Emma and Zooey Part 1
Weeks have gone by in the fall semester at Brown University. Emma Watson couldn’t
wait for her class, “Introduction to Gender and Sexuality Studies.” She had a crush on
her professor, 29 year old Zooey Deschanel. The five foot six brunette always wore
some type of dress to class and had beautiful, piercing blue eyes. Emma always sat in the
front row of the huge lecture hall and every day she had Professor Deschanel, she wore a
skirt and made sure her legs were spread. Emma even caught the professor during
lectures, peeking up her skirt a few times. Was she bi? Emma was determined to find
out. After class one day, Emma decided to stop by Zooey’s office during her office
hours. The syllabus that the professor provided, also listed her cell phone number and
email. Contact information that Emma could use later on, once she hopefully would get
to know the professor better.
Emma wore a short denim mini skirt and a white blouse that accentuated her big breasts,
such lovely British cleavage. Emma carried an expensive British leather bag that carried
her books, laptop, and cell phone. She knocked on the professor’s
door…knock…knock…knock. “Come in,” replied the professor. Emma opened the door
and saw her teacher sitting at her desk. Professor Deschanel had papers and folders all
over her desk. Zooey’s laptop was on and displayed the Brown University website. Miss
Deschanel had on a nice dark blue dress that was no shorter than her knees. It had white
polk-a-dots throughout the fabric. “Nice to see you Emma, how can I help you”, asked
Zooey politely. “Well I just had some questions about what we went over today mame”,
said Emma. “Mam?” said Zooey, “please call me Zooey. Have a seat.” “Ok then”,
replied Emma who sat down and crossed her long pale legs, “how do you feel about gay
sexuality?” “How do I feel about it?” said Zooey, “I feel if two people are in love the
sexuality really doesn’t matter.” “I see, can I ask you a personal question Zooey”, asked
Emma. “Well that depends”, said Zooey as she looked down on the floor to break
Emma’s eye stare. “Depends on what?” asked Emma. Zooey paused for a few seconds
then said, “Ok, ask me.”
Emma asked, “Are you gay?” Zooey chuckled and smiled. She even looked at Emma’s
smooth legs that were in front of her, and then answered Emma. “No I’m straight.” “You
must have a boyfriend”, said Emma. Zooey answered her, “No I’m single. I haven’t
found Mr. right yet.” “Oh my god”, said Emma, “your a beautiful, intelligent woman,
how can that be.” “I guess that’s the way it is”, said Zooey. “Well that shouldn’t be the
way it is”, said Emma, “how do you deal with all these young guys you teach every day.”
Zooey paused then looked in Emma’s eyes, “like I talked about in class, that’s what
masturbation is for.” Emma smiled, “oh my god that’s so true. What do you use to get
off with Miss Deschanel.” “Ok I think we need to stop this talk. I’m not going to talk
about my personal life”, said Zooey. Emma uncrossed her legs and moved her chair a
little closer to her professor. “You already opened the book Professor Deschanel”, said
Emma, “Come on. I won’t tell a soul. Please.” It was quite obvious that the Professor
had no personal life. She studied, studied, and studied and got her PH.D. It has been
years since she had intercourse with a man, and a man has never, ever given her an
orgasm. Zooey paused for awhile and crossed her legs. Then she looked at Emma and
raised her right hand. “I use this”, said Zooey. Zooey continued, “I have a magic wand
at home and a 6 inch black dildo with a suction cup at the base.” Emma smiled, “Oh my
god, do you fasten it to a table or the wall and fuck it?” Zooey responded, “What do you
think.” Emma laughed and put her index finger in her mouth then said, “Your making me
wet.” Zooey was curious about this young 18 year old in front of her. “You must have a
boyfriend”, asked Zooey. “No…I don’t have one”, replied Emma. “Not even in
England?” said Zooey. “Miss Deschanel, look around. I don’t need a boyfriend; there is
cock all over this campus. If you opened your eyes you would see all the dick’s that are
available to you.” Zooey didn’t like Emma’s comment but it was true. “I told you not to
call me Miss Deschanel”, Zooey exclaimed, “Call me Zooey.” Zooey paused and looked
her student up and down. “I’m curious”, Zooey said, “when was the last time you had
sex?” Emma didn’t hesitate and answered, “last night.” “Last night”, said zooey, “was it
good? With who?”
Emma talked about it like it was just another booty call. “Some guy that lives on my floor
in Avery hall. He didn’t last long though. After like 10 minutes he couldn’t take it and
pulled out. Shot a big load all over my face.” Zooey sat there amazed that Emma was
talking about getting fucked so casual. “Your now making me wet”, said Zooey, “what
position did he do you in?” Emma retorted, “What position did he fuck me in? Zooey you
have to start swearing honey. He fucked me missionary but I didn’t cum. It’s good I
brought my vibrator with me. I made him get hard again and had him fuck me doggie,
and then I pressed the vibe against my tight pussy and finally got off.”
“That’s very erotic”, said Zooey. Emma knew she was getting to her teacher. “This is
it”, Emma thought to herself. Emma reached in her bag and fumbled around in it while
Zooey watched. Then with her teenage hands still in the bag, Emma put a finger vibrator
on her right hand index finger. The vibrator was a small device that attached to the finger
and was great at manipulating clits. After Emma had the device securely on her finger,
she looked at Zooey with a serious hot gaze, turned the vibe on, and got up off her chair.
Within a second Emma lifted up Zooey’s skirt with a flip with her left hand and pressed it
against her teacher’s panty covered crotch. Zooey grabbed Emma’s right arm, then hit it
a few times. “WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?” yelled Professor Deschanel.
Emma blocked her teacher’s hits and pressed the vibe hard against her moist crotch.
“Stop fighting me Zooey. You need to let out that frustration”, growled Emma. Zooey
calmed down quick, the little vibe was powerful. Emma lifted her teacher’s skirt all the
way up and examined her panties. Zooey’s panties were light blue with little yellow and
blue flowers. “What kind of panties are these”, asked Emma. Zooey, whose eyes were
glazed over and half open answered, “Ughhh……Vic….Victoria Seeeecret.” Emma
smiled as she moved her teacher’s panties over and pressed the vibe right against Zooey’s
clit. Zooey’s eyes closed tight and her mouth opened and let out a delightful, erotic
moan. “Victoria Secret”, said Emma, “you get all dolled up at your house to fuck your
dildo’s huh?” In other circumstances Zooey would have slapped Emma’s face, but she
just groaned, “You little bitch.” Emma ran her free hand up and down Zooey’s right leg.
“You have such smooth, creamy legs Miss Deschanel. I can’t wait for you to cum for
“Keep going….keep going”, moaned Zooey, who started grinding her hips to Emma’s
finger. Emma lifted up her own skirt all the way and played with herself, using her free
hand. “Feel good”, asked Emma, who made sure she rubbed the vibe against her
professor’s sensitive clit hard. Zooey didn’t answer; she was too busy fucking her
student’s finger. “Oh my god”, Zooey yelled, “your going to make me cum.”
