Zofia Goes to College
Zofia was raised in a very traditional Polish family whose parents emigrated from Poland before she was born. She had two older brothers and being the baby of the family and the only girl, she was the apple of her father's, Stan's, eye. He loved her deeply and was not only very protective of her but was also very strict. Her parents were raised that the man of the family was the king of the castle and whatever he said was treated as the law of the household. They were also very strict, conservative Roman Catholics that believed that girls should maintain their purity and remain virgins until their wedding night.
Being raised in a strict Eastern European family wasn't so bad when Zofia was younger, after all, she didn't know any other way of life. She was a good Polish girl, obedient, and studious in her chores. She was a little mischievous because she knew she was her parents' favorite c***d and loved to get her older brothers in trouble. They would tease her often, as brothers do with sisters, but she would also tell her parents every time they got into trouble They loved their little sister but at the same time resented the little tattle tale.
Stan worked hard for his money so he could provide for his family and took all the overtime he could at the auto factory in order to help his family live the American Dream. There weren't a lot of minorities in his homeland of Poland and Stan had a difficult time working in a diverse environment at the factory. Zofia didn't understand his resentment of them because she went to school and became friends with several girls of different ethnicities and races at her public school but her father made it clear he didn't want her that they weren't welcome in his house. He eased up a little after his wife, Sonia, pleaded with him to relent so Zofia could have some friends of her choice. While he tried to hide his feelings while Zofia's minority friends were over the house, it was pretty obvious that Stan was not comfortable. Sometimes he would invent chores for his daughter to do in order to keep her away from her friends. While she resented her father for doing this, she still had to obey his orders.
For as strict as her father was during her younger days, Stan got even more strict as Zofia entered her teen years and developed a more womanly shape. Seeing his daughter beginning to turn into a beautiful young lady bothered him to no end. He knew it wouldn't be long before the young boys started hanging around the house and he knew what they would want to do with his daughter. He sc****d the money together to send her to an all girl's Catholic High School to keep her away from the boys.
Zofia had a lovely round face with round eyes and high cheekbones like most Polish girls. Her light brown, almost blonde hair and blue eyes made her even more attractive. As her hormones began to flow, her breasts developed into large round mounds of flesh that attracted the attention of a lot of boys and even some of her brothers' friends. This made Stan's blood boil even more and he became more strict with Zofia and kept a close eye on where she was going and who she was hanging out with. She had an earlier curfew than all of her friends but she remained loyal to her father's commands.
When boys would show an interest in his daughter, Stan would make sure he scared them away. He even enlisted the help of his two sons who were more than happy to ruin their little sister's fun by chasing any potential suitors away from her. They even physically intervened at times to scare the boys away. Word spread quickly that anyone that showed an interest in Zofia would have to deal with her big brothers first and then her father so they naturally shied away from her.
Zofia was devastated by her being shunned by boy crush after boy crush but still remained obedient to her strict father. She would never, ever disrespect him. She was allowed to have a couple of dates in her junior and senior years of high school but only after the pleading her mother did with her father but she still had to be home early. She was still able to experience her first kiss, some mild makeout sessions, and knowing what it felt like to have a boy grab her round, fleshy butt, and fondle her breasts but she refused to go any further. She wanted to save herself for marriage just as she had been taught.
While Zofia was respectful of her parents, deep inside of her, she wanted to, needed to, break away from them. All the studying her father made her do during school ended up being the key to her escape. She had phenomenal grades and was able to secure full scholarships to several local and out-of-state colleges. Her father insisted she live at home and go to a local university but she was now 18 and the local schools didn't have the majors she wanted. Her father didn't care and they fought for weeks over her choices of schools until her mother finally convinced her father to compromise. Zofia decided she would go to a school about 100 miles away. She would be away from home but still close enough to home.
When her parents dropped Zofia off for orientation the summer before classes began, her father got upset seeing the number of minorities that were present and he warned her to stay away from them. She had no choice but to promise her father she would follow his advice in order to keep him calm but in the back of her mind, she remembered her classmates in grammar school and how she wanted to be friends and found nothing wrong with having friends whose skin was a different color than hers.
Zofia was relieved after her parents left. She was also a little nervous because she never had so much freedom before and she planned to make the most of the next two nights. Her roommate for the orientation, Sylvia, showed up an hour later and they became friends immediately. Sylvia was dressed in tight shorts and a tank top while Zofia had on longer, less revealing shorts and a loose-fitting top that hid her ample breasts. They talked for a few minutes before deciding to explore the campus together.
While on their self-guided tour, the roommates ran across several other incoming freshmen doing the same thing. Zofia couldn't help but notice the attention her new friend was receiving from the boys and deep down, was a little jealous but also curious to see how the boys would react if she were similarly attired.
After a few hours of roaming the campus, Zofia and Sylvia went back to their room to change so they could attend a social mixer. The dorm was now crowded with a mixture of young men and women. When there was any gathering of young people, they were all checking each other out and Zofia caught the attention of a young man, Chris, but she was too shy and inexperienced to return his flirtatious glances. He tried to talk to her but she got scared, the rantings of her father still embedded in her mind. She made an excuse to go and find Sylvia.
Sylvia asked her, "Why did you stop talking to Chris? He's kinda cute."
"I don't know. I'm not very good with boys. My father told me they only wanted one thing, you know."
Sylvia continued, "Come on Zofia, you're in college now. You have to have some fun. Relax."
Zofia just shrugged her shoulders, not convinced.
Sylvia was exasperated with her new friend, telling her, "Girl, we have a lot of work ahead of us. You have to loosen up and learn how to have a good time."
Deep down Zofia was desperate to finally be able to let loose but still had to break through years of indoctrination by her strict father. The rest of the night was uneventful but the next morning the girls had a long talk. Sylvia had to explain to her roommate that college was a time for new experiences and to take advantage of their freedom away from home. Zofia was all ears but still scared.
The two girls were similar in size and build and Sylvia lent Zofia some of her clothes so she wouldn't look so frumpy. Sylvia picked out a very short skirt and halter top for Zofia to wear while she put on another pair of short shorts and a tight tank top. She reluctantly put on the outfit her friend picked out and quickly told Sylvia she couldn't wear it because her father wouldn't approve.
Sylvia shook her head and exclaimed, "Your daddy isn't here. It's time to let loose. Now come on, let's go strut ourselves around campus."
Zofia took a deep breath and stepped out of the dorm room with her friend. This was the most rebellious she had ever been and it felt exhilarating. For the first time in her life, she felt the appreciative stares of the opposite sex as they checked out her legs and bouncing breasts.
They attended some mandatory orientation sessions and made sure they sat next to some cute boys who they might run into later that night at another social mixer. Zofia wasn't used to wearing such provocative clothing and felt uncomfortable sitting in her short skirt. What she didn't know was that anyone that was noticing got a clear view of her pink panties as she sat through the session. She didn't realize why some of the boys kept looking her way but she enjoyed the attention they were paying her.
The same thing happened at lunch, in the afternoon session then at dinner. Zofia was experiencing being attractive to boys, something she's never felt before. She was also feeling her pussy getting warm and wet. She had this feeling before but was told it was the work of the devil and she should resist until she was married but she couldn't help herself. She was getting horny from the attention she was receiving all day.
After dinner, the girls went back to their dorm to get dressed for the social mixer. Zofia didn't have any sexy clothing and she jumped at the opportunity to let Sylvia assist her in getting dressed again. It was a good thing Sylvia overpacked for the weekend orientation and had plenty of choices to share with her friend.
Sylvia asked her friend, "Do you trust me?"
Zofia responded, "I guess."
"Well, let me pick your outfit for tonight and help you with your makeup."
Zofia had to think for a moment, but the thought of being bad without her father's knowing and already feeling naughty from the attention she got from the boys all day made her agree to accept Sylvia's offer. She was going to enjoy her new found freedom so she placed her trust in Sylvia.
After putting on some makeup and doing her hair, it was time to get dressed. Zofia's heart skipped a beat when she saw the outfit Sylvia picked out for her. She almost chickened out but Sylvia insisted on holding her to her promise.
"Just try it on Zofia and see how you look."
Zofia reluctantly changed into the pink, off the shoulder, long sleeve, crop top and spandex micro mini skirt that showed off every curve of her ass.
She told her friend, "I don't know if I can go out wearing this."
Sylvia told her, "You can't back out now. Besides, if you want to attract some boys, you have to advertise. Besides, you promised me."
As scared as she was, Zofia wanted to experience a wild night and agreed to go to the mixer dressed in the outfit Sylvia picked out for her. Sylvia was dressed in an equally short skirt and tube top as they left for the mixer. Zofia was more than a little self-conscious but she had the emotional support of her new best friend. The girls drew a lot of attention as they walked through the campus on their way to the student union and even more attention when they got to the social. Little did Zofia know but her nipples were now poking through the material covering her breasts which drew even more admiring glances.
Several young men made their way over to talk to the two foxy freshmen but it was when Chris and his roommate Don, a light-skinned African American, approached them that things got serious. Chris eyed up the beautiful Polish girl and Zofia wasn't as awkward as the previous night. They struck up a long conversation before he asked her to dance while Don danced with Sylvia.
Zofia had never danced with another boy but Chris didn't mind her awkward movements as his eyes were fixed on her exposed legs and bouncing breasts. She got a little nervous when a slow dance came and she let Chris take her in his arms as they swayed to the music. Her young hormones were flowing and her pussy was getting warm and wet again. She got a little scared when she felt his growing erection poking into her thigh. Part of her wanted to run away but the new found adventurous side made her stay. She had never felt like this before and she liked being held in the arms of a cute boy.
When the song was over the couple parted, Zofia blushed, experiencing feelings she never had before. She was excited and scared. Sylvia then approached them to inform her that the boys had some beer back in their dorm room.
Chris asked, "Do you want to go back with us?"
Sylvia answered for her, "Oh, we're going."
Zofia was following her lead all day and was having more fun than she had ever had in her entire life so she agreed to accompany Sylvia to Don and Chris' dorm room. She knew her father wouldn't be pleased with her hanging out with Don because he was Black. He was quite handsome but her father would never have approved. When they got to the room, they were each handed a can of beer. Zofia had never drank before but didn't want to look too naive so she lifted the can to her lips to take a sip. She didn't like the taste but pretended to enjoy it. After drinking about half of it, she began to relax and felt a little tipsy. When she was on her second beer, she noticed that Sylvia and Don were kissing and slow dancing. His hands exploring her roommate's body. Chris looked at her and leaned in to kiss her. One kiss led to another and another. Before long they were passionately making out too.
When Chris's hands began to wander over her body, she was too scared to stop him. She was having too much fun and didn't want to spoil it now, so she let him feel her breasts through her top and fondle her ass. The warm feeling between her legs was getting more intense and her heart was beating faster from being nervous and turned on. The more beer she drank, the more her inhibitions melted along with her heart. When Chris slipped his hand underneath her top to feel her bare breasts Zofia moaned softly in pleasure. Part of her wanted to stop his wandering hands but it felt too good.
She noticed that Sylvia was now topless and Don was sucking on her tits. She knew what Chris would want to do next. Part of her wanted to run out of the room. If her father ever found out what she was doing, he would never let her out of the house again. However, she was a little drunk by now and having more fun than she'd ever had before. When Chris began to tug at the bottom of her shirt, she closed her eyes and lifted her arms, giving in to her desires.
Chris then announced, "Wow, you have great tits."
That caused Don and Sylvia to stop making out and they looked over at Chris and Zofia. No boy had ever seen her 36c breasts before, now two boys were looking at them. Don smiled and Sylvia gave her roommate an approving nod. Chris began to suck on her nipples making Zofia even hotter than before. When he slipped his hand up her short skirt to touch her between her legs, she nervously jumped a little but was feeling too good to stop Chris's advances. She began to breathe heavier as his fingers began to rub her pussy through her panties which were now damp from her juices. She got really nervous when she felt his hand slide inside her panties as his fingers began to penetrate her. She knew what she was doing was wrong but felt helpless to stop now.
She looked over at Sylvia who was now naked and on her knees giving Don a blow job. Zofia was shocked at this sight. She had heard about girls doing this but never really believed that women would put a man's penis in their mouths. She noticed how big Don's cock was and was fascinated by seeing Sylvia's white lips surrounding the black cock. While she was momentarily distracted, Chris was busy pulling down her panties. She instinctively stepped out of them and when he unzipped her skirt, letting it fall to the floor, she finally realized she was about to lose her virginity. Her father would be so disappointed in her. He would probably call her a tramp, a slut, or a whore for not waiting for her wedding night. She was so scared at that moment but she also was resentful of her strict father never letting her have any fun that this was one way to assert her independence.
She stood naked before Chris as he quickly undressed. She saw Don climb between Sylvia's legs and enter her. She watched them fuck for a few seconds before she looked over at Chris who was now naked, displaying a 7-inch erection. She was scared and curious at the same time. He placed his hand over hers and placed it over his dick, showing her how he wanted to be stroked before he went back to exploring her body.
Chris then led Zofia over to his bed and laid her down. He spread her legs and fingered her. Zofia never felt more vulnerable than laying there naked letting a strange boy play with her most private parts. She was shocked when he placed his head between her legs and began to lick her pussy. She almost began to panic but when he ran his tongue over her clit, she immediately relaxed and began to moan in pure pleasure. She had never felt anything so wonderful before. Her breathing got heavier the more he licked and sucked on her clit. An overpowering feeling crept over her body until she tensed up and let out a mild scream as she began to orgasm. Her sounds even made Don momentarily stop fucking Sylvia, who was now on all fours and look over at Zofia.
Don commented, "It sounds like your friend is enjoying herself."
"It sure does."
Zofia was a little embarrassed by her scream but she also felt ecstatic at experiencing her first orgasm. She was exhilarated and hotter than ever. When Chris asked her to suck his dick, she felt obligated to return the favor. As scared as she was, she got down on her knees between his outstretched legs. She took his erection in her hand, momentarily hesitating, while staring as the first hard dick she'd ever seen. She wondered what it would taste like. What if she didn't like it?
She licked her lips, gathered up all her courage, opened her mouth wide while closing her eyes, and lowered her head onto his awaiting cock. Zofia took as much of his dick into her mouth as she could, gagged a little then began to bob her head up and down like she had seen Sylvia do with Don. Now that the initial deed was done, Zofia decided sucking a dick wasn't so bad and was encouraged by the soft moans coming from Chris.
Chris encouraged her with supportive words, "That's it baby suck my dick. Oh, that feels good. Yeah, use your tongue just like that."
Zofia used her tongue to swirl around the hard hunk of meat in her mouth as her head bobbed. She was giving Chris her first blow job that she ever gave. Her teeth accidentally sc****d against his shaft a couple of times out of inexperience but she began to enjoy giving her first lover a blow job.
When he asked her to stop and get back onto the bed, she knew that she was about to have sex for the very first time. After that night, she would no longer be a virgin. She began to get visibly nervous as she laid back and spread her legs. Chris put on a condom then climbed between her thighs but noticed she was shaking.
"Are you okay," he inquired.
"I, I, I've never done this before," Zofia replied sheepishly.
Chris looked surprised at first and then asked, "You're a virgin?"
She nervously nodded her head and he knew he had to go slow. He placed her legs over his shoulders, then rubbed his dick up against her dripping wet pussy to lubricate himself. He then began to push himself into her. His dick met with some resistance but he pushed a little harder as Zofia winced at the slight pain she was experiencing. Chris was excited that he was about to fuck a virgin, a first for him too. He kept pushing against Zofia's pussy until finally, the head pressed through which made her squeal a bit. He stopped for just a moment then pushed forward even more until he had his dick in as far as it would go.
At that moment, Zofia realized she was no longer a virgin; she had allowed a boy to enter her vagina. At first she was a little uncomfortable but as she relaxed now that the initial penetration was over, she began to enjoy being fucked. She even found it to be a little exciting to having sex while Don and Sylvia glanced over at them and with her and Chris seeing them having sex too.
Chris was fucking her harder now which was making her moan even louder. The bedsprings were squeaking and her tits were bouncing as they fucked. Chris then placed her on all fours so he could do her doggie style. By this time, Don had already cum in Sylvia's pussy and they were both watching the action of their mutual roommates. Chris began to fuck Zofia harder, tugging on her hair and slapping her ample ass. He then grunted and came in Zofia's pussy, shoving himself deeply inside her at first followed by several short deep thrusts until he was done. After he withdrew he noticed some blood on the bedspread. She really was a virgin.
For Zofia, the deed was now complete; she lost her virginity to a cute, young man she met during her first taste of freedom from her parents. The two couples then sat around the dorm room naked while drinking more beer. Zofia felt a little self-conscious sitting there without her clothes on in front of everyone and pulled the sheet up to cover herself.
Sylvia laughed at her while pulling the sheet away and told her, "Come on girl; we just watched you suck a dick and lose your virginity. Don't get shy now."
The boys quickly agreed. Chris was proud of his conquest and was glad to have a witness so none of his friends could think he was bullshitting when he would tell them all about the orientation. Zofia felt so naughty knowing her parents and especially her dad, would be fuming mad if they knew what she had just done but that's what made it so much fun too.
While they were drinking in the nude and getting to know each other better, there was still a sexual tension in the air. They were stealing glances at each other's nude bodies, trying not to be obvious; that is until Don spoke up.
"Why don't you ladies stand up and let us get a good look at you."
Zofia immediately began to blush but Sylvia took her by the hand and made her stand up. It was very difficult for Zofia to flaunt her nudity like that. It was one thing to sit there partially covered but it was embarrassing for her to openly display herself. She was drunk and still horny so it was easy for her to follow her roommate's encouragement. Chris had seen her but Don didn't get as good a view as he was now.
Both boys stared at every inch of the girls' nude bodies, drinking in the size of the breasts and nipples, how much hair Zofia had on her pussy compared to Sylvia being completely shaved and their nice, round asses. After a few minutes the girls really got into being on display and began to dance a little, bending over to shake their tits and give the boys better views of their asses and pussies. They were smiling and giggling and Zofia was gaining more confidence the longer they paraded around naked. This was one more act of defiance of her parents. Their little dance had a predictive effect on the young men as their dicks started to become erect that led Don to become bold once again.
"Damn, you ladies are gorgeous. See what you're doing to us," he said while looking down towards his crotch.
Sylvia was being coy when she asked, "Well what do you want us to do about it?"
Don replied," A blow job would be nice, right Chris."
Slyvia looked over at Zofia just before she replied, "I guess that's the least we can do."
Don sat next to Chris on his bed as the girls got down on their knees in front of them. Sylvia began to lick Don's balls and Zofia followed her lead, doing the same with Chris. Zofia was inexperienced and wanted to learn more about sex so she was mimicking the actions of Sylvia. While the boys were enjoying their blowjobs, they were grinning widely at their double luck with the girls and gave each other a fist pump for a memorable night.
The guys agreed it was time to fuck the girls and had them get on all fours side by side. They both entered their dates at the same time and began to furiously pump their pussies. They were playing with the girls' breasts and slapping their asses. The room was filled with grunts, groans, and moans of pleasure and reeked of sex.
At one point, Don turned to Chris and said, "Wanna switch?"
Without saying a word the boys withdrew from their dates and penetrated the others. Before Sylvia and Zofia could say anything or object they were being fucked by the other boy. Zofia found Don's dick to be larger and thicker than Chris'. She found herself having sex with a second young man that night, a Black man at that. Her father would disown her if he knew how far astray she went that night. Don and Chris were having a great time as they kept taking turns fucking Zofia and Sylvia.
Zofia had another orgasm while Don was fucking her who told her when she was done cumming, "Damn Zofia, you've got one hot pussy. It's too bad you've waited all this time to start having sex. Don't worry though, we'll try and make up for lost time."
He continued to pound her pussy hard with his fat cock until he shot his load deep into her. Even though he was wearing a condom, Zofia was still concerned about becoming pregnant. The boys tried to get Zofia and Sylvia to spend the night with them but Zofia wanted to get back to the dorm room so Sylvia agreed to accompany her.
On the way to their room, Zofia began to cry. She was tired, had too much to drink, and started to feel guilty about disobeying her father by not only losing her virginity but also letting Don fuck her too. To top it off, she defied her father by not only hanging out with a Black person but also having sex with him too.
She told Sylvia, "My father says that girls who have sex before marriage are sluts. Am I a slut?"
Sylvia tried to comfort her friend, "That's just a fairy tale Zofia. Most people have sex before marriage. You're just tired. We had a great time tonight. Don't let those thoughts ruin it. You're a woman now."
Sylvia helped get Zofia into bed where she slept off the alcohol she consumed until late the next morning. When she woke up the next day, Zofia had a hangover and a bad headache. Sylvia took her out to get a bite to eat and some coffee to help her friend wake up before her parents came to get her.
When her parents arrived, Zofia could barely look them in the eye. Her mother immediately wondered if something was wrong but Zofia told her she had a great time but must have gotten some bad food the previous night. She knew her mother didn't believe her but nothing more was said. Her father pretended he wasn't listening but Zofia knew he was concerned for his baby girl.
Over the next few weeks, things returned to normal. Zofia took a summer job so she could save up some money for when she went away to school and to buy some new clothes, some of which she had to keep hidden from her parents because they wouldn't approve of the short shorts, mini-skirts or tank tops she was purchasing.
There were tears when Zofia's parents dropped her off at the dorms to start the fall semester. She had mixed feelings about being left on her own for the first time in her life. She was both excited and scared but as soon as her tears dried after watching her parents drive away, she felt a sense of freedom. Sylvia arrived about an hour later and after helping her unpack, the girls went out to explore the activities going on around the campus.
There's an air of vibrancy around campus during move-in weekend. There were more people than during orientation and a lot of activity with parents dropping off their k**s, sad goodbyes, and a sense of excitement for the start of a new school year. It was a right of passage from c***dhood to becoming a young adult and more independent.
As the girls roamed around the campus taking in the excitement of the weekend, Sylvia told Zofia as they were checking out the guys, "There's a lot of cute guys around. I hope we can find a couple of fun ones to keep us company tonight."
Zofia responded, "I don't know if I want to do what we did during orientation but I wouldn't mind having a little fun."
"Come on Zofia. Do I have to teach you how to have fun all over again? When was the last time you got laid?"
Zofia just smiled, "Not since orientation."
"Well, we're going to have to do something about that, won't we?"
Zofia only smiled but deep down she was feeling horny. Once a person starts having sex and realizes how good it feels, there is a natural desire to keeping on doing it. She was still conflicted between feeling guilty about not having saved herself for her wedding night as she had been taught since her c***dhood and her young body telling her she needed to have sex again.
As the girls made their way towards the student union where there were food trucks and music, Zofia asked Sylvia about her being attracted to Don at orientation. She wondered if her parents would be mad if they found out she had sex with a Black male. Sylvia told her that her parents wouldn't mind at all and she found Black men more attractive than white guys. Zofia told her about how prejudiced her parents were, particularly her father and they would kill her if they knew she let Don have sex with her. She was curious if Sylvia had other relations with Blacks.
