London - Chapter 2 ( last chapter)
Chapter 2 - A Very Private Live Show
The streets are full of people as we walk through the West End, heading towards the famous statue of Eros. More than once we are accosted by hard-looking street-walkers who don't want to miss an opportunity to spread their legs and in a couple of minutes earn what would be a whole day's wages for a working man. My erection and the ache in my balls are as strong as ever, but perhaps that is because I know that your panties are still in your purse. You add to my excitement by telling me...
"I feel really horny, look for a dark, quiet place, I want your fingers inside me."
I would normally be happy to give you what you want, but as we are close to the hotel that I have in mind taking you to, the Regent's Palace in Piccadilly Circus, I reply,
"If you could wait just a little longer, you will soon be getting royally fucked in a comfortable bed, in a Palace!"
“You do get some terrific ideas every now and then,” you compliment me, as you begin walking a little bit faster.
We quickly reach the hotel and as we approach the front desk I say to you,
"I want to get us a room with an old fashioned bedstead that rattles and bangs against the wall. It will be fun to give the neighbors something to keep them awake and tell their friends about when they get home!"
"It will be even more fun if they knock on our door to complain, we invite them in for a drink and we have group sex with them!" you reply naughtily.
We are immediately given a room, "With all the latest en-suite bathroom facilities," the receptionist proudly assures us. Of course, we are back in the days when hotels only provided shared bathrooms, hidden far away along long corridors, so this room must be..."Yes indeed Sir, one of the best rooms in the hotel," the receptionist adds.
We take the lift and press floor 4. As the door closes there is a slight pause and the doors open again. Into the lift steps a pretty, tall brunette carrying a small bag. Her perfume wafts over me and my partial erection stiffens. As she bends to place her bag on the floor, her beautifully shaped ass presses hard against my cock...accidentally I'm sure.
"Oh, I'm so sorry!" she apologizes, flashing me a friendly smile...a smile that I'm certain we have seen before!
Apparently you also believe that we have seen that smile before...
"Excuse me, but isn't your name Francine?" you immediately ask her.
"Yes, but that's my stage name. How do you know that?" she replies inquisitively.
I decide it should be me who enlightens her,
"Francine, you are responsible for us booking into this hotel. We caught your show at the Carousel Club tonight and my friend and I have been excited ever since! Her pussy is itching and I've got an erection that can't wait to give it a good scratching!"
Francine smiles broadly as she confirms that it was no accident when her ass pressed against my erection...
"Yes I noticed your erection, that's why I couldn't resist brushing against it!"
She turns fully towards you now...
"So, you were the lady in the audience. I'm glad that you liked my French Maid routine! What part of it did you enjoy most?"
"That would be the part when you bent over at the back of the stage!" you reply. "You have the most stunning legs and ass. That view of you was a big turn-on, I'm sure the guys in the audience were jerking-off when you slowly bent over."
"Definitely!" Francine states. "Some of them couldn't keep their coats over themselves."
"Don't you mind that?" you ask.
"Of course not Sweetie!" she tells you, “I get a lot of money from the front-row wankers, as we girls call them, they give us the biggest tips. Sometimes, like tonight, one of them will slip me an envelope with an address, a time and £10 deposit for one of my private live shows! If I give it back they know it's not possible, but if I keep it, then it's a date and I never let them down...I can't ever afford to do that!"
"Are you on your way to a date right now?" you quiz her.
"Yes I am. I'm going to do a show for a guy who comes to London regularly with a couple of his friends. A nice group they are, never any trouble and very appreciative!" she answers.
"Now you really have got my interest," you continue. "Can I ask how far you will go with them after you've got them excited?"
"Well you can ask, but I think you can guess...if they pay me enough, I'm going to fuck them all," she replies truthfully.
I have been holding the lift at our floor for some considerable time, but you are still not finished with her.
"Now that would be something we would be love to watch!" you tell her temptingly.
"Are you sure about that?" she asks seriously, while looking towards me for confirmation.
"There's no doubt about it!" you reassure her, before I can speak.
"Okay, well to be truthful, I'd really like you to be there," she tells you. "The guys will have a better time if there are two women, but before I suggest it to them I need to know, if they ask you to join them and have group sex, how far will you go with them?"
Your answer repeats almost exactly her words to you,
"Well you can ask, but I think you can guess...if they want me, I'll fuck them all!" you reply, smiling broadly.
"In that case I don't think there will be any doubt. Give me your room number and I'll come and get you in a few minutes. I just need to clear it with the guys before I take you to their room!" she tells you.
"Excuse me, what about me? Will you be taking both of us to their room?" I quickly ask.
"Of course I will, but I thought that was understood. There's no way I would leave you and your hard cock out of a party like this one is going to be!" she reassures me.
As promised, within minutes she is at our door, smiling and confirming,
"Of course they're excited at the thought of you joining us. There's just one detail I need to clear-up with you. They will be paying me everything I need. You two will be joining them as their guests, no fees either way, is that okay with you both?" Without waiting for our agreement she turns to you, smiles and adds,
"They don't know that you are going to join in and have sex with them, I didn't tell them about that. They think you are just going to watch my show, so let's tease them. Of course, they know that they are going to have sex with me but they've all done that before, several times, so it won't be anything new for them. When you join in they will be surprised and delighted, and believe me, they will be trying to give you as much pleasure as you can possibly stand!"