“Isn’t that what you want”, said Emma, “I can’t wait to see your cum face. Let out all
that frustration of not getting any cock all these years.” Zooey looked into Emma’s
beautiful face, then down where Emma’s finger was slamming her pussy. The 29 year
old professor, who had her skirt all hiked up, felt her impending orgasm coming. Emma
hit it, the point of no return. Zooey stared directly in Emma’s brown eyes and yelled,
“OH FUCK. I’M GONNA CUM. Here it comes. HERE IT CUMS!” Emma pushed her
vibrating finger hard against Zooey’s clit. “Let it go….let it go…..let it go”, exclaimed
Emma, her voice rising louder and louder. Zooey’s eyes rolled into her head and she
proceeded to moan loudly, her pussy convulsing over the vibe. Zooey was in orgasm
bliss as she groaned with her eyes closed tight and her mouth gasping and yelling,
Zooey then grabbed Emma’s hand hard and sat up in the chair, staring at her student’s
face during her orgasm. “Yeh, fuck yeah cum for Emma sweetheart”, purred Emma.
After staring at Emma for 5 seconds, which felt like eternity, Zooey’s eyes rolled back up
in her head again, then her hips began to shake and convulsed as the orgasm continued to
rip her apart. Finally Zooey was done cumming, and it was the best orgasm she ever had.
Emma looked at her wrecked, violated, post-orgasm teacher collapsed in her chair. Dress
all dishelved, panty crotch showing, and smooth pale legs. Emma was wet as fuck and
promptly sat on her teacher’s lap, as she laid there literally in a daze. Emma pushed her
own panties aside and stuck the vibe against her pussy. She grinded on her teacher,
squeezing Zooey’s tits, then her own. “I’m going to fucking cum on you Zooey, YOU
HEAR ME?”, Emma yelled. “I’m going to fuckin
cummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!” Emma’s orgasm ripped
through her body very fast. Zooey managed to open her eyes in time to watch the 18 year
old convulse on top of her. “OH MY GOD, I’M CUMMINGGGGGGGGGGG”, yelled
Emma. Emma groaned loudly as her pussy exploded over her teacher’s lap. Finally
Emma regained her composure, and then got off Zooey who still laid in post orgasm
bliss. Emma put the vibrator away in her bag, then grabbed the bag and without saying a
word to her professor, left Zooey’s office and closed the door behind her…
The next day came and went, followed by another day, and then another. It was like
Emma disappeared from Zooey’s life! Zooey saw Emma in class but it was like they
never shared an intimate moment. So after class ended one day Zooey walked over to
Emma at her desk. Emma was putting her books away wearing a hot short black skirt.
Zooey handed Emma a piece of paper. “Here’s that assignment you wanted Emma”,
Zooey said. Emma looked at the paper. It was an old assignment that the professor gave
out before. But on the top of the page, in red ink, Zooey printed the words, “Can I have
your phone number?” Emma smiled and looked at her professor. “All you had to do was
ask”, said Emma, who pulled out a pen and wrote her cell number down. “Why haven’t
y-”, Emma cut off Zooey from talking abruptly. “Sorry Professor I have to run to my
next class.” “Ok”, replied Zooey, “well if you have any questions call me.” Zooey
missed the sex they had that day so bad. Emma wasn’t just a movie star; she was a
horny, sexy, perverted freak. One Wednesday night Zooey was very horny and she
didn’t know what to do with herself. Should she call Emma and see if they could do
something? Maybe perhaps meet up and share another great orgasm? It was 10 at night
and Zooey wasn’t sure what to do. As she lay on her sofa she wore some black lace
Victoria Secret boy shorts and a pink T-shirt. Zooey went with her instinct and called
Emma. The phone rang 3 times. Then a fourth ring, then a fifth. Finally someone picked
up the phone. “Ughhhhghhhhello”, moaned the other person on the line. “Emma, hi it’s
me Zooey.” “Oh….ghhhhgugg hello”, gasped Emma. “Did I wake you?” said Zooey.
“Hmmmm…not exactly”, said Emma in a low tone. “What’s wrong?” asked Zooey,
“you sound exhausted.” Emma paused for a few seconds then answered, “I’m riding a
guy’s cock.” Zooey’s face flushed red instanteously and immediately pre-cum started
leaking out of her pussy walls.
“Hello…ughhh…are you still there?” questioned the British student slut. Zooey
somehow got herself to answer Emma. “Yes…..I’m here.” Emma was on top of Sammy
Richards. Sammy was a 240 pound, six-foot three quarterback for the college football
team. Emma looked so small, as she rode the football player’s hard 8 inch cock. Emma
groaned into the phone. “Why don’t you cum over here Zooey, I want you to experience
Zooey paused for a second, not even noticing that her hand went down in her panties, as
she listened to Emma’s grunts and heavy breathing. His cock must have been so big, she
thought. “Ok….”, Zooey said, “I’ll be over. Where is your dorm?”
“Avery Hall”, replied Emma, “room 69. Hurry!” Emma hung the phone up and Zooey sat
on her couch stunned. After a minute, Zooey finally put the phone back on the hook as
the operator came on saying, “hang up and try again…”
Zooey walked through the main doors of Emma’s dorm. A red-headed student was
holding the door open for her girlfriend, so Zooey had no problem entering the dorm.
She wore a black rain coat and black high heels, and underneath, the professor had on a
lingerie ensemble, she quickly put together. Zooey approached Emma’s door. Her heart
was racing as she turned the knob and walked in to the dark dorm room. After closing
the door, Zooey listened and immediately heard groaning, Emma’s groaning coming
from the room on the right. “Oh yeah, fuck my tight pussy!”, yelled Emma. Zooey
peeked in the room and was greeted with the vision of her student on her hands and
knees, completely naked, taking Brett’s cock in her pussy-doggie. “Oh fuck”, Sammy
moaned, “Your pussy feels so fucking good.”
Sammy held on to Emma’s ass tight. Her pussy walls surrounded his hard swollen cock.
If she didn’t cum soon or change positions, Sammy knew he was going to lose his load.
Emma looked back at Sammy who was slamming her tight ass. “FUCK YEH, I’M
GOING TO CUM….YOU KEEP FUCKING ME..” Needless to say Sammy was
relieved. Sam had no idea Zooey was in the room, but Emma happened to look over and
saw her professor. Then Emma grabbed the pillow in front of her and grabbed it tight.
