We were fully engrossed in erotic game play when Brad went to great lengths to dress me like a prostitute and send me out on my own. It was really neat that he got himself new dork clothes and dressed up like a handsome Greek man. He even shaved his head and wore a fake mustache. His gay friend from the theater arts classes really fixed him up. When he finally made his play, I was already wet from wearing my slut outfit and dancing with the guys in the club. At first, I did a double take. Something sounded familiar, but the look was off. I managed to realize that it was him soon enough to play the part of a call girl. After he had his way with me and left the room, I realized that my "trick money" must be a starter fund for buying more erotic clothing. I was pretty sure that this would not be the last time that I was turned out on the street by my pimp husband.

When I got home, he was in perfect character. The jealous husband grilling the slut wife. His cum was still in me, even though some of it had dripped out down my legs. He ate his creampie just like a dutiful husband would after "falsely" accusing his wife of fucking another man. We carried the charade through the next morning.

I had to give Brad an A+ for his play. Now, I was sure that the next move was mine. This was moving toward a much unexpected direction. Having been content to settle down with my soul mate, I was now experiencing the thrill of the single life again. I was a little worried that it might eventually destabilize our emotional bond. I mean sex with him was a little vanilla compared to my single girl experiences. Now my husband was unleashing pent up desires and having fun himself while I teased other men. I had to wonder if the progression would lead to the inevitable going all the way with some guy. Part of me wanted that. The fact that Brad enjoyed showcasing me made me all the more eager to fuck another guy. However, there was no way I was going to bring it up. If Brad did? Well we would just have to see.

I had to make sure that I devised a little plan to take the next game a little further. I went shopping for some new lingerie with my "trick money". In addition, I researched on line a recipe for fake cum. There were quite a few that seemed plausible. I chose one that included yogurt, corn starch, hot water and a little flavoring. I decided to make this concoction on one of my days off. I packed the mixture in a Magnum Condom, marveling at how much I was able to stuff in there. I stretched it quite a bit, tied it off and let it go back to the natural shape. I packed it in an ice chest along with my black eight inch dildo.

Brad was going to be a little late from work that evening and I took my slut clothes to the gym with me. I worked out as usual, later than normal. Afterwards, I took a sauna and whirlpool. I had already shaved my legs and pussy. I put on my garter belt, stockings and bikini panties under a jogging suit. In the parking lot I slutted up my makeup and put on the sexy skirt and top. I had on a half bra which held my D cups up and allowed my nipples to poke through the sheer top. I had roughed up my nipples and areolas to make it look like a guy had chewed on them. In my bag, I had the eight inch black dildo and the "cum" filled condom in the ice chest. My pussy was already wet from dressing slutty.

When I was sure that Brad had made it home, I pulled over and texted him that I had been out drinking with the girls.







That should be evasive enough to get him wondering. Near our house, I pulled into a deserted parking lot and pulled the dildo out. I gave myself a good fucking with the fake cock. I was plenty wet already. After I got my pussy nicely stretched, I popped a pin prick in the condom and squirted the "cum" into myself. I pulled my panties up and drove quickly home. I held my pussy and made my entrance into the kitchen door.

When Brad saw me, he began questioning me.

"What girls were you out with at this odd time?"

I looked guilty. "Brad, I have a confession to make. I got a call from one of my old boyfriends. He wanted to have a drink."

"Who is he?"

"Just a guy I used to date. I didn't see anything wrong with meeting him for a drink."

"Where did you meet him?"

"A bar across from the Holiday Inn. He had a room."

"How convenient. And I just guess that he invited you over to his room?"

"It wasn't like that, Brad. I mean,... yes, he did invite me over to his room, but I didn't realize that he was going to fuck me."

"And did he fuck you?"

"He started kissing me and pulled my hand to his hard cock. I couldn't help it. I had forgotten how big his cock was and I just, I just, sort of melted. He had my clothes off in nothing flat. He laid me back on the bed and just pulled his pants down and, well, he just, ..., he just fucked me."

"****d you?"

"No, I wouldn't call that ****. Once I saw that nine inch thick monster, I realized what I had been missing. I spread my legs, Brad, and he plunged the whole thing into my wet pussy. I locked my legs around his back and wailed as he fucked me hard. He bottomed out in my uterus, Brad. He fucked my whole pussy. All the way into me. I mean really deep. So deep, you have never been there. It felt like a log sawing me in two. I came so hard. He came so hard. He came in my pussy. He shot a river of cum inside your wife, Brad."

I lifted up my skirt. My panties were starting to drip.

