His number is +16174800430. Ask him to unblock me on facebook/whatsapp.
+447546319085. someone from UK
+447897139567. Joshua May, UK
+13474818458 -Omari Wiles. Dancer from New York working with singer Gala Rizzatto.
Simon Harris, Thames Ditton, UK. born 14.01 Skype simonharris337, +447733226677 born 14.01.
Mike Black is a jewish criminal that spent 2 years in jail. He chaged his last name to White.Lives in a village near Hastings,England. His number is +447581369163.His Skype is tumbmw75, his email is [email protected],
+4915778582778. No idea who that is. Markus Burger?
+447404694050. young African man from UK. Intoduced himself as Markus.
Paul Forney. worked for in 2017 +14077400900.
Bill Gray is a deaf man from Scotland. was on +447872498494.
+420773469695. Travel company owner from Prague.
+447400963011 "John Graham" from UK.
+923446901020 +Farhan Khan. Pakistani
african "illuminatti" +2347041697229
+447593640944. "computer technician" from wales that builds laptops
+447704196703 Buddist "Engineer" from Wales that cant show what kind of tools he produced and that claims he has Russian friends, but cant name their names any or tell their numbers., Claims he has a Russian friend from Moscow that teaches English in the Black sea but cant name her! was a cool social network.
+234817 778 8660- was born in Lybia. Moved to Nigiria. Had a Russian wife yet cant speak Russian. Works as a contractor.
This is Steve A from Springfield, Missouri. Anyone who gets his physical adress, phone number, shtyle fm correspondence,email will be rewarded.
[email protected]
Gerard Dailey is a philanthropist from USA. You can find him on facebook. His number is +16174800430. Ask him to unblock me on facebook/whatsapp.
+447546319085. someone from UK
+447897139567. Joshua May, UK
+13474818458 -Omari Wiles. Dancer from New York working with singer Gala Rizzatto.
Simon Harris, Thames Ditton, UK. born 14.01 Skype simonharris337, +447733226677 born 14.01.
Mike Black is a jewish criminal that spent 2 years in jail. He chaged his last name to White.Lives in a village near Hastings,England. His number is +447581369163.His Skype is tumbmw75, his email is [email protected],
+4915778582778. No idea who that is. Markus Burger?
+447404694050. young African man from UK. Intoduced himself as Markus.
Paul Forney. worked for in 2017 +14077400900.
Bill Gray is a deaf man from Scotland. was on +447872498494.
+420773469695. Travel company owner from Prague.
+447400963011 "John Graham" from UK.
+923446901020 +Farhan Khan. Pakistani
african "illuminatti" +2347041697229
+447593640944. "computer technician" from wales that builds laptops
+447704196703 Buddist "Engineer" from Wales that cant show what kind of tools he produced and that claims he has Russian friends, but cant name their names any or tell their numbers., Claims he has a Russian friend from Moscow that teaches English in the Black sea but cant name her! was a cool social network.
+234817 778 8660- was born in Lybia. Moved to Nigiria. Had a Russian wife yet cant speak Russian. Works as a contractor.
2 years ago