Great erotic story
"Jerry, grandma is coming to stay with us," Teri informed her 19-year-old son at dinner that evening.
"She hasn't visited us in a while," Jerry replied.
"She's not coming to visit, Jerry, she's coming to live with us," Teri explained, inwardly wincing as she saw the look on her son's face.
"But why?" Jerry asked.
"Because she's almost 60," Teri explained. "She's alone. And she's my mother. I love her."
"Grandma doesn't need other people," Jerry snorted. "She lives in her own strange world."
"Yes, she does," Teri agreed. "But she wouldn't hurt a fly and she's a lot of fun. It's not her fault that she's old. I don't even want to contemplate the alternative."
"I know," Jerry sighed. "It's not that I don't like her, I do, it's just that...well, I guess I've gotten used to it just being you and me, and she is strange."
"She's a good kind of strange," Teri laughed. "Just think, you'll have two of us to wait on you hand and foot."
"I'm sure it'll be okay," Jerry said.
Teri sighed as she watched her son leave after eating. At 6'5" and 220lbs., he was an inch taller than his father with the same blonde hair and blue eyes, a testament to his Nordic heritage. It had been terrible when Kevin had been killed in an accident with a drunk driver almost 5 years ago. Her greatest and best friend, her partner, the love and lust of her life, her soul mate, the father of her son, was gone, for nothing, and she couldn't even grieve properly because she had had to be strong for Jerry, then already in the confusion that accompanied the transition of puberty.
Teri cursed herself for feeling grateful that Kevin had insisted on the expensive life insurance policy. The $5 million had paid off the house, cleared their debts, and left them in a position to not worry about surviving.
Jerry's grades in high school were good enough to make admission to the university of his choice a real possibility, but he hadn't wanted to leave home, opting instead to study physics at the local college with his ultimate goal to be an astrophysicist. She was pleased that in spite of fitting the definition of being a nerd, Jerry dated fairly regularly, though never with the same girl for long, like herself, she reflected. She had begun dating after a couple of years, but never more than a few times with the same guy, never wanting to build that kind of a relationship, investing her entire emotional self in her son.
"Well, that's certainly not the look I expected from my grandson," Gloria said when Jerry entered the kitchen later that day as she sat and caught up with her daughter.
"Grandma!" Jerry said, smiling as he came and lifted her from her seat to hug her, feeling her tiny body -- she was only 5' tall -- which seemed so frail to him. "I was just surprised is all," he explained. "I'd never really noticed how much you and mom were alike.
"Well, your mother's a couple of inches taller than me," Gloria laughed, reaching up to pat her grandson's cheek.
"But her hair will never be as long as yours," Jerry said, admiring the red braid which hung down to her ass, something which had fascinated him his whole life, while his mother's red cap of curls settled evenly around her head to go with her flashing green eyes, the same as her mother's.
"You don't mind that I've come to live with you?" Gloria asked.
"No, of course not," Jerry replied. "We've got plenty of room. I'm sure it will work out."
"I hope so," Gloria said with a smile. "I'm not sure if I'm capable of living with other people anymore."
"Nonsense, mom," Teri said. "It's going to be fine. You'll see."
They put Gloria in the guest room which shared a bathroom with Jerry's room, each of them having a private entrance from the bedroom. There was a nice patio with a Japanese garden and a koi pond outside the two rooms, while the swimming pool was just outside of Teri's room across the hall.
"Your mother tells me that you're a star student at college," Gloria said as they ate dinner that evening.
"I don't know about that," Jerry demurred. "I enjoy the classes. The professors are good."
"And you're interested in astrophysics?" Gloria asked.
"Yeah," Jerry replied with a sigh. "My head feels like it's going to explode sometimes as I try to picture the things that I'm learning."
"For example?" Gloria asked.
"Well, today we talked about redshift," Jerry replied.
"Doppler or Hubble?" Gloria asked.
"You know about redshift?" Jerry asked, the astonishment in his voice and on his face obvious.
"I've been around for quite a while," Gloria laughed. "Many things interest me."
"We were discussing Hubble," Jerry said.
"So you're dealing with light, not sound," Gloria said, nodding.
"You really understand?" Jerry asked, shocked.
"Not the mathematics, but the ideas, the theory," Gloria replied. "You're surprised?"
