Covid Continues
Was a great summer for a change i finally got some more dayz off and regular dayz off as well though the the Gobv't refused to pay me the overtime i was due and wouldnt let me take dayz off to cover the over time i worked for 15 monthz. Typical Gov't and typical bought and paid for Union executive. CUPE. yes rite. fr the last few weekz we have been back on the Gov't controlled and mainstream media lies about the covid casez. I work in a freekin hospital i see what the real numberz are and they aint what the media is selling. The media said we had a pout of control break out in my area. We have 4 elderly people down with the seasonal fall flue nothing more. Needless to say no here buyz into the that media crap. IThe hospital had finally filled the vacant admin position so i could not have to work so many dayz but as soon as restrictionz were put back in plce by greedy control freek Gov't that person quit and i dont blame her I would to if i could but the same gov't has now made it i*****l once again to quit or call in sick if you work for the health system.
I know you didnt come here to listen to this crap and i do apologize but i needed to lay the ground work of the expereince. So liek a few yearz back i went to ND to hook up with a guy for a weekend and I was sent home with an extremely sore pussy and battered and beaten body and the jerk managed to get e on vid breaking the law and threatens to turn it over to police if i dont comply and do as he tellz me. It all stated harmless enough with Purple Haze having me bang the pizza guy but it went off the railz some since then. Since i dont make it out to the farm much now again and Master Benny is not happy but he will get over it or exact his frustrationz out on me later. Prolly later for sure. As i know any of you would that read this.
So liek I was walking home from work in the early morning sun and a nice warm day too and that guy from liek ND callz and sayz i can see you OH fuck i though the jumped the border and i am so not into getting used and abused rite now. He sayz to me I am at work and on the company satelite checking remote wellz. OH! he sayz that he can ee of a drive belt is worn that is how much and how clear the image is. Oh NO! now what. He then sayz take your sweater off and may as well remove your skirt to. Ugh! no way why today. So i do as I am told and am walkig down the street mostly naked but is early so no one around except those heading to early work thingz. I didnt see the guyz in the park as I walked by but he did on the satelite. He tellz me to walk into park. ugH! ok i hea dinto the park and walk up to the guyz sitting on a bench. I am thinking they are smoking weed but not sure. The one guy sayz like he haz to head home that he and his dad are heading to the lake and off he goez leaving e with one guy who is a bit over weight and one who is some what slimmer but both look young to me.
Like i havent had a real cok in soime time and onlt been getting banged in liek Second Life so i have had to resort to wearing panniez and light dayz cause my pussy is on over drive and ooey gooier more then usual gooeyness. The guy on the phone tellz me to ake my panny off and asI slip them down you can see a stringer of gooiness from pussy to the material of the panny liner. How embarassing and they guyz are just glued stare to my panniez. He then ask them if they want to finger you. I hesitate but ask do you wanna finger my pussy and the heavy guy is like YeaH! He jumpz off the table forcing 3 fingerz easily into my gooey pussy. Making me yelp when he did but dint seem to care. He has me bent over now and fingerig me deep asking if i like it. I havent been touched in weekz of course my body likez it silly. The man then sayz invite to your home and fuck them. Ugh! i need sleep as much as I would like to get banged mercilessly I still need sleep. So i ask and they are into without hestation and off we go.
As we are walking up to my house the skinny k** sayz I alwayz wondered who livez here heard storiez about some oversexed nympho slut but though tit was just yu know a rumor. I shrug it off and we go inside my tiny house. I pt my bag up and ask how old they are and they not answering so I ask you still in school and they say yes so ok i have now established that they are young as I was anticipating.
I then ask you had sex before? and they are like Yeah! bitch. My phone ringz and is guy from ND tellz me to hand phone to big guy and i do they have a short conversation and hangz up. I ask what was said and the big k** sayz you will find out soon enough. The each grab a beer from my fridge and head into living room taking pant off and plopping down on sofa. Big guy sayz suck it bitch and leanz back as i get on my kneez taking his cock into my mouth. not long before he unloadz in my mouth so hard his cum shootz out my nose. I suck the other and he cumz quick too but not quite as violently.
So like my sofa got those huge rounded armz on it the old syle and it was free so i dont complain about it does what it needz to do. The heavy guy gruntz up and out of the cushion bending me over the arm rest and motion for skiny to get behind me. big k** kneeling on my hair and skinny is slowly pushing his cock into me and heavy just up and smackz my butt freekin hard! making me yelp very loudly and smackz me again. Skiny pryz my legz apart as big startz to spank my pussy freekin hard no that i was already way to gooey the spanking just makez me ozz gooiness. I am so gooey even a horse could force his cock into my tight pussy. Big spankz me to tearz before stopping to admire his handy work on how red and swelling my lipz and foldz are but how much more gooey i have gotten. Skinny pushez into me pretty aggressively and I explode i start to have this out of control multiple orgazm. The whole time Skinny was bangin me was constant orgazm and he cumming in me didnt help either. I was just trying to catch my breath when Big started into me and doing so to the point of ramming it in.