The point of no return came for Emma, so she stared Zooey in the face and repeated out
loud, “I’m cummmingggggggggggggg…..I’m cummmmmmmmmming.” Emma’s body
rocked with her orgasm, and Sammy felt her pussy contract and moisten immediately
around his cock. Emma came so loudly, a nerdy computer major in the next room heard
her orgasm through the walls. The poor boy pounded his cock mercilessly and looked
down to watch his own white sperm shoot out of his cock.
After Emma recovered she introduced Sammy to her professor. “Sam, dear this is my
professor Zooey.” Emma told Sammy her professor was coming over, but he wasn’t
aware of her being there. “Damn! How long have you been standing there?”, asked
Zooey answered, “Long enough.” “Why don’t you take off that rain coat”, asked Emma,
“what are you wearing under there?” Zooey did what she was told by the teen goddess.
Zooey wore a dark blue thong and a dark blue garter belt that attached to black mid-thigh
stockings. Her bra was lace and black, but for all intensive purposes, in the dark room, lit
only by the moonlight, it didn’t matter if the lingerie was matching.
Emma was in charge. It was her room and she commanded her professor to do what she
said. “Come over here and ride this big, thick cock” Zooey walked over to the bed and
gazed down at Sammy’s huge 8 inch cock. “Come on”, Emma exclaimed, “Jump on that
dick…..well first…” Emma realized there was no reason her professor should be wearing
the thong. So Emma got off the bed and pulled the thong down Zooey’s thighs and took
it off. Zooey, looking so hot in her lingerie, quickly got on top of Sam’s cock. Emma
helped slide the erection into her hot professor. Zooey clenched her teeth and closed her
eyes tight as his dick stretched her pussy open, bigger than any dildo ever did.
“Ohhhhhhh fuckkkkkkkk yehhhhhhhhh”, moaned Sammy. Zooey started to hump his
cock slowly, her small cute tits bounced in her bra. Emma grabbed her teacher’s tits and
pulled them out of the bra so everyone could enjoy their balloon like quality. “You’re
enjoying that cock too much”, said Emma, “feels so good having a real dick in there
Zooey didn’t pay attention to Emma due to the fact that the cock felt real fucking good.
Zooey stopped riding Sammy on her knees and then proceeded to hump him, putting her
weight now on her feet. The bad professor never had such a huge cock pump in and out
of her pussy and it felt great. “You like that motherfucker….you like me riding your
cock.” Sammy answered, “Fuck yeah ride that FUCKING COCK!” While Zooey gave
Sam the ride of his life, the fucking pair didn’t notice Emma putting on a strap on dildo.
It was as big as Sammy’s cock and black. “Ok SWITCH!”, said Emma. Zooey and
Sammy looked at Emma, and wondered what she meant.
Emma yelled, “Zooey get on top of me and Sammy, fuck her asshole.” Zooey’s humping
came to a stop and she cried out, “My asshole?!” “That’s right”, said Emma, “Come on. I
don’t fucking have all night!” Sam, with his huge hardon, got up and Emma lay down on
the bed. Zooey eased herself on the huge fake cock and started grinding on it.
Sammy tried to keep her ass still, so he could put his huge cock in there. Emma grabbed
Zooey’s face. “How’s that big dick feel” Zooey groaned and breathed heavily and finally
gasped out a, ugggggggggh…so fucking good.” Sam finally entered Zooey’s asshole and
the slutty professor yelled, “Oh myyyyyyyyy FUCKING GODDDDDDDD.”
Sammy yelled, “Oh fuck her ass is so tight!” Emma warned him quickly, “Don’t you
fucking cum Sammy! I want her to cum first.”
Zooey’s pussy and ass were getting worked overtime. The bed creaked and shook and at
times, it looked like the bed was going to collapse. Zooey looked at the fucker
underneath her and said, “You guys are going to make me cum so hard!” Emma, who still
rubbed her face gently moaned, “That’s what were here for baby. When you cum I want
you to stare at me as long as you possibly can.” Zooey looked back at her male fucker.
“Keep fucking me! Keep going! Send me over the edge you two!”
Emma grabbed Zooey’s hips and slammed her harder against the plastic cock. “That’s it
faster. I feel it”, Zooey yelled, “That’s it. Faster…ughhh
yehhh…Faster….fuck….me….that’s it. THAT’S ITTTTTTTT…” Emma knew her
darling’s orgasm was on the way out. Emma grabbed Zooey’s pretty face again and
Zooey stared in Emma’s brown eyes. For several seconds Zooey, with her mouth open
stared at Emma with her blue eyes. Not much sound came out of her throat, except for a
whimper. “THAT’S IT. CUM FOR ME.”, commanded Emma. Finally Zooey closed her
eyes and moaned loudly. She collapsed in orgasm on Emma’s chest as she convulsed in a
very pulsating good cum. As Zooey’s hips still convulsed in after shocks, Sam moaned
loudly, “I’M GONNA CUM.” Sammy pulled out and Emma moved Zooey on her back
quickly. Sam got on his knees right in front of Zooey’s face, and Emma lay next to her.
Geysers of white sticky baby maker landed across Zooey’s face and got into her brown
hair. His loads were so powerful he overshot the first three blasts. More followed, sticky
white ropes of sperm, landed across her cheek. Soon her face was a white puddle. Sam
turned a little to the right just in time. A blast of his milk shot almost up Emma’s nose
and went into her hair as well. Zooey laid there with a huge milky white puddle in her
face. She couldn’t even open her eyes all the way. Emma was kind of enough to help her
friend though. The student licked the cum off of Zooey’s face, her nose, and cheek….
then swallowed every drop.
That weekend Emma and Zooey went on their first date. Emma invited Zooey to a fancy
restaurant near the college. Zooey didn’t have to pick up Emma, because Emma was
clear on them meeting at the place. Zooey sat at the bar of the restaurant waiting for her
gal pal. The professor turned up the sex by wearing a short black skirt, mini-skirt length
and matching high heel shoes. Zooey also didn’t wear any stockings this time, she went
out bare leg. Emma finally showed up in a beautiful white dress with flower designs on
it. The dress fell down below Emma’s knees and as Emma entered, Zooey was kind of
embarrassed that she was the one who looked like a skank. The girls were seated far in
the corner of the dimly lit restaurant in a booth. “I’m so glad to see you”, Emma said,
“and you look so fucking hot.”
“Thanks”, replied Zooey, “you don’t look so bad yourself.” They both checked their
menus, but Zooey kept glancing at Emma’s beautiful face. The teen had on bright red
lipstick, and she looked more beautiful then ever. Emma checked on her menu and
looked up in time to see Zooey staring at her face. “What?”, asked Emma.
Zooey paused, and then moved her face closer to Emma. “You’re so beautiful. And you
really showed me so much these last couple weeks.”
Emma with her gorgeous British accent replied, “You showed me so much too. You
showed me that an uptight professor can be such a slut in bed.” Both girls laughed at
Emma’s statement. Their waitress, Beth, a cute, well built blond, took their order. The
girls talked and eventually the food arrived “So do you have any siblings?”, asked
Emma. Zooey answered, “Yes…..I have a sister.”
