My wife having sex with men at work Part two
Those of you who have read my blogs will know what a hot woman my wife, Carole, is, and how I participate in her sexy adventures with other guys ( I'm sure that if I didn't, she'd be off shagging without my knowledge, and I'd rather know; by now, I have not only learned to live with her high sex drive, but also to enjoy seeing her in action ) Last week I wrote about her goings on with Andy, Jim and Brian, when she was their lab technician over a number of years. I will just add here, that there was another dimension to Carole being fancied by the males she worked with : Yes, some of the students found her attractive or at least thought she was an acceptable sex object, in that she said there were several occasions when she would be coming out of the school office just as the morning assembly was coming out of the main hall next door. As Carole joined in the crowd, there were often holdups and bottlenecks, and she said she would often feel lads close behind her ----- so close in fact, that she could feel them making contact with her bottom; she said that a lad would press himself up against her body, and more than a few times could she feel a stiffening cock touching her buttocks through her lab coat; this sensation was heightened by the fact that in the warmer months, Carole was not in the habit of wearing a dress underneath. Of course she could not turn round to look behind her, and as the students dispersed at the end of the corridor, there was no way she could see which lad's cock had been rubbing against her bum. Sometimes, she said she would actually feel someone put his hand firmly on her arse and give her a few strokes ! She said there were a couple of lads who she later thought were responsible, because they would say, " A bit crowded this morning coming out of assembly, wasn't it , miss ? " and give her a sly grin as they said it. There must have been far more than a couple of lads who had felt Carole up from behind over the years she worked there; she said she got used to it, and felt quite flattered that these young studs were seeing her in a sexual way.
Eventually Carole decided she wanted a career change, and applied for and got a job in a bank in Manchester. She really enjoyed the work and earned promotions, the latest one of which happened a couple of years ago, when she was surprised to be appointed to a role which necessitates her travelling around the country. Some days she can work from home, but other days she has to get up early to catch a train to either, Leeds, Birmingham or London. Although she enjoys it, these are long days and she doesn't get home till seven or eight in the evening.
Now that we are well into our lifestyle of having threesomes and foursomes for sexy fun ( Carole and me with Rod or Mike, and occasionally Carole and me with Rod AND Mike ) and threesomes with guys we have been in contact with through various sites where we have posted photos of Carole in her underwear and nude, naturally I got to asking her if there were any men in the bank whom she fancied. She admitted that there were one or two here and there, but no -one had come onto her. Then last November Carole mentioned to me that there were going to be some Christmas parties in the various branches. People had to buy a Christmas sweater to wear at the dos; she said she really wanted to go to the one in Birmingham which was being held on Friday the 10th December. This would also be convenient for her as she was scheduled to go to the Birmingham branch that week and could make it the Friday; she said she thought it promised to be a good party with a disco and "boogey dancing " . I have seen Carole " boogey dancing " and she does tend to get carried away with the pulsating beat of the music, especially after she has had a few drinks. I knew what she was going to say next : " Of course it will mean me having to stay the night ." She said that those people who were travelling from other parts of the country would also have to do the same, and they had already picked a hotel. Soon, my thoughts turned to my wife being in a party mood with plenty of booze inside her, getting over heated doing her wild dancing, and possibly ending up with a man inside her. When I told her what I was thinking, she replied that she doubted that, because none of the men had shown any interest in her. When I said that I was sure that there would be at least one who would be fancying her for some bedtime fun, she just shrugged and said " Well, if it happens, it happens! " and kissed me teasingly on the mouth.
I saw Carole off to work on the Friday morning, and told her to have a good time at the party, adding that I would see her when she came home sometime on the Saturday. That night as I lay in bed on my own, my thoughts wandered to what my wife was up to in Birmingham. I looked at the time : eleven o'clock. The meal would be over, had she attracted any men with her sexy dancing ? Had any men commented on the Christmas jumper she was wearing and tried to have a feel of her tits through it ? Had any man been dancing with her and clamped his hands on her bottom, like the students at the school ? My excitement grew and I began imagining her being seduced by a lusty colleague of hers.
