My 50th Surprise
So we're going back over ten years, God I feel old typing that!
Hubby had promised me a big family party plus a few, more 'private' events for me as well, one of which was a short stay near Chester which I have detailed before in my blog. ( Turning 50 in some style).
The event I shall set out here is as follows.
Just after we got back from our Chester break, my husband announced he had booked a table for the two of us at a local pub, The Boat and Horses, for lunch. So I got myself ready, nothing special,just a striped long-line shirt and a knee length dog-tooth skirt over a set of cream bra and pants and black red topped stockings. Adding a pair of heeled boots to top it off.
It was a mild October day so I just threw on a long cardigan as we awaited the taxi.
Ten minutes later we were entering the pub. It was fairly quiet with the exception of a booth that was packed with a group of what appeared to be a group of mourners. I'd guess there were around a dozen guys, aged from late teens to early sixties and a couple of women in their thirties. Hubby ordered us some drinks from the bar as I perused the menu. We ordered breaded mushrooms with a garlic dip for our starter.
As we were eating a loud guffaw broke the comparative silence, immediately a voice spoke, apologising to us and the other few diners in the pub, " Sorry about that, we were just remembering Alison and it brought back some happy memories, " one of our fellow diners spoke up saying he was sure everyone understood and it was good that they had happy memories at such an obviously sad time. Most other people nodded in agreement and we carried on with our meals.
Our mains arrived I had Chilli con Carne and Stuart had rump steak with a large baked potato. As I ate I was aware of being watched. My eyes flirted around the room and I noticed that one of the wake party, a young, blind guy was staring in my direction. As soon as he saw me looking his way he averted his gaze and spoke to the man sat next to him as if nothing was wrong. I carried on eating, putting my thoughts down to misunderstanding.
We finished our meals, both excellent by the way and highly recommended, ( advert over!), hubby ordered another round of drinks and also a bottle of sparkling white wine. Once again I was aware of the same guy eyeing me up. Quickly I adjusted my shirt thinking perhaps a button had popped open. No all was fine there. I wiped my mouth with my napkin, noticing I had caught him again he quickly turned his back to me and began talking to one of the women.
During our meal I'd noticed that the group had kept the tables full with wine bottles and full pint glasses of beer, not to mention a few glasses of spirits. Every now and again I felt his piercing gaze turning in my direction, always finding his glances turned away as I looked towards him.
Getting up I told Stuart that I needed to use the toilet and headed to the loos at the back. As I entered I noticed one of the women from the wake was emerging from one of the cubicles. " I hope we're not too loud for you? Spoiling your meal, " I shook my head as I checked my make-up in the mirror,
"Not at all " I answered, " was it somebody special who's passed? "
" Just a work colleague, Alison. Brain haemorrhage, very sudden, " she explained with a slight sigh, I took out my lipstick and replied it, " I'm very sorry, was she old? " She shook her head as she put on some poppy of her own, " 53, not really old", she said pursing her lips together as she used the lipstick,
" No, not old at all, I mean I just turned 50 myself last week, I feel ancient but I don't expect to kick the bucket any time soon! "
" You don't look 50! I mean, don't tell him I said this, but my mate Steve thinks you're hot. And he's only 37yo! Mind you I know for a fact that he was shagging Alison for a couple of years! Mind I reckon most of the guys had fucked her, she was a randy slag! " A slight laugh escaped her mouth, " oops mustn't speak I'll of the dead, may she rest in peace. Anyhow enjoy your afternoon! "
So saying she dropped the lipstick into her bag, turned on her heels and clip-clopped from the toilet.
I stood for a moment staring into the mirror feeling flattered that I could be attractive to a guy more than ten years my junior, then I gave a huff, went into the loo, did my business and left the ladie's toilets.
As soon as I opened the door I felt the guy's eyes fall upon me, I stood a moment, brushed my hand down the front of my shirt down to my skirt, which I have a little tug and moved back to my seat. " Sticky Toffee for desserts? " Stuart asked as I did so, I nodded affirmatively in reply and he headed to the bar to order. This time I noticed that the guy's gaze hadn't been averted. I felt it penetrating deep into my own eyes, then an older guy nudged him, nodded in my direction and laughed.
Stuart came back carrying two Irish Coffees, " Thought I'd get us these whilst we wait for pud! " He continued, " you were a while in the loo? "
" Yeah one of the girls from the Wake was chatting, " I answered mentioning towards the party with my glass, " seems it was a work colleague that died suddenly, 53 year old, also that she was a bit of a slutty type, apparently! " Stuart laughed,
" So I'd have liked her then? My kind of woman? " I have him a playful kick under the table,
" Oh is that so! What does that make me then? "
" You're my ideal woman you know that, " Stuart rubbed my leg with his foot under the table as he answered with a big smile. My own eyes met the younger man's eye as my husband continued to flirt with me, I felt as if he was already mentally undressing me there and then. I gulped a mouthful of wine and inadvertently stared back. My tongue licked sexually at the side of my lips. I suddenly jolted upright as hubby's foot tapped my knee.
" Seems to me you've got an admirer! " I looked at him wistfully and replied,
" You noticed then? " He nodded ,
" I couldn't miss it! The fair haired guy? "
" A bit creepy if I'm honest, he's been staring at me since we had our starters, the girl I spoke with said he'd been shagging the woman that died and had told her he thought I was hot as fuck! " Hubby laughed loudly, " Well he's certainly right on that! What do you think about him? " I thought about it for a moment of two,
" He's OK I suppose, nothing special though! " As I answered hubby, the girl that I had spoken to earlier walked past on her way to the loos. She made a sign that I should join her, so getting up I pointed to the toilets so hubby knew where I'd gone.
