Melissa at the movies

"What I'm trying to explain, is that I don't know if I'd get horny or
not. Since we've been married, the only other time that I've seen another
man's cock was when you brought home X rated videos. Sure, I got horny that
night! We couldn't wait to get into bed! We were so fucked out we just laid
around most of the next day!"

"Did looking at cocks before we got married turn you on?"

Melissa looked at her husband, reflectively, "Well, I guess so."

"What do you mean, you guess so?"

"Of course it turned me on. Is that what you wanted to hear?"

"I didn't want to hear anything except the truth, Dear. My point is
that naked is sexy."

"Of course, it can be sexy as hell. But after being with you, I just
don't know if looking at another man's cock would turn me on or not."

Bill's eyebrows shot up. "And that's what I'm trying to explain to
you, that how could you know how your body and mind will act unless you have
the experience. Sometimes, something might sound exciting, but in the real
world, fact and fantasy might be totally different."

Melissa grinned back at Bill. "And just what have you got planned?
The last time you started this kind of conversation, you brought home a few
fuck movies. Now, you're asking if seeing a guy with a boner, even jacking
off, would turn me on? Okay, yes, it would turn me on... a lot!"

"And, what if he wanted you to do the jacking?" Her husband asked with
raised eyebrows.

The pert brunette grinned impishly at her husband. "Now I don't know
who's talking about fact, and who's talking about fantasy. Did you bring
another of those films home? If you did, let's get it out and get it on.
All this talk about cocks has me juicing already."

"No, Honey, I didn't bring any videos home, but if you're serious about
seeing a film tonight, we can go to that adult theater in town and watch
one, then come back home and make a little love."

"A little love? I'd rather a big fuck, it sounds dirtier! Why go to the
flick when we can see the video at home?"

"People go for the atmosphere. It's totally different than sitting
home and watching them on a small TV screen."

"Do couples go to those movies?"

"I think that there are more single men, or maybe married men on a
night away from their wives, but there are couples, and once in a while a
single lady comes in."

"So, they only sit there and watch the movies, getting all horned-up,
is that it?"

"Well, not always. Most of the time there are guys jacking off in the
back row, also sometimes a couple will get so excited that they make it
right there in the theater."

"Do you mean the men actually masturbate right there in the theater,
with their pricks out, with everything showing?"

"Sure, although it's a little dark for sight seeing."

"But, what if someone should see them?"

"So what if they did?"

"Well, I don't know, Bill, but it seems to me that they wouldn't want
anyone seeing them jack off."

"Not necessarily true, my love. Some of them may get off on having
somebody watch them jack off, while others probably get off, on watching.
Nothing like a little voyeurism to speed up the old body juices."

"Well, it's speeding up my body juices, just talking about watching. I
wonder what it would be like, seeing some guy take his cock out and jack it
off in a movie theater?"

"As much as you like seeing my cock, you'd probably go bananas, maybe
even grabbing hold of it to help."

"I wonder how many strokes they'd let me take?"

"How many do you want to take?"

"Bill, you know me. I,m always wet, so I'd probably want to pump on the
old handle all night long. Jesus, but I'm getting horny talking about all
this illicit sexual action."

"Well then, let's get going and watch a couple of guys jack off."

"Jeez, Bill," Melissa groaned, "that turns me on, thinking about seeing
some guys jacking off, so much so that I'd like to make love right here and
now. All this talk about cock gets me excited; if you want to go see a fuck
flick, then why not. I'm game if you are. Give me a few to freshen up, I'm
still kind of sweaty from our earlier romp, if you know what I mean."

She spun, then turned back to face Bill. "Do you really think that
some man would jack off with me watching?"

"If you don't get ready, you'll never find out, now will you?"

She rushed from the room, her asscheeks undulating as she bounded down
the hall to the bedroom. Stripping off her Levis and teeshirt, Melissa ran
her hands over her bodybra and then removed it. Her luscious breasts
spilled from the brassiere cups, standing out proudly from her rib cage.
Her thick brown nipples throbbing from thinking about big hot cock.

