'Arrrgggghhhh!!' Shyte, that hurts. The echos of my scream are lost in the emptiness of the barn in which I hang by my wrists, naked, sweat-stained and helpless, my body full exposed and available to my Sir. I've lost track of time but not of the number of times he has drawn red trails of fire in my flesh with his single-tail. Fifteen is the number, fifteen times he has savaged my flesh leaving the criss-crossing marks as souvenirs of the pain, fifteen screams and fifteen useless attempts to pull myself free. He's in no hurry, lots to time between the strokes, time to feel the pain from my chest, back and stomach. Through my tears I see him smiling, enjoying himself at my expense, preparing to inflict pain and feed his lusts on the suffering of my response as he has so many times since that first day when he invited me into his house and we began the journey which has brought me here, today.
3 years ago