Big just pounded me making have a multiple orgazm as well and he didnt take long before unloading again and it felt so good feeling him pump his cum into me. Gawd i luv that feeling. The 2 got dressed and left and i headed to bed. I was walking home again in the morning sun and found the 2 of them sitting on door step waiting for me. It was kinda hity and miss through August but since school is back in I see them every morning they bang me for a hour or 2 before class and sometimez on weekendz.
I know you didnt come here to listen to this crap and i do apologize but i needed to lay the ground work of the expereince. So liek a few yearz back i went to ND to hook up with a guy for a weekend and I was sent home with an extremely sore pussy and battered and beaten body and the jerk managed to get e on vid breaking the law and threatens to turn it over to police if i dont comply and do as he tellz me. It all stated harmless enough with Purple Haze having me bang the pizza guy but it went off the railz some since then. Since i dont make it out to the farm much now again and Master Benny is not happy but he will get over it or exact his frustrationz out on me later. Prolly later for sure. As i know any of you would that read this.
So liek I was walking home from work in the early morning sun and a nice warm day too and that guy from liek ND callz and sayz i can see you OH fuck i though the jumped the border and i am so not into getting used and abused rite now. He sayz to me I am at work and on the company satelite checking remote wellz. OH! he sayz that he can ee of a drive belt is worn that is how much and how clear the image is. Oh NO! now what. He then sayz take your sweater off and may as well remove your skirt to. Ugh! no way why today. So i do as I am told and am walkig down the street mostly naked but is early so no one around except those heading to early work thingz. I didnt see the guyz in the park as I walked by but he did on the satelite. He tellz me to walk into park. ugH! ok i hea dinto the park and walk up to the guyz sitting on a bench. I am thinking they are smoking weed but not sure. The one guy sayz like he haz to head home that he and his dad are heading to the lake and off he goez leaving e with one guy who is a bit over weight and one who is some what slimmer but both look young to me.
Like i havent had a real cok in soime time and onlt been getting banged in liek Second Life so i have had to resort to wearing panniez and light dayz cause my pussy is on over drive and ooey gooier more then usual gooeyness. The guy on the phone tellz me to ake my panny off and asI slip them down you can see a stringer of gooiness from pussy to the material of the panny liner. How embarassing and they guyz are just glued stare to my panniez. He then ask them if they want to finger you. I hesitate but ask do you wanna finger my pussy and the heavy guy is like YeaH! He jumpz off the table forcing 3 fingerz easily into my gooey pussy. Making me yelp when he did but dint seem to care. He has me bent over now and fingerig me deep asking if i like it. I havent been touched in weekz of course my body likez it silly. The man then sayz invite to your home and fuck them. Ugh! i need sleep as much as I would like to get banged mercilessly I still need sleep. So i ask and they are into without hestation and off we go.
As we are walking up to my house the skinny k** sayz I alwayz wondered who livez here heard storiez about some oversexed nympho slut but though tit was just yu know a rumor. I shrug it off and we go inside my tiny house. I pt my bag up and ask how old they are and they not answering so I ask you still in school and they say yes so ok i have now established that they are young as I was anticipating.
I then ask you had sex before? and they are like Yeah! bitch. My phone ringz and is guy from ND tellz me to hand phone to big guy and i do they have a short conversation and hangz up. I ask what was said and the big k** sayz you will find out soon enough. The each grab a beer from my fridge and head into living room taking pant off and plopping down on sofa. Big guy sayz suck it bitch and leanz back as i get on my kneez taking his cock into my mouth. not long before he unloadz in my mouth so hard his cum shootz out my nose. I suck the other and he cumz quick too but not quite as violently.
So like my sofa got those huge rounded armz on it the old syle and it was free so i dont complain about it does what it needz to do. The heavy guy gruntz up and out of the cushion bending me over the arm rest and motion for skiny to get behind me. big k** kneeling on my hair and skinny is slowly pushing his cock into me and heavy just up and smackz my butt freekin hard! making me yelp very loudly and smackz me again. Skiny pryz my legz apart as big startz to spank my pussy freekin hard no that i was already way to gooey the spanking just makez me ozz gooiness. I am so gooey even a horse could force his cock into my tight pussy. Big spankz me to tearz before stopping to admire his handy work on how red and swelling my lipz and foldz are but how much more gooey i have gotten. Skinny pushez into me pretty aggressively and I explode i start to have this out of control multiple orgazm. The whole time Skinny was bangin me was constant orgazm and he cumming in me didnt help either. I was just trying to catch my breath when Big started into me and doing so to the point of ramming it in.
Big just pounded me making have a multiple orgazm as well and he didnt take long before unloading again and it felt so good feeling him pump his cum into me. Gawd i luv that feeling. The 2 got dressed and left and i headed to bed. I was walking home again in the morning sun and found the 2 of them sitting on door step waiting for me. It was kinda hity and miss through August but since school is back in I see them every morning they bang me for a hour or 2 before class and sometimez on weekendz.
3 years ago