Upon entering I noticed the girl was, once again, touching up her make-up by the sinks. " Steve's really got it bad for you babe, asked me to tell you that him and his mate Tom are staying at the hotel next door, room 265, if you and your husband fancy a drink? Reckon it'll make his week if you agreed! " I brushed my hands absentmindedly down my shirt, " Well I don't think he's thinking rationally, what with the funeral, drinks plus losing his fuck- buddy! "
" Yeah, anyhow I've done as asked room 265, right we're off now see you later! " She exited the loos and I went into a cubicle, dropped my knickers and sat down for a pee.
Normally I''d have just been flattered by a younger guy's interest in me, but this still creeped me out a little. I suddenly realised I was tweaking my clit as I finished my peeing, even allowing a finger tip to push into me, quickly I stood up, pulled up my knickers and flushed the loo. On my way out I checked my own make-up then returned to our table where hubby had replenished our drinks.
I noticed that the funeral guests had all left. " I see our grieving guests have departed! " I opined to Stuart who nodded in reply,
" I'd say some of them were on wobbly legs too when they, well, fell out the doors! "
I laughed at his description, " Well some haven't got far to go, " Stuart looked at me in puzzlement, " the young girl told me that Steve asked her to tell me we were invited to join him and his friends for a drink , room 265 in the hotel next door! "
My husband shook his head in disbelief, " You're k**ding me? Well if you're not, are you going to take him up on it? " I swallowed the half of cider that hubby had bought me, " Well the way you're trying to get me sloshed I might well do! " I laughed out loud as hubby headed for the bar one more time, " Right last drink whilst you decide, OK? " I nodded in agreement.
Fifteen minutes later I swallowed the last of my cider as hubby drained his pint, " Right then Jayne girl, are we going for a drink with your new love of what? " I felt my face redden as he spoke to me,
" Well as I'm not far off being pissed, plus at 50 plus I just admit I'm flattered! So come on let's see what young Steve has to say eh? "
Five minutes later my husband was at the hotel reception desk asking for directions to room 265, she said it was on floor two around to the left, thanking her we took the lift up and shortly after found ourselves outside room 265. Hubby tapped on the door, nothing, he knocked again, this time we heard the door being unlocked and opened.
It was the older, heavy set guy dressed in an unbuttoned shirt with a towel wrapped around his lower half, " Erm the younger guy, Steve is it? He sent us a message to call in for a drink? " He motioned towards me, the guy fumbled for his towel and mumbled, " Oh fuck! Yeah well he's just ducked in the shower, try and sober up a bit!' A woman's voice piped up in the background, " Come on Tom, I'm getting cold! " He shot a glance behind himself then looked at us, " sorry, just I, well, we didn't think you'd come round, and ... "
" We can always go if you're busy? " I offered the premise of escape for the guy, quickly he moved back saying, " No it's fine come on in excuse the mess! " We entered and I surveyed the scene, there was a double bed and a single one against the left hand wall, a table and chair plus a TV that appeared to be showing a porno of some type. The single bed was covered by two suits and a white shirt and tie, whilst the double contained a skirt and blouse plus a middle-aged woman of around 45yo who was sitting with the duvet pulled up to get chin. she was a brunette and filled her lovely lingerie very well with tits and a belly that could easily mirror my own! Plus she looked to also have a full arse and equally sturdy thighs, she wasn't beautiful in the classical sense, but certainly had something about her and she was definitely not plain!
The guy spoke apologetically, " I'm sorry this is Mairead, Mairead this is, Steve's friends, erm... " My husband smiled and finished the introductions,
" Hi, this is Jayne and I'm Stuart, " he moved as if to offer a hand to shake but as the woman made to reciprocate the blankets fell, revealing a black basque type outfit, which she quickly 're-covered with the quilt!
Tom tapped on the bathroom door, " Steve you have company!! "
" Fuck off I'm not in the mood for games! " Tom tapped on the door again, "I'm not joking Stevie, we have guests!" The shower stopped, the loud extractor fan behind the door began to wind down, then the bolt on the door was drawn back and Steve was revealed in all his glory, well almost. His blonde hair was slicked back, a pair of wonderfully tanned, broad shoulders topped an almost six pack whilst two muscular thighs and athletic calves jutted from below a small hand towel that just covered his modesty.
Mairead let out a long gasp, " Wow! " she muttered, Tom sent her a dirty look as she sat up allowing the duvet to fall revealing her lingerie to everyone in the room. " Shit you came! " Steve stuttered moving to sit on the edge of the single bed, Mairead gasped again as she noticed the hand towel did nothing to hide his 'buns of steel' nor his voluminous bollocks that hung below. " Well did Tom introduce you all? " I nodded in reply as my tactless husband interjected, "Wasn't a drink mentioned somewhere along the line?" Steve almost jumped up , then remembering his predicament , stopped, grabbing instead for a shirt,
" Don't bother for me babe! "
" Nor me! " chimed Mairead earning a further dark glance from Tom, " Come on Tommy, be a good host, I could die for a drink! " Mairead's shyness had all but evaporated as she kicked off the duvet revealing two stoutish, stockinged legs topped off by a pair of impossibly high heels! " We,but we have whisky, vodka or I think some beer! " Tom moved to the table to retrieve some glasses, forgetting to hold his towel he gave everyone a grandstand view of his dwindling meat and two veg!
He grabbed for the towel but didn't succeed in hiding his hairy ass cheeks or a pair of hairy balls that would have given Steve's a run for the money. His face reddened, I took of my cardigan and loosened a couple of buttons on my shirt. I noticed Steve's towel jerk, I think Mairead's eye caught the movement too! Steve reached into a cabinet pulling out three spirit bottles and a four pack of bitters, Tom managed to give out the glasses, without exposing much more and finally we all had a drink.
