Movie Star Pt 2
Since Tom and I had such success with our Spike Lee movie ploy, I could not wait to hear all about it from Debbie when I got home. I had stayed behind after she left to arrange the duplication of the video and have a drink with the guys. I even got along with Ed a little better. I mean what choice did I have then? He had already gotten to know my wife in more intimate ways than I did. I mean that asshole got to cum in her mouth and I never had.
I got home about an hour or so after Debbie and when I went in she was very excited to tell me what had happened in the audition. ?I met one of the associate producers and he was a nice guy and he said he thought I had a very very good chance at landing this role and it will be a lead role and,? the words spewed out like there was no tomorrow. Not one time did she mention anything about sex.
I decided to bring it up. ?So, did he try to introduce you to the infamous casting couch?? ?Absolutely not!? was her reply. ?There is no way I would ever go that route. That may work for some girls, but not this one.? I found myself for the first time thinking that my little Debbie was a pretty fair actress after all. Had I not been there, I probably would have believed her myself.
All during this conversation I was nudging Debbie toward the bedroom. When we got there I released all my pent up sexual frustration. I practically ripped her robe off. She had obviously taken a bath and I decided the next time anything like this happened I would have to get to her before she washed away the evidence. That way, I reasoned, I might be able to get her to tell me about her exploits. I immediately went down to taste her pussy and commented to her how wet she was. ?I just got out of the shower silly? she replied. Maybe so I thought to myself, but judging from the taste, I was fairly certain she had not gotten all the cum out of her pussy. Not that I know what cum tastes like, but I do know what she tastes like. And this taste definitely had an extra and added something.
After having my tongue buried in her cunt for what seemed like for ever, I drew myself up to a position that would allow me to bury my cock deep within her. I was beside myself and knew I would not last long with all the visions of what she had been doing a little over an hour earlier.
I felt my cum start to rise and knew the one thing I wanted to accomplish more than anything. I quickly pulled my wet cock from her pussy and pulled myself up to where I was straddling her head. ?Come on baby,? I moaned as I pumped my cock toward her mouth. She opened her mouth and sucked my cock in and I was beside myself. I was in my seventh heaven. She would finally swallow my load. I started to moan and she knew what was going to happen. She actually seemed to suck harder. I tried to get her to deep throat me like I had seen her doing earlier, but she kept me pushed back. I felt the cum begin to travel to it final destination, which I sensed would be in Debbie's open mouth. My ass clenched and my hips shot forward, suddenly she jerked my cock out of her pretty mouth and I exploded all over her cheeks and tits; everywhere but in her mouth.
As I lay beside her totally drained, she reached for a convenient towel we keep for just such a need. ?I am sorry sweety she said, I know you wanted me to try swallowing, but you know I just can't bring myself to do that.? I rolled my eyes back up in my head, I was guessing she would be getting another phone call from that associate producer very soon.
Tom was beside himself the next day. He told me he spent half the night jacking off to the video he shot. All day long all he could do was rant and rave about how fucking hot Debbie had been. He was all over me to help him work out another deal so he could have another go at her. I let him worry that I may not go for it again, but just before we knocked off for the day I told him to come up with his plan and let me know about it and I would give it some thought.
He convinced me to stop for a beer on the way home. I knew he could not wait another day to know if he would get another shot at my wife. As we sipped our brews we decided to give it a day or two and Tom would call Debbie and tell her Spike had been wild about her audition tape. Judging from the way she seemed to have bought their last meeting and she seemed to have left with the impression Tom actually was a producer looking for prospects for Spike Lee's newest movie, I thought he could probably pull it off. As long as I felt Tom and this other asshole Ed could keep their fucking mouths shut about my wife, I was also excited to see if they could do it again.
Two days later when I got home, Debbie was jumping up and down with excitement. She could barely contain herself as she told me she was to meet Mr. Dingle again in about an hour. She went on and on about how she really thought she had done well at the last audition and this time Spike wanted more footage so he could make his mind up. She told me it was down to her and 2 other girls in different states. As I listened I found myself admiring Tom's resourcefulness. He had succeeded in having my wife eating out of his hand. If he played his cards right, he would have her eating out of his shorts later that day.
I told Debbie since she would be gone that night I was going to go do some work on the car over at Bill's house and I wished her luck. As I left, she was racing up the stairs to change her clothes. I wondered what she would wear as I headed toward my pickup.
I arrived at the same motel and headed toward the room we had used last time. Tom let me in and offered me a drink. As usual he was prepared with a full bottle of bourbon. I asked if Ed was going to be involved tonight? Tom's response was somewhat elusive as he hem?ed and haw?ed around. A knock at the door interrupted his response. We still had a good 30 minutes before Debbie was due to arrive so I did not jump out of my pants like the last time Ed showed up. Tom checked through the peephole and signaled me it was ok.
I nearly spit my drink out when Tom let not only Ed, but also 2 other guys into the room. Tom was all over himself and Ed soon joined in trying to calm me down. ?What the fuck do you think you are doing? I screamed at Tom. Both he and Ed ushered me off to a corner of the room assuring me all the way that it would be cool. The two new guys were both black and both had suits on. They looked like the mob from Harlem. One had to weigh 300 pounds if he weighed an ounce. The other was tall and skinny like Ed. Neither one of them was much to look at, but they did appear to be well off. Both had lots of gold and jewelry, and their suits were well tailored. I found myself wondering how much the fat guy paid to have his suit made. You cannot get a suit like that off the rack. I mean the guy was only about 5? 8 or 9 inches tall.
I was pacing back and forth as Tom and Ed talked up a storm. My plan was to leave and head Debbie off using some excuse. My mind was a blur because I knew how much she was counting on her big chance at stardom. I knew it would not be easy, but I had decided to try. Tom and Ed both knew they had gone too far this time and they seemed to sense that I was about to leave. The other two were maintaining their distance and had sat down hoping Tom and Ed could convince me to let them stay, or let this deal continue.
Ed was assuring me the two could be trusted to keep this to themselves and that when they saw the tape they just had to come along. When he said this I was headed for the door. Ed knew he had blown it telling me the other two had already watched my wife sucking and fucking Ed and Tom. ?The tape was supposed to be kept private? I screamed at Ed. He was backing away and stuttering and stammering when there was a knock at the door. The whole room fell immediately silent and I nearly had a heart attack. ?Fuck, I thought to myself. Debbie is early!? I checked my watch and noted she was not supposed to be here for another 20 minutes or so.
Tom quickly signaled me toward the closet as he headed toward the door. I really did not know what to do. I hoped it was the maid or somebody else. I moved toward the closet crossing my fingers it was not Debbie. Tom peered out through the peephole and started flapping his arms up and down to silence the rest of us. ?Shit I thought, leave it to my wife to be early for an audition.? I stood by the closet door not being able to bring myself to enter and Tom turned and placed his hands together in a praying gesture and grimaced as if he was begging me to get inside and sit down. I slowly entered the closet shaking my head all the way. Ed carefully pushed the door closed. I am not sure I mentioned before but the door is slatted so it affords a perfect view of all that is going on in the room.
My cock involuntarily jumped to half-mast when my lovely petite little wife entered the room. She was dressed to kill. She was wearing a black satin pleated skirt and a satin kind of blouse affair that literally hugged her cute and perky breasts. It appeared as though she did have a bra on, otherwise I know that blouse d****d the way it was would have shown her nipples because they always got rock hard and stick way out when she is nervous or excited. I assumed she was both this afternoon. The skirt stopped about 3 inches above her knees and her legs clearly one of her better features continued way on up under it.
Tom introduced Debbie to the others. ?Of course you remember Ed, he began, and this is Will Borrows who is a personal agent for Mr. Lee.? The fat guy waddled forward and extended a pudgy palm. ?The other gentleman here is Roy and he works for Mr. Lee? Roy stepped forward and shook Debbie's hand.
?So Mr. Lee liked my audition? Debbie asked? The fat guy stepped over and told Debbie to have a seat then he sit down next to her and exclaimed, ?Ohhh he most certainly did my dear.? His pudgy gold ringed fingers patting Debbie on her knee as if to emphasize Mr. Lee's feelings. It was as if all Debbie was thinking about was the favorable comments being relayed to her from Spike Lee. The fat guy kept patting her shapely knee as he went into some more detail of all Mr. Lee had supposedly said about Debbie's audition.
Tom and Ed served everyone drinks and Debbie sipped at hers and coughed. ?You surprised me again Mr. Dingle.? She said obviously commenting on the straight bourbon. Tom chuckled. ?So when is this movie supposed to start shooting, Debbie asked excitedly?? ?Well my dear we have a few things to work out before we get down to that. And we do have to narrow our selection for the lead role,? the fat guy added.
?You see, Spike has a totally new idea for this movie and the selection process is probably one of the more important parts of the entire movie. Mr. Lee wants to capture an amateur essence in this movie. That is he wants to film real surprise and real feelings and he does not want anything faked, or acted? the fat guy rambled on and Debbie's eyes got wider and looked more excited with his every word.
