Personal Tips

Many curious people ask me about how they would love to try being submissive, or how much they wanted to invert roles of being a dominant and explore the other side.
For those people, I have a few tips:

1st - having the mindset for it. Does the idea of losing control and being controlled entice you?
If the answer for that is a solid yes, you're in the right direction.

2nd - Do you see yourself not being in control and accepting the decisions (either rewards and punishments) seem fit by your mistress?
That one can be quite tricky (and something that gave me problem recently) - especially if the person is a switch, who used to be always in control and called all the shots. If you don't see yourself letting go of your controlling ways, if you don't trust your mistress 100%, don't dive in.

3rd - Is honesty with my fetishes a turn off to my mistress?
No. Especially because you NEED to know what fetishes your mistress is into. Domination has such a huge amount of variations, so this must be very clear to you, and she must have no problems telling them to you if inquired - but the same goes for the submissive. Your mistress NEEDS to be aware about what turns you on and off in bed. It doesn't mean you can't explore new things both never tried together, of course, but it needs to be vocalized and clear for both parts. There's no successful domination without trust and openness.

4th - Can I be honest, open and express what's on my mind?

Yes. Not only can, but must. That's a fundamental part for every relationship, not only mistress x submissive - if you can't rely and have problems solving your own inner conflicts, if you can't express your feelings and thoughts, if you can't be clear and hide important information that can lead to irreparable conflicts, I personally don't recommend you to try it. Figure yourself out before giving yourself to someone.

5th - How do I know what kind of submissive I am?
Gather all the things that turns you on the most about the idea of being a submissive, the things you've been willing to try for so long but couldn't, secret pleasures, take everything into account. After figuring out your part, you just need to find the suitable dominatrix who craves for your same fetishes.

6th - How long does a mistress x submissive relationship last?
In my case, for example, I'm very picky and when I find the perfect suitable partner, I hold on to my puppy for as long as I see fit (usually more than a year) - but the answer for that is entirely up to both parts. Some mistresses are not looking for relationships, and that needs to be clear, as some subs/switchers are just looking for different experiences with different mistresses, which also needs to be clarified. You can enjoy all the sides of it, as long as you both are at the same page.

7th - Are there after effects after experiencing domination?
Some subs will find difficult to return back to conventional relationships, as some switchers. It depends of the experience they had and how much they enjoyed and changed in the process. As long as you find out what truly turns you on in bed and had the best orgasms of your life in the end of it, it's a win x win situation.

Those were the most asked questions so far, and I hope my answers somehow help you figure out your next step.
Keep the questions coming and be a good puppy. ♥
Published by Im-Luna
5 years ago
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blackdogbcn 5 years ago
I totally agree with 7 points, love to read that sincere point of you :smile:
ZephyrValentine 5 years ago
Such an accurate overview of things. Sounds simple but people tend to not follow that for some unknown reason. Everything sums up to trust in the end. It's awesome that you took your time to answer questions you're often receiving. You're incredible, really.
Seventh-Son 5 years ago
Thank you for sharing Mistress, many good points clarified! Communication and meeting in same dimensions is very important for a successful relationship that is rewarding for both parties. 
Thanks for this insight