She quickly rushed into the shower, lathered her body with soap suds
and hot water, then just as quickly rinsed with cold water, almost leaping
out of the shower to dry, humming while she rubbed the towel over her body
until it glowed from the cold water rinse and the towel.

Melissa stood nude in front of the full length bathroom mirror while
she applied make-up. Her glowing complexion required very little aid from
the few items of make-up sitting on the wash basin cabinet. However,
Melissa enjoyed making the best of her looks. A touch of umber shadow on
her lids to highlite her big dark brown eyes. A quick touch of eyeliner
from a dark pencil outlined her lids, a little line drawn outward to make
her already wide extra long lashed sensual eyes look even more sensual. A
brush dusted in a pale pink blush make-up, applied to her high cheek bones
brought just a highlight of color to her lightly tanned cheeks.

Carefully, she unscrewed the top of her lipstick and applied the glossy
color to her full lower lip then more lightly to her upper lip. Satisfied,
she stepped back one step, looked at herself in the mirror, turning her head
first one way, then the other. "Not too bad."

She had no complaints about her thick mop of dark brown hair, with a
hint of a soft natural curl which made it easy to both shampoo and brush.

Melissa's sun tanned skin with the pale marks of her two-piece bikini,
almost made her body look as if she were wearing panties and bra when she
was nude. The thick curls of hair on her bush were exactly the same color
and softness of curl as the hair crowning her head.

She placed her hands on her hips, thrusting out her breasts. They were
almost too large for her slender torso and tiny waist. They nicely filled a
D cup bra. But in spite of their heavy fullness, they were still amazingly
firm. She was really proud of that. Melissa measured 35 inches around her
bust, not including her prominent nipples, a very tiny 21 inch waist, and
33 inches around her taut buttocks.

Melissa turned around, looking at her naked buns, practicing a sexy
look, eyes half closed, wetting her full lower lip with her tongue. She
wriggled her body at her image in the mirror, looking at the deep cleft
between the cheeks of her ass, admiring how firm she was. Her high meaty
buns were so firm they hardly quivered. She love the way they protruded.

Her full boobs, were another story. They jiggled like jello whenever
she moved, and were the part of her anatomy that men always looked at hard.
Actually, she didn't know if it was the tits or her long nipples which were
always on display even when not fully erect. Sometimes it was embarrassing
the way men stared at her tits, even though it did turn her on and make her
feel especially sexy. When they looked, she would fantasize about fucking
the man staring at her, with him fucking her tits with big hot cock.

That was if she was facing a man. If he was behind her, Melissa knew
that it was her curved ass that they liked to look at. One of her favorite
tricks, was to look suddenly over her shoulder and catch some poor man
staring at her ass, look him straight in the eye and then smile. Most of
the time they got caught looking and they turned red and looked away, but
sometimes, when they smiled back, Melissa would feel her pussy drool.

Men had always been easy for her. Her figure started changing when she
was ten. With a spurt that amazed everyone who knew her, she had turned
from a skinny girl into a ripening woman. First, a thickening of fine peach
fuzz on her groin then, a thick bush of curly soft ringlets. Her tiny
areolas widened into 2 inch puffy mounds with thick nipples, then her
breasts started swelling. She could remember that each time her mother
bought her a bra, within a month or two the cups were overflowing with her
sweater meat. They didn't stop growing until she was s*******n.

Casting her eyes over her nakedness, Melissa appreciated her bountiful
curves as she dashed from the bathroom to her closet. She slid the hangers
in her closet to find a dress to make it easier to have her pussy touched
when Bill got turned on. She picked a silky knit teeshirt jersey dress.

She decided not to wear pantyhose, instead, letting her long slim legs
be smooth and naked under her dress. Quickly finding a pair of new panties
in her dresser, she changed into the new lacy bikini bottoms that didn't
cover much of the curvaceous cheeks of her ass.

Slipping the dress on over her head, Melissa buttoned the top to leave
a generous cleavage of her soft tits showing. The knit dress sensuously
drapped over her the ample mounds of her breasts and buns, gently tucking in
to her tiny waist, making her luscious figure incredibly sensual.