?There is a good possibility some of our audition tapes will end up in the movie,? Tom added as he was sitting up his tripod. Debbie gulped the remainder of her drink, I am sure she was worried it may end up being like the last audition. Ed had another all ready for her. ?That's right Debbie, the fat guy went on, Mr. Lee is trying to capture things as they really are. Most importantly, he wants to see how people cope in certain situations.? The fat guy struggled to his feet and at first I thought he was going to the bathroom as he began to step in front of my wife. Then he stopped. ?Are we rolling,? he asked Tom? ?We are? was Tom's reply.
The fat guy had paused in front of my wife who was sipping her drink. He casually reached down and unzipped his trousers. He reached inside the flap and began fishing around. Debbie was looking everywhere but where he was standing. The fat guy kept fishing around under his fat gut and inside his shorts. Finally he began pulling his cock out of his pants. Debbie finally found her voice, ? I don't know what is going on here but I don't think I should be here.? She nervously spoke as she was looking for a way to get up and past the 300 pounder standing just in front of her.
?Lean forward her Debbie and suck my black cock? the fat guy said.
?I don't know if this is a joke or what, she stuttered, but I don't want any part of this.?
?Come on Debbie,? the fat guy reached forward and clutched Debbie by her hair and began pulling her face toward his cock. By now his cock was beginning to get hard. His pudgy hand started pumping on it to bring it to life.
?You must be crazy? Debbie said, ?I will not do any such thing.? She jerked her head back as Will ( the fat guy ) had pulled her face to within a few inches of his cock.
Suddenly, the fat guy stopped and stepped aside. He began stuffing his half-hard cock back into his trousers. ?Well, I guess that helps us decide? he said.
?Just a minute Mr. Burrows, let me have a word with Debbie? Tom blurted out. ?Could you step over here for a second Debbie? he added.
Debbie stood and stepped over to where Tom had moved. They were standing inches from my closet hiding place and again I could smell my wife's perfume. She appeared nervous and seemed to be shaking. ?Dammit Debbie, didn't you listen to what Mr. Burrows was telling you about Spike's movie?? Tom whispered in urgent tones. Debbie got a confused look on her face and shook her head as if to say, ?well, I thought so, but maybe not I guess?. Tom went on, ?Mr. Burrows uses this method for two reasons. First, he eliminates the girls that will not do what he wants. And second, the way the finalists react to the unexpected stuff he does is exactly what Spike wants in his new movie. That is why I told you some of the audition footage may be used in his new movie.? Debbie whispered back, ?I don't want a movie of me sucking some fat black guys cock playing down at our local theater!? ?They won't use all of it, Tom quickly added. Haven't you seen how Spike does his movies? He will cut stuff they can't show and only show stuff like the real life look of surprise on your face and stuff like that.? His voice now sounding some disgust at her being so na've about the ways of Hollywood.
?Mr. Dingle, I think Roy and I had better be going if this audition is over? the fat guy said from across the room. ?No, no not yet, Mr. Burrows, I think Debbie has the proper motivation now,? Tom quickly said. He jerked his head to a side signaling Debbie to go back over and sit on the sofa. He nudged her in that direction.
Debbie had a troubled look on her face and kept looking from Tom to Ed to Will to Roy back to Tom as she hesitantly moved toward the sofa. Finally she drew a deep breath and sit back down where she was. I could see she was still obviously shaking.
?Still rolling? the fat guy asked Tom. ?Still rolling? was Tom's reply. The fat guy moved over and poured himself another drink. He took a sip or two then casually walked back over to stand in front of my seated wife. She had finished her 2nd drink and was just handed a 3rd by Ed. She sat nervously holding her glass. The fat guy reached down again and unzipped his trousers. He reached in and pulled out a now more than half hard black cock that was now beginning to leak pre come from the tip. The end of his cock glistened with the liquid coming from it.
?Lean up here Debbie and suck on my cock?, he announced. Debbie looked nervously around as if she was going to run again. She sat staring at his cock which now had a bead of pre come beginning to drip from the end of it. The more she stared at it, the harder it grew. She took a drink and slowly began to lean forward from her seat. Clutching her glass with both hands the distance between her mouth and Will's fat black cock became less and less until she was close enough to lick the droplet that had formed at the tip. To my surprise, that is exactly what she did.
Tom had moved the camera along side and had captured a perfect shot of my wife's tongue come out of her pretty mouth and lick the drop of pre come from the tip of Will's cock. She quickly took another drink from her glass she still clutched in front of her. She no sooner took the drink than the fat guy reached down with both hands and grabbed her by her hair on both sides. He began applying pressure pulling on her hair and drawing her mouth to his now rock hard and probably 8-inch cock. His cock was not as long as Ed's, but it had to be one of the fattest cocks I had ever seen. The harder it grew, the fatter it became. It had to be twice the diameter of my cock easily. He pulled her face to his cock and at first she kept her mouth closed. He kept applying pressure pulling her forward until I thought he would bend his cock in half as it pressed against her pursed lips.
Finally my wife opened her mouth and his fat cock began to slip inside my wife's small mouth. ?Suck it now bitch? he grunted. I watched as Debbie with her eyes the size of saucers sucked on what she managed to get in her mouth of the fat guys dripping cock. ?Ughhh, that is more like it? the fat guy grunted again. And his fingers closed in my wife's hair as he began to piston his cock deeper each time in and out of her mouth. She was clutching the half-empty glass in both her hands as his cock went deeper on each thrust. Each time the fat guy shoved his hips forward and pulled on my wife's hair he shoved more of his cock in her mouth. I really don't know how she managed to open her mouth wide enough to take his cock as deep as she was. I could see when he finally had it lodged at the entrance of her throat. He drew back and punched his hips forward again. ?Mmmmpfh,? Debbie's eyes were wider than before as the head of his thick cock had to have entered her throat. His hips became a blur as he continued r****g my wife's mouth. Finally he thrust his hips forward more forcefully and his cock went all the way in to where her face was buried in the opening of his trousers. Her head was partially concealed under his fat gut and her face was pressed flat against his pants opening. After getting his cock all the way down her throat the first time, each time he pulled out he would jam it back in all the way.
Then he started to moan. His cock going like a jackhammer in and out of my wife's mouth. He screamed out ?here it comes baby, get ready for it.? I looked and noticed she had spilled about half her remaining drink all over her lap from the mouth fucking she was undergoing, but still was clutching the glass for all she was worth. Her fingers looked white from gripping that glass so hard. I could not tell if she was trying to back away from the fat guys cock or not because he still had her by the hair and was pulling her forward on his cock each time he would thrust his fat ass forward.
One final big lunge forward and he held his cock buried deep in her throat. He was moaning and twitching, as I knew he was pumping his cum into her mouth and straight down her throat. He held her there for what seemed like forever and I could see Debbie's throat working. Finally he pulled his cock back and gradually released the grip he had on her hair. Debbie fell back against the sofa coughing and gasping for breath. She spilled more of her drink in her lap, but I doubt she was even aware. I could see some cum running from the corner of her mouth and down her chin. The fat guy staggered back a few steps and collapsed into a chair stepping out of his trousers on the way. He did not even bother to put his cock back in his briefs. It hung limply between his legs and was coated in saliva and cum.
?Damn, the fat guy exclaimed as he worked to draw a breath, Debbie my girl, you are one fantastic cock sucker.? Debbie had managed to regain some of her composure and was able to breathe somewhat better. Her head was bobbing from one side to another as if she had just run a marathon. Even after that, she still looked fantastic. She had not noticed the cum on her chin and lips, and began to tidy herself up as best she could. She sat her glass on the floor and tried to push her hair back into shape. Ed quickly poured her glass full of straight bourbon. She pulled her short dress back down since it had ridden up to her upper thighs during her ordeal. ?So far Debbie, the fat guy said, you are definitely in the lead for the part. Spike is gonna love this footage. That is exactly what he is looking for.? Debbie reached for her glass and took a long drink from it.
Ed, who had been standing behind the sofa watching all the action, had taken his pants off. Debbie had not seen this since she was occupied. She leaned back in the sofa and took another drink. Towering above Debbie, Ed bent down and laid his long black cock on her shoulder. Startled, Debbie jerked again spilling more of her drink on her dress.
?Suck his cock Debbie? Will, the fat guy ordered. ?Make sure you get this on tape,? he added. Debbie looked at Ed's long cock and then at Tom who had come around the sofa and was leaning in real close to catch the action. Then she looked at the fat guy and Roy. Holding her glass in one hand she reached up with her other hand and slowly pulled Ed's stiffening cock toward her mouth. She pumped his cock up and down as she pulled it to her lips. She laid her head back on the sofa turned to one side as Ed leaned down and fed his long cock into her mouth. The fat guy got up and walked over. He stood there watching for a while, then he slowly lowered his girth down to one knee in front of Debbie.