"Well, yeah," Jerry admitted.
"Why, because I'm old?" Gloria asked, a glint in her eyes.
"No, no, it's just that, well, I never thought of you being interested in anything..." Jerry replied.
"So normal, not weird?" Gloria asked, bursting into laughter at the red-faced, chagrined look on his face. "You need to always remember, Jerry, that old people were young once, too. If you're very lucky, you will also get to be an old man and one thing you're going to discover, if you're lucky, is that while your body gets older and older, your mind will stay young. Sometimes it's very hard to reconcile the physical reality of life with the mental picture you have of it."
"I agree, even at my comparatively young age," Teri said with a smile. "It's easy to forget that your body isn't as young as your thoughts sometimes."
"At your age, it's the opposite," Gloria said.
"So how do you deal with it?" Jerry asked.
"I never tell myself that I can't or shouldn't because of my age," Gloria replied. "I'm as young as I feel and as long as I take care of my body as well as I can, then I'll be young. Life is far more mental than physical. You just manifest your life more in a physical way, but the mental, the mind is what matters."
"I wish we were evolutionarily advanced enough that our PSI abilities were developed," Jerry sighed.
"Yes, then we could use the power of thought to manifest physical reality," Gloria agreed. "'Have faith in God! If you have faith in God and don't doubt, you can tell this mountain to get up and jump into the sea, and it will. Everything you ask for in prayer will be yours, if you only have faith.' That's from Mark 11:22-24. I think that there's a lot of truth to that."
"I'm not really into anything religious," Jerry said.
"I'm not talking about religion," Gloria said. "The very concept of religion is enough to make me sick. But that doesn't mean that there aren't some very basic truths that all religions are built upon. It's just that they pervert and twist them to perpetuate their hegemony over people, their pseudo-governmental oppression of people. The idea is that if your mind is strong, your thought pure, then there is nothing that you can't make manifest."
"We're just not there evolutionarily yet," Jerry said.
"But that doesn't mean that we shouldn't strive," Gloria said. "Nothing ventured, nothing gained. What do you have to lose by trying?"
"Okay, okay, I think that's enough heavy talk for dinner, especially your first night here, mom," Teri said.
"We'll talk more," Gloria said, her green eyes sparkling with excitement.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
When Jerry awoke the next morning, he was just about to step out the sliding glass doors to the patio as he did every morning when he noticed his grandmother sitting in front of the koi pond on the ground, her long, red hair unbraided and hanging down her back like a wavy quilt to brush the ground. With the soft, dawn light -- Jerry was very diurnal, waking before sunrise every day -- it was an incredibly serene setting, one of the reasons that Jerry liked to go out every morning to center himself.
He wasn't terribly surprised when he saw her legs extend to the sides in a perfect split as she leaned forward, her arms extended above her head until her nose was pressed on the ground in front of her.
Jerry knew that his mother had been doing yoga since she was a girl. Even the death of his father and the insurance money hadn't stopped her from continuing to teach yoga and Pilates, which she still did at Muscle's Gym downtown. Teri had introduced Jerry to yoga when he was 5, and even though he wasn't as dedicated as his mother, he still did it several mornings a week, knowing that being so limber all his life is what had spared him any serious injuries throughout high school where he played football, baseball, and basketball. Pickleball was his new sports passion and he played several times a week after school.
Jerry nodded, impressed as he watched his grandmother lean over to the left, stretching out over her leg and grabbing her foot, then doing the same to the right side, repeating it on each side three times before once again stretching out forward to press her nose against the ground. His mouth dropped open when she transitioned to a Dhanurasana, or Bow Pose, reaching back to grab her ankles and pulling her feet forward towards her ass at the same time that she arched the front of her body up to form the shape of a box.
It wasn't so much the Bow Pose that surprised him, but the fact that she was naked, her full breasts hanging down but with large, thick ruby nipples. He could see that she was still very slender, something that he had felt when he hugged her the previous day, and that even though her skin was a bit wrinkled, she didn't really look her age.
Gloria finished her Dhanurasana and relaxed, releasing her legs and bringing them out to the sides once again as she lay forward, stretching her upper body, her nose pressed to the ground. She then transitioned to the Kapotasana, the King Pigeon Pose, returning to the Dhanurasana, then continuing to stretch over backwards until her face was pressed into her feet, her lower legs flat on the ground.