Mairead proposed a toast, " Here's to Alison, may God bless her horny soul and all those who sailed in her! " Tom spluttered,
" Mairead! Have you no respect for the dead? " She swung her legs across the bed upon to Tom's who was sat on the other side of her, " Don't be so sanctimonious Tommy, she was a slut and a slag! I know for a fact that you'd tapped her and as for big cocked Stevie here, well, she couldn't get enough! "
Tom swallowed his drink quickly followed swiftly by Steve. I glanced at hubby who had covered his mouth whilst stifling a laugh. I decided it was time to make a move, I raised my glass downed the vodka and toasted, " Alison and all those that loved and miss her! "
Steve refilled my glass, " Hey are you trying to get me drunk young man! " I allowed my hand to rest on his naked thigh, then saying, " Wow it's warm in here now! I guess you lot are alright, I mean you're all half dressed! " I undid another button on my shirt. I noticed Steve's towel jump again, whether as a result of my hand on his thigh or my further shirt undoing I couldn't say.
Steve gulped down a taste of his whisky, " You know Stuart you've got a gorgeous and sexy wife, you don't mind me saying so? "
" Not at all I'm flattered you think so, though you're hardly the first to say so! " Steve looked at me, stated at me, " Go on give her a kiss Stevie, you've been going on about her all afternoon! "
" Shut up Mairead, you've had too much drink! " Steve's face turned an even brighter shade of red as he chastised the brunette. " Well if you're not up for it I am! " Mairead shifted back across the bed and moved to the foot of the single bed, where she knelt down took my hand and gave
me a delightful, and long, French Kiss, even allowing herself to gently brush my breasts with her free hand, " there that wasn't hard was it? Now though I know what is! " So saying she made a grab for Steve's towel, as it flew into the room his cock sprang free and upright, Mairead's gasp was louder than ever evolving into a selection of words that spoke volumes, " Holy Shit! No wonder Alison wanted that all day! "
Steve's hands tried to cover his dick and balls, but had little success, Mairead moved her hand to touch his rampant cock, lightly caressing the large, purple glans, a move that, I'm certain got a further inch rise in his size, Tom shouted from the back of the room, " Fucking hell Mairead! What are you fucking doing? " I glanced at Tom, who disgusted as he was at her touching of another man's dick, betrayed his true thoughts as his own erection stretched out from his groin.
" Shut it Tommy" I deserve to have a bit of fun, is that right Jayne? "
I was smiling but answered, " Well I guess that's up to you and Tom! Not to mention Stevie boy here! " I glanced at my husband who was finishing his beer
with a huge smile on his face. Steve spoke, " I'm not sure Mairead, I mean you are here with Tom aren't you? " Tom's dick swung upwards again as his friend spoke. I pulled Mairead to me, " OK babe how about we put on a bit of a play for the boys? "
Mairead nodded meekly as I slipped the straps of her basque from her alabaster, white shoulders. Uncovering her milky, white breasts I immediately tweaked her left nipple, then lowered my lips to her right, suckling gently like a baby at its mother's breast. Steve's huge cock reached maximum size. Across the room I noticed Stuart had pulled out his own cock whilst Tom's hand was gently massaging his prick as he watched me suck his lady-friend's nipple.
Mairead moaned softly then pushed me away, undoing my remaining buttons and gently sliding my striped shirtoff my body, unveiling my cream bra covered boobs for all to see. Suddenly Steve reached behind me, unclipped the fastening allowing my bra to fall free. I slipped my arms from the straps and pulled the garment away from me.
My boobs, even at fifty, stayed almost where they were, Mairead's mouth sought out my right nipple as she gently wanked Steve's cock. I watched Tom speed up his own wanking whilst Stuart had put his glass down and was removing his trousers, unveiling the thick ten inches I was so used to! Steve tried to stop Mairead from rubbing his own erect nine inches.
I stood up, freeing my breast from Mairead's mouth, she looked up at me surprised, I motioned her to Steve's cock in her hand, instantly understanding her lipstick, smeared mouth covered his bell-end and began to rhythmically bob up and down. Steve leaned back ecstatically as the woman expertly sucked him. I unfastened my dog-tooth skirt and stepped from it, Tom groaned, " Oh fucking shit, yes! " As he viewed my ample arse and stockings legs, a view enhanced by my high-heel boots.
Steve opened his eyes and sat up, removing his cock from Mairead's gaping mouth, " What the fuck! What? " She cried out. I slowly slipped my silky, cream knickers down across my tanned thighs down to my boots where they caught for a moment before I , very unsexily, freed them and threw them in my husband's direction. " Sorry Mairead, but I need her first, " Steve gently kissed her on the lips then stood up to face me, " But,but! " Mairead continued to complain until Stuart took her by the hand and pushed her to her knees, where seeing my husband's swaying ten inches in front of her eagerly proceeded to suck on his prick, taking it deep into her mouth and throat clearly not the first time she had deep -throated a big dick!
Steve pulled me to him, his tongue explored my mouth as his arms wrapped around me, his hands kneading my huge bum - cheeks. His erection, standing tall, pressed into my ample belly as he continued to French Kiss me, I pulled away and dropped to my knees, instantly mimicking Mairead as I deep- throated his throbbing member. He sighed deeply, reaching to firstly grasp my head then bending slightly grasped at my breasts.
Behind me I was aware of movements, Mairead had removed her lingerie completely, her ample, mature body, shining starkly against my husband's perma-tanned skin. I sucked hard on Steve's delightful dick, as I saw Mairead clamber on to the dishevelled, double bed before gaining control of Stuart's cock in her mouth whilst Tom moved to her rear to enter her cunt as they gave her the classic spit-roasting.
This scene, and Mairead's incessant moaning, seemed to excite Steve. He pulled out of my mouth, surprised I looked at him wide-eyed, " On your knees, and in the air, " he ordered patting the bed. I did as ordered and instantly felt his engorged, nine inches fully penetrate my sopping pussy.