Emma’s face went from serious to expressing a huge smile, like she was just presented
with an academy award. “A sister”, exclaimed Emma, “Really? Is she my age? Is she
older?” Zooey realized she might have made a mistake mentioning her beautiful sister.
“She’s 33; she’ll be 34 in October.” Emma thought she was an expert at corrupting a
woman in her twenties. What a conquest a woman in her thirties would be. “That’s
amazing.” said Emma, “What does she look like?”
Zooey, who proud of her lovely sister said, “She pretty much is a five foot nine version of
me.” The girls talked and drank, then ate some more. Out of the blue Emma asked,
“What kind of panties are you wearing?” Zooey answered, “hi-cuts, blue Victoria
Emma in a meaner tone said, “Hi-cuts? I invite you to dinner here and your wearing just
hi-cuts? Not lace or maybe a thong?” Zooey didn’t know what to say. She kind of
smirked and picked at her left over food. “Oh you think it’s funny”, said Ms Watson.
Zooey quickly chirped, “NO! I’m not laughing…..” But Zooey clearly had a smile on her
face by now. Emma went into her purse bag, and pulled out a slim g-spot vibrator. It was
thin and like five inches long. Emma turned on the vibrator on its lowest speed then
carefully put it down on the floor, by her feet.
“Maybe you’ll think this is funny”, said Emma. Emma grabbed the vibrator with her two
feet and directed it up Zooey’s skirt. “Spread your legs”, demanded Emma. “I can’t
believe your doing this”, said Zooey, who obeyed her student’s direction. Emma sat back
in the chair, so that she could maneuver the vibe against her teacher’s pussy. Zooey sat
up and spread her legs, but not really wide. “I really don’t think this is a-”
Emma Watson cut off Zooey immediately, “ZOOEY. SHUT THE FUCK UP AND
RELAX.” Emma pushed the head against Zooey’s panty covered pussy and it felt good.
Zooey slightly moved her panty crotch to the side so she could get the full effect of the
vibe. Resting her head on her right hand, Zooey relaxed and kept her palm open so no
one could see her face. “You’re a bad girl”, said Zooey. Luckily no one sat near Emma
and Zooey, but it kind of looked like Emma’s feet were resting on Zooey’s lap from
under the table. Even with the vibe on slow speed, Zooey and her clit was enjoying the
sensation. Beth came over again and really didn’t pay attention to what was going on
underneath the table. “Can I get you two anything else?” she asked.
“I’m good”, replied Emma, “how about you Zooey dear.” Zooey for a second had to
leave her state of bliss and move her hand from her face. “I’m…uhh…I’m all set, just the
bill please..” “No problem”, replied the waitress as she scurried off to print out their bill.
Zooey promptly hid her face again and Emma, who didn’t stop when the waitress came
by, proceeded to push the dildo harder on her friend’s clit. After a few minutes Emma
stopped and dropped the vibe. Emma then picked it up and turned it on to the next speed.
The vibe let out a louder buzz and Emma dropped it on the floor and picked it up with her
feet again. Zooey spread her panties aside and Emma thrusted it against her pussy.
In a high pitched quiet voice, Zooey said, “Oh my god…your gonna make me cum.”
“Am I?”, questioned Emma, “Tell me how much you like it.”
Zooey stammered to talk, “I love that vibrator on my clit, fuck me with your feet.” Emma
retorted, “Let me know when you’re on your way dear.” Emma kept on teasing Zooey
with her British voice, which each word she oozed sex and eroticism. “Are you my dirty
slut?” asked Emma as her two feet massaged the vibe hard against Zooey’s cunt.
Zooey groaned then after a pause answered, “Yessss, I’m your dirty fucking slut!”
“Good girl”, said Emma who pushed her feet hard against Zooey’s clit and kept them
there. Zooey sat there with the vibrator buzzing hard against her sensitive vagina and
then she felt her orgasm coming. Zooey looked straight into Emma’s eyes and moaned,
“Oh my godddddddddddd.” Emma had a feeling that was it, her Zooey was on her way to
orgasm, so she let her feet go and let the vibrator drop to the floor. Emma picked the
vibe off the floor and put it in her bag. Then she whispered to Zooey, which she really
didn’t have too in the uncrowded restaurant. “Meet me in the bathroom in five minutes.”
Emma got up and left her ruined Orgasm date at the table. The waitress came over and
brought the bill which Zooey paid. Six minutes went by and an unhappy Zooey finally
got up, grabbed her purse, and made her way to the bathroom.
Zooey walked into the woman’s bathroom and immediately knew someone was behind
her. It was Emma and in a flash, Emma locked the bathroom door and pushed Zooey
hard against the sink. Zooey watched Emma in the mirror get behind her and go up her
skirt. Emma pulled her teacher’s panties all the way off and then stuck them in Zooey’s
mouth. “Taste yourself”, said Emma. Then the British tease lifted up her long dress and
revealed a large 9 inch black strap on she was wearing. Emma grabbed the hard dildo
and carefully stuck it up her professor’s cunt. Zooey yelled out a loud, garbled, moan as
the fake dick was inserted to the hilt. Emma so enjoyed that loud moan and she also
relished watching her teacher’s eyes close tight!
Emma grabbed Zooey’s tight ass and fucked her right there hard over the sink. Emma
was so turned on as she fucked Ms Deschanel. The blue eyed brunette just moaned over
and over as loud as she could, which each stab of the dildo. “How does that feel my
princess?” Emma was kind enough to finally remove the panties from Zooey’s mouth.
Then she grabbed her teacher’s hair and fucked her pussy harder. Zooey kept on gasping
and moaning, and in between the groans she would say, “Oh yeah…oh yeah…”
Emma yelled, “OPEN YOUR EYES AND LOOK AT ME.” Zooey managed to open her
eyes a little and watched her bottom meet Emma’s hips with a big ‘SLAP’ noise over and
over again. Zooey moaned, “Oh fuck my pussy. Make me cum…..make me
cummmmm…..make me…..OHHHHHHHHHHHHH
Deschanel. Emma let her hair go and Zooey rested herself on her own arms on the sink.
Her teacher also started yelling like a possessed demon as she came, moaning, “Oh fuck
…………YEAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” Emma kept on fucking Zooey until she
was done with her climax. And what a climax it was! By now the bathroom had a serious
clammy, pungent sex odor to it. Emma took off the strap on and smiled at Ms Deschanel,
who still was leaning over the sink in post-orgasmic bliss.
Zooey finally fixed herself up and put on her underwear. Emma unlocked the bathroom
door and Zooey said, “Damn. That was the best fucking you ever gave me!”