At the last instant, she turned, rummaging through her drawer full of
lingerie. Finding a black garterbelt and a pair of black stockings. After
putting them on, Melissa snapped off her bedroom light and left the bedroom,
sauntering downstairs.

"Does this look like what the well dressed wife wears out when she goes
to a fuck movie?" Melissa twirled to show off her dress, the dark orange
jersey dress swirled around her slim legs. Her full tits strained against
the warm fabric, quivering with no support from a bra. Her thick nipples
blatantly on display.

Bill admired her dress, patted her curved ass and grabbed her hand.
"Let's get going, sweetness, before I pull that dress off your gorgeous body
and fuck you right here on the floor."

"No sir, No sir! You said you were going to take me to a movie, and
then make love, or maybe even fuck, which ever comes first, and I'm holding
you to that," Melissa said, smiling at his compliment.

The theater was dark and Bill guided Melissa to the steps that led to
the upper balcony, walking higher up the long steep steps until they were at
the back row. Peering into the dark, they both tried to see if anyone was
in the seats at the rear. Just then, the rear rows were illuminated when
one of the patrons lit a cigarette. Bill led Melissa as they settled into
the soft seats. Of the thirty or so seats in the last row, most were empty,
as they sat back and looked at the screen.

The film showed two young women licking on the erect cock of a young
man lying on the floor of what appeared to be a living room. Both girls
slowly sucking and twirling their wet, pink tongues around the head of his
prick, and one held his testicles, gently kneading and squeezing.

Melissa watched with interest. Her initial embarrassment being in the
theater slowly leaving her, as the three beautiful people on the screen
progressed into ever increasing sexual situations. The male ran his hands
over the tits of one girl, pressing the soft flesh and pinching the pink
nipple gently, then running his hand down to slide a finger into the wet
hole of the other. The juicy cunt he was finger-fucking left a slick
coating of oily lubricating wetness on his finger.

Melissa could feel the juices from her own pussy wetting her opening
and she squirmed slightly in the seat and leaned over closer to Bill's arm,
turning to face him, whispering in his ear. "I'll answer your question
now," Melissa purred. "Yes, seeing a hard cock turns me on, and the pussies
do too! I'm starting to really get horny now. I can really feel my pussy
getting very juicy. Wouldn't you like to feel?"

Bill caressed her thigh, running his hand over the fullness of her
upper leg. His fingers touching the hem of her dress, raising it, and
drifting his fingers over the smooth warmth of her leg. His hand drew her
dress higher, and his fingers touched the silky band at the crotch of her
new panties, feeling the hot slick wetness seeping through the silky fabric.

Melissa squirmed again, slightly spreading her thighs so Bill's fingers
could have access to her tingling cunt. She kept her eyes on the screen
while his finger teased at her pussy through the wetness of her panties.
Her breathing became shorter as he stroked the length of the crevice between
her thighs, probing and moving around in the sweet, wet junction buried in
her cunt hairs.

Melissa sensed a movement to her right and saw a man moving closer to
them. He seated himself one seat over, leaving an empty seat between them.
Melissa started to pull her dress down over her exposed thighs, and then
realized that whatever the man could see was no different than what he could
see on the screen. At first, she felt uncomfortable with the stranger
sitting so close to her, then on second thought, she felt the sexual thrill
of his voyeurism.

She watched him out of the corner of her eye. He was not watching
them. Not directly, but his head was turned more toward them than the
screen. She was excited by the thought of that man watching her husband
stroke her pussy through the thin covering of her panties, knowing she could
turn him on even more by showing him much more of her long legs and thighs.

Melissa tried to imagine what the stranger was thinking. "Look at that
blonde and the guy with her. I bet she's getting turned on with his fingers
in her pussy. I'd like to fuck her. I'd like to see her cunt. Maybe if I
move over closer, I could see better."

In response to her own thoughts and urges, Melissa squirmed, sliding
down in the seat, moving her dress higher and very slowly exposing her
stocking clad thighs up to her new panties. She glanced over at the man on
her right, finding that he'd turned his head and was staring at her legs and
Bill's caressing fingers on her hot pussy.

