Workplace lust: Chapter One

Chapter 1
She doesn’t know that you watch her. She doesn’t know that the thought of her alone is enough to excite you, wherever you may be. She doesn’t know how hard your cock gets at night when you are alone in bed, thinking of her. How could she know about the times you had to stroke your cock in the bathroom at work, just to stop thinking of her, fantasizing about her. It is enough to drive a man insane with lust. Just a whiff, or a waft, of her black raspberry vanilla body wash and you are useless until you can take care of your inappropriate urgings, this unrequited hunger you have for her.
You think of these things as your mind drifts to her, as it so often does these days. You wonder what she is wearing today, and if there will be a chance to see farther up her thighs than usual. Seeing her thighs was easier than getting a glimpse of her panties, as she wore a skirt everyday. Its just that somedays she wears shorter skirts. For months you have been waiting patiently for an accidental glimpse between her thighs, up to her panties, when she is wearing one of her tighter, shorter skirts. You have tried hard to not be noticed while you steal glimpses if she looks like she might bend over, or even better, squat down without closing her legs all the way, like before. Oh, how sweet that day was. It was the day you knew you were lost. The day you knew you would do anything if it meant being able to touch her, just once, caress her perfectly curved hips, her breasts which seemed both somehow perfectly shaped, and deceptively large.
You have often imagined what her nipples are like. Are they small and petite, like her, or are they soft, and puffy? They might be inverted a little, just needing a little coaxing out of hiding, to grow hard while your tongue caresses it. Or maybe they are longer, easily becoming erect, and like to be played with a little rougher. You would give half a week’s salary to find out. Hell, you knew for a fact most of the office would too. You dared not think what the price might be to spend a whole night with her. But you would pay it if she offered. Oh my, yes, you would pay any price.
You see her arrive to the office, your cubicle has a window (your best perk for having been with the company for twenty years, in your opinion) and you get the pleasure of watching her arrive and walk in from the parking lot most days. Once in awhile she even pauses in place under your window, and you get your first down blouse view of the day (though you will eagerly await any others you are lucky to get). One of the best ways to start a day!
Today there will be no such luck, the temperatures outside are too cold for everyone not to be all bundled up. But you don’t mind, that means you get to see her partially undress when she walks into the office. Its not what you really want, but you will take what you can get. And after all, sometimes, like today, she reveals an outfit even better than you imagined under her jacket. As you get lost in watching her slowly unwrap her scarf, take her hat off and shake her hair out, you are too slow to notice you have been caught staring at her with your mouth slightly open. As your eyes meet hers, you know you are too late, you have been caught watching her. You quickly smile and nod as if you are only saying hello in passing. You look away quickly and hope she didn’t see you watching for too long. Or notice your pants becoming too tight watching her strip away her layers of clothes.
As you turn back to your computer to like you have been nothing but productive, she is your boss after all, and you don’t want to chance getting reprimanded by HR for being inappropriate, your friend in the next cubicle sees everything go down and doesn’t hesitate to laugh at you. “Busted! You were totally busted checking her out…again!”. You have been friends with Lennett for over tens years, and you both have shared quite a bit over the years. Girlfriends, boyfriends, spouses, divorces, you have told each other all of it. So when she catches you creeping on your boss she instantly knows what you are thinking about doing to her. And uses the information to hold over you to fetch her coffee, grab her lunch, and on one occasion, picking up her dry cleaning. Holy cow what a shitshow that would have been if your wife had chance looking in your work car and seen Lennetts dry cleaning hanging. If she had looked a bit closer, she would have seen Lennett had set you up by ensuring she had some of her more colorful outfits. Silk robes, camisoles, tiny lace…and one of your work jackets you had left at the bar one night you were out having drinks with coworkers. Which she had then stolen and waited for her moment to cause as much excitement as possible with it.
Anyway, your wife didn’t look in your vehicle, she never does, so no harm no foul. Honestly, why would she, you have never given her a reason not to be after all. What would she say about the thoughts you have about your boss every day though? About how you wouldn’t be able to say no to her if she ever came on to you. These aren’t conversations you want to have with your wife, and so felt relieved when you made it through Lennett’s attempt to cause chaos in your marriage.
Drifting back to the present you hear Lennett asking you if you felt alright with a huge shit eating grin, that you are looking a bit warm. You flip her off and try to focus on work, though by now your cock is throbbing from thoughts of your bosses short skirt she wore in today.
