Batgirl's Predicament, chapter 1
Batgirl slowly opened her eyes, moaning, only to find that it was all dark around her. Her head was pounding and she felt disoriented and weak. She immediately knew on some level that something was not as it was supposed to be, but she couldn't get her mind to think straight. She struggled to keep her eyes open, only to find that it was too hard, and she drifted back to sleep again, her subconscious vaguely recognizing that she was restrained somehow...
Sometime later, she awoke again, only to find a spotlight being on her from above. She blinked. She was still weak and dazed, but started to get her mind to work, by pure force of will. Yes, she was restrained somehow and standing up, of sorts. She glanced down at her feet, only to find that her ankles was secured in some sort of tight-fitting manacles that gripped around her ankles firmly, with some sort of interior padding to prevent chafing. They were obviously designed to restrain someone far stronger than her.... Someone with strength far beyond that of a normal human being.... Her pulse started to race as instincts kicked in and panic started to take hold of her. She instinctually started to pull on her restraints, only to realize that her arms were secured in the same way above her head and not budging the slightest...
Batgirl forced herself to fight her feeling of panic, by closing her eyes and controlling her breathing. Slowly she stared to calm down. She started to try to apply her analytical skills. How had she ended up here? Where was she? Who had put her in these restraints? Why was she captured and not dead? She tried to recall where she had been last before ending up in this predicament, which might be somewhat of an understatement she feared... Her mind struggled to recall anything, her mind still dazed and confused. Instead she opened her eyes and tried to take in her surroundings...
She forced herself to lift her head up and look around, unfortunately she couldn't see much due to the spotlight above her head, blinding her to her surroundings. She could see that she was on top of some sort of raised steel platform though, and as she turned her head to one side, then the other, she could see that her manacles seemed to be secured to some sort of a massive, steel ring, with the manacles themselves seeming to be able to be mechanically adjusted somehow. She was suspended about half a foot of the platform floor. She glanced down over her athletic body, finding that her utility belt was gone. Her slim purple suit, mask, cape and yellow boots were still on though, which she was very relieved to find being the case...
Suddenly the memories came back to her. She recalled what she had done last she could remember. She had been investigating signs of mysterious activities going on at one of the warehouses down at the Gotham docks. She recalled easily sneaking past the guards in the area, finding the warehouse, scaling the outer wall, finding a ceiling window that she could open and then abseiling down into the dark storage hall on a line from her utility belt... She remembered finding some mysterious looking containers in the warehouse, and the last thing she could remember was being in the process of picking the first lock, when... There had been a slight sound, the sound of pressure being releases. Gas! She had been gassed, she suddenly realized...
Her analytical mind made her realize that if she had been gassed, then finding herself in her current predicament, it was planned. It had been a trap, and her curiosity had led her right into it... Even worse, she had been so confident that she had gone alone, with no-one knowing what she had been up to. She groaned, as she realized she had been played... The rumors' she had heard from various criminal elements she had come across the previous few nights had most likely been fed just enough intriguing information to pass on to her in case she interrogated them. That left one very important question... Who was behind it?
"She's awake Daddy. Isn't she a pretty sight?" a familiar female voice sounded from the darkness in front of Batgirl, followed by a playful laughter. Batgirl, still dazed and slow to process, didn't realize who's voice it was until the point became moot, as Harley Quinn playfully stepped out of the shadows, a big smile on her pale face. Batgirl hadn't heard any rumors' of Harley for months, but here she was, looking her usual self, in her tall boots, tiny shorts, slutty t-shirt and all.. She looked as she had last Harley had encountered her, apart from one small change... Her collar didn't say "Puddin" any longer, it now said "Daddy" instead... Batgirl couldn't see who she was talking too, but she could see the silhouette of what must be a tall, broad shouldered man in the darkness behind Harley Quinn...
"That she is my little pet" a deep, gruff voice came from the darkness behind Harley. "She will be a perfect little test object indeed"... Test object?? Who did this unknown voice belong too? What did he mean? As Batgirl's thoughts spun, Harley Quinn walked slowly up to her, hips swaying, smiling, almost looking proud, despite being called a little pet. She came right up to Batgirl, stopped up on the inside of the big circle batgirl was secured to, pressed herself against her and then placed both her hands on Batgirls cheeks to give her a big kiss on her soft lips, only to let go before batgirl overcame the shock and decided to bite her. Harley then spoke softly in her ear, "We're going to have so much fun me and you.. and him..." then she playfully licked Batgirl's ear, before she stepped back down on the platform again, leaving Batgirl a little shocked and also a little flustered, happy she still had her mask on...