Sylvia told her, "I actually prefer Black guys, especially the athletes."
"Why is that?"
"Well, you know what they say about Black guys and how well endowed they are."
"No, what do they say?"
Sylvia laughed and replied, "Where have you been hiding all these years? They have bigger dicks."
"Well, not all of them."
Sylvia went on, "The athletes have better bodies too. I love those muscles."
Zofia simply grinned at the knowledge her more experienced friend was sharing. The two young ladies got to know each other better as they headed towards the student union and found a huge crowd of people milling around, eating, and taking in the music. They were checking out guys and the guys were checking out the ladies. It looked like it was going to be a fun weekend before classes started on Monday.
As the ladies were standing line at one of the taco food trucks, a couple of tall, muscular, good looking African-American young men got in line behind them. Dwayne and Calvin introduced themselves to Zofia and Sylvia and struck up a conversation. It was a long line so they had plenty of time to talk before they got their food. The guys were juniors and wide receivers on the football team
When Sylvia heard that she turned and smiled at Zofia and commented, "Oh really?"
She then winked at her friend like she found what they were looking for. Zofia was still a little shy and followed her friend's lead. She was also anxious about being with the guys because of how her father would feel if he knew but he wasn't there and she was determined not to be a stick in the mud and ruin any chance of having a good time. Just because she was talking to a couple of Black guys doesn't mean anything was going to happen later. It was all innocent. Besides, she was eighteen, almost nineteen, and could hang out with whoever she wanted. It was also kind of fun to do something rebellious that her parents wouldn't approve of.
After the girls got their meals, Sylvia invited the guys to sit with them and the offer was quickly accepted. They all got acquainted as they ate, exchanging where they lived, what they were majoring in, and whether they were dating anyone at the time.
Sylvia told them, "No we don't have boyfriends. We were out looking for a couple of guys to hang out with for the evening."
Dwayne's eyes lit up and he responded, "Well, you don't have to look any further."
Calvin jumped in, "We have an apartment just off campus that we share with another guy on the team. We could go back there, have a few beers, we got some weed and we can chill."
Zofia was getting a little nervous because she could see where this was leading but Sylvia promptly replied, "That sounds like fun, doesn't it Zofia?"
"I, I uh, I guess so."
The girls didn't know that the members of the football team had a competition to see who could fuck the most freshman and Sylvia and Zofia were now prime targets on their first day on campus. The girls took the bait and now they had to reel them in. The girls were proud that they attracted the attention of a couple of older guys. The other freshman guys looked so young and Dwayne and Calvin were on the football team besides. Sylvia knew they could be the key to a wild social life while Zofia was only following the lead of her more outgoing friend.
As they were walking to the apartment, Calvin was walking beside Sylvia leaving Dwayne to walk with Zofia. Dwayne was telling her how beautiful she was with her lovely eyes and a warm smile. He told her she was sexy too. No one ever told her that before. His charm was working as Zofia began to feel more comfortable being with a Black male. She noticed the muscles in his arms and shoulders which were exposed by his tank top and his chest looked just as muscular. It had been more than almost six weeks since she had sex and her pussy was beginning to itch for attention but she still wasn't sure about having sex with an African American again, no matter how attractive and charming he was.
When they got to the apartment that they shared with another football player, Calvin went and got a joint, lit it up and passed it around. When it was Zofia's turn she was reluctant to try it. She was a good girl and marijuana was i*****l. After some hesitation and encouragement, especially from Sylvia who seemed to have a devilish influence over her, Zofia inhaled the weed. She immediately began to cough out of control having never smoked anything before. She did better on the second puff and even better after that.
They started drinking beer and the effects of the joint were taking hold on Zofia. She was high for the first time and the alcohol was relaxing her even more. She was feeling sexy and there was some suggestive talk going back and forth between the guys and girls. Not long after that, Sylvia and Calvin were making out. As the sexual tension filled the air, Dwayne leaned in to kiss Zofia which she enthusiastically returned. As they kissed, Dwayne's hand began to roam over her ass, rubbing and squeezing her butt. Seeing no resistance, one of his hands made its way up to her tits. The weed and alcohol had an aphrodisiac effect on her and helped lower her inhibitions. Her pussy juices were flowing and she needed to have sex again.
Dwayne's hand began to run up Zofia's leg to her thighs. When she instinctively parted her legs to give him better access to her pussy. He was confident he was going to get laid tonight and enjoy some freshman pussy. She was so hot, she became bolder herself and began to stroke his erection through his shorts. She couldn't believe how big he was. It felt like he was bigger than Don.
Out of the corner of her eye, Zofia saw Sylvia accompanying Calvin to his bedroom. Sylvia gave her a wink and a smile as the door slowly closed. Deep down Zofia was disappointed; she enjoyed watching another couple having sex during orientation and also found that having an audience to her coupling made it even more exciting for her. Those thoughts quickly disappeared as Dwayne's hand began to massage her breasts underneath her shirt. He then helped her peel it off before removing her bra. He marveled at the size and fullness of Zofia's tits.
"Wow, you've got some nice titties, baby," he commented as he lowered his lips to suck on her nipples.
Zofia was moaning softly as Dwayne focused on her breasts before unzipping her shorts so he could slip his hand down them to finger her damp pussy. He had big hands with long fingers and found entrance difficult so he pulled off her shorts. Zofia lifted her ass off of the sofa so he could also slip off her panties. She laid back on the sofa as he stood up to take off his shorts and underwear in one motion, exposing his thick cock which had to be about nine inches long. Zofia marveled at its size and girth and temporarily being scared she might not be able to handle a dick that size; that was until he laid on top of her as they returned to their makeout session. He was finger fucking her while she stroked his big dick.
Dwayne sat up and suggested she suck his dick and Zofia quickly changed positions so she had access to his big black cock. She tucked her light brown hair behind her ear while stroking him, gathering the courage to try and get the monster cock into her mouth. She took a deep breath, opened her mouth wide, and lowered her head. Her full, white lips surrounded the black meat as the head entered her mouth, sliding along her tongue. She could barely get Dwayne's cock into her mouth and she gagged when he thrust his hips up, forcing more of himself into her mouth.
He told her, "Go slowly, don't try and take too much at one time."
Other girls have obviously had the same problem giving him a blow job. Zofia took his advice and bobbed her head slowly as her white lips surrounded his black cock. She gagged a few times and took as much as she could but still couldn't take it all. She was enjoying orally pleasing her black lover.
She thought, "if only my father could see me now."
In one way, it was an opportunity to rebel against all of his strict rules while she was growing up and not allowing her to have any kind of social life. It was also her chance to explore her sexuality that had also been suppressed but now that the floodgates have been opened, there was no stopping her now.
As hard as she tried, she could only get about half of the big cock into her throat. It wasn't bad for a girl who was only sucking her second dick. Zofia would gag every so often while Dwayne was instructing her on what he liked.
"Oh yeah baby, suck it just like that. Your lips feel so good around my dick. That's it, baby, take that dick as deep as you can."
Zofia was really trying her best to please her black lover. When Dwayne was ready to fuck her, he pulled her head off his dick and laid her back on the sofa, her legs spread wide, offering her pussy to him. She was a little concerned that his dick my hurt because of its size. He rubbed himself up and down against her dripping wet pussy for lubrication then began to enter Zofia. She took his dick into her without any problems. She remembered feeling the fullness of her pussy compared to Don or Chris but found it more pleasurable. Dwayne started to thrust himself in and out of Zofia and felt a deep feeling of pleasure as his big dick pounded her sweet, young pussy. Her big tits began to bounce as he fucked her harder which brought moans of passion from her.
"Oh God that feels so good. Fuck me Dwayne. Oh shit, fuck me."
She couldn't believe she was talking like that but she lost control of her inhibitions. He began to thrust harder and faster giving her an even more intense pleasure. She was high from the weed and alcohol which made the sex even better, sharpening her senses and filling her with complete rapture. Dwayne was playing with her breasts and sucking on her nipples enjoying her young body. Her utter enjoyment of his fucking made it even better for him. Zofia was screaming in uncontrollable pleasure and talking like she never had before.
"Fuck me Dwayne. Your big cock feels so good; don't ever stop fucking me. Oh God, I need a good fucking Dwayne. Give it to me good."
They were having sex for about 30 minutes when the guys' other roommate, Jamal, came home. He was a big black man, a defensive lineman on the football team who was 6'4" tall and tipped the scales at over 300 pounds. Dwayne and Zofia were fucking so intensely they never heard him come in.
Jamal politely interrupted his roommate, "Sorry brother. I didn't know, um, you had company."
Dwayne never stopped fucking Zofia and she didn't seem to mind the sudden intrusion so Jamal stood there and admired Zofia's body, figuring he'd enjoy the show until they threw him out of the room.
Jamal commented, "Damn, it looks like you got a hot one there bro."
"This is some damn good pussy. You really like getting it put to you, don't you babe?"
Zofia pussy was on fire and she even liked having an audience; it made the sex even hotter and more naughty and she responded, "I love getting fucked, Dwayne. I love your dick."
Dwayne then asked, "How about taking care of Jamal baby? Can you handle two of us?"
Jamal stood in awe, watching his roommate increase the vigor of his thrusts making Zofia's eyes roll into the back of her head with sheer bliss. She answered with a shrug of her shoulders which wasn't a negative response so Dwayne motioned with his head for him to join in. Jamal quickly undressed, exposing his huge body and hard on which wasn't as big as Dwayne's, maybe 7.5" and not as thick.
Zofia was so horny, she didn't mind having another dick to play with. Jamal fed her his dick and she hungrily began to suck it. She felt so slutty as she fucked and sucked the two Black athletes. After gagging on Dwayne's big dick, Jamal's was much easier to swallow and she was able to take his smaller black cock deep into her throat. He began to fuck her mouth, using her soft, white lips like a pussy. Zofia was acting like a wild woman who couldn't get enough black cock; her moans muffled by the dick in her mouth. Dwayne had been fucking her for about 45 minutes and told her he was about to cum.
When Zofia heard this, she stopped sucking Jamal long enough to tell him, "Don't cum in my pussy. I'm not on birth control."
That's when Jamal had a suggestion, "Let's switch places bro."
It seemed like a reasonable solution. The guys changed places with Zofia's mouth filled with Dwayne's dick and her pussy being filled by Jamal, who towered over the much smaller white girl. As Dwayne's breathing got heavier, Zofia momentarily became fearful of tasting the sperm that was about to be unleashed into her mouth but that didn't stop her from continuing to suck the big black cock in her mouth. She was too turned on to stop now. Besides, Dwayne had a hold of her head and was thrusting himself between her lips. As Dwayne was approaching his orgasm, Calvin and Sylvia came out of his bedroom and were stunned to see Zofia taking on two guys.
At that moment, Dwayne pushed himself deeper into Zofia's throat and began to cum, which made her gag. His sperm was dripping out of her mouth, down her chin and onto her chest as he continued to cum in her mouth while Jamal continued to fuck her pussy. Zofia struggled to keep up as the big black cock in her mouth continued to shoot sperm. It was her first taste of cum but it kept coming before she could decide if she liked it or not. She swallowed as much as she could until Dwayne finished. She licked his dick clean before he withdrew. After getting a good taste of sperm, Zofia decided it wasn't too bad and licked her lips to taste some more.
Calvin, who had been watching with Sylvia gave Dwayne a high five when he was done and said, "Damn dude, I thought you were going to drown her in cum for a minute."
"That little Polish girl is one hot piece of ass," Dwayne told him.
The room went silent as Calvin, Sylvia, and Dwayne passed around another joint, had more beers, and watched Jamal fuck Zofia. His big body was now d****d over her as he pounded her pussy. Zofia looked over at her audience and began to cum herself. Her orgasm drove Jamal to the edge and he remembered she wasn't on birth control so he climbed up towards her chest and told her to wrap her titties around his dick. She obeyed his request as he started to titty fuck Zofia. On his upstroke, he would stop with the head of his dick near her lips so she could suck it for him before he would go back to fucking her between her breasts.
He tried to hold out as long as he could but he now needed to release the pressure that was building in his balls. He thrust his dick up into Zofia's face as he held her head up. She opened her mouth as he began to spray his cum onto her face and onto her tongue. His cum tasted more tangy than Dwayne's and she tried to catch as much as she could into her mouth. When Jamal was almost done with his orgasm, he fed his dick to her so she could suck him dry. She sucked on his cock, swirling her lips around it, milking him dry.
When Jamal was done cumming, he withdrew his dick from between Zofia's lips and proclaimed, "You were right bro, she is one hot piece of ass."
Zofia had been thoroughly fucked by two big black men and she was now left naked on the sofa with her face and tits covered in cum. Sylvia told her she was proud of her for letting loose and joked that Zofia kept all that cock to herself. The guys told Sylvia not to worry, there was plenty left for her. Zofia cleaned herself up and joined the rest of them in smoking more weed and drinking. The two girls were sitting around naked with three naked Black men and Zofia noticed that Calvin was almost as large as Dwayne but not quite. She wondered what his dick felt and tasted like. She was curious but didn't want to seem anxious to have sex with him.
Zofia was getting more comfortable being naked in front of the guys and was enjoying the attentive glances she was receiving. She made no effort to cover up her breasts or to keep her legs closed. The others made her feel a little self-conscious when they commented on her hairy pussy but she never even considered grooming herself down there until she saw Sylvia's bare pussy during orientation.
The five of them were passing joints and drinking beer while everyone was wondering what was going to happen next. The wondering ended when Calvin started to get an erection from partying with the naked coeds. He was eyeing up Zofia and she was trying to hide her curiosity about what he was like in bed.
Calvin broke the ice when he asked, "So Zofia, do you want to find out what sex is like with a real man?"
The other guys started their smack talk in return and it became a game challenging the ladies to see who was the best lover. The girls knew it was just a way to get them to have sex again but played along.
Sylvia even played along with her own smack talk of her own, "Who says you guys will even be in my top three list of best lovers?"
Sylvia was just as curious to see what it would feel like to have a dick as big as Dwayne's in her pussy and liked the thought of being dominated by Jamal's large body. They decided to go into Jamal's room because he had a king-sized bed. The girls laid back on the bed while Dwayne and Jamal surrounded Sylvia and Calvin pulled Zofia towards the edge and got down on his knees so he could please her orally. He was kissing her legs and thighs before working his way up towards her pussy. When she looked down, she noticed Calvin had a very long tongue and was intrigued by what he might be able to do with it. Her hips started to move as he began to tongue fuck her. She wasn't very experienced receiving oral sex but she could tell Calvin knew his way around a woman's cunt. He would stick his long tongue in her as deep as he could then lick all around her lips without touching her clit then repeat the process again and again. She was trying to maneuver her hips so he would lick her clit but he wasn't done teasing her.
When Calvin finally started to focus on Zofia's clit, he brought her to a quick, intense orgasm. He wasn't finished yet. He lapped up all of her juices with his long tongue and began to suck on her clit again until she had another orgasm. She came so hard this time that she squirted some of her juices into his mouth. It was so intense that, at first, she thought she might have urinated but it was only a wild orgasm. He let her catch her breath for a moment before having her switch places so she could suck his dick. He gave her so much pleasure that she wanted to give him an equally pleasurable blow job.
As she got down on her knees between Calvin's outstretched legs, Zofia was determined to take her time as she had seen Sylvia do when giving blow jobs. She let her long, light brown hair trace over his thighs and even softly tickle his balls. By doing this, he could also feel her hot breath against the sensitive skin of his pubic region while increasing the anticipation of her pending blow job. She then began to kiss his upper thighs while ever so slowly stroking his shaft before she began to flick her tongue over his balls.
Zofia gently sucked on each of his balls before tracing her tongue up and down Calvin's lengthy shaft. She then traced her tongue over the large, mushroomed head of his dick, taking time to lick the precum that was leaking from the tip. She used the tip of her tongue to follow along the underside of the head, then gave it long laps like she was licking a dripping ice cream cone. Zofia was so proud that she had Calvin squirming, moaning, and begging for more. She was new to having sex and cocksucking and she was gaining more experience with every blow job she gave.
She licked and sucked the shaft then worked her way up to sucking and swirl her tongue around the head while Calvin tried to force more of his dick into her mouth but she resisted. This was the first time in her limited sexual experience that she felt she was in control. Zofia then let more and more of his cock enter her mouth. She had more than half in her mouth before she gagged.
As she glanced to her side, she saw Jamal and Dwayne having their way with Sylvia. Jamal was thrusting away at her pussy while she struggled to take Dwayne's big black cock into her throat, gagging at times herself. Zofia felt better knowing Sylvia was gagging on his cock too.
Calvin kept moaning as Zofia's head bobbed in his lap. His large, black hands cupped her head as he thrust his hips up, forcing more of himself into her mouth. At first, she struggled to take him deep in her mouth but eventually, he worked his entire cock into her throat. Zofia felt a sense of accomplishment at being able to deepthroat a dick for the first time. Calvin even held her head still when he was buried deep into her throat as her tongue swirled around it. She finally had to force her head off his cock so she could catch her breath. It was Calvin's way of taking control and making Zofia become a little more submissive.
Calvin then bent her over on the edge of the bed and approached her from behind, entering her pussy in one quick thrust which caught Zofia by surprise. He quickly began to fuck her hard and fast which made her moan and scream out loud.
Jamal looked over at Dwayne and told him, "Damn, Calvin's going to town on that white pussy."
"He sure is. It looks like she's getting addicted to some Black dick too."
Once more, Zofia found herself crying out in pleasure from getting her pussy used by a black cock. Her father would be furious if he knew she was now getting fucked by a third Black man in one night. That's also what made it even more pleasurable; she was asserting her independence, rebelling against her strict upbringing by not only having sex before marriage but fucking and sucking multiple Black men and finding extreme pleasure from it.
Dwayne was now fucking Sylvia and Jamal decided to stuff his dick into Zofia's mouth which she gladly did. Both men were now playing with her tits, tweaking her nipples which helped drive her to another orgasm. Calvin then switched places with Jamal who took his turn fucking the Polish freshman for the second time that night.
The guys had already cum once and so they were able to fuck a lot longer this time around. They kept switching partners in different combinations. It was turning into a full-fledged orgy. Sylvia found herself riding Calvin while Jamal fucked her ass as Dwayne was fucking Zofia. The guys wanted to fuck Zofia's ass but she refused. She wasn't ready for that kind of kinky sex.
The three Black men were using Zofia and Sylvia for their sexual pleasure but the girls were also having the sexual experience of their young lives too as the guys took turns with their young bodies. Dwayne had cum in Sylvia's pussy while Jamal came in her ass. Zofia took Calvin's load in her mouth as she did the others; tasting the sperm of all three Black men.
She now realized she enjoyed orally satisfying a cock as well as the taste of sperm.
After a short rest, smoking another joint and a few more beers the girls found themselves getting fucked again that night. It's not that they were being forced into sex; they wanted it just as badly, if not more, as the men. By the end of the night, Zofia's pussy was sore and the muscles of her jaw were tight. She couldn't fuck or suck anymore. She was also exhausted from being physically and emotionally drained from all of the sex, d**gs, and alcohol and fell asleep, naked in Jamal's bed.
In the early morning, Zofia woke up, groggy and hungover, at first not knowing where she was. Once she realized she never left the apartment, she went looking for her clothes and Sylvia. She could only find her shorts and top, then saw Sylvia in Dwayne's bed. She woke her up to tell her she was going back to their dorm with Sylvia telling her she'd join her. Both girls did the "walk of shame" back to their dorm room. They looked a mess, with their hair mussed and caked with sperm. They had trouble walking as they were sore from fucking and sucking three black cocks all night long. Zofia's tits were bouncing freely and shown underneath her top. Luckily, only a few people saw them as they made their way back to their own beds. Both young ladies slept until that afternoon, then showered before going to get something to eat. Zofia's head was still pounding.
Over breakfast, Sylvia told Zofia, "The first thing we're going to do on Monday is get you to the health office and get you on birth control."
Zofia couldn't argue with her friend's observation. She was deathly afraid of getting pregnant, especially if the father was a Black man. Her father would disown her. He would probably do that if he ever found out what she had done on her first day on campus. She did feel better after having some coffee and getting something to eat. The conversation then turned to who they enjoyed in bed.
They both agreed that they loved Dwayne's big black cock in their pussys but found it difficult to blow him. Jamal's was easier to suck because it wasn't as big and both girls loved Calvin's oral expertise. Zofia then inquired about Sylvia having anal sex with Jamal.
Sylvia informed her, "It's not so bad if you have a lot of lubrication. The feeling of having a dick in your ass and pussy at the same time is incredible. You also have to relax and let it happen. If you tense up, it will make it hurt."
Zofia then inquired, "Can I ask you a personal question?"
"After what we've done together, I think it would be alright."
"Is it hard to shave yourself, you know, down there?"
Sylvia grinned and replied, "It's not bad. It takes some getting used to. Why? Did you want to try it?"
"I don't know. The guys seemed to like it."
"When we get back to the dorm, I can show you if you like."
Zofia responded, "Thank you. I've never had a friend like you that I could talk to about these things."
The bond between Sylvia and Zofia was fairly strong after what they had done together and they were just beginning to get to know each other. When they got back to the dorm, Sylvia made her friend get undressed. She laid out a towel on the bed and had Zofia sit over it. Sylvia then retrieved a small hair trimmer and began to shave off as much hair as she could from Zofia's pubic area, leaving nothing but stubble. Zofia felt a little awkward letting her friend trim her hair with her legs spread wide open but they had already shared a couple of wild nights filled with sexual exploration together so this was comparatively mild.
Sylvia then told her, "Okay now go take a shower and I'll get ready for when you are done. Wash that area really well, then hurry back here."
Zofia followed Sylvia's instructions and returned only wearing a towel which she placed underneath her, waiting for the next step. Sylvia had a large bowl of water and a warm washcloth ready. She placed the washcloth over the area that was about to be shaved for a quick minute, then got shaving gel and applied it to Zofia's pubic area.
When Sylvia picked up the razor, Zofia got a little nervous but it was too late to turn back now. It's not easy to let someone approach your genital area with a razor. It was also kind of a turn on to be letting her friend shave her pubic area too but she wasn't going to tell her that.
Sylvia slowly shaved Zofia's pubic hair for a minute before turning the razor over so she could try it herself. When Zofia was done, Sylvia took the razor back to touch up some spots her friend had missed then wiped her pussy clean. She took out a mirror so Zofia could see.
Zofia confessed, "This is the first time I've ever looked at my pussy like this, you know, with my legs wide open."
"You've got to be k**ding me."
"No I'm not k**ding. I've looked at myself in the mirror in my room but never like this. I've seen diagrams."
