Sexually Frustrated
Man, this is not my week..I had 5 teeth pulled yesterday and probably will loose weight because I can't eat solid foods for awhile and then on top of all that, I can't seem to orgasm anymore? Maybe because I haven't been keeping up on my hormone pills lately because of the teeth being pulled? I haven't been taking my meds like normal. I am always mentally horny but can't seem to get relief from it's been over a If I can't relief myself and clear my mind, i'm just always gonna be horny and want to grow constantly? >.<' Like..i can physically get arroused fine? but im over here stroking and reading my fetish stories that really get me arroused and im horny mentally and physically but nothing happens? Usually I can orgasm even though nothing comes out because I had my balls removed but it still feels good and relieving and i get that post-nut clarity lol but not this time.. v.v
2 years ago