"That sounds perfect!" you conclude with a broad smile.
"And what about me?" I ask.
"Well, you will be the only guy there who hasn't fucked me before, so I'm hoping that you will try to give me as much pleasure as I can possibly stand!" she responds, also with a broad smile.
"This sounds like being one hell of a party!" I conclude, also with a broad smile.
The three of us carry our broad smiles all the way up to the deluxe top-floor suite which Francine tell us the guys always rent for their once a month evenings of erotic entertainment.
Once inside the suite, Francine leaves us with her three gentlemen “friends” while she goes into the bedroom to get “undressed” for her show. We are quickly welcomed, handed a drink and shown to a comfortable sofa facing the center of the room. The three guys take their places on a matching sofa opposite us, smiling at us both. We all know why we are here, so for now at least, no other words are necessary on that topic, so of course being British we all begin talking about the weather...but not for long, because one of the gentlemen is opening the door of a walnut sideboard and loading a record onto the stereo record player inside.
Francine's seemingly favorite piece of stripping music, Je T'aime, the Serge Gainsborough version, fills the room and the gentleman makes an announcement...
"Lady and Gentlemen, for your intense pleasure I am proud to bring you, direct from her fabulous show at the Carousel Club, a vision of purity and perfect loveliness. Please welcome the very graceful and ooohhh so erotic Francine!"
We begin clapping as Francine dances gracefully into the room. Just as she was in the Club, she is dressed in her French Maid costume, and begins using her feather duster to flick imaginary dust off the few pieces of furniture while dancing around the room. She smiles attractively at us, checks again to be sure she is seeing what she imagined she was seeing then, as before, she calls out...
"Oh My God, there's a woman in the audience! Hello Sweetie, I hope you enjoy yourself among all these wankers!"
Our newly acquired friends all laugh, but their happy smiles quickly turn to looks of serious lust when they catch sight of Francine dancing towards them.
Gracefully and skillfully, Francine dances to the sensuous music, stopping before each of the men to excite them by stroking her hands over her breasts and leaning over so that her dress falls forward, allowing them to see her nipples. Now she is at the back of the room, facing away from us, slowly bending over while pretending to be dusting the lower parts of the furniture. Once again, just as she did in the Club, she is giving us a long erotic look at her stunning ass and fabulous legs, to the delight of us all, including you if I can judge your feelings from the smile on your face. It is truly a lovely sight, her perfect legs, enhanced by a pair of black fish-net stockings and a black garter belt...and this time we are being treated to an unobstructed view of parts of her that she didn't show in the Club, her full-lipped pussy and delightfully puckered ass-hole!
"She isn't wearing any panties this time!" you whisper to me, as though I hadn't fully appreciated that fact. We know what erotic thoughts the other men are having because they have all taken their cocks out and are stroking them to a hard erection. Francine encourages them by parting her legs widely and teasingly drawing her feather duster repeatedly over her wide-spread, smoothly shaven pussy and ass-hole. A few moments pass pleasurably as we watch Francine's teasing routine, but it seems that the sight of three men jerking their cocks has stimulated your desire to do something undo my pants, take my partially erect cock out and begin to softly stroke it.
Francine now turns her feather duster around and, holding it by its feathers, she slips its thick, round handle deeply into her well lubricated cunt. It penetrates her with no difficulty and she begins to slowly pump herself with it, adding the sound of her squishing juices to the sound of Serge's singing.
Looking at us upside down and from between her legs, Francine cannot be in any doubt about the effect that her erotic spectacle is having on us four guys, our hard erections are all the confirmation needed. However, she is now looking intently in your direction and frowning at you as though she is displeased about something. Sensing the unspoken signal she is sending to you, you slide down on the sofa until you are almost laying down with your feet pointing in her direction and your legs wide-spread. You move your hands slowly under your skirt and lift it above your waist. Francine smiles broadly as your naked pussy and ass-hole are revealed to her. She must have been expecting that a “nice lady” like you would be wearing panties, but she was wrong. Now perhaps she will start to appreciate that the lady I have brought to London with me is a very naughty, erotic temptress.
As if to convince Francine further, you lift both hands to your mouth and lick your fingers before placing them on each side of your pussy and spreading your lips wide open. Still looking at you from between her legs, Francine's tongue slides out of her mouth and begins a snake dance, swaying side to side and up and down in time to the music. The signal she is now sending you isn't lost on any of us guys, Francine is teasing us, knowing fully well that we can't wait to see her tongue doing a snake dance on your pussy. I doubt that she understands that she is teasing you too, because I'm absolutely sure that you want to have that long tongue of hers probing deep inside your pussy, hitting all of your pleasure spots.
We are all going to have to wait for that because Francine now straightens up and moves to the center of the room, between the two sofas. She bends slightly and exactly as happened in the Club earlier in the evening, her magnificent breasts fall out of the top of her maid's uniform. Taking each breast in a hand, she lifts them in turn to her long-tongue, teasing them with quick licks, then she sucks strongly on each nipple. Her nipples spring to hardness in an instant and she draws her wet tongue over them repeatedly, softly moaning as the pleasure she is giving herself begins to build. Holding her breasts high, she moves over to the three guys, and jiggles them in front of their faces. Each guy takes his turn in licking and sucking her nipples while she is loudly moaning and giving encouragement to them. "Bite them, suck them harder!" she instructs and the men dutifully obey her, to the best of their ability.
With her well chewed nipples now throbbing with pain and pleasure she stands on the sofa, and spreads her legs either side of one guy's head. She lowers her pussy to his mouth, impales herself on his long wet tongue, and grinds her crotch hard into his face so that his tongue penetrates her cunt to the maximum possible depth. His tongue now begins to quickly fuck in and out of her cunt, spreading her cunt juices, as she holds her pussy wide open, above him. "Enough!" she finally tells him and moves on to spread her legs astride the next man's head. Instead of sinking down onto his tongue she holds herself high above him so that his probing tongue can lap her between her pussy lips and softly slide over and around her clit. She moans loudly as his tongue draws circles of pleasure around her now hard clit, and gasps when he sucks it strongly.
At this point, I slip to my knees before you, dip my tongue softy between your wide open pussy lips and into your wet, warm center of pleasure. Your cunt welcomes me like a long lost friend. It closes around my tongue and squeezes it with a firm pressure before releasing it so that I can pay homage to your already hard, fully erect clit. My tongue slides continuously, wetly and slowly over and around your clit and down between your inner pussy lips to lap at the opening to your cunt, sending thrills coursing through you.
Francine has moved over the final man on the sofa and we watch him drawing his tongue across her ass-hole and up through her pussy in a slowly repeating cycle of long, intense pleasure giving strokes. As he reaches her clit, he pauses to suck, sending orgasm awareness signals to all parts of her body. She is moaning constantly now but suddenly she pulls away from him and lays on the soft carpet between the two sofas.
The guys start to move to join her, but she waves them away and looks into your eyes, which have been following her every move and recording every thrilling stroke she has received from the tongues of all three guys. In response, you wave me away and slide down off the sofa to join Francine on the carpet. Laying partially over her, you bring your lips down to hers in a soft, lingering kiss. As your lips part, her tongue finds yours and you tease each other with a thrilling rehearsal of what you will be doing to each others pussy in a moment or two. You slide your hands over her breasts, quickly pinching her erect nipples before moving on downwards. Your fingers find their target and you begin to slowly and gently slide them over her pussy lips. She shudders at the first feel of your fingers, but then relaxes completely as your skillful fingers find her clit.
Francine's hand now moves to your pussy, but perhaps sensing your high state of excitement, she doesn't touch you softly. Instead, she slides two fingers into your cunt and begins giving it a robust finger fucking, not neglecting to rub your clit continuously with her circling thumb, a combination that soon has you moaning loudly. We guys have laid back and are jerking our hard cocks slowly and gently, intently watching every movement the pair of you are making, mesmerized by the thrilling sight of two beautiful mature women enjoying playing with each other.
As the pleasure builds in you, you slide around on top of Francine, your bodies molding together to form a perfect 69. From my position, I can see your tongue penetrating her delicious cunt and I jerk my cock even faster as I watch the thrilling spectacle of you tongue fucking her.
Now the soft slippery underside of your tongue is sliding smoothly but with apparent pressure over her hard clit...and now your fingers are massaging her clit as you thrust your tongue deep inside her again...and again...and again...and again. With every penetration she lets out a strong, involuntary moan of intense pleasure, while her pussy lets out a loud wet squishing noise as your tongue pumps the juices from deep inside her.
"Finger me!" Francine suddenly demands and your hand flies to the task, driving two fingers, then three into her cunt in deep fast thrusts, while your tongue lashes her clit in endless circles of pleasure. That was the missing ingredient she needed and suddenly she is crying out her pleasure as her orgasm pulses through her, over your tongue and never softening finger fucking.
"Yes! Yes! Yes! Give it to me! Fuck me harder! Harder! Harder!" she cries to you, almost sobbing while doing so. Finally an intense orgasm washes over her and her body is shaking and shuddering, however, she experiences her climax almost silently, with none of the fake screaming that has invaded today's porn industry. We hear her gasp, her body tenses and finally she takes a deep breath as the all too brief moment of intense pleasure begins to fade away.
You must have sensed the exact moment to change gear, the point at which her demand for a strong finger fucking became an unspoken need for you to hold-back, to hold your tongue lightly on her now super sensitive clit, and to ease her through her fading orgasm with soft and gentle kisses to her pussy. You sensed her need perfectly and the broad smile on her face is now confirming that. All control of her senses have been restored when she tells you,
"That was absolutely wonderful, I loved everything you did to me. Coming from me, you better believe that, because I've done this kind of show with most of the girls who do private girl on girl shows in London, and very rarely have they come even close to giving me an orgasm. There was no need for me to fake that orgasm guys, that was the real thing!"
"Now what can we do for you?" Francine asks you..
"I'd like you to do exactly what you were doing, but then I want all the guys to fuck me. I want to be fucked until I can't take any more!" you reply enthusiastically.
I change position to watch Francine's tongue once again slide back deep inside your cunt. When she pulls it back, it is glistening with your cunt juices, which she wipes all around your pussy lips, lubricating you with the perfect mix of honey nectar that your cunt produces at times like this. As she transfers her attention to tormenting your hard clit, the first of the guys kneels behind you and offers his hard, thickly veined cock to your pussy. The moment you feel it touching you, you push back slightly, just enough to take his massive, mushroom shaped cock-head between your pussy lips...the tip begins to enter your cunt while it is being lubricated with your flowing juices. He remains motionless, not wanting to penetrate you brutally, allowing you to begin a slow rocking movement. You rock away from him, bringing your clit within reach of Francine's probing tongue. You rock towards him, taking your clit away from her tongue and penetrating yourself with his waiting erection. Your cunt is gradually being stretched open, with you increasing your rocking movement to take more and more of his cock on every stroke, until it finally penetrates you up to his balls. You are gasping as his crotch slaps against your ass on every stroke. Francine moves slightly so that she can lick and suck your clit constantly as his cock fucks deeply and strongly into you.
Now it is you who is motionless and it is him doing all the work, and he's doing it well. Your comments of appreciation are driving him on towards his climax and bringing you closer to yours.
"Fuck it! Fuck it!" you tell him, "Fuck me deeper...deeper...harder...faster!"
Now he is pumping you for all he's worth, giving you every inch of his cock in a blur of fast, hard strokes which end with his balls and crotch slapping loudly against your ass...and yet it still isn't enough to drive you to your orgasm. He can do no more for you and with his orgasm peaking, he whips out his cock to send his thick hot cum spurting over your ass and up your back in a shower of strong pulses.
As the second guy moves to take the place of his satisfied friend, you decide that it is time to try another position. Francine moves away when you ask the guy to lay on his back, then you position yourself on all fours on top of him, and slowly lower yourself down onto his long, thin dick until it is deep inside your cunt. You call the third guy over to you and take his cock into your mouth. They begin fucking you strongly and soon you are moaning loudly. Francine now decides that you still need her help. She reaches under you and begins to excite your clit with fast hard slaps of her fingers. A few minutes of this and the intensity with which they are fucking you does the trick! You suddenly begin shaking and trembling, while the guys drive themselves into you faster and faster. Francine is also stroking your clit faster and with increased pressure.
"Yes! Yes! Ohhhh!...that's it, please, please do it, do it, that's it, give it to me, OH GIVE IT TO ME, OH OOOHHH, OOOOHHHH!" you cry, "I'M CUMMING!"
Your breath is coming in short gasps and your orgasm is reaching its peak when I decide that I can't hold back any longer, I kneel behind you and aim my hard cock at your cunt. Now at the peak of your orgasm, you are bouncing around on the thin cock of the guy below you and my cock slides effortlessly into you alongside his. We are both pumping you now, stroke for stroke, stretching your cunt to it's limit and hitting every sensitive spot inside you. The guy in your mouth can't hold back any longer, he pulls his cock quickly from you and jerks it as his cum shoots high and far across your back.
You instruct the two of us who are still pumping our cocks into your cunt.
"OH GOD YES! That's what I want, give it to me. OHHH YES! Fuck me! Fuck me!" you demand. Your orgasm never dies, almost instantly, you are once again hit by intense spasms. You go rigid and freeze, while the two of us take our pleasure from you, thrilling you through and through. Francine moves her hand from your pussy and slips a soaking wet finger into your gaping ass-hole.
"AAAHHHH!" you gasp, "Yes! Give me more of that! Give me more!"
Francine fucks your ass-hole deeply with her finger, timing her strokes to match those of our two cocks, thrusting deeply into your cunt. I doubt that you have ever been so insatiable, but as both of our cocks explode together, over-filling your cunt with hot spunk, you are still calling for more.
Francine provides the final solution...our now soft cocks leave your cunt, she slides a massive dildo into it, adding to the finger already penetrating your ass-hole. She turns the shaft of the dildo as she fast and deeply fucks your cunt and ass. Your orgasm regains its intensity and as she concentrates on finishing you off by hard fucking you, you cry out loudly...
She is now fucking you slowly, through the fading of your orgasm. Once it has died, you finally say the words which I have been waiting to hear...
"Enough, Enough! Stop! Please! I can't take any more!"
As the tissues circulate, Francine is the first to speak...
"WOW! I've never met a woman like you before. You wouldn't want to come and work with me would you? We could earn a fortune doing parties like this every night and we would both really enjoy the work!"
You giggle as you answer...
"You have to be joking, I couldn't handle being gang-banged like this every night, I won't be able to walk straight for at least a week!"
Everyone laughs, knowing full well that tomorrow is another day, and there is no doubt that by tomorrow you will be ready to enjoy many more sweet orgasms.
Unfortunately, right now the first blush of dawn is already lighting the sky and once again it is time for us to leave FantasyLand. It will soon be the time for you to return to RealityLand, where you will feel fully refreshed and more ready than ever to face your day's tasks. Your night's adventure in FantasyLand will have been forgotten, but perhaps you will retain a fleeting memory of something very enjoyable happening to you. If that happens, I hope you will not waste any time in returning to FantasyLand, where you will find me waiting to escort you on yet another fun-filled, multi-orgasmic adventure.
A few words to female readers from the author:
After reading the story please leave me a comment. Positive comments make the effort of writing the story worthwhile and (constructive) negative comments can often help me improve the story for future readers
If you have enjoyed reading this story and wish to read more stories in my series The Erotic Adventures Of You, please send me a message and provide an e-mail address for me to send stories direct to you...because I'm not going to post any more of my stories on xhamster. I don't want anything from you in return, but I would appreciate a comment on each story I send you.