The next day, I could hardly wait for her to come home to tell me what had taken place. Well ----- had I subconsciously wished it upon myself or what but Carole told me that the party had been a great success, the food and the disco were great and she had had a wonderful time. I told her I was glad she had enjoyed herself, and then asked her if anybody else had enjoyed her. She looked at me for a few seconds without speaking, so I asked her straight out : " Did you get shagged ? " Her face flushed slightly, as she smiled, looked down at the floor, then coyly looked up at me and said : " Yes, I did. " She came up to me and kissed me and got hold of my prick as she said " Do you want to know the details ? " Wow ! What a woman Carole is; she had my cock swelling in my trousers as we sat down with a coffee and she began to tell me what had happened to her.
Carole said she was dancing with Corey, one of the guys she knew from her visits to London and he had started paying her compliments, starting with telling her she looked beautiful and quickly ending with " I want to take you to bed, Carole " She says she was taken aback by his boldness, but also because although she had been fancying him for some time, she had no idea that he was interested in her. She says he bent his head down and kissed her on the lips; her head was swimming with the food, the drink and the music, and she says she readily opened her mouth to let him thrust his tongue in. Whispering " come on, then, up to my room, " Corey led her by the hand out and to the lift. Before she knew it, she says he had stripped her, laid her naked on his bed, taken off all his clothes and was firmly holding her legs apart so he could give her hot, wet pussy a good licking; she felt him spreading her labia wide, sticking his nose inside her vagina, and then pushing his middle finger into her anus and deep inside her arse. She knew how much she wanted his cock, and screamed at him ; " Corey, fuck me, fuck me hard ! " He did as she asked him to, and she was surprised how big his dick felt as he inserted it carefully into her willing hole. Then he propped himself up on his hands and banged her harder and harder; Carole said he had her orgasming in seconds, then she felt him let his spunk shoot up inside her cunt; once he had finished cumming, she says he paused for only about ten seconds before he was at her again, shagging her just as hard as the first time. He made her climax again, and he unloaded once more inside her. By now his sperm and Carole's cunt juice were not the only bodily fluids they had exchanged; They had swapped saliva and swallowed each other's and now their sweat was mingled as they lay there with their arms around each other. When he finally did roll off her, it was only to say, " Carole, please will you suck me off ? " Carole says she was in an ecstatic trance as she slid down the bed and took hold of his wet, now semi stiff cock. As she was telling me all this, I felt at that point so envious of this stranger who was now going to get the " Treatment " from my wife. Carole is a real expert at playing with a man's prick and balls, and I knew what he was about to experience. I asked her if she gave him her usual full treatment ---- rolling down his foreskin and dragging her sharp red fingernails over the head of his penis, licking his balls and taking them in her mouth for him, and then getting to work on his shaft with her sexy wet tongue before letting him stick his cock down her throat. Carole smiled and said : " I certainly did ." " Did you let him cum in your mouth ? " I asked her . " What do YOU think I did ? " she asked me cheekily, " Of course I did. " then added : " AND I swallowed what he pumped into my mouth; you'd have been really proud of me, if you'd have been there ! "
So there it was; my sexy wife had scored again -----and just to complete the evening, Corey picked up the panties he had taken off her and examined the gusset; he told her she must have wanted him while they were dancing, as her knickers were damp and had some of her vaginal discharge on them. He asked her if he could keep them as a souvenir, but Carole said she was going to wear them home. He thought for a moment, then asked her :" Well were these the ones you were wearing when you travelled down from Manchester today, and which you wore at work ?" Carole told him that she had travelled down in another pair that she had worn all day since leaving home until just before she had changed into the pair in his hand just before the party; He said he bet that other pair would still be damp and smell great. and dared her to go to her room and get them. Carole put her clothes back on and dutifully went to her room and came back to Corey's room with them; she gave them to him and he buried his face in them, and shrieked in delight : " Your fanny smells fantastic on them----- fuck, there's even a whiff of your asshole on this pair , " he shouted. Carole told him to keep his voice down as it was only seven and people might hear him. He asked if she would let him have that pair, and she said he could have them. Then he said : " But I really wanted the other pair you had on at the party, because you juiced them up dancing with me, and when you got excited as I was undressing you . " Have you guessed it ? Corey persuaded Carole to let him have both her knickers she had worn and soiled that day ( what do they say about " The Whore with the heart of gold " ? ) and came home by taxi and train all the way from Birmingham without any knickers on ! She admitted that that too, gave her a thrill, being in a car with the taxi driver talking to her and looking at her in his rear view mirror, and wondered whether she should risk giving them a quick flash of her fanny, and also all the men sitting near to her in the train. " Show me, then, " I said, and Carole , sitting on the armchair opposite me, smiled and slowly opened her legs, and hitched her skirt up to show me her uncovered twat. She said she had even enjoyed feeling the cold December wind blowing up her legs and hitting her slit as she walked home. I asked her if she had had a wash or a shower, and she said she hadn't. I knew that was for me, as she knows just how much I have come to enjoy touching, licking and fucking her after she has been with another man. Needless to say we went upstairs and I lay her on the bed, looked at her furry cunt that she had let another man use for his pleasure only hours before, and gave her a good licking, We then made love and she had another orgasm ---this time for me, and mine was extra powerful, thinking about her adding yet another man and his cock onto her ( very ) long list.