"Do you believe in free will Batgirl?", the deep, dark vocie from beyond the spotlight asked her? "Y-yes I do" Batgirl answered, proud of herself for managing to keep her voice half-calm at least as she answered. "So if tell you that within a few days, you will ask me to remove your mask so that you can forever be my willing slave, this will have to be a willing act from your side? Assuming I don't use v******e, threats against your family or loved ones and the like of course..." "I-I guess so" Batgirl answered nervously, before adding "But that will never happen! I'm no weak-willed, easily fooled, deranged lunatic like Harley Here!" "I told you she'd be fun to play with daddy" Harley responded, before leaning in and slowly, teasingly licking Batgirl's cheek she struggled against her restraints.
"I know it sounds unreasonable Batgirl, but if everything goes according to my plan, and rest assured, everything always does, you will be on all fours, leashed and collared next to lovely Harley here in just a few days, and you'll be very happy being soo too.. In fact, you will feel more fulfilled than you have ever felt before little girl." Batgirl couldn't resist swallowing nervously, a bit stunned upon hearing this, and she really didn't like the confidence it was uttered with... Even worse, she suspected that whatever she was in for, Harley Quinn might already have gone through, since she seemed uncharacteristically happy where she stood, even though the Joker had been killed less than a year ago...
"You might not have noticed it yet Batgirl, but around your neck is a special collar of my own design, which is made to influence and condition your mind in several ways, most notably the state of your arousal and your need to submit sexually to be sexually satisfied. Submit to me that is... It will alter your mind permanently I'm afraid, but since you seem to be of the opinion that people have free will regardless, you will make a very good test subject... Now, to activate the collar's feedback loop, you will have to be sexually aroused, something I'm confident Harley here is more than willing to assist me with. She suggested you as the next test subject after all..."
Batgirl started to protest, try harder to get out of her restraints, but nothing budged... "You can't do this to me! I won't let you! Y-you sick perverts!" Batgirl yelled... Harley only smiled at her, while she lewdly stroked one of her hands over the crotch of her inappropriately small shorts... "Oh, we are indeed Batgirl.. and soon you will join us... willingly... You'll become another one of daddy's little sluts... driven by your need for sexual satisfaction... by your need of his cock to worship... mmm..." Batgirl could see Harley's juices start to run down the insides of her pale thigs as she stroked her clit through her tight shorts... Batgirl blushed and tried to look away, but Harley grabbed her cheek in one hand and forced her to look into her eyes... "You'll become just as big a slut as me little bat, and you'll thank us for it..."
Sometime later, she awoke again, only to find a spotlight being on her from above. She blinked. She was still weak and dazed, but started to get her mind to work, by pure force of will. Yes, she was restrained somehow and standing up, of sorts. She glanced down at her feet, only to find that her ankles was secured in some sort of tight-fitting manacles that gripped around her ankles firmly, with some sort of interior padding to prevent chafing. They were obviously designed to restrain someone far stronger than her.... Someone with strength far beyond that of a normal human being.... Her pulse started to race as instincts kicked in and panic started to take hold of her. She instinctually started to pull on her restraints, only to realize that her arms were secured in the same way above her head and not budging the slightest...
Batgirl forced herself to fight her feeling of panic, by closing her eyes and controlling her breathing. Slowly she stared to calm down. She started to try to apply her analytical skills. How had she ended up here? Where was she? Who had put her in these restraints? Why was she captured and not dead? She tried to recall where she had been last before ending up in this predicament, which might be somewhat of an understatement she feared... Her mind struggled to recall anything, her mind still dazed and confused. Instead she opened her eyes and tried to take in her surroundings...
She forced herself to lift her head up and look around, unfortunately she couldn't see much due to the spotlight above her head, blinding her to her surroundings. She could see that she was on top of some sort of raised steel platform though, and as she turned her head to one side, then the other, she could see that her manacles seemed to be secured to some sort of a massive, steel ring, with the manacles themselves seeming to be able to be mechanically adjusted somehow. She was suspended about half a foot of the platform floor. She glanced down over her athletic body, finding that her utility belt was gone. Her slim purple suit, mask, cape and yellow boots were still on though, which she was very relieved to find being the case...
Suddenly the memories came back to her. She recalled what she had done last she could remember. She had been investigating signs of mysterious activities going on at one of the warehouses down at the Gotham docks. She recalled easily sneaking past the guards in the area, finding the warehouse, scaling the outer wall, finding a ceiling window that she could open and then abseiling down into the dark storage hall on a line from her utility belt... She remembered finding some mysterious looking containers in the warehouse, and the last thing she could remember was being in the process of picking the first lock, when... There had been a slight sound, the sound of pressure being releases. Gas! She had been gassed, she suddenly realized...