Chapter 2 - A Very Private Live Show
The streets are full of people as we walk through the West End, heading towards the famous statue of Eros. More than once we are accosted by hard-looking street-walkers who don't want to miss an opportunity to spread their legs and in a couple of minutes earn what would be a whole day's wages for a working man. My erection and the ache in my balls are as strong as ever, but perhaps that is because I know that your panties are still in your purse. You add to my excitement by telling me...
"I feel really horny, look for a dark, quiet place, I want your fingers inside me."
I would normally be happy to give you what you want, but as we are close to the hotel that I have in mind taking you to, the Regent's Palace in Piccadilly Circus, I reply,
"If you could wait just a little longer, you will soon be getting royally fucked in a comfortable bed, in a Palace!"
“You do get some terrific ideas every now and then,” you compliment me, as you begin walking a little bit faster.
We quickly reach the hotel and as we approach the front desk I say to you,
"I want to get us a room with an old fashioned bedstead that rattles and bangs against the wall. It will be fun to give the neighbors something to keep them awake and tell their friends about when they get home!"
"It will be even more fun if they knock on our door to complain, we invite them in for a drink and we have group sex with them!" you reply naughtily.
We are immediately given a room, "With all the latest en-suite bathroom facilities," the receptionist proudly assures us. Of course, we are back in the days when hotels only provided shared bathrooms, hidden far away along long corridors, so this room must be..."Yes indeed Sir, one of the best rooms in the hotel," the receptionist adds.
We take the lift and press floor 4. As the door closes there is a slight pause and the doors open again. Into the lift steps a pretty, tall brunette carrying a small bag. Her perfume wafts over me and my partial erection stiffens. As she bends to place her bag on the floor, her beautifully shaped ass presses hard against my cock...accidentally I'm sure.
"Oh, I'm so sorry!" she apologizes, flashing me a friendly smile...a smile that I'm certain we have seen before!
Apparently you also believe that we have seen that smile before...
"Excuse me, but isn't your name Francine?" you immediately ask her.
"Yes, but that's my stage name. How do you know that?" she replies inquisitively.
I decide it should be me who enlightens her,
"Francine, you are responsible for us booking into this hotel. We caught your show at the Carousel Club tonight and my friend and I have been excited ever since! Her pussy is itching and I've got an erection that can't wait to give it a good scratching!"
Francine smiles broadly as she confirms that it was no accident when her ass pressed against my erection...
"Yes I noticed your erection, that's why I couldn't resist brushing against it!"
She turns fully towards you now...
"So, you were the lady in the audience. I'm glad that you liked my French Maid routine! What part of it did you enjoy most?"
"That would be the part when you bent over at the back of the stage!" you reply. "You have the most stunning legs and ass. That view of you was a big turn-on, I'm sure the guys in the audience were jerking-off when you slowly bent over."
"Definitely!" Francine states. "Some of them couldn't keep their coats over themselves."
"Don't you mind that?" you ask.
"Of course not Sweetie!" she tells you, “I get a lot of money from the front-row wankers, as we girls call them, they give us the biggest tips. Sometimes, like tonight, one of them will slip me an envelope with an address, a time and £10 deposit for one of my private live shows! If I give it back they know it's not possible, but if I keep it, then it's a date and I never let them down...I can't ever afford to do that!"
"Are you on your way to a date right now?" you quiz her.
"Yes I am. I'm going to do a show for a guy who comes to London regularly with a couple of his friends. A nice group they are, never any trouble and very appreciative!" she answers.
"Now you really have got my interest," you continue. "Can I ask how far you will go with them after you've got them excited?"
"Well you can ask, but I think you can guess...if they pay me enough, I'm going to fuck them all," she replies truthfully.
I have been holding the lift at our floor for some considerable time, but you are still not finished with her.
"Now that would be something we would be love to watch!" you tell her temptingly.
"Are you sure about that?" she asks seriously, while looking towards me for confirmation.
"There's no doubt about it!" you reassure her, before I can speak.
"Okay, well to be truthful, I'd really like you to be there," she tells you. "The guys will have a better time if there are two women, but before I suggest it to them I need to know, if they ask you to join them and have group sex, how far will you go with them?"
Your answer repeats almost exactly her words to you,
"Well you can ask, but I think you can guess...if they want me, I'll fuck them all!" you reply, smiling broadly.
"In that case I don't think there will be any doubt. Give me your room number and I'll come and get you in a few minutes. I just need to clear it with the guys before I take you to their room!" she tells you.
"Excuse me, what about me? Will you be taking both of us to their room?" I quickly ask.
"Of course I will, but I thought that was understood. There's no way I would leave you and your hard cock out of a party like this one is going to be!" she reassures me.
As promised, within minutes she is at our door, smiling and confirming,
"Of course they're excited at the thought of you joining us. There's just one detail I need to clear-up with you. They will be paying me everything I need. You two will be joining them as their guests, no fees either way, is that okay with you both?" Without waiting for our agreement she turns to you, smiles and adds,
"They don't know that you are going to join in and have sex with them, I didn't tell them about that. They think you are just going to watch my show, so let's tease them. Of course, they know that they are going to have sex with me but they've all done that before, several times, so it won't be anything new for them. When you join in they will be surprised and delighted, and believe me, they will be trying to give you as much pleasure as you can possibly stand!"
