Never Have I Ever...

Best Never Have I Ever questions

Never have I ever got a tattoo
Not yet, but there are plenty of them I want.

Never have I ever stood someone up on a date
If I cant make it. I will call.

Never have I ever had a speeding ticket
None yet.

Never have I ever ghosted someone's texts
I have done this, but not of malice, just because life gets in the way.

Never have I ever lied to get out of going to work
Sometimes a mental health day is needed (cough cough)

Never have I ever given a fake name
I hope fursona names don't count as fake.

Never have I ever dumped someone over text
Nope, never.

Never have I ever been sick on public transport
I've never even been on public transport.

Never have I ever lied to someone in this room
I don't lie, but I often omit the full truth.

Never have I ever texted an ex out of nowhere

Never have I ever done a nude streak in public
Manytimes :P

Never have I ever lied on a dating app

Never have I ever kiss a friend's sibling
Oh boy, I've done this one a lot.

Never have I ever been refused entry to a club

Never have I ever had a holiday romance
Any lovin' is good lovin'.

Never have I ever used someone else's toothbrush
I have.

Never have I ever peed in the shower
Not that I can remember, though I might have when I was really little.

Never have I ever stalked an ex's new partner on social media

Never have I ever been thrown out of a bar or club

Never have I ever gone skinny dipping
I've gone OH so many times. In so many places.

Never have I ever fallen in love at first sight
I fall hard and fast often.

Never have I ever gone out with a friend's ex
I have.

Never have I ever said 'I love you' when i didn't mean it
I always mean it on some level, be it romantic, platonic, or usually somewhere between
Never have I ever been mugged

Never have I ever broken a bone
I've broken more than I can remember.

Never have I ever lied about leaving the club early

Never have I ever been sick on my friend/someone else

Never have I ever kissed a celebrity
A few, yes :P

Never have I ever eaten leftover food from another table at a restaurant

Never have I ever gone on a blind date
I've been on a few.

Never have I ever stolen anything

Never have I ever been cheated on
Yes, I have.

Never have I ever dined and dashed

Never have I ever trespassed
Technically yes. Many times
Never have I ever spent more than $300 on a night out
Yes I have.

Never have I ever DMed a celebrity

Never have I ever paid for a gym class and not attended

Never have I ever caught my parents having sex
A few times yes.

Never have I ever been to a nudist beach
Never, but I would love to.

Never have I ever pulled an all nighter

Never have I ever cheated on a test or exam
Never had to.

Never have I ever pretended to be someone else
Never, unless my fursona counts.

Never have I ever ignored someone I knew in public
Many times, especially if they're drunk and being stupid.

Never have I ever ruined an item of clothing I borrowed from a friend
Never. I don't borrow clothes.

Never have I ever hitchhiked a ride

Never have I ever snuck into a festival or club

Never have I ever lied in this game

Never have I ever peed in public
Technically yes. While trail riding.

Never have I ever lied about kissing someone
I have, when I was younger and not out about liking girls.

Never have I ever broken the law
Yes, but nothing that would end up as a felony.

Never have I ever fancied someone in this site
Yes, there are a few people on I like.

Never have I ever got drunkenly locked out of my house
I dot drink.. so, Never.

Never have I ever lied to my boss
Is it a lie when you're telling them what they need to hear, even though it isn't possible?

Never have I ever slipped into someone's Dms

Never have I ever got a tattoo I regretted

Never have I ever not worn underwear on a night out
Many times.

Never have I ever looked through my partnerā€™s phone
I have, but not because I didnt trust them.

Never have I ever edited my selfies
Edited, yes. Photoshopped, no.

Never have I ever used someone elseā€™s Netflix account

Never have I ever watched an entire series in one go
I have. A few times.

Never have I ever told someoneā€™s secret
I have. It was always with their best interest in mind.

Never have I ever returned something after I'd already worn it

Never have I ever dropped my phone in a toilet

Never have I ever Googled my own name
I have.

Never have I ever picked a wedgie in public
Anyone that has worn a thong or a gstring has. So yes.

Never have I ever forgotten where I parked my car
A few times.

Never have I ever used a cheesy pick up line
ALL my pick up lines are cheesy :P

Never have I ever cheated on anyone
Never, but I rarely date exclusively.

Never have I ever re-gifted a present I didnā€™t want
I have, when its something nice, but I have no need for.

Feel free to DM me your own Never Have I Ever questions, I'll add them to the post!
Published by ponyfan
3 years ago
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kim_possible 2 years ago
My list of 'never have I ever' is very shortĀ  :sunglasses: