Caught in the Act.

The people who read my stories on Hamster will know that, to say the least, I’m not shy. I have met quite a few people, of both genders, and have enjoyed sex with them. My husband is, or was, totally unaware of such liaisons, although I’ve always wanted him to watch me. To be fair, I’d always wanted to watch him with another woman, too.
Anyway, let me tell you what happened earlier on this year. Hubby was away and I’d gone out with an old friend for the day. We’d had a few drinks and, well, I invited him back to mine. I’d only had a couple of drinks, so I drove us back to my house and he left his car in town. We’d not seen each other for months so we had a lot of catching up to do, mainly between the sheets. After fucking each other’s brains out, we were just lying there, kissing and touching, when his mobile rang. It was his wife basically wondering where the hell he’d got to. As he was explaining to her that he’d got pissed with his mates and he was going to spend the night on somebody’s sofa, I started licking his cock. He was desperately trying not to moan while still grovelling to his wife. Anyway, the conversation ended and we had another frantic fuck.
We woke up at about 8am. Shit, he announced, I’d better get back. He hastily dressed. I just slipped some knickers on and grabbed a coat, knowing I wouldn’t be getting out of the car. I looked round the bedroom, clothes everywhere, the bed a right tip. I giggled as I noticed the pillows in the middle of the bed, my favourite way of getting my bum in the air for some real deep shagging. My stockings still attached to the bedhead where I’d tied his hands at some point. My knickers in a scrunched up ball, on the bed, covered in spunk from wiping his cock after I’d wanked him. I’ll sort this later, I thought, as we ran out of the door.
I dropped him by his car, a quick kiss, and away he went. I drove home.
Oh my Fucking God !!! Hubby’s car on the drive. I went in the house hoping to find him in the kitchen making coffee or something. We live in a bungalow and, as soon as I opened the door, saw him in the bedroom doorway. My mouth just fell open. He turned to face me and muttered, “Somebody had a pleasant evening, didn’t they”. He went in the bedroom. “Rough night’s sleep ?” I followed him in. He leant over the bed and patted the pile of pillows. “Did he manage to get it deep enough for you…………..I’m assuming there was only one man involved.”
I sat on the edge of the bed. “I’m sorry”, I said, knowing there was no point trying to deny it. He came and stood over me. As he looked down, he had a puzzled look on his face. I looked down and my coat had partially opened when I sat down, my bare tits now on view. I put my head in my hands and started to cry, not real, I must confess, but more of a ‘can’t think of what else to do’ response to my situation.
He gestured for me to come to him. I stood up and he put his arms round me. “I came back early because I tried to ring you last night and you didn’t answer. I was worried that something had happened to you.”
“I’m sorry”, I repeated. More tears, actually some real ones this time. “Hey, don’t cry. I’m shocked to find out what you’ve been up to, and pissed off, but, I’m also very relieved to find you’re alright.”
I kissed him on the lips. “I sometimes fantasize of coming home to find you naked under a coat”, he said. He put his hands in the coat and, feeling my knickers, said, “Well, nearly naked”. I was quite taken back by what was happening here. Shouldn’t he slap me round the face ?
He pushed the coat off my shoulders and pushed his hands down my knickers, squeezing my bum cheeks. I started to unbutton his shirt. We kissed again, both getting quite breathless. I undid his belt and pulled his zip down. God, he had a raging hard on. He lay on the bed as I took his shoes and socks off, then his pants. I leant forward and put my lips round his cock.
“Did you tie him or did he tie you”, he asked, reaching back and pulling on the stockings. “We did it to each other”, I volunteered. “And which turned you on the most ?” “Me tying him”. “Well do me now”, he ordered. I straddled his belly and leant forward to tie his hands. “What did he do while you were tying him.” “I was surprised that he wanted the details, but I could feel his cock so stiff against my bum so I played along. I reached behind me and put his cock inside the elastic of my knickers so it was against my bum. Leaning forwards again, I whispered in his ear, “He licked my tits and gently bit my nipples.” He dutifully did the same and my pussy started dripping as the sweet sensation circulated through my body.
