Family Style - Chapter 2

Roger and Maggie lay beside each other panting and exhausted. For a couple in their early 40s, they had just completed one of their longest sex sessions in their lives. Uncharacteristically, Maggie had four orgasms tonight when she was usually satisfied with one or maybe two if she was really horny. Roger was usually one and done, but tonight he had blown a second load. Having witnessed in one evening their son, Brian, in a mutual cock swallowing wrestling match with Scott only to go upstairs unnoticed and find their two daughters, Alison and Linda in the very same position with their tongues deep in each other, had them so worked up that even after blowing two loads, Roger was still half hard and Maggie, if she wasn't so fucking worn out, would willingly go for another fuck. It wasn't yet outside the realm of possibility.

Roger had licked her to her first orgasm that was so strong, she nearly had to quit from a muscle cramp. Then he fucked her to two more using every position and technique he could think of, flooding her insides with a much larger than usual cum load that made an audible squishing sound when he pulled out. While he gave himself time to recover, he fingered her to another while teasing her asshole. Maggie sucked him fully hard again and then he tit fucked her until he blew his second load all over her tits, neck and lower face. She was still randomly playing with his cum on her tits as they panted through whispered conversation.

"I really hope you can muster up one more erection for a nice slow, relaxing fuck before we go to sleep," she said as she smeared his cum on his chin as she snuggled in and kissed him.

"I hope so too," he whispered, smiling from ear to ear. "I have to say, I didn't think this would be my reaction to seeing our k**s getting it on, let alone with each other. That must make me a really kinky bastard."

"Well then, I guess that makes me a really kinky bitch, because I haven't been this hot and horny in 15 years, honey. Nothing else has changed, so it must be the eroticism of what we saw tonight. How do you think we should handle it?"

"I have no idea, babe. They don't know we saw them, so on the one hand, we don't have to do anything. But we can't un-see it. And I am not really sure just yet how I even feel about it, let alone know how to handle it. And you said before we worked off the sexual energy it all generated that you would like for us to experience what we witnessed tonight. If you were serious, that means we have to figure out how to make that happen, which also means we can't make a big fucking deal out of them doing it. Do you really want to see me with another guy? And do you really want to experience sex with another woman?"

"Honey, we aren't getting any younger and both instances made my crotch so wet I thought I had peed myself. And my clit was as hard as your cock by the time we got in bed. The only way I wasn't going to cum was if I had died first. I have always thought two good looking men playing with each other pretty hot. I wouldn't be interested in watching a couple of old fat men doing it, but the right guys could make it a real ball buster - or clit burner - however you want to phrase it. And yes, I think getting it on with another woman would be pretty hot. In fact, getting it on with one or both of the girls would be the hottest thing I could think of short of fucking you again."

Roger laid there on his back staring at the ceiling while Maggie tugged his cock trying to get some more fuckable wood out of him before they called it a night.

"Mag, do you think Brian is gay?" he asked hesitantly.

"I don't think any of our k**s are gay, Roger. I just don't think they have boxed themselves in with the usual norms like we have. I think they are more willing to try a variety of things to really find out what they like and don't like. I caught him with his hand up a girl's blouse one time and she was fumbling around with some serious wood in her hand. So I am pretty sure he likes girls too. Want me to try to fuck him to find out for sure?" she laughed as she made the last statement.

Roger's cock suddenly twitched in her coaxing hand.

"So you like that idea, do you?" she teased. "Well maybe I would like to see you drill Linda or Alison, too. I'm getting wet again at the thought of you doing to one of them what you did to me tonight."

Roger's cock had suddenly sprung back to life and pulled Maggie on top of him and stuffed his cock balls deep in her wet hole and proceeded to bounce her relentlessly on his shaft until she came again within just a few minutes. Then he pushed her over face down on the bed.

"I have never taken you up the ass before, my dear, but I am going to do that right now. He wiped up all the wetness from her pussy and lubed her back door with it. His cock was already well lubricated. Before she could reject the plan, not that she wanted to at that moment, Roger had his cock head hidden in her asshole and was taking her as carefully but as urgently as he could. Maggie found the new sensation to be a combination of slight discomfort and a new joy at the same time. She relaxed, asking him to go slow.

Roger slowed down and made it a pleasant experience for both of them. She reached underneath herself and inserted three fingers into her sloppy wet pussy and fingered herself to a sixth orgasm just shortly before Roger filled her ass with cum for the first time. She felt the warmth of his flow in a new way and she loved that he lay down on top of her, cock still inside her ass and wrapping his arms around her as they rested in the afterglow of their bedroom romp.