Not only was he big, but he knew how to use it! Four minutes in I knew my orgasm, well my first, was looming. Steve grabbed my boobs roughly, kneading them , pinching my nipples as he fucked me. I glanced across to Mairead as Tom admitted a huge roar, Mairead continued to fellate Stuart , but her partner had obviously shot his load in her cunt, I knew Stu wouldn't be cumming soon, so wasn't surprised when he moved from her face to her recently deserted pussy. Steve still rode me on. I felt the tingling, then the huge wave as my orgasm hit! " Fuck me you big dicked bastard! " I abused him as I came my pussy walls gripping his still throbbing cock, boy could be fuck! Mairead was right! No wonder Alison wanted his cock every day!
Mairead's cry invaded my orgasmic pleasure, turning my head I saw that Stuart had fully penetrated her cunt. Three or four expertly delivered shaftings later, she was a quivering , sobbing wreck as my husband continued to shag her, I knew only too well what she was enjoying! Meanwhile, Steve carried on fucking me, I knew only too well that another big O was encroaching and suddenly almost in synchronised form I shuddered and cried out just as Mairead ecstatically reached her point of no return also. " You enjoying this bitch? " Steve whispered into my ear, I nodded, " Well Alison always loved this after she'd cum a few times! "
Almost without missing a beat Steve pulled his cock out and instantly jabbed it into my puckered arsehole! I gave a whelp as he entered then relaxed as he continued to fuck me, reaching the same rhythm as before, my butt cheeks clenched with every thrust then I came again, hugely, my cries this time drowning out Maireads as Stuart finally emptied his load deep inside her. Steve's pounding carried on for a couple more minutes then I felt him tense and, what seemed like a pint of spunk filled my back passage. His ejaculation drew my last orgasm from me, ( or what I presumed was my last!), Steve's dwindling cock left my arse with an audible pop followed by an oozing river of his
creamy spunk.
I lay in Steve's arms for a few minutes surveying the scene. Tom was sitting on the chair, his cock semi-erect, drinking a swig of whisky. On the double bed Mairead lay naked gently wanking Stuart's cock as he nuzzled at her breasts. n
Steve gently stroked my back, " I told them you'd be a fucking, hot fuck! " He nuzzled my ear as he spoke,
"You're not so bad yourself," I replied with a smile, turning to kiss him gently on the forehead. " Jayne can I keep your husband ? I've never cum like that before! " Mairead spoke as she pulled away from my better half, Tom scowled for a moment then resumed his drink. " You'd soon get fed up with him after a while! "
Stuart threw Mairead's basque at me, " Hey! " I shouted at him, absentmindedly I felt around to my bum, I'd already guessed that Steve's rough entry had probably split me a little and the dollop of creamy, white spunk flecked with a red streak, confirmed it. Steve's erection surprised me, even Stuart wasn't that fast, " Whoah boy, " I laughed, " I'm 50 not 15! " Mairead's eyes lit up! She pushed hubby off the bed and lay back, " I suppose I do owe you one! " Steve moved across to the double as I lay back.
I heard Mairead cry out again as Steve, no doubt, entered her. I laughed, " Fucking randy buggers! " A hand touched my knee, thinking it was Stuart I was about to give him a what for!
When I noticed it was Tom, he spoke softly, " You are fucking hot, so you mind? I mean I've only got this but I can use it, " he pointed to his hard six or seven inches, I replied , " Well why the hell not, in for a pound...but hey no arse play, your mate did a good job on me there." Tom moved between my legs, I pulled gently a few times on his stiff dick as he fingered my soaking pussy, " God you're wet! Fucking dripping! "
" Blame your friend! " I motioned to the other bed where chubby queen, Mairead was once again on her knees being spit-roasted, this time with Steve balls deep in her cunt and Stuart, again, deep-throating her ever willing mouth. He looked over to me and winked as he face fucked Mairead for all be was worth, I smiled back as Tom began to pick at my sodden cunt, his tongue pushing inside my tight snatch as he slurped at my juices, then he pushed two fingers into me moving his tongue to all at my engorged clitoris.
That brought my latest orgasm! As he licked and nibbled at my button I began fucking on the bed and pulled his head into my pussy, one orgasm was quickly followed by a second and I knew a third wouldn't be far away. I heard a grunt and pathetic cry from Mairead as she climaxed again on Steve's hot cock, her cries quickly stifled as Stuart forced his full length deep into her throat.
I moved on the bed telling Tom I wanted him doggy style, right now. I knelt before him my wet snatch presented perfectly. He didn't need any second urging, slipping effortlessly into my waiting cunt, then building to a lovely rhythmical shafting, grunting like some wild b**st with every thrust.
He reached around and fondled my tits as he rode me, gently squeezing the rock hard nipples as he fucked my tingling pussy. I gave a lingering cry as I came again, Tom's cock, whilst not as big as Steve's had still given me what I needed. I pushed back hard against Tom's cock and drew him over the edge.
My already soaked pussy received another huge spunking from his spurting cock. His low grunts growing into a huge crescendo as he came!
From the other bed I heard a cry almost as if in pain and I knew instantly that Steve had begun buggering Mairead. As he forced his cock into her ample arse I saw Stuart pull out of her mouth and ejaculated all over her reddening face and hair, wiping the last strands upon her cheeks and chin.
She fell forwards as Steve's huge prick continued to violate her fat arse, giving a great cry as he pulled out and plastered his spunk all over her bum cheeks as he came.
Exhausted all five of us just lay where we were and dozed. Tom quietly caressed my boobs, licking at my still hard nipples now and again while Mairead lay slumped in the double bed , slowly wanking the two cocks that had just fucked her. I closed my eyes contentedly. I could feel Tom's cum still trickling from my satiated pussy onto my thighs, whilst my asshole still hurt from Steve's savage anal use of me.
I wondered how could a quiet celebratory meal end up in an orgy with three people we didn't know? I smiled in satisfaction knowing that it was far from being the first time and would, surely, not be the last!
