This story has family i****t between an adult brother, mother and sister. There is some mild v******e committed by a fourth party but this is not part of the main theme. This is a longer one, over twenty thousand words in one chapter with an ending. Although I might, in the future, revisit the story I'm not planning to at this time.
All parties involved in any sexual situations are at least eighteen years old.


PREQUEL: We just couldn't take it anymore. My sister, Becky, and I watched as our lovely mother sat down at the breakfast island. She was wearing a fluffy housecoat that was loosely tied at the waist. She was hung over, again, and both Becky and I could see the marks that her lover had left on her upper chest the night before. She also had a bruise on her beautiful cheek and her hair was a ratty mess. When she slumped into her chair her housecoat opened, exposing her entire upper chest to our view. I could see the marks and bruises that the asshole had left on our mother's boobs, paying particular attention to her areola and nipples. I spoke for the first time, “Mom, your tits are showing. Don't you have any respect for yourself anymore?” She looked up in shock. I had never talked to her like this before.

******THE DESCENT OF MOM******

She was still, at thirty five, a very pretty and desirable woman. She had gotten pregnant very early in her life and my dad had been forced by our two grandfathers to marry her so that I wasn't born a bastard. Actually the term ‘shotgun wedding’ was the term that our grandparents had used. Two years later my sister was born. Our parents had lived with one or the other parents' home until my dad could support his family.

That was the past though, over twenty years ago. Nowadays my parents were not getting along at all. They had been arguing almost continuously for months. Mostly they argued about why my father had no sex drive. Little did we all know that the reason for his lack of sexual desire for my mother was that she was a female.

My parents had made it very clear when their issues began to surface that their marriage, and any other personal aspects of their life were to be theirs to deal with, in private. End of story and no further discussion would be tolerated. From that point on my sister and I had just accepted their arguing and simply wanted to be kept in the dark about our parents' personal life.

My mom, as beautiful as she was, would have been a catch for almost any man but her confidence took a huge hit when she caught our father finally, with his boyfriend, in bed together. Imagine that, the man that you thought was your soulmate, the man that was the father of your c***dren, the man that you had wished to be beside you as you grew old together tied to his bed with a dick up his ass.

She had been devastated when she found out about the affair. She was served with divorce papers within the week. But amazingly she had insisted on counselling, praying that a third party would get my father to change his ways and understand what he was giving up. It didn't work though. My father was adamant that he and his lover, a young man of only twenty, would be happy together. After he moved out neither Becky nor I ever saw him again.

When she started to accept the fact that she had lost her husband and the divorce was going forward my mother had gone into a deep depression. She started drinking a lot and picking up men in seedy bars and nightclubs.

The divorce was nearly final, just weeks to go and my father was long gone so Becky and I thought that she must have just accepted the inevitable. My sister and I watched as the beautiful woman that had raised us, that we both loved and cherished, began the slippery slope of depression, alcoholism and degrading herself with casual sex. We didn't figure it out until months later that there was anything that we could do for her.

My mom had always reminded me of a movie star named Jill Ireland that was a popular movie star in the sixties. She had blonde hair that she kept shoulder length, a timeless pretty face, nice shape and long legs. If I were to describe my mother in one word it would be statuesque.


A bit about my sister and I. I'm Brett Morgan and my sisters’ name is Becky. To be blunt, we have always been very close as siblings. Much closer than normal siblings. We have always been each other's best friend and confidant. I, as her older brother, had always felt that I was her best friend and protector and now I wanted to be there for her if or when our parents were not able to resurrect their marriage.

I had noticed that Becky had become more clingy as she went through her teen years. She would always sit next to me when we had our meals and she would sometimes cuddle into me with my arm around her while watching movies at home. We never fought or argued like most k**s would so I have to admit that it wasn't a total surprise when we became each other's only lover.

As I said, we were very close while growing up. I was twenty and still living at home because my job as an assistant manager at a fast food place wasn't lucrative enough to fund an apartment, yet. Becky was eighteen and in her senior year of high school. I was older by two years and should have been the more mature and responsible of the two of us but as our parents' marriage began to crumble we turned to each other, as we always had, for comfort and security. At first we would just go into one of our bedrooms together to avoid the drama. We would just lay low and talk while our parents fought. Then as time went on, when the arguments got really loud, we would leave the house and it's toxic atmosphere and go to the movies or hang out at fast food places, always together, to avoid the arguments, and then stay out until late or at least until we thought the fireworks were over. It usually worked.

When we were home our father ignored us. Other than giving us money for our nights out he seemed to have no interest in what Becky and I were doing. So we took matters into our own hands so to speak and we comforted each other.

When in school I was very shy around girls my own age. I had never dated, unless you consider my time spent with my younger sister as a date. I never did but apparently she had. As time passed, with the responsibility of being a manager and as an older brother, I had gotten more outgoing and confident. I had to with my responsibilities at work, and for my sister at home.

My sister Becky had not dated much either. She had only a few close girlfriends and had always been very self conscious and ashamed that she didn't have that ideal body that was portrayed in the teen magazines. She was very pretty to me though. I had always compared Becky to my mom, who I thought of as the most beautiful woman in the world. Neither of us were ever in that popular crowd in high school to be honest. We usually just hung around each other as siblings sometimes do when having to deal with the toxic vibe of our parents' marriage.

We, or more importantly, I had never considered romance with my sister until that fateful night. Our parents were having a terrible argument once again about how my father was never seemingly in the mood anymore. They were in their bedroom and finally it sounded like the loud argument was over so I went to sleep. Sometime in the middle of the night though I heard their angry voices rise again. I had just pulled my pillow over my head to silence the noise when I felt my bed move. Becky was in my room, again. She had always depended on me for comfort when stressed and tonight would be one of those stressful nights it seemed. She picked my sheet up and just slid into my bed.

“Brett, would you please hold me? I just can't stand that noise anymore. My heart hurts for Mom. They don't make love anymore. They don't even try to get along anymore. All they do is argue about shit and blame each other. Please Brett, put your arms around me and hold me,” she said as she slipped into my bed and into my arms. I could feel her soft body as she snuggled against me. I moved onto my back and she put her knee up over my thigh and she cuddled closer. We had held hands, hugged and lightly kissed each other before on our ‘not dates’ but we had never lay in bed intimately like this before. I was pretty sure that she had a short nightgown on and I suspected that she wasn't wearing a bra but she was probably wearing her panties as was normal for her. The next words she said would change our relationship forever.

She snuggled her face close to my ear and whispered, “Brett, if I ask you something really personal would you tell me the truth?”

“Sure baby. You know that you are my best friend. We share everything. I will never lie to you.” Becky waited several minutes before she put her arm across my chest and whispered again.

“Okay, but this is really personal. Have you ever had sex with anyone?” My eyes opened wide in the darkness. What had brought this on? We had never brought the subject of each other's love life up before.

“Ummm, no Becky I haven't. Why do you ask? Is there someone in your life that you are into like that?”

“No, well yes there is but that isn't what I'm asking you. What I am asking is, ummm, oh, shit! Do you think I'm pretty?”

“Ummm, yes Becky. You are beautiful. You are kind and thoughtful. You have a great personality. You are perfect in every way. Now what brought this on?”

“Brett, that isn't what I asked you. Ummm, how do I put this? My body, Brett. Do you think I'm pretty? Like, is my face pretty? Are my breasts big enough? Is my butt sexy? Am I too fat?” We were in very unsettling and heretofore unexplored territory.

“Becky, you are one of the most beautiful women I have ever known. Only our mother could possibly be as beautiful. Your face is gorgeous. Your hair is the perfect color for you. It's soft and long and silky and full and always smells so nice. Your breasts, not that I've ever perved on you, but your breasts are a beautiful shape and fit your body to perfection. Your stomach is flat. Your hips are curvy and your beautiful ass looks good enough to eat. Finally you have long sensuous legs that can turn heads whenever you choose to show them. If I could design the perfect woman she would look exactly like you. Now what is this about? Are you thinking about letting someone get into my girl and make her a woman?”

“Something like that. Ummm... here it goes, but this is hard for me. Brett, have you ever wanted to make me?” Now I was beginning to panic.

“Becky! You are my sister! I can't have sex with my sister. That's against everything that we have ever been taught. Sibling sex is wrong and I'm pretty sure that it's against the law also.”

If it were possible she snuggled closer and pressed her breasts against my side. Then she brought her lips very close to my ear and whispered, “I have. I have imagined what it would be like to make love to my brother. Ever since I started puberty I have been dreaming of it with you. I can't imagine anyone else that I want to be my first. We both are virgins and if our parents split up we don't know where we would be living. I'm eighteen so we both could choose but who knows what the future is going to be like if our parents split up.”

Then she sealed the deal by moving her hand onto my semi hard dick. She squeezed my member and I started to harden more, immediately.

“Becky what are you doing? That's my dick you have in your hand, I told you that we can't do this. We can't have sexual relations because we are brother and sister.”

“Brett, do you remember a girlfriend of mine named Cassie? We had math together last year.” Becky was starting to slowly slide her hand along my hardness.

“Yes, I remember Cassie. You two were close for a while. What happened?”

“She is still my friend. She and I tell each other everything. She even told me once that she was having sex with her father. They have been fucking for several years. She even told me that when she goes off to college this fall in another state, her father was going to leave her mother and they were going to share an apartment. They were going to live together as man and wife. That's i****t Brett. It happens more than you think. Sometimes even gay sex between brothers or between father and son or between sisters or…”

“I get it Becky. I really do but that doesn't make it right. What you are proposing is wrong. I don't want to mess with your head with some twisted justification that just because other people are doing it it is okay for me to fuck my sister. We are both too young to make those kinds of choices. What would mom and dad think if we ever got caught? We would probably both be kicked out of our home. What then? Becky, it's just too risky.”

Becky just softly giggled into my ear and continued to whisper, “Brett do you honestly believe that our parents give a flying fuck about what we are doing? When was the last time they even asked either of us what we were up to when we go out together to the movies, or just hang out in our bedrooms together with the door closed. We have been in each other's bedroom for hours before and we have never heard a peep out of either of them about it. They are so self absorbed with their own problems that I honestly believe that they don't care what we are doing at all. I think their marriage is probably over. They just haven't signed the paperwork yet. When they do take that step, I'm going to stay with mom. She is the most vulnerable. Dad is just being a prick to her to make things easier for her to let go when the hammer drops. We are getting off the subject though. Back to my original question, do you think I'm pretty Brett?” Becky continued to slowly slide her hand up and down my considerably harder dick.

“Yes Becky. You are very pretty. You are a spitting image of mom only much younger. Becky please stop stroking me. I'm going to cum if you keep that up.”

“That's the idea. Cassie told me that it's best if you get the first cum over with quickly. That way the second time you will last much longer.”

Becky stopped momentarily while she pulled my boxers down, exposing my flagpole. I could feel the precum dripping onto my stomach. She reattached her hand to my hardness while she pulled my sheet below our waists. Then she sat up and with one hand on me, she pulled her nightgown up and off with one swift move. She was naked. The nightgown was all she had been wearing when she came into my room. I realised then that she had used our parents' argument as the excuse to come into my room and seduce me. When I saw her body the war had been won by her. I just hadn't surrendered yet. I wanted my sister more than the air that I breathed at that moment.

She continued to stroke my nuclear missile. The launch sequence had started. “Oh Becky! I'm going to cum baby. Oh yessss…” My cum shot straight into the air as my sister continued to slowly pump. She giggled quietly and put her head down, mouth open, and closed her lips onto the head of my dick to stem the considerable flow. Once I had slowed to a dribbling emission she raised her head and I could see that her mouth was still closed. She swallowed.

“Mmm not what I was expecting. It's kind of slimy but you don't taste awful. I guess cum is an acquired taste. Now Brett, here's the deal. I have thought long and hard about this, for over a year actually. Neither of us is dating anyone. We, you and I, are all each of us has in our lives at the moment. Our parents ignore us and are probably headed for divorce. They are totally self absorbed in their situation. It's a given that they are going to split up unless dad gets his head out of his ass real soon and starts fucking mom. Until one of us finds a forever after mate I propose that we become lovers. We are both adults. We both love and respect each other. I get my Depo shot every three months so I am safe from pregnancy. We have been close since we were little so the people that we know shouldn't notice anything different. Even if we get caught by one or the other parent it shouldn't be that big of a deal because of how close we have always been. So what do you say Brett? You wanna fuck your little sister? Do you want to learn how to please me? I want you to. I know you do because you are still hard.”

She was right. I was still hard.

I briefly considered her argument. To be truthful she had won the argument already. The jealous and protective side of me didn't want her first time to be by some asshole in the backseat of a car or while drinking at a party. We had been living together for our entire lives. What could be a more normal extension of our feelings than having a sexual relationship with one of the two women that I already loved. Win-win. So I pulled my naked sister on top of me and into my arm's to cuddle her.

“We will still have to be very careful around mom and dad. No grab-ass, no hot making out, no nudity or even partial nudity around the house unless we know for a fact that we wouldn't get caught. You will continue getting your Depo shots religiously. You will also keep your grades up so that you can graduate and go to college. When we are in public we will act like a normal brother and sister would, well normal for us that is. If we adhere to these rules, I think we can get away with it. If you agree to these conditions I agree that we can be lovers.” Becky squealed quietly and slid her naked body over on top of me. Her legs were positioned on both sides of my hips. She leaned over and kissed me like a girlfriend would and mashed her naked boobs on my chest while she squirmed and put herself into position on top of me. She slotted her pussy over my hardness and slowly slid up and down.

“Brett you have just made the best decision of your life. We will be so good for each other. I also have a rule for us to follow though. After we become intimate, you and I will remain exclusive unless we both decide otherwise. That way there won't ever be a chance that we would have to use condoms or worry about STDs.”

“We have a deal little sister.”

Becky giggled in that cute way that she had and started rubbing her labia up and down my trapped boner that had not softened. She must have been soaking wet because I could feel her slickness coat my dick almost immediately. I was as hard as Chinese arithmetic as she moved up and down. I started moving my hands over her ample boobs and pinching her hard pointy little nipples as my sexy little sister undulated across my body kissing me. Our hands roamed across each other's bodies as we both began to discover the other's sensitive spots. I could feel her smooth skin and her muscles ripple on her back. When I moved my hands to her ass I pulled her up slightly. My dick popped up into position and I could feel the opening to her pussy against the head of my dick. She grabbed my hardness as she sat up.

“I know this will hurt the first time Brett. Don't let me stop until you are all the way in. I broke my hymen earlier today so there shouldn't be any blood but you are larger than my hairbrush handle so this might be uncomfortable for me until I'm stretched out. Are you ready big brother? Are you ready to make your little sister a woman?”

As she said those words she held my dick up and slowly holstered her warm, dripping wet pussy onto me. She felt amazing. There is absolutely nothing in this world to compare with the feeling of a wet, hot, tight pussy slowly sliding on your dick for the first time.

She stopped after the head popped in and started taking short shallow breaths. I could feel the tension as she waited. She was tight. I mean really tight. The hairbrush might have taken care of her hymen but inside her pussy was all virgin territory. Even though I had just cum I could feel the boiling in my balls. I thought of inane things to stop the inevitable. I wanted her first time to be incredible. Mine already was. She took several short breaths and settled down some more.

“Jesus Brett you have a big dick. How big is it anyway?”

I didn't say anything. I could feel her inner muscles pulsing and her butt cheeks were clinching.

“Becky, you need to relax your pussy muscles. Let your body stretch naturally. You will be fine once we get you broke in.” She raised up and swiped my chest.

“I'm not a pair of shoes, BIG brother. That's my unused almost virgin pussy we are talking about.” While sitting up she held her breath and pushed herself down until I could feel her pubes. I was in my sister all the way. She stopped moving momentarily.

“Ahhhhh!, Brett, just hold me for a while so I can get used to that monster. God you have a big dick! Cassie told me that my first time would be painful but I never imagined it would feel painful and so good at the same time.”

“Becky we don't have to do this if you don't want to, if it's too painful.” She sat up again and swiped me on the chest again.

“Shut up Brett. I'm just adapting to your size. The pain is almost gone now so I'm going to move. Don't you dare push up hard though. Let me control this until I'm used to that monster in me.”

I never thought of myself as large. Maybe just a bit over average. I was thick though. She hadn't been able to touch her fingertips as she gripped me earlier. Becky raised herself slowly. She slid off me maybe half way then slowly down again. She did this two or three times, very slowly. Between my precum and her natural lube I could tell that she was sliding on and off a little easier. She pushed down while gripping my shoulders and suddenly shuttered and moaned in my ear.

“Ohhhhhh!!! How does my pussy feel Brett? Am I doing this right? Do you like my pussy? Jesus I'm so turned on right now. I think I'm going to cum soon. Will you cum with me?”

“I can't cum on demand Becky but I'm really close. Give me a warning and I'll try to cum with you. Baby this feels so good.”

“I know, right? This is the best feeling in the world. How can our father give this shit up with mom. I would think that they would be fucking like rabbits… Ohhhhh! Brett! I'm going to cum baby. Cum with me Brett! Hurry! cummmmmmm. Oh oh oh oh yeah!” I was right behind her. I could actually feel her pussy pulse as the fluid moved up my dick and then coated the insides of my sisters’ tight molten hot pussy.

“I'm cumming Becky. I'm cummminggg!” I felt the pulses as my sister's inner muscles pulsed, gripping me.

“God Brett, I feel it. I feel you cumming in me. Cum in me! Oh shit I'm cumming again hold me Brett, hold me while I cum on my brothers hard cock! AHHHH! Her whole body started moving like she was shivering. Her arm's moved out from our bodies and gripped my sheet. She put her mouth against mine and screamed into my mouth as she orgasmed again to help quiet the noise.

I listened outside my room to check if we attracted any attention from our parents. All I heard was more shouting and mom crying from their bedroom. We had done it. I had just fucked my little sister. And no one noticed.

Becky got really quiet then. I could feel her body quiver as the post orgasmic aftershocks got less and less. She kissed me tenderly several times. After a few minutes of quiet Becky’s lips moved over and whispered into my ear, ”I love you Brett. You are the most awesome brother in the whole wide world. I want us to do this over and over until we can't do it any more. Even if it takes the rest of our lives.”

“I love you too Becky. I also want us to do this forever. Until we die of old age I want us to be this close, forever…” Then she put her head down on my shoulder and we slept.

******THE DIVORCE******

When my parents finally split up it wasn't a surprise to Becky or I. She had called it. They had been fighting almost constantly for over a year. I came home from work on a Friday to my mom and Becky sitting on our couch. My mom was in tears. She was sobbing so pitifully that initially I thought someone had died. There was a death alright, my parents' marriage.

When the story finally came out. My mother had come home unexpectedly and caught my father with his lover. His lover was a twenty something gay man. He had my dad tied up face down and spread eagle on their marital bed with his little dick up my father's ass. My mother was devastated. Not only was he cheating on her but it was with another guy. The humiliation must have been extremely traumatic. It had been obvious to everyone except my mother for a long time that their marriage was over.

Since the cat was out of the bag now our father immediately moved out and into his lover's apartment. As her tears fell down her pretty cheeks, mom started talking about counseling. I looked at Becky when she said those words. She just shook her head and mouthed the words, ‘no way’. I felt the same but it would be our parent's decision to make.

My father must have been ready to pull the trigger though because my mom was served two days later. To make a long drawn out story shorter. Counseling was ordered but nothing was accomplished. Three months after the last counseling session was over the divorce was final. After over twenty years together they both were single again. My mom was a basket case. She had loved him and believed that although there were problems in their marriage, there was nothing that couldn't be overcome. She was inconsolable. Sometimes she would simply sit in her room and sob at her loss. As time went on she slowly began to accept the fact that her forever guy loved another guy.

About a month before the divorce was final my mother went out for the first time. She was going to meet with a few of her old friends at a local club for drinks and possibly some dancing. Becky and I were there when she came out of her bedroom to leave. As I said before my mother was, and still is, a beautiful woman. She wore a short, shape hugging, dark red sweater dress that clung to her curves and hose and heels that made her long legs look amazing. With the shape of her boobs, hips and butt on display she looked scrumptious. Becky saw her first and whistled.

“Woweee Mom you look hot! You are going to have to beat the guys off with a stick.”

My mom blushed as she said, “yeah right, no one will give this tired old thirty five year old woman a second look. I'll be lucky if I don't disappear in the crowd of younger ladies.”

Becky spoke up.“Mom, don't you ever think that. You are what is commonly known as a MILF and women like you are in big demand with the younger crowd.”

Mom just looked confused and said, “Becky, what is a MILF?”

Becky blurted out, “Mother I like to fuck. Mom, it's just a term for attractive middle aged women.” Moms face paled.

I spoke up then. “Mom, it's not a derogatory term. It just describes an extremely attractive woman that will draw men like flies to honey. You are, and always have been, very attractive. In that dress and those heels you will be a hit with the local lotharios.” Mom just stood in the middle of the room and stared wide eyed at her two c***dren.

She turned around and said over her shoulder, “I knew this outfit was too much. I'm going to change now.” Both of us jumped up and grabbed an arm.

I said, “No mom, you look perfect! You nailed the absolute perfect look. You look sophisticated but approachable. Attractive without looking slutty. You obviously don't want a man yet but I bet that you won't have a problem finding someone to chat with and take your mind off your problems.

She looked doubtful. “Do you really think so? I'm suddenly not sure. Are you two serious? I look good? Be honest with your old mom.”

I spoke up again. “Mom, you are not old and you look fabulous. Trust me. If you weren't my mom I would ask you out.” She laughed at me then. It was the first time I had heard her laugh in, well, years.

Becky spoke up again. “Mom he's right, you look great. Please don't change a thing. Now go out and have a good time. By the way Brett and I want you home by midnight, not a minute later.” She was giggling as she gave our mother a curfew.

“You gave me a curfew? I'm thirty five and you are, what, not even nineteen? Ha ha ha.”

We both gave mom a big hug and I kissed her cheek. Then we watched as our almost single mother left the driveway on the way to her first night out. When we were satisfied that mom wouldn't be back, Becky grabbed my hand and we raced upstairs to my bedroom. We kissed as lovers while we stripped our clothes off and our hands were all over each other's body. Beckys pussy was already wet and well ‘broken in’ at that point so I didn't need to be so slow to enter her anymore. She hopped onto my bed and positioned herself on all four and I positioned myself onto my back to lick her pussy.

Our foreplay was still relatively crude by most standards but we were learning fast. We had been researching sex positions, foreplay, and oral techniques online and had a short repretore of what worked for us. Becky loved it when I warmed her up orally and I loved the taste of her eighteen year old pussy so it wasn't long until I had my little sister moaning and ready for our first doggy style fuck of the night. I entered her slowly after her first orgasm then we proceeded to moan and grunt until I filled Becky with several loads and she must have orgasmed six or seven times. My little sister had become quite the sex addicted little minx and never seemed to run out of energy. There wasn't anything that she put off the table when it came to sex. Finally, hours later, we rested. She was on top of me and simply collapsed in sated bliss. My dick was slowly softening as we started our pillow talk.

“I love you Brett. If I knew how much fun sex could be I would have seduced you years ago.”

“I love you so much little Becky. If I had known how easy and fun it was to start fucking my little sister I would have seduced you first.” Becky giggled in her sexy way.

“Brett, do you think mom will be okay tonight? She has been so sad and depressed since they split up. Dad really fucked with her mind when he did what he did.”

“I agree babe. But she is an adult and is with her friends tonight. Hopefully she doesn't hook up with some loser or worse yet, someone like dad. Think of tonight as baby steps to her becoming a functioning mother and fun person again. When I heard her laugh tonight I thought back. It has been years since she has laughed. I think tonight will be good for her self esteem.”

“I hope you are right. Didn't she look hot in that outfit though? I thought she was going to back out when I told her she was a MILF.”

“I know, right? Let's just keep our fingers crossed that she will be ok. We will have to give her a lot of encouragement about her looks though until she develops more confidence in herself. Let's do everything we can do to help her along.”

“You got it bro. Whatever she needs we will do.”

If we knew then what we know now we would have talked our mom into staying home.

******MOMS DECLINE******

That first night should have let us know what the future held. She came home the following morning in a uber. Her hair and makeup was a mess. Her shoes were gone and her hose had runs in both legs. She smelled like alcohol, cigarettes and sex. Becky and I were just finishing our breakfast. We had used our time alone to make love until the wee hours of the morning so no one was really very sharp. When she opened the door we could tell that she was still under the influence. She almost fell over as she stumbled towards her room. Becky jumped up and was going to help her when she turned to us. Her makeup was smeared and you could tell that she had been crying. I think there were flecks of cum in her hair and her mascara was running down her cheeks.

“No! don't! Don't say a word! I'm going to take a shower and sleep. Don't wake me and don't either of you make any noise. I will tell you about my night when I'm ready. Are we clear?” she was slurring most of her words.

We said, “yes mom” with one voice.

Mom didn't tell us what happened that first night. She stayed in her bedroom for most of that day. As the days passed she got even more quiet and morose. Her divorce was almost final and she didn't know what to do to stop the train wreck that was her life.

In the next few weeks she started drinking at home when I was at work and Becky was at school. We started worrying about her wellbeing when we weren't around. She got sloppy, her hair was always tangled and dirty. She would go days without showering or getting dressed beyond her nightwear. She would go days without doing any cleaning or house work. She continued the downward spiral for several weeks and her personality changed even more, probably because of the depression and booze.

Becky and I were in my bed again, still awake, when she brought the first man home after a night of drinking. We could hear them loudly fucking in her room. We got up and tiptoed to her door to listen in case things got violent. It didn't sound like lovemaking at all. The man was cursing at our mom and calling her all sorts of names while pounding into her. We could hear the slap slap slap of their wild rutting. Mom cried out but never tried to stop the verbal abuse as this asshole called our mom every dirty name in the book. They must have been at it for over an hour when suddenly it got quiet. We quickly went back to my room and waited. Maybe ten minutes after the noise stopped we heard footsteps in the hall and down the steps to the front door. When we heard the door slam I went down to lock up and Becky went to mom's door to listen.

When I came back up Becky was in tears. “She's crying Brett. What can we do?” She whispered as I moved to hold her.

“Well obviously these nights out and all the drinking is not good for her. That man, whoever he was, can't be good for her self esteem either. Did you hear what he called her? Becky, we have to help her, we have to do something. This can't go on. What if she brings someone or even several someone's home that wants to hurt her. Or worse, what if I'm not here and they hurt you too. I would never forgive myself if either of you got injured.”

We went back to bed in my room. I thought for a minute and pulled Becky into my arms. “Becky, do you know what an intervention is?”

“Yeah I think so. What do you have in mind Brett?”

“Well when mom gets up and is sober, we will give her an ultimatum. She either stops drinking and bringing these assholes home or she will lose what family she has left. I will not let her put the love of my life in danger. This will stop after tonight.” Becky saw the angry, determined look in my eyes and I saw true love and respect in hers.

“Brett, whatever you think is best, I'm with you.” She held me tight and I felt her tears as she put her head against my chest. I heard only one word, “together.”

For a while I slept a restless sleep that night. Then I had a dream that my mom was being ****d and beaten by some big faceless man that had tattoos covering his naked body. In the dream I couldn't move a muscle as I watched him plunder and ravage her body. She was screaming for me to save her when suddenly her face morphed into another woman, my Becky. I sat up so quickly that I woke my baby sister up. We rarely slept apart these days.

“Brett what's wrong? Are you ok?” She said. She was holding me as I breathed heavily, my heart pounding.

“I'm ok baby. Just a bad nightmare.” My body was covered in sweat. “I was dreaming that some guy was r****g and beating mom. Then her body changed and he was r****g and beating you instead.” I looked at my wide eyed sister and held her close to my chest. “I couldn't bear to actually have something like that happen. You are my life, baby. We are forever Becky. Don't ever think otherwise.” Becky cuddled with me with her head in my chest as we laid back down then. I was afraid to go back to sleep so I put my arm around her and stared at my ceiling in thought. What could we do to help mom?

The ideas came to me slowly. At first I couldn't fathom the thought that came to me. Was the nightmare telling me something? My mother was screaming for me to save her. She needed to be with someone that loved and respected her. Judging by the types of men that she seemed to be attracted to I suspected that she had a submissive personality. That was probably why her marriage had gone down in flames. My father was a submissive gay man. She needed a strong man to lead her and take care of her and it took twenty years to realize that he wasn't it.

The man that she had brought into her home tonight had dominated her and treated her like a cheap whore. Another point was that our mother was relatively young and she was in the prime of her sexual life. She needed the closeness of a good and loving partner for her sexual needs. Not someone to abuse her like he did tonight.

She needed direction, someone to lovingly lead her down a less destructive path. Someone to help her recover from the trauma of her failed marriage. Then came the hard part. Unless she was able to find a man, or even a woman, to be that person she would be like flotsam in the sea, endlessly drifting until she found that person or she was destroyed with booze and one night stands. I closed my eyes and relaxed my thoughts.

It's funny how, when you let your mind relax, a problem seems to resolve itself. Mentally I put all the negatives in a column then all the positives in another column. I weighed the things that I knew with the things that I suspected. I always came to the same conclusion. 1. Was easy. She needed someone that she felt loved her unconditionally. 2. She needed to be needed. Her whole purpose in life up to this point had been to raise her c***dren and be a good wife. Both things were being taken away from her. I was almost ready to move on with my life and Becky was maturing quickly and would probably move on with her life soon. Ergo we both needed her less each day. Her marriage, the one rock that she could attach herself to, had suddenly dissolved in heartache and humiliation. Consequently, she had no one to want her or that needed her now.

Finally I came to #3. My mother was only thirty five and she had needs, sexual needs. She needed someone to take care of that. This was the one issue that I struggled with the most. My mom needed the closeness of a sexual partner, not these one night stands with god knew who to abuse her at his will, but a loving partner, someone that took her feelings and needs into consideration, not someone that just used her as a cum dump. Also I'm sure that the man tonight hadn't used any type of protection so she could have been exposed to several STDs. He had simply used her body until he was done with her and then he walked away, leaving her in tears. So ultimately her sexual needs must be met safely. These were not issues that her twenty year old son should be struggling with.

I quietly removed Becky's head from my chest and left my room. I was wide awake now and I wanted to do some research. I needed to come up with a plan for my family. This was how I felt about the two most important women in my life now. They were my family, therefore they were going to be my responsibility. Becky, I felt, would be onboard. She told me as much earlier so that left it up to me as the head of the household, to decide what steps to take. I went online.


Morning found me still making notes at the computer when Becky came down.

“Good morning big brother. I noticed that you left me sometime last night. I hope that you have decided what we are going to do about mom and those men.”

“I'm sorry that I left you baby but I had some thinking to do, some research to do, then some hard decisions to make. Let's have breakfast first, then I have some ideas to get your opinion of. Then we need to talk about the future, our future to be exact.”

“Sounds heavy Brett. I'll start breakfast,” Becky said as we moved to the kitchen. We talked about things other than our mother until we were finished with breakfast. We cleaned our dishes and grabbed a second helping of juice. Becky sat next to me and just looked at me in anticipation.

“Brett before you begin, whatever you have to say, if it will get our mom back, I am onboard with it. So don't worry about me arguing. I know that we, as a family, have some really heavy things to discuss. There is our relationship and where it's going. Then there is mom and her problems so let's hear what you have to say.” I was surprised that Becky had considered these things. This would make my job much easier.