Sylvia began to point out various areas of Zofia's pussy, sort of like a guided tour. Zofia felt a little funny but she was also developing a bond with her roommate. When Sylvia pointed out Zofia's clitoris, she flicked it a little with her finger as Zofia let out a soft moan.
"That's the clit or love button. That's what makes us cum."
Sylvia kept rubbing Zofia's clit as her roommate moaned in pleasure. Zofia wanted to stop her but it felt so good; she felt helpless to put an end to her enjoyment. Her hips began to move a little in rhythm to Sylvia's hand gestures and her breathing got heavier. In her mind she wanted to tell her to stop, that it was wrong for two females to be doing this. Even though her strict Polish upbringing was in conflict with her immediate pleasure, Zofia's body would not let her bring an end to her roommate's manual manipulations of her clit.
Sylvia was getting excited too and as Zofia's was approaching an orgasm, she lowered her head and began to finger fuck her friend while licking and sucking on her clit. Zofia knew this was wrong but it felt so right at the moment and she was powerless to stop Sylvia from licking and fingering her pussy. She then came to an explosive orgasm as Sylvia licked the cum from her pussy.
When Zofia's orgasm had subsided, Sylvia lifted her head, her lips glistening with her friend's juices. She was momentarily afraid Zofia would be mad but she saw a broad smile on her face and she came up and began to kiss Zofia. They were making out on the bed and Sylvia quickly stripped off her clothes. They kissed and made out touching and feeling each other's breasts. Sylvia then brought Zofia's hand down between her legs and Zofia inserted one of her fingers. She found Sylvia's pussy dripping wet as she continued to finger her while the girls alternately sucked on each other's tits.
Zofia knew that Sylvia probably wanted her to return the favor and please her orally. She was scared but excited. She felt Sylvia's hands putting light pressure on her head while she sucked on her tits and finger fucked her. She knew what Sylvia wanted her to do but was gathering up the courage to go further. She kissed her way down between her friend's legs and stared at her damp pussy, trying to gather the courage to keep going.
Sylvia then told her, "Go ahead. Try it. Please, I'm so hot right now."
Not wanting to disappoint her friend, Zofia lowered her head and began to lick Sylvia's clit and received a positive, reinforcing moan from her. Sylia's hips were bucking as Zofia got her first taste of another woman's pussy. After getting over her initial reluctance, Zofia was now focused on pleasing her friend. She wanted to please her just as Sylvia had done for her. When Sylvia grabbed the back of her head and held it tight to her clit, Zofia knew she was about to cum and licked and sucked on her clit while thrusting her finger in and out of her pussy until her friend came to a wild orgasm herself.
Zofia was once again proud of herself for her sexual experimentation, now with another woman. She wondered if her father would be more upset with her letting several Black men have sex with her or if her having a bi-sexual experience with another girl would be worse in his mind. She didn't really care, she was being naughty and rebellious. She was no longer daddy's little girl. She was a woman now and could make her own decisions. She was asserting her independence from an overbearing father. She had fucked five different guys, four of them being Black and one girl and classes hadn't even started yet. This was only the beginning of her becoming more rebellious.
After her sexual tryst with the three Black athletes and her first bi-sexual experience with Sylvia, Zofia was feeling guilty for going so far astray from what her parents had taught her and what she learned in Catholic school. Even though it was Saturday, she decided she would try to settle down now that classes were about to begin and hoped she got her deviant sexual desires out of her system. The problem was that, at times during the day, her mind would drift to recall the night she lost her virginity during orientation with Don and Chris or tasting another woman's pussy for the first time and the small orgy she had with Dwayne, Jamal and Calvin. When those memories popped into her mind, Zofia's pussy would start to get a little damp. She liked the feeling of having her pussy filled by Dwayne's big black cock while sucking on Jamal or Calvin's dick.
She remembered how each of their dicks tasted or how they felt in her pussy and how each of them fucked her in a distinct way, with each pleasuring her in a different manner. Whether it was hard, fast, rough or slow and easy, she liked the variety and enjoyed comparing them and how they made her feel. She recalled how differently each of their sperms tasted with Jamal's being more tangy than the others. Even though she had only sucked and fucked one white guy, she began to understand why Sylvial preferred Black athletes. They seemed to have bigger dicks, had more stamina and fucked her longer and harder than Chris did.
Everytime those sexual thoughts crept into her mind, Zofia tried to extinguish them but found her mind and body were constantly flashing back to her limited sexual experiences. While she only had sex on two occassions, she sucked and fucked multiple dicks each time and had done things some women only fantasize about.
Sylvia wanted to do a little shopping during the day and brought Zofia along with her. The activity helped Zofia get over her hangover and it was fun to do some clothes and food shopping to treat themselves. Zofia needed to update her wardrobe, and, with Sylvia's help, she picked out a couple of low cut tops and short skirts along with a few, sexier bra and panty sets. Sylvia was flirting with some of the young men who were checking them out as they shopped. Zofia's parents kept tight control of her when she was home and it was fun to have a close friend with whom she could hang out with and one that she shared some deep, dark secrets with. It was a fun girls day out.
Over lunch, they both got a text from Dwayne and Calvin wondering if they wanted to hang out again later that night. Sylvia immediately responded to Calvin that she'd love to meet up again while Zofia wasn't so quick to reply.
"What's the matter Zof, don't you want to have a little more fun? Come on, it's Saturday night. We need to have some fun before classes start."
"I don't know Sylvia; I don't want to get a reputation as being, you know, a slut or anything."
Sylvia laughed at her friend and replied, "Those are old fashioned ideas. Women are allowed to enjoy sex too. Come on. You had fun last night and besides, Dwayne has that huge cock."
Zofia's juices began to flow a little while recalling the feeling of Dwayne's big black cock filling her pussy and gave in, "Alright. I guess one more time would be okay."
She then replied to Dwayne's text telling him she'd join him that evening. Zofia was a little nervous at going out with a Black man again but excited at the same time. She let loose of a lot of her inhibitions the night before and had a great fucking time or, better yet, a great time fucking.
Sylvia helped Zofia get ready for their date with the guys. She helped her apply makeup that Zofia never really wore very often and did up her hair in a ponytail. Zofia put on her new push up bra that enhanced her cleavage and a v-neck button down sweater. Zofia was showing off more cleavage than she ever had before and wasn't entirely comfortable but decided to trust Sylvia's judgement. Her outfit was topped off with a shorter than usual mini jean skirt and 4 inch heels. Sylvia dressed in her own low cut top, mini skirt and heels.
They looked at themselves in the mirror and Zofia asked, "Do you think we look too sexy?"
Sylvia shook her head and replied, "There's no such thing as too sexy. Let's go."
They headed downstairs to meet the guys and went to a local chain restaurant for a casual dinner. Over their dinner double date, Dwayne placed his hand on Zofia's knee; seeing no resistance, his hand gradually went higher and higher up her leg to her thigh. She wanted to stop him but she was also getting excited by letting him do this in a public place. She felt so naughty as her legs instinctively parted to give him further access to her upper thighs. She let out a quiet squeal when he brushed his finger across the front of her panties which were already starting to get damp. Zofia tried to maintain her composure but it was getting increasingly more difficult the more Dwayne massaged her pussy through the satin material of underwear. When the waiter came over he noticed that Dwayne was playing with his date's pussy and tried his best to hide his knowing grin.
By the time they finished dinner, Zofia was more than ready to go back to the apartment for some more fun. Dwayne and Zofia began to makeout in the backseat and he had his finger deep inside her pussy by the time they arrived at their place. Dwayne was a wide receiver with big hands and long fingers and he knew how to massage a girl's pussy with them. Once inside, the drinks began flowing and the joints began to get passed around. It wasn't long before clothes began to come off and soft moans began to fill the room. Calvin had stripped Sylvia of her clothes and was busy expertly licking her pussy until she had multiple violent orgasms. Zofia was jealous because Calvin was better at oral sex than Dwayne who was lapping at her cunt until she had orgasmed.
Zofia found herself on her knees sucking Dwayne's massive cock. She was no longer threatened by its size but saw it more as a challenge to stuff as much of it into her throat as she could without gagging. While she was getting better, taking almost half of it, she still gagged when she took it further. Dwayne was still impressed as most girls couldn't even get that far. As her head bobbed, she could see out of the corner of her eye that Sylvia had now straddled Calvin and was riding his cock as her tits bounced in his face.
Dwayne stopped Zofia's blow job and told her, "I need some of that young white pussy baby," before he laid her back on the sofa with her legs spread wide and slowly slid his big dick into her.
Her eyes rolled back into her head as Dwayne slowly fucked her to start. She loved the feeling the fullness in her pussy; it wasn't like the others she had sex with. She didn't know if anyone could satisfy her again unless they were as big as Dwayne. She was becoming addicted to his big black dick. She began to moan louder as he picked up the pace, pounding her pussy harder and faster. Her tits were flopping in rhythm to his thrusts. He was fondling her breasts at the same time and would even lean in to suck her nipples as he pounded her pussy with his massive manhood. The faster he fucked her, the louder her moans became until she came again.
After Zofia recovered, Dwayne had her get on top so she could ride him. He sucked and played with her tits which were right in front of his face. Zofia loved bouncing on his big black cock. It felt so good as the dark meat filled her pussy. When she began to tire, Dwayne had her bend over so he could fuck her from behind. Calvin had Sylvia in this position too and Zofia wondered if they would switch partners like they did last time.
Just as she thought, after fucking the girls from behind side by side, Calvin asked, "Wanna switch bro?"
Without saying a word, Dwayne withdrew from Zofia and was quickly replaced by Calvin. His dick was big, but not as big as Dwayne's but she still liked the feeling of a different dick in her pussy. Calvin fucked her harder than Dwayne and was tugging on her ponytail while slapping her ass. She discovered she liked the rough treatment while a dick plowed her pussy. It made her feel so slutty and submissive, especially getting fucked by a black man and enjoying every second of it. He started to pick up his pace even more and Zofia was lost in the rapture of pleasing him while feeling immense gratification herself.
Just before she was about to warn him not to cum in her pussy seeing she wasn't on any birth control, Calvin grabbed hold of her hips, lunged deep into her, grunted loudly and announced, "Oh, baby your pussy feels so good. I'm cumming."
It was too late to stop him as she felt his cock pulsating and with each twitch, he shot more cum into her. They both were breathing heavy trying to catch their breath when Zofia began to worry about getting pregnant. She was still bent over, resting when she felt Dwayne's dick being thrust into her. He was fucking her hard too and she asked him not to cum in her pussy but he didn't listen. She felt his black dick begin to shoot cum into her also, adding his load to that of his teammate. Zofia's unprotected cunt was now filled with the sperm of two virile black men.
When Dwayne withdrew, Zofia immediately went to the bathroom in an attempt to squeeze as much cum out of her as she could. She was deeply worried she would get pregnant. How would she explain that to her parents who taught her she needed to remain pure until her wedding night? To make matters worse, she would have to explain that the father could be either of two black men. She began to have a slight panic attack but quickly regained control of herself, not wanting to spoil the party, before returning to the living room to join the others. She pulled Sylvia aside to inform her of her fears, her friend told her not to be concerned, that she shouldn't worry about it.
When Zofia pressed Sylvia about what she should do, her friend told her, "First, the chances of you being pregnant are slim and there are pills that would take care of it. Just relax, let's have a good time. Trust me."
That calmed Zofia down somewhat and with more alcohol and joints being passed around, it helped her put her fears aside for the moment. The girls fucked and sucked Calvin and Dwayne into the wee hours of the morning then went back to their dorm..
When they woke up, Zofia and Sylvia had a long conversation on how Dwayne and Calvin were good in bed and could screw all night. Zofia then got scared when she remembered she had taken multiple loads of cum in her pussy and started getting nervous about possibly being pregnant. They talked more over a late breakfast about possible options. Zofia was due to get her period at any time so Sylvia told her there was no reason to panic, she was late in her cycle and couldn't get pregnant anyway.
They spent Sunday buying the rest of their books and getting ready for classes to begin. They socialized with some of the other people on their floor. In other words, it was a normal day before classes began.
When classes started on Monday, it was easier for Zofia to put some of her deviant thoughts behind her. She was getting used to the college educational culture, buying books, reading and preparing for classes. She also got her period which gave her one less thing to worry about. She even met a Polish exchange student, Piotr but everyone called him Pete and he developed a liking for his Polish classmate, Zofia. She liked him too; he was handsome and polite, a nice Polish boy like her parents hoped she would meet some day. He was a little shy, spoke broken English and was ecstatic when he was able to converse with Zofia in his native language seeing she spoke Polish at home with her parents when she was younger.
It was a long stressful week at school for Zofia between being away from home for the first time, dealing with her new found independence and missing her family regardless of how strict her parents were. Dwayne was texting her all week wanting to hook up again but she told him she was too busy which was true but as Friday rolled around she felt she needed a little relief. Even though she liked Pete, he was too shy to ask her out which left Zofia disappointed.
Late in the week, Sylvia was asking Zofia if she wanted to double date with Calvin and Dwayne. Even though part of her was hesitant to continue her sexually decadent lifestyle, her pussy needed some attention. Her thought began to drift to recalling how Dwayne's big black cock filled her pussy and how Calvin fucked her harder and was more rough.She marvelled at the size of Dwayne's dick even when he wasn't erect. It wasn't until late Friday afternoon that she agreed to another double date. It was going to have to be an early night anyway seeing the guys had a football game on Saturday.
Sylvia and Zofia both dressed in tight black leggings that showed off every curve of their ample asses. Sylvia wore a simple tank top and Zofia wore an off the shoulder top. They put on their makeup and made their way over to the guys' apartment for some pizza, beer, weed and sex. There was no pretense anymore on what would happen when they got together with Calvin and Dwayne. When the girls arrived the men had their hands all over the girls' bodies, freely fondling their asses and tits. Sylvia and Zofia would playfully slap their hands away, pretending they were upset but everyone knew where this evening was headed as sexual tension gradually filled the air.
Shortly after dinner, the girls found themselves naked, kneeling on the floor giving the guys blowjobs. Zofia had gotten to enjoy having sex in the same room as Sylvia and Calvin. It also made it easier for them to swap partners. Zofia was getting better at taking Dwayne's big black cock down her throat but she still couldn't swallow it all yet but she kept trying. Her enthusiasm and effort made her blow jobs even more pleasurable for Dwayne too. Even though she wasn't as experienced as some girls he'd been with, Zofia was still able to take more of his big dick than most other women. She savored the taste and size of his manhood too. He was so big, she wasn't sure a smaller cock could satisfy her anymore. Her only mission now was to get him good, hard and excited until he used his black cock to fuck her white pussy. Until then she used her pink lips to make him groan in pleasure.
They all decided to retreat to Dwayne's room so they had more room than being on the sofa. Before they got onto the bed, Sylvia pulled Zofia aside with an idea she had. The guys could tell she was reluctant to do whatever Sylvia was suggesting.
Sylvia knew she could talk Zofia into most anything now and pulled her arm and said, "Come on. It will be fun."
Dwayne and Calvin didn't know what was going on but watched as the girls climbed onto the bed. Sylvia, laid down as she instructed Zofia to straddle her head. The guys' eyes widened when they realized what they were about to witness. Sylvia quickly began to lap at Zofia's pussy, stopping only to encourage her to do the same. The girls were now in a full fledged sixty-nine, giving the men a show they'd never forget.
Calvin turned to his friend and said, "Damn, these girls are freaks."
He then poked Dwayne with "watch this" kind of look and climbed onto the bed behind Zofia. He then slid his black cock into her while Sylvia continued to lick her clit. Zofia stopped licking Sylvia's cunt at times because she was moaning so loudly, feeling the double pleasure of having a big black cock penetrate her pussy while her friend titillated her clit. Dwayne wanted his turn also and they shared Zofia while Sylvia continued to work on her clit. She tried to lick Sylvia's pussy but the intense pleasure she was receiving was too much of a distraction. After she came to two violent orgasms, Sylvia asked her to switch places.
Sylvia straddled Zofia's head as Dwayne started to fuck her hard. Zofia got a close up view of him pounding her friend's cunt while she began to lick her clit. She felt an obligation to help her friend experience the same intense orgasms she had. Sylvia started to cum and that triggered Dwayne's orgam too. Zofia could see his thick shaft pulsating while pumping his sperm into Sylvia as her pussy tightened around his cock. Some of Dwayne's cum leaked out of Sylvia and Zofia quickly licked it up. When he withdrew, he offered his black dick for Zofia to lick clean. Before Calvin entered Sylvia, Zofia lapped at her pussy to lick up more sperm.
Calvin was now fucking Sylvia while Zofia licked her clit and it didn't take long for them to come to a mutual orgasm. Zofia licked Calvin clean before Sylvia squeezed the cum from her pussy which Zofia licked up like it was a sweet nectar. Sylvia returned the favor by licking her friend's pussy too.
The girls were so consumed in pleasing each other they didn't notice that Jamal had returned home joined by one of the football team's offensive linemen, James, a huge black man and they were quietly watching the action. Dwayne motioned for them to join in the fun so the two football linemen stripped off their clothes. Before the girls could object, the two men began to fondle them. Sylvia didn't mind at all but Zofia had some second thoughts but never said "no" either James spread Zofia's legs and quickly entered her while Jamal did the same to Sylvia.
Jame's big black, muscular body hovered over her while his eight inch dick pounded her pussy. Zofia felt so slutty, letting herself be used by someone she didn't even know and didn't even know his name at the time, but she was beginning to get addicted to big black cock. The feeling of having a full pussy made Zofia's guilt disappear as she got lost in the pure pleasure of getting fucked again. James and Jamal switched partners with Zofia having sex with the fourth black man that night. Her father would disown her if he ever found out but that was part of what made it so pleasurable. Since starting her college life, Zofia was doing something rebellious for the first time in her life and having fun doing it.
Zofia felt totally dominated being alternately fucked by the two huge black men. She knew she was just another piece of ass to them but that somehow also turned her on. It may have been the alcohol or the d**gs or her increasing libido but she felt like they were just another couple of dicks to be used to satisfy her sexual desires. She had another orgasm as James dumped his load deep inside her.
The men wanted to continue to party all night but they knew they couldn't because of their game the next day so the party came to an early end. Sylvia and Zofia had big smiles on their faces as they staggered back to their dorm while comparing notes on the guys they just got done fucking and sucking.
After sleeping late the next morning, Zofia woke up with another hangover and feeling sluggish. She also went through another round of feeling guilty for her slutty behavior the night before. She kept thinking about how horrified her parents would be if they found out she let four black men have sex with her in one night. Heck, her parents would have a fit finding out that she had sex with just one Black man. Her racist father would never speak to her again. She promised herself she would try to control herself in the future but there were other voices in her head that recalled how wonderful it felt to have her pussy filled with big black cock and her multiple orgasms. She tried to quiet those voices when they would creep into her mind but they kept coming back.
In a way to absolve herself of any responsibility for having sex with multiple men on several occasions, she began to blame the bad influence of Sylvia, after all, Zofia never would have done such deviant sexual acts on her own. She decided she would try to hang out with other people besides her roommate. She made excuses not to accompany Sylvia when she went out to get something to eat and do some shopping later that day.
While having a late breakfast by herself at an on-campus coffee shop, Zofia was excited to receive a text from Piotr wondering if she wanted to go to dinner and a movie later that night. She quickly accepted his offer. It was an opportunity to go on a real date with someone she could tell her parents about; someone that would make them proud of her.
When Sylvia found out Zofia had a date, she was a little annoyed. She planned on going back to Dwayne and Calvin's apartment and was disappointed her roommate wouldn't be joining her. Zofia dressed modestly for her date, wearing a black casual sundress and sandals and a touch of makeup.
Over dinner, Zofia found the conversation with Piotr kind of dull. She tried to pay attention to him but her mind was drifting off, wondering what Sylvia might be doing with Calvin and Dwayne and possibly others. Pete was a nice boy and she really wanted to like him. He held her hand on the way to the movie and she could tell that he really liked her a lot, more than she liked him.
After the movie, they were trying to decide what to do next and Zofia was a little taken back when Piotr suggested, "We could go back to my dorm room. My roommate went home for the weekend."
She wasn't that attracted to him but she figured she might feel differently after they had sex so she replied, "Uh, sure, we could go to your room."
Piotr got a big smile on his face and quickly drove back to his dorm. He held her hand tightly as they walked up to the building and down the hall to his room, running into several people along the way. He was proud that he had a beautiful girl with him and knew people would figure out what they were about to do. Zofia was like a trophy for him.
He didn't waste any time kissing Zofia almost as soon as the door was closed, taking her by surprise. He was an awkward kisser but she wanted to see what the rest of the night would be like. She returned his kisses while his hands grabbed her ass and pulled her closer. He was clutching her ass, not caressing or fondling her which told her he wasn't an experienced lover, not like Dwayne and his friends. He awkwardly fondled her breasts through her dress before she lifted her arms to let him slip it over her head. She thought he was going to cum in his pants when he saw her in her bra and panties. He began to breathe faster and looked like he'd never seen a woman in her underwear before. He wasn't a virgin but also wasn't that experienced either and had never been with a girl as beautiful as Zofia but she would become the first American to have sex with him.
He quickly stripped while she removed her bra and panties, getting naked before he did. She watched as he pulled off his t-shirt and tighty whities. He was thin and pure white, almost ghostly looking with no muscle definition or tone at all; nothing like the black athletes she was used to seeing naked. His penis was small, maybe 5 inches and he was completely hard too. After seeing him naked, Zofia no longer wanted to have sex with him but she figured it was too late to turn back now and hoped he might surprise her in bed.
They began to kiss again while Piotr fondled her naked body. He sucked on her tits for a quick moment before leading her over to the bed. He fingered her pussy for about 30 seconds and climbed between her legs. Zofia felt his tiny dick enter her pussy but it didn't feel anywhere near as good as the big black cock she was used to. He pumped his little dick into her and came after only a couple of minutes leaving Zofia completely unsatisfied. Piotr rolled over onto the bed and quickly fell asleep.
In her mind she was thinking, "Is that it?"
She waited a minute to see if he would wake up, then got dressed and left his room. On the lonely walk back to her dorm, she couldn't help but think she wasted an evening. In her mind, she was wondering what Sylvia was doing and her pussy got wet thinking of all the black cock she must be fucking and sucking. She thought about joining her but decided she would resist the temptation and just go back to her room.
When Zofia got back to her dorm, her pussy still needed some attention so she stripped naked and began to play with herself. Her thoughts drifted to the previous men she had fucked and sucked; how she missed being with multiple guys, how she loved big black cock and how much her pussy needed it. A little dick would never be able to satisfy her. She played with her clit while fingering her pussy, dreaming of getting her fill of black cock again. She brought herself to an intense orgasm reliving in her mind how she got fucked last night while Sylvia ate her pussy.