Hubby had promised me a big family party plus a few, more 'private' events for me as well, one of which was a short stay near Chester which I have detailed before in my blog. ( Turning 50 in some style).
The event I shall set out here is as follows.
Just after we got back from our Chester break, my husband announced he had booked a table for the two of us at a local pub, The Boat and Horses, for lunch. So I got myself ready, nothing special,just a striped long-line shirt and a knee length dog-tooth skirt over a set of cream bra and pants and black red topped stockings. Adding a pair of heeled boots to top it off.
It was a mild October day so I just threw on a long cardigan as we awaited the taxi.
Ten minutes later we were entering the pub. It was fairly quiet with the exception of a booth that was packed with a group of what appeared to be a group of mourners. I'd guess there were around a dozen guys, aged from late teens to early sixties and a couple of women in their thirties. Hubby ordered us some drinks from the bar as I perused the menu. We ordered breaded mushrooms with a garlic dip for our starter.
As we were eating a loud guffaw broke the comparative silence, immediately a voice spoke, apologising to us and the other few diners in the pub, " Sorry about that, we were just remembering Alison and it brought back some happy memories, " one of our fellow diners spoke up saying he was sure everyone understood and it was good that they had happy memories at such an obviously sad time. Most other people nodded in agreement and we carried on with our meals.
Our mains arrived I had Chilli con Carne and Stuart had rump steak with a large baked potato. As I ate I was aware of being watched. My eyes flirted around the room and I noticed that one of the wake party, a young, blind guy was staring in my direction. As soon as he saw me looking his way he averted his gaze and spoke to the man sat next to him as if nothing was wrong. I carried on eating, putting my thoughts down to misunderstanding.
We finished our meals, both excellent by the way and highly recommended, ( advert over!), hubby ordered another round of drinks and also a bottle of sparkling white wine. Once again I was aware of the same guy eyeing me up. Quickly I adjusted my shirt thinking perhaps a button had popped open. No all was fine there. I wiped my mouth with my napkin, noticing I had caught him again he quickly turned his back to me and began talking to one of the women.
During our meal I'd noticed that the group had kept the tables full with wine bottles and full pint glasses of beer, not to mention a few glasses of spirits. Every now and again I felt his piercing gaze turning in my direction, always finding his glances turned away as I looked towards him.
Getting up I told Stuart that I needed to use the toilet and headed to the loos at the back. As I entered I noticed one of the women from the wake was emerging from one of the cubicles. " I hope we're not too loud for you? Spoiling your meal, " I shook my head as I checked my make-up in the mirror,
"Not at all " I answered, " was it somebody special who's passed? "
" Just a work colleague, Alison. Brain haemorrhage, very sudden, " she explained with a slight sigh, I took out my lipstick and replied it, " I'm very sorry, was she old? " She shook her head as she put on some poppy of her own, " 53, not really old", she said pursing her lips together as she used the lipstick,
" No, not old at all, I mean I just turned 50 myself last week, I feel ancient but I don't expect to kick the bucket any time soon! "
" You don't look 50! I mean, don't tell him I said this, but my mate Steve thinks you're hot. And he's only 37yo! Mind you I know for a fact that he was shagging Alison for a couple of years! Mind I reckon most of the guys had fucked her, she was a randy slag! " A slight laugh escaped her mouth, " oops mustn't speak I'll of the dead, may she rest in peace. Anyhow enjoy your afternoon! "
So saying she dropped the lipstick into her bag, turned on her heels and clip-clopped from the toilet.
I stood for a moment staring into the mirror feeling flattered that I could be attractive to a guy more than ten years my junior, then I gave a huff, went into the loo, did my business and left the ladie's toilets.
As soon as I opened the door I felt the guy's eyes fall upon me, I stood a moment, brushed my hand down the front of my shirt down to my skirt, which I have a little tug and moved back to my seat. " Sticky Toffee for desserts? " Stuart asked as I did so, I nodded affirmatively in reply and he headed to the bar to order. This time I noticed that the guy's gaze hadn't been averted. I felt it penetrating deep into my own eyes, then an older guy nudged him, nodded in my direction and laughed.
Stuart came back carrying two Irish Coffees, " Thought I'd get us these whilst we wait for pud! " He continued, " you were a while in the loo? "
" Yeah one of the girls from the Wake was chatting, " I answered mentioning towards the party with my glass, " seems it was a work colleague that died suddenly, 53 year old, also that she was a bit of a slutty type, apparently! " Stuart laughed,
" So I'd have liked her then? My kind of woman? " I have him a playful kick under the table,
" Oh is that so! What does that make me then? "
" You're my ideal woman you know that, " Stuart rubbed my leg with his foot under the table as he answered with a big smile. My own eyes met the younger man's eye as my husband continued to flirt with me, I felt as if he was already mentally undressing me there and then. I gulped a mouthful of wine and inadvertently stared back. My tongue licked sexually at the side of my lips. I suddenly jolted upright as hubby's foot tapped my knee.
" Seems to me you've got an admirer! " I looked at him wistfully and replied,
" You noticed then? " He nodded ,
" I couldn't miss it! The fair haired guy? "
" A bit creepy if I'm honest, he's been staring at me since we had our starters, the girl I spoke with said he'd been shagging the woman that died and had told her he thought I was hot as fuck! " Hubby laughed loudly, " Well he's certainly right on that! What do you think about him? " I thought about it for a moment of two,
" He's OK I suppose, nothing special though! " As I answered hubby, the girl that I had spoken to earlier walked past on her way to the loos. She made a sign that I should join her, so getting up I pointed to the toilets so hubby knew where I'd gone.