“Becky first and foremost, I love you with all my heart. These last few months, since we became intimate, have been the happiest time of my life. I can't imagine a world without you and want you as my life mate. Some research I did last night was dedicated to the effect of close relatives mating. That research has led me to believe that if we decide to have c***dren someday that there is a small chance of some issues with our c***dren. That is well into the future though.”

“Oh my god I haven't thought that far ahead. But we can wait for that discussion. Tell me what we will do about mom.”

“The problem with mom. Actually there are several. First she needs to be wanted. This is actually the easiest to do. I think she feels like she has been abandoned. Once by dad, second by me, and third by you when you graduate. Her self confidence is in the shitter. As a united front we need to let mom know that we still love her and will always need her love and support. Next she needs to have a purpose in life. Actually both of these kind of dovetail but they are separate issues so we should put forth extra effort to make mom feel loved and needed. Do you follow me so far?”

“I do.” Becky seemed to be so much more adult than an eighteen year old needed to be.

“Ok this last issue is the most difficult one. It was what opened the crack in her marriage and the subsequent end to it. Mom needs a loving sex partner, just like everyone does, but she isn't getting it and hasn't gotten it for years. She is in her sexual prime. She wasn't getting it when she was married and now she is looking in the wrong place and for the wrong reason. I have decided that she can't be bringing these asshole men home because they aren't giving her what she wants and needs. Also it isn't safe both for her or for you.”

“Brett, how is mom bringing home these men not safe for me? I'm not going to be fucking these guys.”

“But what if they aren't satisfied by just doing mom? What if I'm not here and they accidentally see you and just take you, **** my little sister. What then? I can't take that chance. You mean too much to me, so the short answer is that mom will have to stop drinking and more importantly she will have to stop bringing these men home. Now we can't just imprison her, so what can we do to keep her home and safe?”

“ We have to fill in for what she is missing. Honestly Brett I don't think she wants to be a drunken slut. That's why she was crying last night. She was ashamed of her actions. That guy was crude, abusive and I think he was hitting her. She didn't want the abuse. She wanted the sex, sure, but not the abuse.”

“Exactly Becky. Mom needs the sex but deep down what she really is looking for is someone to give her a purpose in life. Someone to take care of her, anticipate what she needs before she realises it, including sex. That is what her husband's role should have been.”

“Becky, I filled out a profile with mom's info on one of those self help psychology websites. She is what is known as a submissive. She needs someone to anticipate and fulfill all her needs. She needs to feel wanted. She needs to have a purpose and direction in our family. But she also has the need to feel like a vibrant, sexy, beautiful woman that she is. So I have a plan and this plan needs your approval. I know we said that we would be exclusive, but I want to bring our mother into our bed. Not with you specifically but with me. I am asking you to share me, to let me make love to our mom to give her that sexual self confidence that she has lost.”

Do you really think that will work?”

“I do. Look, what other choice is there? We already love her. She needs the affirmation that she is still a beautiful, sexy, desirable woman. If I am able to meet her sexual needs, along with the issue of her being submissive, it will work. We have to present a united front though. As hard as this is to say, she needs to be controlled. I will have to be her substitute for a husband and take control of the household, and the bedroom unless and until she finds a suitable replacement for dad. Am I making sense Becky?”

“Brett, if you think this is the only way to get our mom back, let's do it. I do have one condition though. Mom has been with several guys recently so she needs to be tested for STDs. We don't know how many guys have been inside her bareback these last few months. I don't suppose that last night was her first rodeo with these assholes. Who knows what she might have been exposed to. So after our talk I want us to take her down to the clinic and have her checked. That is the only way that I can approve this.”

“Ok Becky. That's what is going to happen then. I think I just heard her. She must be waking up.”

We heard mom's shower start. With that, Becky immediately started making breakfast for our mom. It was going to be an educational day for all of us.

Mom came downstairs in her fluffy housecoat tied loosely at the waist. Even after cleaning herself in the shower, she still looked used and broken. Both Becky and I could see several bruises and red spots on her upper chest. She had a bruise on one cheek. As she sat down at the breakfast island her housecoat carelessly opened up and we could see her boobs. They had bruises and red bite marks on them. Her nipples and areola looked red and tender as if they had been severely abused.

I was appalled at her condition. Mom slouched down in her chair and without saying a word put her elbows on the table and held her head in an alcoholic hangover misery. Becky put a cup of coffee in front of her. Becky had tears sliding down her pretty cheeks as she looked at the wreck that had been our beautiful mother. When I saw her tears something snapped in me. I couldn't stand to see my lovely sister cry. For better or worse I would put my plan into action now.

I spoke for the first time, “Mom, your tits are showing. Don't you have any respect for yourself anymore?” She looked up in shock. I had never talked to her like this before.

“Brett honey, I am just hung over a little this morning so I guess I am a little careless. Don't worry about me. I will be…”

I didn't let her finish. I raised my voice and said, “Stop it mom. Stop right there. Do you understand what you have done? What you have become? Since dad left, you have let yourself go. You are drinking too much but you are an adult and our parent so Becky and I have left you alone so far. We had hoped that you would pull yourself together and move past what dad did to you but you haven't. If anything, you are getting worse by the day. Now we, Becky and I, have come to a decision. We are not going to let you debase yourself any longer. We are not asking for your permission and for this to work you will have to go along with what we have decided.”

Mom looked up wide eyed and speechless. I had never talked to her with such forcefulness and authority. “Brett honey what are you saying?” Becky put a plate of dry toast in front of our mother.

“Mom, what Brett is saying is that we have talked this over and you are going to stop drinking and pull up your big girl panties and start being an adult again. You are our mother and we love you and need you. But with that love that we have for you comes the responsibility of helping you and caring about you and, for you. Brett and I listened to you and dad arguing and fighting for years until you caught him in bed with his lover. Ok, he is gone, history now. Then we watched you as you went through the divorce. When you went out the first time we thought that you were moving on but something happened that night and rather than moving on you have let yourself be drawn into some kind of bizarro, slutty, sexual slide down into the gutter. What happened to the mother that Brett and I have always known and loved? When did you start thinking that it was acceptable to bring some asshole into our home and let him bang you like a screen door in the wind? Mom I love you but right now I don't like you very much.”

Mom just put her head down on her arms and started sobbing. I had to take control so I moved behind our mother and put my hands on her shoulders. She immediately stopped crying.

“Mom, listen to us without saying anything. What Becky is saying is this, we do love you and we need you and we want to help you and be here for you. To start with, we have decided that we will be more a part of your life. We know of the huge hole in your life nowadays because of what dad did to you and your marriage. We can't change that so we want to help you be more the mother that we have, in the past, always loved and respected. But we have decided that you can't do it on your own so we are going to help you along. So today you are going to dress nicely and Becky and I will take you to the clinic to be tested for STDs and pregnancy because we don't suppose that all these guys that have been in you have been using protection. You will comply, and if you don't already, you will get a Depo shot for birth control. You will comply with that also.”

Mom's head immediately came up. “Brett what are you saying? Birth control? Why are we discussing birth control?”

I decided to drop the hammer on our mother. “Because if I'm going to be taking over as your lover from now on I don't want to get infected or get you pregnant with any little Bretts or Beckys.” Her face got deathly white.

“Who decided that my son was going to be my lover?”

Becky spoke up, “Both Brett and I made that choice mother. Yes we know, it's i****t. We also know that it's against the law but I personally know of other people that have done it. It's more common than you think and for your information Brett and I are already intimate. We have been having sex for months. He is a very good lover. He is kind and thoughtful and he always makes sure that I cum first. We haven't worked out the logistics yet but I'm sure that he will be able to take care of both of us with no problem.”

Mom was taken aback. “I see. I guess I have been letting my responsibilities at home slide. I had no idea that you two were that close. I should have known though. You were always close as young c***dren growing up. I must have really been out of the loop to not have noticed though. May I ask when this began?”

I was still gripping her shoulders, kneading her muscles. “It began one night as you were arguing with dad. Becky came to my room to be cuddled because she was upset. We held each other close listening as our parents' marriage disintegrated. We had never kissed or did anything romantic before but that night Becky asked me to make love to her. I did and we have been each other's bed partner ever since. I tried to talk her out of it but in the emotion of the moment I couldn't find it in myself to say no. She is the best thing that has happened to me so far.”

Mom looked angry and stared at me and said, “I see. So you are saying that it's my fault that you are fucking my daughter, your only sister?” I could see the fire in her eyes. Then Becky unloaded on her.

“Mom! Don't say it like that. You make it sound ugly and it's not. In the beginning, it was my idea. For as long as I can remember, I have wanted this to happen between Brett and I. And why not? I love him and he loves me. He is my soulmate. Yes, I used the excuse of you and dad to convince Brett but it was my idea. I wanted him. Now he wants me also. We are going to be life mates. We have even gone as far as discussing c***dren, briefly. You, on the other hand have chosen to fuck every swinging dick in town so don't start preaching about how wrong this is. I am willing to give a part of my man to you so like I said before, put your big girl panties on. There is a new sheriff in this house and his name is Brett.”

Mom just closed her eyes as she put her head down in her hands. We let her absorb this new dynamic in our family for a minute and then I spoke.

“Becky, if you are finished, take mom up to her room and help her get dressed. I am going to shower and get ready myself. By the time I'm ready you will have her back downstairs and ready for us to take her to the clinic. Mom, you will let Becky help you get dressed. Becky, while you are in her room I want you to make a list of what mom needs as far as clothing including underwear. After we finish at the clinic we will be shopping for her. Do you both understand?” Becky was grinning from ear to ear.

“Yes Brett. We understand. Right mother?”

Mom looked up in defeat. I'm sure that our arguments had impacted her in ways that she had never imagined. She softly said as she stood, “yes Brett, I understand.”

I hoped that she did.


We escorted our mother to the clinic and while she filled her paperwork out I made her make note of the fact that she wasn't on birth control and that she had had unprotected sex with several men recently. I wanted her protected from pregnancy and any social diseases that she might already have picked up from her random lovers also so she would be put on birth control and given an antibiotic shot today. When she was called into the examination room, both Becky and I went with her to make sure that she would make it known how reckless she had been with her health. Her doctor wasn't very impressed at her recklessness and told her so. After his speech was over concerning safe sex in todays world I assured the doctor that she would not put herself in that position ever again.

He asked me, “and who might you be, young man?”

“I am her son Brett and this is my sister Becky.” I said, referring to my sister.

“And how can you be so sure that your mother won't relapse and have unprotected sex again?”

“Because we won't let that happen. We, Becky and I, have decided that we will be in charge of her social life starting today. You see doctor, our mother is a submissive and has recently lost her spouse in a very emotional divorce. We wanted her to resolve her issues on her own but as you have found she went way overboard and has chosen to be reckless with herself. As her adult c***dren, we couldn't accept that she was taking the wrong path as it were. So we have taken control of every aspect of her life now. She will be the mother that we need and deserve. She will stop picking men up in public just for sex. We are going to control that also. All with a lot of love of course.”