After bringing herself off, Zofia drifted off to sleep. She heard Sylvia come in early in the morning but she quickly fell back to sleep. The next morning, Zofia got up earlier than Sylvia and went out on her own to get some breakfast and do some studying in the library. She didn't catch up with Sylvia until later in the afternoon and exchanged all the details of their previous night's adventures.
Zofia told her about her disappointing date with Piotr, what a little dick he had and how he came so quickly. Sylvia didn't have the same problem. When she got to Calvin and Dwayne's apartment there were three other guys there with them, Jamal, James and Derrick. They had expected Zofia would be there and invited the others to share in the good white pussy they had discovered. Sylvia was somewhat nervous, knowing she was expected to service all of them but thought she was up to the challenge.
She told her roommate they played strip poker while they ate takeout food, drank and passed around some joints. She knew they were cheating but didn't mind slowly stripping off her clothes which only served to tease them, add to the sexual tension and anticipation for everyone. When she lost all of her clothes she agreed to blow the winner of the next hand, with everyone assuming she would lose. Derrick won and she began to suck his dick in front of the others. He had a massive dick himself, which she said rivaled Dwayne's and may have even been a little bigger. Zofia found it hard to believe someone had a bigger dick than Dwayne.
Jamal came up behind her while she was giving sucking Derrick's dick and started to fuck her from behind. That combination went on for a while but Calvin and Dwayne suggested moving her to the bedroom so Jamal picked her up like a doll and carried her onto his bed. Two guys then started taking turns with her pussy and mouth while the others were sucking on her tits or touching the rest of her bare skin. She loved being the center of attention of five black men.
The highlight of her evening is when Jamal was fucking her ass, while she was riding Dwayne and taking turns blowing three other black dicks in her face. She was able to get Calvin and James up her ass during the evening but Dwayne and Derrick were too big. By the time the night was over, she had fucked, sucked and got sodomized multiple times and was covered in cum. Zofia felt like she missed out on a great time.
Sylvia told her friend, "Just talking about all those big black cocks, has got my pussy all wet."
Zofia replied, "Hearing about it is making me all wet too."
Without saying a word, Sylvia looked at her roommate deep in her blue eyes and began stripping. At first Zofia didn't know what she was doing but it was almost like she could read Sylvia's mind so she began to strip too. When they were both naked they instinctively began to kiss and fondle each other, taking turns sucking on each other's tits. They maneuvered into sixty-nine with Sylvia straddling Zofia's head while leaning over within tongues reach of her pussy. Zofia could feel her roommate's hot breath on her cunt. Zofia didn't waste any time fingering and licking her roommates hot, wet pussy. Sylvia played with Zofia's pussy, fingering her and rubbing her clit before using her tongue to begin licking it. The girls went to town on each other, knowing just how the other liked to be licked and sucked.
After licking each other to a couple of intense orgasms, Sylvia told Zofia, "Next week is Homecoming weekend. There's going to be a party on Saturday after the game and the guys want us to make sure we are there. You have to be there Zof."
"After what you just told me, I wouldn't miss it. I can't believe someone has a bigger dick than Dwayne."
"Oh, you'll believe it when you see it or should I say when you feel it inside of you?"
During the course of the week, Sylvia was getting more details on the party after the game. They were playing their conference rivals and they expected the game to be over late that afternoon with the party getting started at about 6 o'clock. They wanted the girls to dress in bikinis and help serve drinks and shots. Zofia didn't have a bikini and Sylvia wanted a new one for this special occasion so they went shopping during the week.
They went to a swimsuit specialty store in the mall and began looking through the racks. Sylvia was shaking her head at some of the bikinis Zofia wanted to try on. They were much too conservative and Sylvia picked out a couple for her. Both girls went into the same changing room and stripped naked. There were mirrors on all sides so no matter which way they faced, they saw a different angle of their nude bodies.
The first one Sylvia picked out for Zofia could be described as two dots and a dash. It only covered the nipples on her ample tits and hid nothing more than her pussy lips in front with a thin string between her cheeks in back. She quickly rejected that one over Sylvia's objections. The next one was more modest, covering more of her private parts than the first but still showed plenty of cleavage and her ass cheeks. The last one didn't fit her right so Sylvia convinced her to buy the second one. Zofia wasn't real comfortable revealing that much skin but Sylvia had a lot of influence over her and she wouldn't be having as much sexual fun if she hadn't followed her guidance. Sylvia chose a slightly more revealing bikini for herself.
Over the next couple of days, Sylvia tried to prepare Zofia for what could possibly happen at the party. She said the guys would be gawking at them and the more everyone drank, the more they would try to grab and fondle them. She taught her friend how to give a shot from between her breasts, how to do body shots and how to give her ass more wiggle when walking in heels. Zofia was getting a little nervous but it was an exciting type of nervousness. She had been with multiple partners before but she had never been this obvious in offering her body to others. She never even wore a bikini before either. Her old fashioned parents wouldn't allow her to.
On Friday night, Calvin and Dwayne invited the girls over but let them know it would be an even earlier evening than last week seeing this was a big game for them. It would only be them and no one else. After dinner, things heated up as usual and the girls fucked and sucked the guys as they switched partners. When Dwayne was stuffing his dick into Zofia, she found it difficult to believe anyone had a bigger cock than his and was anxious to find out at the party. While she was blowing him, she was getting closer to taking him entirely into her throat. She was determined to keep working on her cocksucking skills until she accomplished her goal.
As promised, it was an early night and the girls went back to their dorm to make sure they got a good night sleep also, knowing that Saturday was going to be a long day and even longer night.
The campus was a buzz of activity on Saturday. Fans were tailgating early, alumni were in town and there were parties everywhere. The girls had good seats to the game thanks to their football friends. Zofia didn't know much about football but there was an excitement in the air and the fans were boisterous all game. The game was tied at half-time and there was electricity in the air. The home team was down by four points as the game was winding down but they had the ball and were driving down the field. The entire crowd was on their feet as the clock wound down.
There was time for one more play with the home team within 30 yards of the end zone. The quarterback dodged several rushers and unleashed a pass towards the end zone as time ran out. There was a crowd of players that converged as the ball came down. It bounced off several hands before Dwayne came down with the ball. The referee signaled a touchdown and the crowd erupted in a roar. Everyone was cheering, jumping up and down and hugging each other.
Sylvia told Zofia, "This is going to be one hell of a party tonight. I hope you're ready."
"I guess we have to be don't we?"
With the big win, the girls wanted to make this an especially memorable party as a reward for the team. The anticipation of an exciting night was already making their pussies damp. It took them a while to fight through the partying crowds to make their way back to their dorm to get ready for their big night ahead.
They each took long, hot showers and put their hair up with Sylvia's in a ponytail and Zofia in pigtails. They both applied more makeup than usual and made sure to use plenty of body spray. They put on their bikinis and checked themselves out in the mirror. Zofia couldn't believe she was going to do this. She had sex with multiple partners but she was now going to put herself on display at a party. She wasn't used to or comfortable with being the center of attention but she would be scantily clad for everyone to gawk at her and probably more. They put on short skirts and tank tops, 4 inch stiletto heels and got ready to leave. Sylvia was sure to pack some lubrication in case the evening lasted longer than she thought.
They gave each other one last look over, took a deep breath and closed the door behind them. They knew they looked good as they walked over to the apartment, enjoying the stares, comments and whistles.
"This is going to be a night to remember," Sylvia noted.
Zofia gave a nervous laugh and replied, "I hope I remember it," knowing they were probably going to get pretty drunk and high.
Sylvia laughed out loud and responded, "I guess you have a point there."
When the girls got to the apartment, there were people everywhere, a lot more than they thought. There were single guys and couples milling about inside and out. Even Sylvia got a little nervous but she didn't want to let Zofia know because she would get extremely nervous if she knew her more experienced friend was shaken. Someone handed them a drink as they made their way through the crowd to try and find one of the guys. They came upon Calvin and he greeted them with a big hug and the girls congratulated him on his big win. He grabbed Dwayne and escorted the girls off to a bedroom for them to change.
Calvin brought them a couple of beers and some shots along with a joint to smoke. Dwayne went off to talk to some of the guests; they all wanted to talk to the star of the game. Calvin informed the girls not to be too scared of the crowd; it would thin out as people were making the round of several off campus parties. Their job was to serve drinks and shots and look sexy.
After a beer, a couple of shots and smoking a joint, Sylvia and Zofia were ready to get started. Calvin watched as they stripped off their clothes,hung them up and put on their bikinis. He told them they looked fantastic and people would love them. He gave them both a kiss and hug while squeezing their asses and left to join the party.
Zofia gathered up all her courage and followed Sylvia out the door to start their waitress duties while wearing their tiny bikinis. Zofia's breasts were hanging out of her top no matter how many times she tried to adjust it. Her ass cheeks were almost fully exposed in back and her high heels gave her that extra wiggle in her walk as she made her way through the crowd serving drinks and shots. She was subjected to lude comments from the men in the crowd and dirty looks from the females. She tried to stay within eyesight of Sylvia, she was sort of a security blanket for Zofia but she eventually lost contact with her.
The more she wandered through the crowd, the more confident Zofia got and the sexier she felt. She started to let guys take shots from between her breasts and they, of course, would cop a feel in the process. The same thing happened as she walked through crowds, she would feel hands on her ass. At first, they were casual touches but when she didn't object, the more bold the groping became. She would pass Sylvia every once in a while and they'd give each other a knowing wink. They knew the men thought they were hot and they were reveling in the attention they were receiving. The more attention and groping they were subjected to the wetter their pussies were getting. They were also drinking their fair share of shots and taking bong hits during the party.
The crowd did thin out as the evening wore on and most of the crowd was now made up of black football players. Sylvia and Zofia were the only white people left. The men realized the girls weren't offended by their comments or their not so subtle groping of them. Everyone was drunk and high and at one point someone tugged at the strings of Zofia's top loosening it. Then someone tugged at it further and pulled it off of her, exposing her 36c breasts to the crowd. At first she was embarrassed but when a loud cheer went out she felt emboldened and shook her tits as the cheers got louder. Once Zofia was freed from her top, someone did the same to Sylvia. The girls now paraded around topless in front of 15-20 black men.
Guys lined up as Zofia started giving shots from between her bare breasts. The guys would hold onto her tits and push them together while she placed the shot glass into her cleavage. They were also taking the liberty to lick and suck her nipples too. It wasn't long before she found herself laying on the kitchen counter letting guys drink body shots from her navel. She was surrounded by black men taking turns pouring liquor on her and licking it off her naked stomach. Things were quickly getting out of control then someone untied the strings to her bottom and took them off her to expose her hairless pussy and bare ass as the crowd roared.
Zofia looked down at her naked body, feeling very vulnerable when someone made her raise her knees to further expose her pussy, poured some liquor onto her and licked it off. Several men followed his lead and did the same with each guy taking turns lapping up booze from her cunt. She was so hot by then, she felt powerless to stop him even if she wanted to. She remembers having an orgasm at one point. The rest became a blur as things quickly spun out of control. She remembers someone pouring liquor onto her nipples only to have it being licked and sucked off while another black man ate her pussy to two orgasms. She could hear Sylvia moaning in the background so she assumed she was having a similar experience.
Zofia heard a deep voice say, "Let's get her into the party room."
Before she knew it, a huge black man had picked her up with his muscle bound arms and carried her into a room with a king size air mattress on the floor, gently placing her down on the makeshift bed. She remembers being surrounded by several black men, with them stripping off their clothes and others whipping out their cocks. Part of her wanted to get up and run out of the room but the devilish side of her looked at the size and number of cocks already hard and was curious to feel them inside of her. She needed a good fucking as much as they did. The devilish side won out.
She instinctively spread her legs as the first man climbed up onto the bed, got between her legs and began to fuck her. His dick must have been at least 7 or 8 inches and he started to pound away at her willing pussy. The crowd watching noticed how much she was enjoying getting fucked in front of them and two more black men got on each side of her head and offered their cocks to her. Zofia reached out to stroke them as she alternately sucked on each one. They were smaller dicks, maybe 7 inches and she had no trouble taking them into her throat as they each roughly fucked her mouth. She felt proud when they raved about her cocksucking abilities.
"Damn, this white bitch sucks a mean dick."
"Her pussy is hot too."
She heard comments coming from those watching calling her a "white ho" and a "hot ass white girl." Zofia didn't mind hearing their comments, she was too busy enjoying the black cocks.
The guy fucking her pulled out and came on her stomach and was quickly replaced by one of the cocks she was sucking. That left a spot open for another cock in her face, a big black cock of more than 8 inches. At that point, she seemed insatiable, she couldn't get enough black dick. Zofia didn't realize that pictures and video were being taken as black athlete after black athlete took their turn with her white body. If she saw a dick in her face, she sucked it. Her legs were spread wide for any black cock that wanted to use her pussy. Some guys came on her body, some came on her face, others came in her pussy or her mouth. It didn't matter to her, everyone wanted a piece of the action. She had now made the transition from innocent Polish girl to a full fledged whore who craved big black cock.
She got to fuck Derrick too, the guy whose dick rivaled Dwayne's. She thought their dicks were very similar in size and width. She couldn't believe that another guy had a dick just as big as Dwayne's but she loved getting fucked by him just as much as she did getting it from Dwayne. She orgasmed as multiple people watched her getting it put to her hard by Derrick. She still preferred Dwayne for some reason, maybe it was because she was getting used to the way he fucked her.
During the rest of the night, Zofia had serviced more guys than she could even count. At one point, she remembered Jamal climbing onto the bed and turning her over onto her hands and knees. She turned her ass upwards to give him better access to her cunt. He slipped in easily and began to fuck her on all fours as Dwayne and Calvin placed their dicks up to her lips. Jamal grabbed her by her pigtails, tugging at them, while he fucked her hard. She moaned around the two big black cocks as she alternately sucked on them. Jamal would slap her ass at times, hard enough for the sound to echo in the bedroom. Zofia liked the rough fucking she was receiving and wanted more. Jamal then asked someone to get the lube out of a nightstand near the bed.
One of the guys watching stated, "Oh shit, I think he's going to butt fuck that white bitch."
Jamal squirted some of the lube onto Zofia's asshole which made her a little apprehensive to what was about to happen next but she was feeling too horny to object. She figured she had gone this far that night, she might as well really let loose and let him proceed. He inserted one of his big, fat fingers into her ass while he continued to thrust himself into her pussy. Seeing no objection, he inserted a second finger into her butt.
He withdrew from her pussy and greased himself up. Calvin laid on the bed and instructed Zofia to straddle him and she obeyed. She began to ride his familiar dick while Dwayne now had sole access to her mouth. When Jamal was ready, the Zofia stopped fucking Calvin to allow Jamal to take aim at her ass. She was naturally apprehensive but was too horny to object. She couldn't get enough black cock that night and she was curious to try anal sex after watching Sylvia do it.
As Jamal aimed his 6 inch black cock against her asshole, Zofia became nervous as she realized she was about to lose her anal virginity. Sylvia seemed to enjoy it and now she was about to find out what it was like to be sodomized.
Zofia felt the dick pressing against her butt and tensed up out of fear but Jamal pressed forward anyway. He pushed hard and the head of his dick forced its way into her ass. She told him it hurt so he paused to allow her to get used to the new feeling in her back hole. He slowly pushed himself further into her ass, again giving her time to adjust to the new feeling of his dick in her butt. He thrust more of himself into her, then more until he had his entire dick in Zofia's ass. She felt a sense of pride that she had now lost her anal virginity as Jamal started to slowly fuck her ass.
She got a rhythm being double penetrated by Calvin and Jamal as she found the feeling of getting fucked by two black dicks intensely pleasurable. She was now able to start sucking Dwayne's cock. Jamal had now picked up his pace, thrusting faster into her ass while she was riding Calvin faster too. Jamal had a tight hold on her pigtails with one hand and was slapping her cheeks with the other. Dwayne had one hand on the back of her head while he was face fucking her, shoving his big black dick down her throat. For the first time, Zofia was able to take his entire dick into her throat without gagging. He was equally excited as she was the only girl to be able to accomplish this feat.
Guys were giving a play-by-play of her sexual activities. "Hot damn, she's taking on all three of them. Give it to her bro."
"She's got that whole dick down her throat."
"This is one freaky chick."
"A lot of white chicks love black dick."
"Bust that ass Jamal. Give it to her good."
Now that the deed was done, Zofia began to enjoy having her ass, pussy and mouth being filled with a black cock. She was getting hotter knowing that so many guys were watching, craving her body and she was more than happy to satisfy them.
Jamal began to fuck her ass harder and faster, then lunged deep into her and unleashed a flood of cum into her bowels. He gave her a few more short, deep lunges before he slapped her hard on the ass and withdrew. The guys switched positions with Calvin now lubed up and taking aim at her ass while she straddled Dwayne. Zofia didn't know if she could take Calvin's bigger dick in her ass but it didn't matter now as she felt him pressing against her asshole. Jamal had helped to loosen her up and his sperm helped to lubricate her further which made it easier for Calvin's larger dick to penetrate her ass.
While Zofia was being double teamed, other guys were bringing her shots and joints to smoke which helped keep her drunk, high and horny. Another strange cock found its way between her lips. She was really getting used to Dwayne's larger than average sized dick and found it to be the most pleasurable in her pussy. While she enjoyed the feeling of smaller ones, his was so big, the others couldn't match the intense feeling she received when getting fucked by Dwayne. He was sucking on her tits as they flopped in his face.
Calvin was holding onto her hips fucking her ass hard. He was loving the tightness of her white ass and began to feel his orgasm approaching. He tried to hold out longer but his balls needed relief. He thrust himself deep inside of Zofia's ass and shot his load in her ass.
He gave her ass a hard slap as he withdrew and said, "Thanks baby, you've got a nice tight ass."
Zofia was now riding Dwayne and he inquired, "Do you think you can take my dick in your butt?"
"I'm not sure Dwayne."
"Do you want to give it a shot?"
Zofia figured she had done everything else that night so she replied, "You can try but you have to promise you'll stop if it hurts too much."
"Yeah baby, you just tell me if you want me to stop."
Zofia had already taken two dicks up her ass, one bigger than the next and it didn't hurt too much, as a matter of fact, she was enjoying it but she was still leery of taking Dwayne's 9 inches up there. She loved his big black dick though and didn't want to disappoint him. He told her he'd go slow, he didn't want to ruin this chance as most girls wouldn't even consider letting him try to fuck their butts. No girl had ever been successful taking him up their ass either. He didn't know when he'd get this chance again.
One person watching commented, "Damn, he's going to split her in half with that monster."
There were people making side bets on whether she could do it or not. Zofia took a couple of more shots and hits from a bong and said she was ready. Dwayne had put on plenty of lube and got behind Zofia's upturned ass. She braced herself for the assault on her butt as she felt the big black cock pressing against her asshole. She tried to relax her sphincter muscle, knowing this made it easier to take the other two cocks in her ass. She swallowed hard as she felt the mushroomed head of his dick beginning to enter her.
Dwayne was trying to go very slow; he didn't want to ruin his chance at getting his first shot at anal sex either. He felt some resistance as his dick pressed against Zofia's anus so he pushed a little harder and the head quickly disappeared into her ass.
Zofia grimaced as she screamed, "Oh my God. Oh, that hurts."
"Do you want me to stop babe?"
"No, give me a second. Oh shit. It hurts but it's getting better."
After taking time to get used to his monster cock in her ass Zofia told him, "It's okay, but go slow."
Dwayne pressed a little further, pushing another inch into her and stopped. Zofia's breathing was short and quick and she had a distressed look on her face as he pushed another inch into her ass.
"Okay. Stop."
He paused his anal penetration of Zofia until she relaxed gave his the okay to proceed. He now had about a third of his dick in her ass, further than he had ever gotten with any other girl, Most wouldn't even consider anal with him. He could tell she was in some pain and discomfort but wasn't going to pull out unless she told him to. People watching marveled in the fact that she had taken that much of Dwayne's big black cock in her ass.
When Zofia signaled that he could continue, Dwayne pushed more of himself into her. He started to ever so slowly pump his dick seeing he was more than halfway in at that point. With each gentle thrust, he pushed a little more of himself into her ass. She was still in discomfort but it was no longer painful; it was only an uncomfortable fullness. Dwayne began to pump his dick into Zofia's ass a little faster now and hearing no objections, he kept pushing deeper and deeper into her bowels until he was balls deep in her ass.
Someone in the crowd loudly proclaimed, "Hot damn, she took the whole thing. That girl's a freak."
Zofia was pleased that she was able to get Dwayne's 9 inch dick entirely up her ass. She wished Sylvia was there to see it. He kept pumping faster and faster as Zofia got more comfortable with the huge black dick in her ass. Dwayne was thrilled that he was finally able to experience anal sex. In an odd twist, it was Zofia that took his anal virginity.
Dwayne told her, "Your ass is so fucking tight. I love it."
His eyes would roll into the back of his head in pleasure at times, especially when he went nice and slow and deep. Other times, he would bite his lower lip as he focused on fucking her ass hard and fast. He held her hips tight while he plunged his big black cock in and out of Zofia's tight white ass.
Having fucked Dwayne before, Zofia knew that when he started thrusting at a steady pace matched with rhythmic grunts, that he was about to cum. She felt his big dick pulsate just before he shot wad after wad of cum deep in her ass, much deeper that the previous two dicks she had up her butt. He kept fucking her ass until he was no longer erect and then pulled out. The mixture of Jamal's, Calvin's and Dwayne's cum trickled out of her ass. Zofia was so drunk and high she could barely remember what happened next but she knew she screwed a couple of more guys, blew a couple more and took at least one more dick in her ass.
Zofia woke up the next morning naked and covered in cum on the air mattress where she got gang banged by more than ten black men. Her head was pounding and she felt sick. She staggered into the bathroom and looked at herself in a full length mirror. She looked horrible. Her hair was matted in dried cum, and had more on her face, chest and stomach. She still had cum dripping down her legs from her pussy and ass. Her pussy and ass were sore and irritated, her jaw felt stiff.
She felt better after a long hot shower and when she was drying herself, she noticed a symbol on her right ass cheek that looked like it was drawn on with a permanent marker. She didn't know what it was but she didn't have time to figure it out either, she just wanted to get out of there. She roamed around the apartment looking for her bikini but couldn't find it so she went into Dwayne's room to retrieve her clothes. Thankfully, he was sound asleep and she quietly got dressed and checked the other rooms where she found Sylvia sleeping in Jamal's bed. Not wanting to wake her, she walked back to the dorm by herself.
Even though she acted like a total slut the night before, Zofia didn't feel guilty for what she had done. She enjoyed being the center of attention, enjoyed allowing herself to explore her sexuality and it was the most rebellious thing she could have possibly done. Her parents, especially her father, would have a stroke if he knew that she fucked, sucked and was sodomized by a roomful of Black men.
Zofia went back to sleep in her own bed and when she got up, Sylvia had returned, looking just as worn out and sore as she was. Before they exchanged war stories on the events of the previous night, Zofia asked her roommate about the symbol on her ass.