Debbie was holding her drink with one hand and Ed's cock with the other. The fat guy reached down and flipped her pleated skirt up revealing her white panties. I noticed her panties appeared wet, then I remembered she had spilled booze all over herself. Debbie's eyes grew wide and she looked shocked when the fat guy had flipped her skirt up. She released her grip on Ed's cock and quickly tried to push her skirt back over her panties. The fat guy grabbed her wrist and held it as he again pushed her skirt up out of the way. Debbie was squirming around trying to keep herself covered. Finally Roy, who had come over and sat down next to Debbie when she started sucking Ed's cock reached over and casually began unbuttoning her blouse. Debbie could not say anything with her mouth full of black cock. Ed was pushing his cock deeper into her mouth each time and she was trying desperately to push her skirt down and keep Roy's fingers from undoing her blouse.
She was fighting a losing battle. One button popped off and went flying as she struggled. The fat guy was pushing her legs open and wedging a fat knee in-between her legs. Debbie's eyes looked panicked. Roy had gotten her blouse open and was reaching in to grope her breasts in her bra. He pulled her bra up and her nipples, now rock hard and jutting out a good half inch or better looked fabulous.
?Damn, look at those nipples?, the fat guy said as he pushed her skirt again back up after Debbie had again pulled it down to cover herself. Roy quickly leaned over and sucked one of my wife's nipples into his mouth. Ed was pushing his rock hard cock into her throat. The fat guy, having succeeded in getting his fat knee in-between Debbie's legs ran a cupped fat hand up to her crotch and began mauling her pussy through her wet panties. ?Tom are you getting this?, the Fat guy asked? ?You bet I am,? was Tom's reply. The fat guy grabbed Debbie's panties and jerked on them and they came half way down her thighs. He jerked on them again and I heard them tear as he literally ripped them off her.
Ed announced, ?I'm gonna shoot pretty quick here,? as his cock was now buried deep in my wife's throat. His balls were banging back and forth off Debbie's chin. Her nose was buried in his black pubic hair, as he pulled out and thrust in repeatedly. I was amazed that throughout all this, Debbie had held on to her drink with her one hand. I watched as the drink was sloshing over the glass and splashing on her bare thighs and the sofa. Her other hand was moving from the fat guy's hand to Roy's face trying to push them both away. Ed had one hand clutching Debbie on top of her head and one hand cupping her face under her chin. He had a good grip and was now fucking her mouth rapidly. He would pull his cock nearly all the way out of her mouth, then gripping her on top of her head and under her chin, he would thrust his cock into her mouth till her nose was buried in pubic hair and his balls banged off her chin.
The fat guy was able to get down on both knees after he had ripped my wife's panties off and he replaced his fat hand which I could see had one finger buried in Debbie's cunt, with his fat face. He was so fat, by the time he managed to wedge himself in; he had Debbie's legs spread wide just so he could get down to her cunt. I could see him bury his face between her legs and I heard him noisily licking and sucking at her cunt.
I could still see her eyes were wide and had an out of control look in them. She was definitely out of control, with one tall skinny black guy alternately sucked her big puffy nipples into his slobbering mouth and another taller skinny black guy with his long black cock buried in her throat and a third short fat black guy gobbling her cunt.
Ed yelled out, ?That's it baby, here it comes. Swallow it all baby.? When he said that, the fat guy pulled away and said, ?fuck man, when you said that I think this bitch came in my mouth, she is pouring down here.? He immediately fastened his mouth to her cunt again. I was beside myself. She must like it when someone cums in her mouth I thought. Why else would she get so wet when Ed said he was going to cum.
?Oh fuck, fuck, fuck,? Ed yelled as I watched his ass clench each time he shot another load of cum into my wife's mouth. He pulled his cock out of her mouth and yelled at her, ?open your mouth bitch and keep it open.? Debbie did as she was told and Ed grabbed his cock and pumped it toward her mouth. He had already shot several streams of cum into her mouth, but I saw one more shoot directly into her open mouth as he held his cock aimed at her wide open mouth. Then more cum drooled out and dropped into her mouth. ?Now swallow that baby? Ed ordered. I could see Debbie's throat move as she swallowed the last of Ed's cum.
Roy had pulled away from my wife's nipples and was taking his pants and briefs off as he went to replace Ed's cock with his in her mouth. His cock was long and thinner than the fat guys. I figured it must be a tall thing, the tall guys had the long skinny cocks and the shorter guys had the fatter shorter cocks.
The fat guy was really making noise slurping and sucking at Debbie's pussy. She had laid her head back on the sofa and was moaning in anticipated orgasm as he licked and wallowed in her cunt. She did not seem to fight much when she felt Roy's cock rubbing along side her face. He was clenching his cock in his fist and rubbing it all over her pretty face. His pre-cum was pouring out and he was painting her face with the goo.
When Roy had coated my wife's face with his pre-cum he clenched her hair and jerked her head back farther her mouth popped open and his long black cock slid in. He did not hesitate, but simply continued his inward thrust until his abdomen was pressed flat against her nose. I was impressed at how easy she made taking his cock into her throat look. Roy began a steady pumping action. He would pull his cock nearly all the way out then he would slide it all the way back in.
Ed had relieved Tom on the camera, and now Tom was stripping his clothes off. When he was totally naked he pulled the fat guy from between Debbie's thighs and quickly moved to stick his cock in where the fat guy had been sucking. His cock slid in without any hesitation. He began matching Roy's moves at the other end. Roy's cock would slide into Debbie's throat and Tom's cock would slide into her cunt at the same time.
During this action the fat guy stripped off the rest of his clothing. He looked even fatter naked. His gut protruded and he had a fat ass as well. He did have one of the fattest cocks I had ever seen. I still could not believe my wife had managed to get her mouth open wide enough to suck it.
Tom and Roy were talking back and forth and trying to coordinate their orgasms so they could both cum in my wife at the same time. Roy announced he was just about there and Tom answered he was right with him. Then Roy began to howl and his ass began to clench, as I knew his cock was jetting cum in Debbie's mouth. I looked and could see Tom had his cock buried deep in her cunt and his ass was clenching as well. They had managed to shoot in her at both ends at the same time.
Roy eventually pulled his somewhat limp drained cock from my wife's mouth. It was still very long but it did not have the stiffness it once had. Tom had collapsed on top of Debbie and still had his cock buried deep in her.
The fat guy finally stepped over and grabbed Tom around the waist and pulled him back. Tom's cock popped out of Debbie's cunt and I could see the cum flow out and down the crack of her lovely ass. ?Time for the relief crew Tommy old boy,? the fat guy said as he pulled him back from my spread-eagled semi naked wife.
Debbie lay there not moving as if she was exhausted. I am sure she had to be. The fat guy in all his naked glory easily pulled Debbie into his arms. He carried her limp form around to the side of the sofa and he laid her face first over the arm. It was as if she did not have the energy to resist.
Ed was capturing all this on the video camera and he focused on the fat guy jacking his cock back and forth as he stepped up to my wife's form. He reached down, pushed her skirt up higher exposing her narrow waist and spread her legs as wide as he could and stepped in between them. Since she was facing away from me and I wanted to see what he was doing, and since his considerable girth made that impossible, I took a big big chance. I stepped out of my closet and walked to the rear of the sofa.
As I got there I could see he had his pudgy middle finger buried up my wife's asshole. I could not believe he was going to shove his fat cock up my wife's asshole. I gave him a concerned look and pointed at her ass. He simply waved me off. His cock was rock hard now so he pulled his fat finger out of her and placed the head of his cock at the entrance to her lovely ass.
Debbie lay there almost as if she was u*********s. I could hear her moaning though so I assumed she was not. The head of the fat guy's cock began to make a slight penetration. He reached down with both hands and clenched the cheeks of Debbie's ass and pulled them outward in an effort to open her asshole more to allow his cock entry. Tom's cum that drained out of her cunt would help with the fat guys cock going in.
Debbie was making more moaning sounds as the head of the fat guy's cock pressed farther in. Finally the head of his cock popped inside of her. He maintained pressure and the fattest part of his cock began to inch its way in. I could see Debbie clenching her fists as his cock went deeper. Her moaning grew louder. He now had about one inch beyond the head of his cock buried. He pulled back just a little and then pushed forward again. This had to be the wildest thing I had ever seen in my life.
Just across from me was Ed, with the camera getting every inch of this up close. My wife, with her head turned toward the front of the sofa, was laying over the arm of the sofa, with her perfect ass turned up as a 300 pound fat black guy was slowly pushing what had to be the fattest cock I had ever seen up my lovely wife's asshole. And I was standing just behind the sofa so I could see every inch of it.
The fat guy now had nearly half of his fat cock buried in my wife's asshole. He pulled his cock nearly all the way out, then thrust his fat ass forward and managed to bury ?'s of his cock up her ass. Then once more he pulled back out and drove his hips forward and this time his fat gut bounced off my wife's asscheeks. He had buried his fat cock to the hilt.