That was when she noticed Jerry watching her from his room. She didn't react, just continued her morning exercise, finishing with the Padangusthasana, the Big Toe Pose, bending over straight-legged and grasping her big toes, her face pressed against her legs, before standing up and turning, stretching her arms over her head once more before continuing back into her bedroom.
Jerry had gotten uncomfortable watching, though he didn't stop, noticing that his grandmother's big, thick nipples hardened into large knots when she moved into the Kapotasana, a very difficult pose that had taken him a long, long time to be able to do comfortably. When she did the Padangusthasana, he saw her naked ass with her pussy peeking out from between her legs, her long pussy lips clearly visible. His cock had stirred uncomfortably when he saw this, then again when she turned and stretched, revealing her pussy was shaved with only a brush of fiery red hair above it, her long pussy lips once again easily visible before she disappeared into her bedroom.
"So, how was your first day?" Teri asked when they all sat down for dinner.
"Relaxing," Gloria replied. "Just getting used to the place, the energy."
"How was school?" Teri asked.
"Good," Jerry said, nodding. "Talked about how redshift was the impetus for a lot of wave theory."
"Almost the foundation of quantum physics," Gloria said.
"Damn, grandma! How do you know about this stuff?" Jerry asked, a big smile on his face as he looked at the diminutive woman and tried to reconcile everything that he knew about her and came up with an empty set.
"I've always had a thing about scientific journals," Gloria explained. "I got it from my father. I've always read them. Understanding the universe, ourselves, that's always interested me."
"Exactly!" Jerry said, his face glowing. "I feel as though I'll understand myself better if I can understand how I came to be here."
"I'd like to go to the beach tomorrow," Gloria said.
"Well, I have to work, but Jerry doesn't have any classes on the weekend," Teri said.
"You think you could survive the embarrassment of taking your grandmother to the beach tomorrow?" Gloria asked, a twinkle in her eyes.
"Somehow I'll manage," Jerry replied with a grin.
"I appreciate you being so helpful getting your grandmother settled in, Jerry," Teri said when Gloria went to her room.
"It's okay," Jerry replied. "She's more interesting than I realized, but she's still weird."
"Well, you know better than to judge a book by its cover," Teri reminded him. "I always thought that she was normal. She was my mom. It wasn't until you were about 3 that I started to learn just how different she was and by then it didn't matter. I loved her and respected her and I still do."
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
The next morning Jerry witnessed his grandmother's morning yoga workout again, wondering just who she was. They said good-bye to Teri when she left for the gym and Jerry put a big cooler full of fruit and drinks in the back of the pickup.
"So, any particular beach you want to go to?" he asked as they pulled away.
"It should be one that doesn't require a bathing suit," Gloria replied, laughing at Jerry's reaction.
"Why?" he asked, totally unprepared for her request.
"Because I don't own one," Gloria replied. "Is that a problem?"
"No, no, just...unexpected," Jerry replied, shaking his head. Definitely weird, he thought.
"Do you have those type of beaches here?" she asked.
"Oh, yeah, a few of them," Jerry replied.
"Do you have a favorite one?" Gloria asked, smiling as he fidgeted behind the wheel.
"Well, there is one that has giant boulders at either end," he replied. "They help block the wind when it blows, which is helpful. The beach itself is pretty much rock free, so it's nice for swimming."
"That sounds nice," Gloria said. "I won't embarrass you by making you sit with me. I'll be just fine by myself. I just want to lay in the sun."
"You're not going to embarrass me," Jerry replied, knowing that that was exactly what he was thinking.
There were only a dozen or so other people at the beach Jerry stopped at and they were able to put the big cooler down with plenty of space between them and anyone else. Gloria unrolled a tatami mat, then slipped out of her mid-thigh length sun dress to stand naked before running down to the water and diving in, her long, red braid flying behind her.
"You're right, this is a nice place to swim," she said when she came back 10 minutes later dripping wet, her large, ruby nipples knurled knots on the ends of her sagging, full breasts, the sunlight glinting off of the droplets of water clinging to her long, furled pussy lips. "I don't want to burn," she said, bending over and reaching into her back, practically sticking her ass and pussy into Jerry's face. "Do you mind?" she asked as she turned around, offering him a bottle of sunblock.
