Comedian> Once You Go Black... WHITE GUYS SEEM

comedian rosebud baker doing standup says she's going out with a white guy for the first time in seven years, (big mistake)
she says: "they say once you go black you never go back but it's not true. once you go black you might go back but WHITE GUYS WILL SEEM GAY" SORRY let the white guys absorb that for a second... sometimes they get up to go cry in the bathroom.
"i bought him a pair of jordans...ugh... it's like when someone tries to soup up a honda civic yikes"

I think it's awesome that women will publicly put down white men, and say they are inferior to black men... and no one complains or says its not true.

and other women hear this and they absorb those ideas. its pushing white men down.


what doe the white guys out there think about this? what do the black men think about it? do you both notice it changes the way women treat you?
what do women think? does it get in your head when you hear other women put down white men, or promote black men?

white women - you should always talk like this so other women hear you

This is the video but it starts at 2:25
3 years ago
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Erenyon 3 months ago
just so true :grinning: I am the proof of this
tapitdly 6 months ago
You need to stop hanging out with beta white males
IRcuckwannabe 1 year ago
As someone with a white cuck psyche I do find it sexy when white women state their preference for black men. If this was to happen in the bedroom it would be a huge turn on.
jimmielee65 1 year ago
to jj4wp : Don't know your age but  if you were old enough I wish my wife and I had known you when I first met her. We were meeting at hotel in Buffalo when I was laying over in my work. She admitted she had a thing for dark skinned black men.
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StefanieG 1 year ago
No, white men are the only one who decide it. White guys say what is allowed and what is not! 
StefanieG 1 year ago
to Dom975 : She is not a women. There sitt8ng desperate black Bois with fake accounts of white females! Ahaha
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StefanieG 1 year ago
to nudini : Blacks better at the dancefloor? AHAHAHAHAH. YOU GUYS HAVENT ANY RHYTHM 
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StefanieG 1 year ago
to mountaindawg01 : Ahahaha.look at you fat old bastard. Your mama give good blowjobs
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StefanieG 1 year ago
White power is the superior race! Blacks have to do what we say them. 
StefanieG 1 year ago
European cocks at much bigger then this tiny black American wiener. It’s sad to watch this downfall of the Black Bois. BBC - Black Beta Cucks  - working on my plantage
StefanieG 1 year ago
to nudini : Look how black women humiliating black bois, daily. We dominate you little monkeys like we want. White guys are superior in the bedroom. You guys have no skills and rhythm for it. Black guys have to learn a lot. 🤣
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StefanieG 1 year ago
to nudini : Black guys are the overcucks! Weak fragile and with distance the dumbest „humans“ on this planet
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StefanieG 1 year ago
What is your problem with white guys? Why wishing bad things to other humans? How horrible can you be ? Get some respect for the creator/Inventor of the modern world.
As a white guy i love it, it's just a shame she, or any woman for that matter, is having sex with a white guy. The only reason a woman should date a white guy is to cuck him
jimmielee65 2 years ago
True story, A younger black guy that worked with my wife once told me had been trying to get in her pants before I married her. He said he teased her about "if you go black you never go back." he said she just smiled and said she knew that wasn't true. He said that gave him hope knowing she had apparently fucked black men before. He grew up in south Georgia and says he was in heaven when he finally did get to fuck her. Know she kept fucking him after we got married and I was OK with it though she would never admit it.
luvmyhotwife 2 years ago
Rosebud Baker is hot af! I saw her comedy skit and while I loved her honesty about white guys, it made me sad to this that she went back to a white guy. Hopefully, even if she stays with her white guy, she'll start getting black cock again soon. 
SquallBling 2 years ago
I love it 
mountaindawg01 2 years ago
Change is cumming.
mountaindawg01 2 years ago
you are in denial.
jj4wp 2 years ago
As a BLACK man, I love getting appreciation, love and support from WHITE women. Nothing better than that. :smile: --- Jamal
mountaindawg01 2 years ago
to nudini : The BNWO is happening now.  In big cities and small towns across America and the World.
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Paul6748 2 years ago
to AverageJoker : I don't imagine I would ever agree with your politics or morals but that's the point you're making isn't it? Absolute bollocks spouted by the porn industry and women who don't know how to fuck in the first place. And men who don't deserve the name. Live well, my friend
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AverageJoker 3 years ago
Trust me, my preference is black girls and I’ve fucked quite a few. I ask every one I fuck what’s so special about BBC compared to what I just put on them and they all basically say the same thing. ‘All men have the same size cock. It’s nothing special.” A couple even told me the smallest they ever had was black. One said the only thing she noticed was black guys tend to be more aggressive in the pussy. But anyone can be aggressive. You and all these other women just have it in y’all’s head that white guys have small cocks. It’s pretty pathetic. I can’t believe the tiny dick white simp males agreeing with you. Get some fucking dignity.
jojosmallone 3 years ago
to nudini : love your comments and totally agree
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Quad777222 3 years ago
Wow, I never noticed before but youre really on a hating tip. No idea why im friends with this geyser just oozing infection all over the place. I am after all a white a mixed relationship, but that matters little right? So its ok for someone to represent a group like this. Its so backwards and not up to date the whole rhetoric style. Offensive as fk but you obviously got the reaction you wanted out of me. Should I go of like this about various topics I could bring up Idbe hunted down by a lynch mob. Well jokes on me if this is ironic. 
Hungbytheneck 3 years ago
to nudini : Senseless reply. Not surprised. 
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nudini 3 years ago
Jokes are funny cause behind the veneer of fun there's truth that we can all relate to. In this case even better when its a white woman disseminating it. What's more humiliating for a man than your own women humiliating you publicly. White bois though, probably got off to it 
nudini 3 years ago
lol what? Black men were willing to burn the whole country down during riots last summer. Brought the entire authority to its heels and passed resolutions faster than any other movement in recent history. Even Nascar, favorite red*eck pastime, cu*ked hard and removed confed symbols. And they don't care about regular jobs, cause they don't want to be wagec*cks. They eventually will get their pending reparations, you'll see
nudini 3 years ago
to slave4owner : Even without the size advantage Blacks are superior in bedroom. More testosterone leading to dominant attitude, strength and stamina. Also greater flexibility around stronger twitch muscles allowing more variety of thrust along with rhythmic sense (also the reason they are better in dance floor). Those along with color contrast makes the sex hotter
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nudini 3 years ago
to Hungbytheneck : You yourself proved her case with your comment. The white guy would get banned cause they are weak betas unable to stand for themselves. Society therefore put them in their place. 
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