"See, Brad, see what he did to your hot wife? He filled me so full. I was so fulfilled that I rushed home to show you what other men think of your wife. He came so much and I brought it home to you. You do want to taste your wife, don't you? I mean he is a really handsome man with a big cock and he wanted me so badly. You want me badly, don't you, Honey? Tell me you want this creampie I brought home to you. Taste the aroma of your well fucked hotwife and her old boyfriend."

I pulled my skirt off and lay back on our bed. Brad lowered his mouth to my crotch and started licking up the "cum". To this point he didn't know if it was the real thing. He was either turned on so he didn't care or he was into his part as the jealous cuckold. I was going to play the scene out as if I had actually fucked an ex-boyfriend. As his saliva mixed with the cum cocktail, he reached up and pulled the waist of my panties down my hips.

"Look, Honey, look at the mess he made in my panties. His cock was so big and he filled me up with his seed. I wonder if I am already pregnant. He shot his cum directly into my uterus. I felt so horny and fulfilled, but I wanted to share this with you. This is the creampie of a lifetime. Oh, yes, lick his cum from my stretched pussy. I want to feel your tongue licking my clit. Am I hard? I wish you could have seen his magnificent cock. I could not resist once I laid eyes on it again. He knows what a size queen I am. There is nothing better than a huge cock stretching my pussy. I can cum over and over again. God how I wish you had a cock that big."

Brad was licking and sucking my artificial creampie. I don't know whether he could taste the difference between real cum and my cocktail, but he was totally into pleasing me and eating the batter from my pussy. I wondered if I might actually fuck a guy and tell him the same story as he ate me. I could not do that to him unless ... Well he was going at it so much that I wondered if this might be possible. He certainly warmed to the idea of my cheating. The night he actually fucked me pretending to be another man and now eating my pussy full of fake cum. Who knew? He might get off to eating a real creampie. I had to banish that thought from my mind. This would have to be his idea. Just thinking about getting fucked by a huge cock brought back memories of a couple of boyfriends who actually did fit the bill.

I never had any trouble attracting guys. I mean that is for certain. My body and overall looks made that a sure thing. I had dated a white guy who really did have a nine inch thick cock. I loved sex with him, but he was a real jerk otherwise. He was so hung up on his looks and his cock. He liked to play the field also. I realized that I need not make any commitment to him, so we went our separate ways. Then I met Jeffery. He was the star linebacker of the local college football team. He was muscled up and handsome. He was also black. I started hanging out with some members of his crowd and before I knew it I ended up at a party one evening with Jeffery alone in a bedroom. I left the light on and when he pulled his cock from his briefs, I about fainted. He was hung like a horse. Both length and girth. When he fucked my tiny pussy, I was sore for a week. I came almost continuously as he rammed his angry black pole into my tiny cunt.

I only fucked him that one time. He, too, liked to spread himself thin and I was concerned what friends and family would do if they knew I had a black boyfriend. To date that was the best fucking I had ever had. I mean he could have had me for a song. At least that is how I felt at the time.

As I pondered what had been, I felt secure in the knowledge that Brad was the man for me. He loved eating me out. As he dined on the rest of my creampie, I continued to coo encouragement while I kept up talking about the big cock that had deposited his treat.

Afterward, he climbed on and fucked my wet pussy like a wild stallion. Well, except he was very lacking in cock size. I guess the perceived competition for my womb had steeled him into action to reclaim my pussy for himself.

Afterward we cooled down and held each other.

"God, Meredith," Brad said, "That was the hottest yet. I am wondering if it is real or just fantasy."

"Does it make it any better that you are still wondering?"

"Did you really do what you said?"

"If I tell you, it might spoil the experience. But since you asked. No, it was a concoction of things I whipped up. However, I did get quite a charge of fucking myself with my big black dildo. Could you feel how stretched I was?"

"Yeah, and all that cum coming out in torrents. How did you ever get that idea?"

"Well, easy, when that Greek guy fucked me the other night, you seemed to relish eating the cum from my pussy. I was just playing out that fantasy a little more. Why? Did you like it?"

"Yeah, you had me wondering if you really did fuck an ex-boyfriend."


"By the way, did you really have an ex-boyfriend with a big cock?"

"Oh, Brad, really? Do you want me to answer that?"

"Well, you were pretty descriptive and talked about my small cock compared to his cock."

"We should probably drop the subject, Honey."

"Now I am more curious. I noticed that you did not say 'No'."

"I did not say yes either."

