The Cane

As an adult I have been caned on 90 occasions receiving over two thousand strokes but during my schooldays it was a very different story.

my secondary school was a strict grammar school where the cane was used to punish boys who’d broken the rules. However, it was only used sparingly and that made it all the more terrifying for me. Other boys had been caned at primary school and on a couple of occasions I feared I was going to get it but I managed to avoid it. I can clearly remember a few weeks into my secondary school life, standing in a group of boys crowding round the first two lads in our year to get the cane. It held a great fascination as well as a threat and I listened agog as they related their punishment to an excited audience.

For me, the cane was both a terrible threat hanging over me for the duration of my time at the school and perversely, something I longed to experience. I began hitting my own bottom at home with garden canes but obviously I was unable to generate the required force to get anywhere near the actual feeling of being caned. And it wasn’t just the pain that I feared, although as an out and out coward, the thought of getting hurt was quite terrifying. It was the associated rituals of being caned that held me in trepidation with the humiliation I’d feel probably the strongest emotion. The thought that everyone would know about it filled me with horror. I was a shy, introverted boy, not one of the lads who’d show off their stripes to an admiring audience. People would know I’d been caned, they would have seen me waiting outside the headmaster’s office, they would have heard the swish and thwack of discipline being delivered. Heaven forbid, they would have seen the red weals across my bare buttocks when we showered after PE lessons. Worst of all was the thought that my parents might find out and the shame that I’d feel.

Another aspect of a caning that worried me was having to give up all control of the situation, a sense of helplessness and inevitability that would have culminated in me bending over,presenting my backside as a target and waiting for the first stroke. All these fears kept me on the straight and narrow. The closest I came to a meeting with the headmaster’s senior cane was on a couple of occasions when I was sent out of class for disruptive behaviour. This happened to one lad who returned to the classroom 15 minutes later and had been told by the headmaster to ask the teacher if he could come back in now because the headmaster had caned him. That sent one mighty shiver down me. I also,to gain her attention, pulled up the skirt of a student teacher when I was 12. There was nothing sexual about it and she didn’t report me because that would definitely have resulted in a caning.