"No," Jerry replied. "Lay down."
"Do you always wear a bathing suit when you come to this beach?" Gloria asked as she knelt down on her tatami mat, looking pointedly at Jerry. "Or is that in my honor?"
"No, I don't usually wear a suit," Jerry replied, "but I've also never been here with my grandmother, as you point out."
"Well, if you don't want to attract attention, I'd suggest you lose the suit," Gloria said as she lay on her stomach. "Otherwise, I'd imagine people are going to stare and wonder why I'm naked and you're not."
"Are you always so direct?" Jerry asked.
"Yes," Gloria replied, propping up on her elbows to look at him, her full breasts hanging pendulously beneath her. "Does that bother you?"
"A little, yeah," Jerry admitted. "Most people aren't"
"Open?" Gloria ventured. "I have nothing to hide. I am not embarrassed nor ashamed of anything about myself. The only opinion that really matters to me is my own and then my loved ones, my family to a lesser degree."
"Easier for you to be that way," Jerry said, hesitating, then slipping out of his shorts as his grandmother lay back down, her head on her hands.
"Perhaps," she said, sighing when she felt his big hands spreading sunblock on her back. "Such big, strong hands."
"Lots of sports," Jerry replied as he spread the sunblock lower, down to the small of her back, hesitating at the slope of her ass.
"I don't want my ass to burn," she said when she felt him hesitate. "Just pretend I'm some girl who you've always wanted to get your hands on and now you get a free chance to touch her," she said, laughing when she heard him sputter. "I promise that I won't be embarrassed. I might even enjoy it," she said with a laugh as she felt his big, firm hands slide down onto her ass, spreading the sunblock, then working down to her upper thighs. "Thank you," she said when he finished, turning her head to see him dropping onto his beach towel, but not before noticing his large cock dangling.
"No problem," Jerry said, flushing with embarrassment that his cock had begun to grow at the sight of his grandmother's pussy right in front of him, his fingers almost brushing her long, furled pussy lips as she spread the sunblock on her upper thighs, that and her comments to goad him, which had succeeded.
"I used to always think of you as wicked somehow," Jerry said after a while, "the way I'd hear people whispering sometimes, always with disapproving tones. And you were so different."
"Well, I am different, as we all are," Gloria replied, turning on her side to face him. "My experience is that most people like to criticize anything that doesn't fit into their idea of what things should be like; people, art, music. It results in a total polarization of societal relationships. Water is seeking its own level. As for being wicked, I don't think that that's fair at all. Wickedness implies a sinister intent."
"You know that sinister comes from the Italian, sinistra, for left?" she suddenly segued. "Back when, they thought that if you were left-handed, that you were evil, devil's spawn. Same stupid thinking they applied to red hair. They also gave us the word ghetto, from Venice, back in the early 1500s."
"Anyway, I don't think that I'm wicked at all, as I don't have any evil, malevolent, or negative intentions towards anyone," she continued. "I live by my version of the Golden Rule. I try to always treat others the same way I'd like to be treated if the situation were reversed."
"That's pretty cool," Jerry said, "but maybe hard at times."
"Very hard at times," Gloria agreed, "but always the right way to be. Naughty might be more correct."
"What?" Jerry asked, missing the connection.
"Naughty, not wicked," she said, smiling at the look on his face. "For instance, I want to turn over, lay on my back, but I'm going to need sunscreen. If I asked you to do it for me, that would be naughty, so I'll do it myself, because the front I can do for myself."
"You are something else," Jerry laughed as she sat up and began to cover her front with sunscreen.
"I think I've had enough sun," Gloria said sometime later. "Shall we go?"
"Uh, sure," Jerry agreed, turning to look at her as she settled her dress down over her body as she knelt on the tatami mat, her pussy with its long, furled lips right at eye level before the dress settled down onto her body.
"I've seen them before," Gloria said after a minute when Jerry made no effort to join her.
"What?" Jerry said, again not understanding her cryptic way of speaking.
"Cocks," she replied with a straight face. "I've seen them before, many times. Seeing one more, even if it's yours, isn't going to bother me. I might even enjoy it," she said, laughing at the look on his face.