"That sounds perfect!" you conclude with a broad smile.
"And what about me?" I ask.
"Well, you will be the only guy there who hasn't fucked me before, so I'm hoping that you will try to give me as much pleasure as I can possibly stand!" she responds, also with a broad smile.
"This sounds like being one hell of a party!" I conclude, also with a broad smile.
The three of us carry our broad smiles all the way up to the deluxe top-floor suite which Francine tell us the guys always rent for their once a month evenings of erotic entertainment.
Once inside the suite, Francine leaves us with her three gentlemen “friends” while she goes into the bedroom to get “undressed” for her show. We are quickly welcomed, handed a drink and shown to a comfortable sofa facing the center of the room. The three guys take their places on a matching sofa opposite us, smiling at us both. We all know why we are here, so for now at least, no other words are necessary on that topic, so of course being British we all begin talking about the weather...but not for long, because one of the gentlemen is opening the door of a walnut sideboard and loading a record onto the stereo record player inside.
Francine's seemingly favorite piece of stripping music, Je T'aime, the Serge Gainsborough version, fills the room and the gentleman makes an announcement...
"Lady and Gentlemen, for your intense pleasure I am proud to bring you, direct from her fabulous show at the Carousel Club, a vision of purity and perfect loveliness. Please welcome the very graceful and ooohhh so erotic Francine!"
We begin clapping as Francine dances gracefully into the room. Just as she was in the Club, she is dressed in her French Maid costume, and begins using her feather duster to flick imaginary dust off the few pieces of furniture while dancing around the room. She smiles attractively at us, checks again to be sure she is seeing what she imagined she was seeing then, as before, she calls out...
"Oh My God, there's a woman in the audience! Hello Sweetie, I hope you enjoy yourself among all these wankers!"
Our newly acquired friends all laugh, but their happy smiles quickly turn to looks of serious lust when they catch sight of Francine dancing towards them.
Gracefully and skillfully, Francine dances to the sensuous music, stopping before each of the men to excite them by stroking her hands over her breasts and leaning over so that her dress falls forward, allowing them to see her nipples. Now she is at the back of the room, facing away from us, slowly bending over while pretending to be dusting the lower parts of the furniture. Once again, just as she did in the Club, she is giving us a long erotic look at her stunning ass and fabulous legs, to the delight of us all, including you if I can judge your feelings from the smile on your face. It is truly a lovely sight, her perfect legs, enhanced by a pair of black fish-net stockings and a black garter belt...and this time we are being treated to an unobstructed view of parts of her that she didn't show in the Club, her full-lipped pussy and delightfully puckered ass-hole!
"She isn't wearing any panties this time!" you whisper to me, as though I hadn't fully appreciated that fact. We know what erotic thoughts the other men are having because they have all taken their cocks out and are stroking them to a hard erection. Francine encourages them by parting her legs widely and teasingly drawing her feather duster repeatedly over her wide-spread, smoothly shaven pussy and ass-hole. A few moments pass pleasurably as we watch Francine's teasing routine, but it seems that the sight of three men jerking their cocks has stimulated your desire to do something undo my pants, take my partially erect cock out and begin to softly stroke it.
Francine now turns her feather duster around and, holding it by its feathers, she slips its thick, round handle deeply into her well lubricated cunt. It penetrates her with no difficulty and she begins to slowly pump herself with it, adding the sound of her squishing juices to the sound of Serge's singing.
Looking at us upside down and from between her legs, Francine cannot be in any doubt about the effect that her erotic spectacle is having on us four guys, our hard erections are all the confirmation needed. However, she is now looking intently in your direction and frowning at you as though she is displeased about something. Sensing the unspoken signal she is sending to you, you slide down on the sofa until you are almost laying down with your feet pointing in her direction and your legs wide-spread. You move your hands slowly under your skirt and lift it above your waist. Francine smiles broadly as your naked pussy and ass-hole are revealed to her. She must have been expecting that a “nice lady” like you would be wearing panties, but she was wrong. Now perhaps she will start to appreciate that the lady I have brought to London with me is a very naughty, erotic temptress.
As if to convince Francine further, you lift both hands to your mouth and lick your fingers before placing them on each side of your pussy and spreading your lips wide open. Still looking at you from between her legs, Francine's tongue slides out of her mouth and begins a snake dance, swaying side to side and up and down in time to the music. The signal she is now sending you isn't lost on any of us guys, Francine is teasing us, knowing fully well that we can't wait to see her tongue doing a snake dance on your pussy. I doubt that she understands that she is teasing you too, because I'm absolutely sure that you want to have that long tongue of hers probing deep inside your pussy, hitting all of your pleasure spots.
We are all going to have to wait for that because Francine now straightens up and moves to the center of the room, between the two sofas. She bends slightly and exactly as happened in the Club earlier in the evening, her magnificent breasts fall out of the top of her maid's uniform. Taking each breast in a hand, she lifts them in turn to her long-tongue, teasing them with quick licks, then she sucks strongly on each nipple. Her nipples spring to hardness in an instant and she draws her wet tongue over them repeatedly, softly moaning as the pleasure she is giving herself begins to build. Holding her breasts high, she moves over to the three guys, and jiggles them in front of their faces. Each guy takes his turn in licking and sucking her nipples while she is loudly moaning and giving encouragement to them. "Bite them, suck them harder!" she instructs and the men dutifully obey her, to the best of their ability.