Eventually Carole decided she wanted a career change, and applied for and got a job in a bank in Manchester. She really enjoyed the work and earned promotions, the latest one of which happened a couple of years ago, when she was surprised to be appointed to a role which necessitates her travelling around the country. Some days she can work from home, but other days she has to get up early to catch a train to either, Leeds, Birmingham or London. Although she enjoys it, these are long days and she doesn't get home till seven or eight in the evening.
Now that we are well into our lifestyle of having threesomes and foursomes for sexy fun ( Carole and me with Rod or Mike, and occasionally Carole and me with Rod AND Mike ) and threesomes with guys we have been in contact with through various sites where we have posted photos of Carole in her underwear and nude, naturally I got to asking her if there were any men in the bank whom she fancied. She admitted that there were one or two here and there, but no -one had come onto her. Then last November Carole mentioned to me that there were going to be some Christmas parties in the various branches. People had to buy a Christmas sweater to wear at the dos; she said she really wanted to go to the one in Birmingham which was being held on Friday the 10th December. This would also be convenient for her as she was scheduled to go to the Birmingham branch that week and could make it the Friday; she said she thought it promised to be a good party with a disco and "boogey dancing " . I have seen Carole " boogey dancing " and she does tend to get carried away with the pulsating beat of the music, especially after she has had a few drinks. I knew what she was going to say next : " Of course it will mean me having to stay the night ." She said that those people who were travelling from other parts of the country would also have to do the same, and they had already picked a hotel. Soon, my thoughts turned to my wife being in a party mood with plenty of booze inside her, getting over heated doing her wild dancing, and possibly ending up with a man inside her. When I told her what I was thinking, she replied that she doubted that, because none of the men had shown any interest in her. When I said that I was sure that there would be at least one who would be fancying her for some bedtime fun, she just shrugged and said " Well, if it happens, it happens! " and kissed me teasingly on the mouth.
I saw Carole off to work on the Friday morning, and told her to have a good time at the party, adding that I would see her when she came home sometime on the Saturday. That night as I lay in bed on my own, my thoughts wandered to what my wife was up to in Birmingham. I looked at the time : eleven o'clock. The meal would be over, had she attracted any men with her sexy dancing ? Had any men commented on the Christmas jumper she was wearing and tried to have a feel of her tits through it ? Had any man been dancing with her and clamped his hands on her bottom, like the students at the school ? My excitement grew and I began imagining her being seduced by a lusty colleague of hers.
The next day, I could hardly wait for her to come home to tell me what had taken place. Well ----- had I subconsciously wished it upon myself or what but Carole told me that the party had been a great success, the food and the disco were great and she had had a wonderful time. I told her I was glad she had enjoyed herself, and then asked her if anybody else had enjoyed her. She looked at me for a few seconds without speaking, so I asked her straight out : " Did you get shagged ? " Her face flushed slightly, as she smiled, looked down at the floor, then coyly looked up at me and said : " Yes, I did. " She came up to me and kissed me and got hold of my prick as she said " Do you want to know the details ? " Wow ! What a woman Carole is; she had my cock swelling in my trousers as we sat down with a coffee and she began to tell me what had happened to her.