They showered together, grateful that their house was large enough they had their own private bathroom. It took quite some time to clean themselves and each other up after all of the cum, pussy juice, sweat and saliva had been smeared everywhere. As they showered, both had similar thoughts of the other as they took turns washing each other. Roger was just over 6' tall and had kept all of his hair, although starting to gray around the temples a bit and he had kept himself reasonably fit. He had a medium build and while not what would be considered hung, he did pack roughly 7" inches of good, thick dick. He wasn't the type to turn many heads, but he was by any standard a reasonably attractive man. Maggie was 5'6" tall, average build, proportionate, C-cup tits, medium brown hair, a pretty, girl-next-door face and a nice, though ordinary ass. Like Roger, she would not stand out in a crowd, but most men between 15 and 75 would consider her a milf.

They passed out in each other's arms and did not wake up or even stir until nearly 8 am. Even at that, they were still up before their k**s. Maggie made a pot of coffee and had to admit that her pussy and her ass were feeling the tenderness of events from the night before. Roger downed a cup of coffee and a couple of slices of toast and headed for the garage to do some basic cleaning. He wasn't too happy about the cancelled flight, but he had to admit that it gave him a chance to work off his to do list he had been putting off. Maggie was left in the kitchen to deal alone with the surprised look her k**s would have when they found out their parents were home after all.

Her daughters were the first to find their way out of the bedroom and into the kitchen. The looks on their faces when they saw their mother was worth whatever might come next to Maggie. Their eyes got big and mouths hung open and they stared at each other for a moment. And assuming no one was home but them and a dead-to-the-world brother, they were only wearing their panties and thin, white tops with narrow shoulder straps to keep them up. Their nipples were hard and pointing straight out through the thin material. Maggie's crotch began to dampen in spite of how tender it felt. She actually found it a bit soothing.

"What happened?" one of them finally asked. "Is dad sick? Why are you home? And why didn't you tell us last night? That is when you came home, I assume?"

Maggie chuckled at the rapid fire questions. She more or less had expected exactly the reaction she got.

"Let's see if I can remember all those questions and answer them in order. Our flight was cancelled due to bad weather at the other end. Dad is fine and cleaning the garage. Yes, we came home last night. Our flight was cancelled within minutes of getting to the airport. We hadn't even gotten through security yet. And," not looking them in the face just then, Maggie raised one eyebrow in an attempt to avoid looking judgmental, "we didn't tell you last night because when we peeked in the door, you too seemed pretty busy and we didn't think it was a good time to announce that we were back. We just went straight to bed."

Both girls looked horrified. They turned beet red, put their hands to their mouths and hung their heads. "Dad saw us, too?" asked Alison.

"Yes," replied their mother. "You didn't have your door latched. In fact, it was hanging ajar a good six inches."

"Did Brian know you came home last night?" asked Linda.

"No, we saw him in a similar state with Scott and decided we needed to be somewhere else."

Alison walked around the kitchen with her hands on top of her head as if to protect it from something falling from the sky. Linda walked around with her hands on her mouth as if she feared her teeth would fall out. Maggie watched their dithering walk around the kitchen for a couple of minutes before she finally interrupted their collective panic attacks.

"Girls, holy shit, would you just sit down and get a grip on yourselves for a few minutes? You act like you committed a felony last night. Do you think your parents are clueless about sex - sex of any kind? I am pretty sure that if we haven't done it, we've seen it or heard about it. You are adult women. Free to make your own choices. I would actually rather you choose each other for your play time than get yourselves into a real mess with others that causes lasting damage."

By now the girls were beginning to settle down and they sat at the table with a cup of coffee. Their faces had returned to their normal color and they could finally look their mother in the eye again.

"Besides," Maggie added, "your dad and I thought the sights we saw last night were pretty hot. We fucked half the night."

Her last statement was ill-timed. Linda had just gotten a mouthful of coffee and spewed it all over the table and her mom and sister when she heard that her mom and dad thought the sexual encounter was hot. And neither girl had ever heard their mom be quite so blunt as she was now and they had certainly never heard her drop the f-bomb before. After a couple of minutes of awkward silence, all three began to chuckle, which escalated into chaotic laughter.

Linda turned to Alison and asked, "how many parents would come home and find their son ass-fucking another guy in the family room and their daughters giving each other head and have the reaction of, "WOW! that's hot! Let's fuck!" The two girls were rolling on the floor laughing and Maggie was gasping for air with her head on the table as she laughed so hard she cried.