Her analytical mind made her realize that if she had been gassed, then finding herself in her current predicament, it was planned. It had been a trap, and her curiosity had led her right into it... Even worse, she had been so confident that she had gone alone, with no-one knowing what she had been up to. She groaned, as she realized she had been played... The rumors' she had heard from various criminal elements she had come across the previous few nights had most likely been fed just enough intriguing information to pass on to her in case she interrogated them. That left one very important question... Who was behind it?
"She's awake Daddy. Isn't she a pretty sight?" a familiar female voice sounded from the darkness in front of Batgirl, followed by a playful laughter. Batgirl, still dazed and slow to process, didn't realize who's voice it was until the point became moot, as Harley Quinn playfully stepped out of the shadows, a big smile on her pale face. Batgirl hadn't heard any rumors' of Harley for months, but here she was, looking her usual self, in her tall boots, tiny shorts, slutty t-shirt and all.. She looked as she had last Harley had encountered her, apart from one small change... Her collar didn't say "Puddin" any longer, it now said "Daddy" instead... Batgirl couldn't see who she was talking too, but she could see the silhouette of what must be a tall, broad shouldered man in the darkness behind Harley Quinn...
"That she is my little pet" a deep, gruff voice came from the darkness behind Harley. "She will be a perfect little test object indeed"... Test object?? Who did this unknown voice belong too? What did he mean? As Batgirl's thoughts spun, Harley Quinn walked slowly up to her, hips swaying, smiling, almost looking proud, despite being called a little pet. She came right up to Batgirl, stopped up on the inside of the big circle batgirl was secured to, pressed herself against her and then placed both her hands on Batgirls cheeks to give her a big kiss on her soft lips, only to let go before batgirl overcame the shock and decided to bite her. Harley then spoke softly in her ear, "We're going to have so much fun me and you.. and him..." then she playfully licked Batgirl's ear, before she stepped back down on the platform again, leaving Batgirl a little shocked and also a little flustered, happy she still had her mask on...
"Do you believe in free will Batgirl?", the deep, dark vocie from beyond the spotlight asked her? "Y-yes I do" Batgirl answered, proud of herself for managing to keep her voice half-calm at least as she answered. "So if tell you that within a few days, you will ask me to remove your mask so that you can forever be my willing slave, this will have to be a willing act from your side? Assuming I don't use v******e, threats against your family or loved ones and the like of course..." "I-I guess so" Batgirl answered nervously, before adding "But that will never happen! I'm no weak-willed, easily fooled, deranged lunatic like Harley Here!" "I told you she'd be fun to play with daddy" Harley responded, before leaning in and slowly, teasingly licking Batgirl's cheek she struggled against her restraints.
"I know it sounds unreasonable Batgirl, but if everything goes according to my plan, and rest assured, everything always does, you will be on all fours, leashed and collared next to lovely Harley here in just a few days, and you'll be very happy being soo too.. In fact, you will feel more fulfilled than you have ever felt before little girl." Batgirl couldn't resist swallowing nervously, a bit stunned upon hearing this, and she really didn't like the confidence it was uttered with... Even worse, she suspected that whatever she was in for, Harley Quinn might already have gone through, since she seemed uncharacteristically happy where she stood, even though the Joker had been killed less than a year ago...
"You might not have noticed it yet Batgirl, but around your neck is a special collar of my own design, which is made to influence and condition your mind in several ways, most notably the state of your arousal and your need to submit sexually to be sexually satisfied. Submit to me that is... It will alter your mind permanently I'm afraid, but since you seem to be of the opinion that people have free will regardless, you will make a very good test subject... Now, to activate the collar's feedback loop, you will have to be sexually aroused, something I'm confident Harley here is more than willing to assist me with. She suggested you as the next test subject after all..."
Batgirl started to protest, try harder to get out of her restraints, but nothing budged... "You can't do this to me! I won't let you! Y-you sick perverts!" Batgirl yelled... Harley only smiled at her, while she lewdly stroked one of her hands over the crotch of her inappropriately small shorts... "Oh, we are indeed Batgirl.. and soon you will join us... willingly... You'll become another one of daddy's little sluts... driven by your need for sexual satisfaction... by your need of his cock to worship... mmm..." Batgirl could see Harley's juices start to run down the insides of her pale thigs as she stroked her clit through her tight shorts... Batgirl blushed and tried to look away, but Harley grabbed her cheek in one hand and forced her to look into her eyes... "You'll become just as big a slut as me little bat, and you'll thank us for it..."
2 years ago