Upon entering I noticed the girl was, once again, touching up her make-up by the sinks. " Steve's really got it bad for you babe, asked me to tell you that him and his mate Tom are staying at the hotel next door, room 265, if you and your husband fancy a drink? Reckon it'll make his week if you agreed! " I brushed my hands absentmindedly down my shirt, " Well I don't think he's thinking rationally, what with the funeral, drinks plus losing his fuck- buddy! "
" Yeah, anyhow I've done as asked room 265, right we're off now see you later! " She exited the loos and I went into a cubicle, dropped my knickers and sat down for a pee.
Normally I''d have just been flattered by a younger guy's interest in me, but this still creeped me out a little. I suddenly realised I was tweaking my clit as I finished my peeing, even allowing a finger tip to push into me, quickly I stood up, pulled up my knickers and flushed the loo. On my way out I checked my own make-up then returned to our table where hubby had replenished our drinks.
I noticed that the funeral guests had all left. " I see our grieving guests have departed! " I opined to Stuart who nodded in reply,
" I'd say some of them were on wobbly legs too when they, well, fell out the doors! "
I laughed at his description, " Well some haven't got far to go, " Stuart looked at me in puzzlement, " the young girl told me that Steve asked her to tell me we were invited to join him and his friends for a drink , room 265 in the hotel next door! "
My husband shook his head in disbelief, " You're k**ding me? Well if you're not, are you going to take him up on it? " I swallowed the half of cider that hubby had bought me, " Well the way you're trying to get me sloshed I might well do! " I laughed out loud as hubby headed for the bar one more time, " Right last drink whilst you decide, OK? " I nodded in agreement.
Fifteen minutes later I swallowed the last of my cider as hubby drained his pint, " Right then Jayne girl, are we going for a drink with your new love of what? " I felt my face redden as he spoke to me,
" Well as I'm not far off being pissed, plus at 50 plus I just admit I'm flattered! So come on let's see what young Steve has to say eh? "
Five minutes later my husband was at the hotel reception desk asking for directions to room 265, she said it was on floor two around to the left, thanking her we took the lift up and shortly after found ourselves outside room 265. Hubby tapped on the door, nothing, he knocked again, this time we heard the door being unlocked and opened.
It was the older, heavy set guy dressed in an unbuttoned shirt with a towel wrapped around his lower half, " Erm the younger guy, Steve is it? He sent us a message to call in for a drink? " He motioned towards me, the guy fumbled for his towel and mumbled, " Oh fuck! Yeah well he's just ducked in the shower, try and sober up a bit!' A woman's voice piped up in the background, " Come on Tom, I'm getting cold! " He shot a glance behind himself then looked at us, " sorry, just I, well, we didn't think you'd come round, and ... "
" We can always go if you're busy? " I offered the premise of escape for the guy, quickly he moved back saying, " No it's fine come on in excuse the mess! " We entered and I surveyed the scene, there was a double bed and a single one against the left hand wall, a table and chair plus a TV that appeared to be showing a porno of some type. The single bed was covered by two suits and a white shirt and tie, whilst the double contained a skirt and blouse plus a middle-aged woman of around 45yo who was sitting with the duvet pulled up to get chin. she was a brunette and filled her lovely lingerie very well with tits and a belly that could easily mirror my own! Plus she looked to also have a full arse and equally sturdy thighs, she wasn't beautiful in the classical sense, but certainly had something about her and she was definitely not plain!
The guy spoke apologetically, " I'm sorry this is Mairead, Mairead this is, Steve's friends, erm... " My husband smiled and finished the introductions,
" Hi, this is Jayne and I'm Stuart, " he moved as if to offer a hand to shake but as the woman made to reciprocate the blankets fell, revealing a black basque type outfit, which she quickly 're-covered with the quilt!
Tom tapped on the bathroom door, " Steve you have company!! "
" Fuck off I'm not in the mood for games! " Tom tapped on the door again, "I'm not joking Stevie, we have guests!" The shower stopped, the loud extractor fan behind the door began to wind down, then the bolt on the door was drawn back and Steve was revealed in all his glory, well almost. His blonde hair was slicked back, a pair of wonderfully tanned, broad shoulders topped an almost six pack whilst two muscular thighs and athletic calves jutted from below a small hand towel that just covered his modesty.
Mairead let out a long gasp, " Wow! " she muttered, Tom sent her a dirty look as she sat up allowing the duvet to fall revealing her lingerie to everyone in the room. " Shit you came! " Steve stuttered moving to sit on the edge of the single bed, Mairead gasped again as she noticed the hand towel did nothing to hide his 'buns of steel' nor his voluminous bollocks that hung below. " Well did Tom introduce you all? " I nodded in reply as my tactless husband interjected, "Wasn't a drink mentioned somewhere along the line?" Steve almost jumped up , then remembering his predicament , stopped, grabbing instead for a shirt,
" Don't bother for me babe! "
" Nor me! " chimed Mairead earning a further dark glance from Tom, " Come on Tommy, be a good host, I could die for a drink! " Mairead's shyness had all but evaporated as she kicked off the duvet revealing two stoutish, stockinged legs topped off by a pair of impossibly high heels! " We,but we have whisky, vodka or I think some beer! " Tom moved to the table to retrieve some glasses, forgetting to hold his towel he gave everyone a grandstand view of his dwindling meat and two veg!
He grabbed for the towel but didn't succeed in hiding his hairy ass cheeks or a pair of hairy balls that would have given Steve's a run for the money. His face reddened, I took of my cardigan and loosened a couple of buttons on my shirt. I noticed Steve's towel jerk, I think Mairead's eye caught the movement too! Steve reached into a cabinet pulling out three spirit bottles and a four pack of bitters, Tom managed to give out the glasses, without exposing much more and finally we all had a drink.