Debbie was grunting and moaning with each thrust of his fat cock up her asshole. The fat guy began pumping back and forth. His fat gut shook each time he bounced it off Debbie's ass cheeks. Ed had the camera so close he got bumped more than once by the fat guys gut as well. Finally the fat guy howled and he drove his cock deep and his ass clenched as he began pumping his cum into my wife's ass. I stood there in literal disbelief. Debbie had lain there the entire time moaning and grunting with her fists clenched tightly, each time this huge fat cock had driven into her asshole. The fat guy stayed buried for some time and then he slowly began pulling his cock out. When the head of his cock finally popped out of Debbie's asshole a river of cum followed it. The cum from her asshole ran down to her cunt. It looked like he shot a gallon up her asshole.
The fat guy then walked around to the front of the sofa and clenched my wife's hair and pulled her mouth to his half-hard glistening cock. I stood shocked to see her open her mouth and he thrust his fat cock all the way inside. ?Clean me up Debbie? he said. I nearly fell over myself as I stumbled back to my hiding place. I could see my wife sucking for all she was worth as if she was trying to get the fat guy to shoot another load in her mouth. And she was sucking this fat cock just after it had been buried in her asshole.
I watched Tom step over and fuck my wife's asshole, then Ed deposited another load deeper in her asshole, then Roy fucked her cunt. All of them used her mouth to clean their cocks after they had deposited their cum either in her asshole or her cunt. In between time, she would be sucking on who ever stuck their cock in her throat. She swallowed more cum that way as well.
Eventually the guys were totally drained. My wife had been completely stripped of all her clothing at one time or another and was totally naked on the sofa. She had her head in Ed's lap and had his limp cock in her mouth like a pacifier. The fat guy was sprawled on a chair and Roy was on the floor looking at the cum drip from my wife's asshole and cunt. What little hair Debbie has around her cunt was matted with cum. Her face had cum around her mouth and on her chin. There was even cum in her hair. Tom was shooting video from all different angles.
Soon, Debbie asked in a totally fucked out voice what time it was. Roy answered it was 3:30 AM. Debbie sat bolt upright causing Ed's cock to go flying with a pop from her mouth. ?Damn, what will I tell my husband? she said as she began looking for her clothes. She picked up her torn panties and tossed them aside. She then grabbed the rest of her clothes and ran into the bathroom. Tom was right on her tail with the video running.
All the guys laid or sat where they were with their cocks all limp and empty. My darling sweet little wife had fucked them and sucked them into oblivion. She came out of the bathroom in moments exclaiming she only had time to wipe her face off and fix her hair. She was zipping up her skirt and buttoning her blouse.
?Will you call me Mr. Dingle and let me know what Spike thinks about the audition? she said, as she was busy reapplying some makeup in the mirror. This jolted Tom to his senses and he stopped shooting video momentarily. Clearing his throat and trying to regain his composure he assured Debbie he would keep her posted.
?I want to thank you all this chance and I look forward to hearing from you? she said. The fat guy stood up and looked equally as surprised as the rest. I am certain none of them had thought Debbie would still be buying this Spike Lee deal, but it looked and sounded like she was.
The fat guy stopped Debbie's hasty exit short. You have to give all of us a proper goodbye he said, as he stood there all fat and naked. ?What did you have in mind? Debbie said as she turned and walked toward the fat guy who was standing right by my closet door shaking his limp fat cock up and down toward her. Debbie sat her purse on the table and dropped to her knees without anyone saying a word. She cradled the fat guy's fat cock in her hand and bent to suck it into her mouth. Since he was half limp she was able to suck it in with no difficulty. She immediately went all the way down on his cock and I could not see part of it because of his fat gut blocking her head. She continued to suck with her head going like a piston on his cock. Finally she pulled back and let his cock pop free from her mouth. The fat guy backed up weakly and dropped in a chair.
Debbie knee walked over to Roy who had stood there watching and she sucked his cock into her mouth. She immediately plunged forward all the way and repeated the action on him as well. When she pulled his cock out of her mouth it was ?'s hard. Tom was next and he kept shooting video straight down on top on my wife as his cock went all the way into her mouth. She reached around behind him and clenching his ass cheeks she pulled him all the way into her throat. She stayed with his cock until she had gotten him hard again and then she popped it out of her mouth. Ed had sat on a chair and he spread his legs and slapped his thighs and said, ?come and get it girl.? Debbie knee walked over to Ed whose cock was completely hard from watching her suck the other guys. She swallowed his cock to its base in one motion. Ed gripped my wife's hair and began fucking her mouth. I think she thought it would only be a routine good bye suck. But it appeared as though Ed had other ideas.
Tom was getting it all on video. Sooner than I expected, Ed pushed Debbie back a bit and stood. ?Hold your mouth open for me baby? he announced. Debbie, looking straight up at Ed's towering body held her mouth wide open as Ed started jacking his cock off into my wife's mouth. He pumped on his black cock for some time and finally announced, ?Here it comes Debbie,? he yelled as he aimed his cock directly at her open mouth. I think the multiple jets of cum that shot from his black cock into my wife's open mouth surprised all of us. No one could believe he had anything left after all that had gone on that night. But he obviously did. 4 or 5 solid jets of cum flew the short distance and landed in her mouth. Tom was shooting down on it and in reviewing the video later on this proved to be one of the best scenes. Debbie's mouth was full of his cum and when he had shot his last drop; she closed her mouth and began swallowing. Her eyes were the size of saucers at the amount of cum in her mouth.
She stood and again thanked everyone. ?I don't know what I am going to tell my husband,? she said as she grabbed her purse and headed toward the door. Tom had shut the camera off and scribbled the phone number of the room on a piece of paper. Tell him to call me if he has any questions he said. ?Oh thank you Mr. Dingle, you won't say anything about what actually happened during the audition will you,? she asked? ?Of course not Debbie, I will tell him we read lines and lost track of time.? Satisfied she would be safe that way, she left.
I sprang from the closet. I told the guys I would be in touch and I took my short cut back home.
I was in bed with a throbbing hard on when I heard the garage door shut. Debbie came into the room as quietly as possible. I could see her creep toward the bathroom. I was not going to let her get into the shower. I knew her cunt had to be full of cum. Her asshole had to be full too. ?What took so long?? I asked? Her scream nearly caused me to scream. ?Good grief she said, you nearly scared me half to death.? ?I was concerned, I answered it is 4:00 AM did the audition take all this time?
She sat down and excitedly told me how much they had gone over the lines and such that night and they had lost track of all time. It smelled like she had tried to mask the smell of the cum with perfume. There was no mistaking the smell of cum though. As she spoke I began running my hand up her leg. She pushed my hand away and told me she was exhausted and had to get some sleep. I was not going to be denied. ?Well then, at least take care of this? I said as I threw the covers back exposing my rock hard cock. She sat her purse on the nightstand and quickly dropped her head to my cock. She sucked my cock into her mouth with a vengeance. ?Hey, where did you learn that,? I asked as she immediately deep throated me. She sat up and stammered and stuttered finally saying, ?well, when you're as tired as I am you will do anything to get some sleep.? As she continued to suck on my cock I reached over and turned on the nightlight. This caused her to sit bolt upright. ?No lights, I am tired baby,? she pleaded. ?It's not that bright? I replied as I began unbuttoning her blouse. ?Hey, you lost a button? I said. ?Oh, ya I know, I snagged it getting out of the car downstairs? she mumbled. ?Come on baby, she pleaded, just let me finish you off so I can get to sleep.? I had her blouse unbuttoned and was pulling it off her shoulders. I could see the red areas where the guys had been sucking on her neck and when I slipped her bra up over her pert tits I could see her huge nipples red from the sucking. I did not say anything about any of that.
?Now you can carry on,? I said. She quickly dropped back to my cock and sucked it in her mouth. As she sucked I ran my hand down her bare back and began pulling her skirt up. Before she knew it I had my hand on her bare ass. ?Hey, I said, no panties?? My cock popped out of her mouth as she explained she had taken them off downstairs and tossed them in the laundry. She went right back to sucking me. Finally in spite of her squirming I was able to get my hand to her saturated cunt. I knew she was trying to get me off before I reached that far. ?Mmmm, baby I said, you are sopping wet. This must really be turning you on.? I knew she had multiple loads of cum pumped in her. Even I would not have been so stupid as to have thought as wet as she was, it was from being turned on. No way she could ever be that wet on her own.
I pulled her up on the bed and reaching around I quickly pulled her legs up to either side of my head and before she knew what was happening I pulled her back and buried my mouth in her cunt. I thought I would drown. I took a big mouthful of fresh cum immediately in and swallowed. That was followed by several more mouthfuls. I had no idea how much cum she had up there, but it felt like gallons. Debbie was going crazy on my cock and before I knew it I was shooting it down her throat. She too was swallowing like there was no tomorrow. I slipped my tongue up to her asshole and pushed it as far in as I could. Then I placed my lips on either side of her asshole and sucked as hard as I could. More cum. lots more came flowing out into my mouth. Debbie had started again on my cock when I was on her asshole and she pushed me farther than I ever imagined. In short order I surprised myself by pumping another load into her mouth.