Carole said she was dancing with Corey, one of the guys she knew from her visits to London and he had started paying her compliments, starting with telling her she looked beautiful and quickly ending with " I want to take you to bed, Carole " She says she was taken aback by his boldness, but also because although she had been fancying him for some time, she had no idea that he was interested in her. She says he bent his head down and kissed her on the lips; her head was swimming with the food, the drink and the music, and she says she readily opened her mouth to let him thrust his tongue in. Whispering " come on, then, up to my room, " Corey led her by the hand out and to the lift. Before she knew it, she says he had stripped her, laid her naked on his bed, taken off all his clothes and was firmly holding her legs apart so he could give her hot, wet pussy a good licking; she felt him spreading her labia wide, sticking his nose inside her vagina, and then pushing his middle finger into her anus and deep inside her arse. She knew how much she wanted his cock, and screamed at him ; " Corey, fuck me, fuck me hard ! " He did as she asked him to, and she was surprised how big his dick felt as he inserted it carefully into her willing hole. Then he propped himself up on his hands and banged her harder and harder; Carole said he had her orgasming in seconds, then she felt him let his spunk shoot up inside her cunt; once he had finished cumming, she says he paused for only about ten seconds before he was at her again, shagging her just as hard as the first time. He made her climax again, and he unloaded once more inside her. By now his sperm and Carole's cunt juice were not the only bodily fluids they had exchanged; They had swapped saliva and swallowed each other's and now their sweat was mingled as they lay there with their arms around each other. When he finally did roll off her, it was only to say, " Carole, please will you suck me off ? " Carole says she was in an ecstatic trance as she slid down the bed and took hold of his wet, now semi stiff cock. As she was telling me all this, I felt at that point so envious of this stranger who was now going to get the " Treatment " from my wife. Carole is a real expert at playing with a man's prick and balls, and I knew what he was about to experience. I asked her if she gave him her usual full treatment ---- rolling down his foreskin and dragging her sharp red fingernails over the head of his penis, licking his balls and taking them in her mouth for him, and then getting to work on his shaft with her sexy wet tongue before letting him stick his cock down her throat. Carole smiled and said : " I certainly did ." " Did you let him cum in your mouth ? " I asked her . " What do YOU think I did ? " she asked me cheekily, " Of course I did. " then added : " AND I swallowed what he pumped into my mouth; you'd have been really proud of me, if you'd have been there ! "
So there it was; my sexy wife had scored again -----and just to complete the evening, Corey picked up the panties he had taken off her and examined the gusset; he told her she must have wanted him while they were dancing, as her knickers were damp and had some of her vaginal discharge on them. He asked her if he could keep them as a souvenir, but Carole said she was going to wear them home. He thought for a moment, then asked her :" Well were these the ones you were wearing when you travelled down from Manchester today, and which you wore at work ?" Carole told him that she had travelled down in another pair that she had worn all day since leaving home until just before she had changed into the pair in his hand just before the party; He said he bet that other pair would still be damp and smell great. and dared her to go to her room and get them. Carole put her clothes back on and dutifully went to her room and came back to Corey's room with them; she gave them to him and he buried his face in them, and shrieked in delight : " Your fanny smells fantastic on them----- fuck, there's even a whiff of your asshole on this pair , " he shouted. Carole told him to keep his voice down as it was only seven and people might hear him. He asked if she would let him have that pair, and she said he could have them. Then he said : " But I really wanted the other pair you had on at the party, because you juiced them up dancing with me, and when you got excited as I was undressing you . " Have you guessed it ? Corey persuaded Carole to let him have both her knickers she had worn and soiled that day ( what do they say about " The Whore with the heart of gold " ? ) and came home by taxi and train all the way from Birmingham without any knickers on ! She admitted that that too, gave her a thrill, being in a car with the taxi driver talking to her and looking at her in his rear view mirror, and wondered whether she should risk giving them a quick flash of her fanny, and also all the men sitting near to her in the train. " Show me, then, " I said, and Carole , sitting on the armchair opposite me, smiled and slowly opened her legs, and hitched her skirt up to show me her uncovered twat. She said she had even enjoyed feeling the cold December wind blowing up her legs and hitting her slit as she walked home. I asked her if she had had a wash or a shower, and she said she hadn't. I knew that was for me, as she knows just how much I have come to enjoy touching, licking and fucking her after she has been with another man. Needless to say we went upstairs and I lay her on the bed, looked at her furry cunt that she had let another man use for his pleasure only hours before, and gave her a good licking, We then made love and she had another orgasm ---this time for me, and mine was extra powerful, thinking about her adding yet another man and his cock onto her ( very ) long list.
3 years ago