My Lover is My Daughter's Black Master
Shannon is a big girl now.
She and I have talked about her wanting to meet other men. So, I introduced her to a Black Dom named Ron. Ron has been taking good care of my daughter, sexually, of course. He’s been teaching her on how to become a Black Cock-whore, just like her mom.
Ron became my lover after my husband declared that he couldn’t handle me in bed anymore. Ron had no problem moving into our home, and letting my husband, Charles, know who the real man of the house is henceforth.
Ron loves to fuck. He’s got a cock that can fuck me all night and make me cum in ways I never could before. I love feeling over his muscles whenever he presses himself against me. I cannot stop screaming my head off whenever he gets to stretching my pussy.
I had no idea that our daughter, Shannon, has been aware of Ron coming and leaving our home whenever he pleases. Or rather, I assumed that Shannon would be upset. It turns out that she’s been spending plenty of time at night listening in on our bedroom door, listening to me moan while Ron gives me his powerful dick.
Charles caught her in her room playing with one of my dildos while watching an Interracial Porn flick. He told me about it, and that was when I decided to have a mom-and-daughter talk with Shannon. Like I said already, she’s a big girl, having turned 21. She wasn’t no virgin, but there was still a lot she didn’t know about men. Sure, she has dated boys before, but Ron was anything but that. He agreed to take her on, but said he’d do it as long as neither I nor Charles gave any fuss about it.
3 years ago