The doctor looked at our mother, “And you agree to your c***dren taking control of your life? You do realise what your son has just told me. He will be your lover from now on, and what about your daughter, will she be a part of this also?”

I interrupted quickly, “As a decision maker, yes. She isn't gay or bisexual.”

My mom spoke up for the first time. “Doctor, these are my c***dren and I love them to distraction. They love me also and up until now they have stayed out of my personal life. As you have found, I haven't been the best mentor for them but, on the flip side, they have matured on their own more than I could ever have hoped. So, yes, not only am I agreeing with them to take over my life, I want them to control it. My son is correct in that I am a submissive. I need someone to make certain decisions for me. I would hope however that you won't make our arrangement known to the authorities. After all, we are all adults.”

The doctor looked pensive in thought. “I am supposed to report any laws being broken but if you agree to see me again in six months to reassess your relationship with your family, I will keep your secret. For now.”

The doctor left the room after writing prescriptions for her. After getting shots both for her antibiotic and Depo and a plan B pill because of last nights near ****, we left the clinic. She had been mostly silent until we slid into our family car.

“Where are we going now, master. Are you two going to become my master and mistress now?” mom said as she giggled.

Becky spoke, “No mother. It's not like that. We won't be tying you up so Brett can have hot nasty sex with you. Although, if you are bad we might have to spank you sometimes.” We all laughed at my sister's joke. It was nice to hear our mom laugh again. I hoped to hear it often in the future.

We spent the rest of the day shopping for new clothes for my girls. Mom was mostly quiet and subdued. I thought that she was becoming surprisingly accepting of her new place in our family. For sure she knew her place as our mother but when it came time to decide something clothing wise she referred to first Beckys opinion and then mine. By the end of the day I was feeling that the three of us were becoming comfortable with our new family dynamic. I was going to be the new head of our household, Becky and I would share the responsibility of taking care of our mother. We picked up take out burgers for our dinner then we finally came home. We ate and the girls put their new things away. It was time to have a family meeting.

I sat both of my girls next to each other on the sofa. Then I sat in what had been our father's recliner. This was done on purpose. If I was going to be the head of our little household then I would assume the position of authority. I'm sure that Becky knew what I was doing but I wasn't sure that our mom understood the new dynamic totally.

“Mom I want to start by saying that, as you know, both Becky and I have gotten very concerned by the direction that your life has taken in recent weeks. You have become sloppy in the way that you dress around our house. You have neglected your home and yourself. The house is dirty, cluttered and the laundry isn't getting done. We love you and we need you to be our mother again. From now on you will bathe at least once a day and when you are doing your housework you are allowed to dress appropriately. When you are outside our home, even if you are just going shopping for food, you will not leave without styling your hair, putting makeup on and you will only wear dresses or skirts with a blouse and thigh high hose with heels in public. I see that you are still wearing your wedding ring. Take it off.”

“Brett, I can't take my ring off. It's too soon.” she was tearing up.

“Mom, you aren't married any more. He doesn't want you. That ring signifies a conjoined and faithful union. You don't have that anymore. I will replace your ring with something to signify our new relationship but not at this moment. Now do as I say and take your wedding ring off. You can give it to Becky if you want.”

She tearfully took her wedding ring off slowly and handed it to Becky.

I continued. “Thank you mom. I know that was very hard for you to do but for this to work you needed to understand that you are not married to him anymore. Not as a wife, lover, companion or mate. From now on, unless we all agree, we three are your only family. Becky will still be your daughter and I will still be your son. But, I am taking over as head of household. I am assuming all the duties as such. However, as we already have discussed this morning, that means I am also assuming control of you sexually. When your STD report comes back clean, you and I will become lovers. You will not troll bars or clubs again for sex. EVER! That part of your life is over. Neither Becky or myself want a drunken slut for a mother and this is the only way that we can be assured of it. Becky wanted us to be exclusive but she has conceded that we could include you in our lovemaking. Do you have any questions so far?”

“Will you please explain how you will satisfy both of us? Am I to assume that you will sleep in both of our beds now? Will I have to share you with her or what? How is this going to work?”

“I'm still working on that. For now, Becky and I will continue to sleep in my room together, as we have been. When we are assured that you are clean, we will open up our sexual side to include you. I don't want this to become a formal arrangement so we will play it by ear until we are all comfortable with it. I will expect to be treated by you as a full partner sexually. You will be expected to submit to me for everything including kissing, oral and of course full on sex. I will fondle or touch you in any way that I please and you will not complain in any way. That goes for Becky and I also. Up until now we have kept our sexual side hidden but, now that it is out in the open, if I want to grab a boob or fondle either of your butts while we are in our home there will be no complaints by either of you. Do I make myself clear?”

Both Becky and my mom said, “Yes Brett.”

“Brett I have one more question for you, and I guess, Becky also. Do you expect your sister and I to be intimate also? I have never done anything with another woman.”

“I don't expect that but if it comes to pass that we all want something like that I won't oppose it.” Both my mom and Becky's eyes widened at my comment.

“Brett, do you understand what you are saying? Becky is just eighteen and until you told me today that you two were having sex I assumed that she was an innocent, naive virgin. Now within one day I find out that not only have you two have taken it upon yourself to become lovers but you have done it behind my back. Now you are saying that you will allow us to become bisexual, with your approval of course?”

“Yes mom. That's what I'm saying but it has to be consensual. I won't push anything on either of you if there isn't consent on both sides. However, that won't stop me from taking liberties with you and that gives me an idea. Mother stand up.”

She nervously stood. She couldn't keep her hands steady. She shifted on both feet. I believe at that moment she knew what I was going to say. I wanted her to start feeling sexy and desirable again.

“Mom, you are a very beautiful and sexy woman. Take your clothes off now.” Both of my girls opened their eyes in shock.

“Brett...I...I...I don't want...” Becky spoke up then.

“Mom, he said for you to strip. Remember when I said this morning that there is a new sheriff in this house and his name is Brett? Well Brett just gave you an order. If you don't comply I would imagine that you will get a spanking for your disobedience so you had better start stripping. Do it!”

I loved my sister more and more every minute. This was a side of her that I never knew existed. Mom started slowly taking her dress off. Becky had dressed her this morning in a simple short sleeved print dress with a high neckline that was snug above the waist and billowed out below. Under her dress she had a simple white cotton bra and cotton panties with panty hose. She had worn a pair of low heels to complete the look of a middle aged mom and housewife. When her dress dropped to the floor she put one arm over her bra and the other hand cupped over her panty covered pubic mound. She stopped undressing.

“Becky, since she has stopped stripping, you finish what she started.” I hoped that I was reading my sister correctly. “Mom, move your hands to your side and let Becky finish doing what I told you to do.” Becky stood and immediately started unhooking mom's cotton bra when she put her hands to her side. I could tell that our mother was embarrassed and humiliated to let her c***dren see her unencumbered breasts. I didn't want to hurt her but I felt that it was very important that she show her submissive side now. Once she obeyed me without hesitating, I'm sure that she would be fine with what I had in mind.

“The panties and pantyhose also Becky.” she immediately pulled her panties and panty hose down to the floor. I could see tears of humiliation filling her eyes. “Move to the middle of the floor and stand with your hands at your side,” I said as I stood. I could feel my dick harden while admiring the sculpted beauty of my mother's body. I walked around her several times admiring the perfection that was my mom. Her breasts were large and only sagged a bit. I could see several bruises and bite marks on her neck, breasts and around her nipples from the abuse of last night. Her stomach was flat and her hips were rounded. Her butt was surprisingly very nice and looked firm. I saw several bite marks on her ass also. Her pubic mound and ass crack was bushy and unkempt. I suspected that it had been a long time since she had groomed. Her legs looked slim and her thighs well toned.

I stood in front of her, looked into her eyes and said, “Mom you are possibly the most beautiful woman that I have ever seen. But, you have some work to do to be perfect. First of all, I want you to be bare down there.”

She flinched as I put my hand down to her pusssy and rubbed her hairy pubic mound. I slid my middle finger down to her vulva and pushed my finger along it. I could feel her hard clit and she was soaking wet. I could feel the slippery honey that was coming from her pussy. My mom was excited by this. She was definitely a submissive. She was getting off on being forced to strip naked for her c***dren and letting her son finger her pussy. I tried to look into her eyes but they were closed. She was panting as if she was having sex at that moment. With her eyes closed I continued fingering my beautiful mother and looked down at her boobs. She was flushed red with embarrassment down to her nipples. Her nipples were hard and pointy like a light brown hershey kiss. With my other hand I reached up and pinched a nipple.

When I pinched her nipple she exploded in an incredible orgasm. “Ahhhh! Brett! Please honey! Please! “ Her body shivered and her legs started to buckle. I caught her as she started to fall at my feet. I looked at Becky and I noticed that her face and upper chest was flushed also. She was as turned on as I was. I knew that we couldn't go on without some kind of release.

“Mom, go to your bathroom. Take a shower and clean every square inch of your body. Then I want you to sc**** off every hair from below your chin. I want to see bare skin under your arms, on your legs, your pussy and asscrack. From now on you will be smooth and hair free. Is that understood?”

She stood up on shaky legs. “Yes Brett, I understand but I do have one question. When are you and I going to fuck? I'm ready for my master. For you baby.”

Although I was sorely tempted, we had made it known that there would be no sex allowed until she was pronounced clean by the clinic. So as her punishment for not undressing when she was told I was going to make sure that she would forgo any more orgasms until she was cleared.

“Moother, you have been a bad mommy. You allowed that man to abuse you last night without any protection. Until you get the all clear from the clinic, your pussy will be out of service. Now clean up, shave and then present yourself, nude, for our inspection. Now go!” I said as I smacked her ass to hurry her. She scurried up to her room.

I turned to Becky. She grabbed me into a fierce hug and said, “Brett, that was so hot! I'm so fucking turned on right now. Take me up to your room and fuck me now.” She needn't have said anything because I was also very turned on myself by what had just happened. We ran up to my room and both of us stripped as quickly as we could. I was going to give my sister a tongue lashing but she pushed me down and told me to just fuck her now.