We both fell asleep that way. I awoke to her matted pussy hair looking right at me.
This last episode only happened 2 weeks ago. Tom and I have made more plans. But I have convinced him she needs a little break. In the meantime, we all have copies of the video.
I got home about an hour or so after Debbie and when I went in she was very excited to tell me what had happened in the audition. ?I met one of the associate producers and he was a nice guy and he said he thought I had a very very good chance at landing this role and it will be a lead role and,? the words spewed out like there was no tomorrow. Not one time did she mention anything about sex.
I decided to bring it up. ?So, did he try to introduce you to the infamous casting couch?? ?Absolutely not!? was her reply. ?There is no way I would ever go that route. That may work for some girls, but not this one.? I found myself for the first time thinking that my little Debbie was a pretty fair actress after all. Had I not been there, I probably would have believed her myself.
All during this conversation I was nudging Debbie toward the bedroom. When we got there I released all my pent up sexual frustration. I practically ripped her robe off. She had obviously taken a bath and I decided the next time anything like this happened I would have to get to her before she washed away the evidence. That way, I reasoned, I might be able to get her to tell me about her exploits. I immediately went down to taste her pussy and commented to her how wet she was. ?I just got out of the shower silly? she replied. Maybe so I thought to myself, but judging from the taste, I was fairly certain she had not gotten all the cum out of her pussy. Not that I know what cum tastes like, but I do know what she tastes like. And this taste definitely had an extra and added something.
After having my tongue buried in her cunt for what seemed like for ever, I drew myself up to a position that would allow me to bury my cock deep within her. I was beside myself and knew I would not last long with all the visions of what she had been doing a little over an hour earlier.
I felt my cum start to rise and knew the one thing I wanted to accomplish more than anything. I quickly pulled my wet cock from her pussy and pulled myself up to where I was straddling her head. ?Come on baby,? I moaned as I pumped my cock toward her mouth. She opened her mouth and sucked my cock in and I was beside myself. I was in my seventh heaven. She would finally swallow my load. I started to moan and she knew what was going to happen. She actually seemed to suck harder. I tried to get her to deep throat me like I had seen her doing earlier, but she kept me pushed back. I felt the cum begin to travel to it final destination, which I sensed would be in Debbie's open mouth. My ass clenched and my hips shot forward, suddenly she jerked my cock out of her pretty mouth and I exploded all over her cheeks and tits; everywhere but in her mouth.
As I lay beside her totally drained, she reached for a convenient towel we keep for just such a need. ?I am sorry sweety she said, I know you wanted me to try swallowing, but you know I just can't bring myself to do that.? I rolled my eyes back up in my head, I was guessing she would be getting another phone call from that associate producer very soon.
Tom was beside himself the next day. He told me he spent half the night jacking off to the video he shot. All day long all he could do was rant and rave about how fucking hot Debbie had been. He was all over me to help him work out another deal so he could have another go at her. I let him worry that I may not go for it again, but just before we knocked off for the day I told him to come up with his plan and let me know about it and I would give it some thought.
He convinced me to stop for a beer on the way home. I knew he could not wait another day to know if he would get another shot at my wife. As we sipped our brews we decided to give it a day or two and Tom would call Debbie and tell her Spike had been wild about her audition tape. Judging from the way she seemed to have bought their last meeting and she seemed to have left with the impression Tom actually was a producer looking for prospects for Spike Lee's newest movie, I thought he could probably pull it off. As long as I felt Tom and this other asshole Ed could keep their fucking mouths shut about my wife, I was also excited to see if they could do it again.
Two days later when I got home, Debbie was jumping up and down with excitement. She could barely contain herself as she told me she was to meet Mr. Dingle again in about an hour. She went on and on about how she really thought she had done well at the last audition and this time Spike wanted more footage so he could make his mind up. She told me it was down to her and 2 other girls in different states. As I listened I found myself admiring Tom's resourcefulness. He had succeeded in having my wife eating out of his hand. If he played his cards right, he would have her eating out of his shorts later that day.
I told Debbie since she would be gone that night I was going to go do some work on the car over at Bill's house and I wished her luck. As I left, she was racing up the stairs to change her clothes. I wondered what she would wear as I headed toward my pickup.
I arrived at the same motel and headed toward the room we had used last time. Tom let me in and offered me a drink. As usual he was prepared with a full bottle of bourbon. I asked if Ed was going to be involved tonight? Tom's response was somewhat elusive as he hem?ed and haw?ed around. A knock at the door interrupted his response. We still had a good 30 minutes before Debbie was due to arrive so I did not jump out of my pants like the last time Ed showed up. Tom checked through the peephole and signaled me it was ok.
I nearly spit my drink out when Tom let not only Ed, but also 2 other guys into the room. Tom was all over himself and Ed soon joined in trying to calm me down. ?What the fuck do you think you are doing? I screamed at Tom. Both he and Ed ushered me off to a corner of the room assuring me all the way that it would be cool. The two new guys were both black and both had suits on. They looked like the mob from Harlem. One had to weigh 300 pounds if he weighed an ounce. The other was tall and skinny like Ed. Neither one of them was much to look at, but they did appear to be well off. Both had lots of gold and jewelry, and their suits were well tailored. I found myself wondering how much the fat guy paid to have his suit made. You cannot get a suit like that off the rack. I mean the guy was only about 5? 8 or 9 inches tall.
I was pacing back and forth as Tom and Ed talked up a storm. My plan was to leave and head Debbie off using some excuse. My mind was a blur because I knew how much she was counting on her big chance at stardom. I knew it would not be easy, but I had decided to try. Tom and Ed both knew they had gone too far this time and they seemed to sense that I was about to leave. The other two were maintaining their distance and had sat down hoping Tom and Ed could convince me to let them stay, or let this deal continue.
Ed was assuring me the two could be trusted to keep this to themselves and that when they saw the tape they just had to come along. When he said this I was headed for the door. Ed knew he had blown it telling me the other two had already watched my wife sucking and fucking Ed and Tom. ?The tape was supposed to be kept private? I screamed at Ed. He was backing away and stuttering and stammering when there was a knock at the door. The whole room fell immediately silent and I nearly had a heart attack. ?Fuck, I thought to myself. Debbie is early!? I checked my watch and noted she was not supposed to be here for another 20 minutes or so.
Tom quickly signaled me toward the closet as he headed toward the door. I really did not know what to do. I hoped it was the maid or somebody else. I moved toward the closet crossing my fingers it was not Debbie. Tom peered out through the peephole and started flapping his arms up and down to silence the rest of us. ?Shit I thought, leave it to my wife to be early for an audition.? I stood by the closet door not being able to bring myself to enter and Tom turned and placed his hands together in a praying gesture and grimaced as if he was begging me to get inside and sit down. I slowly entered the closet shaking my head all the way. Ed carefully pushed the door closed. I am not sure I mentioned before but the door is slatted so it affords a perfect view of all that is going on in the room.
My cock involuntarily jumped to half-mast when my lovely petite little wife entered the room. She was dressed to kill. She was wearing a black satin pleated skirt and a satin kind of blouse affair that literally hugged her cute and perky breasts. It appeared as though she did have a bra on, otherwise I know that blouse d****d the way it was would have shown her nipples because they always got rock hard and stick way out when she is nervous or excited. I assumed she was both this afternoon. The skirt stopped about 3 inches above her knees and her legs clearly one of her better features continued way on up under it.
Tom introduced Debbie to the others. ?Of course you remember Ed, he began, and this is Will Borrows who is a personal agent for Mr. Lee.? The fat guy waddled forward and extended a pudgy palm. ?The other gentleman here is Roy and he works for Mr. Lee? Roy stepped forward and shook Debbie's hand.
?So Mr. Lee liked my audition? Debbie asked? The fat guy stepped over and told Debbie to have a seat then he sit down next to her and exclaimed, ?Ohhh he most certainly did my dear.? His pudgy gold ringed fingers patting Debbie on her knee as if to emphasize Mr. Lee's feelings. It was as if all Debbie was thinking about was the favorable comments being relayed to her from Spike Lee. The fat guy kept patting her shapely knee as he went into some more detail of all Mr. Lee had supposedly said about Debbie's audition.
Tom and Ed served everyone drinks and Debbie sipped at hers and coughed. ?You surprised me again Mr. Dingle.? She said obviously commenting on the straight bourbon. Tom chuckled. ?So when is this movie supposed to start shooting, Debbie asked excitedly?? ?Well my dear we have a few things to work out before we get down to that. And we do have to narrow our selection for the lead role,? the fat guy added.
?You see, Spike has a totally new idea for this movie and the selection process is probably one of the more important parts of the entire movie. Mr. Lee wants to capture an amateur essence in this movie. That is he wants to film real surprise and real feelings and he does not want anything faked, or acted? the fat guy rambled on and Debbie's eyes got wider and looked more excited with his every word.