Sylvia laughed at her while showing her a similar one on her ass, "It's the Queen of Spades symbol."
Zofia looked confused until Sylvia explained, "It means that you love big black cock."
Zofia could only smile because it was true.
Being raised in a strict Eastern European family wasn't so bad when Zofia was younger, after all, she didn't know any other way of life. She was a good Polish girl, obedient, and studious in her chores. She was a little mischievous because she knew she was her parents' favorite c***d and loved to get her older brothers in trouble. They would tease her often, as brothers do with sisters, but she would also tell her parents every time they got into trouble They loved their little sister but at the same time resented the little tattle tale.
Stan worked hard for his money so he could provide for his family and took all the overtime he could at the auto factory in order to help his family live the American Dream. There weren't a lot of minorities in his homeland of Poland and Stan had a difficult time working in a diverse environment at the factory. Zofia didn't understand his resentment of them because she went to school and became friends with several girls of different ethnicities and races at her public school but her father made it clear he didn't want her that they weren't welcome in his house. He eased up a little after his wife, Sonia, pleaded with him to relent so Zofia could have some friends of her choice. While he tried to hide his feelings while Zofia's minority friends were over the house, it was pretty obvious that Stan was not comfortable. Sometimes he would invent chores for his daughter to do in order to keep her away from her friends. While she resented her father for doing this, she still had to obey his orders.
For as strict as her father was during her younger days, Stan got even more strict as Zofia entered her teen years and developed a more womanly shape. Seeing his daughter beginning to turn into a beautiful young lady bothered him to no end. He knew it wouldn't be long before the young boys started hanging around the house and he knew what they would want to do with his daughter. He sc****d the money together to send her to an all girl's Catholic High School to keep her away from the boys.
Zofia had a lovely round face with round eyes and high cheekbones like most Polish girls. Her light brown, almost blonde hair and blue eyes made her even more attractive. As her hormones began to flow, her breasts developed into large round mounds of flesh that attracted the attention of a lot of boys and even some of her brothers' friends. This made Stan's blood boil even more and he became more strict with Zofia and kept a close eye on where she was going and who she was hanging out with. She had an earlier curfew than all of her friends but she remained loyal to her father's commands.
When boys would show an interest in his daughter, Stan would make sure he scared them away. He even enlisted the help of his two sons who were more than happy to ruin their little sister's fun by chasing any potential suitors away from her. They even physically intervened at times to scare the boys away. Word spread quickly that anyone that showed an interest in Zofia would have to deal with her big brothers first and then her father so they naturally shied away from her.
Zofia was devastated by her being shunned by boy crush after boy crush but still remained obedient to her strict father. She would never, ever disrespect him. She was allowed to have a couple of dates in her junior and senior years of high school but only after the pleading her mother did with her father but she still had to be home early. She was still able to experience her first kiss, some mild makeout sessions, and knowing what it felt like to have a boy grab her round, fleshy butt, and fondle her breasts but she refused to go any further. She wanted to save herself for marriage just as she had been taught.
While Zofia was respectful of her parents, deep inside of her, she wanted to, needed to, break away from them. All the studying her father made her do during school ended up being the key to her escape. She had phenomenal grades and was able to secure full scholarships to several local and out-of-state colleges. Her father insisted she live at home and go to a local university but she was now 18 and the local schools didn't have the majors she wanted. Her father didn't care and they fought for weeks over her choices of schools until her mother finally convinced her father to compromise. Zofia decided she would go to a school about 100 miles away. She would be away from home but still close enough to home.
When her parents dropped Zofia off for orientation the summer before classes began, her father got upset seeing the number of minorities that were present and he warned her to stay away from them. She had no choice but to promise her father she would follow his advice in order to keep him calm but in the back of her mind, she remembered her classmates in grammar school and how she wanted to be friends and found nothing wrong with having friends whose skin was a different color than hers.
Zofia was relieved after her parents left. She was also a little nervous because she never had so much freedom before and she planned to make the most of the next two nights. Her roommate for the orientation, Sylvia, showed up an hour later and they became friends immediately. Sylvia was dressed in tight shorts and a tank top while Zofia had on longer, less revealing shorts and a loose-fitting top that hid her ample breasts. They talked for a few minutes before deciding to explore the campus together.
While on their self-guided tour, the roommates ran across several other incoming freshmen doing the same thing. Zofia couldn't help but notice the attention her new friend was receiving from the boys and deep down, was a little jealous but also curious to see how the boys would react if she were similarly attired.
After a few hours of roaming the campus, Zofia and Sylvia went back to their room to change so they could attend a social mixer. The dorm was now crowded with a mixture of young men and women. When there was any gathering of young people, they were all checking each other out and Zofia caught the attention of a young man, Chris, but she was too shy and inexperienced to return his flirtatious glances. He tried to talk to her but she got scared, the rantings of her father still embedded in her mind. She made an excuse to go and find Sylvia.
Sylvia asked her, "Why did you stop talking to Chris? He's kinda cute."
"I don't know. I'm not very good with boys. My father told me they only wanted one thing, you know."
Sylvia continued, "Come on Zofia, you're in college now. You have to have some fun. Relax."
Zofia just shrugged her shoulders, not convinced.
Sylvia was exasperated with her new friend, telling her, "Girl, we have a lot of work ahead of us. You have to loosen up and learn how to have a good time."
Deep down Zofia was desperate to finally be able to let loose but still had to break through years of indoctrination by her strict father. The rest of the night was uneventful but the next morning the girls had a long talk. Sylvia had to explain to her roommate that college was a time for new experiences and to take advantage of their freedom away from home. Zofia was all ears but still scared.
The two girls were similar in size and build and Sylvia lent Zofia some of her clothes so she wouldn't look so frumpy. Sylvia picked out a very short skirt and halter top for Zofia to wear while she put on another pair of short shorts and a tight tank top. She reluctantly put on the outfit her friend picked out and quickly told Sylvia she couldn't wear it because her father wouldn't approve.
Sylvia shook her head and exclaimed, "Your daddy isn't here. It's time to let loose. Now come on, let's go strut ourselves around campus."
Zofia took a deep breath and stepped out of the dorm room with her friend. This was the most rebellious she had ever been and it felt exhilarating. For the first time in her life, she felt the appreciative stares of the opposite sex as they checked out her legs and bouncing breasts.
They attended some mandatory orientation sessions and made sure they sat next to some cute boys who they might run into later that night at another social mixer. Zofia wasn't used to wearing such provocative clothing and felt uncomfortable sitting in her short skirt. What she didn't know was that anyone that was noticing got a clear view of her pink panties as she sat through the session. She didn't realize why some of the boys kept looking her way but she enjoyed the attention they were paying her.
The same thing happened at lunch, in the afternoon session then at dinner. Zofia was experiencing being attractive to boys, something she's never felt before. She was also feeling her pussy getting warm and wet. She had this feeling before but was told it was the work of the devil and she should resist until she was married but she couldn't help herself. She was getting horny from the attention she was receiving all day.
After dinner, the girls went back to their dorm to get dressed for the social mixer. Zofia didn't have any sexy clothing and she jumped at the opportunity to let Sylvia assist her in getting dressed again. It was a good thing Sylvia overpacked for the weekend orientation and had plenty of choices to share with her friend.
Sylvia asked her friend, "Do you trust me?"
Zofia responded, "I guess."
"Well, let me pick your outfit for tonight and help you with your makeup."
Zofia had to think for a moment, but the thought of being bad without her father's knowing and already feeling naughty from the attention she got from the boys all day made her agree to accept Sylvia's offer. She was going to enjoy her new found freedom so she placed her trust in Sylvia.
After putting on some makeup and doing her hair, it was time to get dressed. Zofia's heart skipped a beat when she saw the outfit Sylvia picked out for her. She almost chickened out but Sylvia insisted on holding her to her promise.
"Just try it on Zofia and see how you look."
Zofia reluctantly changed into the pink, off the shoulder, long sleeve, crop top and spandex micro mini skirt that showed off every curve of her ass.
She told her friend, "I don't know if I can go out wearing this."
Sylvia told her, "You can't back out now. Besides, if you want to attract some boys, you have to advertise. Besides, you promised me."
As scared as she was, Zofia wanted to experience a wild night and agreed to go to the mixer dressed in the outfit Sylvia picked out for her. Sylvia was dressed in an equally short skirt and tube top as they left for the mixer. Zofia was more than a little self-conscious but she had the emotional support of her new best friend. The girls drew a lot of attention as they walked through the campus on their way to the student union and even more attention when they got to the social. Little did Zofia know but her nipples were now poking through the material covering her breasts which drew even more admiring glances.
Several young men made their way over to talk to the two foxy freshmen but it was when Chris and his roommate Don, a light-skinned African American, approached them that things got serious. Chris eyed up the beautiful Polish girl and Zofia wasn't as awkward as the previous night. They struck up a long conversation before he asked her to dance while Don danced with Sylvia.
Zofia had never danced with another boy but Chris didn't mind her awkward movements as his eyes were fixed on her exposed legs and bouncing breasts. She got a little nervous when a slow dance came and she let Chris take her in his arms as they swayed to the music. Her young hormones were flowing and her pussy was getting warm and wet again. She got a little scared when she felt his growing erection poking into her thigh. Part of her wanted to run away but the new found adventurous side made her stay. She had never felt like this before and she liked being held in the arms of a cute boy.
When the song was over the couple parted, Zofia blushed, experiencing feelings she never had before. She was excited and scared. Sylvia then approached them to inform her that the boys had some beer back in their dorm room.
Chris asked, "Do you want to go back with us?"
Sylvia answered for her, "Oh, we're going."
Zofia was following her lead all day and was having more fun than she had ever had in her entire life so she agreed to accompany Sylvia to Don and Chris' dorm room. She knew her father wouldn't be pleased with her hanging out with Don because he was Black. He was quite handsome but her father would never have approved. When they got to the room, they were each handed a can of beer. Zofia had never drank before but didn't want to look too naive so she lifted the can to her lips to take a sip. She didn't like the taste but pretended to enjoy it. After drinking about half of it, she began to relax and felt a little tipsy. When she was on her second beer, she noticed that Sylvia and Don were kissing and slow dancing. His hands exploring her roommate's body. Chris looked at her and leaned in to kiss her. One kiss led to another and another. Before long they were passionately making out too.
When Chris's hands began to wander over her body, she was too scared to stop him. She was having too much fun and didn't want to spoil it now, so she let him feel her breasts through her top and fondle her ass. The warm feeling between her legs was getting more intense and her heart was beating faster from being nervous and turned on. The more beer she drank, the more her inhibitions melted along with her heart. When Chris slipped his hand underneath her top to feel her bare breasts Zofia moaned softly in pleasure. Part of her wanted to stop his wandering hands but it felt too good.
She noticed that Sylvia was now topless and Don was sucking on her tits. She knew what Chris would want to do next. Part of her wanted to run out of the room. If her father ever found out what she was doing, he would never let her out of the house again. However, she was a little drunk by now and having more fun than she'd ever had before. When Chris began to tug at the bottom of her shirt, she closed her eyes and lifted her arms, giving in to her desires.
Chris then announced, "Wow, you have great tits."
That caused Don and Sylvia to stop making out and they looked over at Chris and Zofia. No boy had ever seen her 36c breasts before, now two boys were looking at them. Don smiled and Sylvia gave her roommate an approving nod. Chris began to suck on her nipples making Zofia even hotter than before. When he slipped his hand up her short skirt to touch her between her legs, she nervously jumped a little but was feeling too good to stop Chris's advances. She began to breathe heavier as his fingers began to rub her pussy through her panties which were now damp from her juices. She got really nervous when she felt his hand slide inside her panties as his fingers began to penetrate her. She knew what she was doing was wrong but felt helpless to stop now.
She looked over at Sylvia who was now naked and on her knees giving Don a blow job. Zofia was shocked at this sight. She had heard about girls doing this but never really believed that women would put a man's penis in their mouths. She noticed how big Don's cock was and was fascinated by seeing Sylvia's white lips surrounding the black cock. While she was momentarily distracted, Chris was busy pulling down her panties. She instinctively stepped out of them and when he unzipped her skirt, letting it fall to the floor, she finally realized she was about to lose her virginity. Her father would be so disappointed in her. He would probably call her a tramp, a slut, or a whore for not waiting for her wedding night. She was so scared at that moment but she also was resentful of her strict father never letting her have any fun that this was one way to assert her independence.
She stood naked before Chris as he quickly undressed. She saw Don climb between Sylvia's legs and enter her. She watched them fuck for a few seconds before she looked over at Chris who was now naked, displaying a 7-inch erection. She was scared and curious at the same time. He placed his hand over hers and placed it over his dick, showing her how he wanted to be stroked before he went back to exploring her body.
Chris then led Zofia over to his bed and laid her down. He spread her legs and fingered her. Zofia never felt more vulnerable than laying there naked letting a strange boy play with her most private parts. She was shocked when he placed his head between her legs and began to lick her pussy. She almost began to panic but when he ran his tongue over her clit, she immediately relaxed and began to moan in pure pleasure. She had never felt anything so wonderful before. Her breathing got heavier the more he licked and sucked on her clit. An overpowering feeling crept over her body until she tensed up and let out a mild scream as she began to orgasm. Her sounds even made Don momentarily stop fucking Sylvia, who was now on all fours and look over at Zofia.
Don commented, "It sounds like your friend is enjoying herself."
"It sure does."
Zofia was a little embarrassed by her scream but she also felt ecstatic at experiencing her first orgasm. She was exhilarated and hotter than ever. When Chris asked her to suck his dick, she felt obligated to return the favor. As scared as she was, she got down on her knees between his outstretched legs. She took his erection in her hand, momentarily hesitating, while staring as the first hard dick she'd ever seen. She wondered what it would taste like. What if she didn't like it?
She licked her lips, gathered up all her courage, opened her mouth wide while closing her eyes, and lowered her head onto his awaiting cock. Zofia took as much of his dick into her mouth as she could, gagged a little then began to bob her head up and down like she had seen Sylvia do with Don. Now that the initial deed was done, Zofia decided sucking a dick wasn't so bad and was encouraged by the soft moans coming from Chris.
Chris encouraged her with supportive words, "That's it baby suck my dick. Oh, that feels good. Yeah, use your tongue just like that."
Zofia used her tongue to swirl around the hard hunk of meat in her mouth as her head bobbed. She was giving Chris her first blow job that she ever gave. Her teeth accidentally sc****d against his shaft a couple of times out of inexperience but she began to enjoy giving her first lover a blow job.
When he asked her to stop and get back onto the bed, she knew that she was about to have sex for the very first time. After that night, she would no longer be a virgin. She began to get visibly nervous as she laid back and spread her legs. Chris put on a condom then climbed between her thighs but noticed she was shaking.
"Are you okay," he inquired.
"I, I, I've never done this before," Zofia replied sheepishly.
Chris looked surprised at first and then asked, "You're a virgin?"
She nervously nodded her head and he knew he had to go slow. He placed her legs over his shoulders, then rubbed his dick up against her dripping wet pussy to lubricate himself. He then began to push himself into her. His dick met with some resistance but he pushed a little harder as Zofia winced at the slight pain she was experiencing. Chris was excited that he was about to fuck a virgin, a first for him too. He kept pushing against Zofia's pussy until finally, the head pressed through which made her squeal a bit. He stopped for just a moment then pushed forward even more until he had his dick in as far as it would go.
At that moment, Zofia realized she was no longer a virgin; she had allowed a boy to enter her vagina. At first she was a little uncomfortable but as she relaxed now that the initial penetration was over, she began to enjoy being fucked. She even found it to be a little exciting to having sex while Don and Sylvia glanced over at them and with her and Chris seeing them having sex too.
Chris was fucking her harder now which was making her moan even louder. The bedsprings were squeaking and her tits were bouncing as they fucked. Chris then placed her on all fours so he could do her doggie style. By this time, Don had already cum in Sylvia's pussy and they were both watching the action of their mutual roommates. Chris began to fuck Zofia harder, tugging on her hair and slapping her ample ass. He then grunted and came in Zofia's pussy, shoving himself deeply inside her at first followed by several short deep thrusts until he was done. After he withdrew he noticed some blood on the bedspread. She really was a virgin.
For Zofia, the deed was now complete; she lost her virginity to a cute, young man she met during her first taste of freedom from her parents. The two couples then sat around the dorm room naked while drinking more beer. Zofia felt a little self-conscious sitting there without her clothes on in front of everyone and pulled the sheet up to cover herself.
Sylvia laughed at her while pulling the sheet away and told her, "Come on girl; we just watched you suck a dick and lose your virginity. Don't get shy now."
The boys quickly agreed. Chris was proud of his conquest and was glad to have a witness so none of his friends could think he was bullshitting when he would tell them all about the orientation. Zofia felt so naughty knowing her parents and especially her dad, would be fuming mad if they knew what she had just done but that's what made it so much fun too.
While they were drinking in the nude and getting to know each other better, there was still a sexual tension in the air. They were stealing glances at each other's nude bodies, trying not to be obvious; that is until Don spoke up.
"Why don't you ladies stand up and let us get a good look at you."
Zofia immediately began to blush but Sylvia took her by the hand and made her stand up. It was very difficult for Zofia to flaunt her nudity like that. It was one thing to sit there partially covered but it was embarrassing for her to openly display herself. She was drunk and still horny so it was easy for her to follow her roommate's encouragement. Chris had seen her but Don didn't get as good a view as he was now.
Both boys stared at every inch of the girls' nude bodies, drinking in the size of the breasts and nipples, how much hair Zofia had on her pussy compared to Sylvia being completely shaved and their nice, round asses. After a few minutes the girls really got into being on display and began to dance a little, bending over to shake their tits and give the boys better views of their asses and pussies. They were smiling and giggling and Zofia was gaining more confidence the longer they paraded around naked. This was one more act of defiance of her parents. Their little dance had a predictive effect on the young men as their dicks started to become erect that led Don to become bold once again.
"Damn, you ladies are gorgeous. See what you're doing to us," he said while looking down towards his crotch.
Sylvia was being coy when she asked, "Well what do you want us to do about it?"
Don replied," A blow job would be nice, right Chris."
Slyvia looked over at Zofia just before she replied, "I guess that's the least we can do."
Don sat next to Chris on his bed as the girls got down on their knees in front of them. Sylvia began to lick Don's balls and Zofia followed her lead, doing the same with Chris. Zofia was inexperienced and wanted to learn more about sex so she was mimicking the actions of Sylvia. While the boys were enjoying their blowjobs, they were grinning widely at their double luck with the girls and gave each other a fist pump for a memorable night.
The guys agreed it was time to fuck the girls and had them get on all fours side by side. They both entered their dates at the same time and began to furiously pump their pussies. They were playing with the girls' breasts and slapping their asses. The room was filled with grunts, groans, and moans of pleasure and reeked of sex.
At one point, Don turned to Chris and said, "Wanna switch?"
Without saying a word the boys withdrew from their dates and penetrated the others. Before Sylvia and Zofia could say anything or object they were being fucked by the other boy. Zofia found Don's dick to be larger and thicker than Chris'. She found herself having sex with a second young man that night, a Black man at that. Her father would disown her if he knew how far astray she went that night. Don and Chris were having a great time as they kept taking turns fucking Zofia and Sylvia.
Zofia had another orgasm while Don was fucking her who told her when she was done cumming, "Damn Zofia, you've got one hot pussy. It's too bad you've waited all this time to start having sex. Don't worry though, we'll try and make up for lost time."
He continued to pound her pussy hard with his fat cock until he shot his load deep into her. Even though he was wearing a condom, Zofia was still concerned about becoming pregnant. The boys tried to get Zofia and Sylvia to spend the night with them but Zofia wanted to get back to the dorm room so Sylvia agreed to accompany her.
On the way to their room, Zofia began to cry. She was tired, had too much to drink, and started to feel guilty about disobeying her father by not only losing her virginity but also letting Don fuck her too. To top it off, she defied her father by not only hanging out with a Black person but also having sex with him too.
She told Sylvia, "My father says that girls who have sex before marriage are sluts. Am I a slut?"
Sylvia tried to comfort her friend, "That's just a fairy tale Zofia. Most people have sex before marriage. You're just tired. We had a great time tonight. Don't let those thoughts ruin it. You're a woman now."
Sylvia helped get Zofia into bed where she slept off the alcohol she consumed until late the next morning. When she woke up the next day, Zofia had a hangover and a bad headache. Sylvia took her out to get a bite to eat and some coffee to help her friend wake up before her parents came to get her.
When her parents arrived, Zofia could barely look them in the eye. Her mother immediately wondered if something was wrong but Zofia told her she had a great time but must have gotten some bad food the previous night. She knew her mother didn't believe her but nothing more was said. Her father pretended he wasn't listening but Zofia knew he was concerned for his baby girl.
Over the next few weeks, things returned to normal. Zofia took a summer job so she could save up some money for when she went away to school and to buy some new clothes, some of which she had to keep hidden from her parents because they wouldn't approve of the short shorts, mini-skirts or tank tops she was purchasing.
There were tears when Zofia's parents dropped her off at the dorms to start the fall semester. She had mixed feelings about being left on her own for the first time in her life. She was both excited and scared but as soon as her tears dried after watching her parents drive away, she felt a sense of freedom. Sylvia arrived about an hour later and after helping her unpack, the girls went out to explore the activities going on around the campus.
There's an air of vibrancy around campus during move-in weekend. There were more people than during orientation and a lot of activity with parents dropping off their k**s, sad goodbyes, and a sense of excitement for the start of a new school year. It was a right of passage from c***dhood to becoming a young adult and more independent.
As the girls roamed around the campus taking in the excitement of the weekend, Sylvia told Zofia as they were checking out the guys, "There's a lot of cute guys around. I hope we can find a couple of fun ones to keep us company tonight."
Zofia responded, "I don't know if I want to do what we did during orientation but I wouldn't mind having a little fun."
"Come on Zofia. Do I have to teach you how to have fun all over again? When was the last time you got laid?"
Zofia just smiled, "Not since orientation."
"Well, we're going to have to do something about that, won't we?"
Zofia only smiled but deep down she was feeling horny. Once a person starts having sex and realizes how good it feels, there is a natural desire to keeping on doing it. She was still conflicted between feeling guilty about not having saved herself for her wedding night as she had been taught since her c***dhood and her young body telling her she needed to have sex again.
As the girls made their way towards the student union where there were food trucks and music, Zofia asked Sylvia about her being attracted to Don at orientation. She wondered if her parents would be mad if they found out she had sex with a Black male. Sylvia told her that her parents wouldn't mind at all and she found Black men more attractive than white guys. Zofia told her about how prejudiced her parents were, particularly her father and they would kill her if they knew she let Don have sex with her. She was curious if Sylvia had other relations with Blacks.
Sylvia told her, "I actually prefer Black guys, especially the athletes."
"Why is that?"