For the next forty five minutes, while our mom cleaned herself, we rutted like a****ls. She mounted me on top without hesitation. Her pussy was gushing her cunt cream so, at this point, she would have no problem with my size. We rutted and fucked one another like it was our last day on this earth. Becky was insatiable. She now had the most user friendly pussy that I could imagine. She started screaming and I could feel her orgasms almost immediately. Her inner kegel muscles gripped me like a vise. I had never seen my sister so wildly turned on. My cock was as hard as it was for our first time. We switched positions several times as we pounded each other in wild abandon. Becky must have had an almost continuous orgasm and at last we both came together with me unloading inside her well oiled pussy. The way that Becky sounded, it felt like her best and certainly the loudest orgasm so far. We both collapsed onto my bed, drained of energy. Unknowingly as we finished, we had had an audience. Mom was standing in my doorway, still naked. All she was wearing was a towel around her hair.

“God that was hot! You two are something else in bed. I've never seen two people so intune with each other.”

We looked up at our mother. She was still naked and I immediately saw that her pussy was totally denuded of all her hair. If anything she was even more beautiful than ever in my mind. Slowly Becky and I decoupled and sat up. I looked down at my sister's pussy. Our combined foamy fluids were starting to drain onto my sheet.

I motioned for mom to come closer. She swayed her hips as she walked up to me. I felt between her thighs. Her pussy was as smooth as it was on the day that she was born. I slid my hand between her legs for my inspection and tweaked her vulva lips. If I wasn't so exhausted by my sister I might not have been able to stop myself from ravaging my beautiful sexy mother. But Becky, for the moment, had slayed the mighty serpent. Even though she had just finished bathing, my mom's pussy was slippery and wet. Her pussy was leaking her fluids as though I had just come inside her. I told her to turn and show me that her ass crack was cleaned also. She immediately turned, facing away and bent over, spreading her legs in the process. I ran my hand down her butt crack to her pussy. Her ass was as soft and smooth as her pussy. Her wrinkled hairless pucker winked at me. Bent over as she was, with her legs spread I could see all the way down to her hard clitoris.

I wanted her to understand that my love for her wasn't just as a sexual object. “Mom please turn back around with your hands at your side.” She did as I told her. I was so enamored at her beauty that at first I was tongue tied. Becky, fortunately, came to my rescue then.

“Now I know where I get my looks from. Mom, you are so incredibly beautiful. I can't get over how shaving your pubes has made your pussy so pretty. I have the most beautiful and the sexiest mom in the world.”

Mom stood shifting from one foot to the other, still embarrassed but much less so now, in front of her c***dren. I could see how flushed her upper chest and cheeks were but she never uttered a word as her son and daughter inspected her thirty five year old body.

She looked down at us and finally spoke. “Am I really that pretty or are you two just trying to make me feel better? I know I have some wrinkles and some belly fat and my tits are starting to sag. Brett, Becky, tell me the truth. Am I pleasing to you? After all, my husband ignored me and wouldn't hardly touch me for years. When I was with your father he sometimes made me feel downright ugly.”

“He was an idiot mother. Or should I call you Carol now. What do you think, Becky? Should we now refer to our sub with her proper name instead of mom?”

“Yes I think we should, but only in private. After all that's her name after all. But in public I think we should continue to call her mom. What do you suggest, Carol? Is it mom, mother or Carol? You have five seconds to decide.” she didn't say a word.

I spoke first. “Carol it is then. Carol it's getting late and you haven't started supper. Go to the kitchen now and start something. For now, it will be your choice but if we decide on something else, you will obey.”

Carol said, “Yes Brett.” She turned around and as she slowly walked out of my room she looked over her shoulder and asked, “Will I be needing clothes or are we a nudist family now? I still have to dry my hair but I will start something as soon as I'm finished.”

Becky spoke then. “That's fine Carol. For now we expect for you to stay naked. We want to see that beautiful body that we have always adored. Now take care of your business and since it's getting late, spaghetti, garlic toast and a salad will be fine.”

“Yes mistress, master,” Carol left the room and we could hear her hair dryer start. Becky turned to me and gave me a full bodied hug and a tongue filled kiss.

“Brett I know we haven't had much time to discuss this between us but do you have any idea how you are going to satisfy our mother, oops Carol, sexually? I never realised that she had this submissive streak or whatever it is inside her. That kind of opens up a whole other side of her personality, doesn't it? After what happened here and down stairs I think she is going to go along with whatever we suggest but I was wondering what you were thinking.”

“Honestly Becky, I am not sure. She is definitely a submissive and so far she has gone along with us. As long as we can keep her out of that night life and stop the daytime drinking I think we will be able to keep her happy. She needs us though, as a family unit. We are going to be her lifeline from now on. As far as sex, I'm a bit nervous. I know what we do suits us because we are learning as we go but will it keep her satisfied? She is much more experienced sexually. To be truthful Becky, I just want her to be happy. If we have to do something uncomfortable to keep her satisfied then so be it.”

“What about me Brett? Will I have to make love to our mother also? I have never been with another girl. I suppose, if you insist, that I would be able to make love to her but I would be very uncomfortable doing it. On another subject, why did you have her shave her pubes? Is that what you want me to do also? I will if you say so.”

“You don't have to Becky. I made her shave as a power move. If she is to be submissive to us she will have to obey even though what we want is uncomfortable for her. As for you, I love your pussy the way it looks now. You don't have the overgrown bush that mom had. It's totally up to you if you do want to shave it.”

“I'll consider it. Maybe, if mom does something that pleases us, I could take her to a spa and we both could get a brazilian together. Maybe electrolysis? If that's ok with you big brother.”

“I'll consider it. That sounds like a really good idea though for a reward. For now though let's keep it simple until we decide that she deserves a reward. She should get the STD report from the clinic by tomorrow so we need to decide how to make her first time with us memorable. Do you want to be in the room when I make love to her? I'm going to leave it up to you if you want to watch and if you want to join in. I think I would be less nervous if you were with us. That way we could enjoy our first time as a family unit.”

Becky looked up in thought. “I want to at least be in the room. Are you going to punish mom for not taking her clothes all the way off as you told her? I think she should have at least a mild lesson for her first act of disobedience.”

“Becky, are you asking me to spank our mother?”

Her eyes came down from the ceiling and she looked me in the eye. She looked sexually excited at the thought of spanking our mom. Her nipples were getting hard again. “You are the alpha in our family now Brett. Whatever you decide is what I want. If it's a spanking you want then a spanking she will get.”

I curiously looked at my little sister. For the first time I was happy that she was on my side and we agreed on things. I had a sudden vision of her with my mother across her lap, both of them nude, while Becky wailed on our mother's mature ass. I thought to myself, ‘she would do it too’.

We ate a quiet meal that evening. Both Becky and I stayed naked along with our mom so we could all acclimate ourselves to the new nudist dynamic in our family. I sat at the head of the table and Becky was across from our mother throughout the meal. While mom cleaned up, Becky and I went to the den where the family computer was and surfed the net for more information on submissive women. When mom was finished with her nightly chores we sent her to bed with the warning that she was to stay in her room and not touch herself. She could read or watch tv if she wanted but she was not to leave her room without permission.

There was much to learn online but once we separated the porn from the actual useful information we discovered that our mother needed a dominant person to control her. When she lost her husband, it didn't matter what the reason was, she had felt lost and unsure. For the first time in her life, she had no one to guide her so consequently she had no way of knowing how to control herself when it came to her sexual feelings that had been forcibly subdued for so many years while our father had met his with another man. She was also using alcohol to suppress her natural sense of what was right or wrong when it came to her sexual needs. To put it simply, she needed someone with a dominant personality to control and guide her without alcohol or d**gs. She wasn't confident enough with her sexuality to pick someone to satisfy that side that she so desperately needed so she had turned to alcohol to lower her natural inhibitions.

“That's the reason that she was so happy and compliant when we took responsibility for her life Brett. She knew that she needed someone to control her ‘dark side’. She knows that we love her and would never abuse that love. My God! She must have felt so depressed when the person that she had put her trust in had so callously thrown her away for another man. She didn't know how to deal with it. Why didn't we see this sooner?”

“If you remember Becky we were told in no uncertain terms, a long time ago, to keep out of their personal lives. That's why you and I stayed away from their fights. That's why we spent so much time together outside our home. To stay away from the drama. That is why we spent so much time in our bedrooms together. If there had not been so much drama in their relationship we probably wouldn't have ever gotten intimate with each other if you think about it. I wouldn't have ever found out how incredible you are as a lover and friend.”

“Umm about that. Brett, I am going to tell you a secret that I have. I have been in love with my big brother since I knew what love was. Certainly before I reached puberty. I was happy that you never dated, that you never went steady with another girl. To me, you were always the ideal man. I have been dreaming of us living together for years. I just hadn't found a way to let you know until that night. Brett I wanted what happened that night, and now what I want is to live with you and mom as one family and grow old together. I want to be your wife and have your babies. If mom were to get pregnant by you, I want to help her raise my half sister or brother as if they were my own”.

I was astounded by my sister's confession. I honestly had never thought of her or my mother in that way. I had always thought of Becky as just my little sister and it was simply my responsibility to shield her from all the ugliness in life, or as much as I was able to. Now I knew otherwise. I guess what they say is true, the man is always the last to know. While I was sitting naked with my equally naked younger sister discussing our thoughts on how we had come together, she had been planning this for years.

As we researched mom's psychological issues we came to understand her more. She was, on the one hand, a typical conservative modern day housewife and mother. When we researched her sexual side though we found that she was sexually submissive and needed to be guided. If left alone with her libedo unchecked she would sink back into her dark side and do anything to curb her feelings of sexual inadequacies.

“Becky, we need to give her limits with her social life and with those limits we need to make sure that her sexual needs are met. But it's not just her sexual side that needs attention. We need to build her confidence and sense of self worth. Did you ever notice that she was the happiest when she was serving us? Her family? That's what we will do. We can't take what she does for us for granted anymore”.

It was getting late so with my little sister in agreement with how we would deal with our wayward mother we went to bed, in her bedroom, since my sheets still had our juices and my dried cum on them. We had usually used my bed because it was bigger but not now with all the crusty cum spots on it. When we laid down Becky immediately got on top and started fiercely kissing me then she sat up on my semi hardness and started tribbing me while I ran my hands all over her sexy teen curves. Becky had started our love making like this many times before. She loved how my dick slotted between her pussy lips and, with the right angle, massaged her clit also.

“Oh! Brett! You make me feel so hot and sexy, big brother. I love how your cock slides up and down my slit. Pinch my nipples, not too hard. Oh yeah, like that. Now run your hands down to my ass. Oh yeah! Do you like my ass baby? I'll give it to you if you want, but not tonight. I'm not clean. Maybe mom likes it up her poop chute. Have you ever dreamed that her hot sexy body would be our playground? It will be, I'm sure of it. I bet, with the right person, our mom will be a wildcat in bed. She wants you to fuck her, you know. Now put your cock in me slowly. Oh yeah! Just like that! Pump it slowly. Make love to me big brother. Then fuck me like your wife should be fucked. Fuck me baby fuck meeeee”!!!

