Rants don't save websites people do

I’m sick of seeing the same rants over and over on adult websites but the truth is the ones that are always complaining are kind of right.

Here are some top tips to make websites and apps that are NSFW a much more enjoyable place for yourself and everyone else. Some of this applies to other kinds of sites as well.

1) Have a profile picture that suits your account preferences

If you have a hot profile picture but then lock all your profile and/ or content down don’t be surprised if you get a lot of strangers trying to add you. Consider changing your main picture to something a little more safe for work or making some of your content visible so that people can subscribe as an alternative. After all we’ve already seen you in your hot profile picture anyway.

Also, if you have a super hot profile picture don’t be surprised if you get a lot of people asking if that’s you in the picture. Consider mentioning this on your profile or in a post if you’re fed up of being asked if it’s really you in the picture all the time.

2) Pussies, boobs and ripped bodies are beautiful but there is nothing special about a picture of your eye or cock.

Eyes are the window to the soul. There are lots of people with beautiful eyes but if that’s the only feature of your body you’re willing to share it just looks like you’re trying to hide something. Why not show the real you or something that you think is cool or interesting so that other people with similar interests can see what you’re about.

There are literally millions of dick pics on the internet. There is nothing special about any particular dick pic when they’re that common. You wouldn’t walk into a room full of strangers, people from all walks of life, approach someone, get your cock out and expect them to swoon for you would you? You’d be more likely to get arrested.

Some people do like looking at cocks but if you want to stand out from the crowd be a little more creative and interesting. If you have your dick out in a room full of men who all have theirs out too it probably won’t be your dick that makes you stand out form the crowd.

3) Be patient. Always remember that people have lives to live. I’m not here to monitor my inbox 24/7 and I don’t expect anyone else to either. If you send someone a message they could be busy and it might take them a little time to get back to you. If it it’s marked as read they may have got distracted or might need some time to write you a decent reply, take a picture or do whatever they need to do.

Don’t be paranoid, wait for them to dignify you with a proper answer and if they don’t reply or are ignoring you then it’s not the end of the world, move on, do you really want to waste your time having a conversation with someone who doesn’t even want to talk to you? If they haven't replied already then they probably wont reply if you keep bothering them.

4) People get blocked for a reason It is always best not to bury your head in the sand but if someone blocks you don’t worry about it they’ve actually done you a favour. People get blocked for a reason. Either you were misbehaving and you can learn from your mistake or they want to bury their head in the sand and stay in their own little bubble for whatever reason.

Either way it’s not your problem any more. Take being blocked as an opportunity to move on to better things.

5) Be constructive with your feedback. If you like something consider leaving a comment or like. This will encourage whoever posted the content to keep up the good work. If you don’t like something then the best thing you can do is make a suggestion on how to make it better. Saying “I don’t like that.” Won’t change anything. Saying “I don’t like that because…” Could inspire someone to make something better.

Witty, cheeky comments can be fun, especially if you give as good as you get. If someone has a bit of banter for you then have fun with it. However if they take it too far and start trolling that's when it's time to stop and possibly report and/ or block someone. If you're using an adult site behave like an adult, don't bury your head in the sand like a spoilt brat the moment you see something not to your liking but if something goes too far have the moral courage to put a stop to it.


Your online presence is all that some people have to go on. If all you do online is complain then you may be seen as a miserable person who’s not any fun to be around. You may enjoy adult websites more if you contribute more and try to have a positive attitude.

Thanks for reading all they way to the end and I hope you enjoy your time here :)
Published by _CheshireCat_
2 years ago
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to LiaLovesSex : Yeah they're not in any particular order but I should have made that number 1 on the list
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Some people really need to understand number 3 