Despite my total fear, I was obsessed with wanting to know what the cane felt like and so I’d beg my friends to cane my bottom as part of messing about play. Only one did, a girl who gave me one stroke and not that hard so my desires were not satisfied. I left school, my bottom intact and then spent several years trying to devise contraptions that would recreate a caning but with little success. Eventually I found tv aerial flex gave a good thwack when swung round and would leave approximations for stripes. It was only when the internet allowed me to chat with masters who were happy to beat my bottom that I felt the cane for the first time. Bending over a chair naked in a high rise flat in Birmingham, I waited for my first ever stroke and felt empathy with those boys at school who’d awaiting their first caning. And it was amazing, wonderful, painful, arousing, but also frustrating because the humiliation, the sense of helplessness, the shame that I’d so feared, they were missing and it turns out that I really crave those things too.
Published by treadgell
3 years ago
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dagworth 2 years ago
to treadgell : I think you've read my post about the slipper happy music teacher we had, Mr Mitchell. He used to delight in slippering lads for the most trivial offences, only one or two whacks, but very hard. We had Asian twins in our class, always very well behaved, one was quiet, but the other was quite cheeky. The cheeky one was the only lad I saw who ever managed to talk Mr M out of slippering him which was quite a feat. A couple of years he posted on the school's facebook page that he'd been slippered by the maths teacher, sadly after I'd left the school, I was amazed. His brother had been off ill and he'd tried to convince the matshs teacher that he was the ill brother and hadn't been able to do his homework, not sure how this was ever going to work! He was found out of course and he posted that he'd received a hard six of the best with the plimsoll. I'm guessing this will have taken place in the cloakroom just outside the classroom, if it was during a lesson and not after one then his classmates will have heard the whacks through the thin walls of the prefab classroom. Such a shame I missed it, I would have loved hearing the action, he did have a slightly chubby backside and it would have been a great sight seeing it being slippered.
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dagworth 2 years ago
to treadgell : Just had another read of your post, os many things that sound so like my thoughts and fantasies when I was at school. I recall another close encounter I had, it went like this: Two classmates had been messing around with a bee hive in the school grounds, a girl who was passing got stung and reported it to Mr M the maths teacher who was taking her next lesson. Somehow he found out what class the suspects were in, my class, and called all the lads to his classroom. The girl and her friend were there and they pointed out three of us who'd had nothing to do with the incident, while ignoring the two culprits who were right in front of them! Mr M told us to wait outside in a cloakroom area where he carried out his serious punishments. His plimsoll was hanging there and Robert my mate handled it saying it was heavy and would hurt. Shortly Mr M came out and grilled us as to what had happened, I did most of the talking and managed to convince him we were innocent which we of course were, with the result that he let us off. I remember when I returned to our English lesson some mates were convinced we'd been slippered. If we'd been guilty I'd have had owned up and taken the slippering, the bonus would have been seeing my two mates bending over as well!
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dagworth 2 years ago
to treadgell : The school had gone from single sex female to co-ed around 1972. The Headmistress was known to have caned girls, but when the boys arrived discipline went down hill apparently. The local education committee moved the Headmistress to another single sex school, and brought in this tough Scottish Head. From what I heard then, and from seeing some posts on the school's fb page it's clear he did a lot of caning. One ex-pupil posted that on his first day at the school he was caned by the Head! Oddly I didn't see that many public slipperings at this school, at my previous one they were common.
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treadgell Publisher 2 years ago
to dagworth : Great memory. I loved hearing about other boys getting caned - didn't happen very often unfortunately.
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dagworth 2 years ago
Every so often a memory of my schooldays surfaces. Just recently I remembered something that happened around 1977. I was attending a mixed secondary school, there was a newish Headmaster who had been brought in to sort the place out. He was infamous for how hard he applied the cane. As I was in the top form and we tended not to mess about few if any of us normally ended up bending over in the Head's office until one day.... I was in a fifth year biology lesson working through some project together, we were in groups of about six and were having a natter. Sitting next to me was Kevin, a very nice lad, sometimes a bit cheeky with the teachers, but certainly not one of the trouble makers. Kevin proceeded to tell us of something that had happened to him that morning. He and another lad had played a prank, they had let the air out of the tyres of a teacher's car, but had been caught. The two were marched to Mr Hamilton's office where they received a dressing down. Next both had to bend over the Head's desk. Now interestingly Kevin didn't hold back with his description, no flase bravery for him, he said the caning was so hard he was yelling out "Please sir can you stop" and suchlike. I was fascinated by this description, and by the fact that Kevin was clearly sitting on a very sore backside! Looking back now I wish the two teachers who should have slippered me had done so.
fullbladder 3 years ago
Superb and insightful account of fear of caning and discovery of reality of caning. So similar to my own experience of caning. I would discretely add that the anticipation and eventual actuality of caning may have a sexual element, in my own case very much so. I find this Post about The Cane by Treadgell very interesting.
Jenkinson443 3 years ago
So so similar to my thoughts and experiences regarding schooltime.  Luckily I've had the opportunity to visit professionals, and my wife to a certain extent. Thank you for sharing.
tvslut69 3 years ago
Very interesting story and very interesting experience. We all had a fear in our youth of something that later turned into our reality or even passion.
dagworth 3 years ago
All this sounds very similar to my experiences, though I did get the ruler across my bottom in front of my class in the juniors. In adult life I've normally been the one using the plimsoll, strap or cane, however years ago a woman who used to bend over for a red bottom from me, slippered and caned my bottom. Then in the last couple of years I've met three men to discipline their backsides, and two gave me a hard slippering which hurt, but I enjoyed. I got very close to being slippered twice at school, once was with music teacher who you've read about, the other time was with a maths teacher, I just wish they'd got on with it.