"You're not making it any easier," Jerry complained.
"She hasn't visited us in a while," Jerry replied.
"She's not coming to visit, Jerry, she's coming to live with us," Teri explained, inwardly wincing as she saw the look on her son's face.
"But why?" Jerry asked.
"Because she's almost 60," Teri explained. "She's alone. And she's my mother. I love her."
"Grandma doesn't need other people," Jerry snorted. "She lives in her own strange world."
"Yes, she does," Teri agreed. "But she wouldn't hurt a fly and she's a lot of fun. It's not her fault that she's old. I don't even want to contemplate the alternative."
"I know," Jerry sighed. "It's not that I don't like her, I do, it's just that...well, I guess I've gotten used to it just being you and me, and she is strange."
"She's a good kind of strange," Teri laughed. "Just think, you'll have two of us to wait on you hand and foot."
"I'm sure it'll be okay," Jerry said.
Teri sighed as she watched her son leave after eating. At 6'5" and 220lbs., he was an inch taller than his father with the same blonde hair and blue eyes, a testament to his Nordic heritage. It had been terrible when Kevin had been killed in an accident with a drunk driver almost 5 years ago. Her greatest and best friend, her partner, the love and lust of her life, her soul mate, the father of her son, was gone, for nothing, and she couldn't even grieve properly because she had had to be strong for Jerry, then already in the confusion that accompanied the transition of puberty.
Teri cursed herself for feeling grateful that Kevin had insisted on the expensive life insurance policy. The $5 million had paid off the house, cleared their debts, and left them in a position to not worry about surviving.
Jerry's grades in high school were good enough to make admission to the university of his choice a real possibility, but he hadn't wanted to leave home, opting instead to study physics at the local college with his ultimate goal to be an astrophysicist. She was pleased that in spite of fitting the definition of being a nerd, Jerry dated fairly regularly, though never with the same girl for long, like herself, she reflected. She had begun dating after a couple of years, but never more than a few times with the same guy, never wanting to build that kind of a relationship, investing her entire emotional self in her son.
"Well, that's certainly not the look I expected from my grandson," Gloria said when Jerry entered the kitchen later that day as she sat and caught up with her daughter.
"Grandma!" Jerry said, smiling as he came and lifted her from her seat to hug her, feeling her tiny body -- she was only 5' tall -- which seemed so frail to him. "I was just surprised is all," he explained. "I'd never really noticed how much you and mom were alike.
"Well, your mother's a couple of inches taller than me," Gloria laughed, reaching up to pat her grandson's cheek.
"But her hair will never be as long as yours," Jerry said, admiring the red braid which hung down to her ass, something which had fascinated him his whole life, while his mother's red cap of curls settled evenly around her head to go with her flashing green eyes, the same as her mother's.
"You don't mind that I've come to live with you?" Gloria asked.
"No, of course not," Jerry replied. "We've got plenty of room. I'm sure it will work out."
"I hope so," Gloria said with a smile. "I'm not sure if I'm capable of living with other people anymore."
"Nonsense, mom," Teri said. "It's going to be fine. You'll see."
They put Gloria in the guest room which shared a bathroom with Jerry's room, each of them having a private entrance from the bedroom. There was a nice patio with a Japanese garden and a koi pond outside the two rooms, while the swimming pool was just outside of Teri's room across the hall.
"Your mother tells me that you're a star student at college," Gloria said as they ate dinner that evening.
"I don't know about that," Jerry demurred. "I enjoy the classes. The professors are good."
"And you're interested in astrophysics?" Gloria asked.
"Yeah," Jerry replied with a sigh. "My head feels like it's going to explode sometimes as I try to picture the things that I'm learning."
"For example?" Gloria asked.
"Well, today we talked about redshift," Jerry replied.
"Doppler or Hubble?" Gloria asked.
"You know about redshift?" Jerry asked, the astonishment in his voice and on his face obvious.
"I've been around for quite a while," Gloria laughed. "Many things interest me."
"We were discussing Hubble," Jerry said.
"So you're dealing with light, not sound," Gloria said, nodding.
"You really understand?" Jerry asked, shocked.
"Not the mathematics, but the ideas, the theory," Gloria replied. "You're surprised?"
"Well, yeah," Jerry admitted.