Published by Morgansladder
3 years ago
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Ha, Ha! Been there. Tugged that. Mine was Karen, a married 46 year old, redhead with a pixie haircut, soccer Mom of 2 boys, wife of an oil company executive officer, who hit the gym every morning at 4 am, just as she had done in the Navy. She was one of our dispatch secretaries, but only worked so she could get away from her MiL, who lived with her family. Karen was girl next door cute, wearing her tennis sneakers into work, and changing into dress high heels, even though it wasn't required. Always in a dress, and pantyhose. Always neat, and looking ready for an inspection. I loved being her focus, as she would straiten out the collar of my uniform's shirt, and hand press it down my chest, where she'ld hold her hands against my abs, while looking into my eyes. Each time snapping her hands back away from me, and saying there, that's much better, now. I was one of 36 truck drivers, 31 years old, but as Karen said, far more friendly then most. I only noticed her pantyhose, by saving the IT guys time, by unplugging her office pc to reboot itself, and looking up at her smiling at me from behind me, in her office chair. And yes she saw me take a peek. lol! Her partner in crime Sarah, leaning over her shoulder, and asked, "See anything you like from there?" All 6'5" of me turned red, and I tried to apologize. Karen just laughed, and said He'ld NEVER be interested in me, I'm way to old for him! Making me head to the bathroom to tug out yet another batch, to fantasies of Karen's heavenly body. A week or so later, she asked if I thought her heels were to formal? In true Sagittarius form, I blurted out, No they're fine, but with your hard body you should wear thigh highs, and not those silly old lady pantyhose. Sarah, had to get a new keyboard, because of the mouthfull of Sprite she spit out on it laughing. Karen folded her fingers together behind her back, and standing just inches in front of me, said, "Walter those are for young single girls, not old women like me."  I replied, then you haven't looked in a mirror lately, because you're the only 40 something I know who looks 25. Then turned, and walked out, guessing I was going to be fired next. Never got fired, Karen started wearing thigh highs, and asked me for other tips. She found out she loved Sundresses in the Summer, over formal work attire, and even told me her husband took notice, and was being more Husbandly to her. Which strangely felt Great! She actually glowed. I even joked with Sarah, that he might mess it all up by knocking her up again, no matter how pretty she was, when she was pregnant. Karen heard us, and said No, I've got that covered! To which I joked, Oh you've learned how to swallow? Sarah went white! Karen leaned into my ear, and wetly whispered, I've told my husband, he could only ever come in me, if he started to look more like you, and didn't cry every time I called out your name as I'd cum on his mouth, and my toys.
msholly 6 months ago
to die_scarletpumpernel : Loved it, thanks for sharing! 
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australo 11 months ago
Not bad as a start, I'll keep on with #2.
cnycharlie 11 months ago
to Morgansladder : Well....I'm interested!!!  xoxo
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zerotolerance88 1 year ago
nylongranny 1 year ago
mmmm.....amazing sensations.....
easye0385 1 year ago
I’ll be reading all parts in my office tomorrow morning.... again .... 
Pbarr2015 1 year ago
Great start
TITLOVER13 1 year ago
wow pt #1
hip12out 2 years ago
sex at work is always a bonus
Greensleevees 2 years ago
Oh there is such a movie script here! Not sure if I want to play Lenn's part, the conniving shameless drama queen who has the hots for you but is lady to a fault and would not make a move on you first. But as I read her, if you call her bluff, she will be bent over her desk in no time. And you better not stop... or, i could play your boss, proper and business-like at work, except for the lace and short skirts... And you are so busy making sure she doesn't see you peeking, the you have not noticed her looking at your bulge. And wanting. And slipping away to the ladies exec restroom. The stall closes, the skirt's hiked up and your boss has become quivering, rubbing, whimpering Elizabeth imagining you mounting her in a boardroom chair.Imagining you as you grunt and thrust your triumph. Imagining the shock on Lenn's face when she walks in on and sees her boss in the throes of orgasm, as you finish! OMG I'm a basket case now. I have to lay down... screenplay by Lorelei
st_john_green 2 years ago
Makes me remember some of the eye candy from working construction. I appreciate you sharing are you going to continue writing it here ? Thank you 
emilio652017 2 years ago
It's a's sounds promising....
Morgansladder Publisher 2 years ago
to simba45 : Ha, you just now see it?  I have had it forever, since I got on here.  No one seemed inclined for more, so I never wrote Chapter 2.  Maybe someday when there is more interest!
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simba45 2 years ago
Mmmm, that's an arousing story! Thx for writing it!
PaulStephens 2 years ago
I’d like to work with you..