Just as they began to recover, Brian walked in to the kitchen. "What is going on in here? Mom! Why are you home, -?"

"I am not going through that again!" said Maggie. "Flight cancelled due to weather. Came back home last night."

"Last night?" asked Brian suddenly looking worried.

"Yes, last night, Bro. In time to see you and Scott boning each other's faces after Alison and I saw you banging his ass. You have been busted and so have we. After we saw you doinking Scott, we went to our room and did the girl version of doinking each other and mom and dad saw it all. We are all fucked in more ways than one." Linda was laughing hard again as was Alison and Maggie. Brian hadn't caught up to them yet. He was still at the horrified beyond belief stage. Maggie got up and gave him a tight hug. She felt a semi-hard cock press against her as she gave him a full body hug and, again, her pussy dampened as she realized there may be opportunities there after all.

She gave Brian the same speech she had given his sisters and he began to finally relax a bit. He said that it all happened innocently enough and that, although he enjoyed it and would try it again, he still also liked women. Maggie told him she suspected as much and that he had nothing to be ashamed of.

"So, before your dad comes in, I have a question for you three. You are all old enough to decide for yourselves. You have all shown very clearly that you have open minds and what some might consider a kinky side to your sexual interests. Your dad and I discovered last night that we apparently have a "kinky side" to us as well. We even spent part of the night wondering if we should explore that a bit ourselves. But we would have to be much more careful about it than you all would have to be..."

Linda interrupted. "I have an idea. I am probably the kinkiest of the bunch, but we know...all experiment together?" She slunk down in her chair and hunched her shoulders with embarrassment and fear of rejection and ostracization.

The silence was deafening for a couple of minutes. Then Alison chimed in. "You know, that is a good idea Sis. Mom and dad are pretty hot when they want to be, we already know we like each other, and Brian says he's cool going both ways, so, you know, I'm game if everyone else is. I would just prefer word didn't get around, you know?"

All eyes fixed on Brian. "What are y'all looking at me for? I ain't one of those guys who thinks his sisters have cooties or anything. You two are better looking than most of the girls I go to school with and mom's a...well...a MILF! There I said it. Seems appropriate for this insane conversation. She's literally a mom I would like to fuck."

Maggie would have fucked him right then and there, but there was still Roger to consider. They had a super majority and Maggie was amazed at how easy it was all falling together. But it had to be unanimous. Roger might be the hardest of all of them to convince.

"I am going out to the garage to talk with your father. You all have breakfast or whatever you are going to do and we will talk more about this later - or maybe sooner."

She was figuring out how to approach Roger as Maggie walked out to the garage. She decided to be as blunt with him as she had been with their k**s. She wanted it to happen and she wanted it to happen now, while everyone was on board. But she feared Roger would back out. He was a little more buttoned up by nature and what sounded good to him when his dick was hard might not sound so good during the normal course of the day.

"Honey, do you think you could get use of that lake cabin Dave has about an hour from here?" she started.

"Probably. Why?"

Do you think you could get it today, now?"

Roger smiled. "After last night do you want to get away for some afternoon delight?" He walked up to her and planted a deep kiss on her lips, slipping his tongue into her mouth. She responded in kind.

"Yes," she said, as they parted lips. "I just had a conversation with our three sex fiends. They are all in for family style frolic with us if you will join in."

"You mean you - " he started.

"Yes, I told them what we saw last night and what you and I did in response and how we felt about it. They think a little family fun is a fabulous idea. Anything goes, as they say."

Roger's face was bright pink and his head was spinning. Never in his wildest dreams did he think he would ever consider anything like this, let alone follow through. He pulled out his cell phone and called Dave. All Maggie knew was that Roger was all in and that he would pick up the keys from Dave in 30 minutes.

Roger was bulging in his denim jeans. "Have the k**s pack an overnight bag and you pack one for us while I go get the keys from Dave. I'll be back in an hour."

The drive to the lake cabin was relatively quiet, although for the first time Roger could remember, Brian sat in the middle between his sisters in the middle row seat of their SUV. Maggie turned around once to see the girls rubbing his stiff cock through his nylon shorts and he had his hands under their shirts, a tit in each hand. Maggie and their three grown c***dren all agreed that undergarments were banned for the trip except for their dad since he would have to be the one to run errands and get out to gas up the SUV if they needed it. She was jealous of them. There was no console separating them from each other. Right now she wanted to start the fun by blowing their dad in front of them. But they were close to their destination. It could happen soon enough.