"Well, you know what they say about Black guys and how well endowed they are."
"No, what do they say?"
Sylvia laughed and replied, "Where have you been hiding all these years? They have bigger dicks."
"Well, not all of them."
Sylvia went on, "The athletes have better bodies too. I love those muscles."
Zofia simply grinned at the knowledge her more experienced friend was sharing. The two young ladies got to know each other better as they headed towards the student union and found a huge crowd of people milling around, eating, and taking in the music. They were checking out guys and the guys were checking out the ladies. It looked like it was going to be a fun weekend before classes started on Monday.
As the ladies were standing line at one of the taco food trucks, a couple of tall, muscular, good looking African-American young men got in line behind them. Dwayne and Calvin introduced themselves to Zofia and Sylvia and struck up a conversation. It was a long line so they had plenty of time to talk before they got their food. The guys were juniors and wide receivers on the football team
When Sylvia heard that she turned and smiled at Zofia and commented, "Oh really?"
She then winked at her friend like she found what they were looking for. Zofia was still a little shy and followed her friend's lead. She was also anxious about being with the guys because of how her father would feel if he knew but he wasn't there and she was determined not to be a stick in the mud and ruin any chance of having a good time. Just because she was talking to a couple of Black guys doesn't mean anything was going to happen later. It was all innocent. Besides, she was eighteen, almost nineteen, and could hang out with whoever she wanted. It was also kind of fun to do something rebellious that her parents wouldn't approve of.
After the girls got their meals, Sylvia invited the guys to sit with them and the offer was quickly accepted. They all got acquainted as they ate, exchanging where they lived, what they were majoring in, and whether they were dating anyone at the time.
Sylvia told them, "No we don't have boyfriends. We were out looking for a couple of guys to hang out with for the evening."
Dwayne's eyes lit up and he responded, "Well, you don't have to look any further."
Calvin jumped in, "We have an apartment just off campus that we share with another guy on the team. We could go back there, have a few beers, we got some weed and we can chill."
Zofia was getting a little nervous because she could see where this was leading but Sylvia promptly replied, "That sounds like fun, doesn't it Zofia?"
"I, I uh, I guess so."
The girls didn't know that the members of the football team had a competition to see who could fuck the most freshman and Sylvia and Zofia were now prime targets on their first day on campus. The girls took the bait and now they had to reel them in. The girls were proud that they attracted the attention of a couple of older guys. The other freshman guys looked so young and Dwayne and Calvin were on the football team besides. Sylvia knew they could be the key to a wild social life while Zofia was only following the lead of her more outgoing friend.
As they were walking to the apartment, Calvin was walking beside Sylvia leaving Dwayne to walk with Zofia. Dwayne was telling her how beautiful she was with her lovely eyes and a warm smile. He told her she was sexy too. No one ever told her that before. His charm was working as Zofia began to feel more comfortable being with a Black male. She noticed the muscles in his arms and shoulders which were exposed by his tank top and his chest looked just as muscular. It had been more than almost six weeks since she had sex and her pussy was beginning to itch for attention but she still wasn't sure about having sex with an African American again, no matter how attractive and charming he was.
When they got to the apartment that they shared with another football player, Calvin went and got a joint, lit it up and passed it around. When it was Zofia's turn she was reluctant to try it. She was a good girl and marijuana was i*****l. After some hesitation and encouragement, especially from Sylvia who seemed to have a devilish influence over her, Zofia inhaled the weed. She immediately began to cough out of control having never smoked anything before. She did better on the second puff and even better after that.
They started drinking beer and the effects of the joint were taking hold on Zofia. She was high for the first time and the alcohol was relaxing her even more. She was feeling sexy and there was some suggestive talk going back and forth between the guys and girls. Not long after that, Sylvia and Calvin were making out. As the sexual tension filled the air, Dwayne leaned in to kiss Zofia which she enthusiastically returned. As they kissed, Dwayne's hand began to roam over her ass, rubbing and squeezing her butt. Seeing no resistance, one of his hands made its way up to her tits. The weed and alcohol had an aphrodisiac effect on her and helped lower her inhibitions. Her pussy juices were flowing and she needed to have sex again.
Dwayne's hand began to run up Zofia's leg to her thighs. When she instinctively parted her legs to give him better access to her pussy. He was confident he was going to get laid tonight and enjoy some freshman pussy. She was so hot, she became bolder herself and began to stroke his erection through his shorts. She couldn't believe how big he was. It felt like he was bigger than Don.
Out of the corner of her eye, Zofia saw Sylvia accompanying Calvin to his bedroom. Sylvia gave her a wink and a smile as the door slowly closed. Deep down Zofia was disappointed; she enjoyed watching another couple having sex during orientation and also found that having an audience to her coupling made it even more exciting for her. Those thoughts quickly disappeared as Dwayne's hand began to massage her breasts underneath her shirt. He then helped her peel it off before removing her bra. He marveled at the size and fullness of Zofia's tits.
"Wow, you've got some nice titties, baby," he commented as he lowered his lips to suck on her nipples.
Zofia was moaning softly as Dwayne focused on her breasts before unzipping her shorts so he could slip his hand down them to finger her damp pussy. He had big hands with long fingers and found entrance difficult so he pulled off her shorts. Zofia lifted her ass off of the sofa so he could also slip off her panties. She laid back on the sofa as he stood up to take off his shorts and underwear in one motion, exposing his thick cock which had to be about nine inches long. Zofia marveled at its size and girth and temporarily being scared she might not be able to handle a dick that size; that was until he laid on top of her as they returned to their makeout session. He was finger fucking her while she stroked his big dick.
Dwayne sat up and suggested she suck his dick and Zofia quickly changed positions so she had access to his big black cock. She tucked her light brown hair behind her ear while stroking him, gathering the courage to try and get the monster cock into her mouth. She took a deep breath, opened her mouth wide, and lowered her head. Her full, white lips surrounded the black meat as the head entered her mouth, sliding along her tongue. She could barely get Dwayne's cock into her mouth and she gagged when he thrust his hips up, forcing more of himself into her mouth.
He told her, "Go slowly, don't try and take too much at one time."
Other girls have obviously had the same problem giving him a blow job. Zofia took his advice and bobbed her head slowly as her white lips surrounded his black cock. She gagged a few times and took as much as she could but still couldn't take it all. She was enjoying orally pleasing her black lover.
She thought, "if only my father could see me now."
In one way, it was an opportunity to rebel against all of his strict rules while she was growing up and not allowing her to have any kind of social life. It was also her chance to explore her sexuality that had also been suppressed but now that the floodgates have been opened, there was no stopping her now.
As hard as she tried, she could only get about half of the big cock into her throat. It wasn't bad for a girl who was only sucking her second dick. Zofia would gag every so often while Dwayne was instructing her on what he liked.
"Oh yeah baby, suck it just like that. Your lips feel so good around my dick. That's it, baby, take that dick as deep as you can."
Zofia was really trying her best to please her black lover. When Dwayne was ready to fuck her, he pulled her head off his dick and laid her back on the sofa, her legs spread wide, offering her pussy to him. She was a little concerned that his dick my hurt because of its size. He rubbed himself up and down against her dripping wet pussy for lubrication then began to enter Zofia. She took his dick into her without any problems. She remembered feeling the fullness of her pussy compared to Don or Chris but found it more pleasurable. Dwayne started to thrust himself in and out of Zofia and felt a deep feeling of pleasure as his big dick pounded her sweet, young pussy. Her big tits began to bounce as he fucked her harder which brought moans of passion from her.
"Oh God that feels so good. Fuck me Dwayne. Oh shit, fuck me."
She couldn't believe she was talking like that but she lost control of her inhibitions. He began to thrust harder and faster giving her an even more intense pleasure. She was high from the weed and alcohol which made the sex even better, sharpening her senses and filling her with complete rapture. Dwayne was playing with her breasts and sucking on her nipples enjoying her young body. Her utter enjoyment of his fucking made it even better for him. Zofia was screaming in uncontrollable pleasure and talking like she never had before.
"Fuck me Dwayne. Your big cock feels so good; don't ever stop fucking me. Oh God, I need a good fucking Dwayne. Give it to me good."
They were having sex for about 30 minutes when the guys' other roommate, Jamal, came home. He was a big black man, a defensive lineman on the football team who was 6'4" tall and tipped the scales at over 300 pounds. Dwayne and Zofia were fucking so intensely they never heard him come in.
Jamal politely interrupted his roommate, "Sorry brother. I didn't know, um, you had company."
Dwayne never stopped fucking Zofia and she didn't seem to mind the sudden intrusion so Jamal stood there and admired Zofia's body, figuring he'd enjoy the show until they threw him out of the room.
Jamal commented, "Damn, it looks like you got a hot one there bro."
"This is some damn good pussy. You really like getting it put to you, don't you babe?"
Zofia pussy was on fire and she even liked having an audience; it made the sex even hotter and more naughty and she responded, "I love getting fucked, Dwayne. I love your dick."
Dwayne then asked, "How about taking care of Jamal baby? Can you handle two of us?"
Jamal stood in awe, watching his roommate increase the vigor of his thrusts making Zofia's eyes roll into the back of her head with sheer bliss. She answered with a shrug of her shoulders which wasn't a negative response so Dwayne motioned with his head for him to join in. Jamal quickly undressed, exposing his huge body and hard on which wasn't as big as Dwayne's, maybe 7.5" and not as thick.
Zofia was so horny, she didn't mind having another dick to play with. Jamal fed her his dick and she hungrily began to suck it. She felt so slutty as she fucked and sucked the two Black athletes. After gagging on Dwayne's big dick, Jamal's was much easier to swallow and she was able to take his smaller black cock deep into her throat. He began to fuck her mouth, using her soft, white lips like a pussy. Zofia was acting like a wild woman who couldn't get enough black cock; her moans muffled by the dick in her mouth. Dwayne had been fucking her for about 45 minutes and told her he was about to cum.
When Zofia heard this, she stopped sucking Jamal long enough to tell him, "Don't cum in my pussy. I'm not on birth control."
That's when Jamal had a suggestion, "Let's switch places bro."
It seemed like a reasonable solution. The guys changed places with Zofia's mouth filled with Dwayne's dick and her pussy being filled by Jamal, who towered over the much smaller white girl. As Dwayne's breathing got heavier, Zofia momentarily became fearful of tasting the sperm that was about to be unleashed into her mouth but that didn't stop her from continuing to suck the big black cock in her mouth. She was too turned on to stop now. Besides, Dwayne had a hold of her head and was thrusting himself between her lips. As Dwayne was approaching his orgasm, Calvin and Sylvia came out of his bedroom and were stunned to see Zofia taking on two guys.
At that moment, Dwayne pushed himself deeper into Zofia's throat and began to cum, which made her gag. His sperm was dripping out of her mouth, down her chin and onto her chest as he continued to cum in her mouth while Jamal continued to fuck her pussy. Zofia struggled to keep up as the big black cock in her mouth continued to shoot sperm. It was her first taste of cum but it kept coming before she could decide if she liked it or not. She swallowed as much as she could until Dwayne finished. She licked his dick clean before he withdrew. After getting a good taste of sperm, Zofia decided it wasn't too bad and licked her lips to taste some more.
Calvin, who had been watching with Sylvia gave Dwayne a high five when he was done and said, "Damn dude, I thought you were going to drown her in cum for a minute."
"That little Polish girl is one hot piece of ass," Dwayne told him.
The room went silent as Calvin, Sylvia, and Dwayne passed around another joint, had more beers, and watched Jamal fuck Zofia. His big body was now d****d over her as he pounded her pussy. Zofia looked over at her audience and began to cum herself. Her orgasm drove Jamal to the edge and he remembered she wasn't on birth control so he climbed up towards her chest and told her to wrap her titties around his dick. She obeyed his request as he started to titty fuck Zofia. On his upstroke, he would stop with the head of his dick near her lips so she could suck it for him before he would go back to fucking her between her breasts.
He tried to hold out as long as he could but he now needed to release the pressure that was building in his balls. He thrust his dick up into Zofia's face as he held her head up. She opened her mouth as he began to spray his cum onto her face and onto her tongue. His cum tasted more tangy than Dwayne's and she tried to catch as much as she could into her mouth. When Jamal was almost done with his orgasm, he fed his dick to her so she could suck him dry. She sucked on his cock, swirling her lips around it, milking him dry.
When Jamal was done cumming, he withdrew his dick from between Zofia's lips and proclaimed, "You were right bro, she is one hot piece of ass."
Zofia had been thoroughly fucked by two big black men and she was now left naked on the sofa with her face and tits covered in cum. Sylvia told her she was proud of her for letting loose and joked that Zofia kept all that cock to herself. The guys told Sylvia not to worry, there was plenty left for her. Zofia cleaned herself up and joined the rest of them in smoking more weed and drinking. The two girls were sitting around naked with three naked Black men and Zofia noticed that Calvin was almost as large as Dwayne but not quite. She wondered what his dick felt and tasted like. She was curious but didn't want to seem anxious to have sex with him.
Zofia was getting more comfortable being naked in front of the guys and was enjoying the attentive glances she was receiving. She made no effort to cover up her breasts or to keep her legs closed. The others made her feel a little self-conscious when they commented on her hairy pussy but she never even considered grooming herself down there until she saw Sylvia's bare pussy during orientation.
The five of them were passing joints and drinking beer while everyone was wondering what was going to happen next. The wondering ended when Calvin started to get an erection from partying with the naked coeds. He was eyeing up Zofia and she was trying to hide her curiosity about what he was like in bed.
Calvin broke the ice when he asked, "So Zofia, do you want to find out what sex is like with a real man?"
The other guys started their smack talk in return and it became a game challenging the ladies to see who was the best lover. The girls knew it was just a way to get them to have sex again but played along.
Sylvia even played along with her own smack talk of her own, "Who says you guys will even be in my top three list of best lovers?"
Sylvia was just as curious to see what it would feel like to have a dick as big as Dwayne's in her pussy and liked the thought of being dominated by Jamal's large body. They decided to go into Jamal's room because he had a king-sized bed. The girls laid back on the bed while Dwayne and Jamal surrounded Sylvia and Calvin pulled Zofia towards the edge and got down on his knees so he could please her orally. He was kissing her legs and thighs before working his way up towards her pussy. When she looked down, she noticed Calvin had a very long tongue and was intrigued by what he might be able to do with it. Her hips started to move as he began to tongue fuck her. She wasn't very experienced receiving oral sex but she could tell Calvin knew his way around a woman's cunt. He would stick his long tongue in her as deep as he could then lick all around her lips without touching her clit then repeat the process again and again. She was trying to maneuver her hips so he would lick her clit but he wasn't done teasing her.
When Calvin finally started to focus on Zofia's clit, he brought her to a quick, intense orgasm. He wasn't finished yet. He lapped up all of her juices with his long tongue and began to suck on her clit again until she had another orgasm. She came so hard this time that she squirted some of her juices into his mouth. It was so intense that, at first, she thought she might have urinated but it was only a wild orgasm. He let her catch her breath for a moment before having her switch places so she could suck his dick. He gave her so much pleasure that she wanted to give him an equally pleasurable blow job.
As she got down on her knees between Calvin's outstretched legs, Zofia was determined to take her time as she had seen Sylvia do when giving blow jobs. She let her long, light brown hair trace over his thighs and even softly tickle his balls. By doing this, he could also feel her hot breath against the sensitive skin of his pubic region while increasing the anticipation of her pending blow job. She then began to kiss his upper thighs while ever so slowly stroking his shaft before she began to flick her tongue over his balls.
Zofia gently sucked on each of his balls before tracing her tongue up and down Calvin's lengthy shaft. She then traced her tongue over the large, mushroomed head of his dick, taking time to lick the precum that was leaking from the tip. She used the tip of her tongue to follow along the underside of the head, then gave it long laps like she was licking a dripping ice cream cone. Zofia was so proud that she had Calvin squirming, moaning, and begging for more. She was new to having sex and cocksucking and she was gaining more experience with every blow job she gave.
She licked and sucked the shaft then worked her way up to sucking and swirl her tongue around the head while Calvin tried to force more of his dick into her mouth but she resisted. This was the first time in her limited sexual experience that she felt she was in control. Zofia then let more and more of his cock enter her mouth. She had more than half in her mouth before she gagged.
As she glanced to her side, she saw Jamal and Dwayne having their way with Sylvia. Jamal was thrusting away at her pussy while she struggled to take Dwayne's big black cock into her throat, gagging at times herself. Zofia felt better knowing Sylvia was gagging on his cock too.
Calvin kept moaning as Zofia's head bobbed in his lap. His large, black hands cupped her head as he thrust his hips up, forcing more of himself into her mouth. At first, she struggled to take him deep in her mouth but eventually, he worked his entire cock into her throat. Zofia felt a sense of accomplishment at being able to deepthroat a dick for the first time. Calvin even held her head still when he was buried deep into her throat as her tongue swirled around it. She finally had to force her head off his cock so she could catch her breath. It was Calvin's way of taking control and making Zofia become a little more submissive.
Calvin then bent her over on the edge of the bed and approached her from behind, entering her pussy in one quick thrust which caught Zofia by surprise. He quickly began to fuck her hard and fast which made her moan and scream out loud.
Jamal looked over at Dwayne and told him, "Damn, Calvin's going to town on that white pussy."
"He sure is. It looks like she's getting addicted to some Black dick too."
Once more, Zofia found herself crying out in pleasure from getting her pussy used by a black cock. Her father would be furious if he knew she was now getting fucked by a third Black man in one night. That's also what made it even more pleasurable; she was asserting her independence, rebelling against her strict upbringing by not only having sex before marriage but fucking and sucking multiple Black men and finding extreme pleasure from it.
Dwayne was now fucking Sylvia and Jamal decided to stuff his dick into Zofia's mouth which she gladly did. Both men were now playing with her tits, tweaking her nipples which helped drive her to another orgasm. Calvin then switched places with Jamal who took his turn fucking the Polish freshman for the second time that night.
The guys had already cum once and so they were able to fuck a lot longer this time around. They kept switching partners in different combinations. It was turning into a full-fledged orgy. Sylvia found herself riding Calvin while Jamal fucked her ass as Dwayne was fucking Zofia. The guys wanted to fuck Zofia's ass but she refused. She wasn't ready for that kind of kinky sex.
The three Black men were using Zofia and Sylvia for their sexual pleasure but the girls were also having the sexual experience of their young lives too as the guys took turns with their young bodies. Dwayne had cum in Sylvia's pussy while Jamal came in her ass. Zofia took Calvin's load in her mouth as she did the others; tasting the sperm of all three Black men.
She now realized she enjoyed orally satisfying a cock as well as the taste of sperm.
After a short rest, smoking another joint and a few more beers the girls found themselves getting fucked again that night. It's not that they were being forced into sex; they wanted it just as badly, if not more, as the men. By the end of the night, Zofia's pussy was sore and the muscles of her jaw were tight. She couldn't fuck or suck anymore. She was also exhausted from being physically and emotionally drained from all of the sex, d**gs, and alcohol and fell asleep, naked in Jamal's bed.
In the early morning, Zofia woke up, groggy and hungover, at first not knowing where she was. Once she realized she never left the apartment, she went looking for her clothes and Sylvia. She could only find her shorts and top, then saw Sylvia in Dwayne's bed. She woke her up to tell her she was going back to their dorm with Sylvia telling her she'd join her. Both girls did the "walk of shame" back to their dorm room. They looked a mess, with their hair mussed and caked with sperm. They had trouble walking as they were sore from fucking and sucking three black cocks all night long. Zofia's tits were bouncing freely and shown underneath her top. Luckily, only a few people saw them as they made their way back to their own beds. Both young ladies slept until that afternoon, then showered before going to get something to eat. Zofia's head was still pounding.
Over breakfast, Sylvia told Zofia, "The first thing we're going to do on Monday is get you to the health office and get you on birth control."
Zofia couldn't argue with her friend's observation. She was deathly afraid of getting pregnant, especially if the father was a Black man. Her father would disown her. He would probably do that if he ever found out what she had done on her first day on campus. She did feel better after having some coffee and getting something to eat. The conversation then turned to who they enjoyed in bed.
They both agreed that they loved Dwayne's big black cock in their pussys but found it difficult to blow him. Jamal's was easier to suck because it wasn't as big and both girls loved Calvin's oral expertise. Zofia then inquired about Sylvia having anal sex with Jamal.
Sylvia informed her, "It's not so bad if you have a lot of lubrication. The feeling of having a dick in your ass and pussy at the same time is incredible. You also have to relax and let it happen. If you tense up, it will make it hurt."
Zofia then inquired, "Can I ask you a personal question?"
"After what we've done together, I think it would be alright."
"Is it hard to shave yourself, you know, down there?"
Sylvia grinned and replied, "It's not bad. It takes some getting used to. Why? Did you want to try it?"
"I don't know. The guys seemed to like it."
"When we get back to the dorm, I can show you if you like."
Zofia responded, "Thank you. I've never had a friend like you that I could talk to about these things."
The bond between Sylvia and Zofia was fairly strong after what they had done together and they were just beginning to get to know each other. When they got back to the dorm, Sylvia made her friend get undressed. She laid out a towel on the bed and had Zofia sit over it. Sylvia then retrieved a small hair trimmer and began to shave off as much hair as she could from Zofia's pubic area, leaving nothing but stubble. Zofia felt a little awkward letting her friend trim her hair with her legs spread wide open but they had already shared a couple of wild nights filled with sexual exploration together so this was comparatively mild.
Sylvia then told her, "Okay now go take a shower and I'll get ready for when you are done. Wash that area really well, then hurry back here."
Zofia followed Sylvia's instructions and returned only wearing a towel which she placed underneath her, waiting for the next step. Sylvia had a large bowl of water and a warm washcloth ready. She placed the washcloth over the area that was about to be shaved for a quick minute, then got shaving gel and applied it to Zofia's pubic area.
When Sylvia picked up the razor, Zofia got a little nervous but it was too late to turn back now. It's not easy to let someone approach your genital area with a razor. It was also kind of a turn on to be letting her friend shave her pubic area too but she wasn't going to tell her that.
Sylvia slowly shaved Zofia's pubic hair for a minute before turning the razor over so she could try it herself. When Zofia was done, Sylvia took the razor back to touch up some spots her friend had missed then wiped her pussy clean. She took out a mirror so Zofia could see.
Zofia confessed, "This is the first time I've ever looked at my pussy like this, you know, with my legs wide open."
"You've got to be k**ding me."
"No I'm not k**ding. I've looked at myself in the mirror in my room but never like this. I've seen diagrams."
Sylvia began to point out various areas of Zofia's pussy, sort of like a guided tour. Zofia felt a little funny but she was also developing a bond with her roommate. When Sylvia pointed out Zofia's clitoris, she flicked it a little with her finger as Zofia let out a soft moan.
"That's the clit or love button. That's what makes us cum."