Becky and I spent the last hour of our day in ecstasy. I loved how she talked dirty while she had sex with me. We quickly saturated her sheets also with our combined cum. But now she had included talking dirty about fucking mom. When she brought it up including anal sex I wondered where that idea had come from. I had briefly played with her little wrinkled brown star while orally pleasing her but she had never brought up the possibility of including anal sex. Until now.

Morning found Becky and I getting ready for our day. She had one week of school left and I had my job to go to. We showered together now since we didn't have to hide our relationship from our mother anymore. Mom had never had a job outside the home. By the time she graduated from high school she had two babies, Becky and I, and my grandparents wanted her to raise us with minimum assistance from them. So she had always been a stay at home wife and mother.

When we were ready for our day we left a note for Carol. She had a long list of things to do and we made it very clear that she was to not leave the house unless she had permission from myself or Becky. We also included that she was to remain nude while she performed her duties unless it was to protect herself from injury. Becky and I had discussed these chores and the nudity rule and we hoped that mom could be trusted.

My day went well enough until my district manager arrived unexpectedly. It wasn't unknown for him to do that so no alarm bells were going off. Towards the end of my shift I was pulled into the office. He informed me that our location was doing very well and looked very clean and exceeded the standards for our company. I knew all this because we had a dedicated crew of mostly college age men and women. Then he hit me with what was the true purpose for his visit.

“Brett, your team is doing an outstanding job here but that isn't why I came here today. As you know, we are always expanding as a company. We are currently in the construction stage for a new location on the other side of town near the university. We are interviewing people for management and your name is at the top of my list because of your steller work history and dedication to the company. I have watched you as you grew as an assistant and I think you are a perfect fit as a manager for our newest location. This is an opportunity that I don't offer lightly. Your pay will reflect your seniority for a manager and I am sure that you are aware of the increased responsibilities. If you accept this position, I will promote you immediately and start the paperwork for your transfer. You should be ready to start hiring your new team within a month. Any questions”?

I was totally blindsided. I had no idea that the company was grooming me for this position or that my district manager had been watching my progress as an assistant. I was humbled.

“Sir I am humbled that you think so highly of me to offer this. I accept wholeheartedly and I will make this new location an example for the company. Thank you”.

“My pleasure Brett. We like your work ethic and I have total confidence in your abilities. If you don't have any questions I'll let you go home to your family.” We shook hands and he left.

I was on top of the world as I left. Unknowingly I would have another surprise waiting for me at home.

When I walked into our home I can't say that my feet were touching the earth with the good news that I had. My little sister met me at the door with a smoking kiss and said that Carol was calling for a family meeting.

“What is this about Becky? Why a family meeting”?

“I don't have a clue but she is being very mysterious about it”.

“Ok let's see what she wants”.

We went into the living room. On the way I noticed that the house was immaculate. The hardwood floors were shiny and there were no little dust balls in the corners like usual. Everything looked clean and shiny. Mom was sitting on our couch with some folders on the coffee table in front of her. She was still nude as directed. I ran my eyes over her beautiful sensuous body.

She spoke as soon as we came into the room. “Before we start the meeting you two are overdressed. I assume that we are all going to follow the no clothes rule.”

Both Becky and I stripped. Becky and I didn't have a problem seeing each other naked in sexual arousal but I knew that it would be virtually impossible to hide my hardness from Carol. I thought to myself that it was inevitable so I just bared it all. I was only semi hard though.

When we all were nude mom spoke. “First of all, I received my clinic report for my STD test.” She handed me the envelope from the clinic. “If you would open it Brett I want you to tell everyone if I am clean or not.”

I opened the envelope and read her results out loud. She was clean of any social diseases. Carol then spoke again.

“Thank you Brett. Now onto the next item. As the head of our family now, you Brett, are also going to be in charge of the finances. Your father was financially very generous to me in our divorce agreement. He left me with a one time payment and spousal support unless I remarry. If I don't remarry the support will continue indefinitely. At this point I don't intend to remarry. The house is paid for and he has transferred the deed to my name. Your father loved that cock so much that he has cut all interaction with his, our, family and he pretty much gave me everything that I asked for in the divorce. I suspect that he was so generous simply to keep his kinky little lifestyle under the radar at his workplace.”

Mom's eyes suddenly teared up and her face showed genuine regret when she thought of the recent loss of her husband to another man. She quickly stiffened then she looked up. She continued, “His decision has been very beneficial to us monetarily. I will never have to work and you two have a prepaid college fund if you want any secondary education. If you don't choose any secondary education your education fund will be yours at twenty five to be used however you wish. I will, today, give Brett total control over the family budget including our bank account and all of your investments. Any questions so far? Brett? Becky?” We both stayed silent.

“Okay, next item. Brett, you and Becky have recently figured out correctly that I am a submissive in the bedroom so I will give you a little look at my younger lifestyle. Before I met my husband I had several relationships with boys that I dated. I gave up my v-card very early in my teen years. The most satisfying sexual relationships were with boys that treated me like a whore-slut and treated me as if they owned me. When I was with them I was their totally submissive slut. When I wasn't with them I was a normal teen of that time. When I became pregnant I was between boyfriends and I honestly didn't know who the father was. I had been intimate with at least four boys in the time frame of my insemination. Your father was one of those boys. When I chose your father as the one that impregnated me, my father got with his father and together the two families worked out our future. We were forced to marry and until my husband could support his family we would live in one or the other of your grandparents' homes. This family arrangement allowed me to finish high school as well as to raise my son, and two years later our daughter. It was never easy money wise but fortunately your father was rather gifted with making money so within a few years of Becky’s birth we were able to buy this house and move out of your grandparents home.

As the years went by our sex life started to decline. What started as several times a week morphed into once a month then only twice a year. For the last five years of our marriage we had sex only once total. I suspected that your father was having an affair but I had no idea that he was gay and his paramour was another man, or men. I met my sexual needs by masterbaiting until I caught him with another man in our bed. I was, and continue to be, devastated at what he has done. Again I had no idea that he swung that way. Now as to my recent decline into sluthood, I guess the only explanation I have is that I reverted to my old whore-slut ways of my youth. I am so sorry for doing the things that I have done and if I have embarrassed either of you, I'm sorry. I will accept any punishment. I'm sorry for who I am so the bottom line is that I will be happy to offer complete control of my life, including my body to you both.”

She had tears running down her face as she finished her speech. I had forgotten the news of my promotion for the moment. My sister might only be my half sister!

My mother seemed genuinely remorseful and contrite at what she had confessed to Becky and myself. Becky jumped up and went to mom and gave her a hug. Both women were now crying as if someone had suddenly died. I sat still as I tried to absorb what our mother had just confessed to us. She had just now given me the keys to the kingdom. I was going to be in charge of my family's financial future as well as taking care of their sexual needs.

I didn't know if I was up to the task but it was sure going to be fun trying.

I let my two girls cry themselves out. When they broke apart and wiped their eyes and noses I asked if they wanted a drink. Mom said that it would be okay if we had some wine but I wanted a beer. I would see how our new family dynamic would work.

“Carol, get a soda for yourself, wine for Becky and a beer for me. Becky, go help Carol.”

Both of my girls bounced, giggling, into the kitchen where the drinks were kept. I couldn't imagine a more interesting sight as I watched both of their asses bouncing side by side. I had a vision that it would be a very fun filled evening.

When they returned with our drinks I hadn't decided how to approach Carol for sex. She had just admitted to us that she was submissive in the bedroom. Probably in any room. My sexual experience was only a few months long and only with my equally inexperienced sister. I didn't want to look foolish in front of my new sub so as we settled down I asked Carol a few questions.

“Carol, tell me what turns you on in bed. Both Becky and myself are relatively inexperienced. We have tried several things that we have found online but there is so much porn out there that it's hard to find useful information when it comes to satisfying your partner. I want both of you to give me some ideas that we can use while we make love and when we fuck. No subject will be too taboo for our talk. I want to know what makes Carol tick in, and out of, the bedroom.”

Becky interrupted before mom could say anything. “Brett isn't fucking and making love the same thing?”

Carol spoke before I could say anything. “No they aren't the same. Making love is when two people have a mental as well as a physical connection. They join, both body as well as their minds as one. What I witnessed with you two the other day would be considered fucking pure and simple. You were both trying to get each other off physically. What happened with your first time probably would be considered as making love but I didn't witness it so I don't know for sure.

Now to answer your question Brett, I'm a total whore-slut in the bedroom. I will do anything you want. Sometimes I want a good pounding by a hard cock. Sometimes, especially after a good pounding, I like to slow down and pleasure myself and my partner. I also love oral sex, both giving and receiving. When I have your cock in my mouth I will be making love to it usually as if you had the only one in the world and it's my private plaything. Unless it's a quickie blowjob in the car that is. In that case I will do anything and everything to make you cum as quickly as possible. Although anal isn't my favorite, I will submit to it if you wish. After all, I have conceded myself to you sexually. I love most positions and I noticed the other day that Becky came hard when you fucked her doggy style. I love doggy as well as cowboy, missionary is my favorite when I make love to my partner because we will be facing each other and show our love for one another. I love my nipples sucked and pinched while we enjoy foreplay and if you pinch a nipple really hard just before I cum, that sends me into the stratosphere. As for oral, if you two would like me to, I would love to instruct Brett in the fine art of eating pussy. Becky, I will show you some things that your brother will love. I understand that you two are relatively inexperienced sexually but this isn't rocket science. Things that I don't like are pee and poop and anything that will mark me with bruises. I don't like to be choked or have my airway blocked, although when I deep throat that will cut off my airway but that's okay because that's my choice. I love being tied up and helpless so you can tease me and then use me for your pleasure. I can't think of anything else but I think we will have a lot of fun in the future.”

I was absorbing all the possibilities for my family when Becky just blew me out of the water with her next question.

“Carol, you haven't told us if you like it with another woman. Do you enjoy the taste of pussy? Have you ever eaten another womans cunt?”

Mom looked briefly at Becky as if she couldn't believe the words that she had just uttered. Her face got very flushed and she looked down at the floor. Her little girl was growing up.

“I have had oral sex with another woman, actually but it has been many years ago. She was just a girl my own age, before your father and I got together. One of my boyfriends made me eat his younger sister because, he didn't like his sisters taste he said, so he could fuck her. Then he would make me watch as they fucked. I guess I was pretty good at it. I know she loved it. He wasn't a big fan of cunnilingus with me either but he would lick me briefly sometimes, if I insisted. Again it's not like rocket science. I'm sure if I gave you head, you will love it Becky.”