With her well chewed nipples now throbbing with pain and pleasure she stands on the sofa, and spreads her legs either side of one guy's head. She lowers her pussy to his mouth, impales herself on his long wet tongue, and grinds her crotch hard into his face so that his tongue penetrates her cunt to the maximum possible depth. His tongue now begins to quickly fuck in and out of her cunt, spreading her cunt juices, as she holds her pussy wide open, above him. "Enough!" she finally tells him and moves on to spread her legs astride the next man's head. Instead of sinking down onto his tongue she holds herself high above him so that his probing tongue can lap her between her pussy lips and softly slide over and around her clit. She moans loudly as his tongue draws circles of pleasure around her now hard clit, and gasps when he sucks it strongly.
At this point, I slip to my knees before you, dip my tongue softy between your wide open pussy lips and into your wet, warm center of pleasure. Your cunt welcomes me like a long lost friend. It closes around my tongue and squeezes it with a firm pressure before releasing it so that I can pay homage to your already hard, fully erect clit. My tongue slides continuously, wetly and slowly over and around your clit and down between your inner pussy lips to lap at the opening to your cunt, sending thrills coursing through you.
Francine has moved over the final man on the sofa and we watch him drawing his tongue across her ass-hole and up through her pussy in a slowly repeating cycle of long, intense pleasure giving strokes. As he reaches her clit, he pauses to suck, sending orgasm awareness signals to all parts of her body. She is moaning constantly now but suddenly she pulls away from him and lays on the soft carpet between the two sofas.
The guys start to move to join her, but she waves them away and looks into your eyes, which have been following her every move and recording every thrilling stroke she has received from the tongues of all three guys. In response, you wave me away and slide down off the sofa to join Francine on the carpet. Laying partially over her, you bring your lips down to hers in a soft, lingering kiss. As your lips part, her tongue finds yours and you tease each other with a thrilling rehearsal of what you will be doing to each others pussy in a moment or two. You slide your hands over her breasts, quickly pinching her erect nipples before moving on downwards. Your fingers find their target and you begin to slowly and gently slide them over her pussy lips. She shudders at the first feel of your fingers, but then relaxes completely as your skillful fingers find her clit.
Francine's hand now moves to your pussy, but perhaps sensing your high state of excitement, she doesn't touch you softly. Instead, she slides two fingers into your cunt and begins giving it a robust finger fucking, not neglecting to rub your clit continuously with her circling thumb, a combination that soon has you moaning loudly. We guys have laid back and are jerking our hard cocks slowly and gently, intently watching every movement the pair of you are making, mesmerized by the thrilling sight of two beautiful mature women enjoying playing with each other.
As the pleasure builds in you, you slide around on top of Francine, your bodies molding together to form a perfect 69. From my position, I can see your tongue penetrating her delicious cunt and I jerk my cock even faster as I watch the thrilling spectacle of you tongue fucking her.
Now the soft slippery underside of your tongue is sliding smoothly but with apparent pressure over her hard clit...and now your fingers are massaging her clit as you thrust your tongue deep inside her again...and again...and again...and again. With every penetration she lets out a strong, involuntary moan of intense pleasure, while her pussy lets out a loud wet squishing noise as your tongue pumps the juices from deep inside her.
"Finger me!" Francine suddenly demands and your hand flies to the task, driving two fingers, then three into her cunt in deep fast thrusts, while your tongue lashes her clit in endless circles of pleasure. That was the missing ingredient she needed and suddenly she is crying out her pleasure as her orgasm pulses through her, over your tongue and never softening finger fucking.
"Yes! Yes! Yes! Give it to me! Fuck me harder! Harder! Harder!" she cries to you, almost sobbing while doing so. Finally an intense orgasm washes over her and her body is shaking and shuddering, however, she experiences her climax almost silently, with none of the fake screaming that has invaded today's porn industry. We hear her gasp, her body tenses and finally she takes a deep breath as the all too brief moment of intense pleasure begins to fade away.
You must have sensed the exact moment to change gear, the point at which her demand for a strong finger fucking became an unspoken need for you to hold-back, to hold your tongue lightly on her now super sensitive clit, and to ease her through her fading orgasm with soft and gentle kisses to her pussy. You sensed her need perfectly and the broad smile on her face is now confirming that. All control of her senses have been restored when she tells you,
"That was absolutely wonderful, I loved everything you did to me. Coming from me, you better believe that, because I've done this kind of show with most of the girls who do private girl on girl shows in London, and very rarely have they come even close to giving me an orgasm. There was no need for me to fake that orgasm guys, that was the real thing!"
"Now what can we do for you?" Francine asks you..
"I'd like you to do exactly what you were doing, but then I want all the guys to fuck me. I want to be fucked until I can't take any more!" you reply enthusiastically.