Sylvia kept rubbing Zofia's clit as her roommate moaned in pleasure. Zofia wanted to stop her but it felt so good; she felt helpless to put an end to her enjoyment. Her hips began to move a little in rhythm to Sylvia's hand gestures and her breathing got heavier. In her mind she wanted to tell her to stop, that it was wrong for two females to be doing this. Even though her strict Polish upbringing was in conflict with her immediate pleasure, Zofia's body would not let her bring an end to her roommate's manual manipulations of her clit.
Sylvia was getting excited too and as Zofia's was approaching an orgasm, she lowered her head and began to finger fuck her friend while licking and sucking on her clit. Zofia knew this was wrong but it felt so right at the moment and she was powerless to stop Sylvia from licking and fingering her pussy. She then came to an explosive orgasm as Sylvia licked the cum from her pussy.
When Zofia's orgasm had subsided, Sylvia lifted her head, her lips glistening with her friend's juices. She was momentarily afraid Zofia would be mad but she saw a broad smile on her face and she came up and began to kiss Zofia. They were making out on the bed and Sylvia quickly stripped off her clothes. They kissed and made out touching and feeling each other's breasts. Sylvia then brought Zofia's hand down between her legs and Zofia inserted one of her fingers. She found Sylvia's pussy dripping wet as she continued to finger her while the girls alternately sucked on each other's tits.
Zofia knew that Sylvia probably wanted her to return the favor and please her orally. She was scared but excited. She felt Sylvia's hands putting light pressure on her head while she sucked on her tits and finger fucked her. She knew what Sylvia wanted her to do but was gathering up the courage to go further. She kissed her way down between her friend's legs and stared at her damp pussy, trying to gather the courage to keep going.
Sylvia then told her, "Go ahead. Try it. Please, I'm so hot right now."
Not wanting to disappoint her friend, Zofia lowered her head and began to lick Sylvia's clit and received a positive, reinforcing moan from her. Sylia's hips were bucking as Zofia got her first taste of another woman's pussy. After getting over her initial reluctance, Zofia was now focused on pleasing her friend. She wanted to please her just as Sylvia had done for her. When Sylvia grabbed the back of her head and held it tight to her clit, Zofia knew she was about to cum and licked and sucked on her clit while thrusting her finger in and out of her pussy until her friend came to a wild orgasm herself.
Zofia was once again proud of herself for her sexual experimentation, now with another woman. She wondered if her father would be more upset with her letting several Black men have sex with her or if her having a bi-sexual experience with another girl would be worse in his mind. She didn't really care, she was being naughty and rebellious. She was no longer daddy's little girl. She was a woman now and could make her own decisions. She was asserting her independence from an overbearing father. She had fucked five different guys, four of them being Black and one girl and classes hadn't even started yet. This was only the beginning of her becoming more rebellious.
After her sexual tryst with the three Black athletes and her first bi-sexual experience with Sylvia, Zofia was feeling guilty for going so far astray from what her parents had taught her and what she learned in Catholic school. Even though it was Saturday, she decided she would try to settle down now that classes were about to begin and hoped she got her deviant sexual desires out of her system. The problem was that, at times during the day, her mind would drift to recall the night she lost her virginity during orientation with Don and Chris or tasting another woman's pussy for the first time and the small orgy she had with Dwayne, Jamal and Calvin. When those memories popped into her mind, Zofia's pussy would start to get a little damp. She liked the feeling of having her pussy filled by Dwayne's big black cock while sucking on Jamal or Calvin's dick.
She remembered how each of their dicks tasted or how they felt in her pussy and how each of them fucked her in a distinct way, with each pleasuring her in a different manner. Whether it was hard, fast, rough or slow and easy, she liked the variety and enjoyed comparing them and how they made her feel. She recalled how differently each of their sperms tasted with Jamal's being more tangy than the others. Even though she had only sucked and fucked one white guy, she began to understand why Sylvial preferred Black athletes. They seemed to have bigger dicks, had more stamina and fucked her longer and harder than Chris did.
Everytime those sexual thoughts crept into her mind, Zofia tried to extinguish them but found her mind and body were constantly flashing back to her limited sexual experiences. While she only had sex on two occassions, she sucked and fucked multiple dicks each time and had done things some women only fantasize about.
Sylvia wanted to do a little shopping during the day and brought Zofia along with her. The activity helped Zofia get over her hangover and it was fun to do some clothes and food shopping to treat themselves. Zofia needed to update her wardrobe, and, with Sylvia's help, she picked out a couple of low cut tops and short skirts along with a few, sexier bra and panty sets. Sylvia was flirting with some of the young men who were checking them out as they shopped. Zofia's parents kept tight control of her when she was home and it was fun to have a close friend with whom she could hang out with and one that she shared some deep, dark secrets with. It was a fun girls day out.
Over lunch, they both got a text from Dwayne and Calvin wondering if they wanted to hang out again later that night. Sylvia immediately responded to Calvin that she'd love to meet up again while Zofia wasn't so quick to reply.
"What's the matter Zof, don't you want to have a little more fun? Come on, it's Saturday night. We need to have some fun before classes start."
"I don't know Sylvia; I don't want to get a reputation as being, you know, a slut or anything."
Sylvia laughed at her friend and replied, "Those are old fashioned ideas. Women are allowed to enjoy sex too. Come on. You had fun last night and besides, Dwayne has that huge cock."
Zofia's juices began to flow a little while recalling the feeling of Dwayne's big black cock filling her pussy and gave in, "Alright. I guess one more time would be okay."
She then replied to Dwayne's text telling him she'd join him that evening. Zofia was a little nervous at going out with a Black man again but excited at the same time. She let loose of a lot of her inhibitions the night before and had a great fucking time or, better yet, a great time fucking.
Sylvia helped Zofia get ready for their date with the guys. She helped her apply makeup that Zofia never really wore very often and did up her hair in a ponytail. Zofia put on her new push up bra that enhanced her cleavage and a v-neck button down sweater. Zofia was showing off more cleavage than she ever had before and wasn't entirely comfortable but decided to trust Sylvia's judgement. Her outfit was topped off with a shorter than usual mini jean skirt and 4 inch heels. Sylvia dressed in her own low cut top, mini skirt and heels.
They looked at themselves in the mirror and Zofia asked, "Do you think we look too sexy?"
Sylvia shook her head and replied, "There's no such thing as too sexy. Let's go."
They headed downstairs to meet the guys and went to a local chain restaurant for a casual dinner. Over their dinner double date, Dwayne placed his hand on Zofia's knee; seeing no resistance, his hand gradually went higher and higher up her leg to her thigh. She wanted to stop him but she was also getting excited by letting him do this in a public place. She felt so naughty as her legs instinctively parted to give him further access to her upper thighs. She let out a quiet squeal when he brushed his finger across the front of her panties which were already starting to get damp. Zofia tried to maintain her composure but it was getting increasingly more difficult the more Dwayne massaged her pussy through the satin material of underwear. When the waiter came over he noticed that Dwayne was playing with his date's pussy and tried his best to hide his knowing grin.
By the time they finished dinner, Zofia was more than ready to go back to the apartment for some more fun. Dwayne and Zofia began to makeout in the backseat and he had his finger deep inside her pussy by the time they arrived at their place. Dwayne was a wide receiver with big hands and long fingers and he knew how to massage a girl's pussy with them. Once inside, the drinks began flowing and the joints began to get passed around. It wasn't long before clothes began to come off and soft moans began to fill the room. Calvin had stripped Sylvia of her clothes and was busy expertly licking her pussy until she had multiple violent orgasms. Zofia was jealous because Calvin was better at oral sex than Dwayne who was lapping at her cunt until she had orgasmed.
Zofia found herself on her knees sucking Dwayne's massive cock. She was no longer threatened by its size but saw it more as a challenge to stuff as much of it into her throat as she could without gagging. While she was getting better, taking almost half of it, she still gagged when she took it further. Dwayne was still impressed as most girls couldn't even get that far. As her head bobbed, she could see out of the corner of her eye that Sylvia had now straddled Calvin and was riding his cock as her tits bounced in his face.
Dwayne stopped Zofia's blow job and told her, "I need some of that young white pussy baby," before he laid her back on the sofa with her legs spread wide and slowly slid his big dick into her.
Her eyes rolled back into her head as Dwayne slowly fucked her to start. She loved the feeling the fullness in her pussy; it wasn't like the others she had sex with. She didn't know if anyone could satisfy her again unless they were as big as Dwayne. She was becoming addicted to his big black dick. She began to moan louder as he picked up the pace, pounding her pussy harder and faster. Her tits were flopping in rhythm to his thrusts. He was fondling her breasts at the same time and would even lean in to suck her nipples as he pounded her pussy with his massive manhood. The faster he fucked her, the louder her moans became until she came again.
After Zofia recovered, Dwayne had her get on top so she could ride him. He sucked and played with her tits which were right in front of his face. Zofia loved bouncing on his big black cock. It felt so good as the dark meat filled her pussy. When she began to tire, Dwayne had her bend over so he could fuck her from behind. Calvin had Sylvia in this position too and Zofia wondered if they would switch partners like they did last time.
Just as she thought, after fucking the girls from behind side by side, Calvin asked, "Wanna switch bro?"
Without saying a word, Dwayne withdrew from Zofia and was quickly replaced by Calvin. His dick was big, but not as big as Dwayne's but she still liked the feeling of a different dick in her pussy. Calvin fucked her harder than Dwayne and was tugging on her ponytail while slapping her ass. She discovered she liked the rough treatment while a dick plowed her pussy. It made her feel so slutty and submissive, especially getting fucked by a black man and enjoying every second of it. He started to pick up his pace even more and Zofia was lost in the rapture of pleasing him while feeling immense gratification herself.
Just before she was about to warn him not to cum in her pussy seeing she wasn't on any birth control, Calvin grabbed hold of her hips, lunged deep into her, grunted loudly and announced, "Oh, baby your pussy feels so good. I'm cumming."
It was too late to stop him as she felt his cock pulsating and with each twitch, he shot more cum into her. They both were breathing heavy trying to catch their breath when Zofia began to worry about getting pregnant. She was still bent over, resting when she felt Dwayne's dick being thrust into her. He was fucking her hard too and she asked him not to cum in her pussy but he didn't listen. She felt his black dick begin to shoot cum into her also, adding his load to that of his teammate. Zofia's unprotected cunt was now filled with the sperm of two virile black men.
When Dwayne withdrew, Zofia immediately went to the bathroom in an attempt to squeeze as much cum out of her as she could. She was deeply worried she would get pregnant. How would she explain that to her parents who taught her she needed to remain pure until her wedding night? To make matters worse, she would have to explain that the father could be either of two black men. She began to have a slight panic attack but quickly regained control of herself, not wanting to spoil the party, before returning to the living room to join the others. She pulled Sylvia aside to inform her of her fears, her friend told her not to be concerned, that she shouldn't worry about it.
When Zofia pressed Sylvia about what she should do, her friend told her, "First, the chances of you being pregnant are slim and there are pills that would take care of it. Just relax, let's have a good time. Trust me."
That calmed Zofia down somewhat and with more alcohol and joints being passed around, it helped her put her fears aside for the moment. The girls fucked and sucked Calvin and Dwayne into the wee hours of the morning then went back to their dorm..
When they woke up, Zofia and Sylvia had a long conversation on how Dwayne and Calvin were good in bed and could screw all night. Zofia then got scared when she remembered she had taken multiple loads of cum in her pussy and started getting nervous about possibly being pregnant. They talked more over a late breakfast about possible options. Zofia was due to get her period at any time so Sylvia told her there was no reason to panic, she was late in her cycle and couldn't get pregnant anyway.
They spent Sunday buying the rest of their books and getting ready for classes to begin. They socialized with some of the other people on their floor. In other words, it was a normal day before classes began.
When classes started on Monday, it was easier for Zofia to put some of her deviant thoughts behind her. She was getting used to the college educational culture, buying books, reading and preparing for classes. She also got her period which gave her one less thing to worry about. She even met a Polish exchange student, Piotr but everyone called him Pete and he developed a liking for his Polish classmate, Zofia. She liked him too; he was handsome and polite, a nice Polish boy like her parents hoped she would meet some day. He was a little shy, spoke broken English and was ecstatic when he was able to converse with Zofia in his native language seeing she spoke Polish at home with her parents when she was younger.
It was a long stressful week at school for Zofia between being away from home for the first time, dealing with her new found independence and missing her family regardless of how strict her parents were. Dwayne was texting her all week wanting to hook up again but she told him she was too busy which was true but as Friday rolled around she felt she needed a little relief. Even though she liked Pete, he was too shy to ask her out which left Zofia disappointed.
Late in the week, Sylvia was asking Zofia if she wanted to double date with Calvin and Dwayne. Even though part of her was hesitant to continue her sexually decadent lifestyle, her pussy needed some attention. Her thought began to drift to recalling how Dwayne's big black cock filled her pussy and how Calvin fucked her harder and was more rough.She marvelled at the size of Dwayne's dick even when he wasn't erect. It wasn't until late Friday afternoon that she agreed to another double date. It was going to have to be an early night anyway seeing the guys had a football game on Saturday.
Sylvia and Zofia both dressed in tight black leggings that showed off every curve of their ample asses. Sylvia wore a simple tank top and Zofia wore an off the shoulder top. They put on their makeup and made their way over to the guys' apartment for some pizza, beer, weed and sex. There was no pretense anymore on what would happen when they got together with Calvin and Dwayne. When the girls arrived the men had their hands all over the girls' bodies, freely fondling their asses and tits. Sylvia and Zofia would playfully slap their hands away, pretending they were upset but everyone knew where this evening was headed as sexual tension gradually filled the air.
Shortly after dinner, the girls found themselves naked, kneeling on the floor giving the guys blowjobs. Zofia had gotten to enjoy having sex in the same room as Sylvia and Calvin. It also made it easier for them to swap partners. Zofia was getting better at taking Dwayne's big black cock down her throat but she still couldn't swallow it all yet but she kept trying. Her enthusiasm and effort made her blow jobs even more pleasurable for Dwayne too. Even though she wasn't as experienced as some girls he'd been with, Zofia was still able to take more of his big dick than most other women. She savored the taste and size of his manhood too. He was so big, she wasn't sure a smaller cock could satisfy her anymore. Her only mission now was to get him good, hard and excited until he used his black cock to fuck her white pussy. Until then she used her pink lips to make him groan in pleasure.
They all decided to retreat to Dwayne's room so they had more room than being on the sofa. Before they got onto the bed, Sylvia pulled Zofia aside with an idea she had. The guys could tell she was reluctant to do whatever Sylvia was suggesting.
Sylvia knew she could talk Zofia into most anything now and pulled her arm and said, "Come on. It will be fun."
Dwayne and Calvin didn't know what was going on but watched as the girls climbed onto the bed. Sylvia, laid down as she instructed Zofia to straddle her head. The guys' eyes widened when they realized what they were about to witness. Sylvia quickly began to lap at Zofia's pussy, stopping only to encourage her to do the same. The girls were now in a full fledged sixty-nine, giving the men a show they'd never forget.
Calvin turned to his friend and said, "Damn, these girls are freaks."
He then poked Dwayne with "watch this" kind of look and climbed onto the bed behind Zofia. He then slid his black cock into her while Sylvia continued to lick her clit. Zofia stopped licking Sylvia's cunt at times because she was moaning so loudly, feeling the double pleasure of having a big black cock penetrate her pussy while her friend titillated her clit. Dwayne wanted his turn also and they shared Zofia while Sylvia continued to work on her clit. She tried to lick Sylvia's pussy but the intense pleasure she was receiving was too much of a distraction. After she came to two violent orgasms, Sylvia asked her to switch places.
Sylvia straddled Zofia's head as Dwayne started to fuck her hard. Zofia got a close up view of him pounding her friend's cunt while she began to lick her clit. She felt an obligation to help her friend experience the same intense orgasms she had. Sylvia started to cum and that triggered Dwayne's orgam too. Zofia could see his thick shaft pulsating while pumping his sperm into Sylvia as her pussy tightened around his cock. Some of Dwayne's cum leaked out of Sylvia and Zofia quickly licked it up. When he withdrew, he offered his black dick for Zofia to lick clean. Before Calvin entered Sylvia, Zofia lapped at her pussy to lick up more sperm.
Calvin was now fucking Sylvia while Zofia licked her clit and it didn't take long for them to come to a mutual orgasm. Zofia licked Calvin clean before Sylvia squeezed the cum from her pussy which Zofia licked up like it was a sweet nectar. Sylvia returned the favor by licking her friend's pussy too.
The girls were so consumed in pleasing each other they didn't notice that Jamal had returned home joined by one of the football team's offensive linemen, James, a huge black man and they were quietly watching the action. Dwayne motioned for them to join in the fun so the two football linemen stripped off their clothes. Before the girls could object, the two men began to fondle them. Sylvia didn't mind at all but Zofia had some second thoughts but never said "no" either James spread Zofia's legs and quickly entered her while Jamal did the same to Sylvia.
Jame's big black, muscular body hovered over her while his eight inch dick pounded her pussy. Zofia felt so slutty, letting herself be used by someone she didn't even know and didn't even know his name at the time, but she was beginning to get addicted to big black cock. The feeling of having a full pussy made Zofia's guilt disappear as she got lost in the pure pleasure of getting fucked again. James and Jamal switched partners with Zofia having sex with the fourth black man that night. Her father would disown her if he ever found out but that was part of what made it so pleasurable. Since starting her college life, Zofia was doing something rebellious for the first time in her life and having fun doing it.
Zofia felt totally dominated being alternately fucked by the two huge black men. She knew she was just another piece of ass to them but that somehow also turned her on. It may have been the alcohol or the d**gs or her increasing libido but she felt like they were just another couple of dicks to be used to satisfy her sexual desires. She had another orgasm as James dumped his load deep inside her.
The men wanted to continue to party all night but they knew they couldn't because of their game the next day so the party came to an early end. Sylvia and Zofia had big smiles on their faces as they staggered back to their dorm while comparing notes on the guys they just got done fucking and sucking.
After sleeping late the next morning, Zofia woke up with another hangover and feeling sluggish. She also went through another round of feeling guilty for her slutty behavior the night before. She kept thinking about how horrified her parents would be if they found out she let four black men have sex with her in one night. Heck, her parents would have a fit finding out that she had sex with just one Black man. Her racist father would never speak to her again. She promised herself she would try to control herself in the future but there were other voices in her head that recalled how wonderful it felt to have her pussy filled with big black cock and her multiple orgasms. She tried to quiet those voices when they would creep into her mind but they kept coming back.
In a way to absolve herself of any responsibility for having sex with multiple men on several occasions, she began to blame the bad influence of Sylvia, after all, Zofia never would have done such deviant sexual acts on her own. She decided she would try to hang out with other people besides her roommate. She made excuses not to accompany Sylvia when she went out to get something to eat and do some shopping later that day.
While having a late breakfast by herself at an on-campus coffee shop, Zofia was excited to receive a text from Piotr wondering if she wanted to go to dinner and a movie later that night. She quickly accepted his offer. It was an opportunity to go on a real date with someone she could tell her parents about; someone that would make them proud of her.
When Sylvia found out Zofia had a date, she was a little annoyed. She planned on going back to Dwayne and Calvin's apartment and was disappointed her roommate wouldn't be joining her. Zofia dressed modestly for her date, wearing a black casual sundress and sandals and a touch of makeup.
Over dinner, Zofia found the conversation with Piotr kind of dull. She tried to pay attention to him but her mind was drifting off, wondering what Sylvia might be doing with Calvin and Dwayne and possibly others. Pete was a nice boy and she really wanted to like him. He held her hand on the way to the movie and she could tell that he really liked her a lot, more than she liked him.
After the movie, they were trying to decide what to do next and Zofia was a little taken back when Piotr suggested, "We could go back to my dorm room. My roommate went home for the weekend."
She wasn't that attracted to him but she figured she might feel differently after they had sex so she replied, "Uh, sure, we could go to your room."
Piotr got a big smile on his face and quickly drove back to his dorm. He held her hand tightly as they walked up to the building and down the hall to his room, running into several people along the way. He was proud that he had a beautiful girl with him and knew people would figure out what they were about to do. Zofia was like a trophy for him.
He didn't waste any time kissing Zofia almost as soon as the door was closed, taking her by surprise. He was an awkward kisser but she wanted to see what the rest of the night would be like. She returned his kisses while his hands grabbed her ass and pulled her closer. He was clutching her ass, not caressing or fondling her which told her he wasn't an experienced lover, not like Dwayne and his friends. He awkwardly fondled her breasts through her dress before she lifted her arms to let him slip it over her head. She thought he was going to cum in his pants when he saw her in her bra and panties. He began to breathe faster and looked like he'd never seen a woman in her underwear before. He wasn't a virgin but also wasn't that experienced either and had never been with a girl as beautiful as Zofia but she would become the first American to have sex with him.
He quickly stripped while she removed her bra and panties, getting naked before he did. She watched as he pulled off his t-shirt and tighty whities. He was thin and pure white, almost ghostly looking with no muscle definition or tone at all; nothing like the black athletes she was used to seeing naked. His penis was small, maybe 5 inches and he was completely hard too. After seeing him naked, Zofia no longer wanted to have sex with him but she figured it was too late to turn back now and hoped he might surprise her in bed.
They began to kiss again while Piotr fondled her naked body. He sucked on her tits for a quick moment before leading her over to the bed. He fingered her pussy for about 30 seconds and climbed between her legs. Zofia felt his tiny dick enter her pussy but it didn't feel anywhere near as good as the big black cock she was used to. He pumped his little dick into her and came after only a couple of minutes leaving Zofia completely unsatisfied. Piotr rolled over onto the bed and quickly fell asleep.
In her mind she was thinking, "Is that it?"
She waited a minute to see if he would wake up, then got dressed and left his room. On the lonely walk back to her dorm, she couldn't help but think she wasted an evening. In her mind, she was wondering what Sylvia was doing and her pussy got wet thinking of all the black cock she must be fucking and sucking. She thought about joining her but decided she would resist the temptation and just go back to her room.
When Zofia got back to her dorm, her pussy still needed some attention so she stripped naked and began to play with herself. Her thoughts drifted to the previous men she had fucked and sucked; how she missed being with multiple guys, how she loved big black cock and how much her pussy needed it. A little dick would never be able to satisfy her. She played with her clit while fingering her pussy, dreaming of getting her fill of black cock again. She brought herself to an intense orgasm reliving in her mind how she got fucked last night while Sylvia ate her pussy.
After bringing herself off, Zofia drifted off to sleep. She heard Sylvia come in early in the morning but she quickly fell back to sleep. The next morning, Zofia got up earlier than Sylvia and went out on her own to get some breakfast and do some studying in the library. She didn't catch up with Sylvia until later in the afternoon and exchanged all the details of their previous night's adventures.