They arrived at the cabin a little before noon. They ate a light, quick lunch and then they were all eager to get started in their kinky fun, but no one seemed to know how to get it all rolling.

Roger stepped up to the plate. "Let's start at the beginning, shall we? First let's all just get naked and take turns feeling each other up a bit. We'll relax and things will begin to happen naturally." He even started by being the first to start stripping down. Brian joined in and the two men were naked and bone hard in seconds. The women were right behind and had less to take off since there were no bras and panties to fuck with. As soon as everyone was naked, they already began to relax.

"Well, first things first," said Linda, the most outspoken of the three. If you guys want me sucking your cocks, you're going to have to get with the times and let us shave you down. I figured as much and brought plenty of supplies to get you all shaved and ready for your oral treats. Mom, that goes for you, too."

Alison went to work on Brian and Linda started in on Roger. It was easy enough when they were hard. The girls worked the cocks from side to side like shifters in a car to get at the hair and had the men shaved in a short period of time. Linda gave her dad a good licking from time to time to show him her appreciation for getting trimmed. Alison finished up Brian and started giving him a serious blow job while Linda when to work on her mother. There was not a dry pussy in the cabin and both men were leaking pre-cum like they were going to explode just from the arousal. When Linda finished with her mom, Alison suggested they all take turns feeling each other up and engaging in a little mild foreplay. Roger and Maggie started with each other as the girls handled Brian for few minutes and then turned their attention to each other while Brian felt them up and sucked on their nipples. Then Brian and his mother engaged in some touching, stroking and rubbing, while Roger got accustomed to feeling up the girls and having them playing with his cock. Linda put a little bit of lube on her finger and slipped it half way up Roger's ass and his cock twitched in response. Alison bent over and gave the knob of his cock a hard suck that nearly made him fill her mouth with cum.

Maggie walked over to Roger and whispered that she brought his little blue pills just in case he felt the need for them. He was relieved she had remembered them because he didn't want to be sidelined before dinner at the rate things were going.

Just as Roger was about to suggest they pick their first encounter, Linda reminded him that he and Brian needed to get acquainted as well since they expected at least one male on male exhibition and that now was a good time while she and Alison explored momentarily with their mom.

Roger was not sure he was ready for this part, but Brian walked up to him and reached out to stroke his cock and felt his balls and then walked behind Roger and felt his ass and rubbed his cock in his dad's crack. Roger was a little ill at ease at first, but the three women were mesmerized and paused for a moment to watch the two men. After Brian finished, Roger fondled Brian's cock and stroked it slowly several times, cupped his balls and then walked behind him and slid his cock up and down Brian's ass crack. The women expressed their approval and proceeded to take turns going down on their mom.

Maggie sat on the couch with her legs wide apart and d****d over the outside shoulder of each of her girls. They licked and cooed and took turns tongue fucking her as the men watched. They were on their hands and knees working her over, finger fucking her ass and pussy as they licked her ample juices from her inner thighs. Roger knelt behind Alison and Brian did the same behind Linda. They both guided their stiff cocks to the wet openings of the pussies in front of them and slowly entered their fuck partners. Maggie watched with approval as she saw both men begin to fuck her daughters. With their hands on the women's asses and hips, they began to fuck a little harder and faster. Maggie watched the girls' tits swinging around as they got pounded from behind, but they kept their attention on Maggie's love hole. The visuals and the oral stimulation resulted in Maggie having multiple orgasms, one after the other rocked through her reaching every nerve ending in her body and then back again. This happened over and over again until she had to ask them to stop so she could recover her senses. She watched as Roger and Brian continued to bang Linda and Alison. Alison was the first of the two to cum and there was no doubt when she did. She let out a loud screech and arched her back and howled as her orgasm ripped through her. Linda was following quickly with her own and growled her pleasure and reached between her legs and grabbed Brian's balls and tugged. That was too much for him and he pulled out and shot cum streaks all the way to her shoulder blades. Alison had another smaller orgasm at about the same time Roger flooded her cunt with what felt to both of them like a bucket load of spunk.

Linda decided to lick Alison's pussy, tasting the combined cum of her and her dad. Brian went down on his mother while Alison went to work on her dad's cock with her mouth. They were only 30 minutes into their family style orgy and everyone had at least one cum to show for it. It was going to be the longest short weekend getaway they could have possibly hoped for.
Published by jamesmasters40
2 years ago
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rockyracoon 2 years ago
hornygeordieback 2 years ago
looking forward to more
bingobob3018 2 years ago
Fuck ! That escalated very quickly !! More please......
One question - will Scott be allowed to join in at some point ?