Emma looked at her beautiful professor and remarked, “Well when we get to your house,
it’s my turn.”
wait for her class, “Introduction to Gender and Sexuality Studies.” She had a crush on
her professor, 29 year old Zooey Deschanel. The five foot six brunette always wore
some type of dress to class and had beautiful, piercing blue eyes. Emma always sat in the
front row of the huge lecture hall and every day she had Professor Deschanel, she wore a
skirt and made sure her legs were spread. Emma even caught the professor during
lectures, peeking up her skirt a few times. Was she bi? Emma was determined to find
out. After class one day, Emma decided to stop by Zooey’s office during her office
hours. The syllabus that the professor provided, also listed her cell phone number and
email. Contact information that Emma could use later on, once she hopefully would get
to know the professor better.
Emma wore a short denim mini skirt and a white blouse that accentuated her big breasts,
such lovely British cleavage. Emma carried an expensive British leather bag that carried
her books, laptop, and cell phone. She knocked on the professor’s
door…knock…knock…knock. “Come in,” replied the professor. Emma opened the door
and saw her teacher sitting at her desk. Professor Deschanel had papers and folders all
over her desk. Zooey’s laptop was on and displayed the Brown University website. Miss
Deschanel had on a nice dark blue dress that was no shorter than her knees. It had white
polk-a-dots throughout the fabric. “Nice to see you Emma, how can I help you”, asked
Zooey politely. “Well I just had some questions about what we went over today mame”,
said Emma. “Mam?” said Zooey, “please call me Zooey. Have a seat.” “Ok then”,
replied Emma who sat down and crossed her long pale legs, “how do you feel about gay
sexuality?” “How do I feel about it?” said Zooey, “I feel if two people are in love the
sexuality really doesn’t matter.” “I see, can I ask you a personal question Zooey”, asked
Emma. “Well that depends”, said Zooey as she looked down on the floor to break
Emma’s eye stare. “Depends on what?” asked Emma. Zooey paused for a few seconds
then said, “Ok, ask me.”
Emma asked, “Are you gay?” Zooey chuckled and smiled. She even looked at Emma’s
smooth legs that were in front of her, and then answered Emma. “No I’m straight.” “You
must have a boyfriend”, said Emma. Zooey answered her, “No I’m single. I haven’t
found Mr. right yet.” “Oh my god”, said Emma, “your a beautiful, intelligent woman,
how can that be.” “I guess that’s the way it is”, said Zooey. “Well that shouldn’t be the
way it is”, said Emma, “how do you deal with all these young guys you teach every day.”
Zooey paused then looked in Emma’s eyes, “like I talked about in class, that’s what
masturbation is for.” Emma smiled, “oh my god that’s so true. What do you use to get
off with Miss Deschanel.” “Ok I think we need to stop this talk. I’m not going to talk
about my personal life”, said Zooey. Emma uncrossed her legs and moved her chair a
little closer to her professor. “You already opened the book Professor Deschanel”, said
Emma, “Come on. I won’t tell a soul. Please.” It was quite obvious that the Professor
had no personal life. She studied, studied, and studied and got her PH.D. It has been
years since she had intercourse with a man, and a man has never, ever given her an
orgasm. Zooey paused for awhile and crossed her legs. Then she looked at Emma and
raised her right hand. “I use this”, said Zooey. Zooey continued, “I have a magic wand
at home and a 6 inch black dildo with a suction cup at the base.” Emma smiled, “Oh my
god, do you fasten it to a table or the wall and fuck it?” Zooey responded, “What do you
think.” Emma laughed and put her index finger in her mouth then said, “Your making me
wet.” Zooey was curious about this young 18 year old in front of her. “You must have a
boyfriend”, asked Zooey. “No…I don’t have one”, replied Emma. “Not even in
England?” said Zooey. “Miss Deschanel, look around. I don’t need a boyfriend; there is
cock all over this campus. If you opened your eyes you would see all the dick’s that are
available to you.” Zooey didn’t like Emma’s comment but it was true. “I told you not to
call me Miss Deschanel”, Zooey exclaimed, “Call me Zooey.” Zooey paused and looked
her student up and down. “I’m curious”, Zooey said, “when was the last time you had
sex?” Emma didn’t hesitate and answered, “last night.” “Last night”, said zooey, “was it
good? With who?”
Emma talked about it like it was just another booty call. “Some guy that lives on my floor
in Avery hall. He didn’t last long though. After like 10 minutes he couldn’t take it and
pulled out. Shot a big load all over my face.” Zooey sat there amazed that Emma was
talking about getting fucked so casual. “Your now making me wet”, said Zooey, “what
position did he do you in?” Emma retorted, “What position did he fuck me in? Zooey you
have to start swearing honey. He fucked me missionary but I didn’t cum. It’s good I
brought my vibrator with me. I made him get hard again and had him fuck me doggie,
and then I pressed the vibe against my tight pussy and finally got off.”
“That’s very erotic”, said Zooey. Emma knew she was getting to her teacher. “This is
it”, Emma thought to herself. Emma reached in her bag and fumbled around in it while
Zooey watched. Then with her teenage hands still in the bag, Emma put a finger vibrator
on her right hand index finger. The vibrator was a small device that attached to the finger
and was great at manipulating clits. After Emma had the device securely on her finger,
she looked at Zooey with a serious hot gaze, turned the vibe on, and got up off her chair.
Within a second Emma lifted up Zooey’s skirt with a flip with her left hand and pressed it
against her teacher’s panty covered crotch. Zooey grabbed Emma’s right arm, then hit it
a few times. “WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?” yelled Professor Deschanel.
Emma blocked her teacher’s hits and pressed the vibe hard against her moist crotch.
“Stop fighting me Zooey. You need to let out that frustration”, growled Emma. Zooey
calmed down quick, the little vibe was powerful. Emma lifted her teacher’s skirt all the
way up and examined her panties. Zooey’s panties were light blue with little yellow and
blue flowers. “What kind of panties are these”, asked Emma. Zooey, whose eyes were
glazed over and half open answered, “Ughhh……Vic….Victoria Seeeecret.” Emma
smiled as she moved her teacher’s panties over and pressed the vibe right against Zooey’s
clit. Zooey’s eyes closed tight and her mouth opened and let out a delightful, erotic
moan. “Victoria Secret”, said Emma, “you get all dolled up at your house to fuck your
dildo’s huh?” In other circumstances Zooey would have slapped Emma’s face, but she
just groaned, “You little bitch.” Emma ran her free hand up and down Zooey’s right leg.
“You have such smooth, creamy legs Miss Deschanel. I can’t wait for you to cum for
“Keep going….keep going”, moaned Zooey, who started grinding her hips to Emma’s
finger. Emma lifted up her own skirt all the way and played with herself, using her free
hand. “Feel good”, asked Emma, who made sure she rubbed the vibe against her
professor’s sensitive clit hard. Zooey didn’t answer; she was too busy fucking her
student’s finger. “Oh my god”, Zooey yelled, “your going to make me cum.”