Zofia told her about her disappointing date with Piotr, what a little dick he had and how he came so quickly. Sylvia didn't have the same problem. When she got to Calvin and Dwayne's apartment there were three other guys there with them, Jamal, James and Derrick. They had expected Zofia would be there and invited the others to share in the good white pussy they had discovered. Sylvia was somewhat nervous, knowing she was expected to service all of them but thought she was up to the challenge.
She told her roommate they played strip poker while they ate takeout food, drank and passed around some joints. She knew they were cheating but didn't mind slowly stripping off her clothes which only served to tease them, add to the sexual tension and anticipation for everyone. When she lost all of her clothes she agreed to blow the winner of the next hand, with everyone assuming she would lose. Derrick won and she began to suck his dick in front of the others. He had a massive dick himself, which she said rivaled Dwayne's and may have even been a little bigger. Zofia found it hard to believe someone had a bigger dick than Dwayne.
Jamal came up behind her while she was giving sucking Derrick's dick and started to fuck her from behind. That combination went on for a while but Calvin and Dwayne suggested moving her to the bedroom so Jamal picked her up like a doll and carried her onto his bed. Two guys then started taking turns with her pussy and mouth while the others were sucking on her tits or touching the rest of her bare skin. She loved being the center of attention of five black men.
The highlight of her evening is when Jamal was fucking her ass, while she was riding Dwayne and taking turns blowing three other black dicks in her face. She was able to get Calvin and James up her ass during the evening but Dwayne and Derrick were too big. By the time the night was over, she had fucked, sucked and got sodomized multiple times and was covered in cum. Zofia felt like she missed out on a great time.
Sylvia told her friend, "Just talking about all those big black cocks, has got my pussy all wet."
Zofia replied, "Hearing about it is making me all wet too."
Without saying a word, Sylvia looked at her roommate deep in her blue eyes and began stripping. At first Zofia didn't know what she was doing but it was almost like she could read Sylvia's mind so she began to strip too. When they were both naked they instinctively began to kiss and fondle each other, taking turns sucking on each other's tits. They maneuvered into sixty-nine with Sylvia straddling Zofia's head while leaning over within tongues reach of her pussy. Zofia could feel her roommate's hot breath on her cunt. Zofia didn't waste any time fingering and licking her roommates hot, wet pussy. Sylvia played with Zofia's pussy, fingering her and rubbing her clit before using her tongue to begin licking it. The girls went to town on each other, knowing just how the other liked to be licked and sucked.
After licking each other to a couple of intense orgasms, Sylvia told Zofia, "Next week is Homecoming weekend. There's going to be a party on Saturday after the game and the guys want us to make sure we are there. You have to be there Zof."
"After what you just told me, I wouldn't miss it. I can't believe someone has a bigger dick than Dwayne."
"Oh, you'll believe it when you see it or should I say when you feel it inside of you?"
During the course of the week, Sylvia was getting more details on the party after the game. They were playing their conference rivals and they expected the game to be over late that afternoon with the party getting started at about 6 o'clock. They wanted the girls to dress in bikinis and help serve drinks and shots. Zofia didn't have a bikini and Sylvia wanted a new one for this special occasion so they went shopping during the week.
They went to a swimsuit specialty store in the mall and began looking through the racks. Sylvia was shaking her head at some of the bikinis Zofia wanted to try on. They were much too conservative and Sylvia picked out a couple for her. Both girls went into the same changing room and stripped naked. There were mirrors on all sides so no matter which way they faced, they saw a different angle of their nude bodies.
The first one Sylvia picked out for Zofia could be described as two dots and a dash. It only covered the nipples on her ample tits and hid nothing more than her pussy lips in front with a thin string between her cheeks in back. She quickly rejected that one over Sylvia's objections. The next one was more modest, covering more of her private parts than the first but still showed plenty of cleavage and her ass cheeks. The last one didn't fit her right so Sylvia convinced her to buy the second one. Zofia wasn't real comfortable revealing that much skin but Sylvia had a lot of influence over her and she wouldn't be having as much sexual fun if she hadn't followed her guidance. Sylvia chose a slightly more revealing bikini for herself.
Over the next couple of days, Sylvia tried to prepare Zofia for what could possibly happen at the party. She said the guys would be gawking at them and the more everyone drank, the more they would try to grab and fondle them. She taught her friend how to give a shot from between her breasts, how to do body shots and how to give her ass more wiggle when walking in heels. Zofia was getting a little nervous but it was an exciting type of nervousness. She had been with multiple partners before but she had never been this obvious in offering her body to others. She never even wore a bikini before either. Her old fashioned parents wouldn't allow her to.
On Friday night, Calvin and Dwayne invited the girls over but let them know it would be an even earlier evening than last week seeing this was a big game for them. It would only be them and no one else. After dinner, things heated up as usual and the girls fucked and sucked the guys as they switched partners. When Dwayne was stuffing his dick into Zofia, she found it difficult to believe anyone had a bigger cock than his and was anxious to find out at the party. While she was blowing him, she was getting closer to taking him entirely into her throat. She was determined to keep working on her cocksucking skills until she accomplished her goal.
As promised, it was an early night and the girls went back to their dorm to make sure they got a good night sleep also, knowing that Saturday was going to be a long day and even longer night.
The campus was a buzz of activity on Saturday. Fans were tailgating early, alumni were in town and there were parties everywhere. The girls had good seats to the game thanks to their football friends. Zofia didn't know much about football but there was an excitement in the air and the fans were boisterous all game. The game was tied at half-time and there was electricity in the air. The home team was down by four points as the game was winding down but they had the ball and were driving down the field. The entire crowd was on their feet as the clock wound down.
There was time for one more play with the home team within 30 yards of the end zone. The quarterback dodged several rushers and unleashed a pass towards the end zone as time ran out. There was a crowd of players that converged as the ball came down. It bounced off several hands before Dwayne came down with the ball. The referee signaled a touchdown and the crowd erupted in a roar. Everyone was cheering, jumping up and down and hugging each other.
Sylvia told Zofia, "This is going to be one hell of a party tonight. I hope you're ready."
"I guess we have to be don't we?"
With the big win, the girls wanted to make this an especially memorable party as a reward for the team. The anticipation of an exciting night was already making their pussies damp. It took them a while to fight through the partying crowds to make their way back to their dorm to get ready for their big night ahead.
They each took long, hot showers and put their hair up with Sylvia's in a ponytail and Zofia in pigtails. They both applied more makeup than usual and made sure to use plenty of body spray. They put on their bikinis and checked themselves out in the mirror. Zofia couldn't believe she was going to do this. She had sex with multiple partners but she was now going to put herself on display at a party. She wasn't used to or comfortable with being the center of attention but she would be scantily clad for everyone to gawk at her and probably more. They put on short skirts and tank tops, 4 inch stiletto heels and got ready to leave. Sylvia was sure to pack some lubrication in case the evening lasted longer than she thought.
They gave each other one last look over, took a deep breath and closed the door behind them. They knew they looked good as they walked over to the apartment, enjoying the stares, comments and whistles.
"This is going to be a night to remember," Sylvia noted.
Zofia gave a nervous laugh and replied, "I hope I remember it," knowing they were probably going to get pretty drunk and high.
Sylvia laughed out loud and responded, "I guess you have a point there."
When the girls got to the apartment, there were people everywhere, a lot more than they thought. There were single guys and couples milling about inside and out. Even Sylvia got a little nervous but she didn't want to let Zofia know because she would get extremely nervous if she knew her more experienced friend was shaken. Someone handed them a drink as they made their way through the crowd to try and find one of the guys. They came upon Calvin and he greeted them with a big hug and the girls congratulated him on his big win. He grabbed Dwayne and escorted the girls off to a bedroom for them to change.
Calvin brought them a couple of beers and some shots along with a joint to smoke. Dwayne went off to talk to some of the guests; they all wanted to talk to the star of the game. Calvin informed the girls not to be too scared of the crowd; it would thin out as people were making the round of several off campus parties. Their job was to serve drinks and shots and look sexy.
After a beer, a couple of shots and smoking a joint, Sylvia and Zofia were ready to get started. Calvin watched as they stripped off their clothes,hung them up and put on their bikinis. He told them they looked fantastic and people would love them. He gave them both a kiss and hug while squeezing their asses and left to join the party.
Zofia gathered up all her courage and followed Sylvia out the door to start their waitress duties while wearing their tiny bikinis. Zofia's breasts were hanging out of her top no matter how many times she tried to adjust it. Her ass cheeks were almost fully exposed in back and her high heels gave her that extra wiggle in her walk as she made her way through the crowd serving drinks and shots. She was subjected to lude comments from the men in the crowd and dirty looks from the females. She tried to stay within eyesight of Sylvia, she was sort of a security blanket for Zofia but she eventually lost contact with her.
The more she wandered through the crowd, the more confident Zofia got and the sexier she felt. She started to let guys take shots from between her breasts and they, of course, would cop a feel in the process. The same thing happened as she walked through crowds, she would feel hands on her ass. At first, they were casual touches but when she didn't object, the more bold the groping became. She would pass Sylvia every once in a while and they'd give each other a knowing wink. They knew the men thought they were hot and they were reveling in the attention they were receiving. The more attention and groping they were subjected to the wetter their pussies were getting. They were also drinking their fair share of shots and taking bong hits during the party.
The crowd did thin out as the evening wore on and most of the crowd was now made up of black football players. Sylvia and Zofia were the only white people left. The men realized the girls weren't offended by their comments or their not so subtle groping of them. Everyone was drunk and high and at one point someone tugged at the strings of Zofia's top loosening it. Then someone tugged at it further and pulled it off of her, exposing her 36c breasts to the crowd. At first she was embarrassed but when a loud cheer went out she felt emboldened and shook her tits as the cheers got louder. Once Zofia was freed from her top, someone did the same to Sylvia. The girls now paraded around topless in front of 15-20 black men.
Guys lined up as Zofia started giving shots from between her bare breasts. The guys would hold onto her tits and push them together while she placed the shot glass into her cleavage. They were also taking the liberty to lick and suck her nipples too. It wasn't long before she found herself laying on the kitchen counter letting guys drink body shots from her navel. She was surrounded by black men taking turns pouring liquor on her and licking it off her naked stomach. Things were quickly getting out of control then someone untied the strings to her bottom and took them off her to expose her hairless pussy and bare ass as the crowd roared.
Zofia looked down at her naked body, feeling very vulnerable when someone made her raise her knees to further expose her pussy, poured some liquor onto her and licked it off. Several men followed his lead and did the same with each guy taking turns lapping up booze from her cunt. She was so hot by then, she felt powerless to stop him even if she wanted to. She remembers having an orgasm at one point. The rest became a blur as things quickly spun out of control. She remembers someone pouring liquor onto her nipples only to have it being licked and sucked off while another black man ate her pussy to two orgasms. She could hear Sylvia moaning in the background so she assumed she was having a similar experience.
Zofia heard a deep voice say, "Let's get her into the party room."
Before she knew it, a huge black man had picked her up with his muscle bound arms and carried her into a room with a king size air mattress on the floor, gently placing her down on the makeshift bed. She remembers being surrounded by several black men, with them stripping off their clothes and others whipping out their cocks. Part of her wanted to get up and run out of the room but the devilish side of her looked at the size and number of cocks already hard and was curious to feel them inside of her. She needed a good fucking as much as they did. The devilish side won out.
She instinctively spread her legs as the first man climbed up onto the bed, got between her legs and began to fuck her. His dick must have been at least 7 or 8 inches and he started to pound away at her willing pussy. The crowd watching noticed how much she was enjoying getting fucked in front of them and two more black men got on each side of her head and offered their cocks to her. Zofia reached out to stroke them as she alternately sucked on each one. They were smaller dicks, maybe 7 inches and she had no trouble taking them into her throat as they each roughly fucked her mouth. She felt proud when they raved about her cocksucking abilities.
"Damn, this white bitch sucks a mean dick."
"Her pussy is hot too."
She heard comments coming from those watching calling her a "white ho" and a "hot ass white girl." Zofia didn't mind hearing their comments, she was too busy enjoying the black cocks.
The guy fucking her pulled out and came on her stomach and was quickly replaced by one of the cocks she was sucking. That left a spot open for another cock in her face, a big black cock of more than 8 inches. At that point, she seemed insatiable, she couldn't get enough black dick. Zofia didn't realize that pictures and video were being taken as black athlete after black athlete took their turn with her white body. If she saw a dick in her face, she sucked it. Her legs were spread wide for any black cock that wanted to use her pussy. Some guys came on her body, some came on her face, others came in her pussy or her mouth. It didn't matter to her, everyone wanted a piece of the action. She had now made the transition from innocent Polish girl to a full fledged whore who craved big black cock.
She got to fuck Derrick too, the guy whose dick rivaled Dwayne's. She thought their dicks were very similar in size and width. She couldn't believe that another guy had a dick just as big as Dwayne's but she loved getting fucked by him just as much as she did getting it from Dwayne. She orgasmed as multiple people watched her getting it put to her hard by Derrick. She still preferred Dwayne for some reason, maybe it was because she was getting used to the way he fucked her.
During the rest of the night, Zofia had serviced more guys than she could even count. At one point, she remembered Jamal climbing onto the bed and turning her over onto her hands and knees. She turned her ass upwards to give him better access to her cunt. He slipped in easily and began to fuck her on all fours as Dwayne and Calvin placed their dicks up to her lips. Jamal grabbed her by her pigtails, tugging at them, while he fucked her hard. She moaned around the two big black cocks as she alternately sucked on them. Jamal would slap her ass at times, hard enough for the sound to echo in the bedroom. Zofia liked the rough fucking she was receiving and wanted more. Jamal then asked someone to get the lube out of a nightstand near the bed.
One of the guys watching stated, "Oh shit, I think he's going to butt fuck that white bitch."
Jamal squirted some of the lube onto Zofia's asshole which made her a little apprehensive to what was about to happen next but she was feeling too horny to object. She figured she had gone this far that night, she might as well really let loose and let him proceed. He inserted one of his big, fat fingers into her ass while he continued to thrust himself into her pussy. Seeing no objection, he inserted a second finger into her butt.
He withdrew from her pussy and greased himself up. Calvin laid on the bed and instructed Zofia to straddle him and she obeyed. She began to ride his familiar dick while Dwayne now had sole access to her mouth. When Jamal was ready, the Zofia stopped fucking Calvin to allow Jamal to take aim at her ass. She was naturally apprehensive but was too horny to object. She couldn't get enough black cock that night and she was curious to try anal sex after watching Sylvia do it.
As Jamal aimed his 6 inch black cock against her asshole, Zofia became nervous as she realized she was about to lose her anal virginity. Sylvia seemed to enjoy it and now she was about to find out what it was like to be sodomized.
Zofia felt the dick pressing against her butt and tensed up out of fear but Jamal pressed forward anyway. He pushed hard and the head of his dick forced its way into her ass. She told him it hurt so he paused to allow her to get used to the new feeling in her back hole. He slowly pushed himself further into her ass, again giving her time to adjust to the new feeling of his dick in her butt. He thrust more of himself into her, then more until he had his entire dick in Zofia's ass. She felt a sense of pride that she had now lost her anal virginity as Jamal started to slowly fuck her ass.
She got a rhythm being double penetrated by Calvin and Jamal as she found the feeling of getting fucked by two black dicks intensely pleasurable. She was now able to start sucking Dwayne's cock. Jamal had now picked up his pace, thrusting faster into her ass while she was riding Calvin faster too. Jamal had a tight hold on her pigtails with one hand and was slapping her cheeks with the other. Dwayne had one hand on the back of her head while he was face fucking her, shoving his big black dick down her throat. For the first time, Zofia was able to take his entire dick into her throat without gagging. He was equally excited as she was the only girl to be able to accomplish this feat.
Guys were giving a play-by-play of her sexual activities. "Hot damn, she's taking on all three of them. Give it to her bro."
"She's got that whole dick down her throat."
"This is one freaky chick."
"A lot of white chicks love black dick."
"Bust that ass Jamal. Give it to her good."
Now that the deed was done, Zofia began to enjoy having her ass, pussy and mouth being filled with a black cock. She was getting hotter knowing that so many guys were watching, craving her body and she was more than happy to satisfy them.
Jamal began to fuck her ass harder and faster, then lunged deep into her and unleashed a flood of cum into her bowels. He gave her a few more short, deep lunges before he slapped her hard on the ass and withdrew. The guys switched positions with Calvin now lubed up and taking aim at her ass while she straddled Dwayne. Zofia didn't know if she could take Calvin's bigger dick in her ass but it didn't matter now as she felt him pressing against her asshole. Jamal had helped to loosen her up and his sperm helped to lubricate her further which made it easier for Calvin's larger dick to penetrate her ass.
While Zofia was being double teamed, other guys were bringing her shots and joints to smoke which helped keep her drunk, high and horny. Another strange cock found its way between her lips. She was really getting used to Dwayne's larger than average sized dick and found it to be the most pleasurable in her pussy. While she enjoyed the feeling of smaller ones, his was so big, the others couldn't match the intense feeling she received when getting fucked by Dwayne. He was sucking on her tits as they flopped in his face.
Calvin was holding onto her hips fucking her ass hard. He was loving the tightness of her white ass and began to feel his orgasm approaching. He tried to hold out longer but his balls needed relief. He thrust himself deep inside of Zofia's ass and shot his load in her ass.
He gave her ass a hard slap as he withdrew and said, "Thanks baby, you've got a nice tight ass."
Zofia was now riding Dwayne and he inquired, "Do you think you can take my dick in your butt?"
"I'm not sure Dwayne."
"Do you want to give it a shot?"
Zofia figured she had done everything else that night so she replied, "You can try but you have to promise you'll stop if it hurts too much."
"Yeah baby, you just tell me if you want me to stop."
Zofia had already taken two dicks up her ass, one bigger than the next and it didn't hurt too much, as a matter of fact, she was enjoying it but she was still leery of taking Dwayne's 9 inches up there. She loved his big black dick though and didn't want to disappoint him. He told her he'd go slow, he didn't want to ruin this chance as most girls wouldn't even consider letting him try to fuck their butts. No girl had ever been successful taking him up their ass either. He didn't know when he'd get this chance again.
One person watching commented, "Damn, he's going to split her in half with that monster."
There were people making side bets on whether she could do it or not. Zofia took a couple of more shots and hits from a bong and said she was ready. Dwayne had put on plenty of lube and got behind Zofia's upturned ass. She braced herself for the assault on her butt as she felt the big black cock pressing against her asshole. She tried to relax her sphincter muscle, knowing this made it easier to take the other two cocks in her ass. She swallowed hard as she felt the mushroomed head of his dick beginning to enter her.
Dwayne was trying to go very slow; he didn't want to ruin his chance at getting his first shot at anal sex either. He felt some resistance as his dick pressed against Zofia's anus so he pushed a little harder and the head quickly disappeared into her ass.
Zofia grimaced as she screamed, "Oh my God. Oh, that hurts."
"Do you want me to stop babe?"
"No, give me a second. Oh shit. It hurts but it's getting better."
After taking time to get used to his monster cock in her ass Zofia told him, "It's okay, but go slow."
Dwayne pressed a little further, pushing another inch into her and stopped. Zofia's breathing was short and quick and she had a distressed look on her face as he pushed another inch into her ass.
"Okay. Stop."
He paused his anal penetration of Zofia until she relaxed gave his the okay to proceed. He now had about a third of his dick in her ass, further than he had ever gotten with any other girl, Most wouldn't even consider anal with him. He could tell she was in some pain and discomfort but wasn't going to pull out unless she told him to. People watching marveled in the fact that she had taken that much of Dwayne's big black cock in her ass.
When Zofia signaled that he could continue, Dwayne pushed more of himself into her. He started to ever so slowly pump his dick seeing he was more than halfway in at that point. With each gentle thrust, he pushed a little more of himself into her ass. She was still in discomfort but it was no longer painful; it was only an uncomfortable fullness. Dwayne began to pump his dick into Zofia's ass a little faster now and hearing no objections, he kept pushing deeper and deeper into her bowels until he was balls deep in her ass.
Someone in the crowd loudly proclaimed, "Hot damn, she took the whole thing. That girl's a freak."
Zofia was pleased that she was able to get Dwayne's 9 inch dick entirely up her ass. She wished Sylvia was there to see it. He kept pumping faster and faster as Zofia got more comfortable with the huge black dick in her ass. Dwayne was thrilled that he was finally able to experience anal sex. In an odd twist, it was Zofia that took his anal virginity.
Dwayne told her, "Your ass is so fucking tight. I love it."
His eyes would roll into the back of his head in pleasure at times, especially when he went nice and slow and deep. Other times, he would bite his lower lip as he focused on fucking her ass hard and fast. He held her hips tight while he plunged his big black cock in and out of Zofia's tight white ass.
Having fucked Dwayne before, Zofia knew that when he started thrusting at a steady pace matched with rhythmic grunts, that he was about to cum. She felt his big dick pulsate just before he shot wad after wad of cum deep in her ass, much deeper that the previous two dicks she had up her butt. He kept fucking her ass until he was no longer erect and then pulled out. The mixture of Jamal's, Calvin's and Dwayne's cum trickled out of her ass. Zofia was so drunk and high she could barely remember what happened next but she knew she screwed a couple of more guys, blew a couple more and took at least one more dick in her ass.
Zofia woke up the next morning naked and covered in cum on the air mattress where she got gang banged by more than ten black men. Her head was pounding and she felt sick. She staggered into the bathroom and looked at herself in a full length mirror. She looked horrible. Her hair was matted in dried cum, and had more on her face, chest and stomach. She still had cum dripping down her legs from her pussy and ass. Her pussy and ass were sore and irritated, her jaw felt stiff.
She felt better after a long hot shower and when she was drying herself, she noticed a symbol on her right ass cheek that looked like it was drawn on with a permanent marker. She didn't know what it was but she didn't have time to figure it out either, she just wanted to get out of there. She roamed around the apartment looking for her bikini but couldn't find it so she went into Dwayne's room to retrieve her clothes. Thankfully, he was sound asleep and she quietly got dressed and checked the other rooms where she found Sylvia sleeping in Jamal's bed. Not wanting to wake her, she walked back to the dorm by herself.
Even though she acted like a total slut the night before, Zofia didn't feel guilty for what she had done. She enjoyed being the center of attention, enjoyed allowing herself to explore her sexuality and it was the most rebellious thing she could have possibly done. Her parents, especially her father, would have a stroke if he knew that she fucked, sucked and was sodomized by a roomful of Black men.
Zofia went back to sleep in her own bed and when she got up, Sylvia had returned, looking just as worn out and sore as she was. Before they exchanged war stories on the events of the previous night, Zofia asked her roommate about the symbol on her ass.
Sylvia laughed at her while showing her a similar one on her ass, "It's the Queen of Spades symbol."
Zofia looked confused until Sylvia explained, "It means that you love big black cock."
Zofia could only smile because it was true.
2 years ago