I change position to watch Francine's tongue once again slide back deep inside your cunt. When she pulls it back, it is glistening with your cunt juices, which she wipes all around your pussy lips, lubricating you with the perfect mix of honey nectar that your cunt produces at times like this. As she transfers her attention to tormenting your hard clit, the first of the guys kneels behind you and offers his hard, thickly veined cock to your pussy. The moment you feel it touching you, you push back slightly, just enough to take his massive, mushroom shaped cock-head between your pussy lips...the tip begins to enter your cunt while it is being lubricated with your flowing juices. He remains motionless, not wanting to penetrate you brutally, allowing you to begin a slow rocking movement. You rock away from him, bringing your clit within reach of Francine's probing tongue. You rock towards him, taking your clit away from her tongue and penetrating yourself with his waiting erection. Your cunt is gradually being stretched open, with you increasing your rocking movement to take more and more of his cock on every stroke, until it finally penetrates you up to his balls. You are gasping as his crotch slaps against your ass on every stroke. Francine moves slightly so that she can lick and suck your clit constantly as his cock fucks deeply and strongly into you.
Now it is you who is motionless and it is him doing all the work, and he's doing it well. Your comments of appreciation are driving him on towards his climax and bringing you closer to yours.
"Fuck it! Fuck it!" you tell him, "Fuck me deeper...deeper...harder...faster!"
Now he is pumping you for all he's worth, giving you every inch of his cock in a blur of fast, hard strokes which end with his balls and crotch slapping loudly against your ass...and yet it still isn't enough to drive you to your orgasm. He can do no more for you and with his orgasm peaking, he whips out his cock to send his thick hot cum spurting over your ass and up your back in a shower of strong pulses.
As the second guy moves to take the place of his satisfied friend, you decide that it is time to try another position. Francine moves away when you ask the guy to lay on his back, then you position yourself on all fours on top of him, and slowly lower yourself down onto his long, thin dick until it is deep inside your cunt. You call the third guy over to you and take his cock into your mouth. They begin fucking you strongly and soon you are moaning loudly. Francine now decides that you still need her help. She reaches under you and begins to excite your clit with fast hard slaps of her fingers. A few minutes of this and the intensity with which they are fucking you does the trick! You suddenly begin shaking and trembling, while the guys drive themselves into you faster and faster. Francine is also stroking your clit faster and with increased pressure.
"Yes! Yes! Ohhhh!...that's it, please, please do it, do it, that's it, give it to me, OH GIVE IT TO ME, OH OOOHHH, OOOOHHHH!" you cry, "I'M CUMMING!"
Your breath is coming in short gasps and your orgasm is reaching its peak when I decide that I can't hold back any longer, I kneel behind you and aim my hard cock at your cunt. Now at the peak of your orgasm, you are bouncing around on the thin cock of the guy below you and my cock slides effortlessly into you alongside his. We are both pumping you now, stroke for stroke, stretching your cunt to it's limit and hitting every sensitive spot inside you. The guy in your mouth can't hold back any longer, he pulls his cock quickly from you and jerks it as his cum shoots high and far across your back.
You instruct the two of us who are still pumping our cocks into your cunt.
"OH GOD YES! That's what I want, give it to me. OHHH YES! Fuck me! Fuck me!" you demand. Your orgasm never dies, almost instantly, you are once again hit by intense spasms. You go rigid and freeze, while the two of us take our pleasure from you, thrilling you through and through. Francine moves her hand from your pussy and slips a soaking wet finger into your gaping ass-hole.
"AAAHHHH!" you gasp, "Yes! Give me more of that! Give me more!"
Francine fucks your ass-hole deeply with her finger, timing her strokes to match those of our two cocks, thrusting deeply into your cunt. I doubt that you have ever been so insatiable, but as both of our cocks explode together, over-filling your cunt with hot spunk, you are still calling for more.
Francine provides the final solution...our now soft cocks leave your cunt, she slides a massive dildo into it, adding to the finger already penetrating your ass-hole. She turns the shaft of the dildo as she fast and deeply fucks your cunt and ass. Your orgasm regains its intensity and as she concentrates on finishing you off by hard fucking you, you cry out loudly...
She is now fucking you slowly, through the fading of your orgasm. Once it has died, you finally say the words which I have been waiting to hear...
"Enough, Enough! Stop! Please! I can't take any more!"
As the tissues circulate, Francine is the first to speak...
"WOW! I've never met a woman like you before. You wouldn't want to come and work with me would you? We could earn a fortune doing parties like this every night and we would both really enjoy the work!"
You giggle as you answer...
"You have to be joking, I couldn't handle being gang-banged like this every night, I won't be able to walk straight for at least a week!"
Everyone laughs, knowing full well that tomorrow is another day, and there is no doubt that by tomorrow you will be ready to enjoy many more sweet orgasms.
Unfortunately, right now the first blush of dawn is already lighting the sky and once again it is time for us to leave FantasyLand. It will soon be the time for you to return to RealityLand, where you will feel fully refreshed and more ready than ever to face your day's tasks. Your night's adventure in FantasyLand will have been forgotten, but perhaps you will retain a fleeting memory of something very enjoyable happening to you. If that happens, I hope you will not waste any time in returning to FantasyLand, where you will find me waiting to escort you on yet another fun-filled, multi-orgasmic adventure.
A few words to female readers from the author:
After reading the story please leave me a comment. Positive comments make the effort of writing the story worthwhile and (constructive) negative comments can often help me improve the story for future readers
If you have enjoyed reading this story and wish to read more stories in my series The Erotic Adventures Of You, please send me a message and provide an e-mail address for me to send stories direct to you...because I'm not going to post any more of my stories on xhamster. I don't want anything from you in return, but I would appreciate a comment on each story I send you.
3 years ago