"Why, because I'm old?" Gloria asked, a glint in her eyes.
"No, no, it's just that, well, I never thought of you being interested in anything..." Jerry replied.
"So normal, not weird?" Gloria asked, bursting into laughter at the red-faced, chagrined look on his face. "You need to always remember, Jerry, that old people were young once, too. If you're very lucky, you will also get to be an old man and one thing you're going to discover, if you're lucky, is that while your body gets older and older, your mind will stay young. Sometimes it's very hard to reconcile the physical reality of life with the mental picture you have of it."
"I agree, even at my comparatively young age," Teri said with a smile. "It's easy to forget that your body isn't as young as your thoughts sometimes."
"At your age, it's the opposite," Gloria said.
"So how do you deal with it?" Jerry asked.
"I never tell myself that I can't or shouldn't because of my age," Gloria replied. "I'm as young as I feel and as long as I take care of my body as well as I can, then I'll be young. Life is far more mental than physical. You just manifest your life more in a physical way, but the mental, the mind is what matters."
"I wish we were evolutionarily advanced enough that our PSI abilities were developed," Jerry sighed.
"Yes, then we could use the power of thought to manifest physical reality," Gloria agreed. "'Have faith in God! If you have faith in God and don't doubt, you can tell this mountain to get up and jump into the sea, and it will. Everything you ask for in prayer will be yours, if you only have faith.' That's from Mark 11:22-24. I think that there's a lot of truth to that."
"I'm not really into anything religious," Jerry said.
"I'm not talking about religion," Gloria said. "The very concept of religion is enough to make me sick. But that doesn't mean that there aren't some very basic truths that all religions are built upon. It's just that they pervert and twist them to perpetuate their hegemony over people, their pseudo-governmental oppression of people. The idea is that if your mind is strong, your thought pure, then there is nothing that you can't make manifest."
"We're just not there evolutionarily yet," Jerry said.
"But that doesn't mean that we shouldn't strive," Gloria said. "Nothing ventured, nothing gained. What do you have to lose by trying?"
"Okay, okay, I think that's enough heavy talk for dinner, especially your first night here, mom," Teri said.
"We'll talk more," Gloria said, her green eyes sparkling with excitement.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
When Jerry awoke the next morning, he was just about to step out the sliding glass doors to the patio as he did every morning when he noticed his grandmother sitting in front of the koi pond on the ground, her long, red hair unbraided and hanging down her back like a wavy quilt to brush the ground. With the soft, dawn light -- Jerry was very diurnal, waking before sunrise every day -- it was an incredibly serene setting, one of the reasons that Jerry liked to go out every morning to center himself.
He wasn't terribly surprised when he saw her legs extend to the sides in a perfect split as she leaned forward, her arms extended above her head until her nose was pressed on the ground in front of her.
Jerry knew that his mother had been doing yoga since she was a girl. Even the death of his father and the insurance money hadn't stopped her from continuing to teach yoga and Pilates, which she still did at Muscle's Gym downtown. Teri had introduced Jerry to yoga when he was 5, and even though he wasn't as dedicated as his mother, he still did it several mornings a week, knowing that being so limber all his life is what had spared him any serious injuries throughout high school where he played football, baseball, and basketball. Pickleball was his new sports passion and he played several times a week after school.
Jerry nodded, impressed as he watched his grandmother lean over to the left, stretching out over her leg and grabbing her foot, then doing the same to the right side, repeating it on each side three times before once again stretching out forward to press her nose against the ground. His mouth dropped open when she transitioned to a Dhanurasana, or Bow Pose, reaching back to grab her ankles and pulling her feet forward towards her ass at the same time that she arched the front of her body up to form the shape of a box.
It wasn't so much the Bow Pose that surprised him, but the fact that she was naked, her full breasts hanging down but with large, thick ruby nipples. He could see that she was still very slender, something that he had felt when he hugged her the previous day, and that even though her skin was a bit wrinkled, she didn't really look her age.
Gloria finished her Dhanurasana and relaxed, releasing her legs and bringing them out to the sides once again as she lay forward, stretching her upper body, her nose pressed to the ground. She then transitioned to the Kapotasana, the King Pigeon Pose, returning to the Dhanurasana, then continuing to stretch over backwards until her face was pressed into her feet, her lower legs flat on the ground.