?There is a good possibility some of our audition tapes will end up in the movie,? Tom added as he was sitting up his tripod. Debbie gulped the remainder of her drink, I am sure she was worried it may end up being like the last audition. Ed had another all ready for her. ?That's right Debbie, the fat guy went on, Mr. Lee is trying to capture things as they really are. Most importantly, he wants to see how people cope in certain situations.? The fat guy struggled to his feet and at first I thought he was going to the bathroom as he began to step in front of my wife. Then he stopped. ?Are we rolling,? he asked Tom? ?We are? was Tom's reply.
The fat guy had paused in front of my wife who was sipping her drink. He casually reached down and unzipped his trousers. He reached inside the flap and began fishing around. Debbie was looking everywhere but where he was standing. The fat guy kept fishing around under his fat gut and inside his shorts. Finally he began pulling his cock out of his pants. Debbie finally found her voice, ? I don't know what is going on here but I don't think I should be here.? She nervously spoke as she was looking for a way to get up and past the 300 pounder standing just in front of her.
?Lean forward her Debbie and suck my black cock? the fat guy said.
?I don't know if this is a joke or what, she stuttered, but I don't want any part of this.?
?Come on Debbie,? the fat guy reached forward and clutched Debbie by her hair and began pulling her face toward his cock. By now his cock was beginning to get hard. His pudgy hand started pumping on it to bring it to life.
?You must be crazy? Debbie said, ?I will not do any such thing.? She jerked her head back as Will ( the fat guy ) had pulled her face to within a few inches of his cock.
Suddenly, the fat guy stopped and stepped aside. He began stuffing his half-hard cock back into his trousers. ?Well, I guess that helps us decide? he said.
?Just a minute Mr. Burrows, let me have a word with Debbie? Tom blurted out. ?Could you step over here for a second Debbie? he added.
Debbie stood and stepped over to where Tom had moved. They were standing inches from my closet hiding place and again I could smell my wife's perfume. She appeared nervous and seemed to be shaking. ?Dammit Debbie, didn't you listen to what Mr. Burrows was telling you about Spike's movie?? Tom whispered in urgent tones. Debbie got a confused look on her face and shook her head as if to say, ?well, I thought so, but maybe not I guess?. Tom went on, ?Mr. Burrows uses this method for two reasons. First, he eliminates the girls that will not do what he wants. And second, the way the finalists react to the unexpected stuff he does is exactly what Spike wants in his new movie. That is why I told you some of the audition footage may be used in his new movie.? Debbie whispered back, ?I don't want a movie of me sucking some fat black guys cock playing down at our local theater!? ?They won't use all of it, Tom quickly added. Haven't you seen how Spike does his movies? He will cut stuff they can't show and only show stuff like the real life look of surprise on your face and stuff like that.? His voice now sounding some disgust at her being so na've about the ways of Hollywood.
?Mr. Dingle, I think Roy and I had better be going if this audition is over? the fat guy said from across the room. ?No, no not yet, Mr. Burrows, I think Debbie has the proper motivation now,? Tom quickly said. He jerked his head to a side signaling Debbie to go back over and sit on the sofa. He nudged her in that direction.
Debbie had a troubled look on her face and kept looking from Tom to Ed to Will to Roy back to Tom as she hesitantly moved toward the sofa. Finally she drew a deep breath and sit back down where she was. I could see she was still obviously shaking.
?Still rolling? the fat guy asked Tom. ?Still rolling? was Tom's reply. The fat guy moved over and poured himself another drink. He took a sip or two then casually walked back over to stand in front of my seated wife. She had finished her 2nd drink and was just handed a 3rd by Ed. She sat nervously holding her glass. The fat guy reached down again and unzipped his trousers. He reached in and pulled out a now more than half hard black cock that was now beginning to leak pre come from the tip. The end of his cock glistened with the liquid coming from it.
?Lean up here Debbie and suck on my cock?, he announced. Debbie looked nervously around as if she was going to run again. She sat staring at his cock which now had a bead of pre come beginning to drip from the end of it. The more she stared at it, the harder it grew. She took a drink and slowly began to lean forward from her seat. Clutching her glass with both hands the distance between her mouth and Will's fat black cock became less and less until she was close enough to lick the droplet that had formed at the tip. To my surprise, that is exactly what she did.
Tom had moved the camera along side and had captured a perfect shot of my wife's tongue come out of her pretty mouth and lick the drop of pre come from the tip of Will's cock. She quickly took another drink from her glass she still clutched in front of her. She no sooner took the drink than the fat guy reached down with both hands and grabbed her by her hair on both sides. He began applying pressure pulling on her hair and drawing her mouth to his now rock hard and probably 8-inch cock. His cock was not as long as Ed's, but it had to be one of the fattest cocks I had ever seen. The harder it grew, the fatter it became. It had to be twice the diameter of my cock easily. He pulled her face to his cock and at first she kept her mouth closed. He kept applying pressure pulling her forward until I thought he would bend his cock in half as it pressed against her pursed lips.
Finally my wife opened her mouth and his fat cock began to slip inside my wife's small mouth. ?Suck it now bitch? he grunted. I watched as Debbie with her eyes the size of saucers sucked on what she managed to get in her mouth of the fat guys dripping cock. ?Ughhh, that is more like it? the fat guy grunted again. And his fingers closed in my wife's hair as he began to piston his cock deeper each time in and out of her mouth. She was clutching the half-empty glass in both her hands as his cock went deeper on each thrust. Each time the fat guy shoved his hips forward and pulled on my wife's hair he shoved more of his cock in her mouth. I really don't know how she managed to open her mouth wide enough to take his cock as deep as she was. I could see when he finally had it lodged at the entrance of her throat. He drew back and punched his hips forward again. ?Mmmmpfh,? Debbie's eyes were wider than before as the head of his thick cock had to have entered her throat. His hips became a blur as he continued r****g my wife's mouth. Finally he thrust his hips forward more forcefully and his cock went all the way in to where her face was buried in the opening of his trousers. Her head was partially concealed under his fat gut and her face was pressed flat against his pants opening. After getting his cock all the way down her throat the first time, each time he pulled out he would jam it back in all the way.
Then he started to moan. His cock going like a jackhammer in and out of my wife's mouth. He screamed out ?here it comes baby, get ready for it.? I looked and noticed she had spilled about half her remaining drink all over her lap from the mouth fucking she was undergoing, but still was clutching the glass for all she was worth. Her fingers looked white from gripping that glass so hard. I could not tell if she was trying to back away from the fat guys cock or not because he still had her by the hair and was pulling her forward on his cock each time he would thrust his fat ass forward.
One final big lunge forward and he held his cock buried deep in her throat. He was moaning and twitching, as I knew he was pumping his cum into her mouth and straight down her throat. He held her there for what seemed like forever and I could see Debbie's throat working. Finally he pulled his cock back and gradually released the grip he had on her hair. Debbie fell back against the sofa coughing and gasping for breath. She spilled more of her drink in her lap, but I doubt she was even aware. I could see some cum running from the corner of her mouth and down her chin. The fat guy staggered back a few steps and collapsed into a chair stepping out of his trousers on the way. He did not even bother to put his cock back in his briefs. It hung limply between his legs and was coated in saliva and cum.
?Damn, the fat guy exclaimed as he worked to draw a breath, Debbie my girl, you are one fantastic cock sucker.? Debbie had managed to regain some of her composure and was able to breathe somewhat better. Her head was bobbing from one side to another as if she had just run a marathon. Even after that, she still looked fantastic. She had not noticed the cum on her chin and lips, and began to tidy herself up as best she could. She sat her glass on the floor and tried to push her hair back into shape. Ed quickly poured her glass full of straight bourbon. She pulled her short dress back down since it had ridden up to her upper thighs during her ordeal. ?So far Debbie, the fat guy said, you are definitely in the lead for the part. Spike is gonna love this footage. That is exactly what he is looking for.? Debbie reached for her glass and took a long drink from it.
Ed, who had been standing behind the sofa watching all the action, had taken his pants off. Debbie had not seen this since she was occupied. She leaned back in the sofa and took another drink. Towering above Debbie, Ed bent down and laid his long black cock on her shoulder. Startled, Debbie jerked again spilling more of her drink on her dress.
?Suck his cock Debbie? Will, the fat guy ordered. ?Make sure you get this on tape,? he added. Debbie looked at Ed's long cock and then at Tom who had come around the sofa and was leaning in real close to catch the action. Then she looked at the fat guy and Roy. Holding her glass in one hand she reached up with her other hand and slowly pulled Ed's stiffening cock toward her mouth. She pumped his cock up and down as she pulled it to her lips. She laid her head back on the sofa turned to one side as Ed leaned down and fed his long cock into her mouth. The fat guy got up and walked over. He stood there watching for a while, then he slowly lowered his girth down to one knee in front of Debbie.