I looked at my two girls sitting while giggling like a couple of little school girls side by side on our couch. They both were both flushed down to their upper chest, probably from the combination of sex talk and alcohol in Beckys case. I noticed that all four nipples were very hard also. Mom's nipples seemed much larger and longer, probably due to her age and the fact that she had nursed us as infants. Her breasts were larger also but not by much. I took a deep breath and announced that it was time.

“Carol, it's time for you to go to your room and wait for Becky and I. We will follow you after we have a quick chat. After we consummate our new family arrangement you will be ours. Tonight you will be our sexual playmate. You will allow both Becky and myself to do whatever we want and after that we will be in control of your love life. In a few minutes you will let me make love to you. Now go and make yourself ready for your new man.”

Mom slowly walked away. The way that she moved was so seductive that I knew that there was a fire burning within our mature mother. I waited until she was out of our sight before I turned to Becky.

“Becky, I'm nervous about this. What if I can't satisfy her. What happens if all my bragging about making her our sex toy just fizzles with no pop. what if…”

“Brett, honey you will be fine. I know what you can do. You are plenty big enough. Your technique is great. You always make me cum. You are always caring with your lover, which up until now has always been me. I think that she has set the bar really low for us because of our inexperience but you just have to bring your A game today and just love her. I believe that is what she really wants. She has needs but for now let's just show her how much we love her.”

Becky was right. Our mother's self esteem was at an all time low. We needed to show her how wonderfully beautiful and sexy she was. Becky suddenly grabbed my hardening dick and said, ”It's showtime big brother. Let's go fuck our mom.” I let her lead me into our mother's bedroom.

When we entered her room Carol was sitting nervously on the edge of her bed. Her legs were together and her hands were fidgeting in her lap. I looked at the vision of loveliness that was our mom. I knew that she was waiting for me to tell her what to do so I quickly ran some things that I had read through my mind and said, “stand up Carol. I want to inspect your body to see if you have prepared yourself properly for us.”

She stood as she had the first time I had her strip for me. Her hands we're at her sides as she stood stiffly. She was very nervous and uncertain. I was going to put my hands on my mother again and I hoped that she was going to love it. I looked into her eyes as I reached out to fondle her breasts. Her nipples were as hard as small unripened g****s. I pinched both firmly. She wobbled on her legs and she gasped quickly when I twisted them. I thought that she had just orgasmed.

“Carol, did you just cum?”

“Oh yes,” she said softly, closing her eyes.

“Carol, open your eyes and look at me. Are you turned on, Carol?”

“You have no idea how turned on I am. My pussy is a swamp,” she whispered softly as she looked into my eyes. I could see the desire in hers.

I released her nipples and slid my hand down to her pubic mound. She must have shaved again today because her puffy mound was as soft and smooth again as the day that she was born. I slid one finger down and I could feel her hard clit. She was right, her pussy was slick and oily. As if she had pre lubed herself with butter. I moved my finger softly over her hard clit.

“Good, I want you to be turned on. You are going to be our lover from now on Carol. Mine and Beckys. Our personal private slut and fuck toy. You will be ready for me twenty four seven. If I want to fuck you in the middle of the night, you will be ready for me. If I want a blow job before work you will take me into your mouth without complaint. If my sister wants you to pleasure her, at any time, you will do whatever she wants. You will lick her pussy. You will lick and rim her asshole if that's what she wants. You will fondle and suck on her tits. Whatever she asks, you will do.”

“Oh yes. I will be your slut. I am your sex slave. Your wish is my duty. Whatever and wherever, whenever. Just tell me what you want.”

I wanted her to prove how willing she was to be our little sex kitten. Becky was still silently standing inside the door to the bedroom. She hadn't moved or uttered a sound since leading me into the bedroom. She had told me that she wasn't bisexual but she needed to be included for our first time. I hoped that she would allow me to use her for my purpose now.

“Becky, come over to the bed and get on your back. Tell Carol what you want.” Becky walked slowly to the king sized bed and did as I told her to do.

“Carol, I know it's been a long time for you but your daughter has a needy pussy tonight. Get over here and get on your knees. Lick me, mother, like the i****tuous slut that you are.”

Carol slowly crawled onto the big bed and positioned herself between my little sister's legs with her ass pointing towards me, tits hanging down. She grasped Becky under her thighs and lifted her legs as she bent over and started licking my little sister from her asshole to her clit for the first time. I was as hard as I would ever get so once they were comfortable in this position I kneeled myself onto the bed behind my mother's engorged, swampy pussy. I could see the love juice literally running out of her cunt down onto her clit and dripping onto the bed. I was also producing copious amounts of prelube so I was sure that my insertion into this mature pussy would be painless for her. I rubbed my hardness between her lips quickly and found her hole then slowly inserted my cock into her. She must have stopped eating my sister momentarily because her head suddenly popped up and she moaned loudly.

“Ooohhh! yesssss! Fuck me baby. Fuck your mommy. Give me that big dick!”

“Carol get your tongue back down here,” Becky demanded as she sat up and grabbed mom by the hair and pulled her to her dripping snatch. I guess Carol was doing a good job on my sister.

I slowly slid into Carol and stopped when I felt her uterus. I didn't want her first time with me to be associated with pain and Becky had told me that it was very uncomfortable to pound against her uterus so I was careful when going deep. She was a lot tighter than I thought she would be though. After all, she had been sexually active for over twenty years and had borne two c***dren with this pussy so I assumed that her pussy would be loose and sloppy. She wasn't as tight as Becky but then she wasn't eighteen anymore either. Still, I was surprised. I supposed that with the inactivity of her later marriage years her pussy had reverted to its natural state. But the time to consider this anomaly was in the future. Right now I am in control of two of the best fucks in the world, my mother Carol and my sister Becky.

I was relishing the feeling as I soaked my missile in my mother's devine cunt, not moving, just enjoying the feeling of this new experience with my loving parent. Then she squeezed me with her kegel muscles in orgasm. I could feel the grip and then the flutter of her internal muscles as she went through the sequence. One hard grip then several fluttering squeezes. I let her have several rolling orgasms then I started moving in and out. I was lost in the exquisite feeling of her tightness and the muscle activity of my mother's mature and experienced snatch. I started increasing my speed. My mom was beginning to have another big one when I remembered what she had told us about her nipples during orgasm. I reached down when I felt her pussy grip me in orgasm again and grabbed both nipples. I squeezed harshly while pulling her tits back and to the side. The response was instantaneous. She screamed into Becky's pussy then her head snapped up again and her kegels snapped shut painfully on my dick. She was gripping me so hard I was afraid that she might rip my dick out by the root. I had never experienced a female orgasm like this with Becky.

“OHHH GGOOODDD I'M CUMMMINGGG. AHHHGGGAAAA!” My mom was in a trance as her eyes rolled up until there was just the white of her eyeball showing. She was shaking and quivering, speaking in tongues as she lost control of her body. I felt the wetness as she squirted her pussy juice against me like a fountain. It felt like pee but it didn't have the smell of urine. I had read about how some women could squirt during a particularly strong orgasm. Mom was a squirter. Her pussy wouldn't let me go and I was afraid that I might be stuck inside her pussy for a while. Then with a low a****l sounding moan she collapsed onto Becky. When she collapsed she released my still hard cock. She was u*********s. My mom had fainted during her monstrous orgasm.

“Brett, roll her off me. Is she okay? What did you do to her? I thought she was having a convulsion.” Becky looked worried as we rolled our u*********s mother onto her back.

“I think it was the combination of her orgasm and the nipple play. Remember when she told us that grabbing and pinching her nipples during her orgasm put her into the stratosphere? That is what happened I think. I wasn't prepared for this though. Holy fucking Jesus Rosevelt Christ!!! That was hot! Becky we have to do that with you too!”

“Brett, what is that all over your cock? Did she piss on you too?”

“I think it was her squirting while having an intense orgasm. I read something about that but I never thought I would ever see it. Only some women can do it though. I also read that squirting will take a lot out of you and that she will need water when she wakes up. For now let's let her rest. Did you cum Becky? I haven't.”

“I was almost there when she had the big one so, no. Should we finish in your room? Or…”

“Here. If she wakes up with us gone she might think we abandoned her. Let's just move over. Come here my little sister. How did you like our first threesome?”

“Hottest fucking thing ever. I never imagined that sex with our mom could be that hot. I think we should reconsider our monogamy. I think our loving mother will be a big part of us from now on.”

Becky moved away from our still u*********s parent. She laid on her back and I slowly slid into her still tight user-friendly pussy. Within minutes she was pumping her ass in orgasm. I fucked my little sis for what seemed like hours but was only about fifteen minutes. She had started pumping her ass and gripping my dick as she orgasmed for the fourth time. I wasn't far behind her and I filled my little sister with my cum. We collapsed afterwards in exhaustion and while cuddling, we slept the sleep of two exhausted lovers.

Becky and Carol must have awakened before me because the bed was empty of either of my girls. I could hear water splashing in the ensuite. Then I heard some giggling and moaning so I assumed that my girls were playing while showering together. I smiled as I realized that the previous night of uninhibited sexual games had uncovered another side of my sexy little sister. As I stretched to unkink my tight muscles I ran the previous night through my memory. Our first time with our mother had set the bar very high. When her naughty side was exposed and allowed to play, our sexy parent was simply a total sexual kinky being. With the added facet of my sister's suddenly kinky side though, the excitement was exponentially increased.

I was, again, unsure that I could satisfy both of my women. On the one hand, I had promised myself to be my sister's one and only. At the time neither of us could have anticipated including a third person into our loving sex play. With what happened last night I would have to really up my game in the bedroom. I would be responsible for keeping both of my girls satisfied sexually. I just hoped I could be the man that my beautiful girls needed me to be. I was torn between my love for my little harem and the duty that I felt to keep both of them safe. Our mother was absolutely going to be restricted from bringing any other men to her bedroom. If I couldn't keep her satisfied and at home and she strayed again, well, we would just have to adapt.

With my promised promotion I would be financially able, now, to move my sister and I into an apartment if needed. I didn't want to do that though. I wanted to be there for my lovely mother. To love and to protect the only parent that I had left. Sure my father was still alive but he was out of the picture and living his own life now. When he essentially dumped his submissive wife of twenty years with no emotional support, I felt a duty to step up into what had always been his place. If the complication of my mother hadn't been thrown into the mix, I would have been perfectly happy to go into the ever after with my sister but that wasn't going to be the case now. My job now was going to be to keep my family happy and satisfied.

My mother had not yet matured past her c***d bearing years and Becky, who could possibly be my half sister, would be fertile for several decades so a family should not be out of the question in the future. With that thought I just had to smile at the idea of having a house full of little Bretts or Beckys. I suddenly felt like the luckiest man on the planet.
Published by jot50
3 years ago
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