His wrists, now firmly anchored to the bed, stretched the nylon stockings as he tried to reach my tits. I leant to the side letting one hand have a feel, then moved back out of his reach, laughing while I did it. I leant back and, reaching behind me, inside my knickers, put the tip of his cock inside my pussy. Up on my knees I started to gyrate but only letting the tip inside. He lifted his arse to get more in, but, as he did so, I lifted myself higher. “You’re not fucking me yet, mister.” “You can be such a bitch, you know.” “You’re loving it, aren’t you, mister.” “Did he get this treatment ?” “Yes, until I did this”, said, as I eased myself down, letting the full length in. I started to move my arse in circular motions, quite slowly at first. I leant forward again, so he could pay some attention to my tits with his mouth. Then I got that first wave of heat in my pussy, making me gasp aloud. “Did he make you cum”. Shit, how do I answer that question. Before I could stop myself, I blurted out, “Fuck, yes.”. I was more shocked when he said, “Good !”
That’s when we fucked like crazy. I sat upright and literally bounced up and down on his cock. I couldn’t help but cry out loud as I came again and again, squirting like crazy. “Fuck me, fuck me”, I begged him. I hadn’t the strength to sit up now. Leant forward on him, my arse going up and down like a bitch on heat, he bit into tits, making me squeal.
I undid his hands and in one single movement he threw me over the pile of pillows and rammed into me again, doggy style. I just whimpered as he fucked me again.
We lay there afterwards, side by side, holding hands. “I’m sorry,” I started to say. “Shhhh. Not now”, he whispered as he turned to me and put his fingers on my mouth. “You’re an incredibly sexy woman.” “I promise………..”, I started to say something again. “Don’t promise anything. You don’t need to”. “But, I don’t want you to feel bad about me”. “I don’t feel bad about you. You have needs, we all get urges. Whenever you need to see your friends, that’s OK.” “I don’t do it very often, you know”.
Then his next words shook me to the core. “Maybe next time, you’ll invite me along”.
I turned to look at him and, raising myself on one elbow, ran my fingers down his belly. As I kissed his lips, I said “You’re amazing”.
Published by mrsrobinsonx
5 years ago
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csoc622 1 year ago
You lead a very exciting!
AngelababysDaddy 1 year ago
Very sexy story thanks for posting xx
mrsrobinsonx Publisher 2 years ago
to JW1411 : You seem to be enjoying my stories! Again, a true account of an actual event. Anne.
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JW1411 2 years ago
Just had to wank to this Anne . Wow ! 
quietone 2 years ago
Love the story looking forward to the others you have writen
mrsrobinsonx Publisher 2 years ago
Although it's only a short tale, by my standards, it took me ages to write. After only a couple of sentences, I was so aroused by the memories, I had to have a play. On and off, took me almost a month, I think. Glad it affected you in the same manner. Anne.
mrsrobinsonx Publisher 2 years ago
to 2horny11 : I was mortified when I saw him in the bedroom, of course. But, yes, it turned into one of the most exciting times of my life. We've always enjoyed a good sex life, but, wow, those next few days were just amazing. Put it this way, I had to change the bed linen on a daily basis for about three weeks. Anne.
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2horny11 2 years ago
absolutely wonderful, i'm lucky just to read this, your husband must have been over the moon
mrsrobinsonx Publisher 2 years ago
to billndeb : Thank you so much for reading it and for taking the time to comment. And, you know, like all my stories, it is actually true. I do have others to tell, but, they do take quite a long time to type. The reminiscing is, as I'm sure you're aware, extremely arousing for me. Please be patient. Anne. 