Debbie was holding her drink with one hand and Ed's cock with the other. The fat guy reached down and flipped her pleated skirt up revealing her white panties. I noticed her panties appeared wet, then I remembered she had spilled booze all over herself. Debbie's eyes grew wide and she looked shocked when the fat guy had flipped her skirt up. She released her grip on Ed's cock and quickly tried to push her skirt back over her panties. The fat guy grabbed her wrist and held it as he again pushed her skirt up out of the way. Debbie was squirming around trying to keep herself covered. Finally Roy, who had come over and sat down next to Debbie when she started sucking Ed's cock reached over and casually began unbuttoning her blouse. Debbie could not say anything with her mouth full of black cock. Ed was pushing his cock deeper into her mouth each time and she was trying desperately to push her skirt down and keep Roy's fingers from undoing her blouse.
She was fighting a losing battle. One button popped off and went flying as she struggled. The fat guy was pushing her legs open and wedging a fat knee in-between her legs. Debbie's eyes looked panicked. Roy had gotten her blouse open and was reaching in to grope her breasts in her bra. He pulled her bra up and her nipples, now rock hard and jutting out a good half inch or better looked fabulous.
?Damn, look at those nipples?, the fat guy said as he pushed her skirt again back up after Debbie had again pulled it down to cover herself. Roy quickly leaned over and sucked one of my wife's nipples into his mouth. Ed was pushing his rock hard cock into her throat. The fat guy, having succeeded in getting his fat knee in-between Debbie's legs ran a cupped fat hand up to her crotch and began mauling her pussy through her wet panties. ?Tom are you getting this?, the Fat guy asked? ?You bet I am,? was Tom's reply. The fat guy grabbed Debbie's panties and jerked on them and they came half way down her thighs. He jerked on them again and I heard them tear as he literally ripped them off her.
Ed announced, ?I'm gonna shoot pretty quick here,? as his cock was now buried deep in my wife's throat. His balls were banging back and forth off Debbie's chin. Her nose was buried in his black pubic hair, as he pulled out and thrust in repeatedly. I was amazed that throughout all this, Debbie had held on to her drink with her one hand. I watched as the drink was sloshing over the glass and splashing on her bare thighs and the sofa. Her other hand was moving from the fat guy's hand to Roy's face trying to push them both away. Ed had one hand clutching Debbie on top of her head and one hand cupping her face under her chin. He had a good grip and was now fucking her mouth rapidly. He would pull his cock nearly all the way out of her mouth, then gripping her on top of her head and under her chin, he would thrust his cock into her mouth till her nose was buried in pubic hair and his balls banged off her chin.
The fat guy was able to get down on both knees after he had ripped my wife's panties off and he replaced his fat hand which I could see had one finger buried in Debbie's cunt, with his fat face. He was so fat, by the time he managed to wedge himself in; he had Debbie's legs spread wide just so he could get down to her cunt. I could see him bury his face between her legs and I heard him noisily licking and sucking at her cunt.
I could still see her eyes were wide and had an out of control look in them. She was definitely out of control, with one tall skinny black guy alternately sucked her big puffy nipples into his slobbering mouth and another taller skinny black guy with his long black cock buried in her throat and a third short fat black guy gobbling her cunt.
Ed yelled out, ?That's it baby, here it comes. Swallow it all baby.? When he said that, the fat guy pulled away and said, ?fuck man, when you said that I think this bitch came in my mouth, she is pouring down here.? He immediately fastened his mouth to her cunt again. I was beside myself. She must like it when someone cums in her mouth I thought. Why else would she get so wet when Ed said he was going to cum.
?Oh fuck, fuck, fuck,? Ed yelled as I watched his ass clench each time he shot another load of cum into my wife's mouth. He pulled his cock out of her mouth and yelled at her, ?open your mouth bitch and keep it open.? Debbie did as she was told and Ed grabbed his cock and pumped it toward her mouth. He had already shot several streams of cum into her mouth, but I saw one more shoot directly into her open mouth as he held his cock aimed at her wide open mouth. Then more cum drooled out and dropped into her mouth. ?Now swallow that baby? Ed ordered. I could see Debbie's throat move as she swallowed the last of Ed's cum.
Roy had pulled away from my wife's nipples and was taking his pants and briefs off as he went to replace Ed's cock with his in her mouth. His cock was long and thinner than the fat guys. I figured it must be a tall thing, the tall guys had the long skinny cocks and the shorter guys had the fatter shorter cocks.
The fat guy was really making noise slurping and sucking at Debbie's pussy. She had laid her head back on the sofa and was moaning in anticipated orgasm as he licked and wallowed in her cunt. She did not seem to fight much when she felt Roy's cock rubbing along side her face. He was clenching his cock in his fist and rubbing it all over her pretty face. His pre-cum was pouring out and he was painting her face with the goo.
When Roy had coated my wife's face with his pre-cum he clenched her hair and jerked her head back farther her mouth popped open and his long black cock slid in. He did not hesitate, but simply continued his inward thrust until his abdomen was pressed flat against her nose. I was impressed at how easy she made taking his cock into her throat look. Roy began a steady pumping action. He would pull his cock nearly all the way out then he would slide it all the way back in.
Ed had relieved Tom on the camera, and now Tom was stripping his clothes off. When he was totally naked he pulled the fat guy from between Debbie's thighs and quickly moved to stick his cock in where the fat guy had been sucking. His cock slid in without any hesitation. He began matching Roy's moves at the other end. Roy's cock would slide into Debbie's throat and Tom's cock would slide into her cunt at the same time.
During this action the fat guy stripped off the rest of his clothing. He looked even fatter naked. His gut protruded and he had a fat ass as well. He did have one of the fattest cocks I had ever seen. I still could not believe my wife had managed to get her mouth open wide enough to suck it.
Tom and Roy were talking back and forth and trying to coordinate their orgasms so they could both cum in my wife at the same time. Roy announced he was just about there and Tom answered he was right with him. Then Roy began to howl and his ass began to clench, as I knew his cock was jetting cum in Debbie's mouth. I looked and could see Tom had his cock buried deep in her cunt and his ass was clenching as well. They had managed to shoot in her at both ends at the same time.
Roy eventually pulled his somewhat limp drained cock from my wife's mouth. It was still very long but it did not have the stiffness it once had. Tom had collapsed on top of Debbie and still had his cock buried deep in her.
The fat guy finally stepped over and grabbed Tom around the waist and pulled him back. Tom's cock popped out of Debbie's cunt and I could see the cum flow out and down the crack of her lovely ass. ?Time for the relief crew Tommy old boy,? the fat guy said as he pulled him back from my spread-eagled semi naked wife.
Debbie lay there not moving as if she was exhausted. I am sure she had to be. The fat guy in all his naked glory easily pulled Debbie into his arms. He carried her limp form around to the side of the sofa and he laid her face first over the arm. It was as if she did not have the energy to resist.
Ed was capturing all this on the video camera and he focused on the fat guy jacking his cock back and forth as he stepped up to my wife's form. He reached down, pushed her skirt up higher exposing her narrow waist and spread her legs as wide as he could and stepped in between them. Since she was facing away from me and I wanted to see what he was doing, and since his considerable girth made that impossible, I took a big big chance. I stepped out of my closet and walked to the rear of the sofa.
As I got there I could see he had his pudgy middle finger buried up my wife's asshole. I could not believe he was going to shove his fat cock up my wife's asshole. I gave him a concerned look and pointed at her ass. He simply waved me off. His cock was rock hard now so he pulled his fat finger out of her and placed the head of his cock at the entrance to her lovely ass.
Debbie lay there almost as if she was u*********s. I could hear her moaning though so I assumed she was not. The head of the fat guy's cock began to make a slight penetration. He reached down with both hands and clenched the cheeks of Debbie's ass and pulled them outward in an effort to open her asshole more to allow his cock entry. Tom's cum that drained out of her cunt would help with the fat guys cock going in.
Debbie was making more moaning sounds as the head of the fat guy's cock pressed farther in. Finally the head of his cock popped inside of her. He maintained pressure and the fattest part of his cock began to inch its way in. I could see Debbie clenching her fists as his cock went deeper. Her moaning grew louder. He now had about one inch beyond the head of his cock buried. He pulled back just a little and then pushed forward again. This had to be the wildest thing I had ever seen in my life.
Just across from me was Ed, with the camera getting every inch of this up close. My wife, with her head turned toward the front of the sofa, was laying over the arm of the sofa, with her perfect ass turned up as a 300 pound fat black guy was slowly pushing what had to be the fattest cock I had ever seen up my lovely wife's asshole. And I was standing just behind the sofa so I could see every inch of it.
The fat guy now had nearly half of his fat cock buried in my wife's asshole. He pulled his cock nearly all the way out, then thrust his fat ass forward and managed to bury ?'s of his cock up her ass. Then once more he pulled back out and drove his hips forward and this time his fat gut bounced off my wife's asscheeks. He had buried his fat cock to the hilt.
Debbie was grunting and moaning with each thrust of his fat cock up her asshole. The fat guy began pumping back and forth. His fat gut shook each time he bounced it off Debbie's ass cheeks. Ed had the camera so close he got bumped more than once by the fat guys gut as well. Finally the fat guy howled and he drove his cock deep and his ass clenched as he began pumping his cum into my wife's ass. I stood there in literal disbelief. Debbie had lain there the entire time moaning and grunting with her fists clenched tightly, each time this huge fat cock had driven into her asshole. The fat guy stayed buried for some time and then he slowly began pulling his cock out. When the head of his cock finally popped out of Debbie's asshole a river of cum followed it. The cum from her asshole ran down to her cunt. It looked like he shot a gallon up her asshole.