Mairead proposed a toast, " Here's to Alison, may God bless her horny soul and all those who sailed in her! " Tom spluttered,
" Mairead! Have you no respect for the dead? " She swung her legs across the bed upon to Tom's who was sat on the other side of her, " Don't be so sanctimonious Tommy, she was a slut and a slag! I know for a fact that you'd tapped her and as for big cocked Stevie here, well, she couldn't get enough! "
Tom swallowed his drink quickly followed swiftly by Steve. I glanced at hubby who had covered his mouth whilst stifling a laugh. I decided it was time to make a move, I raised my glass downed the vodka and toasted, " Alison and all those that loved and miss her! "
Steve refilled my glass, " Hey are you trying to get me drunk young man! " I allowed my hand to rest on his naked thigh, then saying, " Wow it's warm in here now! I guess you lot are alright, I mean you're all half dressed! " I undid another button on my shirt. I noticed Steve's towel jump again, whether as a result of my hand on his thigh or my further shirt undoing I couldn't say.
Steve gulped down a taste of his whisky, " You know Stuart you've got a gorgeous and sexy wife, you don't mind me saying so? "
" Not at all I'm flattered you think so, though you're hardly the first to say so! " Steve looked at me, stated at me, " Go on give her a kiss Stevie, you've been going on about her all afternoon! "
" Shut up Mairead, you've had too much drink! " Steve's face turned an even brighter shade of red as he chastised the brunette. " Well if you're not up for it I am! " Mairead shifted back across the bed and moved to the foot of the single bed, where she knelt down took my hand and gave
me a delightful, and long, French Kiss, even allowing herself to gently brush my breasts with her free hand, " there that wasn't hard was it? Now though I know what is! " So saying she made a grab for Steve's towel, as it flew into the room his cock sprang free and upright, Mairead's gasp was louder than ever evolving into a selection of words that spoke volumes, " Holy Shit! No wonder Alison wanted that all day! "
Steve's hands tried to cover his dick and balls, but had little success, Mairead moved her hand to touch his rampant cock, lightly caressing the large, purple glans, a move that, I'm certain got a further inch rise in his size, Tom shouted from the back of the room, " Fucking hell Mairead! What are you fucking doing? " I glanced at Tom, who disgusted as he was at her touching of another man's dick, betrayed his true thoughts as his own erection stretched out from his groin.
" Shut it Tommy" I deserve to have a bit of fun, is that right Jayne? "
I was smiling but answered, " Well I guess that's up to you and Tom! Not to mention Stevie boy here! " I glanced at my husband who was finishing his beer
with a huge smile on his face. Steve spoke, " I'm not sure Mairead, I mean you are here with Tom aren't you? " Tom's dick swung upwards again as his friend spoke. I pulled Mairead to me, " OK babe how about we put on a bit of a play for the boys? "
Mairead nodded meekly as I slipped the straps of her basque from her alabaster, white shoulders. Uncovering her milky, white breasts I immediately tweaked her left nipple, then lowered my lips to her right, suckling gently like a baby at its mother's breast. Steve's huge cock reached maximum size. Across the room I noticed Stuart had pulled out his own cock whilst Tom's hand was gently massaging his prick as he watched me suck his lady-friend's nipple.
Mairead moaned softly then pushed me away, undoing my remaining buttons and gently sliding my striped shirtoff my body, unveiling my cream bra covered boobs for all to see. Suddenly Steve reached behind me, unclipped the fastening allowing my bra to fall free. I slipped my arms from the straps and pulled the garment away from me.
My boobs, even at fifty, stayed almost where they were, Mairead's mouth sought out my right nipple as she gently wanked Steve's cock. I watched Tom speed up his own wanking whilst Stuart had put his glass down and was removing his trousers, unveiling the thick ten inches I was so used to! Steve tried to stop Mairead from rubbing his own erect nine inches.
I stood up, freeing my breast from Mairead's mouth, she looked up at me surprised, I motioned her to Steve's cock in her hand, instantly understanding her lipstick, smeared mouth covered his bell-end and began to rhythmically bob up and down. Steve leaned back ecstatically as the woman expertly sucked him. I unfastened my dog-tooth skirt and stepped from it, Tom groaned, " Oh fucking shit, yes! " As he viewed my ample arse and stockings legs, a view enhanced by my high-heel boots.
Steve opened his eyes and sat up, removing his cock from Mairead's gaping mouth, " What the fuck! What? " She cried out. I slowly slipped my silky, cream knickers down across my tanned thighs down to my boots where they caught for a moment before I , very unsexily, freed them and threw them in my husband's direction. " Sorry Mairead, but I need her first, " Steve gently kissed her on the lips then stood up to face me, " But,but! " Mairead continued to complain until Stuart took her by the hand and pushed her to her knees, where seeing my husband's swaying ten inches in front of her eagerly proceeded to suck on his prick, taking it deep into her mouth and throat clearly not the first time she had deep -throated a big dick!
Steve pulled me to him, his tongue explored my mouth as his arms wrapped around me, his hands kneading my huge bum - cheeks. His erection, standing tall, pressed into my ample belly as he continued to French Kiss me, I pulled away and dropped to my knees, instantly mimicking Mairead as I deep- throated his throbbing member. He sighed deeply, reaching to firstly grasp my head then bending slightly grasped at my breasts.
Behind me I was aware of movements, Mairead had removed her lingerie completely, her ample, mature body, shining starkly against my husband's perma-tanned skin. I sucked hard on Steve's delightful dick, as I saw Mairead clamber on to the dishevelled, double bed before gaining control of Stuart's cock in her mouth whilst Tom moved to her rear to enter her cunt as they gave her the classic spit-roasting.
This scene, and Mairead's incessant moaning, seemed to excite Steve. He pulled out of my mouth, surprised I looked at him wide-eyed, " On your knees, and in the air, " he ordered patting the bed. I did as ordered and instantly felt his engorged, nine inches fully penetrate my sopping pussy.