Melissa squirmed around in the seat, looking at the man's face, raising
the hem of her dress higher, opening her legs to give him a better view.

He stared harder at her legs and thighs, looking at her stockings and
garterbelt and panties, tempting Melissa to give him a really good show.

Melissa whispered in Bill's ear, "Dear, I've got to go to the bathroom,
I'll be right back."

She carefully made her way past the others in the row, undulating down
the steps at the side and, slowly moving to see if she could catch sight of
any of the men masturbating. One man had both hands in his lap, moving, but
before Melissa could see if he had his prick out, she was past him, not
wanting to stop and look back.

Leaving the ladies room, Melissa walked to the top of the stairs,
slowly swinging her hips as she climbed, glancing at the men as she passed,
moving to the rear row.

Melissa looked down at the lap of the man who had been seated to her
right. She slowed as she brushed by his knees, waited for him to stand up,
and then pressed her firmly curved ass against him as he stood to let her
pass. Melissa could feel the swelling bulge of the man's prick against her
firm ass as she slithered slowly past, squirming her buttocks over and
against his groin. She paused, pressing her ass harder against him,
squirming slightly, teasing him with the cleft between her cheeks, pleased
with the feeling of excitement growing in her loins.

"Thank you," she whispered as she smiled in the dim light.

After sitting by her husband, she looked back at the man, noticing now
that he had both hands in his lap, covering his groin. "Bet he has a hard
cock under those hands." thought Melissa, "Watching those people on the
screen probably has his cock dripping and he is holding it down. I hope I
made it harder when I brushed against him."

Bill put a hand back on her leg, fingers slipping slowly, ever so
slowly, up her soft inner thighs, reaching for her pussy. Bill almost
jumped as his fingers touched her bush, his fingers feeling the seeping
moisture at the meaty gash between her legs.

She giggled, "That's right. I took them off so you could get a good
feel! The trip to the bathroom was an excuse."

Bill's fingers sought the wet opening when she opened her thighs wider
and raised her ass to let his fingers probe her slit. Melissa pulled her
skirt from beneath her ass, pulling it up until her long legs and flat taut
tummy were visible in the dim light. Her soft and curly pussy hair cleary
glissened in the light from the screen.

She made an oblique glance at the man on her right to see if he had
noticed her open thighs, and again, imagined his thoughts. "Look at that
cunt spread her legs. My cock's so hard I think I'll sneak it out and flog
it a little while I watch her get finger fucked."

Melissa decided that she'd try to entice the man to bring his prick out
where she could see it. Her face turned to the screen, but her eyes watched
the stranger out of the corner. Melissa watched, holding her breath, as his
zipper drew slowly and quietly down. His hand slithering into the opening
as he opened his fly. Melissa watched as he fished for his cock, then
slowly, slowly easing it past his zipper.

Her cunt spasmed with anticipation as he took his cock out. Sneaking
it up, holding one hand over the head, covering the rest of his cock with
the other. He was softly and surreptitiously stroking it beneath his hands
until she turned and stared directly at his hands. Slowly he uncovered his
cock, exposing a thick 9 inch semi-soft organ to her. While stroking his
meaty prick slowly, he stared at the wet junction between her open legs.

Hard and impressive, his thick dick filled his stroking hand, the upper
length showing over his moving fist as he stroked. The thickness, even in
the dim reflected light from the screen, was most impressive. Melissa's
already wet pussy emitted even more honey, as she looked with unabashed glee
at the semi-erect organ that she'd enticed into the open. Although his eyes
didn't seem to leave the screen, his hand continued stroking and Melissa
knew he was aware of her watching him jack off his cock. He raised his
body, lowering his arm to allow an unobstructed view of his masturbation.

"Bill, the guy on my right has his thing out," she said.

"What's a thing?"

"He has his hard prick out, that's what thing!"

"Good. You said you wanted to see a hard cock being jerked off, now's
your chance to get a really close look." Bill moved his head back, his
finger pressing harder on her swollen and slippery clit.