The fat guy then walked around to the front of the sofa and clenched my wife's hair and pulled her mouth to his half-hard glistening cock. I stood shocked to see her open her mouth and he thrust his fat cock all the way inside. ?Clean me up Debbie? he said. I nearly fell over myself as I stumbled back to my hiding place. I could see my wife sucking for all she was worth as if she was trying to get the fat guy to shoot another load in her mouth. And she was sucking this fat cock just after it had been buried in her asshole.
I watched Tom step over and fuck my wife's asshole, then Ed deposited another load deeper in her asshole, then Roy fucked her cunt. All of them used her mouth to clean their cocks after they had deposited their cum either in her asshole or her cunt. In between time, she would be sucking on who ever stuck their cock in her throat. She swallowed more cum that way as well.
Eventually the guys were totally drained. My wife had been completely stripped of all her clothing at one time or another and was totally naked on the sofa. She had her head in Ed's lap and had his limp cock in her mouth like a pacifier. The fat guy was sprawled on a chair and Roy was on the floor looking at the cum drip from my wife's asshole and cunt. What little hair Debbie has around her cunt was matted with cum. Her face had cum around her mouth and on her chin. There was even cum in her hair. Tom was shooting video from all different angles.
Soon, Debbie asked in a totally fucked out voice what time it was. Roy answered it was 3:30 AM. Debbie sat bolt upright causing Ed's cock to go flying with a pop from her mouth. ?Damn, what will I tell my husband? she said as she began looking for her clothes. She picked up her torn panties and tossed them aside. She then grabbed the rest of her clothes and ran into the bathroom. Tom was right on her tail with the video running.
All the guys laid or sat where they were with their cocks all limp and empty. My darling sweet little wife had fucked them and sucked them into oblivion. She came out of the bathroom in moments exclaiming she only had time to wipe her face off and fix her hair. She was zipping up her skirt and buttoning her blouse.
?Will you call me Mr. Dingle and let me know what Spike thinks about the audition? she said, as she was busy reapplying some makeup in the mirror. This jolted Tom to his senses and he stopped shooting video momentarily. Clearing his throat and trying to regain his composure he assured Debbie he would keep her posted.
?I want to thank you all this chance and I look forward to hearing from you? she said. The fat guy stood up and looked equally as surprised as the rest. I am certain none of them had thought Debbie would still be buying this Spike Lee deal, but it looked and sounded like she was.
The fat guy stopped Debbie's hasty exit short. You have to give all of us a proper goodbye he said, as he stood there all fat and naked. ?What did you have in mind? Debbie said as she turned and walked toward the fat guy who was standing right by my closet door shaking his limp fat cock up and down toward her. Debbie sat her purse on the table and dropped to her knees without anyone saying a word. She cradled the fat guy's fat cock in her hand and bent to suck it into her mouth. Since he was half limp she was able to suck it in with no difficulty. She immediately went all the way down on his cock and I could not see part of it because of his fat gut blocking her head. She continued to suck with her head going like a piston on his cock. Finally she pulled back and let his cock pop free from her mouth. The fat guy backed up weakly and dropped in a chair.
Debbie knee walked over to Roy who had stood there watching and she sucked his cock into her mouth. She immediately plunged forward all the way and repeated the action on him as well. When she pulled his cock out of her mouth it was ?'s hard. Tom was next and he kept shooting video straight down on top on my wife as his cock went all the way into her mouth. She reached around behind him and clenching his ass cheeks she pulled him all the way into her throat. She stayed with his cock until she had gotten him hard again and then she popped it out of her mouth. Ed had sat on a chair and he spread his legs and slapped his thighs and said, ?come and get it girl.? Debbie knee walked over to Ed whose cock was completely hard from watching her suck the other guys. She swallowed his cock to its base in one motion. Ed gripped my wife's hair and began fucking her mouth. I think she thought it would only be a routine good bye suck. But it appeared as though Ed had other ideas.
Tom was getting it all on video. Sooner than I expected, Ed pushed Debbie back a bit and stood. ?Hold your mouth open for me baby? he announced. Debbie, looking straight up at Ed's towering body held her mouth wide open as Ed started jacking his cock off into my wife's mouth. He pumped on his black cock for some time and finally announced, ?Here it comes Debbie,? he yelled as he aimed his cock directly at her open mouth. I think the multiple jets of cum that shot from his black cock into my wife's open mouth surprised all of us. No one could believe he had anything left after all that had gone on that night. But he obviously did. 4 or 5 solid jets of cum flew the short distance and landed in her mouth. Tom was shooting down on it and in reviewing the video later on this proved to be one of the best scenes. Debbie's mouth was full of his cum and when he had shot his last drop; she closed her mouth and began swallowing. Her eyes were the size of saucers at the amount of cum in her mouth.
She stood and again thanked everyone. ?I don't know what I am going to tell my husband,? she said as she grabbed her purse and headed toward the door. Tom had shut the camera off and scribbled the phone number of the room on a piece of paper. Tell him to call me if he has any questions he said. ?Oh thank you Mr. Dingle, you won't say anything about what actually happened during the audition will you,? she asked? ?Of course not Debbie, I will tell him we read lines and lost track of time.? Satisfied she would be safe that way, she left.
I sprang from the closet. I told the guys I would be in touch and I took my short cut back home.
I was in bed with a throbbing hard on when I heard the garage door shut. Debbie came into the room as quietly as possible. I could see her creep toward the bathroom. I was not going to let her get into the shower. I knew her cunt had to be full of cum. Her asshole had to be full too. ?What took so long?? I asked? Her scream nearly caused me to scream. ?Good grief she said, you nearly scared me half to death.? ?I was concerned, I answered it is 4:00 AM did the audition take all this time?
She sat down and excitedly told me how much they had gone over the lines and such that night and they had lost track of all time. It smelled like she had tried to mask the smell of the cum with perfume. There was no mistaking the smell of cum though. As she spoke I began running my hand up her leg. She pushed my hand away and told me she was exhausted and had to get some sleep. I was not going to be denied. ?Well then, at least take care of this? I said as I threw the covers back exposing my rock hard cock. She sat her purse on the nightstand and quickly dropped her head to my cock. She sucked my cock into her mouth with a vengeance. ?Hey, where did you learn that,? I asked as she immediately deep throated me. She sat up and stammered and stuttered finally saying, ?well, when you're as tired as I am you will do anything to get some sleep.? As she continued to suck on my cock I reached over and turned on the nightlight. This caused her to sit bolt upright. ?No lights, I am tired baby,? she pleaded. ?It's not that bright? I replied as I began unbuttoning her blouse. ?Hey, you lost a button? I said. ?Oh, ya I know, I snagged it getting out of the car downstairs? she mumbled. ?Come on baby, she pleaded, just let me finish you off so I can get to sleep.? I had her blouse unbuttoned and was pulling it off her shoulders. I could see the red areas where the guys had been sucking on her neck and when I slipped her bra up over her pert tits I could see her huge nipples red from the sucking. I did not say anything about any of that.
?Now you can carry on,? I said. She quickly dropped back to my cock and sucked it in her mouth. As she sucked I ran my hand down her bare back and began pulling her skirt up. Before she knew it I had my hand on her bare ass. ?Hey, I said, no panties?? My cock popped out of her mouth as she explained she had taken them off downstairs and tossed them in the laundry. She went right back to sucking me. Finally in spite of her squirming I was able to get my hand to her saturated cunt. I knew she was trying to get me off before I reached that far. ?Mmmm, baby I said, you are sopping wet. This must really be turning you on.? I knew she had multiple loads of cum pumped in her. Even I would not have been so stupid as to have thought as wet as she was, it was from being turned on. No way she could ever be that wet on her own.
I pulled her up on the bed and reaching around I quickly pulled her legs up to either side of my head and before she knew what was happening I pulled her back and buried my mouth in her cunt. I thought I would drown. I took a big mouthful of fresh cum immediately in and swallowed. That was followed by several more mouthfuls. I had no idea how much cum she had up there, but it felt like gallons. Debbie was going crazy on my cock and before I knew it I was shooting it down her throat. She too was swallowing like there was no tomorrow. I slipped my tongue up to her asshole and pushed it as far in as I could. Then I placed my lips on either side of her asshole and sucked as hard as I could. More cum. lots more came flowing out into my mouth. Debbie had started again on my cock when I was on her asshole and she pushed me farther than I ever imagined. In short order I surprised myself by pumping another load into her mouth.
We both fell asleep that way. I awoke to her matted pussy hair looking right at me.
This last episode only happened 2 weeks ago. Tom and I have made more plans. But I have convinced him she needs a little break. In the meantime, we all have copies of the video.
3 years ago