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billndeb 2 years ago
Bravo MrsRobinsonx ! Another spendid erotic story from you. We do enjoy them, please keep them cuming. Makes us reminice on how l learned of my wife's extramarrital dalliances. Some by a chance remark. Some by her lover's lustful look. Some deliciously confessed by her during our late night story time sessions. The best confession came along with the Beau asking my wife, " What would your husband think if he knew where you were? " To which she answered, " He would get turned on......He has taken me to swing clubs and enjoyed watching other men have sex with me. " She then describes his stunned look.
mrsrobinsonx Publisher 2 years ago
Yes, he was hurt, but he did forgive me. Although I was getting plenty of attention at home, I did stray from the marital bed, on a number of occasions. I'm not proud of that, but, equally, I don't regret it. Actually, it wasn't that episode that broke down the barriers. That came much later. Now, don't get me wrong, we're not swingers by any stretch, but, we have enjoyed a threesome on two occasions. Also, I do have a lover, a much younger man. My husband was livid when I told him I wanted to go to bed with this particular guy, but, he's now quite comfortable with the arrangement. So, honesty is probably the best policy. Thanks for reading the story and for commenting. Anne. 
mrsrobinsonx Publisher 2 years ago
to Juicer1875 : You do sum things up, ever so well. I certainly wouldn't place myself in the nymphomaniac bracket, but, yes, like the majority of people on this planet, I do love sex. The pleasures of orgasms, well, I certainly can't think of anything else that comes remotely close. Phew, I'd better have a lie down !! 
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Juicer1875 2 years ago
I accept that monogamy is a unnatural rule to live by. We should all understand that we are sexual beings too. Sometimes you are controlled by pure carnal urges. We all have looks, characteristics and personal tastes that we're preprogrammed to admire and find attractive. Irrespective of our deep love for the person we are in a relationship with it just overrides all our emotions and causes us to loose ourselves. I would accept a situation that your husband found himself in. Your partner been lusted is a true tribute to them. 
Samir99 2 years ago
Yes dear Anne
I know it takes a long time and tires you, I am very patient, I wish you a happy Sunday
mrsrobinsonx Publisher 2 years ago
to Samir99 : Yes, women do excite me and I have several stories to describe my sexual liaisons with them. You must understand that, as my stories are greatly detailed, they do take a lot of time to make perfect. As I reminisce, I do need to take frequent breaks to, dare I say, relieve the excitement. Be patient. Anne.
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Samir99 2 years ago
to mrsrobinsonx : Thanks for the reply dear Anne

I have read most of your stories, they are really sexy and beautiful and I feel they are real, I hope you will write other stories about your sex life, I don't see any stories about your having sex with women, do women excite you greatly? be safe 
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mrsrobinsonx Publisher 2 years ago
to Samir99 : Thank you so much for reading it. It is a true story. Anne.
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Samir99 2 years ago
So nice , i love your story 
mrsrobinsonx Publisher 3 years ago
to tim911 : Glad you liked it. And, all true, I must confess. Thank you for commenting. Anne.
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tim911 3 years ago
Another HOT story. The wife and I used to play as well but as life takes us on different journeys they retired and moved. But yes I loved watching her with him it was very sexy ?
mrsrobinsonx Publisher 3 years ago
Thank you so much. I'm so glad you like them. Anne.
uklvr69 3 years ago
God! That was amazing!
Bigtoy4u1 3 years ago
Mmmmmm hot!!!!!!!
Jojomids62 3 years ago
Fuck that’s horny mmmmm
fannylicker57 3 years ago
Great stuff, got a story of my own about 'Val' on my profile page.
mrsrobinsonx Publisher 3 years ago
Yes, that was a bit naughty of me ! Thanks for reading it. Anne.
very arousing
semencaptain 3 years ago
Horny as fuck
A wonderful piece of autobiography Mrs R.  Your description of your husband fucking you is incredably sexy. 
mrsrobinsonx Publisher 3 years ago
It is true, I assure you. Thank you for reading it and, more importantly, for taking the time to comment. 