That was when she noticed Jerry watching her from his room. She didn't react, just continued her morning exercise, finishing with the Padangusthasana, the Big Toe Pose, bending over straight-legged and grasping her big toes, her face pressed against her legs, before standing up and turning, stretching her arms over her head once more before continuing back into her bedroom.
Jerry had gotten uncomfortable watching, though he didn't stop, noticing that his grandmother's big, thick nipples hardened into large knots when she moved into the Kapotasana, a very difficult pose that had taken him a long, long time to be able to do comfortably. When she did the Padangusthasana, he saw her naked ass with her pussy peeking out from between her legs, her long pussy lips clearly visible. His cock had stirred uncomfortably when he saw this, then again when she turned and stretched, revealing her pussy was shaved with only a brush of fiery red hair above it, her long pussy lips once again easily visible before she disappeared into her bedroom.
"So, how was your first day?" Teri asked when they all sat down for dinner.
"Relaxing," Gloria replied. "Just getting used to the place, the energy."
"How was school?" Teri asked.
"Good," Jerry said, nodding. "Talked about how redshift was the impetus for a lot of wave theory."
"Almost the foundation of quantum physics," Gloria said.
"Damn, grandma! How do you know about this stuff?" Jerry asked, a big smile on his face as he looked at the diminutive woman and tried to reconcile everything that he knew about her and came up with an empty set.
"I've always had a thing about scientific journals," Gloria explained. "I got it from my father. I've always read them. Understanding the universe, ourselves, that's always interested me."
"Exactly!" Jerry said, his face glowing. "I feel as though I'll understand myself better if I can understand how I came to be here."
"I'd like to go to the beach tomorrow," Gloria said.
"Well, I have to work, but Jerry doesn't have any classes on the weekend," Teri said.
"You think you could survive the embarrassment of taking your grandmother to the beach tomorrow?" Gloria asked, a twinkle in her eyes.
"Somehow I'll manage," Jerry replied with a grin.
"I appreciate you being so helpful getting your grandmother settled in, Jerry," Teri said when Gloria went to her room.
"It's okay," Jerry replied. "She's more interesting than I realized, but she's still weird."
"Well, you know better than to judge a book by its cover," Teri reminded him. "I always thought that she was normal. She was my mom. It wasn't until you were about 3 that I started to learn just how different she was and by then it didn't matter. I loved her and respected her and I still do."
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
The next morning Jerry witnessed his grandmother's morning yoga workout again, wondering just who she was. They said good-bye to Teri when she left for the gym and Jerry put a big cooler full of fruit and drinks in the back of the pickup.
"So, any particular beach you want to go to?" he asked as they pulled away.
"It should be one that doesn't require a bathing suit," Gloria replied, laughing at Jerry's reaction.
"Why?" he asked, totally unprepared for her request.
"Because I don't own one," Gloria replied. "Is that a problem?"
"No, no, just...unexpected," Jerry replied, shaking his head. Definitely weird, he thought.
"Do you have those type of beaches here?" she asked.
"Oh, yeah, a few of them," Jerry replied.
"Do you have a favorite one?" Gloria asked, smiling as he fidgeted behind the wheel.
"Well, there is one that has giant boulders at either end," he replied. "They help block the wind when it blows, which is helpful. The beach itself is pretty much rock free, so it's nice for swimming."
"That sounds nice," Gloria said. "I won't embarrass you by making you sit with me. I'll be just fine by myself. I just want to lay in the sun."
"You're not going to embarrass me," Jerry replied, knowing that that was exactly what he was thinking.
There were only a dozen or so other people at the beach Jerry stopped at and they were able to put the big cooler down with plenty of space between them and anyone else. Gloria unrolled a tatami mat, then slipped out of her mid-thigh length sun dress to stand naked before running down to the water and diving in, her long, red braid flying behind her.
"You're right, this is a nice place to swim," she said when she came back 10 minutes later dripping wet, her large, ruby nipples knurled knots on the ends of her sagging, full breasts, the sunlight glinting off of the droplets of water clinging to her long, furled pussy lips. "I don't want to burn," she said, bending over and reaching into her back, practically sticking her ass and pussy into Jerry's face. "Do you mind?" she asked as she turned around, offering him a bottle of sunblock.