“Isn’t that what you want”, said Emma, “I can’t wait to see your cum face. Let out all
that frustration of not getting any cock all these years.” Zooey looked into Emma’s
beautiful face, then down where Emma’s finger was slamming her pussy. The 29 year
old professor, who had her skirt all hiked up, felt her impending orgasm coming. Emma
hit it, the point of no return. Zooey stared directly in Emma’s brown eyes and yelled,
“OH FUCK. I’M GONNA CUM. Here it comes. HERE IT CUMS!” Emma pushed her
vibrating finger hard against Zooey’s clit. “Let it go….let it go…..let it go”, exclaimed
Emma, her voice rising louder and louder. Zooey’s eyes rolled into her head and she
proceeded to moan loudly, her pussy convulsing over the vibe. Zooey was in orgasm
bliss as she groaned with her eyes closed tight and her mouth gasping and yelling,
Zooey then grabbed Emma’s hand hard and sat up in the chair, staring at her student’s
face during her orgasm. “Yeh, fuck yeah cum for Emma sweetheart”, purred Emma.
After staring at Emma for 5 seconds, which felt like eternity, Zooey’s eyes rolled back up
in her head again, then her hips began to shake and convulsed as the orgasm continued to
rip her apart. Finally Zooey was done cumming, and it was the best orgasm she ever had.
Emma looked at her wrecked, violated, post-orgasm teacher collapsed in her chair. Dress
all dishelved, panty crotch showing, and smooth pale legs. Emma was wet as fuck and
promptly sat on her teacher’s lap, as she laid there literally in a daze. Emma pushed her
own panties aside and stuck the vibe against her pussy. She grinded on her teacher,
squeezing Zooey’s tits, then her own. “I’m going to fucking cum on you Zooey, YOU
HEAR ME?”, Emma yelled. “I’m going to fuckin
cummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!” Emma’s orgasm ripped
through her body very fast. Zooey managed to open her eyes in time to watch the 18 year
old convulse on top of her. “OH MY GOD, I’M CUMMINGGGGGGGGGGG”, yelled
Emma. Emma groaned loudly as her pussy exploded over her teacher’s lap. Finally
Emma regained her composure, and then got off Zooey who still laid in post orgasm
bliss. Emma put the vibrator away in her bag, then grabbed the bag and without saying a
word to her professor, left Zooey’s office and closed the door behind her…
The next day came and went, followed by another day, and then another. It was like
Emma disappeared from Zooey’s life! Zooey saw Emma in class but it was like they
never shared an intimate moment. So after class ended one day Zooey walked over to
Emma at her desk. Emma was putting her books away wearing a hot short black skirt.
Zooey handed Emma a piece of paper. “Here’s that assignment you wanted Emma”,
Zooey said. Emma looked at the paper. It was an old assignment that the professor gave
out before. But on the top of the page, in red ink, Zooey printed the words, “Can I have
your phone number?” Emma smiled and looked at her professor. “All you had to do was
ask”, said Emma, who pulled out a pen and wrote her cell number down. “Why haven’t
y-”, Emma cut off Zooey from talking abruptly. “Sorry Professor I have to run to my
next class.” “Ok”, replied Zooey, “well if you have any questions call me.” Zooey
missed the sex they had that day so bad. Emma wasn’t just a movie star; she was a
horny, sexy, perverted freak. One Wednesday night Zooey was very horny and she
didn’t know what to do with herself. Should she call Emma and see if they could do
something? Maybe perhaps meet up and share another great orgasm? It was 10 at night
and Zooey wasn’t sure what to do. As she lay on her sofa she wore some black lace
Victoria Secret boy shorts and a pink T-shirt. Zooey went with her instinct and called
Emma. The phone rang 3 times. Then a fourth ring, then a fifth. Finally someone picked
up the phone. “Ughhhhghhhhello”, moaned the other person on the line. “Emma, hi it’s
me Zooey.” “Oh….ghhhhgugg hello”, gasped Emma. “Did I wake you?” said Zooey.
“Hmmmm…not exactly”, said Emma in a low tone. “What’s wrong?” asked Zooey,
“you sound exhausted.” Emma paused for a few seconds then answered, “I’m riding a
guy’s cock.” Zooey’s face flushed red instanteously and immediately pre-cum started
leaking out of her pussy walls.
“Hello…ughhh…are you still there?” questioned the British student slut. Zooey
somehow got herself to answer Emma. “Yes…..I’m here.” Emma was on top of Sammy
Richards. Sammy was a 240 pound, six-foot three quarterback for the college football
team. Emma looked so small, as she rode the football player’s hard 8 inch cock. Emma
groaned into the phone. “Why don’t you cum over here Zooey, I want you to experience
Zooey paused for a second, not even noticing that her hand went down in her panties, as
she listened to Emma’s grunts and heavy breathing. His cock must have been so big, she
thought. “Ok….”, Zooey said, “I’ll be over. Where is your dorm?”
“Avery Hall”, replied Emma, “room 69. Hurry!” Emma hung the phone up and Zooey sat
on her couch stunned. After a minute, Zooey finally put the phone back on the hook as
the operator came on saying, “hang up and try again…”
Zooey walked through the main doors of Emma’s dorm. A red-headed student was
holding the door open for her girlfriend, so Zooey had no problem entering the dorm.
She wore a black rain coat and black high heels, and underneath, the professor had on a
lingerie ensemble, she quickly put together. Zooey approached Emma’s door. Her heart
was racing as she turned the knob and walked in to the dark dorm room. After closing
the door, Zooey listened and immediately heard groaning, Emma’s groaning coming
from the room on the right. “Oh yeah, fuck my tight pussy!”, yelled Emma. Zooey
peeked in the room and was greeted with the vision of her student on her hands and
knees, completely naked, taking Brett’s cock in her pussy-doggie. “Oh fuck”, Sammy
moaned, “Your pussy feels so fucking good.”
Sammy held on to Emma’s ass tight. Her pussy walls surrounded his hard swollen cock.
If she didn’t cum soon or change positions, Sammy knew he was going to lose his load.
Emma looked back at Sammy who was slamming her tight ass. “FUCK YEH, I’M
GOING TO CUM….YOU KEEP FUCKING ME..” Needless to say Sammy was
relieved. Sam had no idea Zooey was in the room, but Emma happened to look over and
saw her professor. Then Emma grabbed the pillow in front of her and grabbed it tight.
The point of no return came for Emma, so she stared Zooey in the face and repeated out
loud, “I’m cummmingggggggggggggg…..I’m cummmmmmmmmming.” Emma’s body
rocked with her orgasm, and Sammy felt her pussy contract and moisten immediately
around his cock. Emma came so loudly, a nerdy computer major in the next room heard
her orgasm through the walls. The poor boy pounded his cock mercilessly and looked
down to watch his own white sperm shoot out of his cock.