Melissa turned her head back to watch the prick being stroked a few
feet away from her eyes, while the pressure of Bill's finger brought her to
a long shuddering climax. Her wetness washed over Bill's fingers as her
breathing caught in the sheer sensuality of her husband's fingers buried in
her pussy and a stranger's big, hot prick being masturbated before her eyes
at the same time.

Melissa became more aware of the masturbator's eyes, looking up for a
glance at his face. His eyes were fastened to the fingers at the junction
of her slim legs as he continued to raise and lower his hand on his long
prick. If anything, Melissa got more turned on.

Spreading her legs even more, her fingers slipped down to raise her
skirt still higher. Slowly, her fingers pressed the cloth of her skirt
against her smooth thighs, slowly pulling the soft dress higher on her legs,
while watching the man's face.

The stranger leaned forward in his seat to watch the skirt being hiked
higher on her slim legs, while Melissa wriggled with pleasure as she
continued to raise the hem to allow him an unobstructed view of her pussy.
She paused with the hemline of her skirt just below her wet warm pussy, then
squirmed on the seat and raised the hem past the curly ringlets of her
pussy, while staring at his face.

His intense gaze was centered on her cunt, his hand fondling his erect
prick with lusty abandon at the show Melissa was putting on for him. Melissa
continued to pull her dress higher, until her belly was totally exposed, her
whole lower torso, naked to his staring eyes.

Enjoying the feeling of sensuality, she now toyed with the buttons on
the front of her dress, slowly unfastening them one by one. When the last
of the buttons were undone, Melissa shrugged her shoulders. Her dress split
down the front. Melissa slowly lifted her fingers to the opening, pulling
the soft jersey open past the nipples of her naked breasts.

Taking a deep breath, Melissa shrugged her shoulders, spilling her soft
full breasts out of the opening, where they stood proudly, jiggling in the
reflected light of the screen.

Her mind pictured Bill, "My wife really likes watching that guy jerk
off. She'd really come if she stroked his cock, too. She's so hot with my
hand on her wet cunt, she'll do anything and that'll turn me on, too."

Bill's voice in her ear said, "I think you just came with a finger in
your pussy, while you watched him jerk off. Did you like having a finger in
your wet cunt while you watched a hard cock get jerked off?"

"Oh yes! I'm hotter than a firecracker, just watching him and having
you feel me. I like watching him jack off."

Bill's nose tickled her ear as he whispered, "Don't just talk about it,
do it if you want to. I'll get my cock out so you can jerk off my prick at
the same time. That way you can feel two cocks at the same time."

"Jesus, Bill, I was just k**ding. I couldn't jack him off. I don't
even know him. What if someone should see me?" Melissa whispered into her
husbands ear. She was only faking reluctance to his suggestion, she was
ready to try anything that sounded sexy at that moment.

"So what if they do see you," he whispered back at her. "What are they
going to say with all of that going on up front on the screen? Besides, if
you don't take hold of his prick, I'll quit finger fucking your cunt. I'd
really like to see you jerk him off."

"Would you really like to watch me jack off his prick?"

"Your damn right I would. It would even make me hornier than I am
right now. I'm going to pull my prick out so you can have a hard cock in
each hand."

His fingers left her pussy to slide the zipper of his pants, and
quickly his throbbing, erect 11 inch penis was standing from his lap like a
spear. Her fingers curled around Bill's prick, feeling the good, strong
hardness and began to stroke him. She slowly lowered her right arm and hand
to the empty seat between them, palm up, fingers curling as though holding
his prick as her wrist made small jacking motions on the empty seat, as if
she had his cock in her empty hand and was masturbating it.

The stranger looked at her hand, then her face to see her level eyes
open with invitation as she opened her thighs wider for his inspection.

With slow movements, he slipped from his seat into the empty seat next
to Melissa, as she removed her arm from the seat and rested it on the
armrest between them. Her hand was hanging over the armrest.

Melissa removed the stranger's hand from his cock, and replaced it with
her own. She let a small moan escape her as she thrilled to the feel of
another man's cock in her hand. She marveled at its hardness and heat.

