Bukkake porn cinema
I went to a porn cinema in Austria in the late 90s. I was modelling in Innsbruck at the time and found my way to this place on the way home one afternoon after a shoot. I sat and watched a movie and there were a few guys in the row ahead of me, and one guy two seats away to the right of me. The place was otherwise empty as it was middle of the afternoon. The guy to the right of me was intensely focused on the movie and I fuken couldn't believe it when he pulled his cock out and started wanking. I had no idea what to do and thought I should leave. But I sat there and kept watching the movie as well as him. I got so hot by all this that I started rubbing my clit through my skirt, and I could then tell the guys in front were all wanking as well. I knew I needed to cum, but felt too embarrassed to do it in front of all these guys. One of the guys in front looked round at me behind and saw me rubbing myself through my skirt. Then they all stood up and turned towards me with their big, fat cocks out. The guy on the right of me came over also, so there were 4 of them. I sucked each one as one of the guys rubbed my clit and fingered my wet cunt. In a matter of no time, all of them blew big fat loads of jizz all over my face and skirt. One of the guys had a really big fat cock and heavy balls I remember. They all grunted like pigs when they came, and were speaking in German, which I couldn't understand. I came all over their filthy fingers twice, leaking cum all over the seat. After it was over I rushed to the toilets to clean up and get out of there. I've never done anything like it since. I was 24 at the time.
2 years ago