After Emma recovered she introduced Sammy to her professor. “Sam, dear this is my
professor Zooey.” Emma told Sammy her professor was coming over, but he wasn’t
aware of her being there. “Damn! How long have you been standing there?”, asked
Zooey answered, “Long enough.” “Why don’t you take off that rain coat”, asked Emma,
“what are you wearing under there?” Zooey did what she was told by the teen goddess.
Zooey wore a dark blue thong and a dark blue garter belt that attached to black mid-thigh
stockings. Her bra was lace and black, but for all intensive purposes, in the dark room, lit
only by the moonlight, it didn’t matter if the lingerie was matching.
Emma was in charge. It was her room and she commanded her professor to do what she
said. “Come over here and ride this big, thick cock” Zooey walked over to the bed and
gazed down at Sammy’s huge 8 inch cock. “Come on”, Emma exclaimed, “Jump on that
dick…..well first…” Emma realized there was no reason her professor should be wearing
the thong. So Emma got off the bed and pulled the thong down Zooey’s thighs and took
it off. Zooey, looking so hot in her lingerie, quickly got on top of Sam’s cock. Emma
helped slide the erection into her hot professor. Zooey clenched her teeth and closed her
eyes tight as his dick stretched her pussy open, bigger than any dildo ever did.
“Ohhhhhhh fuckkkkkkkk yehhhhhhhhh”, moaned Sammy. Zooey started to hump his
cock slowly, her small cute tits bounced in her bra. Emma grabbed her teacher’s tits and
pulled them out of the bra so everyone could enjoy their balloon like quality. “You’re
enjoying that cock too much”, said Emma, “feels so good having a real dick in there
Zooey didn’t pay attention to Emma due to the fact that the cock felt real fucking good.
Zooey stopped riding Sammy on her knees and then proceeded to hump him, putting her
weight now on her feet. The bad professor never had such a huge cock pump in and out
of her pussy and it felt great. “You like that motherfucker….you like me riding your
cock.” Sammy answered, “Fuck yeah ride that FUCKING COCK!” While Zooey gave
Sam the ride of his life, the fucking pair didn’t notice Emma putting on a strap on dildo.
It was as big as Sammy’s cock and black. “Ok SWITCH!”, said Emma. Zooey and
Sammy looked at Emma, and wondered what she meant.
Emma yelled, “Zooey get on top of me and Sammy, fuck her asshole.” Zooey’s humping
came to a stop and she cried out, “My asshole?!” “That’s right”, said Emma, “Come on. I
don’t fucking have all night!” Sam, with his huge hardon, got up and Emma lay down on
the bed. Zooey eased herself on the huge fake cock and started grinding on it.
Sammy tried to keep her ass still, so he could put his huge cock in there. Emma grabbed
Zooey’s face. “How’s that big dick feel” Zooey groaned and breathed heavily and finally
gasped out a, ugggggggggh…so fucking good.” Sam finally entered Zooey’s asshole and
the slutty professor yelled, “Oh myyyyyyyyy FUCKING GODDDDDDDD.”
Sammy yelled, “Oh fuck her ass is so tight!” Emma warned him quickly, “Don’t you
fucking cum Sammy! I want her to cum first.”
Zooey’s pussy and ass were getting worked overtime. The bed creaked and shook and at
times, it looked like the bed was going to collapse. Zooey looked at the fucker
underneath her and said, “You guys are going to make me cum so hard!” Emma, who still
rubbed her face gently moaned, “That’s what were here for baby. When you cum I want
you to stare at me as long as you possibly can.” Zooey looked back at her male fucker.
“Keep fucking me! Keep going! Send me over the edge you two!”
Emma grabbed Zooey’s hips and slammed her harder against the plastic cock. “That’s it
faster. I feel it”, Zooey yelled, “That’s it. Faster…ughhh
yehhh…Faster….fuck….me….that’s it. THAT’S ITTTTTTTT…” Emma knew her
darling’s orgasm was on the way out. Emma grabbed Zooey’s pretty face again and
Zooey stared in Emma’s brown eyes. For several seconds Zooey, with her mouth open
stared at Emma with her blue eyes. Not much sound came out of her throat, except for a
whimper. “THAT’S IT. CUM FOR ME.”, commanded Emma. Finally Zooey closed her
eyes and moaned loudly. She collapsed in orgasm on Emma’s chest as she convulsed in a
very pulsating good cum. As Zooey’s hips still convulsed in after shocks, Sam moaned
loudly, “I’M GONNA CUM.” Sammy pulled out and Emma moved Zooey on her back
quickly. Sam got on his knees right in front of Zooey’s face, and Emma lay next to her.
Geysers of white sticky baby maker landed across Zooey’s face and got into her brown
hair. His loads were so powerful he overshot the first three blasts. More followed, sticky
white ropes of sperm, landed across her cheek. Soon her face was a white puddle. Sam
turned a little to the right just in time. A blast of his milk shot almost up Emma’s nose
and went into her hair as well. Zooey laid there with a huge milky white puddle in her
face. She couldn’t even open her eyes all the way. Emma was kind of enough to help her
friend though. The student licked the cum off of Zooey’s face, her nose, and cheek….
then swallowed every drop.
That weekend Emma and Zooey went on their first date. Emma invited Zooey to a fancy
restaurant near the college. Zooey didn’t have to pick up Emma, because Emma was
clear on them meeting at the place. Zooey sat at the bar of the restaurant waiting for her
gal pal. The professor turned up the sex by wearing a short black skirt, mini-skirt length
and matching high heel shoes. Zooey also didn’t wear any stockings this time, she went
out bare leg. Emma finally showed up in a beautiful white dress with flower designs on
it. The dress fell down below Emma’s knees and as Emma entered, Zooey was kind of
embarrassed that she was the one who looked like a skank. The girls were seated far in
the corner of the dimly lit restaurant in a booth. “I’m so glad to see you”, Emma said,
“and you look so fucking hot.”
“Thanks”, replied Zooey, “you don’t look so bad yourself.” They both checked their
menus, but Zooey kept glancing at Emma’s beautiful face. The teen had on bright red
lipstick, and she looked more beautiful then ever. Emma checked on her menu and
looked up in time to see Zooey staring at her face. “What?”, asked Emma.
Zooey paused, and then moved her face closer to Emma. “You’re so beautiful. And you
really showed me so much these last couple weeks.”
Emma with her gorgeous British accent replied, “You showed me so much too. You
showed me that an uptight professor can be such a slut in bed.” Both girls laughed at
Emma’s statement. Their waitress, Beth, a cute, well built blond, took their order. The
girls talked and eventually the food arrived “So do you have any siblings?”, asked
Emma. Zooey answered, “Yes…..I have a sister.”