"No," Jerry replied. "Lay down."
"Do you always wear a bathing suit when you come to this beach?" Gloria asked as she knelt down on her tatami mat, looking pointedly at Jerry. "Or is that in my honor?"
"No, I don't usually wear a suit," Jerry replied, "but I've also never been here with my grandmother, as you point out."
"Well, if you don't want to attract attention, I'd suggest you lose the suit," Gloria said as she lay on her stomach. "Otherwise, I'd imagine people are going to stare and wonder why I'm naked and you're not."
"Are you always so direct?" Jerry asked.
"Yes," Gloria replied, propping up on her elbows to look at him, her full breasts hanging pendulously beneath her. "Does that bother you?"
"A little, yeah," Jerry admitted. "Most people aren't"
"Open?" Gloria ventured. "I have nothing to hide. I am not embarrassed nor ashamed of anything about myself. The only opinion that really matters to me is my own and then my loved ones, my family to a lesser degree."
"Easier for you to be that way," Jerry said, hesitating, then slipping out of his shorts as his grandmother lay back down, her head on her hands.
"Perhaps," she said, sighing when she felt his big hands spreading sunblock on her back. "Such big, strong hands."
"Lots of sports," Jerry replied as he spread the sunblock lower, down to the small of her back, hesitating at the slope of her ass.
"I don't want my ass to burn," she said when she felt him hesitate. "Just pretend I'm some girl who you've always wanted to get your hands on and now you get a free chance to touch her," she said, laughing when she heard him sputter. "I promise that I won't be embarrassed. I might even enjoy it," she said with a laugh as she felt his big, firm hands slide down onto her ass, spreading the sunblock, then working down to her upper thighs. "Thank you," she said when he finished, turning her head to see him dropping onto his beach towel, but not before noticing his large cock dangling.
"No problem," Jerry said, flushing with embarrassment that his cock had begun to grow at the sight of his grandmother's pussy right in front of him, his fingers almost brushing her long, furled pussy lips as she spread the sunblock on her upper thighs, that and her comments to goad him, which had succeeded.
"I used to always think of you as wicked somehow," Jerry said after a while, "the way I'd hear people whispering sometimes, always with disapproving tones. And you were so different."
"Well, I am different, as we all are," Gloria replied, turning on her side to face him. "My experience is that most people like to criticize anything that doesn't fit into their idea of what things should be like; people, art, music. It results in a total polarization of societal relationships. Water is seeking its own level. As for being wicked, I don't think that that's fair at all. Wickedness implies a sinister intent."
"You know that sinister comes from the Italian, sinistra, for left?" she suddenly segued. "Back when, they thought that if you were left-handed, that you were evil, devil's spawn. Same stupid thinking they applied to red hair. They also gave us the word ghetto, from Venice, back in the early 1500s."
"Anyway, I don't think that I'm wicked at all, as I don't have any evil, malevolent, or negative intentions towards anyone," she continued. "I live by my version of the Golden Rule. I try to always treat others the same way I'd like to be treated if the situation were reversed."
"That's pretty cool," Jerry said, "but maybe hard at times."
"Very hard at times," Gloria agreed, "but always the right way to be. Naughty might be more correct."
"What?" Jerry asked, missing the connection.
"Naughty, not wicked," she said, smiling at the look on his face. "For instance, I want to turn over, lay on my back, but I'm going to need sunscreen. If I asked you to do it for me, that would be naughty, so I'll do it myself, because the front I can do for myself."
"You are something else," Jerry laughed as she sat up and began to cover her front with sunscreen.
"I think I've had enough sun," Gloria said sometime later. "Shall we go?"
"Uh, sure," Jerry agreed, turning to look at her as she settled her dress down over her body as she knelt on the tatami mat, her pussy with its long, furled lips right at eye level before the dress settled down onto her body.
"I've seen them before," Gloria said after a minute when Jerry made no effort to join her.
"What?" Jerry said, again not understanding her cryptic way of speaking.
"Cocks," she replied with a straight face. "I've seen them before, many times. Seeing one more, even if it's yours, isn't going to bother me. I might even enjoy it," she said, laughing at the look on his face.
"You're not making it any easier," Jerry complained.
5 years ago