Not only was he big, but he knew how to use it! Four minutes in I knew my orgasm, well my first, was looming. Steve grabbed my boobs roughly, kneading them , pinching my nipples as he fucked me. I glanced across to Mairead as Tom admitted a huge roar, Mairead continued to fellate Stuart , but her partner had obviously shot his load in her cunt, I knew Stu wouldn't be cumming soon, so wasn't surprised when he moved from her face to her recently deserted pussy. Steve still rode me on. I felt the tingling, then the huge wave as my orgasm hit! " Fuck me you big dicked bastard! " I abused him as I came my pussy walls gripping his still throbbing cock, boy could be fuck! Mairead was right! No wonder Alison wanted his cock every day!
Mairead's cry invaded my orgasmic pleasure, turning my head I saw that Stuart had fully penetrated her cunt. Three or four expertly delivered shaftings later, she was a quivering , sobbing wreck as my husband continued to shag her, I knew only too well what she was enjoying! Meanwhile, Steve carried on fucking me, I knew only too well that another big O was encroaching and suddenly almost in synchronised form I shuddered and cried out just as Mairead ecstatically reached her point of no return also. " You enjoying this bitch? " Steve whispered into my ear, I nodded, " Well Alison always loved this after she'd cum a few times! "
Almost without missing a beat Steve pulled his cock out and instantly jabbed it into my puckered arsehole! I gave a whelp as he entered then relaxed as he continued to fuck me, reaching the same rhythm as before, my butt cheeks clenched with every thrust then I came again, hugely, my cries this time drowning out Maireads as Stuart finally emptied his load deep inside her. Steve's pounding carried on for a couple more minutes then I felt him tense and, what seemed like a pint of spunk filled my back passage. His ejaculation drew my last orgasm from me, ( or what I presumed was my last!), Steve's dwindling cock left my arse with an audible pop followed by an oozing river of his
creamy spunk.
I lay in Steve's arms for a few minutes surveying the scene. Tom was sitting on the chair, his cock semi-erect, drinking a swig of whisky. On the double bed Mairead lay naked gently wanking Stuart's cock as he nuzzled at her breasts. n
Steve gently stroked my back, " I told them you'd be a fucking, hot fuck! " He nuzzled my ear as he spoke,
"You're not so bad yourself," I replied with a smile, turning to kiss him gently on the forehead. " Jayne can I keep your husband ? I've never cum like that before! " Mairead spoke as she pulled away from my better half, Tom scowled for a moment then resumed his drink. " You'd soon get fed up with him after a while! "
Stuart threw Mairead's basque at me, " Hey! " I shouted at him, absentmindedly I felt around to my bum, I'd already guessed that Steve's rough entry had probably split me a little and the dollop of creamy, white spunk flecked with a red streak, confirmed it. Steve's erection surprised me, even Stuart wasn't that fast, " Whoah boy, " I laughed, " I'm 50 not 15! " Mairead's eyes lit up! She pushed hubby off the bed and lay back, " I suppose I do owe you one! " Steve moved across to the double as I lay back.
I heard Mairead cry out again as Steve, no doubt, entered her. I laughed, " Fucking randy buggers! " A hand touched my knee, thinking it was Stuart I was about to give him a what for!
When I noticed it was Tom, he spoke softly, " You are fucking hot, so you mind? I mean I've only got this but I can use it, " he pointed to his hard six or seven inches, I replied , " Well why the hell not, in for a pound...but hey no arse play, your mate did a good job on me there." Tom moved between my legs, I pulled gently a few times on his stiff dick as he fingered my soaking pussy, " God you're wet! Fucking dripping! "
" Blame your friend! " I motioned to the other bed where chubby queen, Mairead was once again on her knees being spit-roasted, this time with Steve balls deep in her cunt and Stuart, again, deep-throating her ever willing mouth. He looked over to me and winked as he face fucked Mairead for all be was worth, I smiled back as Tom began to pick at my sodden cunt, his tongue pushing inside my tight snatch as he slurped at my juices, then he pushed two fingers into me moving his tongue to all at my engorged clitoris.
That brought my latest orgasm! As he licked and nibbled at my button I began fucking on the bed and pulled his head into my pussy, one orgasm was quickly followed by a second and I knew a third wouldn't be far away. I heard a grunt and pathetic cry from Mairead as she climaxed again on Steve's hot cock, her cries quickly stifled as Stuart forced his full length deep into her throat.
I moved on the bed telling Tom I wanted him doggy style, right now. I knelt before him my wet snatch presented perfectly. He didn't need any second urging, slipping effortlessly into my waiting cunt, then building to a lovely rhythmical shafting, grunting like some wild b**st with every thrust.
He reached around and fondled my tits as he rode me, gently squeezing the rock hard nipples as he fucked my tingling pussy. I gave a lingering cry as I came again, Tom's cock, whilst not as big as Steve's had still given me what I needed. I pushed back hard against Tom's cock and drew him over the edge.
My already soaked pussy received another huge spunking from his spurting cock. His low grunts growing into a huge crescendo as he came!
From the other bed I heard a cry almost as if in pain and I knew instantly that Steve had begun buggering Mairead. As he forced his cock into her ample arse I saw Stuart pull out of her mouth and ejaculated all over her reddening face and hair, wiping the last strands upon her cheeks and chin.
She fell forwards as Steve's huge prick continued to violate her fat arse, giving a great cry as he pulled out and plastered his spunk all over her bum cheeks as he came.
Exhausted all five of us just lay where we were and dozed. Tom quietly caressed my boobs, licking at my still hard nipples now and again while Mairead lay slumped in the double bed , slowly wanking the two cocks that had just fucked her. I closed my eyes contentedly. I could feel Tom's cum still trickling from my satiated pussy onto my thighs, whilst my asshole still hurt from Steve's savage anal use of me.
I wondered how could a quiet celebratory meal end up in an orgy with three people we didn't know? I smiled in satisfaction knowing that it was far from being the first time and would, surely, not be the last!
3 years ago