The Interracial Simp Chain
Here is the latest confession:
I am a 25 year old white male 6 feet tall an attractive. I have a really hot girlfriend 22 5'6 120 pounds.
I don't know how I got into this situation.
I meet her last year and I just fell for her, took her out a lot and eventually she moved in. Maybe I made a lot of mistakes.
Yes, I've been a simp, I took her out to nice places, bought her clothes, pay her bills. Take care of things for her.
I know they say you're not supposed to be a simp, but I loved her and she seemed to really like what I was doing.
Until I found out a couple months ago she is a simp too, but just for some random black dude.
She came to me one nigh and admitted she was fucking him, but made it seem like no big deal, but once I found out
I found out how involved she was.
Eventually I found out they met at a gas station. There was some incident and he threatened the cashier.
They way she makes it sound she finally realized she needed a "real man" and she realized then he was it.
She just went up to him and gave him her number.
He texted her later and basically told her to come over and give him a blowjob. But he used some black slang and didn't understand
what he meant until he came out and told her to come over and suck his dick.
So since then she is simping for him. Its not like he ever took her out or did anything for her. He texts her when he wants something and she runs over and does it. usually it's fucking him or blowing him. Doesn't matter if he wakes her up at 3:00 AM, she will be in the car and go over.
So about two weeks ago she gets a call and comes up to me and says she needs to have several thousand dollars and I ask her why.
She just says she needs it and tells me she will tell me later. I eventually broke down and gave it to her.
She leaves and comes back a few hours later She brings the guy back with her. I never met him before, but he is a real intimidating criminal is all I can say. I had never met him and didn't want to. She needed the money to bail him out. She is really simping for him and using me to do it.
It was really unpleasant, but I got some info on him and I called a friend who is in the police and got his full criminal history.
He's a little bit older than me and he has a long criminal record going back to stealing cars when he was 13. He's been arrested 113 times. Even suspected of murder and ****, and charged a few times, but somehow never did a long time in prison. It sounds like he's gotten lucky.
So now I had this I thought I could make him go away. i took her aside and started reading it to her. I thought she was crying, and I felt bad for her. But then she started touching herself and said she's never been so turned on. She texted him and asked if she could come over and fuck. She did that, she got turned on by hearing his criminal history. Fucking A. I don't even know what to do.
Oh and she took the criminal history from me and keeps it, she likes to read it to get horny.
I know I should break up with her, but I just love her so much. I know I am bring a huge simp, but I think she has to come to her sense eventually. What does she see in this guy?
I am a 25 year old white male 6 feet tall an attractive. I have a really hot girlfriend 22 5'6 120 pounds.
I don't know how I got into this situation.
I meet her last year and I just fell for her, took her out a lot and eventually she moved in. Maybe I made a lot of mistakes.
Yes, I've been a simp, I took her out to nice places, bought her clothes, pay her bills. Take care of things for her.
I know they say you're not supposed to be a simp, but I loved her and she seemed to really like what I was doing.
Until I found out a couple months ago she is a simp too, but just for some random black dude.
She came to me one nigh and admitted she was fucking him, but made it seem like no big deal, but once I found out
I found out how involved she was.
Eventually I found out they met at a gas station. There was some incident and he threatened the cashier.
They way she makes it sound she finally realized she needed a "real man" and she realized then he was it.
She just went up to him and gave him her number.
He texted her later and basically told her to come over and give him a blowjob. But he used some black slang and didn't understand
what he meant until he came out and told her to come over and suck his dick.
So since then she is simping for him. Its not like he ever took her out or did anything for her. He texts her when he wants something and she runs over and does it. usually it's fucking him or blowing him. Doesn't matter if he wakes her up at 3:00 AM, she will be in the car and go over.
So about two weeks ago she gets a call and comes up to me and says she needs to have several thousand dollars and I ask her why.
She just says she needs it and tells me she will tell me later. I eventually broke down and gave it to her.
She leaves and comes back a few hours later She brings the guy back with her. I never met him before, but he is a real intimidating criminal is all I can say. I had never met him and didn't want to. She needed the money to bail him out. She is really simping for him and using me to do it.
It was really unpleasant, but I got some info on him and I called a friend who is in the police and got his full criminal history.
He's a little bit older than me and he has a long criminal record going back to stealing cars when he was 13. He's been arrested 113 times. Even suspected of murder and ****, and charged a few times, but somehow never did a long time in prison. It sounds like he's gotten lucky.
So now I had this I thought I could make him go away. i took her aside and started reading it to her. I thought she was crying, and I felt bad for her. But then she started touching herself and said she's never been so turned on. She texted him and asked if she could come over and fuck. She did that, she got turned on by hearing his criminal history. Fucking A. I don't even know what to do.
Oh and she took the criminal history from me and keeps it, she likes to read it to get horny.
I know I should break up with her, but I just love her so much. I know I am bring a huge simp, but I think she has to come to her sense eventually. What does she see in this guy?
3 years ago