xHamster announcement (english)

xHamster announcement (english)
According to the latest regulations in the industry, our users are only allowed to post the content supported by the full set of documents including: IDs of all cast members, model releases with consent to shoot, distribution, download and 2257 form.

At the moment, all images without documents have been removed from public view and set to the status "Waiting for moderation". Now is the time to become a verified creator, provide all documents and publicly view the content again.

We are constantly working to make xHamster a safe and enjoyable experience by protecting the rights of content owners and preventing the distribution of potentially prohibited content.

Note that in the near future, any content uploaded without receipts will be removed.

Thank you for your support and understanding.

Kind regards,
xHamster team.
Published by miaroberts
3 years ago
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asiananallike 3 years ago
lost a lot of members on here for doing that 
PlanoJoe1953 3 years ago
Thanks for the clarification. Not going to be the same.