"I know, but it would have been easy to say 'No' if that was the answer, so I will take that as a 'Yes'?"

"Am I a suspect, Officer?"


"Come on Brad."

"Out with it, Pretty Lady. Did you have a boyfriend with a big cock?"


"How big?"

I spread my hands to about nine inches and looked him in the eye.

"No way."

"OK," I said.

"Really?" He would not stop.

I spread my hands again and stared him down. He knew immediately that I was not lying.

"Was sex, uh, you know, better?"

"Well, in one way, yes. But he was a conceited jerk and he liked to fuck other women."

"But the sex itself was better?"

"Brad, I love you. That is the best sex. Do you enjoy what we do now?"

"Absolutely, yes."

"I do too. Now how about we change the subject?"

"Do you miss it?"

"The sex?"

"Well, the big cock?"

"You just won't drop it will you? Yes, I miss getting fucked by a big cock. Is that what you wanted to hear?"

"Not really, but well, I did ask. How many guys have you fucked with a big cock?"

"Define big."

"That big? You mean there were bigger?"

"Yes, one."

"How big?"

I spread my hands wider this time and showed him. I could not help thinking about Jeffery nearly splitting me in two. I had to suppress a smile. Brad looked incredulous. He shook his head in wonder.

"Brad, I did not stay with those guys. I waited and married you. Does that mean anything to you?"

"I am sorry, Meredith. I am being a jerk. It is just that it seemed so real when you described fucking your ex-boyfriend and now I know who you were thinking about when you said all those things."

"Yes, you are being a jerk. I think maybe we should cool down our little games just in case you are getting a jealous streak."

"No, Baby. I didn't mean it that way. It just about felt real when I saw your panties dripping. I wondered how that much cum could come out of one guy. It was hot the way you teased me. I felt so, uh I don't know, so enraged, so eager to please you so you would forget that big cock. I wanted to reclaim you. Does that sound primal?"

I giggled. That is what I thought when he fucked the daylights out of me with his little cock. The passion he showed. He called it rage. But it was passion. Of competition to drive the foreign sperm out of my pussy. It didn't matter that I was on birth control. Reason is not involved in primal urges. We had walked on the wild side and it had released a pleasure center in his brain. He would fight to keep his wife. And he enjoyed the thrill. I felt so powerful. I must be careful how I used this power and make sure that it remained in the fantasy. But the fantasy was the opium now.

I could see the progression in Brad. He wanted to watch me flirt with other guys. He wanted me to have sex with a mysterious stranger. He definitely wanted to clean cum from my overflowing pussy. Pretending to be the jealous husband and eating the creampie from "the Greek" proved that the cum eating fantasy was very much in his thoughts. Eating the fake creampie while not knowing for sure that it was fake also pointed to his willingness to have oral sex with me after I had been fucked. The only thing left on the table was to actually have sex with a guy.

I decided that this might be the time to see how far he was willing to go with our erotic fantasies.

"Honey, these games are so much fun. Do you like them as well as I think you do?"

He nodded and eagerly kissed me. I explained to him that he had a real cuckold mentality. All signs were pointing to his wanting me to present myself to other men. Just as well, his willingness to revel in my "cheating" meant that he had a desire to be a submissive. This is not uncommon, I found, while reading on the internet about the actual personalities of a submissive. I never considered myself dominant, but I will admit that my God given beauty made me very desirable to all men. These men were eager to please the object of their affection. While other men were self-absorbed in their own pleasure, the submissive cuckold was totally devoted to the wife's pleasure.

Brad was a type A in sales and business. He was bright, outgoing and very dominant in a competitive way. Turning his personality off apparently was just like recreation to him. I guess I was becoming dominant by default even though I was younger and supposedly the weaker sex. It reminded me of some gag tee shirts I had seen.

Published by 425olds
2 years ago
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to tongueman53 : Wow!!  That sounds Great!
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to tromboneski : both of mine would only let me watch once in a while, but God they really knew how to tease me about it 
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to tongueman53 : I had one. but, she would not let me watch.Then she moved to Florida.
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to tromboneski : I have had 2 girlfriends that treated me that way .
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to tromboneski : me too 
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to tongueman53 : Yeah.  I wish I could have been there when she entertained her men..
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to tromboneski : that is so Fucking Hot, when a woman thinks that way and acts upon it .
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that was a Great story,  I had 2 BBW Girlfriends that did that   to me with Great Pleasure .
Women are the permission givers
Great Story.
My friends wife told him that, While I was sanding there. (I HAVE THE PUSSY, SO I MAKE THE RULES.)