Emma’s face went from serious to expressing a huge smile, like she was just presented
with an academy award. “A sister”, exclaimed Emma, “Really? Is she my age? Is she
older?” Zooey realized she might have made a mistake mentioning her beautiful sister.
“She’s 33; she’ll be 34 in October.” Emma thought she was an expert at corrupting a
woman in her twenties. What a conquest a woman in her thirties would be. “That’s
amazing.” said Emma, “What does she look like?”
Zooey, who proud of her lovely sister said, “She pretty much is a five foot nine version of
me.” The girls talked and drank, then ate some more. Out of the blue Emma asked,
“What kind of panties are you wearing?” Zooey answered, “hi-cuts, blue Victoria
Emma in a meaner tone said, “Hi-cuts? I invite you to dinner here and your wearing just
hi-cuts? Not lace or maybe a thong?” Zooey didn’t know what to say. She kind of
smirked and picked at her left over food. “Oh you think it’s funny”, said Ms Watson.
Zooey quickly chirped, “NO! I’m not laughing…..” But Zooey clearly had a smile on her
face by now. Emma went into her purse bag, and pulled out a slim g-spot vibrator. It was
thin and like five inches long. Emma turned on the vibrator on its lowest speed then
carefully put it down on the floor, by her feet.
“Maybe you’ll think this is funny”, said Emma. Emma grabbed the vibrator with her two
feet and directed it up Zooey’s skirt. “Spread your legs”, demanded Emma. “I can’t
believe your doing this”, said Zooey, who obeyed her student’s direction. Emma sat back
in the chair, so that she could maneuver the vibe against her teacher’s pussy. Zooey sat
up and spread her legs, but not really wide. “I really don’t think this is a-”
Emma Watson cut off Zooey immediately, “ZOOEY. SHUT THE FUCK UP AND
RELAX.” Emma pushed the head against Zooey’s panty covered pussy and it felt good.
Zooey slightly moved her panty crotch to the side so she could get the full effect of the
vibe. Resting her head on her right hand, Zooey relaxed and kept her palm open so no
one could see her face. “You’re a bad girl”, said Zooey. Luckily no one sat near Emma
and Zooey, but it kind of looked like Emma’s feet were resting on Zooey’s lap from
under the table. Even with the vibe on slow speed, Zooey and her clit was enjoying the
sensation. Beth came over again and really didn’t pay attention to what was going on
underneath the table. “Can I get you two anything else?” she asked.
“I’m good”, replied Emma, “how about you Zooey dear.” Zooey for a second had to
leave her state of bliss and move her hand from her face. “I’m…uhh…I’m all set, just the
bill please..” “No problem”, replied the waitress as she scurried off to print out their bill.
Zooey promptly hid her face again and Emma, who didn’t stop when the waitress came
by, proceeded to push the dildo harder on her friend’s clit. After a few minutes Emma
stopped and dropped the vibe. Emma then picked it up and turned it on to the next speed.
The vibe let out a louder buzz and Emma dropped it on the floor and picked it up with her
feet again. Zooey spread her panties aside and Emma thrusted it against her pussy.
In a high pitched quiet voice, Zooey said, “Oh my god…your gonna make me cum.”
“Am I?”, questioned Emma, “Tell me how much you like it.”
Zooey stammered to talk, “I love that vibrator on my clit, fuck me with your feet.” Emma
retorted, “Let me know when you’re on your way dear.” Emma kept on teasing Zooey
with her British voice, which each word she oozed sex and eroticism. “Are you my dirty
slut?” asked Emma as her two feet massaged the vibe hard against Zooey’s cunt.
Zooey groaned then after a pause answered, “Yessss, I’m your dirty fucking slut!”
“Good girl”, said Emma who pushed her feet hard against Zooey’s clit and kept them
there. Zooey sat there with the vibrator buzzing hard against her sensitive vagina and
then she felt her orgasm coming. Zooey looked straight into Emma’s eyes and moaned,
“Oh my godddddddddddd.” Emma had a feeling that was it, her Zooey was on her way to
orgasm, so she let her feet go and let the vibrator drop to the floor. Emma picked the
vibe off the floor and put it in her bag. Then she whispered to Zooey, which she really
didn’t have too in the uncrowded restaurant. “Meet me in the bathroom in five minutes.”
Emma got up and left her ruined Orgasm date at the table. The waitress came over and
brought the bill which Zooey paid. Six minutes went by and an unhappy Zooey finally
got up, grabbed her purse, and made her way to the bathroom.
Zooey walked into the woman’s bathroom and immediately knew someone was behind
her. It was Emma and in a flash, Emma locked the bathroom door and pushed Zooey
hard against the sink. Zooey watched Emma in the mirror get behind her and go up her
skirt. Emma pulled her teacher’s panties all the way off and then stuck them in Zooey’s
mouth. “Taste yourself”, said Emma. Then the British tease lifted up her long dress and
revealed a large 9 inch black strap on she was wearing. Emma grabbed the hard dildo
and carefully stuck it up her professor’s cunt. Zooey yelled out a loud, garbled, moan as
the fake dick was inserted to the hilt. Emma so enjoyed that loud moan and she also
relished watching her teacher’s eyes close tight!
Emma grabbed Zooey’s tight ass and fucked her right there hard over the sink. Emma
was so turned on as she fucked Ms Deschanel. The blue eyed brunette just moaned over
and over as loud as she could, which each stab of the dildo. “How does that feel my
princess?” Emma was kind enough to finally remove the panties from Zooey’s mouth.
Then she grabbed her teacher’s hair and fucked her pussy harder. Zooey kept on gasping
and moaning, and in between the groans she would say, “Oh yeah…oh yeah…”
Emma yelled, “OPEN YOUR EYES AND LOOK AT ME.” Zooey managed to open her
eyes a little and watched her bottom meet Emma’s hips with a big ‘SLAP’ noise over and
over again. Zooey moaned, “Oh fuck my pussy. Make me cum…..make me
cummmmm…..make me…..OHHHHHHHHHHHHH
Deschanel. Emma let her hair go and Zooey rested herself on her own arms on the sink.
Her teacher also started yelling like a possessed demon as she came, moaning, “Oh fuck
…………YEAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” Emma kept on fucking Zooey until she
was done with her climax. And what a climax it was! By now the bathroom had a serious
clammy, pungent sex odor to it. Emma took off the strap on and smiled at Ms Deschanel,
who still was leaning over the sink in post-orgasmic bliss.
Zooey finally fixed herself up and put on her underwear. Emma unlocked the bathroom
door and Zooey said, “Damn. That was the best fucking you ever gave me!”
Emma looked at her beautiful professor and remarked, “Well when we get to your house,
it’s my turn.”
2 years ago