Now, with both pricks in her hands, Melissa found and kept a rhythm,
jacking both men off. It was obvious that they both were enjoying the
blonde wantonly jerking them off in public. They were both moaning and
beginning to hump their hips in response to her movements.

Very shortly, and from long experience, she knew Bill was about to
come. She maintained her movements, stroking the length of both cocks, and
was soon rewarded with a loud moan from Bill and a long spurt of his cum up
and into the light from the screen. The stranger must have been watching,
because almost immediately, he, too, shot stream after stream of thick cum
on to the back of the seat in front of him.

Melissa never felt hotter than she did at that second. Her hands were
covered with the men's cooling cum, so she pulled her top together loosely
and made her way out to the restroom. She was almost to the Ladies' room
door when she realized she was being followed. She turned to find the young
usher stepping up to her.

He smiled a charming smile, "I was watching your performance up there.
You are terrific."

Melissa returned his smile, "You get off watching other people?"

"No, not really. I just thought you might like to do me, too."

"Why should I? What's in it for me?"

The usher smirked, opened his fly and whispered, "This." Melissa's
heart skipped, then pounded wildly. A heart stopping 2 1/2 inch thick, rock
hard, 13 inch black cock, curved meanacingly upward, begging to be serviced.

"Christ! Jerking that would be a waste. Follow me."

He followed Melissa into the Ladies' room. Without a word she raised
her skirt up to her waist and leaned forward over the counter. She watched
in the mirror as the usher quickly parted Melissa's feverous, steamy, cunt
lips with his massive cock knob. No niceties, both knew that this was going
to be fast and furious, each seeking a needed release from the other.

The usher was young and strong and quickly pounded his raging hardness
into her tight cunt. Her ass ckeeks quivered violently and came even before
he bottomed out. It packed her cunt like nothing she had ever experienced or
even imagined. He pounded into her love tunnel with incredible force, almost
13 inches with each stroke. The pleasure was excruciating. She surrendered
completely to the immense waves of orgasm that washed over every cell in her
body. Her legs like jelly, he continued his pounding and Melissa continued
cumming and moaning uncontrollably with the shear pleasure of each stroke.

The usher quickened his thrusts, grunting, "Yeah, oh, yeah!" through his
gritted teeth. Feeling his grip on her ass tighten, Melissa fully arched her
back to look over her shoulder. "Come on! Don't you know how to use that
thing? Fuck me harder! Make my ears bleed! Fill my cunt with your cum...
if you can!"

"Fuck you, honki cunt!" That was all the urging the young black needed.
His cock bucked wildly, erupting in her steaming cunt, packing even her womb
with tremendous amounts of fuck seed. His powerful thrusts lifted Melissa's
feet off the floor with its force, her asscheeks quivered in violent orgasm.

Finally, the usher stopped his assault on her pussy. His cock made a
loud slurping noise as he removed it from her tight, wet cunt, causing both
of them to laugh. The young man zipped up and smiling at Melissa said, "I
know it's corny, but... thanks, I really needed that!"

Melissa gave him a small kiss on the cheek and walking out the Lady's
room said, "I'll be seeing YOU again."

When she returned to her seat, the stranger was gone. Bill asked, "Is
everything okay?"

Melissa smiled, "Ooohh, yessss! Everything is perfect!"

They left the theater a few minutes later. At home, they undressed
each other, preparing to continue their night of lust.

Naked and on the bed, Bill was aching hard and ready to mount Melissa
from behind, when she asked him to eat her first. Bill was only too happy to
oblige. Burying his tongue up her cunt, Melissa quickly started to orgasm,
thinking of the b**stly monstrous cock packing her privates only a few minutes
before. She was sure Bill would think it was his from earlier that afternoon.

Surely she would never tell him he was drinking the nectar from a magnificant
black cock. Her little secret was making her orgasm that much more intense.
"Honey... we must go there more often, it was reeeeally... FULL-filling!"
Published by ppa77_01
2 years ago
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phillymark1 2 years ago
That was so hot I had to stroke.  Thanks